home · Lighting · How to make a good slingshot. Slingshot for hunting. Homemade slingshot from board or plywood

How to make a good slingshot. Slingshot for hunting. Homemade slingshot from board or plywood

A slingshot is a Y-shaped device for throwing various projectiles. It is used for entertainment, hunting small birds or fish, and sometimes as a weapon. There are many types of slingshots, differing mainly in the materials from which they are made. So, slingshots can be made from, oddly enough, horns, plastic or wire. But the most popular and easiest to make and use is a wooden slingshot. You can easily buy it, or you can make a slingshot with your own hands. This is what we propose to do now.

Before you start making a slingshot from wood, you need to figure out what parts the slingshot consists of, and what materials will be needed to make it. So, the slingshot consists of 3 parts:

  • the actual Y-shaped part on which the throwing tourniquet is attached and which you hold with your hand;
  • a throwing rope or bowstring that is pulled when throwing;
  • and a saddle (heel), into which the projectile is placed and held there when the tourniquet is pulled.

To make a good slingshot from wood, the first thing you need is to find a flexible branch Y-shape. It is advisable that it be at least 1 cm thick, otherwise it can quickly break. It is better to make a slingshot from oak, maple or ash; you should not take a Christmas tree. J. Then the branch should be dried and cleared of bark so that it is smooth. It is not necessary to clean the branch, but this will make both of them sit better in your hand and not crumble.

Then you need to choose a suitable throwing harness, and it must be both strong and elastic. For this, a regular elastic band or a tourniquet with a thickness of 1.5 cm and a length of about 20 cm is suitable.

The saddle (or skin) for the slingshot is made from a piece of durable fabric 3x5cm, for example leather. You need to make 2 holes in the fabric on the sides, then cut the elastic into 2 equal parts and thread it through the holes and secure it with a knot or wrap it with a thin elastic band.

To assemble the slingshot, you will need to secure an elastic band with a saddle on a branch. The most convenient are following methods fastenings:

  • make small slits as thick as the selected elastic band “on the horns” 1.5-2 cm from the top of each “horn” and then tighten the elastic band into these slits and tie it in a knot;

  • make small ones through holes at the same distance, so that you can then stretch the elastic through them and tie knots so that the elastic does not jump out of the holes when tensioned.

  • make small slits in the same place, place the elastic perpendicular to the slits and wrap it with a thin elastic band and secure.

The slingshot is made with your own hands, all that remains is to find the projectiles for throwing. The most suitable projectiles for a slingshot are round stones with a diameter of about 2 cm or chestnuts. As you can see, making a slingshot at home is not particularly difficult, since all materials can be easily found. But if you want to make a powerful slingshot with your own hands, then you will need materials that are not entirely available. A powerful slingshot is capable of throwing heavier projectiles at greater speeds. To do this, you need to find a thicker and stronger branch and replace the usual rubber band with a Folea 22 latex catheter or a rubber medical bandage. It is quite difficult to purchase them now, but it is possible if desired. Then, instead of one row of elastic, it is necessary to make 2 rows of harnesses so that heavier projectiles can be thrown, and, finally, increase the size of the saddle.

There is one more original version how to make a slingshot from wood - make it from pencils (mini crossbow). This video describes in detail how to make a slingshot from pencils.

As practice shows best slingshot This is the one you made with your own hands, because only it will sit in your hand “like a glove.”

Of course, you can just buy a slingshot, especially since there are also “cool” sports slingshots made from the latest materials, with stop, adjustable handle, etc. like this:

But remember, don’t shoot at people, especially be afraid of accidentally hitting the head, eyes, and in general, always be careful

A hunting slingshot may look exactly like a device familiar to everyone from childhood, or it may have a modern ergonomic design and additional options, like a comfortable palm rest and an adjustable handle.

A hunting slingshot differs from any other in several ways:

  • convenience and simplicity of design;
  • noiselessness of the shot;
  • it should make it possible to use specially manufactured industrially balls and any other objects suitable for shooting, such as pebbles;
  • the firing speed must be high.

Such a slingshot can be purchased in a store, or you can make it yourself.

What is a homemade slingshot for hunting?

Homemade slingshots for hunting are most often made of wood, plastic and metal and are distinguished by a wide variety of shapes, especially wooden ones.

There are woodcarving craftsmen who can make a real masterpiece.

But enough to make a high-quality slingshot and an ordinary branched branch, in fact simple version the bark is not even removed from it.

A video in which you can watch the process of making a slingshot from wood. Enjoy watching.

How to make a slingshot for hunting

Regardless of the material and manufacturing method, the approximate width between the “horns” should be from 4 to 7 cm, the length of the handle and horns are selected individually, they are not too important for successful shooting, more affect the convenience of the shooter. Therefore, try to imagine what will be more convenient for you, and choose the length and width of the slingshot according to these parameters. But remember that a slingshot cannot be too thin for hunting; it must withstand frequent shooting with heavy projectiles. The horns should be positioned at the same angle to the handle and be as uniform in thickness as possible.

Wooden slingshot. It is best to use walnut, oak, maple or ash. You will need either a naturally forked branch or a piece of board if you want to carve the slingshot yourself. Using a jigsaw, we cut out the slingshot into the desired shape; it is better not to make it flat - a flat slingshot does not lie very comfortably in the hand. If you manage to find a suitable branch, clear it of bark. We sand the workpiece with sandpaper manually or using a grinder.

We are preparing the place for attaching the elastic band. You can attach it in several ways.

We make slits corresponding to the width of the elastic band, at a distance of 1.5 - 2 cm from the ends of the horns. We wrap an elastic band around the horns and tie a knot.

We make slits as described above, place the ends of the elastic band on the horns so that they are not perpendicular to them, as in the 1st point, but serve as a continuation of the horns, and tie them at the slot with a thin elastic band.

We drill holes at the same distance from the ends of the slingshot corresponding to the diameter of the elastic band, thread it through them and tie knots so that the elastic band cannot jump out.

Slingshot made of epoxy glue. Mix Poxypol or any other epoxy two-component adhesive, mold it into a slingshot of the desired shape. When sculpting a handle, take the epoxy mass in your palm and squeeze it a little, but not too much, as if not squeezing. If you squeeze too tightly, the slingshot will be awkward to hold in your hand when shooting.

After hardening, we follow the papier-mâché principle - we glue the slingshot with 5 - 6 layers of paper using PVA glue. You need to tear the paper by hand; it is better to alternate plain paper and newspaper in layers - this way you will see whether the entire surface has been glued with a new layer. After the last layer has dried, drill holes for the elastic at a distance of 1.5 - 2 cm from the top edge of each horn. You can slightly widen the hole on one side so that the knot does not stick out, but “sits” in the recess.

We sand the product with sandpaper, and then prime with PVA, mixed with chalk, or water dispersion. Sand again with fine-grain sandpaper and paint.

This slingshot looks very aesthetically pleasing and is in no way inferior in quality to a traditional wooden one.

The holes and slots for the rubber bands in any version of the slingshot must be sanded as best as possible, otherwise the rubber band will quickly wear out.

The slingshot saddle (the part in which the projectile is placed) is best made from a piece of thick leather 3 cm wide and 5 cm long. We make small holes along the edges, thread an elastic band through them, and tie a knot.

The choice of gum, perhaps, most important for the killing power of a slingshot. Best indicator elongation - 80% of the length in a “quiet” state. The fastest contracting, and therefore the most powerful, will be flat latex. The manufacturer most loved by slingshots is Thera band, but you can purchase other types of rubber if you can’t find it. You can buy this latex in sports stores; it is used by athletes for training. From it you will need to cut a strip 1.5 to 2 cm wide.

You can also use a round rubber band - for example, a latex catheter purchased at a pharmacy. You can also buy a special rubber band for slingshots, but as a rule, it is not very easy to find.

Elastic length determined individually- it depends on the length of the shooter’s arm and on how well the rubber stretches. To choose the optimal length, you need to try to “shoot” the slingshot with different lengths rubber bands.

What to shoot with

Traditional rocks are not very good for hunting when every shot counts. Different dimensions and weight do not contribute to the development of automaticity when shooting.

For hunting, 8.5mm buckshot is best suited; it can be used to shoot quite far, it is cheap, and is always on sale.

Special metal balls for slingshots, fishing weights and lots (pieces of thin reinforcement) can also be used for hunting.

Who can you hunt with a slingshot?

They use a slingshot to kill small animals and birds. The slingshot performs best when hunting game that rises almost from under your feet - great snipe, woodcock, partridge, hazel grouse, pheasant. Those who like to experiment can also hunt blackbirds, larks, buntings, bullfinches, and waxwings - in traditional Russian cuisine, these birds were often used both as an independent dish and as an additive to pates and sauces.

When shooting at long distances, the effectiveness of the device decreases sharply, so, for example, you can shoot a duck, but it will be much more difficult.

Before you go after your prey with a slingshot, you should take the time to train, choose best position for shooting, adjust the length of the elastic band of the slingshot. If you have not had this experience before, you will most likely not hit the target very accurately at first. But over time, with practice, you will be able to successfully use a slingshot while hunting.

Below you can see photos on the topic of slingshots for hunting. Enjoy watching.

Almost every boy once approaches his father or older brother with a question about how to make a slingshot. At home, this toy weapon can be made from the most different materials. There are options for wooden, wire, and plastic slingshots. You can even make a slingshot out of plastic bottle. The article discusses various options moreover, at home.

“Shoot” made from rubber bands on fingers

This is the most simple slingshot, for which you only need an elastic band. Having made a loop at each end, they need to be put on the index and middle finger non-dominant hand (for right-handers - on the left, for left-handers - on the right). That's all! We take dowels twisted from paper, fold them in half, place them with a fold on the elastic band, pull them tight and release them. Here's how to make a slingshot at home in a few seconds. Its convenience is that you can remove the rubber band from your fingers instantly, and hiding the rubber band is quite easy. in the event that adults suddenly start looking for the one who did the mischief...

How to make a slingshot at homefrom the branch?

To make such a weapon, you can find a twig shaped like the letter Y - a spear. Having removed the jags and irregularities, so as not to damage your hand during the game, we attach an elastic band to the upper corners of the slingshot. For convenience, you can carve recesses in the attachment points so that the elastic does not slip off. Or you can drill holes and secure the elastic by threading it through the holes. The most convenient slingshot- one in which a piece of leather is attached in the middle of the elastic band. It is necessary to hold a pebble or ball.

How to make a slingshot with your own hands from wood?

There is a “gift version” of the slingshot, that is, a souvenir one. This thing can be made of a stationary type, that is, with a stand. Then you should consider the option of a stand. home distinguishing feature of this toy is that the backbone of the slingshot has original form. This could be a funny face of a bear cub with its front paws raised up, or a bunny with ears used to attach an elastic band. Or you can make a slingshot from an ordinary rolling pin with handles. All you have to do is saw off a part about 15 cm long from it, carve a notch in the thick end (opposite from the handle) through which a dowel or pebble will fly out, and make holes on the protrusions for attaching the elastic.

How to make a homemade slingshot from wire?

You can use a solid wire frame as the backbone of a child's weapon. Branching in this case, there is no need to make the shape of the letter Y. In this case, the metal is bent at a right angle by a step, then folded in half and the second part of the frame is made symmetrically. Bottom part where the wires are connected together are wrapped with electrical tape, and loops are made at the upper diverging ends for attaching an elastic band.

How to make a slingshot from a plastic bottle?

You can use a regular balloon or a pharmacy fingertip and an empty plastic lemonade bottle. Remove the cap from the bottle and cut off 7 cm, measuring from the neck. A ball or fingertip is pulled over the neck and secured tightly with thread or wire. You can shoot from this device with a pen, pencil, or even piece of branch inserted into the neck. Hold the handle with your hand through the rubber of the ball or fingertip, pull back the rubber and sharply release it.

The slingshot is an object familiar to many from childhood. The usual model is made of wood; a rope with a coin is attached to the spear. Shooting is carried out with stones.

It was also possible to make an option for shooting with wire staples. However, in addition to this familiar device, there are also other types of slingshots.

Read also:

Paper slingshot

The paper version is simple and quick to make. Let's look at a simplified method. You will need paper, tape and a rubber band.

Take two sheets of paper A4 format. The sheets are twisted around the pencil into two tubes. The preparations are made. To prevent the paper from unwinding, glue the edge with tape. Everything is simple and neat. Then both tubes are folded crosswise, in the shape of the letter X. Just below the intersection point, the workpieces are squeezed with fingers and rewound with tape to the very bottom, connecting the two tubes into one whole. All that remains is to tie the ends of the rubber band to the top of the slingshot with the same tape. The shooter is ready.

Shooting is underway paper brackets. So that she doesn't bend, thumb You need to rest your hands on the place where the horns branch. You can make such a slingshot in a few minutes, but the force of the shot leaves much to be desired.

Slingshot from a bottle

A slingshot from a bottle is also made literally in a matter of minutes. To produce it you need:

  • plastic bottle,
  • stationery knife,
  • two rubber bands
  • fingertip or balloon.

The neck of the bottle is cut off with a knife so that it turns out small funnel. A fingertip is put on the neck, which tightly clasps the neck at the base. The fingertip needs to be tucked in, positioning it in the middle. Rubber bands are tightened around the neck, tightly securing the ball or fingertip.

After that he turns back inside out- and the slingshot is ready. You can shoot with plastic or metal balls, small stones, rowan berries or cherry pits.

To do this, the projectile is placed inside and pulled back together with the fingertip, then released and flies out of the funnel of the plastic bottle. It hits quite hard over short distances.

Wooden slingshot

Most traditional way, proven over the years. The popularity of wooden slingshots was at one time very great in all yards.

A suitable branched branch is selected and cut to suitable size. It is better to immediately test the wood for strength so that the slingshot does not break at the wrong moment.

Circular depressions are made near the ends so that the elastic does not slip later and stays in the right place.

Then choose an elastic band. Previously, they used an inner tube from a bicycle tire or a ball, from which a strip of the required size was cut.

Now there are many more options, right down to PVC stretch tape. A nickel is cut out of a piece of the same rubber or leather on which the throwing projectile will rest.

Cuts are made on this piece through which the rubber band is run. To prevent the nickel from slipping, the elastic band can be cut and tie to its holes. The other two ends are attached to wooden slingshot. Anything suitable in size is used as charges. But you should not take an object that is too large - a ricochet from the branches of the slingshot can harm the shooter.

Today, many experienced hunters are conflicted about using a slingshot for hunting; it is considered exotic rather than commonplace. There are reasons for this statement, since without studying this type of weapon, it is difficult to imagine its advantages over a gun and a carbine. For example, with the help of a slingshot you can successfully hunt hares, squirrels, otters and muskrats; there have also been cases when a small wild boar was even shot with this weapon. Therefore, in the arsenal of many hunting enthusiasts powerful slingshot for hunting it occupies a worthy place, ranking alongside crossbows and bows.

Toy or dangerous weapon?

Based technical characteristics such products, it can be understood that hunting slingshot A completely reasonable and justified remedy. Hunting with a slingshot has some features and is somewhat different from hunting with other types of weapons. The tactic is to lure the animal out of the hole or get closer to it, which turns such a hunt into an exciting training in camouflage and concealment skills. In order to fire an effective shot from a gun, many hunters use it to scare away a marten or squirrel from a nest, or to catch a wounded animal.

In this case, the ammunition is released absolutely silently, and if the attempt is unsuccessful, there is a chance to fire another, more successful shot, since the animal may not hear or notice the first shot. In areas rich in game, hunting for pheasant (especially at the beginning of the season), duck, various waders and even black grouse is famous. As for its direct use, first of all it is shooting with shot or balls various diameters for small game located at a short distance from the hunter.

Presented today big choice such products for every taste, Russian market filled with “different caliber” and different quality factory-made products, among which there are models that are quite difficult to pass by. You can also find a lot of information on how to make a slingshot for hunting yourself.

Slingshot made of wood and powerful elastic band

A slingshot is a Y-shaped wooden handle (in classic version), to which rubber strips are attached. A “projectile” is placed in its central part, the rubber bands are stretched to the maximum, released, the “projectile” flies out and a “shot” is fired. This tool can be easily made independently from any available materials. Homemade slingshots for hunting are a worthy alternative factory models and comply with all necessary physical characteristics. However, before you make it yourself, you should familiarize yourself with its structure.

The simplest weapon in design consists of only a few elements:

  • sling. Used to secure harnesses and to hold the slingshot during a shot or aiming;
  • bowstring (harnesses, cords). Strips of rubber that are used for accumulation potential energy when pulling and quickly recoil “to the projectile” during a shot;
  • saddle (leather). This is the central part of the slingshot, most often made of leather and serves to capture and hold the “projectile”.

When making a slingshot with your own hands, as a rule, they use natural wood, but you need to take the choice of species very seriously. The tree must have the following qualities:

  • hardness;
  • elasticity;
  • resistance to splitting.

The only ones considered most suitable for this are deciduous trees– mountain ash, apple tree, walnut, maple, acacia. When choosing a suitable branch for a homemade slingshot, you need to pay attention to the presence on it of two symmetrically located branches of equal thickness. Since rubber bands will be attached to them in the future, they should be almost the same size. After the branch is cut down, it must be thoroughly cleared of bark and dried.

The resulting “semi-finished product” of the handle must be polished, adjusted to the dimensions and proportions depending on your engineering and taste preferences. One of the advantages of homemade slingshots is that they can be made to fit the hunter's hand.

But there are certain logical criteria: the handle should not be too thin and short, and the horns should have the same height.

Also great importance for homemade weapons has material for making a bowstring. Previously for self-made rubber medical bandages were used for such devices, but today they use rubber bands for slingshots natural latex High Quality, which quickly restores its original size. The cords made from it have maximum performance contraction speed and will last quite a long time.

Improvements in shooting practice have brought minor changes into the design. Over time, it became clear that the gun would shoot better if the strands had different thickness. Well-known manufacturers of sling rubber for hunting or sports make their cords conical or wedge-shaped, and they must taper towards the skin. The leather jacket must also have a certain rigidity:

  • medium hardness is ideal;
  • a soft leather jacket is more comfortable to hold, but there is a possibility that it may slip out unevenly and this will affect both the strength and accuracy of the shot;
  • in a hard leather jacket it is quite difficult to hold the projectile.

A home-made slingshot is quite versatile, and the types of ammunition for it are quite diverse. It can be:

  • shot or buckshot made of metal of various sizes;
  • small and medium stones;
  • plastic balls of various sizes - usually used to practice shooting skills. Multiple uses.

All types of ammunition must be used directly for hunting.

Advantages of a slingshot

  • compactness and light weight;
  • damage radius up to ten meters (there are models with a damage radius of up to 70 meters);
  • noiselessness of the shot (often this is important);
  • high shot power with minimal noise;
  • easy repair or replacement of any part;
  • versatility in relation to ammunition;
  • noiselessness of the shot (often this is important);
  • with good preparation of the hunter, a shot can be fired in an instant;
  • an excellent product for training the eye, concealment skills, “silent hunting”, studying the habits of game, understanding the basics of ballistics;
  • on the territory of Russia, a slingshot is not considered a weapon and does not require a license, registration or any other legalization;
  • a hunting slingshot allows you to hit any target, it can be used in any conditions - fishing or walking;
  • low cost of products.

Safety rules during hunting

To prevent you from getting hurt instead of the prey, when shooting from a slingshot you must follow safety precautions:

  • when hunting you need to wear safety glasses;
  • you always need to see what or who is behind the animal;
  • if you are not going to shoot at animals, you should not aim at them;
  • do not shoot into the air through buildings and hills if the target is not clearly visible;
  • beware of ricochet.

The same rules apply when shooting from a sports slingshot.