home · Other · How to calculate the load capacity of a rack. Calculation of warehouse racks for strength. State standard of the USSR

How to calculate the load capacity of a rack. Calculation of warehouse racks for strength. State standard of the USSR

Intra-warehouse logistics is a matter of paramount importance for large retail and industrial complexes. Ergonomic distribution of goods, materials and production products guarantees their safety and ensures comfortable conditions for the operation of the enterprise as a whole. Our company provides a range of services for the installation and organization of warehouse equipment.

Services "PromRack"

The company's specialists manufacture racks taking into account operational parameters the room in which they will be installed. At the same time, we take into account the nature of the materials or goods that will be stored on the shelves.

We accept orders for the production of many types of racks:

  • deep;
  • shelf;
  • mezzanine type;
  • self-supporting;
  • gravitational;
  • printed;
  • shuttle processing;
  • for car windows, tires and hoods;
  • mobile

In addition, the material base and high-precision equipment of PromStellazh allow us to accept orders of any complexity, therefore the company’s portfolio includes samples of the manufacture of non-standard structures of complex configurations.

In addition, maintenance of the completed racks is also carried out by our company.

It includes:

  • Troubleshooting.
  • Repair work.

The area of ​​competence of PromStellazh is also technical examination shelving structures of any complexity.

How we are working

Behind long time During their stay in the profession, our specialists have gained some experience in this area. First of all, we form technical task and we work out the layout of shelving structures in the customer’s premises. In this case, taking measurements is free.

Having determined the scope of work, our specialists perform strength calculations of the racks. Calculation of load characteristics. Taking into account all the data, the most durable and ergonomic rack design is created, which will be equally successfully used in the archive, in warehouse or in the office.

When manufacturing racks of a certain type, our specialists take into account not only permissible loads, but also all technical nuances. For example, the calculations take into account the likelihood of seismic impact. Calculation of the potential threat from seismic impact is carried out in accordance with modern standards.

In addition, the hypothetical probability of various emergency situations is taken into account. For example, we take into account the level of damage to the structure from impacts from lifting equipment and try to make the structure as strong and resistant to mechanical stress as possible.

During operation, situations with shelves collapsing may occur. Possible damage from falling loads can be very serious, so our design work involves calculating the permissible load on the rack.

Legal and scientific basis

Professional modeling of rack structures involves the use of government regulations.

When carrying out technical assignments, the specialists of the PromStellazh company are guided by the provisions regulating the operation of prefabricated structures:

  • GOST R 55525-2017 (general technical recommendations).
  • 15512 (code for the design and use of steel permanent storage systems).
  • SNiP dated 2.01.07-85 (rules for taking into account the impact of the environment on racking structures).

Professional technique

The main method in the work of PromStellazh specialists is the calculation of finite elements. The technique is common to solve professional tasks in area structural mechanics. This method can have many options, which are selected based on the geometric design and physical parameters of the materials used.

In addition, the finite element method, which PromStellazh specialists use, is characterized by optimal consideration of the interaction of the racking system itself with the environment.

Our professionals focus on the following environmental indicators:

  • Mechanical.
  • Corrosive.
  • Temperature.
  • Boundary.

The advantage of using the finite element method is its high invariance and automation of each calculation stage. Select only correct option Our professional experience and knowledge of mechanical features helps us to correctly calculate the maximum load on the shelf.

The methodology has been certified by the Federal Supervision Service:

  • Ecological.
  • Atomic.
  • Technological.

At the same time, this method of calculating finite elements is regulated by certification passports:

  • No. 148 (has no deadline).
  • No. 200 (valid until 06/23/2025).
  • No. 345 (valid until 10/21/2023).

Thus, our shelving design projects take into account the parameters of the building, the volume/weight of stored products, the nominal load on the shelf, and the recommendations of the Scientific and Technical Center for Environmental and Nuclear Safety.

Prices for calculating rack strength

Advantages of contacting PromStellazh

Our company has been present on the market of similar services for 14 years. The accuracy of order production is guaranteed by the company's solid production base. At every stage of order fulfillment, we practice careful quality control. The undoubted advantage of contacting our company is its loyal pricing policy towards consumers.

Cooperation with PromStellazh guarantees each client comprehensive equipment for warehouses and any production premises. In addition, the company can order components for various types shelving. Including: holders and ties, fastenings and limiters.

The company's portfolio includes many positive feedback our clients, including:

  • "Slasti Trading House"
  • LLC "TD Petelino"
  • Hobby World LLC.
  • PJSC Uralkali.

The PromStellazh company values ​​​​the respect of its consumer audience. Therefore, our clients have the opportunity to order post-warranty service for installed structures.

For ease of service, we use the “Delivery” service. You can leave an online request for a finished rack with us, and we will deliver it to the specified point.

The advantages of contacting the company are:

  • Loyal prices.
  • Large range of manufactured products.
  • High quality installation work.
  • Compliance with the deadlines specified in the contract.
  • Professional approach.
  • Strict compliance with existing GOST standards.

By contacting the specialists of the PromStellazh company, you are guaranteed to receive a professional solution to your problem. With us you will put your products on the shelves!

It is the main document regulating the process of production and operation of racking systems and racks, as well as testing methods, including load tests. In this article we will figure out how and who should comply with the requirements of GOST R55525-2013.

Rack storage of goods, raw materials and supplies during the activities of an enterprise or organization is a common phenomenon that cannot be avoided. However, do not forget that racks and rack storage systems in warehouses or offices are equipment belonging to the non-mechanical group of (commercial) equipment.

Like any other equipment, racks are subject to safety requirements, so the racks must meet the requirements for strength, stability, and also ensure safety when carrying out loading and unloading operations and placing goods or materials on the shelves of the racks. Responsibility for the safety of anyone production equipment, as usual, lies with the employer.

The State Labor Inspectorate reports that violations of the rules for the operation of metal racks in trade organizations and warehouse complexes are becoming permanent, in particular, they are not being organized testing of racks (full technical inspection of racks), their stability is not ensured, there is no protective grounding, proper supervision is not carried out by the organization operating the racks during operation.

For such violations of labor protection legislation, administrative liability is provided. The amount of penalties is established by Part 1 of Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

There is no point in rushing and immediately testing the racks for load in accordance with GOST P 55525 2013; you need to understand what exactly is required of you, as an organization operating the racking equipment, what measures must be carried out without fail?

For the most part, the requirements of GOST P 55525 2013 apply to organizations involved in the design and manufacture of racking systems and shelving.

In some cases, testing racks for load during operation is not only not necessary, but also threatens damage to the racking equipment itself. Moreover, the very attempt to carry them out may be perceived by the rack supplier as a violation of operating requirements and threatens the withdrawal of all obligations and guarantees!

All requirements for necessary tests and technical examinations are specified in the operating manual (passport for the rack). The buyer or the organization operating the racks (rack structures) should check in advance about the availability of these documents from the supplier, and upon receipt it will be extremely useful to carefully read their contents.

In accordance with GOST 2.601-2006 “ESKD. Operational documents" - "Operation manual (OM) - a document containing information about the design, principle of operation, characteristics (properties) of the product, its components and instructions necessary for the correct and safe operation of the product (intended use, maintenance, current repairs, storage and transportation) and assessments of its technical condition when determining the need to send it for repair, as well as information on the disposal of the product and its components."

  • The operating organization must appoint an employee responsible for the operation of the racks (clause 10.1. GOST R 55525-2013);
  • The employee responsible for the operation of the racks must organize partial and (clause 10.3. GOST R 55525-2013).

In the process of conducting a partial and full technical examination, a systematic inspection of racking equipment is carried out with a description and identification of damaged elements, by the person responsible for the operation of the racks, certified to know the rules, or by an organization accredited in in the prescribed manner and having qualified personnel.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that in modern conditions, large volumes of goods and materials are stored on racking systems, to ensure that a significant number of workers are employed in warehouse work, a sudden collapse of the structure can lead to serious consequences, group (severe) injuries. In case of serious harm to health of one or more employees, criminal liability is provided for the employer or officials who committed violations of labor protection.

We will look into the issue of conducting a full technical inspection and proper operation of the racks.

Installation of shelving

The manufacturer of racking equipment at the production stage carries out all the necessary tests provided for by GOST R 55525-2013, the operating organization remains to install the racks in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer, as well as carry out preventive inspections of the structure.

The need to attach racks to the floor, type of anchoring, number anchor bolts, other fixing elements are determined by the manufacturer of the racks. Installation of anchor bolts and other elements is carried out in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer of fasteners. The absence of fastening to the floor is allowed if there is an instruction from the manufacturer of the racks.

After completion of installation work, it is mandatory to install information signs of at least A4 size indicating the heights of the storage levels and the maximum permissible load on each storage level. These labels can be included in the delivery set or installed by the operating organization.

Operation of racks

The need to conduct specific tests of rack structures and racks during operation, as well as the frequency and methodology of their conduct, except general requirements specified in GOST must not contradict the requirements operational documentation, attached for each specific type operated racks or rack structures.

The order, content and frequency of tests are determined by the manufacturer based on the condition of necessary sufficiency to ensure stability of the quality of the products and is indicated in the technical specifications.

Full operation requirements relating to the buyer of the racks or the organization operating the racks must be reflected in the “Operation Manual”, which specifically refers to the operational documentation. Conscientious suppliers usually, along with passport include "Manual" included in the delivery set of racks, or combine both documents into one.

Thus, if the set of operational documentation for the racks and rack structures installed in your warehouse does not contain requirements for testing, then the racks should not be tested under any circumstances!

When regulatory organizations use GOST R 55525-2013 materials as an argument for the need to test racks, if possible, the following should be done:

  • Immediately contact the supplier (manufacturer) of the racks installed in your warehouse, and if it is difficult to determine, contact service organizations. Find and review existing operational documentation;
  • It is most correct to recommend that inspectors carefully (and, if possible, thoughtfully) read the document to which they refer.

GOST R 55525-2013"Warehouse equipment. Collapsible shelving. General technical conditions"

The need for static testing of racks when conducting a technical examination in order to check the compliance of rack elements with the requirements of this standard, it is determined by the operating organization.

The following racks are not subject to testing:

1) over 16 meters

2) With a load of over 1.5 tons.

Spreads on steel prefabricated racks high up to 16 m, intended for storage of containerized and piece goods weighing up to 1500 kg(hereinafter referred to as racks), served by floor stacking equipment and operated in enclosed spaces.

· This standard does not apply on racks special purpose, racks carrying loads from buildings and stacking devices (stacker cranes), onto racks used for work in seismically hazardous areas.

GOST R 56356-2015“Metal shelving for archives. Technical specifications"

Distributed to metal racks consisting of sections height no more than 3100 mm and operational load per section no more than 1000 kg, intended for manual handling of goods, used in archives, warehouses, office, industrial and retail premises.

The Center for Labor Safety and Legal Information provides a service for conducting full technical inspection of racks, for organizations and enterprises in Moscow and the Moscow region.

ANTI-CRISIS ACTION - upon concluding a contract for technical equipment, advanced training according to a 72-hour training program for those responsible for the operation of racking structures, as well as CHAC (members of certification commissions) in accordance with GOST Shelving equipment. General technical conditions. Technical inspection as a GIFT!*

To calculate the cost full technical inspection of racks, you will need the following information:

  • 1) Passport (operating manual) for the rack;
  • 2) Number of types and number of racks;
  • 3) Photo;
  • 4) Warehouse (sales) area;
  • 5) The exact address of the object.

List of works for full technical inspection of racks

  • 1) Checking the compliance of the racks with the parameters specified in section 6 of GOST R 55525-2103 (measurement of deviations and deformations of rack elements);
  • 2) Control of tightening torques of bolted connections and anchor bolts in an amount of at least 5% of the total number of bolted connections;
  • 3) Identification of damaged elements according to the method described in GOST 55525-2013, and general analysis of the condition of the racks;
  • 4) Inspection of welded joints and seams.

Based on the results of the examination, the following documents are transferred to the Customer:

  • 1) Protocol of technical examination of racking equipment with description and identification of damaged elements;
  • 2) Copies of results metrological verification measuring equipment and tools used in testing and inspection of racks;
  • 3) Copies of certificates, attestations or other permits for personnel conducting tests of racks and confirming their qualifications to perform work in accordance with GOST R 55525-2103.

Persons authorized to operate rack storage systems, the procedure for conducting full or partial technical inspection of racks in accordance with GOST R 55525-2013, as well as members of the commission (CHAK) for testing knowledge, must be trained and have .

"Safe operation of warehouse equipment. Technical examination of racks in accordance with GOST 55525-2013"

You can find out more about advanced training by calling us by phone or sending a request by email.

If the assembly instructions are followed, the permissible distributed load on the main section is:

  • from racks 2 mm thick - up to 750 kg
  • from racks 1.5 mm thick - up to 500 kg

All parts are coated with polymer powder. The pitch of the holes for fastening the shelves is 30 mm in height. M6 bolted connections. Attaching an unlimited number of sections. The height of the racks can be joined using an adapter. The racks are delivered unassembled and in secure packaging. Basic models are equipped with a full set of fasteners.

Medium load racks

Designed for installation indoors for storing goods with manual handling. The design of the racks consists of vertical welded non-demountable frames, horizontal beams and shelves.
The coating on all parts is polymer powder, light gray color. Perforation on the frame posts allows you to change the position of the rack beams in height in increments of 50 mm. The beams are attached to the posts using bolted connection M8, two bolts on each side. The shelves are laid on beams without additional fastening. When installing racks in a line, it is possible to install the beams of the subsequent section to the frame of the previous section, which results in additional savings. The permissible distributed load on a standard section of the rack is up to 1600 kg.

Racks with a permissible load of more than 500 kg

Shelf rack is a popular metal structure, which is used for storage various cargoes on shelves.

Shelf racks are used almost everywhere: small and large warehouses, shops, supermarkets, hypermarkets, archives, libraries, service stations, wholesale and retail trade centers.

Shelf type racks are available different sizes and are designed for storing products of different sizes and weights. Such racks are serviced manually, providing easy access to any product at any time. Cargoes are stored on shelves in boxes, boxes or in bulk.

Frontal shelving

Front pallets are simple design, consisting of frames and support beams on which the pallet is installed. The rack has a large load capacity, which ensures high level cargo safety.

The front pallet has the following advantages:

  • the ability to access any level of the rack;
  • affordable cost of construction;
  • possibility of assignment required lifting capacity and dimensions at the construction stage.

Pallet racks

Pallet racking is a common design for storing goods on pallets (pallets). This storage system provides immediate direct access to each storage facility.

Pallet racks are divided into:

  • frontal shelving
  • drive-in racks (packed, deep)
  • gravity racks
  • mobile shelving

Calculation of racks

Purpose, types and features of the layout diagram of rack structures

Warehouses have great importance in modern logistics. Primarily for the redistribution of cargo flow. It is warehouses that make it possible to accumulate and concentrate cargo, making transportation expedient and efficient. They allow you to always have on hand necessary goods, shipping them as soon as orders are received from consumers.

Cargo storage is carried out on special devices (racks) designed for storing items and materials, consisting of multi-tiered flooring mounted on racks. Modern shelving is oriented to minimize footprint and optimize access to stored items and materials.

Depending on their purpose, racks are divided into several types:

Pallet racks- This is a convenient and functional design for placing cargo on pallets. Pallet racking structures can be divided into frontal (Figure 1,a) and deep (Figure 1,e). Front-mounted ones are considered more versatile and more convenient when working with fast-moving products. In addition, frontal warehouse racks can significantly increase the efficiency of using warehouse space. Deep racks are designed for the turnover of homogeneous goods and allow maximum loading of the warehouse.

Shelf racks- type of racks (Fig. 1, b) used for storing piece goods and manual processing in a multi-item warehouse of piece goods: containers, boxes, etc.

Mobile racks- designs designed for premises with limited volume, requiring the organization of a system with the ability to classify its contents. Such shelving systems are ideal for various archives and libraries.

Cantilever racks used for storing oversized long cargo. Such loads are placed using special equipment (Fig. 1, c).

Gravity shelving- a special type of pallet racks, equipped with special roller tracks, inclined at a slight angle to the horizontal (3 - 5 degrees) so that pallets, under the influence of gravity, roll from the loading zone to the unloading zone (Fig. 1, d).

Mezzanines- equipment that, thanks to its multi-tier structure, helps to make maximum use of the entire warehouse area (Fig. 1, e).

Rice. 1 - Types of shelving

Shelving calculation criteria

Nowadays no one doubts the relevance of strength calculations and this fact is due to the needs modern market. An economical approach to the use of materials when designing rack structures on the one hand and ensuring the safety and security of cargo on the other hand make necessary to carry out similar calculations.

Shelving calculations are carried out taking into account the following criteria:

a) Strength criterion. For given design loads, equivalent stresses arising in structural elements should not exceed design resistance the material used.

σ max ≤ [σ];

[σ] = σ t /1.05,

where 1.05 is the reliability coefficient for the material (SP 16.13330.2011, Table 3).

b) Stiffness criterion. The maximum total displacements in the structure should not exceed the permissible limit. Clause 3.5 of GOST 28766-90 states that the elastic deflection of the shelf crossbar from the gravity forces of the loads in their standard value should not exceed 1/200 of the span of this crossbar.

f max ≤ [ f];

c) Stability criterion. The stability of the idealized linearly elastic frame model must be ensured (Kst ≥ 1.3 according to SP 16.13330.2011, clause 4.3.2 taking into account clauses 4.2.5, 4.2.6).

Also, when calculating racks, it is necessary to take into account the influence of local effects, such as local buckling or local collapse of a structural element.

Methods and approaches to calculating racks

European Federation Maintenance(European Maintenance Federation, FEM) completed preparations in September 1995 normative document, describing the calculation, testing and design of metal warehouse racks. It systematizes methods for calculating rack structures and sets out requirements for technological processes, relating to the control of materials, production, assembly and installation of warehouse racking systems, specifies the safety and quality conditions that must be observed by manufacturers and installers. This document - the FEM 10.2.02 standard - is still in the nature of preliminary recommendations, but most European countries have already approved and adopted it as a valid standard, which serves to achieve the maximum level of safety in warehouses.

In turn, in Russia in 1992, GOST 28766-90 was adopted, establishing the basis for the calculation of steel structures of stationary racks. The strength, stability and rigidity of the rack elements are checked according to the SNiP II-23-81 “Design Standards” method. Steel structures" Regulatory and design loads are accepted in accordance with SNiP 2.01.07-85 “Loads and impacts”.

The calculation according to these standards must include the calculation of the VAT of the rack structure. On the one hand, the design of the rack can be represented in the form of a simplified rod model and the calculation can be carried out using “strength of materials”. But for comprehensive analysis structure, which also includes the calculation of overall stability, local crushing effects, loss of stability of the wall or flange of an element, one cannot do without automated calculation tools using a software product.

APMStructure3D is a module for calculating the stress-strain state, stability, natural and forced vibrations of parts and structures using the finite element method. This module is part of the automated calculation and design system for industrial and civil construction APM Civil Engineering. The system allows you to carry out both verification calculations rack structures and assessment of maximum bearing capacity, as well as examination of collapses of racks of any type.

Calculation of racks can be carried out in accordance with Russian standards (GOST 28766-90, SNiP II-23-81) and in accordance with European standards (FEM10.2.02). But there are several fundamental differences between them, which consist in approaches to calculating the strength of racks. These differences are described below.

a) Specifying loads

As for loads, the differences between the standards lie in the reliability factors, which are presented in Table 1

Table 1 - reliability factors for individual loads

Comparable value


SNiP 2.01.07-85*

Own weight

Storable cargo

Variable loads (wind, snow)

Coefficient for load combination

Reliability factor by material

As can be seen from Table 1, the values ​​of reliability coefficients for loads in European standards are higher than the values ​​of the same coefficients in Russian standards. Consequently, calculations according to European standards give lower values ​​of safety factors and structural stability (Fig. 2).

a) according to SNiP

Rice. 2 Map of distribution of equivalent stresses in metal structures

b) Effective cross-sectional area. Accounting for local buckling

Of significant interest are bendable thin-walled perforated profiles (Fig. 3), in which the loss of local stability in the flange or wall occurs before the general loss of stability in the most loaded elements. The strength and stability of racks and beams with a similar cross-section are checked using geometric characteristics effective cross-sectional area (A eff, I eff, W eff) calculated without taking into account the compressed sections of the plates, for which local stability is not ensured. When determining the effective cross-sectional areas of the compressed and tensioned beam flanges, it is also necessary to take into account the shear lag effect.

Russian standards do not provide for taking into account the effective cross-sectional area. It is possible to take into account the effective cross-sectional area using the Eurocode, but this technique is a very labor-intensive manual calculation and is not even possible for some types of sections. One of the alternatives to take into account the phenomenon of local buckling is to model the strut elements using plates (Fig. 4) and further analyze the stability. According to clause 9.2.4 of EN15512, open thin-walled profiles under the action of a compressive load are subject to local (local) loss of stability, as well as loss of stability of the cross-sectional shape (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5 - Forms of buckling of the strut element

c) Calculation of pallet beam deflections

The calculation according to SNiP II-23-81 is carried out for a beam with hinged support. The load safety factor is 1.2.

According to EN15512/FEM10.2.02, the calculation is carried out taking into account half-hinged support (in this case, the rigidity of the beam connection is specified). The load safety factor in this case is 1.4. The calculation schemes are presented in Fig. 6.

Calculation of pallet beams in accordance with European standards shows higher values ​​of safety factors and smaller total displacements (Fig. 8).

Rice. 6 Calculation schemes: a) according to SNiP; b) according to EN/FEM

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GOST 28766-90




1.1. Designations of types and designs of racks are given in. The design of the racks and the basic concepts used are given in.

A quantitative indicator of the nomenclature of goods, i.e. the number of different types of products stored in the rack, taken into account in the calculations of the racks, and the types of warehouses are given in table. 1.

Table 1

1.3. The strength, stability and rigidity of the rack elements are checked according to the SNiP II-23-81 “Design Standards” method. Steel structures” approved by the USSR State Construction Committee, taking into account the requirements of this standard. In this case, the calculation of bending elements is performed using formulas for the elastic stage of the material’s operation, taking into account the requirements of this standard.

The operating conditions coefficients are taken equal to unity for all elements except the following:

0.75 - for compressed braces from single angles, attached; with one bolt or welded with one flange (for unequal angles - only with a narrow flange);

0.90 - for beams of crane tracks of racks of versions 1.2; 2.2; 3.2.

The flexibility of compressed rack elements should not exceed the following values:

racks, columns (whole or individual branches)

lattice elements of racks, columns

longitudinal horizontal connections

lattice elements of the upper and intermediate horizontal trusses of racks, versions 1.2; 2.2; 3.2

the same for racks of other designs

The flexibility of the stretched elements of the cross braces installed in the rear plane of the rack should be no more than:

for racks of versions 1.2; 2.2; 3.2

for racks of other designs

The flexibility of prestressed braces is not limited.


2.1. The standard load from gravity forces on the rack elements is determined by their design dimensions. The load reliability factor is assumed to be 1.05. Terminology adopted according to SNiP 2.01.07-85

2.2. The standard load from the forces of gravity of the enclosing structures of the walls and roof of the warehouse is determined according to the data of standards and manufacturers or according to the design dimensions and volumetric weights of materials. The load safety factor is assumed to be 1.2.

2.5. The standard load from the forces of gravity of a group of stored goods per one rack (column) of a rack or on the flooring of a type 1 rack cell is determined as the product standard load() on the number of loads in the group.

2.6. The standard horizontal load directed along the crane track, caused by the braking of the overhead stacker crane, is assumed to be equal to 0.1 of the standard vertical load on the drive wheel, determined under conditions. The load reliability factor is assumed to be 1.1.

2.7. The standard horizontal load directed across the crane runway, caused by: braking the cargo trolley of the overhead stacker crane, is taken to be equal to 0.1 of the gravity force of the cargo trolley with a nominal load. The load reliability factor is assumed to be 1.1.

When taking this load into account in calculations of strength and stability, it is assumed that it is transmitted to one beam of the crane track, distributed equally between the wheels of the stacker crane resting on it, and can be directed both inside the span of the stacker crane and out.

The horizontal movement of the rack (column) of the rack at the level of the crane rail head is determined from the standard load, which is distributed between the two outer racks in proportion to the rigidities of their racks. The amount of movement should not exceed 1/4000 of the height of the specified level, measured from the base of the rack. The calculation is performed by considering the crane runway beam (together with the horizontal truss, if any) as an elastically supported beam.

2.8. The standard horizontal load of the stop in the rack by the load-handling member when moving at low speed of an overhead stacker crane with a nominal load is determined as the least of three values: the total traction force on the rims of the drive wheels of the stacker crane corresponding starting torque electric motors, or slipping of drive wheels with a friction coefficient of 0.2; or the beginning of separation of non-drive running wheels from the crane rails. The load reliability factor is assumed to be 1.05.

The specified load is applied when calculating the bottom panel of the front branch of the racks of racks of types 1 and 2, according to which the load-handling element is assumed to be located at the level of the middle of the length of the panel, measured from the base of the rack to the first longitudinal link or crossbar.

If the length of the next panel of the front branch exceeds the length of the bottom panel, then this panel is subject to a similar calculation.

2.9. The standard horizontal load of the stop in the rack by the load-handling element when moving at low speed of a cargo trolley of an overhead stacker crane with a nominal load is determined as the lesser of two values: the total traction force on the rims of the trolley drive wheels, corresponding to the starting torque of the electric motor, or the slipping of the drive wheels with the adhesion coefficient 0.2. The load reliability factor is assumed to be 1.05. The direction of the thrust force is taken to correspond to the increase in the load of the drive wheels.

The specified load is applied when calculating the bottom panel, the front branch of the racks of racks of types 1 and 2, and therefore the location of the load-handling element in height is taken in accordance with the diagram of the rack bar grid.

The specified load is also used when calculating the columns of racks of type 3. In this case, for racks of type 3.1 the upper position of the load-handling element is considered, and for racks of type 3.2 - the middle and lower positions.

2.10. The standard horizontal load on the top rail crane (P 1 ) distance with the load-handling member of the rack stacker crane fully extended in newtons, calculated by the formula

P 1 =g(Ql 3 +M 3)/H p ,(1)

Where g=9.81 m/s 2 - free fall acceleration;

Q- standard mass of a unit load, kg (see);

l 3 - nominal reach of the load-handling body, m;

M 3 - moment of mass of the retractable parts of the load-handling body relative to the plane of the crane tracks, kg× m;

H p - distance of the top rail crane track from the level of the rail head of the ground crane track, m.

The load reliability factor is assumed to be 1.25.

The load in question is distributed between the upper side rollers of one side according to the lever rule, if the number of such rollers is more than one.

2.11. For types of loads; specified in -2.10, the design load is determined as the product of the standard load and the load reliability factor.

The design load from gravity forces of a group of stored goods for calculating the racks (columns) of the rack is obtained by multiplying the standard load () by the combination coefficient.

2.12. Design load of the support in the rack (P 2 ) when extending the load-handling member of a rack stacker crane in the event of incorrect positioning of the load lifter, Newtons are calculated using the formula

P 2 = N 3 n 3 h 3 / u 3 , (2)

Where N 3 - rated power of the lifting body extension motor, W;

n 3 - multiple of the maximum torque of the electric motor;

h 3 - efficiency of the lifting mechanism extension mechanism;

u 3 - nominal speed of extension of the load-handling member, m/s.

2.13. The design load from the impact of an overhead stacker crane on a dead-end stop installed on a rack is determined in accordance with SNiP 2.01.07-85 “Loads and impacts”, approved by the USSR State Construction Committee.

The load is taken into account when calculating the dead-end stop and the elements of its fastening to the crane runway beam, as well as when calculating the braces of the rear plane of racks of versions 1.2; 2.2; 3.2.

2.14. Design wind load acting on the wall enclosing structures of racks of versions 1.4; 2.4; and 3.4, are determined in accordance with SNiP 2.01.07-85 “Loads and impacts”, approved by the USSR State Construction Committee.

The unloading effect of wind on the warehouse roof is not taken into account.

2.15 The estimated snow load on the warehouse roof is determined in accordance with SNiP 2.01.07-85 “Loads and impacts”, approved by the USSR State Construction Committee.

2.16. Design seismic loads are determined according toSNiP II-7-81 “Construction in seismic areas”, approved by the USSR State Construction Committee. In this case, the coefficient TO 1, taking into account permissible damage to structures, is taken equal to 0.25; odds TO 2 andK f , taking into account the type of structure of the structure, are taken equal to 1.0.

Seismic loads can act both in horizontal directions - along or across the rack, and in the vertical direction. The action of forces in each of the three directions is considered separately, i.e. without summing the impact results among themselves.

Horizontal seismic loads are considered for all rack designs; in this case, for racks installed at ground level, it is allowed to take into account only the first tone of natural vibrations of the loaded rack, and take the form of deformation of the rack as a straight line to determine the loads acting along the rack, and as for a prismatic console - to determine lateral loads.

For racks installed on the floor of a building, the deformation of the building should be taken into account, which is assumed based on the results of calculations of the building for seismic impacts.

Design vertical seismic load (P c ) on the console, rack in Newtons, version 3.1; 3.2; 3.3 or 3.4 is calculated using the formula

P c =5A.K. 1 K 2 K f P,(3)

Where A- coefficient according to SNiP II-7-81;


2.17. Conditional horizontal load ( R 4) along the rack, in newtons, used to calculate the braces of the rear plane, is calculated by the formula

P 4 =200F × n,(4)

Where F- cross-sectional area of ​​the rack (column) of the rack, cm 2;

n- the number of racks along the length of the rack.

The specified load is applied if it exceeds longitudinal loads(pp. ; ; ). The load is distributed equally between all braces of the rear plane of the rack located in one tier.

2.18. Instructions for taking into account the gravity forces of stored cargo and the values ​​of load combination coefficients TO And TO t are given in - .

Combination coefficient values various types loads for calculating racks (columns) of racks are given in table. 2.

table 2

Load combination coefficient values
for calculating racks (columns) of racks

Type of load

Combination number

Rack gravity

Gravity of enclosing structures

Gravity force of overhead stacker crane

Gravity force of stored cargo

Braking load of an overhead stacker crane

Braking load of a load trolley of an overhead stacker crane

Load of the stop into the rack when moving an overhead stacker crane

Load of the stop into the rack when moving the load trolley of an overhead stacker crane

Load on the upper rail when the gripper of a rack stacker crane is extended

Load of the stop into the rack when extending the grip of the rack stacker crane

Design combinations of loads for racks (columns) of racks should be taken according to table. 3.

Table 3

Rack design

Design load combinations

1.1; 2.1

1.2; 2.2

1.3; 2.3; 3.3

1.4; 2.4; 3.4

10, 11, 12, 13, 16


3.1. When calculating the flooring crossbars for bending, you assume that their ends are hinged on the rack posts; the influence of the floorings of neighboring cells is not taken into account. The load on the flooring is its own gravity () and the gravity of the full set of loads () with a load safety factor of 1.1, if three or more loads are placed in the cell; 1.15 - if two loads are placed in the cell; 1.25 if the cell contains one load. The specified load is distributed equally between the two deck beams.

The vertical load from the force of gravity of each load is taken in the form of a system of identical concentrated forces applied at the corners of the load’s supporting contour if two or more loads are placed in the cell. If one load is placed in a cell, then the load is distributed according to.

3.2. When calculating flooring elements directly in contact with loads, the design vertical load created by any of the two pairs of diagonally located corners of the container (package) is assumed to be equal to 0.45 of the standard load for each corner (). In this case, the load of the other two corners is 0.18 of the same value.

3.3. The crossbar and transverse elements of the grating are additionally checked for the effect of the horizontal load of the stop by the load-handling element of the stacker crane () for versions 1.1 and 1.2 or () for versions 1.3 and 1.4. The specified load is distributed equally between the two forks or two telescopic clamps. The gravity forces of cargo are taken into account with a coefficient of 0.8, regardless of their number on the shelf. The support of the ends of the crossbar is hinged.

The calculated bending and compression stresses should not exceed the yield strength of the material.

3.4. The nodal connection of the crossbar with the stand is calculated for moments and forces according to the scheme of complete pinching of the ends of the crossbar under loads ().

3.5. The elastic deflection of the shelf crossbar from the gravity forces of the loads in their standard value should not exceed 1/200 of the span of this crossbar.

The specified deflection value for racks of versions 1.3 and 1.4, served by stacker cranes of version SA in accordance with GOST 16553, should not exceed 8 mm.

3.6. The calculation of racks is carried out for combinations of loads according to and. In this case, the rack is assumed to be fully occupied by the number of loads, and the values ​​of the coefficients of combinations of load gravity forces () are taken according to Table. 4, if the number of goods placed in the cell is at least two.

Table 4

12 or more

6 or less





10 or more





From 3 to 9





1 or 2






If only one load is placed in a cell, then the values ​​of the combination coefficients are taken according to

3.7. When calculating a rack branch for load combinations 1, 4, 5, 8, a nodal moment equal to half the moment according to is also taken into account (this implies the unoccupied cell adjacent to the node transmitting the moment load).

3.8. When checking the overall stability of the rack branch in the front plane of the rack, the rigidity of the front crossbars of the shelves and the upper horizontal links when they bend in the vertical plane, as well as the shear rigidity of the shelves in the horizontal plane, are taken into account.


4.1. The calculated vertical load on the cantilever shelf of the rack, created by any of the four corners of the container (package), is taken according to When calculating the cantilever shelf, the container (package) is installed in the extreme possible position along the width of the rack cell.

4.2. Calculation of racks is performed for a combination of loads according to and. In this case, full occupancy of the rack cells is assumed, and the values ​​of the coefficients of combinations of load gravity forces () in accordance with Table. 5.

Table 5

Quantitative indicator of cargo nomenclature

Values ​​of combination coefficients for the number of storage floors

12 or more

6 or less





10 or more





From 3 to 9





1 or 2





Note: When the number of storage floors is from 7 to 11, the coefficient values ​​are determined by interpolation.

4.3. When checking the overall stability of the rack branch in the front plane of the rack, the rigidity of the longitudinal links of the front plane, as well as the presence of upper horizontal links, are taken into account. The rigidity of the rod lattice connecting the anterior branch with the posterior one is not taken into account.


5.3. When calculating columns, the following cases must be considered:

for racks of versions 3.1 and 3.2 - cases of one-sided and two-sided loading (the latter - for double-sided racks);

for racks of designs 3.3 and 3.4, if the latter are a pair of racks with one aisle between them - the case when one rack is loaded and the opposite one is empty;

for racks of designs 3.3 and 3.4, if they are a trio of racks with two aisles between them - two cases, and in both cases one of the outer racks is loaded, the other is empty; the middle rack in the first case is loaded one-sidedly, in the second - completely;

for racks of designs 3.3 and 3.4 with a number of aisles of three or more, the state of the outer racks corresponds to the previous one, and among the rest -z 1 , loaded one-sidedly, while others are fully loaded; Herez 1 =0,25 (z+2); z- number of passes.

5.4. When calculating the bending of columns in the form of composite rods, one should take into account local nodal moments in the branches at the places where consoles are attached to them, as well as the influence of longitudinal deformations of the branches on the value of nodal moments.

5.5. When calculating the anchor or welded fastening of columns to the base, for versions 3.1 and 3.2, it is necessary to additionally consider combinations of loads along and , but without taking into account the gravity forces of the stored cargo; for versions 3.3 and 3.4, empty racks should be considered as part of blocks according to

5.6. For racks of execution 3.1, horizontal movement of the column at the level of the upper console due to the action of a one-sided load with a coefficient TO t() should not exceed 15 mm. For racks of version 3.1, which have an increased width of the interrack aisle compared to that required by GOST 16553, the specified standard can be increased by half the size of the aisle widening.

3 - cantilever for long loads













Cargo warehousing

Supporting the crane track beams for an overhead stacker crane

Maintaining Top Rail Crane Track for Rack Stacker Crane

Maintaining the walls and roof of the warehouse

Crap. 2.

6. On the shelves (consoles) of racks intended for installation on sites with seismicity of 8 and 9 points, stops must be provided to prevent loads from sliding off the shelves (consoles).

7. Versions 1.3; 2.3; 3.3 are blocks of racks connected at the top by cross braces, to which the upper rail crane tracks of rack stacker cranes are attached. In order to avoid the appearance of additional loads on the racks caused by uneven settlement of the foundations, the fastening of the cross braces to the racks (columns) of the racks should be hinged (for example, using a bolt) or use transverse braces of low bending rigidity in the vertical plane.

8. Versions 1.4; 2.4; 3.4 are similar in design to those described in paragraph 7, but additionally have rafter and wall elements for installing enclosing structures of walls and roof. To avoid the appearance of additional loads on the racks and rafters caused by uneven settlement of the foundations, constructive measures should be taken for moment decoupling truss structures and shelving blocks.

Crap. 2


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR Ministry of Heavy Engineering


I.I. Benenson (topic leader), S.E. Usakovsky, V.G. Blinov, L.A. Stolyarov

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by the Resolution State Committee USSR on product quality management and standards dated 03.12.90 No. 3007

3. The date of the first inspection is 1996; inspection frequency - 5 years



6. Reissue. June 1992