home · Measurements · How to make electrical tape. How to insulate wires with electrical tape or heat shrink tubing. What is important when choosing electrical tape

How to make electrical tape. How to insulate wires with electrical tape or heat shrink tubing. What is important when choosing electrical tape

After you connect the bare wires by twisting or soldering, you need to properly insulate the junction. Today, there are several main ways to insulate conductors - using electrical tape, heat shrink, or even special PPE caps. Next, we will tell readers how to insulate wires in a wall, under water and even underground.

Precautionary measures

First, let's talk about what rules you need to follow when insulating cores with your own hands. Firstly, it is strictly forbidden to insulate live wires. You must definitely turn off at the distribution panel. Secondly, to protect the connection point, it is necessary to use only materials that comply with GOST standards for insulation and shells. In simple words- do not use plastic bags, tapes and other rubbish. For example, for everyone’s favorite PVC insulating tape there is GOST 16214-86, which it must comply with, and specifications based on it.

We strongly advise against using adhesive tape as insulation, because... this material does not have sufficient insulating properties. Now we will look at how to properly insulate wires at home, and will also provide you with the most reliable insulating materials.

Overview of insulating materials

Today, to insulate bare conductors, it is recommended to use materials such as:

So we have provided the most reliable and popular among electricians insulating materials. Next, we will tell you how to properly insulate exposed contacts with electrical tape, heat shrink and special caps.

By the way, the EKF company produces both non-flammable PVC electrical tape and one based on cotton fiber, so you can choose suitable option under your own conditions. It is important to note that PVC electrical tape is available in 7 colors, this allows it to be used for color coding wires There is a choice of professional electrical tape (class A: wide, with a thicker base) and for general household purposes (class B: narrower and thinner). You can find out more about the products here: https://ekfgroup.com/catalog/izdeliya-dlya-elektromontazha/izolenta.

Instructions for using insulators

Well, here we come to the main issue of the article - do-it-yourself wire insulation technology. Since there are several materials, we will dwell on each and tell you how to insulate bare conductors yourself.

If you are using electrical tape, first you need. If the wires are multi-wire, it is recommended to additionally solder them for a more reliable connection. Next, the twist is bent to one side, as shown in the photo, after which the electrical tape is wound onto the bare area in at least 2 layers. This technique is often used in apartments, even experienced electricians. Insulating tape can be used when connecting conductors in distribution box, chandelier, when moving an outlet and even under plaster if the connection point is in the installation box. We talked about this in a separate article.

It is also not difficult to insulate bare wires with heat shrink. The main thing to remember important nuance– the tube must be placed on one of the conductors before they are spliced. After soldering or twisting, you will not be able to put on a cambric (it is also called that). When the contacts are connected, the tube must be pulled over the bare joint and then heated construction hairdryer. We described in detail how to use heat shrink in a separate article:.

If a hairdryer is not at hand, heating with a regular lighter is allowed, the main thing is to make sure that the heat shrink is tightly sealed on the cable. It is recommended to use the tube HERE when the conductor is immersed in water (for example, if the power cable on the deep well pump). In addition, heat shrink is used when it is necessary to connect underground wiring. It is also recommended to insulate the wires with this material in the bathroom, wooden house, bathhouse or outdoors to reliably protect the connection point from water.

PPE caps are best used when installing electrical wiring in a house or apartment. PPE is compact and allows you to quickly insulate the twist. All you need to do is screw the cap onto the wires until it stops, as shown in the photo below.

If you need to protect the twist thin wires, for example, in headphones, it is not advisable to use electrical tape, because it will not fit tightly. In this case, you can do without electrical tape by using regular superglue. All you need to do is carefully drop glue onto the exposed area of ​​the small conductors. In a 220 Volt power supply, this method is not recommended, because glue, exactly like silicone sealant, will quickly fall off. By the way, you should also not insulate the cores with a glue gun, for a similar reason.

For additional insulation of the cable from a rabbit, cat or puppy in the house (pets love to chew wires), it is recommended to use tin foil. Read about other methods in the corresponding article!

So we have provided all the existing methods of insulating bare wires with our own hands. As you can see, insulating a wire yourself under water, in a wall and in the ground is not so difficult, the main thing is to choose the right insulation material. Finally, we recommend that you wet areas and on outdoors additionally protect the electrical wiring with corrugation, which will further protect the connection point so that water does not get on the exposed contacts.

Video review existing methods isolation

Which is better: heat shrink or electrical tape?

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Electrical tape is a useful and irreplaceable material used for repair, household and other work. Despite its simplicity and ease of use, it has several characteristics and properties that must be taken into account during purchase.

Types of insulating tape

There are two types of electrical tape:
  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
  • Cotton (Cotton).

PVC insulating tape is made from polyvinyl chloride. It is widespread, unlike cotton tape. PVC tape is made in various colors. The most popular colors were: black, blue, red. The adhesive part of the PVC tape consists of rubber or acrylic coating glue without toxic harmful substances, which creates safety when used by humans.

Cotton electrical tape is made from cotton fabric, calico and other materials. The main advantage of cotton electrical tape is that it can quickly harden upon contact with a heated surface. Cotton tape is recommended to be used for insulating wires of electric stoves, ovens, heating elements, and other heating electrical devices.

Cotton insulating tape creates insulation, protecting against voltages up to 1000 V. It retains its performance properties at temperatures of -30 +30 degrees. This type of electrical tape has not found widespread use compared to PVC electrical tape.


Using PVC insulating tape, you can achieve tightness of the joints of various connections when carrying out technical, electrical, repair work, protection from various factors. The use of such insulation is recommended for isolating live parts and providing protection against touch and electric shock.

Basic properties
PVC tape has the following characteristics:
  • Width 13-20 mm.
  • Thickness 0.13 mm or more. As the thickness increases, its insulation properties increase.
  • Increased breakdown voltage. Some manufacturers provide a guarantee for the high dielectric properties of insulating tape.
  • High quality insulation is achieved by winding several layers of tape.
  • The tape is resistant to heat and is therefore used in a wide temperature range.
  • Excellent adhesion is created by a combination of thickness and type of adhesive layer.
  • Strength. Good performance strength make it possible to use the tape for electrical installation work ah special complexity.
  • Resistant to combustion. Tape is used to insulate wire connections, so this property plays an important role.
Advantages and disadvantages

PVC insulating tape has dielectric properties, can create a seal, and has good stretchability.

However, at elevated temperatures, PVC tape is prone to melting, so it is used in places where heating is excluded. When choosing such a material, it is necessary to take into account the voltage, temperature and humidity of the insulation site, as well as the temperature external environment.

Features of the material

The composition of PVC insulating tape is based on polyvinyl chloride, the products are produced in rolls up to 19 mm wide. The tape material has good performance properties and is used for insulation, fastening, packaging and other works.

Tapes with an acrylic adhesive coating improve adhesion over time, while a rubber adhesive layer exhibits its adhesive properties immediately upon application. A special feature of this insulating tape is its low flammability and explosion safety. However, if the tape does catch fire, toxic substances are formed that are harmful to humans.

The insulating properties of the tape make it possible to use it in places with voltages up to 5000 V. This is sufficient for household and industrial use. Standard PVC insulation tape in accordance with GOST 16214 - 86 has gained popularity in insulating cables, wires, and pipes.

For correct use tape, you need to know how to use it: when insulating the junction of the wires, the tape is wound, starting from the thinner place to the thicker one. You need to approach the exposed areas of the wires with special care, and you should not pull the electrical tape too tight, as it may break.

The PVC tape is equipped with an adhesive layer that has protective properties. When taping a pipeline using an adhesive layer, the surface of the pipes is protected from rust, since the adhesive layer insulates and protects the coating of the pipes. To ensure effective and high-quality sealing, the tape should not have tears, defects or missing areas of the adhesive layer. More often adhesive composition is based on rubber with the addition of a plasticizer, which is designed to make the tape resistant to environmental factors, including low temperatures and humidity.

A high-quality PVC tape should be smooth, elastic, and securely attached to the surface. High stickiness guarantees its fixation on any surfaces of complex shape.


PVC insulating tape is universal in nature, so it is used in different areas. The temperature range for using the tape is 0-90 degrees. It is used outdoors and indoors. In the retail chain, the tape has a wide range of colors. High-quality electrical tape should not have unpleasant odor, otherwise we can conclude that the quality of the material is poor.

If the surface is destroyed, has pores and other damage, then before applying the PVC tape, the surface is put in order and treated with a primer material. The tape should only be applied to a prepared, dry and clean surface.

PVC-based electrical tape is used in many areas:
  • When performing work with electrical engineering. In this case, this material is used to insulate electrical cables, wire connections during repair work, and mark wire harnesses.
  • IN household work around the house various types, when repairing various things, tools and other household items.
  • When repairing a car to insulate wires and other places.
  • In the packaging of goods. Special tape for adhesive-coated packaging is widely used for packaging light weight boxes. Packing can be done either manually or automatically.
  • PVC electrical tape can also be used to repair boats using a special reinforced tape.
Pipeline protection

Let's take a closer look at the use of PVC insulating tape to protect pipelines. This protection is given great attention, since the reliability of the pipeline and the entire system depends on it. Pipes laid in the ground are exposed to negative influences soil. Therefore, pipelines must be reliably protected.

For this purpose, PVC tape is often used, which protects the outer surface of the pipe from corrosion. But for high-quality protection, the tape must be wound correctly. The tape is wound in a spiral, with an adhesive layer to the surface of the pipe. This makes it possible to avoid distortions and wrinkles on the tape.

Benefits of Insulation PVC pipes tape
  • The tape is resistant to moisture, which allows for complete waterproofing.
  • The tape material is not susceptible to corrosion and fungi.
  • The adhesive layer provides high strength protection for the pipe with tape.

What is electrical tape? First of all, it is a tape used for electrical insulation of wires and cables. There are about ten types of insulating tapes: fiberglass, polyester, mica, paper, polyvinyl chloride, acetate and several other options.

PVC insulating tape is widely used. It is made of two materials: 1. PVC film; 2. adhesive layer. For higher quality production use PVC film class A (highest class of film). The adhesive layer is the main component of the electrical tape, because it must remain in place even after use. The adhesive is selected on rubber or acrylic base. PVC electrical tape has the ability to stretch to 100% of its length, but due to this quality it begins to lose its insulating properties. It is because of this shortcoming that several layers of film are applied. PVC insulating tape is produced in different color scheme, but the most common are black, red and blue. Used for insulating wires and cables.

Our production:

Cotton insulating tape is also widely used. Its production is similar to PVC electrical tape. A rubber glue mixture (galosh pad, calico) is applied to cotton fabric.

Cotton electrical tape comes in two types:

  • One-sided. The glue is applied to one side of the cotton fabric.
  • Double sided. Glue is applied to both sides of the cotton fabric.

Electrical tape is used for voltages up to 1000V. Insulating tape is used for wrapping wires and cables.

Glass cloth insulating tape is used up to 600 V. It is durable and resistant to high temperatures, which makes it possible to use it for winding oven wires, electric stoves; has no rotting or burning properties. Compared to PVC and cotton electrical tape, it is a little difficult to manufacture. Before applying glue to the fiberglass, it is subjected to processing so that traces of corrosion do not form on it in the future. The glue used is rubber or silicone; they are pressure sensitive, which is very important for fiberglass tape.

The insulating tape must be produced in accordance with special GOST. Should not be on the tape technical errors, such as bubbles, cracks, folds, uneven adhesive layer, otherwise the electrical tape will lose its quality.
At the Promresursservice company you can buy fiberglass fabric in Moscow at retail and wholesale at manufacturer prices by ordering required quantity material for personal or industrial needs.

In electrical engineering, it is often necessary to mark or insulate a piece of cable, strengthen wire connections, protect elements from moisture, and so on. This is a simple matter. It is enough to have insulating tape, wrap it in Right place and you're done. But as usually happens, you have to write about such simple things in great detail, since both beginners and fairly experienced electricians make a lot of mistakes.

This article will look at two methods of insulating wires using vinyl insulating tape and heat shrink tubing. You will learn how to do it right and wrong, what tools are needed and some “company secrets”.

When is insulation needed?

  • Wire color code. Sometimes you don't have the color of wire you need on hand. No problem - all you need is electrical tape or a thermocouple the right color and use it to indicate proper cable functionality at both ends.
  • Cable insulation - during electrical installation work, accidental damage to the wire insulation can occur. Usually they do not replace the entire wire, but put a patch on it.
  • The housing may touch not only cable insulation, but also connectors that do not have their own insulation, or, for example, need to be protected from mechanical damage and moisture.
  • Strengthening connections - sometimes the outer sheath of the power cord of a device is damaged or frayed. Then such a cable hangs on two or three wires without a protective layer. It’s only a matter of time before a complete breakdown occurs. There are also two options here: replace the power cord or try to strengthen it at the site of damage.
  • It happens that because large quantity devices or cables, there is a bundle of wires in a certain area. They can be laid in the cable, secured with cable ties, covered with a frame or, if it is a short section, they should be wrapped with a heat shrink sleeve.

Vinyl insulation tape

This item should always be in every electrician's drawer. And preferably several skeins per different colors: blue (for mass), yellow-green (protection) and phase (brown, black, gray, red). With this set, the marking of the ends of the wires will be functional by color.

What is important when choosing electrical tape?

  • Color- this has already been said
  • Width- if you don’t have any special preferences, you can take standard size 19 mm.
  • Length- the longer it is, the better
  • Stickiness is a factor that also needs to be taken into account. Unfortunately, every manufacturer describes that the adhesiveness is great and the tape will last until the end of the world. It can be assumed that the cheaper the tape, the worse the adhesiveness. So when buying branded insulating tape in electrical store, most likely it will be of high quality.

How to properly insulate with electrical tape

Suppose you need to isolate fragmented insulation. You don't need to wrap the entire section at once; apply the tape to the cable insulation next to the damaged part of the insulation onto the undamaged section. But before you do this, make sure that the cord is not dusty, damp or dirty (the glue cannot stick in this case).

Consistently moving the insulating tape towards the damage and slightly pulling, wind the tape until you reach the undamaged wire insulation on the other side of the damage.

If the tape is much wider than the frayed area, simply wrap it 3 times in one place so that the damage is in the center.

Insulating tape can be cut efficiently using side cutters, but this is not always possible or affordable.

You can do without tools at all and firmly grasp the selected area on both sides of the area, stretch the electrical tape and eventually tear it. Of course, the edge of a torn ribbon will not be very beautiful, but in many cases it will do.

It is important that the breaks occur quickly. By slowly stretching the tape until it breaks, we will reach the point where the tape will be greatly stretched and even more damaged.

Incorrect use of electrical tape

Error 1 - lack of tension

During winding, the electrical tape does not stretch, which means it does not stick to the insulated material.

Mistake #2 - Winding Back and Forth

Winding once in one direction and then in another can lead to deformations as in the previous case.

Mistake #3: Taking the easy route

This is clearly shown in the picture. This option can be tempting when there are a lot of wires and little space. But the small contact surface of the tape with the cable is the basis for disconnection in a very short time and exposure of the bare wire. This has especially great importance in wires with a small cross-section. This method can be used to temporarily mark wires, but not for permanent insulation.

Heat-shrink tubing

Instead of insulating tape, in many electrical work you can and should use heat shrink tubing. What are the differences between these insulation solutions?

  • Heat shrink is usually a more durable, aesthetically pleasing and durable solution.
  • To “attach” it to a wire or other element, you need to heat the tube.
  • Heat shrink is not universal, its size must be adapted to the insulated element.
  • Unlike insulating tape, heat shrink tubing is rigid and non-removable

What is important when choosing heat shrink

  1. Size. One of them is the diameter of the hole before heating. And second - minimum diameter holes after heating. The tube will not shrink indefinitely. Therefore, the tube must not only fit onto the cable before insulation, but also be pressed against the wire or connector after heating.
  2. If you want to use a cable marking tube, its color is important.
  3. Non-flammability. This parameter should also be of interest, especially when we intend to use a lighter to heat the heat shrink tube.

Heat shrink tubing can be purchased in long sections (usually 1m), but you can also buy a set of several short pieces of different colored heat shrink in one package.

How to properly insulate with heat shrink

First of all, we need a heat source:

  • Matches- last resort. Only if the element is small and easily accessible. In addition, you will breathe in sulfur and harmful emissions.
  • Lighter— for easily accessible items, you can take it, but be careful! So the wire insulation can be completely burned.
  • Hot air gun- the best, but also the most expensive solution. Unlike open fire sources, the ability to direct heat from any angle is preferable, as it will be very difficult to damage the wire. It is best to have a heat gun with adjustable heating temperature to adapt to different occasions.
    You can try a regular home hair dryer, but this is already a perversion.

Insulating the heat tube with a lighter

First, cut the heat shrink tube corresponding to the cable diameter according to the table. It should be slightly longer than the damage, so as to capture the wire insulation on both sides by a few millimeters.

We place a piece on the cable at the damage site and heat the heat shrink tube until it clamps the cable insulation. If the cord or element is thick, you will have to rotate it so that the heat reaches the tube from all sides.

Attention! The flame should be kept away from the wire. It's worth practicing before you start the real work.

Standard insulation is designed for maximum temperature 70C. Even if the flame does not destroy the insulation, it may catch fire or begin to smolder, especially when working for a long time.

Heat gun for insulation

We can say that such a hair dryer (also called heat gun) is a slightly more powerful hair dryer (just kidding). He creates air flow with adjustable temperature from several tens to several hundred degrees.

If the heat gun has a temperature adjustment, start with a lower setting, it may take longer for the heat shrink to react, but this will safely reach the optimal temperature setting. If your heat gun doesn't have this setting, start blowing from a distance. If you notice that the heat shrink is unevenly distributed along the cord, you can rotate it around to warm the tube on each side.

Attention! When directing the air flow to the object, be careful, the heat gun can blow air of about 500C. Sometimes after such work with wires in the installation box, the paint begins to peel off the wall!

If you use heat shrink tubing for insulation solder connection, do not overheat it for a long time.

Mistakes when using heat shrink

Mistake #1 - overheating

You need to be careful not to touch the wire with the flame, so as not to ignite it. Also, do not burn yourself or damage surrounding objects.

Mistake #2 - Wrong Size

It happens that after shrinking, the diameter of the tube is still too large, and the section does not stick to the element being insulated. This can be corrected by trying to stretch the tube while it is still warm. When we have a thicker connector and a relatively thin tube - don't try to stretch the owl onto the globe, it's better to just use the correct size heat shrink.


Now you have learned how to use it correctly insulating tapes and with heat-shrinkable tubing, what mistakes can be made and their consequences. What tools are needed to isolate an object. We are sure that the article has added something to your knowledge base in the field of electrical engineering. If anything is not clear, ask in the comments below.