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Interior decoration in loft style. Modern loft style for apartments and houses (with video). Decorating a kitchen or dining room

Interior flooring in the loft style is increasingly gaining momentum in Russia. We owe the development of loft style fashion to Manhattan industrialists, who, due to the crisis, were forced to move their enterprises to a suitable area and sell empty premises for relatively little money as apartments and studios.

Loft is inherent large premises without partitions, huge floor-to-ceiling windows, abundance sunlight and air, elements of antiquity (brick walls, peeling paint, uncovered ventilation system).

The loft style is not as simple to implement as it might seem at first glance. But, if you try, you can arrange your living room in this bold urban style yourself and at low cost.

  • — Remove all unnecessary furniture from the room. Remember, loft is characterized by a lot open space.
  • — The ceiling should be high and light. If our apartments cannot boast of high ceilings, then no one limits you in choosing a color, but the simpler and lighter, the better!
  • Brick finish walls It is not necessary to purchase expensive decorative bricks for this purpose; you can paste them over load-bearing walls wallpaper imitating brick, concrete or stonework.
  • — Concrete or wooden floors can be easily imitated with linoleum that matches the color and texture.
  • - More sun! Remove heavy curtains or drapes from windows. Replace them with light curtains, blinds, roller blinds.
  • — Furniture should be multifunctional and neutral tones. Combine new and old, shabby things in the interior. A modern sofa can be adjacent to a rough wooden stool. And grandma's chest can be used as coffee table and a cabinet for storing things.
  • — Pay special attention to decor. Place black and white prints on the walls. Chrome light fixtures and concrete flower pots will highlight the industrial style of your living room.
  • Special attention look at the chandelier. A pendant lamp on a chain or glass lamp, decorated with metal parts.

In this ultra-modern and unusual style You can create not only a living room, but also a kitchen, bedroom and even a bathroom. Use the features inherent in a loft and you will successfully decorate any space.

Video on creating a loft-style floor

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Housing in the loft style is a spacious room, devoid of any conventions in the form interior partitions, frilly wallpaper, smoothed lines and voluminous velvet curtains. Classic apartment, made in the loft style, is a place only visually divided by furniture into living areas. Large space, a lot of light, high windows, a combination of several color solutions in one place, rough wooden floors, brickwork - all this is a loft style.

How the loft style originated

The loft style originated relatively recently. In the 40s of the 20th century in New York, due to rising land prices, there was a tendency to move factories and factory production outside the city. The premises of empty plants and factories began to be actively used by representatives of bohemians, attracted by low rental rates and interesting characteristics such premises. Well-lit, high rooms were not only suitable for comfortable living, but were also used as places for organizing art exhibitions.

The paintings were hung on bare factory walls made of brick or concrete, and this contrast of the roughness of the industrial buildings and the bright sophistication of the works of art was very attractive! Unusual housing very quickly became elite, which led to a sharp jump in prices for apartments in the historical center of the city. Representatives of bohemians could no longer rent such expensive housing, and successful entrepreneurs and lawyers settled in the loft premises.

Apartment design in loft style

The word loft translated from in English means "attic". This architectural style can be characterized by words such as crisp, geometric and chopped. If you have an apartment at your disposal open plan, then you may well try to renovate it in a loft style, even if the area of ​​your apartment is not too large.

Currently, designers are actively using various techniques loft style when creating apartment interiors, borrowing certain elements and, for some reason, abandoning others. Thus, in the design of modern apartments, only individual elements(for example, walls or ceiling), or a completely recreated design project in the loft style, starting from exterior finishing premises, and ending with furniture.

Loft style floor

The most the best option in this case it is a parquet board or laminate with an imitation of a wooden floor. The floor will form the basis of the future design of the apartment and will have to be in harmony with the walls and ceiling.

Besides parquet board Self-leveling floors or bare concrete are also quite popular, but since unfinished concrete is not very suitable for living, it is rarely used in residential areas.

It’s great when the laminate is an imitation of an old parquet board with its characteristic gaps and abrasions. The color of the laminate can be different - from dazzling white to dark shades. Gray, brown, blue, brown - a wide variety of colors are used, but, as a rule, cold.

Scarlet parquet or red self-leveling floors are unlikely to be appropriate here, because in the loft style the main emphasis is on furniture, as well as on art objects - bright paintings in rough frames, statues, etc.

Loft style walls

Perhaps the most characteristic and distinctive feature of the loft style is its walls. Quite popular is zoning, combination various types finishing the walls of the room, for example, cold textured paint and rough brick or stonework. I wrote about brick in the interior not long ago (in it you will find interesting details of brick walls and fireplaces beautifully integrated into the interior).

Can also be used for wall decoration Decoration Materials made of wood, decorative plaster, etc.

Loft style ceiling

If the ceilings in your apartment allow it, then you can decorate it using rough wooden beams, metal pipes, solid wooden board. But keep in mind that these decorative elements will make the ceiling visually lower.

You can also paint the ceiling an unobtrusive matte White color without a glossy sheen. Multi-level, oversaturated with complex elements should be avoided. suspended ceilings with theatrical chandeliers.

Loft style windows

Most often, loft-style windows are large stained glass windows in a rough frame, but if your apartment has standard windows, that’s okay. The main thing is not to overload them with heavy velvet curtains with ties and multi-layered tulle. The ideal curtains in the loft style are straight curtains made of coarse linen fabric, fixed to the very ceiling on an invisible cornice.

Loft style furniture

To whom style will suit loft? For modern, practical people who love space and convenience, people creative professions, artists, performers, musicians. If this architectural style has sunk into your soul, then feel free to create your own loft that will inspire you and become your paradise on Earth.

The loft style cannot be confused with any other. A home decorated in this style looks like an old workshop or factory. Wall decoration for this style is essential.

The history of the style dates back to the 20s of the last century, when the need arose to increase the number of living spaces. This article will study the characteristics of this style and consider options for wall decoration for it.

Characteristics and directions of style

An interior in this style is characterized not only by the large dimensions of the room, but also by a special color scheme, furniture arrangement, decor and surface treatment methods.

To create a room with such a design, you need to rely on the following factors:

The special features of the style depend on its direction. There are 3 directions:

  • bohemian;
  • glamorous;
  • industrial.

In the following diagram you can see the strengths and weak sides finishing the bathroom in this style.

Materials and furniture to create style

Rough wood furniture fits perfectly into this technological style

The most common materials for loft design are:

  • concrete slabs. Used for finishing walls, ceilings or floors;
  • wooden boards. Used for sewing walls and floor coverings;
  • glass. It is used not only for windows, but also for creating overlaps between levels;
  • various types of bricks. Act as a basis for wall cladding and are the most famous loft materials;
  • metal pipes can be used as decoration.

The right furniture is also extremely important for this style. The choice must be made depending on the direction:

Floor finishing

Floors with a deliberately rough finish will fit perfectly into the interior

To create this style, it is customary to use concrete floors, but they are not very comfortable for residential buildings due to their cold surface.

Concrete also has a rough surface, which makes it much more difficult to remove contaminants, so flooring Most often they appear:

When creating zoning, the bedroom or kitchen is treated with a separate type of material. In this case, the main floor space is finished with a different coating.

What should the walls and ceilings be like?

Unfinished concrete walls often accompany this style

An open interior does not tolerate walls; in this case, they are usually replaced with glass blocks or plastic. In the kitchen, instead of a wall, you can put a bar counter with various drinks.

Load-bearing walls should be industrial in style, have some rough edges and exposed or exposed brickwork.

Wallpapering walls is unacceptable for this style.

Decorative brick is well suited for finishing a loft

How to paint walls correctly? If the loft style is created in a residential area, the walls should be painted gray or matte paint. They can also be covered with decorative bricks or sheets of plywood.

If the style is embodied in a room with low ceilings, it will be enough to paint them white. To treat rooms with high ceilings, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • they can be equipped with wooden beams;
  • you can create an attic atmosphere by building wooden structures;
  • A good solution would be to hang lamps on chains between the trusses.

Accessories for loft style

When creating this style, you can use different variants decor. Good solutions are:

  1. You can install a large hammock or swing in the relaxation area.
  2. A large diagonal TV is placed on the brickwork.
  3. A chaise lounge with a voluminous stylish floor lamp is placed near the window.
  4. For the kitchen, large tree stumps can be used as seats.
  5. The stairs leading to the second level are hung with chains.
  6. Real traffic signs are placed before entering the bathroom or kitchen.
  7. Instead of chairs, you can use a bench, and install a street lamp as an addition.
  8. A good decor would be a pattern on the wall drawn with charcoal. For more information about the features of this design, watch this video:

More common accessories for the loft style are the following options:

  • a painting or poster made in pop art style;
  • decorative pillows or colored rugs;
  • various accessories for the table.


Any lighting is extremely great importance for such a design. In addition to natural light, which can be created using large windows, it is recommended to highlight each area separately. For these purposes, you need to choose lamps made in the same style. To highlight another zone, lamps of a different type are used. Loft is characterized by accumulation large quantity lamps in one area. For more information on how to choose lamps, watch this video:

Wiring for lighting is distributed along the ceiling and attached to the walls, while creating the effect of a temporary solution. The bulbs can be placed in a row at regular intervals to create a unique garland.

As can be seen from the article, the loft style will allow you to create a unique and unusual design in the treated area. The main thing is to use the right finishes and furniture.

When you open the door, do you see "asphalt floors", neon signs, rusty floor beams, retouched brickwork and floor-to-ceiling windows?

Who lives here?

“The most fashionable homeless person in the world” or an arthouse film director?

And, it’s true, loft-style apartments have long been chosen by the creative public - actors, painters, writers and musicians...

Shrouded in mystery, the loft attracted them non-standard sizes premises and huge areas on which it is easy to place a creative workshop, an art gallery, and a music studio.

Loft style design: creative workshop or luxury housing?

Offices and residential buildings in the loft format were at the peak of popularity in New York back in the 50s. But only recently “loft” has turned into a trend that first swept Europe, America, and now Russia. Nowadays, both residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as everyone who is able to appreciate the advantages of the industrial and industrial style and their sharpness, are successfully “sick” of the loft.

The word “loft” itself refers to an attic and implies a combination of old (for example, plank floors and casually painted walls) and new (cutting-edge appliances, glass and metal) in an unfinished home.

If we talk about typical apartments in which interior designers most often implement loft projects, these are rooms with high ceilings and huge windows: old factory buildings, factories or studio apartments.

Interior of a studio apartment in loft style - simple decoration and rejection of the banal

Even those who spent all their money on buying this very apartment can afford to decorate an apartment in a loft style. Unlike other interior styles, “loft” does not involve the use of terribly expensive furniture and accessories. With the right approach, even antique hangers can take root among glass blocks, concrete and abstract graffiti.

At the same time, the loft style is incredibly democratic. In its open space you can simultaneously place ethnic elements, a banzai tree and objects borrowed from classic interior. The main thing when developing a loft project is to leave a lot of open and free space, full fresh air and light, but what to fill it with is a secondary question.

House interior in loft style - generating fashion ideas

The rough and uncouth loft is incredibly elegant. And in order to create a modern and meticulously thought-out environment against the general background, you need to become familiar with the basic principles of style.

The interiors of loft-style rooms, fortunately, have nothing to do with cramped walls, low ceilings and tiny windows. “loft” is, first of all, space, a large area and the absence of partitions.

“loft” should not be too divided and blocked. To zone free space in a loft, take advantage of texture and color: alternate consoles with brick walls, glazed surfaces of internal walls with plastered ones, and kitchen area Separate it from the living room with exposed ceiling beams or an “island.”

Imagine that you have to imitate an abandoned industrial workshop in your apartment. What comes to your mind first? Ventilation ducts and pipes not hidden in walls, cast iron stairs or untreated wood coverings? All this will turn your studio apartment into a fashionable loft home.

The rebellious spirit of its owner is also emphasized by the apartments, in which the characteristic materials in the design are chromed metal and glass. These could be cast iron columns, steel art objects, partitions made of stable glass blocks, glass furniture and pipes running along the ceiling.

As for other traditional loft materials, these are aluminum, leather and plastic.

And yes, don’t be too sophisticated in finishing, because in a loft, the “worse” the wall covering looks, the better. And don’t scold the builders for unevenly laid wooden boards on the floor - an “industrial” loft should be different in every way from a standard European-quality renovation.

Loft-style room and its ceiling

At the beginning of the article we mentioned that a loft is the top of a house, an attic or an apartment located on top floor. This means that the loft-style ceiling should have a special design - sloping, and consist of two parts, where the upper one is flatter and the lower one is steeper. A peculiar room with huge warehouse partitions on the ceiling will acquire even greater originality if the ceiling and walls are painted in an appropriate color, for example, gray.

The debate about what a loft-style ceiling should be like continues to this day. Some designers argue that ceilings should be high, perfectly smooth and white (to create the effect of light and space).

Others find this statement a little strange, and they suggest using it in interiors either stretch ceiling metallic or cool blue shades, or ceiling tiles with abstract patterns, or open communications and protruding beams as decor.

Yes, the loft provides for both the presence of symmetry and its complete absence. In this case, it is necessary to start from the size of the room - if they allow it, and the ceiling height is at least 3 m, then no artificial ceilings will reduce the area.

Loft style floor - flooring design

  • Ordinary floors old board, once painted by someone, faded under the merciless sun and torn rains. She cannot interest anyone except fans of the loft style.
  • Floors from solid board“deck masonry” coated with clear or light varnish.
  • Matte tiles or self-leveling floors are dirty gray.
  • The floors are covered with linoleum, repeating the color of concrete.
  • Brushed parquet.

If you choose wood floors, then make sure they look reclaimed and reclaimed.

To divide the space into zones, you can lay out small rugs (for example, a shaggy flokati carpet).

Loft style walls

Important! The walls in loft interiors need to be decorated so that they do not attract much attention to themselves, but serve only as a suitable backdrop for accent interior items.

Or, conversely, three walls can be partially painted, partially plastered or partially brick, and the fourth wall is decorated with a large pictorial or graphic picture, framed in a light and thin baguette.

Of course, the main emphasis of the design is Brick wall in loft style (texture brickwork walls can be imitated with decorative stone). Using rough textures in combination with discreet ergonomic furniture, you can create very interesting solutions.

Missing the big city spirit? Then the loft-style wall decoration should include bare concrete. Nothing extra, cheap and tasteful.

There are often few walls in loft interiors. To ensure that the room is completely visible, only combined bathrooms, children's rooms, bedrooms, and dressing rooms are usually isolated.

The loft is industrial and personal. Some attic owners prefer colorful blocks of color, while others choose gloomy colors and modern graphics to give the interior a deliberately urban perception of space.

And there is no need to be afraid of the juxtaposition of different textures: at the same time, leather, glass, wood, stone and steel are widely used in the design of elite penthouses and loft-style apartments. Who needs this? Well, at least for those who have their own views on life.

Innovative and avant-garde art furniture in loft style

In an immense kitchen-living room in the loft style, there can be only one sofa and, believe me, this may be enough if it is a work of art.

When choosing loft furniture for your interior, forget about everything standard and ordinary. Pay attention to trendy or, conversely, legendary pieces of furniture and miraculously saved rarities. These can also be designer models. The main advantage of such furniture is its originality and exclusivity. It is unlikely that you will encounter such bold forms again.

Still placing tables, sofas and cabinets in the corners? Forget about it. In a loft, nothing should stand along the walls - everything is in the center (middle) of the room.

And yet, a real “attic” should not be gray and boring; catchy effects are needed. Don’t be afraid to shock others – constantly change the details of the situation and experiment. But if you doubt your artistic (creative) taste, then hire a designer and outline to him in detail modern interior of your dreams.

The most important thing is that the loft does not tolerate clutter. This feature is a little similar to minimalism, in which everything should be in its place.

Do you like change? Choose mobile furniture on wheels, which, if necessary, can always be moved to another place.

If you do not live alone and you often have guests, then you cannot do without a large number of spacious seating areas. These can be voluminous leather armchairs, suede poufs and bench sofas with energetic upholstery. Add glass or wooden table, stunning plasma or LCD TV and enjoy chatting.

A loft kitchen with an island will set the “factory” mood

As we have already said, the distinctive feature of the loft style is utilitarianism and spaciousness, as well as harmonious combination modern household appliances with vintage items and textures. This means that loft-style kitchen interiors simply must be extremely functional and avant-garde.

A kitchen decorated in this style is not a separate room, but a combined room with a dining room or living room, shared with the latest visual techniques: a high-tech kitchen table, a perfect steel stove, a bar counter with metal gadgets or an “island”. A loft-style kitchen island is often mounted on wheels to make it easy to move it in the right direction.

Do you want your loft kitchen to captivate at first sight? Choose shiny steel dishes and cutlery. Granite, wood and sparkling steel will unite in kitchen interior into one team and will produce the desired effect. That's what was required.

Interior design in loft style - accessories and decorative elements

To some, the interior of a house decorated in a loft style may seem unsuitable and miserable. But only at first glance. Upon closer examination, rare works of art emerge, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off.

So, how can we add the spirit of freedom and democracy:

Luxurious chandelier in loft style. Between the rough cast iron and wooden beams it looks even more chic.

Chromed plumbing.

Modern works of art: figurines, paintings, loft style posters, etc.

Textiles in loft style.

Artificial fireplace in loft style.

Tall plants with large leaves.

Bookshelves in loft style

Shelving in loft style.

Strange candlesticks.

Carpets that more than one thousand people have walked on.

Pendant and ceiling lamps in the loft style, about which you cannot tell that these are lamps.

Wall clock with metal frame.

Shelf for small items.

Magazine basket.

Loft space combining the functions of an apartment and an office

Let's reflect on a current topic: the interior of an apartment in the “work and live” format. How to logically divide a spacious room without partitions into work and private (living) areas?

Let's start with the fact that spacious areas for office and housing can be afforded not by the general public, but only by the wealthiest citizens. If you consider yourself one of those, then you definitely won’t be scared by ceilings of 5-7 meters.

In order to gain a sense of freedom and space, valuable for a big city, own home and at the same time, it is not only good to relax in it, but also to work productively, which is necessary when decorating a multi-level apartment in the loft style:

  • create an impressive contrast between the restrained palette of floors and walls and eye-catching furnishings;
  • leave many surfaces untreated;
  • provide plenty of light and air;
  • install ergonomic furniture.

If we talk about the location of the workplace, then installing furniture along the walls is not very rational. It is better to place the table and chair (computer chair) perpendicular to the wall. This will allow you to divide the area in the loft interior into zones and thus highlight an office corner. Or, as an option, equip a podium, as in the photo of the loft below.

It’s a sin not to take advantage large windows and organize a workplace near them. This will help you relax during the break and, at the same time, enjoy the picturesque panorama outside the window.

If we talk about furniture, it can give the impression of some rarity or, conversely, be innovative.

Let’s summarize and once again recall the main features of the loft style in the interior:

  • Does the loft have a large area and height? Yes!
  • Does the loft have floor-to-ceiling windows? Yes!
  • Does the loft have practically no partitions? Yes!
  • Does the loft have stone, brick, iron, concrete, glass and leather in its decoration? Yes!
  • Favorite loft color is pink? No! Grey? Yes!
  • Are all the pieces of furniture in the loft extremely laconic, but impossibly luxurious? Yes!
  • Do large and bright art objects occupy a central place in the design of the loft? Yes!
  • Is the loft divided into zones using original light sources? Yes!

If you answered all the questions correctly, congratulations! You can start renovating your loft-style studio apartment.

At least new Construction Materials appear on the market with enviable regularity, interiors do not become more diverse from this. They are all very predictable, almost standard. There are only a few styles in which you can challenge established stereotypes. One of the bottoms is the loft style. This combination of things that seem incompatible at first glance is nevertheless very stylish.

What it is

You've probably seen more than once photographs of interiors in which, against a rough background, there is brickwork, supposedly poorly processed. wooden wall, gray concrete— luxury things are located. The ceiling often contains massive metal trusses and beams, shafts for laying communications, etc. This is the loft style (from the English loft - non-residential, industrial premises).

It originated in the late 50s of the 20th century in major cities America. At this time, land prices in city centers jumped sharply. In connection with which everything industrial enterprises They began to take us outside the city limits. There was no time to demolish and rebuild the vacated buildings, and they were turned into temporary housing. They installed several partitions and provided minimal amenities - small kitchen and a bathroom. This is where the improvement ended. It was cheap housing. Until these meters were chosen by artists: they could buy huge areas for next to nothing. Equip with minimal costs for a studio or exhibition hall. What could be better? However, they didn’t worry about finishing the walls either. At exhibitions, in studios, everything remained almost the same as it was before the purchase: suddenly you have to resell and move out.

“Scary” walls and ceiling are one of the signs of style

If we talk about exhibitions, paintings in a modern style look even better against such a background. The huge windows of the production premises gave good lighting, which was also a plus. Ideal conditions for work and sales))

When setting up the studio, they simply brought in furniture according to taste, which was placed in groups away from the walls so as not to get dirty. The furniture was non-standard and, most often, chic, but in small quantities: only what was necessary. Since the height allowed, we did horizontal division— they moved the habitable part to the second floor, leaving the bare minimum on the first floor.

This contrast - scary walls and expensive things - gradually migrated to houses and apartments in the center and began to be considered chic. Recently, it has begun to gain popularity in our country: all other styles are too predictable, too similar to one another. But, of course, not all the details are transferred, and not all of them are accessible: high ceilings are not about modern buildings. The style that is present in modern homes It even received a new name - neoloft, but so far it is only being heard by specialists.

Good lighting - natural or artificial

Here, in common features oh, and the whole loft style. To make it easier to decorate your premises, we will briefly list the characteristic elements:

  • Rough walls, beams and engineering systems under the ceiling.
  • Large windows or multi-tier lighting using pendant "factory" lamps.
  • A minimum of furniture, standing at a decent distance from the walls.
  • Lack of small details. Everything is concise.
  • Common room and no walls, only partitions. The bathroom is fenced off, and not always. Sometimes the bedroom is closed or partially fenced off. But this is no longer a loft in pure form, and neoloft.

Loft style renovation

First of all, we need to talk about colors. Since these are former factories, the colors are gray and brown - in different shades and combinations. There are also metallic and shiny surfaces. To prevent the interior from looking completely boring, add one or two bright spots that, like a magnet, attract the eye.

Stylizing the walls

With a similar design of an apartment or house, you can see a “raw” brick wall. But this is the result of careful processing and painting. First, all the whitewash and plaster that was most likely on the wall is cleaned off. Then, using narrow spatulas, knives, screwdrivers and any other suitable tool the seams are unstitched. The wall should look untreated, but the seams should be almost even, and they should be a couple of millimeters apart deeper than the surface bricks

If the solution spills out, the seams are expanded by 1-1.5 cm, then filled with plaster and leveled. The result should be the same: raised bricks and slightly “recessed” seams.

What to do if there are no brick walls, but you really want to make such a relief? There are several ways to simulate varying degrees of complexity, but it all starts with markup. Standard brickwork has dimensions of 25*6.5 cm, seam 1-1.5 cm. This is the marking we apply to the wall.

First you will have to draw, then glue the “seams” with masking tape.

First we draw bricks, then we glue tape to the “seams”

Afterwards, apply gypsum or other plaster to the wall. The layer is about 2 cm. There is no need to level it perfectly, but the surface should be more or less even. While the solution has not hardened, remove masking tape, the seams open. Untidy hanging pieces are picked up and the edges are slightly smoothed. It turns out to be a pretty decent imitation.

It can be painted white grey colour. Brick red is only after experiments, since natural color hard to pick. About the same technology for simulating brickwork in the video.

There is another way - to cut bricks from wallpaper with a suitable texture and stick them on the wall. What comes of this is in the next video.

The next option is to stick clinker tiles, unstitch the seams. But this is already a completely tile laying technology without any innovations. Therefore, we will not dwell on it separately.

The loft style is not only a brick wall. Wooden ones also look great. Easy way to do relief wall made of wood - split the bars in half, paint them with stains of different but similar tones, and then stick them on the prepared wall like this. Moreover, unfold it so that the chips are on the front side. A more detailed description of the process in the video.

In general, working with wood is interesting. Can be used different technologies painting. .

Loft-style walls are not always unfinished. They often have a smooth surface, but in contrast to untreated ones, they leave the ceiling or several columns in their “pristine” form.

OSB is used when decorating apartments, especially small ones, and in its raw form. In the sense - unpainted. You can cover it with stain or varnish on water based, the main thing is that there is no shiny film.

And so that attention is not drawn to the “unnaturalness” of such a finish, the wall can be painted. A stencil or graffiti is what is needed for this case.


The lighting should be bright, but not pompous. Simple lampshades hanging on wires or flexible legs, sometimes - deliberate hooks to which everything is attached. Simulation of a “production” environment.

The lamps are simple. Smooth glass or metal shade, cord

If such ideas don’t “warm” at all, it is permissible to use chandeliers in the style of minimalism or hi-tech. They harmonize well with untreated walls and ceilings. But color scheme, and the materials used should have something in common with those in the interior.

Chandeliers, in our understanding of the word, can also fit into the loft style, but for this you need to try very hard and play on contrasts, contrasting the pretentiousness of the lamp with the simplicity of the decoration.

As you can see in the photo, sometimes it works. And even the decorations don’t look like an alien element, although they clearly belong to a different style. But they certainly attract the eye.


If the ceiling height allows, they arrange a second floor, where the most “private” areas are moved - a bedroom, maybe a bathroom. For representatives of “serious” professions, it may be convenient to create an office on the second level.

As you probably guessed, stairs in loft interiors are most often made of metal. Simple steps, even, smooth railings. No curls or pretentiousness.

The staircase is simple, almost always metal

Reinforced concrete products fit well: the most industrial texture, suitable color. Only when pouring high-quality concrete is used, which gives a smooth, slightly shiny surface.

The same color - gray - can be made. Some even furniture and countertops are made of concrete. They fit the style 100%, but how convenient this furniture is to use is a question.

Loft style design

Let's look at some typical techniques that designers use when creating such technocratic-bohemian design. They will help you develop your own design. There is nothing complicated, but if you don’t know, you can get into trouble: buying the wrong thing.

Living room

In living rooms, as a rule, there is a sofa group - upholstered furniture concentrated in a specific space. Only the loft style assumes its location in the center of the room, so that there is enough space to reach the walls: you can walk freely.

Living room in loft style - furniture in the middle of the room

Please note that there is almost no cabinet furniture. There are racks, tables, and sometimes shelves. If there are cabinets, they are very simple, sometimes metal. They are often used to zone space: there are also few walls.

Metal locker from the factory locker room - fits perfectly

What’s so good about such interiors is that if you wish, you can decorate them for mere pennies. Go to a flea market and buy old stuff. The most expensive thing is usually the sofa. The form is not precisely defined, but it is definitely not mass “consumer consumption”. The main thing is to be able to put everything together. There is even a trend - hipster loft - in which the use of old or deliberately aged things is considered particularly chic.

It is also worth talking separately about racks and shelves. They are either metal - like warehouse ones, or wooden, but very simple. Often wood is painted to look like metal or concrete.

In general, in the photo there were already many different types of tables, chairs, and shelves. They all have several common features: simple shapes, dim colors.


The loft style in the bedroom is the most painful topic. In theory, the bedroom should be open. But few people agree to such experiments. Otherwise, the walls (or one wall) are rough, there is a carpet on the floor and a luxurious bed. Everything from the situation. If you need a closet, it can hide behind a door, which may not be noticeable against the background of the wall.

This interior has a touch of bohemianism. Once again, most of the furnishings come from a flea market. But, keeping in mind our recent past, this style is unlikely to be widely popular. Still, neoloft is more suitable even for the most extravagant personalities.

Bohemian atmosphere is one of the directions


Another difficult corner of the apartment to decorate. In the “original” version, it was a small nook with a stove, sink, refrigerator and a small table, which could hardly be called a “dining” table. But our realities are seriously different, and the kitchen in most apartments is one of the most favorite places. Therefore, even in an “industrial” environment it is given a respectable place.

All the signs of style are evident: simple forms of furniture, open communications, pendant lamps and a table on powerful metal legs. Even the refrigerator has unusual look— the doors are smooth, painted to resemble “old metal.”

But such a kitchen is only a special order, and in everything, down to the smallest detail. It costs a lot of money, and such equipment will only look good in large room. Therefore, when decorating an apartment in a loft style, the kitchen is often equipped in a minimalist or high-tech style. They, as we know, coexist well in the same interior.

The minimalist style in the kitchen goes well with the “industrial” design of the rest of the premises


Any style is multifaceted, and loft is no exception. For some reason this is felt especially acutely in the bathroom: too different approaches to perform the same task. For example, in the photo below, this is only a formal fulfillment of the style requirements: simple, even shapes of plumbing fixtures, equally simple lampshades, restrained colors. Only a slight touch of style, which, nevertheless, is clearly visible.

In another version, you can see a design like the one in the photo below. Complete opposite and non-standard approach. I don’t know what about a similar interior in an apartment, but at the dacha, I think many people will like this idea. In any case, it makes you smile and look closely and is definitely memorable.

Loft style in the interior: photo

Such an unusual combination of opposites awakens imagination and makes you look at many familiar things in a new way. And so that there are a lot of ideas, some are collected below interesting interiors and snippets that may be useful.

Large window, preferably from ceiling to floor

Combination of styles - hi-tech and loft

Apartment on two levels - a dream

Columns - in a large room they are necessary

It’s easy to decorate a loft-style hallway