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How to wash your hands. Simple and effective hand washing rules. What is used for processing

confirm: if you wash your hands correctly with soap, this will reduce the risk of catching an intestinal infection by 30% and a respiratory infection by 20%, which includes acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and pneumonia. Why? A simple example: if a person sneezes or coughs, covering himself with his palm, then with that palm he grabs a door handle or handrail in a vehicle, and then you grab the same handle or handrail, viruses and bacteria remain on your hand. This in itself is not such a problem. The problem is that we unconsciously touch our faces dozens or even hundreds of times a day. With each such touch, you risk introducing infection into the body through the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose and eyes. But if you wash your hands properly, the risk is significantly reduced.

How to wash your hands?

It would seem that there’s nothing complicated about it: lather it up and wash it off. It is important that foam is formed - that is, a sufficient number of micelles that will collect dirt particles.

A few simple techniques will help you clean the places we usually don’t reach from dirt – between the fingers, at the beginning of the wrist and under the nails.

WHO has developed a scheme that all doctors know well: these are 11 steps to perfectly clean hands. For the algorithm to work, all you have to do is wash your hands for 20 seconds: you don’t have to time it, just sing the song twice in a row Happy Birthday. The correct movements will quickly become automatic. After washing your hands, dry them with a towel.

How often should you wash your hands?

The main task is to reduce the chance of germs entering the oral cavity or the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes. To do this, wash your hands every time:

Don't forget to wash your hands often when you're sick: this will help prevent you from spreading the infection and infecting your loved ones. And by the way, you should get into the habit of sneezing and coughing into the crook of your elbow, and not into your palm.

Read also How to avoid getting sick: 10 myths about colds and flu

How to wash your hands

The simplest and most reliable remedy is soap. This is a surfactant: it helps to break up the film that dirt forms and separate its particles from the surface. When we rub solid soap or foam the liquid, an emulsion is formed: water environment, in which small bubbles - micelles - float. Insoluble particles of fat and other contaminants, on which bacteria sit, get inside these bubbles. This allows them to be washed off with water.

If there is no soap nearby, you can:

  1. Wash your hands with water: this will be less effective than soap, but definitelybetter than nothing .
  2. Use a sanitizer (antiseptic hand gel). It does not replace proper hand washing, since it does not affect all viruses and bacteria: some microorganisms are more effectively removed by regular soap (for example, norovirus or clostridia). It also doesn't wash away dirt or help get rid of traces of pesticides or heavy metal salts that may be in waterways and soil, so it won't help clean your hands after a picnic or gardening. Nevertheless, antiseptic gels help effectively fight many infections if used correctly: pour a small amount of gel onto your hands and rub it dry - this will make the effect as effective as possible. Choose gels with at least 60% alcohol content.

But it is better not to use antibacterial soap. First of all, a long time ago

A great way to protect yourself from colds and flu is to wash your hands properly. It has been proven that if you wash your hands properly, the likelihood of contracting an intestinal infection is reduced by 30%, and a respiratory infection (ARVI, influenza, pneumonia) – by 20%. Why?

Let's give a simple example: when a person starts to sneeze or cough, he covers himself with his palm, and then with the same palm he grabs the door handle or handrail in public transport. You also touch this handle or handrail, and the bacteria remains on your hands. There is, of course, nothing wrong with this. But the whole point is that during the day we involuntarily touch our face dozens, or even hundreds of times. It is through such touches that there is a risk of introducing infection into the body through the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth, and nose. The risk is reduced if you wash your hands properly.

How often should you wash your hands?

The average person has approximately 840 thousand various types microorganisms. And this “company” can be replenished with new bacteria. They migrate into our hands from handrails of public transport, door handles, money. Together with these bacteria, it is very easy to pick up some kind of infection that can cause serious damage to health: conjunctivitis, cholera, intestinal diseases, flu, hepatitis, colds. Our task is to reduce the likelihood of germs entering the mouth, as well as the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose. To do this, you need to wash your hands every time:

  • Just before eating, preparing food, or before setting the table. After working with raw meat You also need to wash your hands.
  • When they took out the trash or just came from the street (since they still touched the elevator button, the door handle, the railings in the entrance).
  • After visiting shops, buses, playgrounds and other public places.
  • After cleaning the apartment.
  • After the toilet, as this is one of the most dangerous places in terms of the number of bacteria and harmful microorganisms.
  • After touching money, since it is on them that bacteria accumulate.
  • After caring for a small child, especially if you changed a diaper or washed the baby.
  • After contact with people, especially those with infections.
  • After interacting with pets or their waste.
  • Before and after disinfection, dressing and wound treatment, as well as any medical procedure or massage.
  • Before putting in lenses or dentures.

You should also rinse your hands frequently if you are sick. This will help prevent you from spreading the infection even further and infecting your loved ones.

Important: Make it a rule to cough or sneeze not into your palm, but into the crook of your elbow.

Of course, there is no time period after which you need to wash your hands. In addition to the cases described above, you need to maintain hand hygiene when you consider it necessary. The main thing is not to overdo it! After all, if you “bathe” your palms more often than once every 2-3 hours, there is a possibility of damage to the protective layer of the skin. And as a result of frequent interaction with aggressive detergents the skin will become thinner and cracks may appear through which infections can enter the body.

How to wash your hands?

Most people don't think about how to wash their hands properly. Do you think there is nothing complicated here? Just lather and rinse! But as practice shows, not everyone knows how to do this simple task. There are some nuances that simply need to be taken into account. For example, it is important to create a foam on your hands that contains a sufficient amount of micelles to effectively remove dirt particles. It is equally important to clean areas that can be difficult to reach: between the fingers, under the nails, at the beginning of the wrist. Otherwise, a poorly performed procedure will not have any effect.

Will help you achieve a good result simple techniques. The World Health Organization (WHO) has developed a scheme that consists of several simple steps to perfectly clean hands. Therefore, we will now present a variant corresponding to sanitary standards. Wash your hands for 20-30 seconds, then the algorithm will work. You will quickly remember correct movements, which are shown in the diagram above, and you will perform them automatically.

  1. Wet your hands with water.
  2. Lather your hands with the required amount of solid or liquid soap so that the foam covers the entire hand and wrists.
  3. Thoroughly rub one palm against the other (photo No. 1 in the diagram).
  4. With your right hand, wash the back of your left hand, crossing your fingers and giving space between them Special attention, and vice versa (photo No. 2 in the diagram).
  5. Rub your palm with your palm, interlocking your fingers (picture No. 3 in the diagram).
  6. Grasp thumb left hand right palm and rub it with a rotational motion, then change hands (photo No. 4 in the diagram).
  7. Connecting the fingers of both hands into a “lock”, back side Wash the palm of your other hand with bent fingers (photo No. 5 in the diagram).
  8. Rub in a circular motion back and forth left palm with closed fingers right hand, and then change hands (photo No. 6 in the diagram).
  9. Rinse your hands with water.
  10. Dry your hands well with a towel, preferably a disposable one, since bacteria cling much more actively to damp skin rather than dry skin.
  11. Use a towel (disposable) to turn off the tap.

Now your hands are clean!

Important: don't forget to wash regularly disinfectants faucet, mixer and other household plumbing equipment.

How to wash your hands

Of course, the most common remedy is soap. It perfectly destroys the film formed from dirt. Soap can be solid or liquid, but it is always effective, because during the foaming process an emulsion is formed in which there are small bubbles - micelles. Particles of dirt and fat get inside these bubbles, on which bacteria sit. Then we simply rinse them off with water and have clean hands!

But what to do if there is no soap nearby? In this case you can:

  • Wash your hands with just water. This is not very effective, but in any case it is better than not washing at all. By the way, the water itself should be warm, + 25-40 degrees. Cold water is worse at killing bacteria, and hot water can dry out the skin.
  • Use antiseptic hand gel (sanitizer). Apply a sufficient amount to your palms and then smear it as if you were washing your hands. Cover your wrists, between your fingers, both sides of your hand and rub dry. But an antiseptic cannot replace proper hand washing, since it does not affect all viruses and bacteria. Use this option if you don't have access to running water. The gel does not wash away dirt, does not remove pesticides or heavy metal salts contained in soil or water bodies, which means it will not clean your hands after a picnic or gardening. But despite this, the product effectively fights many infections. We also recommend purchasing antiseptic gels with an alcohol content of at least 60%.
  • Clean your hands using wet wipes, including those with a bactericidal effect. It is advisable to always have them in your purse. Wipes don't take up much space, but they will help remove dirt from your hands.

We have all heard from advertising about the effectiveness of antibacterial soap. But in fact, it fights bacteria in much the same way as regular soap. Antibacterial soap should also not be used because it may cause regular use Bacteria resistant to antimicrobial agents may appear.

Hand washing is a banal hygienic procedure, familiar to us since childhood. We perform this elementary action several times a day out of habit, without thinking about its meaning and importance. But according to statistics, the cause of every third case of gastrointestinal infections is dirty hands. The effectiveness of this procedure largely depends on how and with what we wash our hands.

What is the danger dirty hands? Throughout the day we touch many different surfaces - door handles, elevator buttons, handrails, railings, money. Thus, thousands of microorganisms are transferred to our hands. Further penetration of bacteria into the body can lead to the occurrence of such dangerous diseases such as dysentery, cholera, salmonellosis, hepatitis, typhoid fever, helminthiases (diseases caused by worms), roto viral infections. These ailments are called “dirty hand diseases.” Many of them are difficult and lead to complications. Despite the fact that acute respiratory viral infections and influenza are transmitted mainly by airborne droplets, 20% of people become infected with ARVI through their hands. For example, after shaking hands with a sick person, it is enough to rub your nose with your hand. When to wash your hands:
  • Before eating or setting the table;
  • After visiting the toilet, public places, after contact with heavily contaminated objects, animals;
  • Before treating wounds, performing medical and hygienic procedures, putting on or removing contact lenses;
  • After caring for a sick person;
  • After contact with banknotes.
How to wash your hands correctly? Many people take the process of hand washing formally. But a poorly performed procedure will not lead to the desired effect. Here's how to do it correctly:
  • open the tap - it is optimal to use warm water;
  • wet your hands;
  • lather your hands, foam the soap by rubbing hand on hand;
  • thoroughly rub your hands, fingers, nails, under the nails, wrists with soap foam, rubbing time - 15-20 seconds;
  • rinse off the soap thoroughly;
  • close the tap - in in public places close the taps and touch door handles napkin or paper towel;
  • After washing, dry your hands with a clean towel or paper napkin.
What soap is best to use? Today there is a huge assortment of soaps for washing hands - expensive and cheap, synthetic and natural, liquid and solid, antibacterial, moisturizing, with different scents and in a variety of packaging. When choosing soap you need to know:
  • The only property that soap must have to effective cleansing hands – active foaming. All other properties of soap do not affect the quality of the cleaning function.
  • Daily use of antibacterial soap is undesirable, since the disinfectants included in its composition destroy the natural barrier properties of the skin. In addition, clinical studies confirm Negative influence components of antibacterial soap on the human body. Regular soap, provided proper washing hands, copes with the task of cleansing the skin no worse than an antibacterial one.
  • For dry, sensitive skin, it is better to use natural, moisturizing soaps - they do not dry out the skin or cause irritation.
What to do if you can’t wash your hands:
  • Wipe your hands with a damp antibacterial wipe. These wipes are impregnated with an antiseptic solution, which allows you to cleanse the skin of dirt and pathogenic bacteria.
  • Use an antiseptic gel - apply a small amount of gel to your palms and fingers and rub over the entire surface until completely dry.

Scientists from the University of Michigan have found that hand washing also helps normalize a person’s psychological state, since it allows you to free yourself from negative energy, wash away bad luck, guilt, doubts, tune in to correct, positive behavior.

Hand hygiene is the key to health, so doing basic hygiene rules and requirements can protect you from contracting intestinal infections, many of which lead to a sad outcome. Washing your hands before eating is a mandatory procedure, but, unfortunately, even in places where there are all conditions for hand washing, not all people follow this simple rule. In addition, you also need to wash your hands correctly - only then the number of pathogenic bacteria will be minimal.

  1. To properly wash your hands, you must first remove any jewelry from your fingers that might make washing difficult. Even a small ring can become an obstacle to thoroughly lathering your hands and completely rinsing off the soap suds.

  2. You often see how, before washing your hands, you open the water tap with a dirty one, and after your hands are washed, you again take the same tap handle with a clean hand. At the same time, all the pathogenic bacteria that got on the faucet handle before washing your hands one way or another end up on your hand again. To prevent this, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the faucet handle (preferably with soap) before washing your hands. After this, you can safely soap your hands (outer and inside), and then wash the soap off your hands.

  3. Remember that hands that are wet but not washed with soap are an excellent breeding ground for pathogens. Therefore, if you get your hands wet, try to immediately wash them thoroughly with soap.

  4. From a hygiene point of view, liquid soap can be considered an ideal soap - a bottle with a dispenser prevents the growth of pathogenic bacteria, while bar soap provides a favorable environment for the life of bacteria.

  5. Using bar soap requires soap dishes to allow the bar of soap to dry thoroughly between hand washing sessions. Pay attention to the foaming of the soap - the higher it is, the more effective the soap is in terms of its effect on microorganisms.

  6. The towel you use to dry your hands should be dry and clean.

Young children usually do not understand that regular hand washing is a very important procedure in preventing the spread of dangerous germs. Therefore, the task of every parent is to tell the child that they need to wash their hands as often as possible, explain to the child why this is necessary, and also show him how to do it correctly.


The entire procedure for washing hands can be divided into several stages: rolling up the sleeves of a sweater or shirt, wetting your hands with water, soaping them until foam appears, washing off the foam, checking the cleanliness of your hands and drying them thoroughly with a towel.

It is necessary to instill a positive emotional attitude towards water, soap and cleanliness in a child from the very beginning. Mom and dad, washing their little one’s hands, should say: “What clean hands they have become! Look how well the soap washes away all the dirt!”

Be sure to be present when washing your two-year-old's hands, but do not perform the entire procedure for him. Often in children after self-washing dirty “bracelets” remain on your hands. This happens because many babies have difficulty moving their palm along the back of the hand and wrist. Help your child master all elements of the washing procedure.

Is mandatory procedure before performing any action on the patient. Used for processing various means and drugs that do not require a long time and are approved by the Pharmacology Committee of the Russian Federation.

Why is disinfection needed?

Hand hygiene is a disinfecting procedure that protects not only the staff themselves, but also the patients. The purpose of the treatment is to neutralize microbes that are on human skin after contact with an infected object or are part of the natural flora of the skin.

There are two types of procedures: hygienic and surgical hand treatment. The first is mandatory before contacting the patient, especially if he must undergo surgery. Hygienic treatment of personnel's hands must be carried out after contact with saliva and blood. Disinfection must be carried out before sterile gloves are put on. You can wash your hands with a special soap that has an antiseptic effect or wipe your skin with a product containing alcohol.

When to perform hygienic treatment

Hygienic treatment of the hands of medical staff is mandatory in the following situations:

  1. After therapy for patients diagnosed with an inflammatory process with the release of pus.
  2. After contact with devices and any other object located near the patient.
  3. After each contact with contaminated surfaces.
  4. After contact with human mucous membranes, excreta and
  5. After contact with the patient's skin.
  6. Before performing casualty care procedures.
  7. Before each contact with the patient.

Correctly carried out hygienic treatment involves washing with soap and running water in order to get rid of contaminants and reduce the number of microorganisms. In addition, hand sanitizing in a hygienic way- these are procedures for treating the skin with antiseptic agents, which help reduce the number of bacteria to a minimum safe level.

What is used for processing

Liquid soap, which is dispensed using a dispensary, is ideal for washing the hands of medical staff. Not recommended for use hot water due to an increased risk of dermatitis. Be sure to use a towel to close a faucet that is not equipped with an elbow drive. In order to dry clean hands, you should use disposable paper towels (or individual fabric ones).

Hygienic hand treatment, the algorithm of which includes several simple steps, can be carried out using a skin antiseptic. In this case, pre-washing with soap is not necessary. The product is rubbed into the skin of the hands in the amount indicated on the antiseptic packaging. Particular attention is paid to the fingers, the skin between them and the areas around the nails. A prerequisite for achieving the desired effect is keeping your hands wet for a certain time (usually indicated on the product). After hand hygiene has been carried out, there is no need to dry them with a towel.

Equipment for hygiene procedures

In order for the hygiene procedure to be carried out in accordance with all rules and requirements, the following is necessary:

  • Running water.
  • which has a neutral pH level.
  • Washbasin with mixer, operated without the touch of the palms (elbow method).
  • Alcohol-based antiseptic.
  • Disposable towels, both sterile and non-sterile.
  • Detergent with antimicrobial action.
  • Disposable rubber gloves (sterile or non-sterile).
  • Hand skin care product.
  • Household rubber gloves.
  • Bin for used supplies.

Mandatory requirements

In the room where antimicrobial hand treatment is planned, the washbasin should be located in an accessible place. It is equipped with a tap through which hot and cold water, a special mixer. The faucet must be designed in such a way that water splashing is minimal. The hygienic level of hand treatment involves the maximum reduction in the number of microorganisms on the skin, so it is advisable to install several dispensers with products next to the washbasin. One contains liquid soap, the other contains an antimicrobial drug, and another should be filled with a product that cares for the skin of the hands.

It is not recommended to dry your hands using dryers. electric type, since they will still remain wet, and the device causes an air turbulence where contaminated particles may be located. All containers with products must be disposable. Hospitals should always have several hand antiseptics on hand, some of which are intended for workers with sensitive skin.


Hand hygiene is mandatory for all healthcare workers. The algorithm for cleansing with soap is as follows:

  1. Squeezing out of the dispenser required quantity liquid soap.
  2. Rubbing in palm-to-palm mode.
  3. Rubbing one palm of the hand on the back of the other.
  4. Rubbing internal surfaces fingers vertically.
  5. Rubbing the back of the fingers of the hand folded into a fist onto the palm of the other (do the same with the other hand).
  6. Rubbing all fingers in a circular motion.
  7. Rubbing each palm with your fingertips.

Surgical disinfection

Surgical hand disinfection is required to completely remove flora from the hands: resistant, as well as transistor. This is done to prevent the infection from being transmitted through hands. Like hand hygiene, surgical disinfection is performed by washing and wiping. The use of alcohol solutions is widespread due to the rapid and targeted action, optimal skin perception of the product, long period of action, and the effect of complete removal of microorganisms.

Process surgical disinfection includes almost the same steps that involve hand cleaning at a hygienic level. Algorithm for surgical antisepsis:

  1. Wash your hands with water and soap for at least two minutes.
  2. Dry your hands using a disposable napkin or towel.
  3. Treat hands, forearms, and wrists without wiping your hands afterward.
  4. Wait for the product to dry completely and put on sterile gloves.

Time of exposure to a specific antiseptic drug, its dosage and others important parameters can be read on the product label or in its instructions. The first hand treatment of each work shift should include the stage of cleaning the areas around each nail using a special soft brush - sterile and disposable (or one that has been sterilized by autoclaving).

Antiseptic treatment

An antiseptic solution is one of the main means of combating microorganisms, which includes hand hygiene. The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Washing hands in water room temperature With liquid soap, drying with a disposable towel.
  2. Apply the disinfectant using rubbing movements, which disinfects the hands.
  3. With interlaced fingers, massage the backs of your hands.
  4. With your palms spread wide apart, rub your palms together.
  5. Rub the product into your thumbs with clenched palms one at a time.
  6. Rubbing the forearms for at least 2 minutes, maximum 3 minutes, treating the nails and subungual area.

Each stage must be repeated 4-5 times. Throughout the entire procedure, you must ensure that your hands do not dry out. If necessary, apply another portion of the disinfectant.

Hand hygiene is a mandatory disinfection process for everything medical personnel in contact with patients or various contaminated hospital sites. For processing, use (alcohol solution) in ethyl alcohol(70%). In addition, the following drugs are used:

  • "Octenisept."
  • Ethyl alcohol with additives that effectively soften the skin.
  • "Octeniderm".
  • "Chemisept."
  • "Higenix."
  • "Isopropanol" - 60%.
  • "Octenman."
  • "Dekosept+".
  • "Veltosept".

Before hygienic treatment Be sure to remove all wrist accessories and jewelry. Don't forget to clean your hands with a sterile brush, paying special attention to the nail area. The procedure is carried out once at the beginning of the working day.

Requirements for hygiene products

If antiseptic and soap containers are not disposable, then refilling should only be done after they have been thoroughly disinfected, rinsed under running water and completely dried. It is recommended to use dispensers that operate on photocells or those from which the product is squeezed out using the elbow.

All used antiseptics intended for skin treatment should be readily available at all stages of the treatment process. If the unit is aimed at intensive patient care, then containers with antiseptics should be placed in places that are most convenient for medical personnel, for example, at the patient’s bedside or near the entrance to the hospital. hospital ward. It is recommended to provide each employee with an individual small container of antiseptic.