home · electrical safety · Self-leveling floor in the loft, loft-style concrete floor, streaked floors. Microconcrete. Concrete decorative floors in loft style. Textured concrete floor. Loft floors. (Photo, video of microconcrete) Self-leveling floors in the loft style

Self-leveling floor in the loft, loft-style concrete floor, streaked floors. Microconcrete. Concrete decorative floors in loft style. Textured concrete floor. Loft floors. (Photo, video of microconcrete) Self-leveling floors in the loft style

Loft is interesting and unusual style, combining bohemian and underground. The design direction - the loft is an individual approach to each room, covering both beggarly living conditions and luxurious ones. The first conditions with the help of a loft can be easily transformed into the latter.

Translated from English loft means premises unsuitable for life, in particular, these are attic or attic areas. And if more ambitious, then this one-story buildings factories and enterprises, while with high ceilings. Later, the latter became associated with an unusual urban direction.

Usage industrial premises under housing is the specificity of the loft. Great scope for creativity, a combination of rough and refined details - all this and much more lies in a bold and extraordinary style.

If you decide to recreate the loft style in the interior of your own apartment, then at first familiarize yourself not only with the main points, but also study the history of its occurrence in order to understand all the specifics in general.

A bit of history

The loft appeared in the 50s of the last century. Namely, in the United States, an economic revolution began to take place, the cost of land began to grow, in connection with this, all factories moved out of town.

And dispose of the remaining production premises as best you could, quickly re-register them in budget housing and rent them out. Photo of a drained loft in the interior.

It became a home for the poor. The absence of dividing walls, even the ceiling itself, could have been beams. The only amenities were the kitchen and the bathroom.

These were the first decorated areas of the loft. They could simply be forgotten and left in the pages of US history as affordable housing for the poor, if they were not so to the taste of the artists who turned the factory spaces into their own studios.

At first, the artists were lured by the price of rent, and they began to show their work there. Thanks to big windows there was a huge stream of light, and due to the fact that there were no demarcations from the walls, an unthinkable space was felt, and factory structures performed decorative elements.

The roughness of the interior of the abandoned factories, combined with artwork and bohemia, expressed the kind of loft that has now become so popular. The specificity of the style is the use of only necessary items furniture without trifles, the principle is to get by with only the smallest part of things.

Over time, loft-style design became elite, and it was no longer housing for the poor, but on the contrary, in the 60s in the USA it became the most popular among the wealthy segments of society.

Loft and modernity

Why is the loft so attractive? And the fact that he does not make living quarters identical and similar. The choice of furniture, partitions - all this is already so recognizable, even though it is taken from the most fashionable trends.

The loft has a different approach to all this, there are no boundaries for fantasy.


Will it be possible to recreate such a direction in the apartments of the city.

Let's try to understand the existing stylistic features:

  • Huge non-delimited expanses reaching up to 1000 sq.m;
  • High ceilings;
  • Large window frames;
  • Roughness of finish in surrounding surfaces:
  • metal structures;
  • Few pieces of furniture.

The modern loft is outrageous and chic style. Experts can easily bring it to life. How? They replace the necessary spaciousness of factories and rough surfaces with items from the industrial arsenal and unusual furnishings.

Planning and division into zones

Free zones are the concept of a loft. The ideal option is considered the area that is entirely visible. Beyond these boundaries, the bathroom, pantries, and sometimes the bedroom are not visible.

Availability a large number light and space is the main point, because of this, pieces of furniture should be in minimal quantities and always placed near the walls, but rather away from them.

Everything superfluous is hidden in the back rooms. They also need to pay attention. Because it is necessary to remove the unnecessary, so as not to harm the created creative atmosphere.

Here there is a variant of vertical zoning, i.e. open floor. Below are photos of the loft style.


The main material is:

  • Pipes;
  • beams;
  • Bricks.

Textured surfaces take advantage. Different materials are used to divide into zones.

"Provocative" rudeness, "unfinished" finish creates the necessary atmosphere, where even a grandmother's chest of drawers will look on equal terms with a luxurious sofa.

All kinds of heating or air conditioning pipes are "put on display." Everything can be on the walls, from various posters to paintings by famous artists.

The floor is made of stone or wood.

Beams or other decorative elements are placed on the ceiling, or everything is painted in light colors.

Blinds are hung on the windows or everything is left as it is.

Furniture and decor elements

Highlights in relation to loft style furniture:

  • Minimum set
  • fashionable
  • The space between the furniture and the wall.

The most suitable vintage and most fashionable designer furniture.

The loft was one of the first to use plastic, leather and aluminum materials. Such long-familiar things as folding chairs or metal shelving and much more appeared then along with the loft. Loft-style furniture does not include headsets, wooden shelves or bulky cabinets.

Furniture from antiques or today? Both options are suitable, the main thing is that it is luxurious and expressive.

Decorating a kitchen or dining room

Furniture rarities 50 - x g or high-tech kitchen equipment are perfect. Chrome plating of metal surfaces is also approved. It will be great if in the end you get a certain restaurant or cafe.

In the dining room, the loft-style design is also designed in a minimalist direction.

Living room

Loft-style interior items such as, soft sofa, comfortable chair and other furniture will create the right atmosphere, and the works of artists will add luxury.

Also don't forget about modern technology, without which a loft-style apartment is indispensable.


It can be separate or one of the zones of the studio. The partition can be a simple closet or chest of drawers.

Preference is given high bed from metal structure. And of course the bedroom should be in perfect order.

Bath and bathroom

The bath can be arranged in different ways. The difference is the plumbing items. An ideal option is a gilded bathtub with legs. If there are no vintage things, then focus on modern plumbing.

Decor elements

The interior of a loft-style room does not allow various trifles; it is better to opt for 1 - 2 large details.

A fireplace would be a great option. Loft-style curtains in the interior are used as decor.

If there is a 2nd floor, the staircase also acts as a decoration.

Loft in the apartment

Based on the basic principles of the loft, you can recreate semi-residential and spacious rooms, with the presence of luxury and style. Vacation home is great option for your fantasies.

Currently, the recognizable features of the loft are used in the design of apartments - textured walls, interweaving of rarity and the latest fashion trends.

As a result, combining seemingly incongruous leads to an unexpected result. Which is very popular right now. Therefore, it is quite easy to create a loft-style apartment.


The loft is suitable for absolutely everyone, both rich and poor, both owners of restaurants and nightclubs. But most often it is the choice of creative natures.

Interior design photo in loft style

Loft-style interior design is the most popular style today, especially among young and old. creative people.

The main style difference is the use of concrete, brick, glass and metal in conjunction with designer furniture. In fact, the loft style is a style from the masculine element, since it contains elements of brutality, some kind of rudeness and strength.

The content of the article:

Like any style, the loft also has its own history.The word itself means "attic" and already speaks of its origin.

During the years of crisis in America, an urban revival program appeared, during which old factory buildings, railroad depots, schools and factories began to be turned into housing.

They were mostly populated by people. creative professions, bringing its original touch to these dull abandoned rooms. And so the loft was born.

That is why traditional loft looks rather uncomfortable and adheres to certain rules:

  1. The roughness of the walls (unpolished cement, brick).
  2. Uniformity and mutedness colors(gloomy gray, brick, dull brown).
  3. Naked communications combined with bright art objects.
  4. And all this in an open space with a minimum number of partitions.

However modern loft can afford a more accurate and aesthetically attractive brickwork, a more processed texture of the wall next to modern materials (glass, steel).

In addition, such a design will no longer look “abandoned”, which means it will have a positive effect on mood and health.

Here is a great example small and cozy cafe in this style.

Surprisingly, a loft can be very cozy!

If you want your interior to look more modern, then you need to include as many modern materials(glass, steel) in contrast to the restored texture of materials (restored parquet, slightly tidied up Brick wall).

Two keys to a successful interior in the loft style - creating the maximum feeling of spaciousness and mixing old and new (contrast of abandonment and grooming).

Loft-style interior design: key features

To implement loft design in the interior of your apartment, you must adhere to characteristic features style:

Materials and styling in the loft interior

Consider in detail the use of materials in the interior.


If you want the interior to be more comfortable, you can use parquet or parquet board. However, if you still have an old parquet - do not remove it, it would be better to restore it to look like a loft.


  • decorative plaster for concrete (cold colors: shades of gray, blue or marsh colors),
  • brickwork (the more natural the brick looks, the better it will be to convey the atmosphere in the loft style).
  • white matte emulsion
  • mosaic plain tiles

On a note:

  • if you want to use the loft style in the interior of a small apartment, then you need to use smaller bricks or even cover it with paint. There are brick options that have a slight metallic sheen.
  • When choosing, avoid a perfectly flat and smooth brick surface.


Ceilings can be dazzling white to give the space a sense of spaciousness and light.

Furniture and textiles in loft-style interior design

Since the loft should combine "abandonment" and a creative touch (after all, warehouses often inhabited by people of art), it is furniture and textiles that will become a means of expressing this creativity.

The most important thing is to achieve a contrast between the general "shabby" and the abandonment and elite outrageousness of textiles and furniture.

What then can be textiles? Expressive, bright and even flashy.

If you have an open floor plan and a lot of free space, then it is necessary to create “focus spots” in order to avoid the impression of boredom and emptiness from the interior. Such stains can create fabrics with a large expressive pattern.

In this youth interior, quite a lot of such “spots” are visible: a carpet, a sofa, armchairs. The picture and the art object on the wall are also bright details, but this is no longer about textiles.

The most important thing to pay attention to is texture and color:

The main thing is to be able to combine the rough and harsh with the flashy and shiny.

Concerning furniture, it is important that its dimensions fit the dimensions of the room. In the same way, as already mentioned about the pattern of the fabric - it must be proportionate to the room. Agree small sofa in a huge space just get lost.

But if you put brutal leather sofa, then it will harmoniously fit into the interior, but will not create contrast. However, the total amount of furniture in this style is minimal.

Decor and accessories in loft interior design

Window, as a rule, should merge with common interior. For example, they can be painted in the color of the walls, the main thing is that they do not stand out. Window decoration is concise, clear: white roller blinds made of cotton, blinds made of wooden planks or lifting steel.

plinth usually dyed either in color floor covering or in the color of the walls.

As decor it will be appropriate to use various art objects, art objects and designer furniture. For example, on the floor you can install an avant-garde installation or large lamp. The highlight of your interior can be a pop art picture or your own photo in this style.

This lamp reflects the idea of ​​a loft - the use of industrial materials in the interior.

Color scheme in loft style

The color scheme in the loft style is not quite unambiguous, as it might seem at first glance. It is important to determine what kind of impression you want from the interior: an urban graphic aesthetic or a more vibrant and expressive design solution. How to divide residential areas?

Usually the question of zoning in this style remains open. Loft apartment is open space, however, only bedrooms, bathrooms and utility rooms isolated. For the rest, zoning techniques are used.

So, you can zone the space using:

Furniture is also a subject of zoning. For example, 2 chairs share dining area from residential. note that different colour walls near these zones + also helps to create the illusion of zoning.

For whom is the loft style suitable?

  • For young, creative people who are ready to turn their home into an art space.
  • For owners of open-plan apartments
  • For those who do not need privacy

The complexity of interior design in the loft style is to create a completely suitable cozy space for life, seemingly uncomfortable at first glance. Remember, if you can create such an impression - the loft is a success!

Probably, there is not a single person who has never heard of the loft style. Designers never cease to be inspired by the contrast, boldness and brightness of this popular style. Main principle loft - a combination of rough finishing of the room with modern or vintage furniture. A prerequisite is large spaces, high ceilings and lack of internal walls. All this brings us to the industrial style, which becomes a convincing basis for furniture and accessories. Even an ordinary leather sofa in this atmosphere acquires history and luxury, and a painting by an unknown artist will look like it went under the hammer of a famous auction.

The well-known principle of work - from the general to the particular - dictates the algorithms in the creation of interiors. In other words, to create a loft-style interior, you need to start by planning the room and preparing it for life by choosing floor and wall finishes. Moreover, the decoration of the walls deserves special attention, which we will dwell on in more detail. Svetlana Yurkova, our resident expert, will help us figure this out.

Svetlana Yurkova is a private interior designer with over 10 years of experience. Repeated participant in specialized TV projects, author of columns in the media, invited expert in the design of business portals. The portfolio of Svetlana Yurkova includes projects of private apartments and houses ranging from 30 to 500 m² in classical style, art deco and provence style.


The main accent of the loft is brickwork. It is not at all necessary that all the walls be made of brick or its imitation, it may well be one wall combined with others on which plaster is applied (not perfectly even, but with careless “defects”), or they can be painted cold color.

Natural red brick or painted - the choice is yours, each color looks good in its own way. For example, white brick expands the space, fills it with light, and red looks more comfortable. A bold and very fashionable solution - black matte color brickwork. It can be one wall or even part of it, but gold and copper accessories will look advantageous against such a background.

Take a look at the combination of rough, rough red brick finishes and pure white walls, or kitchen set. Add to that glass, wood and high tech to create a modern tasty interior.


The phrase "concrete walls" hardly gives rise to chic and trendy interiors unless you are a designer. We do not associate simple gray concrete with home comfort and warmth, but in skillful hands this material can make an indelible impression and exclamations: “I want this for myself!”.

Let's start with the fact that the concrete itself can look different. light and dark shades, different texture. The most ascetic look textured, sometimes as if damaged walls. Lightweight version - concrete plates, for example, with an area of ​​one square meter. Such walls with a smooth surface look neat and minimalist. Besides, concrete walls you can add expressiveness with the help of classic skirting boards or ceiling moldings.


Wall decoration with wood can be used in an industrial style along with others. Wood - more domestic and warm material than concrete and brick. To prevent wooden walls from looking like a chalet, be sure to combine wood with other loft-specific materials.

Partially, the wall can be decorated with vertical boards, which will visually raise the ceiling if extended to it. wood trim. Wood goes well with brick, especially red.


Wall cladding metal can be used in a loft as part of a project. It is not recommended to get carried away with this material, as this may be fraught with high-tech. Better decorate the walls and ceiling metal objects: pipes, beams, frames. The dosed use of metal will give a discreet shine to urban energy.


Plaster for walls in a loft can act as neutral walls that will shade and emphasize textured places with stylistic finishes. Choose light and cool shades that will do the job best.


As we said above, the loft is single space where there are no walls. This condition is difficult to meet in private homes and especially city apartments. For living space, insulation of certain rooms, such as bedrooms or kitchens, is necessary.

To solve this problem, designers recommend taking a closer look at the glass. erection glass walls- a justified and appropriate move in the design of the loft. Due to the transparency of the glass, such walls retain the volume of the room, and modern features production allow you to create good sound insulation while maintaining high strength and safety.

We have considered the most basic and basic options for wall decoration in the loft style, which is not limited to our list. Perhaps, the industrial style is one of the most free and creative trends in design, and therefore each of your ideas will be worthy of implementation. Good luck!

Though new Construction Materials appear on the market with enviable regularity, interiors from this do not become more diverse. All of them are very predictable, almost standard. There are only a few styles in which you can challenge established stereotypes. One of the bottoms is a loft style. Such a combination of seemingly incompatible things, however, is very stylish.

What it is

You have probably come across photographs of interiors more than once, in which, against a rough background, there is brickwork, supposedly poorly processed wooden wall, gray concrete- chic things are located. On the ceiling there are often massive metal trusses and beams, shafts for laying communications, etc. This is the loft style (from the English loft - non-residential, industrial premises).

It originated in the late 50s of the 20th century in major cities America. At this time, land prices in the city center jumped sharply. In connection with this, all industrial enterprises began to move out of the city. The vacated buildings did not have time to demolish and rebuild, and were turned into temporary housing. They put up several partitions, provided minimal amenities - small kitchen and bathroom. This was the end of the landscaping. It was cheap housing. Until these meters were chosen by artists: to buy huge areas for next to nothing. equip with minimal cost for a studio or showroom. What could be better. However, they did not worry about the decoration of the walls either. At exhibitions, in studios, everything remained practically the same as it was before the purchase: suddenly you have to resell and move out.

"Scary" walls and ceiling - one of the hallmarks of style

If we talk about exhibitions, then the canvases in a modern manner look even better against such a background. Huge windows of industrial premises gave good lighting which was also a plus. Ideal Conditions for work and sales

When equipping the studio, they simply brought furniture to taste, which was placed in groups away from the walls: so as not to get dirty. The furniture was non-standard and, most often, chic, but in small quantities: only the necessary. Since the height allowed, they did horizontal division- they transferred the habitable part to the second floor, leaving the bare minimum on the first floor.

This contrast - scary walls and expensive things - gradually migrated to houses and apartments in the center, began to be considered chic. Recently, it has begun to gain popularity in our country: all other styles are too predictable, too similar to one another. But, of course, not all details are transferred, and not all of them are available: high ceilings are not about modern building. The style that is present in modern dwellings even received a new name - neoloft, but so far it "slips" only among specialists.

Good lighting - natural or artificial

Here, in common features ah, and the whole loft style. To make it easier to design your premises, we briefly list the characteristic elements:

  • Rough walls, beams and engineering systems under the ceiling.
  • Large windows or multi-tiered lighting using pendant "factory" fixtures.
  • A minimum of furniture, standing at a decent distance from the walls.
  • Lack of trifles and details. Everything is concise.
  • Common room and no walls, only partitions. Fenced off, and even then not always, the bathroom. Sometimes the bedroom is closed or partially fenced off. But this is no longer a loft in pure form, but neoloft.

Loft style renovation

First of all, we need to talk about flowers. Since these are former factories, the colors are gray, brown - in different shades and combinations. There are also metallic, shiny surfaces. So that the interior does not look completely boring, one or two bright spots are added, which, like a magnet, attract the eye.

Styling the walls

With a similar design of an apartment or house, you can see a “raw” brick wall. But this is the result of careful processing and coloring. First, all the whitewash-plaster is cleaned off, which, most likely, was on the wall. Then, using narrow spatulas, knives, screwdrivers and any other the right tool seams are sutured. The wall should look like an unfinished wall, but the seams should be almost even, and they should be a couple of millimeters deeper than the surface of the brick.

If the solution spills out, the seams are embroidered by 1-1.5 cm, then filled with plaster and leveled. The result should be the same: embossed bricks and slightly "recessed" seams.

What to do if there are no brick walls, but you really want to make such a relief? There are several ways to simulate varying degrees of complexity, but it all starts with markup. Standard brickwork has dimensions of 25 * 6.5 cm, a seam of 1-1.5 cm. This is the markup and applied to the wall.

First you have to draw, then glue the "seams" with masking tape.

First we draw bricks, then we glue adhesive tape on the “seams”

After - apply gypsum or other plaster to the wall. The layer is about 2 cm. It is not worth leveling perfectly, but the surface should be more or less even. While the solution has not hardened, the masking tape is removed, the seams open. Untidy hanging pieces are picked up, the edges are slightly leveled. It turns out quite a decent imitation.

It can be painted white grey colour. Brick red - this is only after experiments, since natural color hard to pick. About the same brickwork imitation technology in the video.

There is another way - to cut out bricks from wallpaper with a suitable texture and stick them on the wall. What comes out of it - in the next video.

The next option is to paste clinker tiles, embroider seams. But this is already a completely tile laying technology without any innovations. Therefore, we will not dwell on it separately.

Loft style is not only a brick wall. Wooden ones look great too. Easy way to do relief wall from wood - split the bars in half, paint them with stains of different, but close tones, and then stick them on the prepared wall like this. And unfold so that the chips are front part. A more detailed description of the process in the video.

In general, it is interesting to work with a tree. Can be used different technologies painting. .

Loft-style walls are not always unfinished. Often they have smooth surface, but in contrast to the raw one, the ceiling or several columns are left in their “original” form.

Used in the design of apartments, especially small ones, OSB (OSB), and in its raw form. I mean unpainted. You can cover it with stain or varnish on water based, the main thing is that there is no shiny film.

And so that attention is not fixed on the “unnaturalness” of such a finish, the wall can be painted. A stencil or graffiti is what you need for this case.


Lighting should be bright, but not pompous. Simple shades hanging on wires or flexible legs, sometimes deliberate hooks to which everything is attached. Imitation of the situation "in production".

Lamps are simple. Smooth glass or metal shade, cord

If such ideas don’t “warm” in any way, it is allowed to use minimalist or high-tech chandeliers. They harmonize well with raw walls and ceilings. But the color scheme, and the materials used, should echo those that are in the interior.

Chandeliers, in our understanding of the word, can also fit into the loft style, but for this you need to try very hard and play on contrasts, opposing the pretentiousness of the lamp to the simplicity of decoration.

As you can see in the photo, sometimes it works. And even the decorations do not look like an alien element, although they clearly belong to a different style. But the eye, of course, attract.


If the ceiling height allows, they arrange a second floor, where they transfer the most “private” areas - a bedroom, maybe a bathroom. For representatives of "serious" professions, it may be convenient to make an office in the second level.

As you probably guessed, the stairs in the loft interior are most often made of metal. Simple steps, smooth, smooth railings. No curls or pretentiousness.

Stairs - simple, almost always metal

Reinforced concrete products fit well: the most industrial texture, the right color. Only when pouring, high-quality concrete is used, which gives a smooth, slightly shiny surface.

The same color - gray - can be made. Some even furniture and countertops are made of concrete. They fall into the style 100%, but how convenient such furniture is to use is a question.

Loft style design

Consider some of the characteristic techniques that designers use to create such a technocratic-bohemian design. They will help you develop your own design. There is nothing complicated, but out of ignorance you can get into trouble: buy the wrong thing.

Living room

In the living rooms, as a rule, there is a sofa group - cushioned furniture concentrated in a certain area. Only the loft style suggests its location in the center of the room, so that there is enough space up to the walls: you can walk freely.

Loft-style living room - furniture in the middle of the room

Please note that there is almost no cabinet furniture. there are racks, tables, sometimes shelves. Cabinets, if any, are very simple, sometimes metal. They often serve to zoning space: there are also few walls.

Metal locker from the factory locker room - fits perfectly

What is good about such interiors - if desired, they can be decorated for mere pennies. Go to the flea market and buy junk. The most expensive thing is usually a sofa. The form is not exactly defined, but definitely not mass "consumer goods". The main thing is to be able to put everything together. There is even a direction - a hipster loft - in which the use of old or deliberately aged things is considered a special chic.

It is also worth talking separately about racks and shelves. They are either metal - like warehouse ones, or wooden, but very simple. Often wood is painted "under the metal" or concrete.

In general, in the photo there were already many different types of tables, chairs, shelves. They all have a few things in common: simple shapes, dim colors.


The loft style in the bedroom is the most “sore” topic. The idea is that the bedroom should be open. But few people agree to such experiments. The rest - the walls (or one wall) of rough processing, on the floor - a carpet and a luxurious bed. Everything from the situation. If you need a wardrobe, it can hide behind a door, which can be invisible against the background of the wall.

This interior has a touch of bohemianism. And again, most of the furnishings come from the flea market. But, given our recent past, this style is unlikely to be widely popular. Still, neoloft is more suitable for even the most extravagant personalities.

Bohemian decor is one of the directions


Another difficult corner of the apartment to decorate. In the "original" version, it was a small nook with a stove, sink, refrigerator and a small table, which could be called a "dining" table with a stretch. But, our realities are seriously different, and the kitchen in most apartments is one of the most beloved places. Therefore, even in the "industrial" environment, she is given a respectable place.

All signs of style are evident: simple forms of furniture, open communications, pendant lamps and a table on powerful metal legs. Even the refrigerator has unusual view- the doors are smooth, painted under the "old metal".

But such a kitchen is only a special order, and in everything, to the smallest detail. It costs a lot of money, and such equipment will look only in large room. Therefore, often when decorating an apartment in a loft style, the kitchen is equipped in a minimalist or high-tech style. They, as we know, coexist well in the same interior.

The minimalist style in the kitchen goes well with the "industrial" design of the rest of the rooms.


Any style is multifaceted, and the loft is no exception. For some reason, this is especially acute in the bathroom: too different approaches to perform the same task. For example, in the photo below, this is only a formal fulfillment of the requirements of the style: simple, even forms of plumbing, the same simple shades, restrained colors. Only a slight touch of style, which, nevertheless, is clearly discernible.

In another version, you can see such a design, as in the photo below. Complete opposite and non-standard approach. I don’t know how about a similar interior in an apartment, but in the country, many, I believe, will like this idea. In any case, it makes you smile and look closely and is definitely remembered.

Loft style in the interior: photo

Such an unusual combination of opposites awakens fantasy, makes you take a fresh look at many familiar things. And so that there are a lot of ideas, below are some interesting interiors and fragments that may be useful.

Large window, preferably from ceiling to floor

The combination of styles - hi-tech and loft

Apartment on two levels - a dream

Columns - in a large room they are necessary

Loft-style hallway is easy to arrange

Creative personalities always have something that could be learned if there was a little more free time. But there is one extremely important talent that you want to adopt without shelving, here and now: this is the ability to turn flaws into virtues. If there are shortcomings in the interior of a creative and constructive dwelling - inaccurate wall or ceiling decoration, slight chaos in the arrangement of things, communications not properly hidden from the eyes of guests, lack of zoning, lack proper repair, - they are not saved by disguise, but, on the contrary, they emphasize what the average person would consider a reason for embarrassment. As clearly as possible to demonstrate the magical transformation of minus interior decoration a bold style is called upon as an indisputable plus loft in the interior.

Loft style in the interior: origin

The name of the loft style comes from the English loft - "attic". Where did the idea come from to equip a dwelling for a place traditionally suitable only for storing old things, but not for cozy living? The history of the avant-garde loft dates back to the 20s of the XX century, when the current economic situation forced people to expand their “habitat”. It is believed that New Yorkers were the first to rush to use the buildings of abandoned warehouses, factories and factories for apartments. It should be noted that they succeeded very successfully.

And the residents of secluded apartments visiting the Carlsons liked this innovation - and they decided to bring some details from what they saw to their nest. What successful trends can be borrowed modern man loft style?

Harmony of old and new

Loft allows you to expand your consciousness and combine diametrically opposed motives. He is not alien to the diversity of the combination of antiquity and innovation. In to the bone classic finish with the glare of negligence, characteristic of the "attic" style, a progressive telescope directed into the sky from the window will fit in very organically. Why not? In addition, the loft boldly draws ideas from golden antiquity: Roman columns in a finish bordering on modernism look extremely successful.

Primordial walls

Aesthetic mosaic bit by bit

Beauty does not fall from the sky, but is created step by step. The loft also teaches the same: every little thing is important. Having decided to decorate the interior in such a freedom-loving progressive style, pay attention Special attention for accessories. Mind-blowing chandeliers, similar to gifts from aliens, bold posters, life buoys as wall decoration.

... And also - embodying the complete freedom of the spirit of the means of transportation of your favorite bike or bicycle - which will certainly find a secluded corner within the framework of a non-standard loft. Leave formalities to the strict classics.

Who said that mirrors have a place on the wall? In the loft, you can relax and line up reflective surfaces in a long row right on the floor. Looks amazing! Good news for photographers and artists: an arsenal of professional accessories - a set of lenses, reflectors or an easel, forgotten by you at the scene of the muse's attack, will look like decoration in a loft atmosphere, and not evidence of forgetfulness or carelessness of the creator of beauty.

Loft style in the interior: functionality above all else

Everything must have and justify its purpose. Therefore, when choosing furniture in the "attic" spirit of modernity, first of all, pay attention to its strength, durability and ease of maintenance, and only then you can look at compliance with high fashion trends.

A bathroom made from a container from the shipping company MAERSK at the entrance to a three-level penthouse in Kyiv, Ukraine. Design: studio 2B Group