home · electrical safety · Homemade slingshot at home. Hunting slingshot: shooting technique, tips for choosing, master class on making. What you need to create a slingshot

Homemade slingshot at home. Hunting slingshot: shooting technique, tips for choosing, master class on making. What you need to create a slingshot

“Carving with a knife. Crafts from branches" is a book that will definitely come in handy this summer for boys and those adults who do not consider a folding knife a dangerous indulgence in the hands of children. The first step, having mastered the basics, is to make a slingshot - a real one, accurate and very durable. Today's master class on making a slingshot with your own hands will show you how to do this.

I became interested in slingshots as a child, quite naturally, as well as bows and arrows, various traps, tree houses and blowguns (we used small clay balls to shoot through our wonderful bamboo tubes). Although not everything I did with my many slingshots was something I could be proud of, it was fun and useful too - for example, you could get a mango that was hanging out of reach far away on a thin branch.

This job, of course, was for two. One stood under a huge, beautiful, ripe mango, and the second stood to the side, armed with a good slingshot with charges of hard, unripe guava or nuts. Naturally, the goal was not the mango itself. Hitting the fetus would mercilessly damage it. The target was the long stem above the mango. If the “bullet” cut it off, then the mango fell straight into the hands of (hopefully) the waiting catcher.

So, here are the components of a Brazilian slingshot, Mato Grosso brand, model of the 1950s (2005 modernization, author Lübkemann): a fairly symmetrical slingshot made of deciduous tree; a high-quality rubber medical tube (the thickness depends on the tension force you need), a piece of strong leather for the skin and dental floss (yes, yes, dental floss! - you can have menthol, you can have no scent, but I usually use waxed).

Here I must confess that as a boy in the jungle I used the good old rubber of car tire tubes, old boot tongues and laces! But I suspect that today it is difficult to find a car inner tube made of real rubber and it is not at all easy to find a leather boot tongue. As for dental floss, I don't remember how I started using it, but it works great! It's very durable and doesn't slip off when you tie it on.

You will need:

  • Symmetrically (within reasonable limits) branching branch of a deciduous tree
  • Sandpaper for sanding - a couple of types from fine to very fine (150 and 220).
  • Rubber medical tube good quality
  • Leather for leather (saddles, heels)
  • Dental floss
  1. Cut the handle to a length that suits you. Round off the tops of the branches.

  1. On this particular slingshot, we'll remove all the bark. On some of my slingshots I left part of the bark, depending on the look I wanted.

  1. Cut a shallow “neck” at the top ends of the slingshot.

  1. Cut the tubes to the required length, making allowance so that their ends will both wrap around the ends of the slingshot and fold through the holes in the skin you carefully cut.

When cutting these holes, be very careful to make sure the edges of the hole are smooth and free of burrs and cuts that could cause the skin to rip.

  1. It is necessary to tie the elastic bands to the slingshot together! One holds the slingshot and pulls the elastic (its “tongue” should be outside the branch), and the second, pulling the thread, tightly winds the thread around the elastic and ties it.

Don't skimp on thread! Fold it in half and use a long thread. And tie several knots as you wind.

  1. As an additional reinforcement, I cross the thread several times on the front side of the female part of the elastic and around the neck of the slingshot.

  1. Tie the elastic bands securely (also by stretching them) to both holes of the leather cover.

  1. Ready! Slingshots can be a lot of fun and useful if used correctly. In some places (for example, on summer cottages) there are special restrictions on slingshots as throwing weapons. Be sure to check before use. That says it all!

  1. The branch we used for this slingshot, although made of strong wood, was probably a little thinner than I usually used for the rubber we used. A thicker branch would be more suitable - the one in the photo below.

Next time we will make a wooden fork for frying something tasty over a fire.


The main thing is to be careful with such toys)) kids are smart now, you never know..(

Dear fathers and mothers... there is no need to give your children slingshots... since childhood I have had a scar just below my navel because of a slingshot... the boys from the neighboring yard were playing pranks...

Even though I’m a girl, when I was a child I loved to shoot cats and dogs with a slingshot)) when I remember... I shudder. Poor animals! What did they not tolerate from me (

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After the invention of rubber. Abroad, they use a slingshot to hunt birds and small animals - hares, rabbits and other raccoons.

Those slingshots that are sold in Russia are very weakened and are designed for throwing bait while fishing, in order to bring the slingshot into combat condition, you need to change the rubber band to a more powerful one.

How to make a slingshot with your own hands

Making a homemade slingshot is a very simple task. We made slingshots when we were 6 year old boys.

The most simple slingshot- This is a homemade slingshot made of wire.

Here they are in the photo above. Such a slingshot is made from ordinary aluminum wire for electrical wiring, it was taken at a construction site, you don’t need much, and in those days there were countless scraps lying around the construction site.

The wire is bent, the insulation in the upper part is carefully trimmed in a circle, removed, an elastic band pulled from underpants or taken from a rubber motor model is put in, and the insulation is put back.

Slingshot bullets were made from the same aluminum wire using pliers or wire cutters. In the evening it was possible to make a couple of hundred bullets, which were shot in a day.

Homemade slingshot made of wood

The easiest way to make a wooden slingshot is from a Y-shaped fork in a tree. You will need a hacksaw for metal or wood and a knife. The cut part must be cleared of bark and dried. It would be good to dry for about a month, but as children we didn’t bother with this, how will it dry out? outer part the slingshots, after removing the bark, were put into action.

What should we do there? Cut the grooves for attaching the elastic and secure the last one, and also put on a leather jacket for shells. Delov for 10 minutes.

Can be cut homemade slingshot made of multilayer plywood, Any will do a piece 2-2.5 cm thick. You shouldn’t take anything thinner, it may break if the rubber is strong.

Metal slingshot

You can make slingshots from metal, look at the photos of slingshots below - what they are not made from!

The principle of making slingshots is the same - cut out Y figurative form, put on the rubber band and the slingshot is ready to shoot. You can braid it with lace, paracord or soaked leather, soak it so that when it dries, the skin tightens and tightly braids the slingshot.

How to shoot with a slingshot

Usually they shoot pebbles from a slingshot; it is advisable to select rounded pellets. Just keep in mind that different weights of pebbles also result in different behavior of the projectile in flight. However, as a child they fired 200-300 rounds every day and from 15 meters they hit a bottle with any stone.

But for accuracy competitions they used balls from bearings. Whoever won the slingshot could go and collect all the balls from the targets, this was the prize, because it was difficult to get balls from the bearings.

We shot with a slingshot and with nuts, they also fly well and predictably to the target, but the balls are still better.

Today you can buy steel balls for shooting from a slingshot and a homemade crossbow in a hunting store. The balls are the same.

Many people complain that it is difficult to shoot from a slingshot and that it is impossible to hit a bottle with it at 10 meters. Laugh in their faces! Shoot 100 shots every day and in a month you will be able to shoot down from 10 meters Matchbox from 10 meters 9 times out of 10 shots!

Where to get rubber for a homemade slingshot

As children, we used rubber from inner tubes of cars and bicycles - we had to carefully, without burrs, cut the harness to the required thickness. It’s not easy, we cut it with scissors, moistening them in a diluted soap solution (it cuts better, less likely to cause a burr).

Today you can buy a ready-made rubber cord. Only in hunting stores it is weak. It is better to use a cord to tighten glider models.

You can buy a harness for a slingshot.

6-fold stretch, designed to tighten the airframe to 5 kg. If you fold the harness in half and place it on each side, then 4 “lines” will give a tension that is enough to launch 20 kg to a height of 50 meters :)

The calculation is, of course, very ironic, but my converted slingshot with this rubber easily breaks champagne bottles at a distance of 15 meters. Look at what kind of rubber cord was installed on it normally (the black one is on the bottom) and what coil (10 meters) was left for use in other entertainments!

Just as interesting.

Almost all boys approach their fathers or older brothers with the question: how to make a slingshot? You can make it at home from all sorts of materials. There are options for plastic, wire, and wooden slingshots. You can even make a slingshot from a plastic bottle.

“Slingshot” made of elastic on the fingers

This is the most ordinary and simple slingshot, which only requires an elastic band. Make a loop at each end and place it on the middle and index fingers of your non-dominant hand (for left-handers - on the right, for right-handers - on the left). Now just take the dowels made of paper, fold them in half, place the fold on the elastic, pull and release. Here's how to make a slingshot at home in a few seconds. It is convenient because you can take it off your fingers and put it on at any second. This is great for those cases when parents are looking for the one who misbehaved...

A slingshot from a branch at home?

To make it, you need to find a twig that is shaped like the letter Y. Use sandpaper to remove any bumps and nicks so as not to damage your hand while shooting. Then fasten the elastic band to the upper corners of the spear. To make it more convenient, you can make grooves in the attachment points so that the elastic does not slip off. Or you can make holes and secure the elastic by threading it through the holes. Most convenient slingshot is considered to be the one that has a piece of skin in the middle of the elastic band. It is needed to hold a ball or pebble.

There is a “gift version” of the slingshot, in other words, a souvenir version. It can be made stationary, in other words, with a stand. In this case, you need to think about a stand. Basic distinctive feature of this type of slingshot is that the backbone has original form. This could be a bunny whose ears are used to attach an elastic band, or the face of a bear cub whose paws are raised up. Or you can do everything from an ordinary rolling pin with handles. It is only necessary to saw off a part about 15 centimeters long from it, carve a notch in the thick end (opposite from the handle), a pebble or dowel will fly out through it, and at the end, make holes in the protrusions on which the elastic will be attached.

How to make a slingshot from wire at home?

You can use a solid wire frame as the backbone. In this case, there is no need to make the branches Y-shaped. The metal needs to be bent in steps at a right angle, then folded in half and a symmetrical second part made. Wrap the lower part, where the wire is connected, with electrical tape, and at the diverging upper ends make loops in which an elastic band is attached.

How to make a slingshot from a plastic bottle?

You can use an ordinary pharmacy fingertip or a balloon and plastic bottle. Remove the cap from the bottle, measure 7 centimeters from the neck and cut it off. Pull a fingertip or ball over the neck and secure it well with wire or thread. From this device you can shoot an even piece of a branch, a pencil, a pen, a mountain ash, pebbles, etc., inserted into the neck. Hold what you are shooting through the rubber band of your fingertip or ball, pull the rubber band back and release it sharply.

A desire is born do an attribute of any hooligan from the times of the USSR, namely a slingshot.

My first thought, even though I love doing everything their hands, it was easy to go and buy a slingshot. But after weighing all the pros and cons of this idea, I decided that it would be more advisable to make it myself.
So began the sleepless nights and endless searches on blogs about how and what to make under the tree. In fact, I learned from them that a standard slingshot consists of three parts: a skin, two rods, and a spear. In this article I will tell you how do skin and attach rods to it. Let's get started)

If anyone didn’t know, I’ll tell you that the skin is the part of the slingshot into which the projectile is placed before firing. There may be some skin different forms and sizes. To make it, I purchased a piece of leather 80*35 mm from a shoe shop. The requirements for a skin are very simple: it must be large enough to accommodate decent-sized projectiles. Must be strong enough to withstand the tension of the elastic around the edges.
So, first we take a piece of leather and outline the contours of the skin on it.

Next, cut out the blank. A utility knife or large shoemaker's scissors are best for this. Holes for the rods can be made using a nail or knocked out with a pointed tube. The holes should be located no less than 5 mm from the edge of the skin, otherwise the skin will not hold up.

It looks like we've sorted out the skin, now let's move on to the traction.

Rods are 2 elastic bands due to which the projectile flies out of the slingshot. To make rods, you can use several types of elastic bands, we will talk about each of them now.

Probably the most famous and widespread is the tubular tourniquet.

The advantage of such a tourniquet is that it is easy to attach to the spear, but the disadvantage is that when stretched well enough, it returns very smoothly to initial position. I discarded it and decided to look further. It has also been discontinued and is quite difficult to obtain.

The second type of tourniquet is flat.

Honestly, this is the worst rubber band I've ever seen. It stretches terribly and very smoothly returns to its original position, and besides, it is impossible to attach it to the skin.

You can use elastic bands for fitness; they have excellent stretch and return well to the reverse position.

The next candidate is the Martens bandage. It stretches well and quickly returns to its original position. This is exactly what I chose. To make rods, take a bandage, cut a piece about 30 cm long and cut it lengthwise into two even parts.

In principle, the rods are ready, but for ease of fastening I recommend narrowing them a little at the edges.
Now let's put it all together)

You need to fasten the rods so that the tail from the knot is outside the skin and does not interfere with shooting.

The second part of the article will be published when it’s a sunny day and you can go planting and break out a good spear.

OK it's all over Now. Good luck to you homemade.

No matter how trivial it may sound, our childhood was much more interesting than that of today’s younger generations. After classes, the girls hurried into the yard with rubber bands and jump ropes, and the boys, having abandoned their briefcases after school, did not let go of their slingshots at all. Moreover, no one bought them in the store then, but everyone made their own. Today, children have become homebodies and spend more time at the computer or tablet. Perhaps, having come across this article, some boy will find it interesting and take advantage of the advice given in it. And we will talk about how to make a slingshot with your own hands.

You can make a slingshot from the simplest means at hand. The most common and simplest option is made of wood.

How to make a slingshot from wood

Necessary materials and tools: Y-shaped stick, elastic band, piece of leather (rubber), knife.

You may ask, how to make a slingshot quickly so that you can use it right away? Of course, from the branch.

  1. To do this, you just need to find a suitable stick on the street, the right shape and strong enough so that it can withstand the load and not break. The stick will be the basis for the future slingshot.
  2. Excess branches and twigs will need to be cut off with a knife.
  3. Next, you may need to dry the workpiece if the branch is fresh. To do this, you can use a regular oven.
  4. The next step will be preparing the rods. You need to take any elastic band, measure the required length and make two pulls.
  5. At the edges of the horns of the branch, in the places where the rods are attached, it is necessary to make indentations so that the elastic does not slip off.
  6. Next you will need to make a platform for the projectile. This could be a piece of leather or rubber. Need to give it rectangular shape and make holes along the edges for the elastic. It is convenient to use a hole punch, but if you don’t have one, you can make slits using a knife or scissors.
  7. What follows are very basic steps - connecting all the parts into a single structure.

Homemade slingshot from board or plywood

You can also take a more complicated path - using a jigsaw to cut out a base for a slingshot from a board or plywood.

Sharp corners will have to be rounded off with sandpaper or sandpaper, or something should be wrapped around the handle. Most likely, every home has duct tape. This would make a great slingshot, considering that electrical tape comes in a variety of colors. You can also use soft leather or other material that needs to be easily secured so that it will not slide along the handle. Great idea will make a personal inscription or some kind of symbol on the handle or horns. It used to be fashionable to burn various patterns onto wooden products using a wood soldering iron. In the case of a slingshot, it can also come in handy.

Wire slingshot

Since making a slingshot from wire is also very easy and quick, any boy can use this method.

Necessary materials and tools: wire with a diameter of 2 mm and a length of 30-40 cm, an elastic band (money or fishing), pliers and a knife.

As you may have guessed, the basis of the slingshot will be wire.

  1. The wire must be folded in half.
  2. Approximately halfway through, pull both ends of the wire in different directions and bend them upward. Next you will need to use pliers to make the horns even. Bottom part the blank - a wire folded in half - will be the handle.
  3. At the ends of the horns, approximately a centimeter or more from the edge, using a stationery knife or a regular one, you need to carefully cut off the insulation so that it can be removed and then put back on.
  4. You need to thread the ends of the elastic band into the resulting cylinders of insulation and return the cylinders to old place. Now they fit tightly enough, preventing the elastic from slipping out.

Here's how to make your own slingshot using wire.

How to make a slingshot from a bottle

An unusual option, but also a very simple design.

Required materials and tools: ordinary plastic bottle, ball and knife.

To make such a slingshot, you need:

  1. Cut the neck out of the bottle
  2. Attach a ball to it.

All! It's faster to do than to tell how to make a slingshot.

What can you shoot?

All these slingshots are used for entertainment purposes. Any round berries, such as elderberry or rowan, can serve as projectiles for them. You can also make homemade bullets from thin aluminum wire. To do this, you need to cut the wire 2-3 cm long and bend it into a V shape.

You may also be interested in how to make a powerful slingshot.

Powerful slingshot

This design is no longer so simple, but it is also within the capabilities of anyone.

Necessary materials and tools: metal wire with a cross-section of 5 mm in diameter and a length of about 70 cm, 2 medical catheters No. 22, a piece of leather, a stick, electrical tape, pliers and tweezers.

  1. Using pliers, you need to give correct form wire. Bend it in half and form a stop, handle and horns.
  2. Then, if there is a soft rubber or dense foam cylinder, making it through hole in the center, thread it onto the wire and pull it to the stop. This is necessary so that the wire does not put pressure on your hand. You can also simply wrap it well with iso- or any other tape.
  3. Next, you need to cut the stick to the required length, trying it on own hand. Make grooves on the sides of the stick for the wire.
  4. Insert the future handle into the workpiece and wrap it with electrical tape or secure it with other material.
  5. The ends of the horns also need to be insulated.
  6. Now you need to prepare a platform for the shells. You need to make two holes in the leather rectangle.
  7. Next, you need to cut off the tips of the catheters and make small holes in them along the edges, insert the catheter into the leather jacket. Through the hole made, using tweezers, insert the other end of the catheter into the hole and tighten. Do the same with the other thrust.
  8. The free ends of the catheter must be put on the slingshot, having previously moistened them with any alcohol.

The article selects the most best options on how to make a slingshot at home. Use one of them, but don't forget that you can't shoot at people or animals! It’s better to make your own small shooting gallery, where the targets will be cans. Invite more friends and have fun together. At the same time, you can boast of a “personal weapon.”