home · On a note · Repair art deco ceiling black. Stretch ceilings in art decor style. Ornaments and decorative elements

Repair art deco ceiling black. Stretch ceilings in art decor style. Ornaments and decorative elements

In 1925, at the Paris exhibition “Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes”, it was presented to visitors a new style, which now, after almost a hundred years, can confidently be called its main event. The luxurious and at the same time progressive style made it possible to boldly combine Western and Asian canons, scientific and technological progress and art. The real heyday of the art deco style (the style owes its name to a Parisian exhibition) occurred in the early 30s, when it “settled” in the homes of Hollywood stars. Guests of their numerous parties tried to resemble their idols as much as possible and “en masse” copied both their lifestyle and the interiors of their houses.

Today, almost a hundred years after its appearance, the style has not lost its relevance. And in what room? the best way could the style of the “Great Gatsby parties” be revealed? Of course, in the living room!

Main features

The Art Deco style can easily be called the most luxurious and expensive. Only elite materials are used in finishing, such as precious wood, a natural stone, leather, velvet, bamboo, coconut and Ivory. All this is complemented by objects of art and ultra-modern household appliances. Modern construction technologies complemented the style with stretch ceilings, multi-level plasterboard structures, hidden lighting and laminated parquet.

Luxury in every centimeter of space

Characteristic of Art Deco is the “combination of a circle and a square.” In other words, smooth lines coexist with strict geometric shapes. Massive rectangular furniture can be complemented by round poufs, and strict “angular” moldings can be adjacent to light arches.

And, undoubtedly, the main distinguishing feature of the style is shine. The play of light is achieved due to large quantity"gold plated", polished and metal surfaces. It is also necessary to have a large number of mirrors and crystal.

Features of the color scheme

There is never too much gold in Art Deco style

The main colors of Art Deco are silver or gold. The word “OR” is worth emphasizing, since using these colors together will, to put it mildly, “smack of bad taste.” Therefore, before decorating a living room, you first need to determine which of the primary colors you will give preference to.

Defining gold and silver as “main colors” does not mean that they should dominate the interior. But you won’t be able to do without them completely.

How is gold or silver mandatory for color range colors are black and white. But if you have to make a choice between the “main colors”, then sharing black and white are not only not forbidden, but even welcomed, and in any variant. Checkerboard or zebra patterns can decorate walls or floors, as well as upholstery or window drapery.

Some style “adherents” believe that classic art deco should be limited to only these two colors, complemented by silver or gold.

In addition to the above colors, the use of gray, beige, burgundy and dark brown is allowed. Mother-of-pearl shade and ivory color are also very popular. The use of bright colors such as green, blue or orange is highly undesirable.

Video: artificial gold plating at home

Since real gilding and silvering are quite expensive, but it is impossible to do without them in the art deco style, we offer you a small master class on applying artificial gilding. In this case, gold leaf is used as “gold” - inexpensive material made from copper or aluminum.

Wall decoration

Smooth white walls make an excellent backdrop for furniture and accessories

The walls in an art deco living room should be perfectly smooth and preferably monochromatic. Great option The walls will be finished with plasterboard and painted with white or beige paint. It is possible to decorate walls with wallpaper, but when choosing it, it is better to give preference to plain or paintable wallpaper.

If you still prefer wallpaper with an ornament, then you will have to choose from two “extremes” - either an almost invisible print or a contrasting black and white pattern.

Wallpaper with a black and white print is the ‘calling card’ of the style

Considering the principle of “multi-stage” characteristic of the style, when finishing walls with plasterboard it would be appropriate to create columns, ledges or niches. Wall moldings will also fit organically into the style concept.

In addition to their decorative function, moldings can visually expand the room or “raise” the ceilings.

Ceiling decoration

The multi-stage principle should also be taken into account when decorating the ceiling of an art deco living room. Multi-level plasterboard structures, suspended ceilings, and also better combination the first and second will become the best option ceiling decoration.

The combination of a suspended ceiling with a plasterboard structure - perfect ceiling for living room art deco

When choosing a stretch ceiling material, give preference to glossy films. Extra shiny mirror surface in the art deco style will never be out of place.

Just like decorative moldings on the walls, baguettes and molded rosettes around the central chandelier would be very appropriate on the ceiling.

Floor finishing

Natural dark-colored parquet - an art deco classic

The floor should be covered with parquet, laminate or porcelain tiles. As a “budget” option, you can consider linoleum that imitates parquet boards. The color of the floor can be either dark, contrasting with the ceiling and walls, or light.

One of classic options The design of the floor in the art deco style is “chess” of black and white tiles.

The combination of black and white tiles is considered one of the most popular floor finishing options.


The main source of light in the living room should be a “rich” crystal chandelier. Such massive lamps on copper or bronze frames with big amount crystal pendants have become one of the " business cards"style, so you simply cannot do without a chandelier in an art deco living room.

The main source of light in the living room is a massive crystal chandelier

Additional lighting can be provided either by wall or floor lamps, made in the same style as the main chandelier, and with hidden lighting in the ceiling and wall niches.

Very characteristic of the Art Deco style is the lighting of wall mirrors and paintings.

Windows and doors

Since style implies the use exclusively natural materials, then both windows and doors should ideally be made of wood. But since the cost of quality wooden windows and the doors are high enough, you can get by with plastic analogues. However, in this case it is advisable to use a profile with lamination that will imitate natural wood.

Golden sprats will perfectly complement the interior of the Art Deco living room


Furniture must be made from natural wood. Expensive fabric such as silk, satin or velvet, or genuine leather can be used as upholstery. It is worth paying special attention to the selection of furniture for the living room, since furniture is the “heart” of the art deco style, and the rest of the interior serves as nothing more than a background.

Velvet furniture will add wealth and luxury to the Art Deco living room

The use of “exotic” leather for furniture upholstery will be especially chic.

Sofas and armchairs in the living room should be classic shape, quite compact, but at the same time “heavy” in appearance. "Heaviness" is achieved due to low altitude furniture that gives it a squat feel. A mandatory addition to upholstered furniture will be a low coffee table or coffee table with a mirror or glass tabletop.

Please note that the living room is art deco cushioned furniture never placed close to walls. It should form a kind of island in the center or in one of the corners of the room.

Wardrobes, chests of drawers and other cabinet furniture should also be made of wood. Polished facades are complemented by gold-look fittings, a large number of mirrors and inlays. Ideally, all living room furniture should be custom-made, and if funds allow, it would be a good idea to purchase handmade furniture.


The ‘heart’ of an art deco living room will certainly be a fireplace

When talking about a living room in the art deco style, one cannot fail to mention such an interior element as a fireplace. If possible, it is naturally better to build real fireplace, if not, you can get by with decorative ones.

The fireplace façade must be finished with natural or artificial stone. If we are talking about a false fireplace, then when choosing it, first of all you should pay attention not to its heating characteristics, but to the quality of the “live fire” imitation.


Art Deco accessories

Accessories in an art deco living room should emphasize refined taste owner and bring into the interior an element of exoticism that is mandatory for this style.

Oriental vases or figurines of Greek goddesses are considered classic accessories. Lamps with velvet lampshades or animal skin as a floor carpet would be quite appropriate. The walls can be decorated with abstract paintings or black and white photographs.

A must-have accessory is a large wall mirror. Considered a "classic of the genre" round mirror in a golden sun frame.

Decorating a living room in the art deco style is, of course, “not a cheap pleasure.” Literally every centimeter of space in such a living room should simply sparkle with luxury. In addition, the selection of all interior elements must be approached very responsibly, with taste and a sense of proportion, since otherwise an exquisite Art Deco living room can turn into a room in the kitsch style. But if you manage to cope with the difficult task of decorating in the style of “The Great Gatsby”, the living room will become the real pride of the owners of the house, in which they will be able to “royally” receive guests. Good luck with your renovation!

Interweaving modern and classic styles is becoming more and more popular. Very often you can find various options designs, such as Baroque or Empire, in which new materials are used or small but quite successful changes are made to them. Thanks to this mixing and synthesis, the modern Art Deco interior design style emerged. He was able to combine the uniqueness of the new era and elements of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

Stretch ceilings in art deco style

Stretch ceilings will also look great here. They are directly created for use in this design version registration Today, suspended ceilings are represented on the building materials market in a fairly wide range. They can be fabric or film. The latter, in turn, are divided into glossy and matte versions. Stretch ceiling have huge advantages over other types of finishing. They can create heat and sound insulation, are easily dismantled, and are not difficult to maintain. It is enough to wipe the film plain water, and for fabric ones, dry cleaning is also suitable. Stretch ceilings have a huge number of colors, and you can use photo printing techniques on them.

The Art Deco style is used to decorate both residential premises, such as living rooms, bathrooms, kitchens and bedrooms, as well as cafes, restaurants, hotels, etc. During its existence, this design style has developed a number of inherent features. Firstly, the main color scheme here can be either quite light or dark. Beige, orange, white, and cream shades will look great, but burgundy, dark purple, and dark brown options will also look original.

Gilding is used a lot in Art Deco. This can be seen in everything, from furniture elements (handles, decorative ornaments), and ending with abstract drawings on the walls and ceiling. Gold or copper figurines, bedspreads made of heavy and noble fabric, such as velvet, paintings and mirrors on the walls are often used as accessories. The skins of animals such as tiger, giraffe, zebra can be used as carpets, which makes this style a little similar to African interior design motifs.

Stretch ceilings in the art deco style can be presented in both matte and glossy versions. They will fit perfectly with the main design of such an interior. As for the color scheme, in this case you can use different options. It all depends on the main color scheme of the room, additional accessories. If you want to use the photo printing technique on stretch ceilings, then it will suit you perfectly. They'll look great here various types abstract patterns and ornaments made with gold paint. This pattern will look especially beautiful on a black background, which is very suitable for a cafe or an expensive restaurant.

Art Deco lighting plays an important role. It should not be very bright, rather muted. Lamps are used for this modern style made of metal. As for the built-in one, in this case it fits perfectly. Another integral attribute of style are crystal chandeliers. They are a means of illumination and at the same time create a stunning aesthetic effect.

Stretch ceilings in the art deco style look amazing in the form of multi-level structures. This helps to combine several types of canvases, combine colors and thus create stunning original options. Very often, a glossy film is used on the first level and matte on the second, or a canvas with paintings and patterns on the first level, and its plain version on the second.

In general, art deco presupposes the presence of fairly modern types of furniture of regular shapes. These can be sofas with leather upholstery, wooden chairs and tables. All this will be combined with modern look appliances in the kitchen or living room. In this case, there can be various types of patterns and prints on the walls, or they can be plain.


Art Deco style is a completely new, but at the same time unique option for decorating a room. This style can combine incompatible things, combine the luxury and comfort of ancient times and the functionality of our time.

Stretch ceilings here can be either matte or glossy. Basic colors that are suitable for this style: beige, brown, purple, burgundy, black, cream. In this case, a two- or three-level stretch ceiling, various types of photo printing and built-in lighting will look great.

This option for decorating the premises will make your apartment even more elegant and unusual, and the use of suspended ceilings will guarantee durability, originality and high quality finishing. This type of ceiling will prevent the accumulation of dust and dirt, protect against excess moisture, and make the room simply cozy and stunningly beautiful.

It has become fashionable to use various classic and modern styles in interior design. designer styles. A bright representative mixed version design solution Art Deco style stands out.

Today, not only bedrooms, kitchens and living rooms, but also bathrooms and even children's rooms are decorated in the Art Deco style. But is a suspended ceiling suitable in this case? And if so, which color scheme should you prefer?

History of style

Art Deco has become a source of inspiration for designers various styles for many years. It appeared after the First World War, with the goal of raising spirits and instilling optimism in the people of Europe and America.

In 1925, an exhibition was held in Paris that showed new trends in clothing and interior design. It was called Arts Décoratifs (abbreviated as art deco). This is where the name came from. The main goal of the authors of the exhibition was to raise the spirit of people who survived the war. The French wanted to show that Europe has not stopped living a bright and eventful life, and Paris itself is still the center of fashion and style, despite any problems.

Using art deco style in a modern interior

This style is very popular today. Over the course of its existence, a number of distinctive features have emerged:

What kind of suspended ceiling is suitable for decorating an Art Deco style room?

This style can be considered quite modern and fashionable. Art Deco combines the elegance of eighteenth-century classicism and the functionality of modern high-tech style. That is why suspended ceilings will look good in this style. There are several types of them, these are film, or made of polyvinyl chloride, and fabric. Both of these types are suitable for decorating a room in the art deco style.

Since this style is aimed at combining contrasting and at the same time quite stylish elements, then when choosing a color scheme, these features must be taken into account first. In the art deco style, both dark and light shades look good. For a stretch ceiling, it is best to choose white, gray, dark brown, coffee, beige colors. Using photo printing, you can create various geometric patterns, use animal images or stylize modern art.

Two- or three-level stretch ceilings will look good. This style is characterized by the presence of a large amount of light. Therefore, you can use suspended ceilings with built-in lighting, as well as lamps and chandeliers of unusual shapes.


So, the art deco style arose at the beginning of the nineteenth century and today has gained enormous popularity. It is used to decorate most premises of a residential building.

Stretch ceilings of all types are well suited for this style. They look especially harmonious in the art deco style. The most acceptable colors for them are blue, white, beige, sand, terracotta, gray. Also in this style you can use two- and three-level stretch ceilings and plasterboard structures.

Art Deco is often called the style of Hollywood stars. His distinctive features are eye-catching luxury, bold forms, subject to strict geometric patterns, richness and richness color solutions, inimitable chic and generous use of ethnic patterns and fancy ornaments. To create an environment in the Art Deco style, rare and valuable types of wood, aluminum, ivory, crocodile skin, shiny metals and modern materials with a glossy surface are used. The ceiling in the Art Deco style is decorated with stucco and painting, abstractions, large geometric shapes. The range of shades varies from light to dark colors and even black, and the most daring designers complement the palette with gold and mirror splashes.

Combination valuable species wood and artistic painting

Charming Art Deco Geometry

Art Deco color tones

In art deco style light colors white, milky, ivory, beige, delicate gold and delicate silver predominate. They are usually used as the main background of the ceiling.

Multi-tiered ceiling with lighting in beige tones

Among the dark shades, the direction is characterized by black, gray and dark brown tones. They can play main role in the design or alternate with light stripes, geometric shapes and decorative borders.

Art Deco style is characterized by a combination of contrasting shades

Bright colors are present only in finishing and ornamental elements. Green, orange, blue, burgundy, red and yellow tones appear in small quantities and act as an accent that effectively emphasizes the overall elegant color concept.

Ornaments and decorative elements

The zigzag shapes contrast in an original way with the clear and flat surface ceiling, bringing dynamism and impulse to the interior.
The Egyptian semicircle, symbolizing the sun rising above the horizon, is a print often found in Art Deco interiors. It represents a spectacular light background on which the red-orange and golden-yellow rays of the sun diverging in all directions shine brightly. The ornament is distinguished by pomp and richness of colors. Suitable for spacious living rooms, dining rooms correct form, home libraries and business offices. Looks elegant and luxurious in high-status clubs, expensive restaurants and chic art galleries.

A ceiling with geometric patterns is perfect for a luxurious living room.

A dark wood ceiling with lighting is ideal for a solid office

Multi-levelness is one of the most famous style features. Usually, to create this effect, stretch ceilings of different shades are ordered, and borders are placed at the junctions of walls and ceilings. This helps to emphasize the clear geometry of the room and gives the overall ambience the finishing touch.

White ceiling decorated with gold border

Multi-level ceiling for the bedroom

Alternation of colors: light and dark shades, replacing each other, are most consistent with the design of the ceiling in the Art Deco style. The stripes can be different in width and differ in color saturation. A contrasting solution in black and white colors is very popular.

Curvatures: the art deco movement is characterized by not smooth, but sharp curvatures, symbolizing expression and passion. Such elements can be present both in large forms and in small ornamental elements and patterns.

Where to use Art Deco ceilings

Art Deco ceilings look great in wide and airy living rooms furnished with modern, fashionable furniture. They are usually used to decorate living quarters by wealthy people who want to turn their apartment into an elegant salon. Guests feel comfortable in such rooms; the atmosphere is conducive to hosting social events and parties for the middle class and business elite.

Tiered option for the living room

For dining rooms, an art deco ceiling is also appropriate, but only as part of the overall interior, designed in the same style and corresponding color scheme. In the kitchen, such a ceiling looks beautiful in combination with a metal bar counter and mirror lamps.

Delicate geometry for the bedroom

When decorating bedrooms with art deco ceilings, it is better to choose calm color combinations, do not get carried away with too sharp patterns and large geometric shapes. After all, first of all, this place is intended for relaxation, and looking at the contrasting ornament before going to bed, you are unlikely to be able to relax and fall asleep quickly.

Art Deco is a spectacular but complex style, so to make the room look harmonious and elegant, contact professional designers. This will avoid common mistakes and help create a cohesive and beautiful interior.

Video: Art Deco style in interior design

Art Deco is the embodiment of luxury and a subtle sense of style

The style is popular among true connoisseurs of beauty and aesthetes. It has absorbed the trends of many cultures and types of design, becoming a single unique style. Art Deco in interior design is mainly intended for those who cannot imagine their life without luxury. Usually these are representatives of the elite class, with refined taste, who know how to appreciate exquisite objects and admire others with them. This is the style of creative bohemian people and Hollywood divas, artists and actors.

The emergence and history of style

The origin took place between the world wars at the beginning of the last century, and it became actively widespread in the interior shortly after the end of the First World War. The style replaced the “modern” popular at that time, in some way becoming its continuation, and remained among the dominant types of design until the end of the Second World War.

Modern art deco has partially preserved the atmosphere of past years

Art Deco combined classicism and modernism, introducing into them the features of Egyptian and Mediterranean culture, seasoning them with prints and tribal patterns. This happened due to the widespread spread of tourism and the development of fashion for intercontinental travel.

African notes in an art deco interior

Characteristics, used elements and accessories

Modern apartment design in this style is a combination of individual components of different themes and materials into one common, integral focus. Trendy glass items, natural fur, expensive glass and real leather, each playing its own note, merge into one luxurious, elegant melody, intended for both classic lovers and the bourgeoisie. The sophistication of accessories is the “highlight” of art deco, and each of them has its own characteristics.


The design features of the apartment in this case involve symmetrical walls that create balance in the room. The easiest way to achieve this effect is with wallpaper. The eclectic side of Art Deco allows you to actively experiment, making the walls textured, with a rough texture, for example, concrete, or decorating them with expensive silk wallpaper with geometric motifs, painted over with gilding. It is possible to paint the walls with zigzag stripes or cover them with decorative panels.

Not everyone can afford wallpaper for design - their price is high. But wallpaper made of glass beads, with cropped flocks or Belgian fleeces, with a printed embossed texture, made of laser-processed fabric materials, perfectly emphasize the luxury of style.

This is what glass bead wallpaper looks like up close

Floor and ceiling

As a floor covering, you can choose polished wood of expensive varieties, laid with wide boards or in the form of a herringbone, parquet or linoleum with geometric or abstract figures. Black and white vinyl tiles are used to imitate piano keys and maintain the emphasis on alternating dark and light.

Parquet board More suitable for living room or bedroom
Herringbone parquet flooring
In the hallway, you can just put this original tile on the floor

Support overall design apartments will help suspended ceilings. A particularly good option for art deco would be the use of a stepped structure in decorating the ceiling. It is important to keep it in moderation - too much low ceiling has a destructive effect on the concept of style. Ceilings are often decorated with stucco moldings of geometric motifs or kitschy structures made of lighting fixtures.

Art Deco suspended ceiling
As part of art deco, it is allowed to install mirror elements on the ceiling
And, of course, figure sculpting


The mirror is one of mandatory elements style. These decorative elements have the ability to visually expand rooms and increase the amount of light. Using mirrors, an interesting effect of multiple reflecting patterns is created, making the room visually richer.

Art Deco in the interior involves the use of trapezoidal mirrors or mirrors decorated with lines depicting the rays of the sun. It is appropriate to complement the mirrors big size similar ornaments located on wallpaper, furniture and decorative items.


Apartment design in this original style requires the presence of a fireplace. In some cases, it is allocated separate room, from a small cozy room to a large fireplace room. Depending on the direction of Art Deco, these elements can be presented in a classical design or surprise with the brightness of expressionism.

Allowed as regular fireplaces white with a small number of geometric motifs, as well as huge models with carved tiles as cladding. Depending on the color of the walls, floor and ceiling, it is possible to design the fireplace in oriental, plant or animal motifs.

It would be appropriate to decorate the fireplace with natural stone

For decorative finishing fireplaces are often used:

  • crocodile or snake skin;
  • multi-colored crystals;
  • bronze;
  • glass;
  • expensive types of wood;
  • porcelain.


The Art Deco style also has its own characteristics when selecting furniture. Streamlined smooth shapes with rounded corners can coexist with clear geometric shapes and sharp vertical lines. This is one of the striking features of the style - creating a visual balance between the strict details of the interior due to the smooth silhouettes of the fittings.

Art Deco furniture fully conveys the mood of wealth and sophisticated style

The expressiveness and complex stylization of Art Deco suggest the use of various types of furniture as decor. geometric shapes: abstract circles, rhombuses, graphic zigzags and triangles.

Geometry in Art Deco is everywhere

Pieces of furniture should look expensive, creating the impression of being in a single copy and giving the overall design picture a chic look. To achieve this goal, the fittings are decorated decorative inserts made of glass with ornaments or the sides are painted by hand. Legs and supports for tables and chairs are often made in the most bizarre shapes. The seats are decorated with real leather upholstery.

Fittings are produced only from expensive natural materials:

  • rare ebony and mahogany wood;
  • Ivory;
  • colored types of glass in peach shades;
  • exotic leather;
  • for painting individual items Mother of pearl is used for furniture.


The design of an apartment in this avant-garde style with a strong aesthetic focus requires special attention to lighting. Lighting elements can both emphasize the luxury of the interior and “kill” it.

sunlight art deco doesn’t always benefit, but in this case it’s very appropriate

Art Deco will look especially advantageous in the interior with a yellowish tint of incandescent lamps. It is unacceptable to use lighting sources with cold daylight. Will fit organically into the design of the apartment Wall lights and elegant chandeliers. The use of floor lamps is not always appropriate - soft light falling from above or reflected from the ceiling should be preferred to excessively diffused light from below.

Chandeliers and tall floor lamps are perfect

Small desk lamp, when used as main lighting fixtures, deprive Art Deco of its pretentious luxury. Therefore, the leading position is occupied by chandeliers with the most luxurious design. A style with a European slant implies traditional crystal chandeliers, with horns and gilded decorative elements. To stylize Egypt or Asian countries, round lamps are chosen, traditionally meaning the sun, deified by many peoples. To emphasize the direction of the design type, the presence of patterns or hand painting is necessary.

Luxury chandeliers will successfully complement the interior in the art deco style


In the interior, Art Deco contains several main points - motives:

  • Strict geometry: squares, circles, ellipses, rectangles and other abstract shapes:
  • zigzag lines can be implemented both in the form of an ornament and in the form of laying tiles in a herringbone pattern;
  • lines diverging in different directions, depicting the rays of the sun. The style involves the use of stripes and lines for any purpose: giving shapes, interior decoration, creating decor;
  • trapezoidal shape is often found in the silhouettes of furniture, doors or mirrors;
  • stylization of piano keys - alternate use of dark and light lines - the most common motif;
  • the use of frames that emphasize the main surface and geometric style, decoration with contrasting lines.

In art deco, geometry can be present in everything: wall decoration, furniture, decorative elements
  • East and Asia: includes stepwise divergences of lines, implying an allusion to the buildings of the ancient states of Assyria, Sumer, Babylon. This also includes images in the form of Egyptian pyramids and ancient ziggurats;
  • Plants: apartment design with leaves of tropical flowers and herbs, beautifully curved sakura branches;
    In some cases, even phytowall will be appropriate
  • Anthropomorphism: decoration with female figures, often curved in not entirely natural poses, as well as with small arabs;
  • Animalism: images of non-existent animals, mythical creatures and creatures.
    This can also be expressed in animal prints

Color solutions

The Art Deco color scheme is represented by a variety of shades. Calm colors are usually used as the main ones. Preference is given to dark tones of purple, brown or black. Of the lighter ones - shades of gray and beige. Metallic colors are used as additional colors: gold, silver, bronze.

Gold can be present in a variety of details

The “piano keys” decor is popular - alternating black and white, but despite the obligatory contrast of style, this effect is not always achieved with the help of colors. As a rule, this is due to the variety of types and colors of finishing, as well as the materials, textures, ornaments and decorative elements used.

The combination of black and white is very popular in art deco

Materials used

Apartment design in similar style involves the use of expensive exclusive materials:

  • valuable varieties of wood;
  • natural exotic leather, giraffe skin, zebra skin, etc.;
  • aluminum;
  • multi-colored types of glass;
  • porcelain;
  • stainless steel;
  • brass;
  • crystal;
  • nacre;
  • ivory elements;
  • stone or ceramic tiles with a glossy surface;
  • fabric materials;
  • precious metals.

Art Deco embodies chic and luxury, ideally allowing you to express your individuality. It is created for connoisseurs of wealth and comfort, as well as individuals with a creative mind.

Several examples of art deco interiors