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Powerful homemade slingshots are convenient. Making a hunting rifle with your own hands. Piston slingshot made of cardboard tubes

How to do a simple slingshot

Hello, friends.

I missed this original throwing weapon like a slingshot. Despite its apparent simplicity, this weapon deserves close attention. IN in capable hands this mini catapult can become a very formidable weapon. I don’t know a person who, as a child, didn’t make slingshots and shoot at sparrows (yay!), bottles and lanterns. However, no matter how simple it is, slingshot manufacturing technology may be different. Depending on the power of the rubber used, it can be made with or without a hand rest. Some fans of originality adapt sights and stabilizers to it. Below we will look at how to make a slingshot correctly using different materials. It is usually made from wood, but metal, animal horns (rarely) and other available materials can be used. The pictures below show examples of slingshots made from tree branches and glued boards.

Straps can be made from various rubber: bicycle inner tubes, elastic medical tourniquet, twisted rubber bands, etc., 10-12 mm wide and 25-30 cm long.

We make the skin from any suitable rectangular piece of leather 6-7 cm long and 18 mm wide, however, we choose the size depending on the charge used. Use a drill to drill holes with a diameter of 9 mm

The rods are attached to the ends of the spear in various ways:

1. A groove is cut around the circumference a centimeter from the edge. The ties are thrown over the end in a taut state and screwed with thread or an elastic band, as shown in the figure.

2. Two grooves are made at each end depending on the strands used

The strings must be tied to the leather correctly, preferably with an elastic band, since, unlike a thread, it does not cut through them when the slingshot is pulled.

So, in principle, we have all made the simplest slingshot and now we can shoot at targets for our own pleasure. The targets may vary depending on your inclinations. Someone will limit himself tin cans, someone will begin to destroy garden pests: crows and rodents. But in any case, you must follow safety precautions, as when using . You need to be able to hold the slingshot correctly in your hand when shooting, in order to avoid injury to yourself. Carefully monitor the surrounding area so that if you miss the target, you do not leave your neighbor without an eye. By the way, it is recommended that you shoot with safety glasses yourself, you never know what might happen, the rubber band breaks there or the slingshot is on the other side. Good luck to all!

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Attention! Hunting with a slingshot is prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation; this information is provided for informational purposes only. Follow the hunting rules and laws of your country.

Many experienced hunters have a rather contradictory attitude towards this type of weapon, such as a hunting slingshot. And there are reasons for this, since without understanding this type of weapon, it is difficult to imagine how it could be better than a gun and a carbine. However, hunting with a slingshot has a number of advantages, you just need to study the “subject” in more detail. For example, using a slingshot you can successfully hunt squirrels, hares, muskrats and otters. There were cases when a small boar was even shot with a slingshot. Therefore, very often the choice of hunters falls on this type of weapon.

What is a hunting slingshot?

First you need to figure out what parts the slingshot consists of.

At first glance, it may seem that its structure is elementary:

  1. Handle or base. A tourniquet is attached to the handle, which helps to hold the slingshot in your hands when firing;
  2. Tourniquet - when pulled, it accumulates energy for a shot;
  3. Kozhetok - holds the projectile in its grip during the shot.

The first material that was used to create homemade slingshots was wood (cherry, oak, apple tree and others). To do this, they selected the densest and tightest branch in the tree, then tied the slingshot supports together with twine. This structure was left for three months in order for it to acquire the required form and secured it. Only after acquiring the shape, the branch was sawed off from the tree and the bark was cleared. The form was fired over an open fire and polished with a cloth.

The main element is the elastic band; it is necessary that it quickly returns to initial position after the shot. An elastic band up to 30 cm long was put on the base, and it was pulled not in one, but in several layers. The tourniquet is attached in small strips to the base, they are called “harnesses”. The ends of the elastic are attached to the leatherette. A leatherette is a small piece of leather with two holes for a tourniquet. Tanned leather, for example, from an old belt, is suitable.

Advantages and disadvantages

Every hunter will ask the question, what are the advantages of this type of weapon?

The advantages are quite enough to choose this type of weapon for hunting:

  1. This is a very inexpensive weapon.
  2. High shot power with minimal noise.
  3. The damage radius is up to 10 meters, and there are models with a damage radius of up to 70 meters.
  4. It is difficult to carry a gun or bow unnoticed by people, and a slingshot for hunting, given its small size, few will notice.
  5. If the hunter is well prepared, then a shot from a slingshot can be carried out in an instant, and due to the lack of noise, a second attempt can be realized in a few seconds.
  6. A hunting slingshot can be used in any conditions, even while walking or fishing, because you can hit any target within reach.

But there are several disadvantages to this type of weapon:

  1. Short aiming range and small killing range compared to a shotgun.
  2. Due to the low shot force, it is not possible to hunt large animals.
  3. The harness wears out very quickly.
  4. For a successful hunt, the hunter must have extensive experience and good aiming skills.

Principle of operation

So, on what principle does this compact and fairly powerful type of hunting weapon work? A classic-sized slingshot can easily fit in a hunter’s fist.

We’ve already figured out what a slingshot consists of, but how it works needs to be studied in more detail. A projectile is placed in a tourniquet or elastic band. After the projectile is inserted, you need to stretch the elastic on the sides, then take aim and release the leather insert with the projectile in one movement.

The shot itself occurs according to the following principle: with a sharp contraction of the elastic band, kinetic energy from it is transmitted to the projectile. This energy is enough for the projectile to reach a speed of up to 80 m/s, and the range can reach up to 200 m. These figures will depend on what material the slingshot is made of, what its design is and the type of ammunition.

The types of ammunition are quite varied. It can be:

  • Plastic balls of various sizes - used for training and practicing shooting skills. Multiple uses.
  • Shot, buckshot made of metal of various sizes. Used directly for hunting.
  • Small and medium stones.

Shooting technique

How to properly use a slingshot for hunting and make the most successful shots that hit the target? Hunting with a slingshot can be a pleasure if you know the shooting technique.

The main thing in hunting with a slingshot is the aiming and stance of the hunter. That is, you need to understand the essence of how to shoot from a slingshot. First, let's look at the aiming technique. There are basically two techniques: instinctive and targeted.

Instinctive shooting

The essence of this method is that the hunter aims “by eye”. In this case, two eyes are focused on the target, the hunter sees the slingshot and skin only with peripheral vision. In this way, the goal is achieved more by intuition than by sight. If, according to the hunter’s feelings, the direction of the weapon and the rubber bands is correct, then the skin itself goes down. The advantage of this type of aiming is that the projectile range is automatically calculated. And when hunting, calculating flight range is a very necessary quality.

Another advantage is that it does not matter which eye sees better. The disadvantage of this type of aiming is that when changing the slingshot or the rubber band on it, you will have to re-master the aiming technique, because the trajectory of the projectile changes from quality characteristics this type of weapon. In order for shots to be accurate when intuitively aiming, you must be able to mentally imagine the trajectory of the ammunition. And this requires shooting experience, which can be gained by shooting at cans or targets. During the learning process, you need to constantly imagine which line the projectile will fly along, try not to blink during shots, and see the point where the projectile hits after the shot.

Aiming with an eye

When shooting with an eye, the results are more effective. The sight can be any landmark on the slingshot that aligns the eyes, the shooting device itself, and the target. You can make your own guide. The point of aiming will be that the aiming eye, the sight of the slingshot, will be lined up strictly in a straight line. For this type of aiming, it is better to use one eye, which has sharper vision. The second eye can be closed for convenience.

Most often, when using an eye gauge, the skin will be in a tense position in the area of ​​the face on the side of the dominant eye. But we must not forget about convergence, which can significantly deteriorate the quality of shooting. Therefore, the slingshot sight must be placed at some distance so that the lines intersect at the location of the target. The sight is convenient to use when several models are used for hunting, with different strengths tension and shot quality.

Depending on the hunter’s stance, and also depending on whether he is moving or standing still, several types of aiming and shooting can be distinguished:

  1. Aiming technique while moving- keeping the sight steady while moving is a very difficult task, almost impossible. But this type of technique does not require the hunter to be completely immobilized. When moving, the sight should move along a line similar to a figure eight laid on its side, or along the line of the infinity sign. The point where the circles will intersect should be the target point. In fact, the point of aiming will be that the skin will be released when the line of sight coincides with the location of the target. It's important to act quickly here because great importance What matters is how quickly the skin is released. As you gain experience, your shots will be well-aimed and accurate. The sight line can move along other trajectories. Some use horizontal or vertical movements of the sight.
  2. Fixed aiming technique. With this technique, you need to aim the sight at the target, lock it and fire the shot. With experience, this technique gives very high results. To achieve high results in this technique, the main thing is to learn how to hold your hands with the weapon in a stationary position for as long as possible, and when shooting, make a minimum delay, up to about 6 seconds. This tactic is mainly used when shooting from a sports slingshot.

Safety precautions

When shooting with a slingshot, it is important to follow safety precautions so that you don’t get hurt instead of the animal:

  • When hunting with a slingshot, you should always wear safety glasses;
  • You should not aim at animals if you do not intend to shoot at them;
  • you always need to see who or what is behind the animal you are aiming at;
  • do not shoot into the air over hills and buildings if the target is not clearly visible;
  • beware of ricochet.

The same rules apply when shooting from a sports slingshot.

Hunting tactics

You can hunt small animals or birds, such as hares, ducks, and squirrels.

The tactics of hunting with a slingshot are somewhat different from hunting with other types of weapons and have some features. In this case, the hunting tactic is to get as close as possible to the animal, or to lure it out of the hole. In this case, the ammunition is released silently and if the first attempt is unsuccessful, there is a high chance of making a second, more successful shot, since the animal may not notice or hear the first shot.

Review of popular models

Nowadays, the market offers a huge selection of slingshots for every taste, but among them there are the most popular factory-made models, and not homemade slingshots:

  1. Slingshot for hunting produced by the company Dankung is a powerful slingshot for hunting. Simple in design, it perfectly performs its functions. Made of aircraft-grade aluminum, its weight is about 200 g. Its main advantage is shooting accuracy, which is ensured by a narrow spear. Ideal for hunting.
  2. Company's fighting slingshot Gloveshot Made of anodized aluminum, it can be disassembled for ease of carrying. The rod is wide, which reduces shooting accuracy, however, with constant training, accuracy increases significantly.
  3. Pocket Predator Hathcock Target Sniper- this combat slingshot fits perfectly in the hand and does not cause any discomfort when shooting. The base is made of steel, which is surrounded by a layer of rubber on top. Can be classified as a sports slingshot.
  4. Survival Slingshot Archer Complete is a tactical slingshot designed for hunting. It is distinguished by its equipment, which includes a flashlight that helps with night hunting. You can also use arrows as ammunition.
  5. Model FS-1 from Truemark on the market for more than half a century. It is lightweight and has a clip for charges. The hand rest can be removed.

Do it yourself

You can make a slingshot for hunting with your own hands, it’s not very difficult.

Materials needed to make a slingshot:

  • wood, plastic, metal for the base of the structure;
  • rubber for slingshot;
  • a piece of tanned leather.

Tools you will need to make your own slingshot :

  • jigsaw (if the slingshot is made of wood).
  • sandpaper;
  • scissors;
  • drill.

Stages of work

How to make a slingshot for hunting without spending a lot of money and time is described below. This is the most common and basic model for hunting.

Best for hunting slingshot A wood such as walnut, oak, ash or maple is suitable. You need to find a forked branch of the required shape or cut a slingshot of the desired shape and size from solid wood. If the choice fell on a branch, then you need to clear the bark from the rock.

The workpiece is sanded using sandpaper. Next, prepare a place for attaching the elastic band. Two slits are made on the handle, according to the size of the elastic band. The distance from the end of the horns should be about 2 cm. An elastic band is wrapped around each horn and tied in a knot. The ends of the elastic band are placed on the horns so that they are a continuation of each horn, and in place of the slots in the handle you need to tie them with a thin elastic band. It is better to sand all the holes and slots perfectly so that the rubber does not wear out too quickly.

The “saddle” of the slingshot is best made of leather measuring 3x5 cm. Small holes are made along the edges through which an elastic band is threaded and a knot is tied. The elastic band is the main part in this device. The elastic band can be replaced by using a slingshot tourniquet. The slingshot for hunting is ready!

You can make a slingshot with your own hands from other materials - for example, make a blank from metal or plastic. You can make a powerful slingshot with your own hands if Special attention pay attention to the quality of the elastic, sparing no expense on it. It is better to buy rubber for a slingshot from a branded manufacturer that has all the necessary physical characteristics. A homemade slingshot can become a worthy alternative factory model. Plus, you can make a slingshot with your own hands to perfectly fit the size of the hunter’s hand.


From our video you will learn how to make a slingshot with your own hands at home.

“Carving with a knife. Crafts from branches" is a book that will definitely come in handy this summer for boys and those adults who do not consider a folding knife a dangerous indulgence in the hands of children. The first step, having mastered the basics, is to make a slingshot - a real one, accurate and very durable. Today's master class on making a slingshot with your own hands will show you how to do this.

I became interested in slingshots as a child, quite naturally, as well as bows and arrows, various traps, tree houses and blowguns (we used small clay balls to shoot through our wonderful bamboo tubes). Although not everything I did with my many slingshots was something I could be proud of, it was fun and useful too - for example, you could get a mango that was hanging out of reach far away on a thin branch.

This job, of course, was for two. One stood under a huge, beautiful, ripe mango, and the second stood to the side, armed with a good slingshot with charges of hard, unripe guava or nuts. Naturally, the goal was not the mango itself. Hitting the fetus would mercilessly damage it. The target was the long stem above the mango. If the “bullet” cut it off, then the mango fell straight into the hands of (hopefully) the waiting catcher.

So, here are the components of a Brazilian slingshot, Mato Grosso brand, model of the 1950s (2005 modernization, author Lübkemann): a fairly symmetrical slingshot made of deciduous tree; a high-quality rubber medical tube (the thickness depends on the tension force you need), a piece of strong leather for the skin and dental floss (yes, yes, dental floss! - you can have menthol, you can have no scent, but I usually use waxed).

Here I must confess that as a boy in the jungle I used the good old rubber of car tire tubes, old boot tongues and laces! But I suspect that today it is difficult to find a car inner tube made of real rubber and it is not at all easy to find a leather boot tongue. As for dental floss, I don't remember how I started using it, but it works great! It's very durable and doesn't slip off when you tie it on.

You will need:

  • Symmetrically (within reasonable limits) branching branch of a deciduous tree
  • Sandpaper for sanding - a couple of types from fine to very fine (150 and 220).
  • Rubber medical tube good quality
  • Leather for leather (saddles, heels)
  • Dental floss
  1. Cut the handle to a length that suits you. Round off the tops of the branches.

  1. On this particular slingshot, we'll remove all the bark. On some of my slingshots I left part of the bark, depending on the look I wanted.

  1. Cut a shallow “neck” at the top ends of the slingshot.

  1. Cut the tubes to the required length, making allowance so that their ends will both wrap around the ends of the slingshot and fold through the holes in the skin you carefully cut.

When cutting these holes, be very careful to make sure the edges of the hole are smooth and free of burrs and cuts that could cause the skin to rip.

  1. It is necessary to tie the elastic bands to the slingshot together! One holds the slingshot and pulls the elastic (its “tongue” should be outside the branch), and the second, pulling the thread, tightly winds the thread around the elastic and ties it.

Don't skimp on thread! Fold it in half and use a long thread. And tie several knots as you wind.

  1. As an additional reinforcement, I cross the thread several times on the front side of the female part of the elastic and around the neck of the slingshot.

  1. Tie the elastic bands securely (also by stretching them) to both holes of the leather cover.

  1. Ready! Slingshots can be a lot of fun and useful if used correctly. In some places (for example, on summer cottages) there are special restrictions on slingshots as throwing weapons. Be sure to check before use. That says it all!

  1. The branch we used for this slingshot, although made of strong wood, was probably a little thinner than I usually used for the rubber we used. A thicker branch would be more suitable - the one in the photo below.

Next time we will make a wooden fork for frying something tasty over a fire.


The main thing is to be careful with such toys)) kids are smart now, you never know..(

Dear fathers and mothers... there is no need to give your children slingshots... since childhood I have had a scar just below my navel because of a slingshot... the boys from the neighboring yard were playing pranks...

Even though I’m a girl, when I was a child I loved to shoot cats and dogs with a slingshot)) when I remember... I shudder. Poor animals! What did they not tolerate from me (

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A slingshot is a Y-shaped device for throwing various projectiles. It is used for entertainment, hunting small birds or fish, and sometimes as a weapon. There are many types of slingshots, differing mainly in the materials from which they are made. So, slingshots can be made from, oddly enough, horns, plastic or wire. But the most popular and easiest to make and use is a wooden slingshot. You can easily buy it, or you can make a slingshot with your own hands. This is what we propose to do now.

Before you start making a slingshot from wood, you need to figure out what parts the slingshot consists of, and what materials will be needed to make it. So, the slingshot consists of 3 parts:

  • the actual Y-shaped part on which the throwing tourniquet is attached and which you hold with your hand;
  • a throwing rope or bowstring that is pulled when throwing;
  • and a saddle (heel), into which the projectile is placed and held there when the tourniquet is pulled.

To do good slingshot made of wood, the first thing you need is to find a flexible branch Y-shape. It is advisable that it be at least 1 cm thick, otherwise it can quickly break. It is better to make a slingshot from oak, maple or ash; you should not take a Christmas tree. J. Then the branch should be dried and cleared of bark so that it is smooth. It is not necessary to clean the branch, but this will make both of them sit better in your hand and not crumble.

Then you need to choose a suitable throwing harness, and it must be both strong and elastic. For this, a regular elastic band or a tourniquet with a thickness of 1.5 cm and a length of about 20 cm is suitable.

The saddle (or skin) for the slingshot is made from a piece of durable fabric 3x5cm, for example leather. You need to make 2 holes in the fabric on the sides, then cut the elastic into 2 equal parts and thread it through the holes and secure it with a knot or wrap it with a thin elastic band.

To assemble the slingshot, you will need to secure an elastic band with a saddle on a branch. The most convenient are following methods fastenings:

  • make small slits as thick as the selected elastic band “on the horns” 1.5-2 cm from the top of each “horn” and then tighten the elastic band into these slits and tie it in a knot;

  • make small ones through holes at the same distance, so that you can then stretch the elastic through them and tie knots so that the elastic does not jump out of the holes when tensioned.

  • make small slits in the same place, place the elastic perpendicular to the slits and wrap it with a thin elastic band and secure.

The slingshot is made with your own hands, all that remains is to find the projectiles for throwing. The most suitable projectiles for a slingshot are round stones with a diameter of about 2 cm or chestnuts. As you can see, making a slingshot at home is not particularly difficult, since all materials can be easily found. But if you want to make a powerful slingshot with your own hands, then you will need materials that are not entirely available. A powerful slingshot is capable of throwing heavier projectiles at greater speeds. To do this, you need to find a thicker and stronger branch and replace the usual rubber band with a Folea 22 latex catheter or a rubber medical bandage. It is quite difficult to purchase them now, but it is possible if desired. Then, instead of one row of elastic, it is necessary to make 2 rows of harnesses so that heavier projectiles can be thrown, and, finally, increase the size of the saddle.

There is one more original version how to make a slingshot from wood - make it from pencils (mini crossbow). This video describes in detail how to make a slingshot from pencils.

As practice shows best slingshot This is the one you made with your own hands, because only it will sit in your hand “like a glove.”

Of course, you can just buy a slingshot, especially since there are also “cool” sports slingshots made from the latest materials, with stop, adjustable handle, etc. like this:

But remember, don’t shoot at people, especially be careful of accidentally hitting the head, eyes, and in general, always be careful

The slingshot is a familiar bully weapon from many boys’ childhoods. Especially those whose childhood passed during the Soviet era. Few people know that a modern powerful slingshot is a fairly serious weapon that is used for hunting small game. A hunting slingshot, which uses special steel slingshot balls as projectiles, easily penetrates a protective construction helmet or motorcycle helmet.

Design and principle of operation

The device of a simple slingshot is quite simple and consists of several parts:

  1. The “flyer” itself or the frame on which all other elements of the slingshot are attached;
  2. Rubber bands or “strings” that serve as a string for a slingshot;
  3. A casing or saddle into which a throwing projectile is inserted.

A homemade slingshot (classic) is a simple wooden handle, forked at the end, like the horns of an animal. A tourniquet is attached to these “horns,” which sends the projectile to the target. The projectile is inserted into a shell, which is made of durable leather. Slingshots can be used for various purposes, depending on their design and application. various materials when assembling them.

Types of slingshots:

  • A lightweight slingshot is mainly used for recreational shooting or mastering shooting skills. These are basically small slingshots of a classical design;
  • The medium slingshot is a more advanced model and can be used for sport shooting. A slingshot for hunting from this group is unlikely to work, since the average slingshot does not have the necessary power reserve for this;
  • A large slingshot (also called a fighting slingshot) can be used for hunting small game. It may look like your average slingshot, but the quality of the materials used to create it is noticeably higher.

In addition to dividing by size, slingshots are also divided by purpose:

  • The hunting slingshot is an expensive factory model. To use it you need sufficient experience in using slingshots. If handled carelessly this model may cause significant injury. Although the average slingshot is also dangerous, a cool slingshot for hunting is already a weapon (although not legally subject to this definition);
  • A sports slingshot is a fairly expensive and powerful model. Shooting from a slingshot intended for sport is very exciting activity, developing the eye. For professional sports shooting, both a medium and large slingshot can be used.

How to make a slingshot with your own hands

If you are thinking about how to make a slingshot with your own hands, the first thing you need is to find suitable tree for its manufacture. A slingshot made of wood is classic model from childhood. Only suitable for making slingshots hardwoods trees with good combination hardness and elasticity. Acacia or rowan are ideal. One of the main criteria when choosing a blank for a future slingshot is the same thickness of the “horns”.

The workpiece should be cleared of bark, sanded and thoroughly dried. You need to make grooves at the ends of the “horns”, where the rubber for the slingshot will be attached. Some craftsmen, when asked “how to make a slingshot,” will answer that for a slingshot, in addition to wood, you can use steel rods, thick plywood or plastic. However, steel slingshots are considered the best, and you can turn a slingshot into a work of art only by using wood with a beautiful structure.

A rubber medical bandage is used as “strands”, although now the most optimal material is surgical latex. If you want to be one hundred percent confident in the quality of the rubber bands, the slingshot construction scheme should include branded rubber kits for slingshots. Products from Trumark (USA) are distinguished by stable quality and reasonable prices.

Manufacturers of modern slingshots

It’s not enough to find a slingshot that fits the shape and parameters. It is very important to choose a quality product, because the modern slingshot market is filled with fakes, which often completely copy famous brands. It must be remembered that good manufacturer will always give a guarantee for its slingshot, and the sellers’ assurances about the quality of their product are not a document that will help in case of a defect. There have been numerous cases when a broken tourniquet led to injuries to the eyes or face, and a broken one when pulled steel slingshot(of an unknown alloy) can be stuck in a broken piece into the hand or face.

If funds allow, it is better to choose a slingshot manufactured by “Marksman” or “Combow”. The Italian slingshot brand “Advance” is also of good quality.

Ammunition and slingshot shooting

To shoot from a slingshot, you can use different objects, from stones under your feet to special “slingshot” projectiles.

  • Rocks, rubble and other suitable objects are traditionally used for slingshot shooting. Due to their different sizes, shapes and weights, they fly along an unpredictable trajectory and are unsuitable over long distances;
  • Glass balls allow you to track the trajectory of your flight; they are ideal in shape and weight, but flying fragments and high price do not make them popular enough;
  • Hunting buckshot is cheap option steel balls. Quite convenient projectiles, the disadvantage of which is their toxicity to the environment;
  • Steel balls – perfect option for use in slingshots. Their only drawback is their high price;
  • Steel nuts can also be used as slingshot projectiles. Some hunters press lead into the middle of the nuts, making these projectiles deadly.

You can shoot from a slingshot at a distance of up to 25 meters, although this is not the limit. The main criterion for shooting accuracy is systematic training. There is a book that describes in detail the theory and practice of slingshot shooting (“Slingshot Shooting by Jack Koechler”).