home · electrical safety · How to make slime at home very much. How to make slime at home from different ingredients. How to make slime at home from shaving foam and salt

How to make slime at home very much. How to make slime at home from different ingredients. How to make slime at home from shaving foam and salt

Today I will tell you several ways to make slime.

Slime is a very popular and exciting children's toy that will keep your child occupied for a long time.

The cartoon character was so loved and popular that in 1976 a children's toy was invented that brings pleasure not only to children, but also to adults.

Since slime is not a durable toy, you need to buy a new one every time.

But there will always be craftsmen.

In order not to spend money, it is best to try to prepare it at home and be sure that it is safe for your baby’s health.

Moreover, special materials it is not required, and there is no time to make it either.

Believe me, your child will really like this toy.

I want to tell you how to make slime at home from scrap materials.

How to make slime without glue from toothpaste

You will need:

  • Toothpaste
  • Food coloring

First, squeeze a little toothpaste into a glass, I want to say right away that it is better to use a thick, gel paste

Now add a little dye, the more you add, the richer the color will be

Mix the mixture well until the color becomes uniform and no grains of dye remain.

To do this, place the mug with the prepared mixture in a pan of boiling water in a water bath and keep for 15 minutes.

Children's fun is ready.

If the resulting composition turns out to be dry, then you need to slightly grease your hands with any oil and knead it.

The size of your slime depends on how much paste you use.

How to make slime from PVA glue and sodium tetraborate


  • PVA glue
  • Sodium tetraborate
  • Dye
  • You can also add glitter if you wish.

How to do:

Pour the glue into the container.

Essential glitter. Mix well

Add sodium tetraborate, it is very easy to purchase at the pharmacy

Stir, then knead with your hands

Our slime is ready, its production does not require much work.

Making a toy from shampoo and salt

It is very easy to make, it only takes 20-25 minutes.

Take 3-4 teaspoons of shampoo

The next step is to add salt little by little, stirring constantly. Determine the amount of salt based on the thickness of the mixture

Place the mixture in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes

Lizun is ready!

If after this the prepared mass sticks to your hands, try adding a little more salt

How to make slime without glue from flour

We will need:

First we need to pour out a glass of flour

Pour a glass of water, if the mass turns out thick, you need to add more water to get the consistency of sour cream

Divide the resulting mass into three parts

Paint the first one with food coloring

The second with acrylic paints

And the third with ink from a felt-tip pen, mix each until smooth

There are several ways to prepare a soft consistency

Place the first one in the microwave for 1 minute, medium power, do not forget that the dishes must be suitable for the microwave oven

Take it out and let it cool

We send the second part to a heated frying pan; you need to heat it, stirring all the time, until it thickens.

Pour the third into molds, put in the oven at 160 degrees for 5 minutes

All these methods are suitable

True, all this is only for one time

While the slime is warm, it is elastic and stretches well, but after cooling it becomes not so soft

Slime made from detergent and hand cream

Makes a fun, jelly-like toy

Need to:

  • Detergent "Fairy"
  • Hand cream
  • Food coloring
  • Plastic cup
  • Stirring stick

How to do:

  1. Pour a tablespoon of detergent into a glass
  2. Add a little less than half a teaspoon of soda, mix thoroughly
  3. Squeeze out the hand cream, there should be a little more “Fairy” and mix it too
  4. Add a little dye, stir until completely dissolved, dye – color of your choice
  5. Drain everything into a bag and put it in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
  6. You will get an excellent jelly-like toy, if you don’t like its consistency, try adding or reducing the amount of hand cream

Very interesting ways making this funny toy I recently read on the blog “Altynai – women’s blog” http://myaltynaj.ru/kak-sdelat-lizuna.html I advise you to read it too, and if you like it, then do it.

5 ways to make slime, video

All these methods of making it at home are very accessible, and the children will like the resulting toy, and they themselves will probably be happy to knead it in their hands, stretching it and folding it into spirals.

Lizun is unique toy, which at one moment can spread over the surface like a liquid, and at another, jump like a ball and take on the most incredible shapes, without changing its structure. Today you can find many options for creating this unusual toy at home.

What and how is the slime made from?

Slime was first released by Mattel, which became famous thanks to the world famous Barbie dolls, in 1976. The toy had an unusual jelly-like consistency. The substance from which the slime is made belongs to non-Newtonian liquids, which are characterized by the manifestation of different properties depending on the influence applied to them. Therefore, in a calm state, the slime begins to spread like liquid.

Mattel's original slime was made from guar gum, which is extracted from... Indian plant guar Today, this substance is also often used in the production of slimes. This substance also used in Food Industry and is an integral component of some thickeners and stabilizers. However, these days, along with guar gum, other alkaloids can be used in the factory production of slimes.

How to make slime at home?

Sodium tetraborate

The main ingredient when creating slime is usually sodium tetraborate. This ingredient is perhaps the most exotic of all the components that are used in the manufacture of an elastic substance. Sodium tetraborate can be found at a pharmacy or chemical supply store. You will also need PVA glue, and to give the toy a cheerful shade, food coloring or ordinary gouache.

Having filled the glass with glue, you need to add food coloring to it and slowly pour in a solution of sodium tetraborate at the rate of one bottle of product per 100 g of glue. In order to get rid of excess moisture, the resulting mass should be blotted with a napkin. To ensure complete readiness, it is recommended to knead the jelly-like substance in the bag for five minutes.


Some people make slime from plasticine. This is the most economical way to make a fun toy, involving the use of budget ingredients such as gelatin, plasticine and water. First, gelatin must be dissolved in cold water, wait about an hour, and then bring it to a boil. Then, stirring constantly, melt small pieces of plasticine in a container with a small amount of water, brought to a boil over low heat. Melted gelatin and plasticine are mixed, resulting in a viscous substance resembling store-bought slime, but, unfortunately, not possessing all its properties. Such economical option The toy will last about two days.

Greetings, my dears! Today we will learn how to make a wonderful anti-stress toy at home - slime, or, as it is also called, slime. It should be noted that it is good for both children and adults. To be honest, I don’t even know who will like this toy more.

While I was preparing this article for you, I realized that I became interested in sliming - it’s a very exciting activity. But the most important thing is that your kids will definitely enjoy it this type creativity, however, as well as its result. For example, my daughter enthusiastically accepted the idea of ​​​​making slime at home.

We tried different ingredients, but the best ones turned out to be edible, glass and magnetic slimes. Below you will find a wide variety of homemade slime recipes. However, it is difficult to imagine real slimes without glue, sodium tetraborate (borax) and soda. So experiment, try and create!

How to make slime in 5 minutes without PVA glue and sodium - recipe for children (+ video)

This slime is prepared very easily and quickly with just one ingredient, so even a child can handle it. It is safe to prepare and does not require much skill.

Pour thick shower gel into a bowl.

Let it evaporate for two minutes. We wait for the mass to cool and place it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Slime for children is ready!

Tip: to prevent the finished slime from sticking to your hands, you can grease it with a small amount of vegetable oil!

Making slime at home from glue, water and paints

Three-ingredient slime is prepared just as quickly and easily as the first. Only it is based on office glue, paints and water. By the way, if you like transparent slimes, then it is not necessary to use paints in this recipe.


  • Stationery glue
  • Paints (optional)

Cooking method in stages:

Squeeze the transparent glue into a container.

Add water.

Stir until the glue curls and does not stick to your hands.

Tip: if you wish, you can add a flavor (artificial or essential oil) and gouache or acrylic paints (any color). Just do this before mixing with water!

How to make slime at home from baking soda, glue and water?

This slime is very easy to prepare, but takes longer than the previous two. Its main advantage is that it turns out just like in a store and does not stick to your hands.

So, prepare:

  • PVA glue
  • Gouache
  • Wooden stick

Cooking method in stages:

Squeeze PVA glue into a bowl.

Using a wooden stick, add paint of your favorite color and mix it thoroughly.

Pour a couple of pinches of soda into a glass of water.

Gradually pour a teaspoon of dissolved soda into the glue, continuing to stir. Mix everything thoroughly for a couple of minutes and get a cool slime!

We prepare slime at home from PVA glue and sodium tetraborate

Sodium tetraborate is a popular and cheap thickener used to make slime. Its only drawback is the smell of glue. Therefore, I do not recommend preparing such slime for small children.


  • PVA glue
  • Sodium tetraborate
  • Disposable cup
  • Gouache of any color
  • Wooden stick or pencil for stirring

Cooking method in stages:

Pour PVA glue into a disposable cup.

Add a couple of drops of gouache and mix with glue.

Add sodium tetraborate little by little (literally a couple of drops!). Stir and add borax again until the slime thickens. Lizun is ready!

How to make slime from glue and toothpaste?

Not everyone can make a slime prepared according to this recipe. Because no thickener is used here. But for the sake of experiment, you can try it, especially since it’s very simple and inexpensive!

Ingredients (by eye!):

  • Toothpaste
  • Stick or spoon for stirring

Cooking method in stages:

Squeeze toothpaste into a bowl.

Add glue.

Mix everything well and leave to harden for two days.

How to make slime at home from shaving foam and salt?

This recipe is suitable for advanced slimers who have already made dozens of slimes with their own hands. The ingredients are available, but the cooking technology is quite complex. And a good result is not guaranteed.

We will need:

  • Shaving foam
  • Thick shampoo
  • Paint (acrylic or food grade)

Cooking method in stages:

Pour thick shampoo into a bowl.

Add shaving foam.

Add paint and mix everything thoroughly.

Add salt, mix and steam our mixture. Place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Video of making slime without glue, starch and sodium tetraborate (unsuccessful recipes)

If you are eager to experiment and don’t mind the ingredients, you can try making slimes using the recipes from the following video. However, judging by the plot, the author did not succeed in making these slimes. Because without glue and sodium tetraborate this is theoretically completely unrealistic.

Making slime from water without borax (sodium tetraborate)

Slime made from water and silicate glue is very plastic and transparent. However, for beginners the technology of its manufacture will be quite complicated. So stock up necessary materials, patience and forward to new creative exploits!


  • Ice pieces
  • Silicate glue
  • Glitter (if desired)
  • Wooden stick

Cooking method in stages:

In a container with cold water add ice.

Add soda.

Using a wooden stick, stir everything until the ice melts.

Pour silicate glue into water.

Use a stick to collect the slime from the sides of the bowl.

Add glitter.

Recipe for making slime at home from shaving foam and baking soda

You can make a high-quality “fluffy” slime very simply and quickly if you use shaving foam and soda. The result is great!


  • Stationery glue
  • Food coloring
  • Shaving foam
  • Contact lens solution
  • Boric acid
  • Liquid soap

Cooking method in stages:

Pour office glue into the container.

Add dye and mix ingredients.

Shake the shaving foam and add it to the bowl. Mix everything again.

Take some baking soda and fill it with contact lens liquid. Pour into a container and mix.

Add a little more lens fluid and stir.

Pour 30 drops into a glass with 50 ml of water boric acid and a little bit liquid soap. Mix the ingredients and add to the main mass. Once again, mix everything thoroughly and get an excellent slime.

Video on how to make slime from shampoo and water without PVA glue

Slime without glue is a very dubious idea. However, there are a lot of recipes for making it, including this one. Therefore, you can try to make slime from water and shampoo, as in this video.

How to make edible slime at home?

This is the most delicious slime I have ever tried. And it is prepared from just two ingredients - marshmallows and Nutella chocolate spread. Try making this treat for children over three years old. Bon appetit!

Cooking method in stages:

Melt the marshmallows in a water bath or in the microwave.

We get this mass.

Add Nutella chocolate spread to it.

Mix everything thoroughly and get an edible slime.

Making glass slime with your own hands

This slime delights with its amazing transparency. True, it will take a lot of effort and at least two days to make it. But the result is justified.

So take:

  • Transparent glue
  • Thickener (borex or sodium tetraborate)
  • Wooden stick

Cooking method in stages:

Pour 50 ml of transparent glue into a container.

Add 50 ml of water and stir well.

Add Borex thickener or sodium tetraborate in such an amount that your slime becomes viscous. Let's knead it thoroughly.

Leave it for 2 days until all the bubbles come out and it becomes transparent.

How to make magnetic slime at home?

I liked this slime the most. He can not only absorb and push out a magnet, but also move with it. Very cool, so I recommend trying it!


  • Borex thickener
  • Hot water
  • Shaving foam
  • Dye
  • Sequins
  • Magnetic chips
  • Big magnet

Cooking method in stages:

Pour half a teaspoon (without a slide) of Borex into a container and add 250 ml of hot water. Stir and leave to cool.

Pour 100 ml of glue.

Add a little shaving foam and mix until smooth. Add a few drops of food coloring or acrylic paints. Stir again.

Add glitter.

Pour in magnetic shavings.

Add a thickener and form a slime.

Well, ours has come to an end funny master class on making slimes at home. Which one did you like best? Maybe you have your own slime recipes? If so, I will be doubly grateful for the comments left under the article. See you again on the blog!

Slime, which is also called slime (from the English slime - “slime”), got its name from a character in the movie “Ghostbusters”. In the painting, he looked like a slimy green creature with two skinny arms, several chins and no legs.

Lizuny homemade V Lately have become a subject of self-expression for teenagers, and for some, a way. For example, a sixteen-year-old girl from Canada became famous as a homemade slime superstar.

What is this thing made of?

Chemically, slime consists of molecules of a polymer substance (for example, glue) that form threads like spaghetti. They are bound together by the addition of a kind of sodium tetraborate sauce called borax. This provides slime properties such as elasticity in response to impact and softness in response to finger pressure.

Slime is made in different ways. Most recipes include sodium tetraborate, it is about 2% How Products Are Made slime. Its second component is PVA glue (water emulsion of polyvinyl acetate). Often like component slime indicates shaving foam. The desired color is achieved by adding food coloring. The main volume of slime is purified or distilled.

On the Internet they offer to make slime using substances of natural origin:

  • Guar gum (gum carob), which is obtained from the beans of the Cyamopsis tetraganoloba plant.
  • Methylcellulose, which is mainly obtained from wood. It is an activated plant polymer Methylcellulose fibers vegetable fiber, it is in toothpaste.
  • Corn starch.
  • Gelatin.

Wow. Could this be dangerous?

Yes. News appeared in the media 9-year-old girl made slime at home and got severe skin disease that a nine-year-old Israeli girl, after playing with homemade slime, the recipe for which she found on the Internet, had inflamed skin on her palms. The girl required long-term treatment.

Here are the ingredients in slime that can cause harm.

PVA glue

Polyvinyl acetate (PVA) is considered a non-toxic, low-hazard compound. It has an unpleasant odor, which is drowned out by flavorings. This smell signals that the substance is releasing volatile particles. In this case, these are glue solvents and polyvinyl, which are not dangerous in small concentrations.

In passport Material Safety Data Sheet The safety of PVA glue from one of the manufacturers states that you need to work with it with adequate ventilation, wearing safety glasses and rubber gloves. You must not let the glue get into your eyes, and if it gets into your eyes and rinsing with water does not help, you need to contact an ophthalmologist.

The packaging should indicate “Keep away from children.” If the glue gets inside the body - by swallowing or inhaling drops - it is hazardous to health.

In addition, the glue cannot be poured down the drain - it kills aquatic organisms.

Borax, or sodium tetraborate

Borax is a salt of boric acid. Sold abroad as a disinfectant. Borax is also contained in solutions for processing and storing contact lenses.

A solution containing 20 g of sodium tetraborate in 80 g of glycerin Sodium tetraborate solution in glycerol used in medicine as a treatment for candidiasis (a disease caused by Candida fungi). When using it, allergic reactions, burning, and redness may occur. It is contraindicated for children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as for damaged skin.

In the register of the US National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health card Sodium tetraborate This stuff is scary.

Routes of entry into the body The substance can be absorbed into the body by inhalation of the aerosol, ingestion and through broken skin
Inhalation Risk Evaporation at 20 °C is negligible, however harmful concentration particles in the air can be quickly achieved by dispersion (formation of small droplets or dust in the air), especially if powder is used
Effect of short-term exposure The substance is irritating to eyes, skin and Airways, may have an effect on the central nervous system, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract when taken orally, at a high dose or through damaged skin
Effect of long-term or repeated exposure Repeated or prolonged skin contact may cause dermatitis. The substance may have effects on the respiratory tract.

Therefore, contact of the child with concentrated solutions, especially with pure borax, should be excluded. If borax is swallowed or inhaled, it can be life-threatening.

Natural ingredients

Starch, gelatin and cellulose are a breeding ground for mold fungi that can settle in the toy. Over time, the slime can become a source of them, and playing with it can lead to a skin infection. Microbes can cause disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract when particles are swallowed or enter the mouth from the skin of the hands.

What should you remember to prevent the toy from causing harm?

  1. Prolonged contact of slime with skin can be dangerous - this should not be the only and permanent leisure option.
  2. Do not give slime to children who put everything in their mouth or like to lick their hands. Usually all babies and some preschoolers are prone to this.
  3. Control all stages of slime creation and then monitor its suitability for play. Slime from natural ingredients store in, and if mold, plaque or unpleasant odor- throw it away.
  4. If there are abrasions or other damage to the skin of your hands, you should not pick up the slime.
  5. The child should not come into contact with pure borax and its concentrated solutions.
  6. Prepare slime only in a well-ventilated area.
  7. Protect your eyes with safety glasses. Wear gloves while working with PVA glue and solutions.
  8. Recipes that are published on the Internet are not tested by regulatory authorities. You are responsible for the safety of your children if they are used.

Lizun or slime (from the English Slime) is a toy that has a viscous jelly-like shape, reminiscent of non-Newtonian fluid. It has two main components: a polymer and a thickener, initially they were polysaccharide or guar gum and borax. This is a toy that does not necessarily need to be purchased in a store, since there are many ways to make it yourself at home from available ingredients. There are at least 22 recipes for this type of toy.

There are many ways to create this toy. But since this is a toy, you should not forget about safety measures during its manufacture, as well as while playing with it.

From shampoo and salt

One the most simple methods it will require:

  • Shampoo;
  • Salt.
  1. Take about 4 tablespoons of shampoo and add a little salt to it.
  2. Thorough mixing is required after each addition of salt.
  3. This is repeated until the mixture becomes viscous.
  4. After this, put the resulting mass in the refrigerator.

Made from plasticine

Children will enjoy the game, as well as the process of creating plasticine slime.


  • 1 packet of gelatin;
  • A piece of plasticine;
  • Water.
  1. IN cold water gelatin is added.
  2. The correct proportion is indicated in the instructions on the gelatin package.
  3. After an hour, the pan is transferred to the stove until the gelatin mixture boils.
  4. While the gelatin is being prepared, you need to knead a piece of plasticine with your hands.
  5. 50 g of water is poured into a plastic container and plasticine is placed.
  6. Everything is thoroughly mixed until smooth.
  7. When the gelatin has cooled a little, it must be poured into a container with plasticine.
  8. Mix everything well.
  9. As soon as everything cools down, you can play with the toy.

From soap and salt

The recipe is very similar to making a slime from shampoo with salt.

But there is a difference in composition:

  • Liquid soap;
  • Salt;
  • Soda.
  1. Salt and soda are gradually added to the soap.
  2. Mixing in progress.
  3. This is repeated several times until a homogeneous viscous mass is formed.
  4. The end is to keep the mass in the cold.

From shaving foam

To make slime from shaving foam you will need:

  • Tube with PVA glue;
  • Shaving foam.
  1. The plate is filled with glue.
  2. Foam is injected into it a little at a time.
  3. Everything gets mixed up.
  4. The foam is added until the correct consistency appears.
  5. All the slime is ready, but if he is not satisfied White color, then you can add a couple of drops of coloring matter. If you add not one, but, for example, two colors, the slime will acquire a marble pattern.

From flour

Slime made from flour is the safest toy recipe. Even small children are allowed to play with it, especially if the dye is made from substances of natural origin. Usage natural dye will only affect the degree of staining towards less intensity.


  • Flour;
  • Hot water;
  • Dye;
  • Apron.


  1. Add ¼ of the glass capacity to 2 cups of flour sifted through a sieve with cold water.
  2. Next, add ¼ of the glass capacity hot water(not boiling water).
  3. Thorough mixing is required until completely homogeneous.
  4. Coloring can be added if desired; it is better to add more food coloring.
  5. Mix thoroughly until a sticky consistency forms.
  6. The slime, along with the container in which it was prepared, is placed in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
  7. Once the mixture has cooled completely, you can play with it.

From nail polish

1 way

Perhaps such a recipe will not meet the child’s expectations, but you can experiment. This requires:

  • Sunflower oil – about 100 ml;
  • A jar of nail polish.

Pour the varnish into a bowl with oil, stir until all the dye from the varnish comes together in one ball. This will mean that the slime is ready.

This slime turns out small, smells bad, and is a little greasy.

Method 2

  • Varnish 1 jar;
  • Water;
  • Tube of PVA glue;
  • Sodium tetraborate.


  1. Combine glue and varnish in a container.
  2. They mix.
  3. Gradually add water 1x1.
  4. Tetraborate is introduced.
  5. Stirring does not stop until full formation homogeneous mass.

From PVA glue and pencil glue

Glue stick and PVA glue are very similar in structure. The only difference is consistency and shape. If there is no PVA, but there is pencil glue, then this is no worse. Required:

  • Glue stick;
  • Food or other coloring – 1-2 drops;
  • Bora.


  1. The glue stick is taken out of the tube.
  2. Place in a bowl in the microwave until melted.
  3. You can add a coloring agent.
  4. Water and sodium tetraborate are mixed in a glass.
  5. The aqueous solution is gradually introduced while stirring.
  6. If the slime does not work out because the mass is very liquid, then you need to add tetraborate.

Edible version of slime

To create an edible slime you will need:

  • Packaging of chewing candies (Fruttella or Mamba);
  • Powdered sugar;
  • Containers for a water bath.

Cooking process:

  1. The candies are placed in a container and placed in a water bath.
  2. Until completely melted, stirring all the time.
  3. The slightly cooled mixture is transferred to a bowl with powdered sugar.
  4. The mixture is rolled in it and kneaded well.
  5. You need to knead until the mass becomes easy to stick to your hands.
  6. Even a small child can play with it.

From baking soda

Slime made according to this recipe is not safe for small children due to what it contains detergent for dishes. You can only play with such a toy under the supervision of an adult. Be sure to wash your hands after playing with it.

  • Dishwashing liquid;
  • Soda;
  • Water;
  • Dye.

Step by step action:

  1. Liquid dish soap is poured into a suitable container.
  2. Gradually add soda and stir.
  3. If the consistency is very thick, add water and mix.
  4. You can add dye.

Making Magnetic Slime

In order to be original, you can make a slime that will react to the influence of a magnet, that is, a magnetic slime.


  • Bora;
  • Water;
  • Glue;
  • Iron oxide or metal filings;
  • Magnet.

The process itself goes like this:

  1. Pour 0.5 teaspoon of boron into a glass of water.
  2. Stir until completely dissolved. This will act as an activator.
  3. 0.5 cups of water with 30 g of glue are poured into another bowl.
  4. Stir until smooth.
  5. You can add dye or paint. To make the slime glow in the dark, you can add phosphor paint.
  6. The activator solution from the first glass is added to the resulting mixture in a small stream.
  7. You need to pour in gradually, stirring all the time.
  8. If the mixture begins to acquire the desired consistency, you should stop adding the activator to harden.
  9. Lizun is ready.
  10. The slime needs to be removed from the bowl, leveled on the table.
  11. Iron oxide should be poured into its middle.
  12. Mix everything thoroughly until the color is uniform.
  13. Magnetic slime is made. You can check its interaction with the magnet by bringing it up, moving the magnet away from the mass of the slime. The mass should be pulled behind the magnet.

Creating a Sparkling Look

  • Hot water – about.5 l;
  • Polyvinyl alcohol powder - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Borax - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Glitter (glitter) - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Pour 0.5 liters of hot water into a bowl.
  2. Add polyvinyl alcohol powder.
  3. Pour boron into another container and pour hot water until dissolved.
  4. The contents of the containers are whipped and combined.
  5. To make the slime sparkle, you need to add glitter and mix well.
  6. All is ready.

From hand cream

You only need two ingredients, the proportions of which must be selected experimentally. It might look like plasticine.

  • There are several types of hand cream;
  • Flour.

Description of the method:

  1. Flour is mixed with cream.
  2. Stir until completely coagulated.
  3. You can add cream during the process.

From sodium tetraborate and glue

The fastest way

  • PVA glue;
  • Tetraborate;
  • Green solution.

Creation process:

  1. A tube of glue is poured into the container.
  2. A drop of greenery drips.
  3. Stirs.
  4. A little tetraborate is added.
  5. Stirs.
  6. If the thickness is not enough, you can also add tetroborate.
  7. It is mixed or kneaded in a plastic bag until it can be easily removed from the bag.

Without sodium tetraborate

One of the most successful and also simple methods.


  • PVA glue – 1 tube;
  • Capsule of two-component or three-component washing gel – 2 pieces.

The manufacturing process consists of 3 stages:

  1. Pour the glue into a blender container.
  2. Pour the gel from the capsules there.
  3. Beat well.
  4. Leave to infuse for 15 minutes.
  5. You can take it out and play.

Without PVA glue

One such way is using toothpaste.

  • Toothpaste;
  • Salt;
  • Shampoo;
  • Sodium tetraborate.

Work plan:

  1. Mix paste, shampoo and a little salt.
  2. Mix.
  3. Add sodium tetraborate drop by drop, stirring several times.
  4. Cool.

No starch

Two of the many ways to make slime without starch.

1 way

Items needed:

  • Water;
  • Guar gum;
  • Baking soda;
  • Lens solution;
  • Dye.


  1. Guar gum is sifted into poured water through a sieve.
  2. Everything is stirred. The size of the slime depends on the amount of water.
  3. Strain the resulting liquid through a sieve over another container, making sure there are no lumps.
  4. The liquid is colored with dye.
  5. Add about 2 tablespoons of lens liquid.
  6. Approximately 2-3 tablespoons of soda are added.
  7. Everything is mixed for about 5-7 minutes.
  8. You can play.

Method 2


  • 1 cup flour;
  • 2 glasses of water.


  1. Water and flour are mixed.
  2. The mass is divided into 3 parts, each of which is painted in its own color.
  3. You need to reheat in one of the following ways: in the microwave for a minute at medium power; in a frying pan with constant stirring over medium heat; in the oven for 15 minutes 160.
  4. After cooling, the slime begins to lose its viscous qualities.

Without water


  • Jelly shower gel;
  • Dye;
  • Flour.


  1. Dye is added to the gel, and flour is gradually introduced.
  2. If thickening does not occur, then add flour.
  3. Good thorough mixing is a must.

From toothpaste

Also, the method is not complicated, but the proportions need to be selected by experimenting.

1 way

Ingredient composition includes:

  • Helium toothpaste 1 tube;
  • Glue 1 tube;
  • Perfume composition (optional).

Creation stages:

  1. Squeeze the paste into a container.
  2. Add glue while stirring well.
  3. Stir until the required consistency is formed.
  4. To remove the smell of the paste you need to add a drop of perfume composition.

Method 2

  • Toothpaste – 100 g;
  • Polymer glue – 40 g.


  1. Mix paste and glue.
  2. Mix well, even beat until bubbles form.

From sugar

A recipe that requires experimenting with proportions.

  • Sugar or powdered sugar - from 1 tsp;
  • Liquid soap;
  • Shampoo.

Creation method:

  1. Shampoo and soap are mixed in equal quantities.
  2. Sugar is added, or better yet, powdered sugar (due to a lack of powdered sugar, it can be very liquid).
  3. Stirs.
  4. Leave for 2 hours.
  5. Place in the freezer for 30 minutes.

A very simple way to make glass slime

You need very simple components such as:

  • Cold water 1 glass;
  • Spoon of borax;
  • Stationery glue (silicate).


  1. Borax is added to the water and mixed until completely dissolved.
  2. Glue is gradually introduced into the resulting liquid.
  3. Stirs.
  4. Let it brew.

Air slime option

This slime is also called FLAFFFY slime.

It is prepared from:

  • Shaving foams;
  • Silicate glue;
  • Liquid soap;
  • Sunflower oil;
  • Sodium tetraborate;
  • Dye and glitter (if desired).

In the following way:

  1. Shaving foam is added to the glue.
  2. Stirs.
  3. Soap, oil, and 0.5 tablespoons of boron are added to the resulting mass.
  4. Stirs.
  5. Knead with hands until completely cooked.

How to make from boric acid

Since the cost of boric acid is not high, the recipe is quite inexpensive.

  • Boric acid;
  • Dye;
  • PVA glue.

Process of creation:

  1. The amount of glue poured will determine the size of the future slime.
  2. The coloring matter is added and stirred.
  3. Boric acid is added dropwise, stirring.
  4. For better distribution of all components, the slime is kneaded with your hands.

What to do if the slime doesn't work

There are times when making slime yourself does not give the desired result. It is important to understand that final result the following factors influence:

  • Quality of materials used;
  • Maintaining proportions;
  • Step-by-step actions.

If the slime is obtained, then its mass will be homogeneous, uniform and easily removed from the container.

If the slime turns out not to be homogeneous, then it is possible to save it by continuing to actively knead until it reaches the desired viscousness and homogeneity.

If the slime is very sticky and stretches behind the spoon like threads of a spider's web, then you can try adding a little liquid starch or water, depending on the recipe. This will thin out the consistency.

But if there is ductility, but the slime simply slides off your hands without sticking to them, then it means there is an excess amount of liquid in it. In order to get rid of it, it is necessary to drain off these excesses, but you can add the binder required by the recipe (glue, boron solution, flour). Mix everything well again.

How to preserve slime longer or proper care for slime.

So what does it include? proper care for the slime.

To do this you need to get:

  • food;
  • house;
  • bath;
  • give him a place to play with him;
  • place in the refrigerator.

The food includes two main ingredients: salt, water, and an additional component: pieces of eraser (optional).

The daily diet is from 1 to 5 pinches of salt. It is necessary to lightly cover the bottom of the jar with water during storage. After which everything needs to be closed well and shaken. You can add eraser pieces.

The slime house is a tightly closed jar.

Slime can become pregnant, it will look like small bubbles appearing all over the slime. If this happens, then you should put the slime in a jar and leave it for 4 days. After this time, check if a small colored spot, this means that the baby is “born”. It needs to be separated by placing it in another jar.

Bathing is mandatory for this; in a bowl with a small amount of water, you should wash the slime, after which it should be put away in the house.

Frequent play is not advisable, since due to its structure it absorbs all the dirt and dust surrounding it. And this reduces its size.