home · Installation · How to properly make a single bed description. Making the bed in a new way. Case design: design features

How to properly make a single bed description. Making the bed in a new way. Case design: design features

I don’t know about you, but the thing called “make your bed and don’t get exhausted” hasn’t worked out for me all my life. The best I can do is - this is to pile all the objects on top of each other in a more or less symmetrical mountain, and put a pillow on top like a proud boat. Guests, of course, won’t be confused by such things (they’ve seen other things), but sometimes you still want to be the owner of a bed made according to all the rules. Moreover, some people (for example, my dad) achieve a similar result in a matter of seconds! In our article today we will try to reveal all the intricacies of a perfectly made bed.

First of all, the very fact of what your bed is is important. Agree, a narrow single bed with thin mattress It’s much easier to transform than a huge bed with a mountain of feather beds and pretty pillows. Also, a lot depends on how you sleep, - like a steadfast tin soldier or raking all the sheets under you.

The process of cleaning the bed begins with the fact that it must be thoroughly “shake up”. To do this, remove all items and adjust the mattress. After this, you carefully spread the sheet and carefully pull it around the entire perimeter of the bed. Corners can be tucked or pinnedlast option holds more securely. The blanket is folded in half and positioned so that approximately 15 centimeters remain from the headboard - pillows will be located in this place.

In principle, we can end here. If you want to make the bed the decoration of the room, you can additionally throw a blanket and a few thought pillows on it.The bedspread can completely hide the bed, or it can simply be casually thrown over it– options can be changed depending on your mood or the beauty of the bed linen.

As for pillows, the issue of measure is important here, as well as their location - from larger to less. In other words, if you have a small bed, then a couple of pillows will be enough, unless you use them for additional purposes, like in the fairy tale of the princess and the pea. A large bed can be decorated with pillows in several rows: they can vary in shape and color, but should be in harmony in style.

Bed life hacks

One of the most tedious parts of making a bed is inserting the blanket into the duvet cover. First, you look for the corners for a long time, then you try to awkwardly grab the blanket itself under these corners, and then you shake it for a long, long time so that it “spreads out” evenly. Not a bad exercise in the morning, isn’t it?

We found a video on how to put on a duvet cover in 40 seconds:

If your main problem is a sheet that is always sliding down, then an elastic option that won’t have to be adjusted every day will be an excellent solution for you. Such a sheet looks great and additionally helps to hide the flaws of an old but beloved mattress.

It's a great idea to place a sachet in the folds of your blanket or under your pillow: place it there in the morning and in the evening you will immerse yourself in the soothing aroma of herbs in your bed. At the same time, the sachet is an excellent decoration for the bedroom.

If you are making your bed solely for practical purposes, trying to protect your linen from dust and keep it fresh for as long as possible, we recommend using a thick cotton bedspread. It does not attract dust as much as wool, and at the same time it is hypoallergenic. In addition, this is a great option for the warm season.

We all get used to doing as our parents taught us. But time flies and we need to move with it, keeping up with modern times. Do you remember what habits and beliefs used to be regarding the interior and everyday items? When visiting someone or inviting friends and acquaintances to your home, bed linen lying in plain sight was considered ignorance and lack of hospitality towards guests. Each family either had a separate box in which bed linen was stored, or a large thick blanket with which we covered the bed so that not a single edge of the sheet or blanket protruded beyond its edges. It's time to change.

Today, bed linen has taken on a completely different look. Every day, textile companies come up with new images for future bedding collections. Everyone wants to distinguish themselves, everyone wants to come up with something unique, so now there are really a lot of all kinds of drawings, patterns and their variations on various topics. It used to be that we all had the same duvet covers, sheets and pillowcases, which differed only in the location of the buttons. Now everything has become completely different. Now, bed linen has become so elegant that you don’t want to hide it from prying eyes, but on the contrary, you want to show off a little to your guests. Moreover, some sets have such a design that it is simply unacceptable to hide their beauty by covering the bed with a bedspread.

Modern interior design is uncomplicated. All you need is a little creativity. Try making the bed, but don't try to make it perfect. Make the bed look a little unkempt, as if you don't care about it. It's the same as throwing a scarf over yourself, which should be somewhere around your neck, but not necessarily covering it.

You like to sleep not on one, but on several pillows, and even the largest ones - do not hide them under a blanket or bedspread, but on the contrary, show them in all their glory. You can, of course, like in children's camps, lay out a blanket and lay pillows on top of it, but this is not attractive. In today's bed linen, the sheet, pillowcases and duvet cover can, and most often, differ from each other, and the duvet cover, in general, has a wrong side, which has its own separate pattern. So show it off - fold the edge of the blanket at the head of the bed or roll it up top part roller to expose the sheet a little. And place pillows on the freed part of the sheet. It’s even better if the pillows are of different sizes. This will give a volume effect.

Decorative pillows will give you an even greater effect of completeness of the composition. They are inexpensive, but they are almost the key element of this entire ensemble. Decorative pillows are also different. Try to combine a variety of types, colors and shapes. Buy a couple of each type and don't be afraid to experiment with placing them on your bed. Try placing from large to small. Don't hide the sleeping pillows; they will fit perfectly into the design. Beat them and spread them with light movements, as if throwing them.

If there are not many pillows, then you can create a different composition. Cover the bed with a blanket and throw pillows on top in one pile. It will be great if there is one that does not fit with any of the existing ones. Place it in the center of the elbow on top of all the others. If all the pillows are the same, then there is nothing easier and cheaper than buying a decorative pillowcase. Fortunately, they are cheap.

Also, decorative pillows will be indispensable if you like to sit on the sofa in front of the TV or while reading books.

It often happens that the bed is made with linen from different sets. Some people are embarrassed by this, others consider it completely unacceptable, but modern design dictates its own rules to us. Make a decoration out of it, show the whole palette of colors and a variety of designs. Modern bed linen can be different types, but sets that combine several colors and patterns are becoming increasingly popular. Even if your bedroom has a restrained interior, the colorful colors and patterns of your bed will add some zest to it, and the bed will become the center of attention.

Most often, when we think about the interior of a room, we imagine decorative ornaments, paintings, vases. But the main decoration of the bedroom remains the bed. And it depends on its model, design and appearance appearance the premises as a whole. But even if this is the most stylish and modern bed, it must be carefully covered, otherwise its expensive and presentable appearance may be lost. So, how to beautifully make a bed in the bedroom so that it looks spectacular?

How to make a bed so that it is the main decoration of the bedroom?

Most likely, we all make our bed in the old and proven way: we simply lay the coverlet on the bed, carefully and deeply trying to hide the bed linen, but this type of interior can incredibly change the entire atmosphere in the room without in the best possible way. That is why it will be useful for you to learn and learn how to make your bed beautifully.

First of all, you need to understand what your bed consists of:

  • “Dusty skirt” or backing. Its task is to cover the mattress and bed frame, as well as protect them from dust.
  • Mattress cover. Always use a mattress protector to protect your mattress from dirt, moisture and dust.
  • Blanket;
  • Bedspread. Covers bed linen from dust and creates a neat appearance.
  • Pillows. They can be used for sleeping or decorative.

Now let's move on to the steps that will help you create a pleasant appearance for your sleeping area:

  1. Place the clean and ironed “dusty skirt” on the mattress or bed. Lush folds should be evenly distributed along the entire perimeter of the floor.
  2. Dress the mattress in a mattress protector, then lay it down and smooth out the sheets. The edges of the product should fall freely.
  3. Tuck the sheet under the mattress, pull the blanket over the sheet.
  4. If the size of the blanket is larger than the mattress in width or length, then its elements will hang.
  5. Place a blanket, it should be larger in size. It is better if its edges reach the floor.
  6. Decorate the surface of the bed with pillows.

Now that you know the basic principles and steps of how to make your bed beautifully, you can focus on creating a complete and stylish look for your bedroom. There are many things in this process important factors and nuances that are best discussed in detail.

Softly making beds: 10 techniques for making your bed like in a five-star hotel

What methods and techniques can you borrow from hospitality industry professionals? They already know for sure how to beautifully make a bed in the bedroom! If you want to give the same luxurious and chic look to your bedroom, then let's find out what the experts are looking for.


In expensive hotels Special attention given to the mattress. First of all, all elements and bedding are removed from the bed, and then vacuumed and put away most thoroughly. To cover the bed frame and also to keep dust out underneath, hotels use so-called “skirts.” Then a mattress protector is placed on the mattress, which performs a series of very useful functions: smoothes the surface of the mattress, protects it from dirt and dust, from moisture.


This element of bed linen must be carefully and carefully smoothed out - the sheet must be absolutely flat. To do this, it is tucked under the mattress from all sides.

Hotel maids have found their own way to do this most effectively. Their secret is that they spray water from a spray bottle onto the fabric - this makes all the steps easier to create a perfectly flat surface.

Important!You can add a drop to the water essential oil, for example, lavender. This will give a special flavor to the sleeping area.


Bedspreads are also used in hotels and inns. They are carefully selected for the interior of each room. However, designers sometimes resort to interesting solutions. For example, they do not use a blanket, but only use beautiful bed linen. Or they put another sheet, but face down.

Decorative pillows

With their help you can create a variety of compositions in the interior. Their quantity, style, color and shape, texture of materials and fabrics may vary.

Important!To keep your pillows looking plump and soft, be sure to fluff them every time you make your bed.

Pillows can be placed on the bed strictly symmetrically or vice versa, in creative disorder. And even the angle of inclination matters! Try installing the pillows evenly or at an angle of 45 degrees - it seems like a small thing, but the look changes noticeably. Or another option is to stack them in a pyramid stack: high or low.

Important!Do not overdo it with decorative elements, because the smaller the dimensions of your furniture, the fewer elements you need to use.

Carelessness in the interior

Many designers advise using this accent in the interior. This allows you to create a light, subtle mess in the room, transforming the room from austere and spartan into a cozy home.

Important!Don't confuse negligence with sloppiness! You need to make the bed in such a way that it is clear that you made an effort, but did not want to achieve absolute order.

Bed sheets

Bed linen is currently being produced excellent quality and rich in design. The most different colors and ornaments, quality and texture of fabrics - it’s such a shame to hide all this under a blanket. Designers advise not to hide such beauty from your eyes. You can just carefully make your bed and still be on trend fashion trends in design.


In luxury hotels you will often notice an extra blanket at the bottom of the bed at the foot. It is beautifully laid in a wide stripe. Try to do the same! It not only serves as an additional decoration, but also has a special meaning: if you want to lie down during the day, you can wrap yourself in this blanket without completely unfolding the bed. Agree, it is very convenient and practical!


If the style of the living room allows, you can decorate the bed with various ribbons, lace, piping, etc. Such decorative elements give the interior a sophisticated and finished look. Feel free to use these details if your room is decorated in classic style or in art deco style.

Combination with curtains

Although this approach to the design of interior textiles is somewhat outdated, designers do not stop resorting to it.

These little secrets will help you make your bedroom look like a five-star hotel.

How to make your bed in just a few minutes?

To do something with high quality and dignity, of course, takes time. But how to make your bed beautifully if you don’t have this resource at the moment?

So, follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. We empty the bed, remove all accessories from it and decorative elements except for the mattress.
  2. Carefully lay out the sheets. Tuck the corners under the mattress or leave them hanging on the sides of the bed.
  3. Shake the blanket and cover the sheet.
  4. Lay a blanket on top. Straighten, align the edges of the same length, decorate the surface with pillows, if any.

Important!In order to speed up the process of making your bed, you will need a sheet with an elastic band. It holds firmly to the mattress and does not slip or spin at night.

But the longest and least favorite process is tucking the blanket into the duvet cover.

We offer you a method with which you can deal with this in just 40 seconds!

  1. Turn the duvet cover inside out and lay it out on flat surface beds.
  2. Place the blanket flat on the duvet cover.
  3. Then these two elements are twisted along the width of the product.
  4. Both ends of the resulting roll are folded inward, threaded through the hole in the blanket and turned in the opposite direction.

Important!Only those duvet covers are suitable whose hole is on the edge and not in the middle.

Bedspread selection criteria

What should you pay attention to when choosing a bedspread? What are the product criteria?

The bedspread affects the interior of the bedroom as a whole. Plus, you probably plan to use it for more than one year. Therefore, you need to approach its choice carefully.

So, let's list the factors to consider.

Product color

If you want to beautifully make the bed in the bedroom, be sure to analyze what the color will suit to suit the style of the room, its furniture and decorative elements. You need to fit the new accessory as organically as possible. The bedspread can be matching general interior or vice versa, become bright decoration premises.

Important!When choosing the color of textiles, some stylists advise you to pay attention to which side your bedroom is on. So, for the southern part you can use cold shades, and for the northern side - more colorful tones that will “warm” the room.


In order to choose the right size bedspread, it is important to consider only a couple of nuances:

  • The product must cover bed linen, mattress and mattress pad;
  • You can calculate the size of the bedspread as follows: add the length, width and two heights of the bed.


The most important criterion is the quality of the fabric, its reliability, durability and hypoallergenicity. The coating material may also depend on the time of year:

  • In summer, cover the bed with a blanket made of light-colored material. For example, satin, cotton or silk.
  • In the cold season, wool, cashmere or even fur materials are more suitable.

Important!On large beds, products made from thick fabric look good and hold their shape well, while light and airy materials are suitable for single use. Of course, most often they prefer natural fabrics. However, progress does not stand still! Microfiber is a modern and very practical material. This fabric is very pleasant to the touch and easy to care for.


The bedspread can be made in different styles and interpretations, special attention should be paid to its texture and pattern.

Important!The most advantageous ornaments are often floral, decorative patterns, and geometric shapes.

A wide range of products in stores will give you the opportunity to choose from all of the above criteria. However, if a solution is not found, you can always use custom tailoring services. This way, you can achieve an amazing result, while all your wishes will be taken into account in the greatest possible way.

Case design: design features

If we look back 15-20 years ago, it was considered traditional to match the blanket to the color and style of the curtains. This option is used now, but not so strictly and not universally. In addition, in our age there is a huge number design solutions how to make your bed beautifully.

Bedspread cover

For a normal size bed the most the best solution maybe a cover. This option is suitable if the bed model and its style do not imply the use of a long bedspread to the floor. This cover can be purchased at specialized home textile stores. The main thing is to find out the exact size of the mattress and choose a cover for it.

Important!Please note that you need to add 5-10cm to the measurements to ensure the bedding and duvet fit when tucked in.

Thanks to its design, this appearance of the bed looks quite strict and ascetic, so it is ideal for modern interior bedroom or minimalism. The cover can be plain or decorated with ornaments.

Important!The cover-cover is especially suitable for furniture made of solid wood, as it does not hide, but rather emphasizes carvings or various decorations.

Textiles in this design are especially suitable for rooms in Provence or vintage style. Knitted patterns and laces, embroidery and other handicraft elements make the atmosphere in the room cozy and homely warm.

Important!To highlight such products favorably self made, choose one-color bed dress.

These design elementsaina bedspreads have a visual effect that increases the size of the bed. Therefore, before using such a finish, pay attention to the dimensions of the room itself and its relationship to the bed:

  • If the room is small and the bed is spacious enough, an abundance of flounces and ruffles will fill all the free space.
  • But in the rooms are medium and large sizes, this option will look just great.

Important!A bedspread with such drapery gives the bedroom a pleasant and romantic look. Therefore, this option is most suitable for a girl’s room.

A quilt is not just a blanket, but an exclusive and unique accent in your interior. It is distinguished by originality and unusualness. In addition, quilted products using the patchwork technique create indescribable coziness and comfort in the room.

Double-sided bedspread

Very effective method change your interior with just one move. Flip the bedspread and the style of your bedroom will be instantly changed. If the room is kept in light colors, then use the bedspread to create a bright accent.

Color solutions for textiles in the bedroom

One of the important aspects of how to beautifully decorate a bed in a bedroom is the color and ornamentation of the selected textiles, which affects the interior of the room as a whole. There are many ways to combine color solutions in the interior. It all depends on your taste and bedroom design. When experimenting, the main thing is to follow the rules of harmony of all elements.

Let's look at some of the most popular options:

  • Match the color of the textile decor of the room and its interior. For example, a beige bedspread is ideal for a bedroom in light colors.

Important!To prevent textiles from blending into the furniture, pay attention to its shade: it may be a little lighter or darker than the overall color. color range interior

  • Difference. If the bedroom design is made in neutral colors and restrained elements of furniture, then in this case you can play with contrast. Thus, the cover will become bright accent in your room and will attract attention.
  • Combination of fabric with wallpaper. For example, you can combine them like this: use the color of the wallpaper pattern as the main background of the bedspread. By repeating the pattern, you can also achieve a harmonious image.
  • Try to match the color of the fabric of the bedspread and the drapery of the headboard. To combine, you can use several methods: the same fabric, background, color of the design or pattern.

Important!Complete the bed interior with decorative pillows to break up the composition.

  • One of optimal solutions may be used black and white flowers. The advantages of this design are the versatility of these colors, their contrast, but at the same time, the absence of variegation.
  • Single color solutions. Currently, one of the fashion trends is White color sleeping textiles. True, it requires crystal purity, but the effect is worth it. The room becomes spacious and fresh.

Important!To make a white bedspread look even more interesting, decorate it with folds, interceptions and original draperies.

  • Quite unpretentious gray colors in the bedroom interior. An interesting example is the color of raw flax.
  • The black design is a rather bold decision, but the effect is stunning. The bed will look impressive, expensive and chic.

A completed and thoughtful interior often consists of little things. However, upon closer examination, it turns out that these are far from trifles, but important aspects interior design. The bedroom is an integral part of our life, we spend part of our lives in it, so it is so important to create a comfortable and cozy environment in it so that you can relax and enjoy your sleep.

Making your bed beautifully doesn't require a lot of effort. After all, scattered items, even if the bedroom is perfectly clean, will create an unkempt and unkempt appearance. Cleaning your bed neatly is an opportunity to start your day productively. How to make a bed correctly and beautifully? This will be discussed later in this article.

Pleasant start to the day

Why make your bed? This expression is familiar to many people. However, let this be a whole ritual for a person that will bring him a lot of pleasant sensations.

If you do this consistently, you can turn cleaning your bed into a small accomplishment that will lift your mood throughout the day.

If you make your bed every day, you can not only achieve a clean bedroom, but count it as one of your tasks completed for the day. As a result, the person will feel some pride in a job well done. Now you can move on to the process itself.


Before you begin the process of cleaning your bed, you need to understand what kind of linens are necessary for a healthy sleep. The bedding includes the following items:

  • Mattress. A person needs it to give him healthy sleep. It is best for the mattress to be orthopedic.
  • The sheet has an elastic band. The mattress tends to get dirty quickly, especially if there are children in the house. Therefore, a sheet with an elastic band is used to protect it. Although the mattress, according to manufacturers, should not accumulate bacteria, due to the fact that its surface is fabric, particles of skin and child urine will forever leave their traces. The sheet must match his size, otherwise comfortable rest it will be possible to forget.
  • Sheet. It must be large enough to be tucked under the mattress. This way it will not create folds and ride up.
  • Blanket. It is best to select it according to the season so that it is even and light. It's best if the blanket is washable. Sometimes it is removed if the house is warm.
  • Duvet cover. It protects the blanket from contamination and gives comfort to the sleeper.
  • Pillow. It should be orthopedic in order to support and not deform the cervical spine.
  • Pillowcase. Protects the pillow from dirt.

There is an expanded set of bedding:

  1. The sheet, which is located between the blanket and the person, is beautiful and pleasant to the skin.
  2. beauty paths, etc.
  3. Another thin pad is placed on the mattress. In winter - from wool, in summer - from cotton.
  4. A decorative skirt that covers the base of the bed and matches the color of the bedspread. It is used to prevent dust from getting under the bed.

Making the bed is necessary not only for beauty, but to create comfortable conditions for sleep.

Before making the bed

You don't need to make the bed too quickly. Before the process you need to do the following:

  • open a window or window to let the bed linen dry, because it absorbs human sweat;
  • remove everything extraneous from the bed: books, magazines, etc.;
  • thoroughly shake pillows and blankets;
  • turn the mattress over.

Periodically it must be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner to remove accumulated dust, hair and animal fur. After additional measures You can proceed directly to making the bed.

To do this beautifully, you need to apply some recommendations:

  1. Place a decorative skirt on the mattress or bed base. Distribute the frill evenly to the floor on all sides.
  2. Place a special mattress pad on the mattress.
  3. Distribute the sheet evenly so that its edges hang down. Its upper part must be tucked under the mattress.
  4. To get neat corners, Bottom part the sheets are tucked under the mattress, and the remaining part of it hangs evenly from the side. Then you should fill it too.
  5. Place a duvet on top of the bed. If it is wider than the mattress, it is best to tuck it under it.
  6. Now comes the turn of the decorative bedspread. It should be larger in size than the bed so that it can hang beautifully to the floor or be gathered into beautiful folds at the head and legs.
  7. You can lay pillows and a blanket on top.

Exists little secret, which allows you to quickly and beautifully make your bed. Bed linen should be made from natural fabric and be dense and heavy.

How to make a bed correctly? When young girls are interested in this procedure, they should understand that this happens gradually and slowly.

Ways to make a bed

If a beautiful bedspread is missing, then you can do without it. It's nice if the color of the bed linen is in harmony with the interior of the bedroom. Place the blanket on the straightened sheet and carefully straighten it, bending the top corner. Place decorative pillows on top straight or at an angle.

How to quickly make a bed? It is necessary to carry out the procedure described above, except for bending the edge of the blanket. Spread a blanket or blanket on top of the bed, shaking it first. Straighten the folds and place decorative pillows on the surface symmetrically or in artistic disorder.

There are many methods to help make your bed beautifully and original. Blankets are also used for this. If you have a set of 4 pillows, you can put them on the bedspread in such a way that the small accessories are located on the larger ones.

How do they make a bed in the army? A method called au carré, which was borrowed from the military, is now widely used. As described above, it involves putting the blanket under the mattress. In this case, it does not touch the floor and does not get dirty.

How often do you change bed linen?

You can make the bed using any method you like, using your own original ideas.

How to make a bed beautifully? There are several recommendations to do this quickly and efficiently:

  • Tuck blankets and sheets evenly.
  • You should use wide sheets that will not slip out from under the mattress during sleep. This will make it much easier to clean the bed the next morning and allow you to sleep comfortably at night.
  • Be sure to select fitted sheets according to the size of the bed. After all, this plays a huge role in cleaning it.
  • You need to think about what type of second sheet to choose. Using an insulated blanket without a duvet cover simplifies daily cleaning beds. The purpose of the sheet is to protect the sleeper's skin from the rough influence of a blanket or bedspread, and also keeps them clean and serves as an additional level of insulation.
  • The mattress cover will completely protect the bed and pillows, and also prevent the allergic effects of various pathogens and dust that accumulate.
  • By placing the duvet cover printed side down, the rough hemmed edge will not touch the sleeping person's face.
  • You can place soft toys on the bed to decorate it.
  • If you have a small blanket, you can put it on top of the pillows, which will allow them to get dirty less often.
  • Linen should be clean and smell good. It is best to wash it every day, which will allow you to achieve sound and healthy sleep.
  • The bed must be cleaned every day or opened to allow fresh air to enter.

Using simple tips, you can learn how to clean your bed quickly and efficiently.


It is well known that a person spends about 1/3 of his life sleeping. Therefore, his bed should always be made with clean and fresh linen. It is necessary to clean and ventilate bedding daily, which will allow you to achieve sound and healthy sleep.

It is best when the bed is covered with a beautiful bedspread that would be in harmony with the interior of the bedroom. Additionally, you can put decorative pillows on it different sizes. You can make the bed using any convenient method that will allow you to do it quickly and beautifully.

To begin with, do not rush to make the bed immediately after sleep, let it “breathe.” Shake the blanket, fluff up the pillows, open the window and go have breakfast. During this time, the bed linen will be aired and you can start changing the bed into day clothes!


To prevent the sheet from constantly being pulled out from under the mattress, use models. The main thing is to know the size, and to do this you just need to measure the length and width of the mattress.

The bed always looks more luxurious and stately if its base is closed. Regular sheets pulled down to the floor look careless, so some companies produce bedding sets where the sheets have a decorative skirt. You can also cover the base with a large blanket, preferably with a decorative edging and stitching.

There is no need to cover your bed linen with a blanket! If you have a beautiful, expensive set, why hide it? For decoration in luxury hotels, an additional contrasting sheet is laid face down under the blanket, and then the edge of the blanket is folded together with the sheet.

Instead of searching for an extra sheet, you can invest in reversible sheets. His duvet cover has different colors on both sides, many sets offer two sets of pillowcases 70x70 and 50x70 in two colors. Thanks to this arrangement, you will have a ready-made ensemble for the bed and will not have to rack your brains over the color combination.


“Flip” is a decorative element that gives the bed the finishing touch. This is a lace fabric, a beautiful fabric or blanket, which is located closer to the foot of the bed and seems to be thrown over it. “Change” can create a mood and be an accent if the bed linen is of a dull shade.

It can be changed depending on the season, for example in winter it can be wool, ...

and in summer a light cotton blanket.

Reception " layered cake": on the bed covered with a blanket, another blanket is placed diagonally, folded in half. It will look very beautiful if the textiles are plain or with a barely noticeable pattern and different textures.

sets with bedspread at Postel-Deluxe.ru

Laying out pillows on the bed

There are no special rules in their installation; you can improvise and even create them creative chaos(this is fashionable now). But still, we have prepared several options that you will like. To implement them, use both sleeping pillows and decorative pillows of different shades and textures.

1. Place your sleeping pillows neatly on top of each other. Here, the bottom pillows have standard 50x70 pillowcases, and the top two have decorative piping.

2. “Cross to cross” technique. Lay the sleeping pillows horizontally, and in front of them place decorative 40x40 pieces on edge. In this case, decorative pillows can match the color of the curtains and curtains.

3. Or, add 50x70 pillows, but they should be quite dense and not thin to look beautiful on the bed.

4. Add a single 40x40 throw pillow.

5. Pillows on the bed can also be arranged like skittles. Place two or three sleeping pillows edge-to-edge parallel to the headboard, then two additional pillows of the same size and a rectangular throw pillow in the first row.

6.7. Start by forming a composition with tall pillows, and place smaller ones in front.

8. This option differs from the one described above only in that it is placed in front in the center decorative pillow.

9. B last row there are European pillows (70×70), then standard 50×70, and in front there are rectangular decorative ones shifted slightly to the center.

10. The pattern is similar to the previous one, but the decorative pillow remains alone in the center.