home · Installation · How to protect yourself from energy vampires and live calmly next to them. Protection from solar vampirism. My home is my fortress: we protect our home

How to protect yourself from energy vampires and live calmly next to them. Protection from solar vampirism. My home is my fortress: we protect our home

Energy vampires– a term that probably every second person has heard about these days. Of course, at these words Count Dracula and his followers may appear before the eyes of an ignorant person, but no - everything is much more trivial.

Energy vampires are ordinary people , which, at first glance, are no different from us. But they have an unpleasant feature - after communicating with such a person, you immediately feel a loss of strength, all your energy seems to go away. How to deal with this?

There are many effective amulets against energy vampires , which you can even do yourself. But let's first figure out how to recognize such a person.

At work

In the morning you wake up refreshed and full of energy, but when you come to work, by lunchtime you begin to feel that your strength is leaving you?

Of course, this may just be hard work, but if this happens regularly, and especially after communicating with specific person, then it’s worth thinking about. All colleagues complain that they feel terrible fatigue and emptiness after communicating with the boss, and are you experiencing the same? Make no mistake: he is an energy vampire.

The same can be said about an intrusive employee who wants to tell everyone about her problems, who gives her a headache after talking to her, and about the scandalous security guard at the entrance.

Signs that a person is an energy vampire, are:

  • Sudden extreme fatigue after talking to him;
  • Sudden loss of strength;
  • Feeling empty after a normal conversation;
  • Deterioration in health with every minute of being nearby;
  • Unreasonable impossibility of refusing a person.

These vampires do not need blood, but our energy, life force. But you shouldn’t blame them and consider them complete egoists - sometimes a person himself may not realize that he is a vampire. They may attribute the poor health of people around them to the fact that colleagues are simply not getting enough sleep or are overworked.

Every day an energy vampire must be in society and feed on other people’s energy, otherwise he himself will suffer - they have little own strength, and without strangers their mood declines.

If you think that your boss or colleague is an energy vampire, try to touch him less, do not look into his eyes and keep communication to a minimum.

Don’t “feed” him with your emotions - if the leader screams and rages, don’t take it to heart. Besides, in a great way protection is provided by talismans, which we will talk about later.

In family

The saddest thing is when energy vampire is in your family. This happens often, and in this case it is the most difficult to protect yourself, because you cannot avoid communication and physical contact. You can’t push your loved ones away because of this: most likely, they don’t know what they’re doing.

When An energy vampire has settled in the family, this is immediately obvious: family members constantly quarrel, get sick, and don’t want to go home. It’s not surprising - after all, a house should be a real fortress, and if in a fortress you are constantly being bitten and drinking blood, even if not literally, then you feel completely unprotected. Often one of the spouses can be a vampire, this can be determined by the following characteristics:

  • Jealousy. If one the husband constantly throws tantrums and scandals Because of jealousy, this is no longer love. So energy vampire holds victim in constant mental tension, on the verge of a breakdown. Constantly proving your love and loyalty is tiring; families often break up as a result of this.
  • Constant reproaches. If one of the spouses constantly finds fault with the other, reproaches him, causes resentment, irritation and anger, then he is an energy vampire. This method of drawing energy from the victim is also very effective: the donor becomes angry, offended, experiences negative emotions, and at this time his strength flows to the vampire.

Energy vampires can be not only the spouse, but also any other family member. Mother, father, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law - they are all capable of drawing energy from the victim with the help of reproaches. How much have we heard about picky mothers-in-law and scandalous mothers-in-law!

Sometimes vampirism develops in parents against the backdrop of fear of losing their children when they start their own family. They can put those in financial dependence or blackmail them with their health (oh, I can’t be nervous, I’m under pressure, and you don’t listen to me!).

But it doesn’t have to be someone older who is a vampire; it can even be a child. Charms and methods of protection from energy vampires will help and in this case, they will not harm your loved ones, but will help you protect yourself from the actions of an energy vampire.

Methods of protection

In order to protect yourself from an energy vampire, follow safety rules - don’t get into arguments with him, try to end dialogues faster, don’t get irritated. Pause before each remark, try to joke or remain silent. If you can't maintain your balance, Don’t get angry at the energy vampire, because this also helps him drain your energy.

While communicating with a vampire try to be distracted by something, think about pleasant things, look at the landscape around you or the appearance of your interlocutor. Crossing your arms and legs also helps, and you can show a fig in your pocket.

When communicating with a large mass of people, among whom may be a vampire, imagine that there is a mirror between you, and it is reflected in it. You can imagine yourself under a glass bell, but don’t forget to mentally remove it later.

Don't look potential Dracula in the eyes; rather, direct your gaze to the bridge of your nose. It also helps to protect yourself by imagining that you are surrounded by a stream of light that dissolves all darkness.

You can also try mirror the vampire: start repeating all his gestures and movements, and he will most likely soon move away from you. Do not communicate with those who like to complain, do not share energy with them through feelings of guilt. You can protect yourself with a simple prayer: “Lord, forgive him, for he does not know what he is doing.”


Surprisingly, but garlic really helps fight vampires– albeit with energy ones. It has protective properties that block a vampire's ability to draw energy.

Carrying garlic with you is not always convenient, but hanging a pigtail in the kitchen is easy, and this will perfectly protect you from a relative or friend who likes to feast on your powers. Add this root vegetable to your food as often as possible and you will feel much better.

No less Rosemary also has a strong effect. Fresh sprigs or essential oil This plant will protect you from the effects of energy vampires.

Can be purchased amulets that will help you protect yourself from vampires. This may be a symbol of the sun, which drives them away long distance, a pendant in the shape of a clover, which helps more against male vampires, a turquoise ball with reflective properties. Well protects and pendant with your zodiac sign.

A cat is an excellent guard against energy vampires - she will never go into his arms and will protect you. It will also help in case of contact with a vampire: if you come home exhausted, just stroke pet, and you will feel better.

With your own hands

In order to make DIY amulet against energy vampire, you will need:

  • Red thread from natural material length 90 cm;
  • Coral pendant (piece of coral);
  • Wormwood essential oil;
  • Myrtle essential oil;
  • Lemon essential oil;
  • Wax candle.

Create a talisman during the full moon. You must be alone, not distracted, and concentrate well. First of all, light a candle and look at it while breathing evenly - this will help you find peace.

In a bowl or any other bowl, mix 2 drops of wormwood oil, 12 drops of myrtle and 7 drops of lemon. Saturate the entire length of the thread with this mixture. After this, take a coral pendant and hold it near the solar plexus, at the entrance imagining that it is filled with pure energy, and as you exhale, how it reflects the negative, like a mirror.

You should breathe like this 12 times, then thread the thread into the pendant and start doing it on the sides of it. magical nodes - sciences.

First, tie a knot on the left and, concentrating, say: “I repel blows and attacks, I maintain my strength.” Then - a node on the right, with the words: “I preserve health and luck, I do not allow negativity.” Again on the left: “I multiply the good, I send back the evil to the enemies.” Right: “The power of the Universe protects me, negativity destroys me.”

When you finish, start touching each of the nouzes again in the same sequence and repeat the same phrases 12 times. That is, you must do the same manipulation 12 more times, only without tying knots.

When you finish making the knots, tie the thread so that it is comfortable to wear around your neck. It's better if the coral will be at the level of the heart. Cut off the remains and burn, but do not extinguish the candle, it must burn out to the end. Wrap the cinder in paper napkin and take it out of the house immediately.

This the amulet will help you protect yourself from energy vampires and will absorb all negative energy directed at you. If it is torn or lost, it means that it contained a lot of negativity and fulfilled its purpose, in which case it is worth making a new one. The old one, if it is still not lost, bury it in the ground.

Probably everyone has heard about energy vampires. And these are not fairy tales - such phenomena really exist in modern world, and we often have to deal with them.

When, after a normal conversation or meeting with someone, you feel tired, empty and apathetic, or you have a headache and your health worsens, you know that it was a meeting with an energy vampire.

In the subtle world everything happens more complicated than in real life. It is a mistake to believe that an energy vampire is a pale creature with fangs. In fact, these are the same people, the most ordinary, and the curious thing is that almost none of them are even aware of their vampirism. It is unlikely that anyone decided to become like this on purpose.

What is this vampirism? The fact is that this person uses special forms of communication that literally drain energy from his interlocutors. In addition, some of them are able to take away life forces without even doing anything special. This can happen in different ways, but the consequences are always the same: you feel apathy, a terrible loss of strength, blues, and even start to get sick.

How to protect yourself?

Anyone can accidentally become an energy vampire. And it’s one thing to meet him in line, on public transport or at a bank, but it’s a completely different matter if he becomes your boss, work colleague, or even close person. This happens, and very often! Energy vampirism is unconscious, and a person can draw strength from you without realizing it. And then the only option– this is reliable protection.

Many people know that pets are the best helpers in this matter. If you encounter an energy vampire during the day, simply talking to your cat, dog or rabbit will help restore your energy and improve your mood. If you regularly communicate with such a person, get a black cat or cat, they perfectly maintain the energy balance in the house.

The simplest amulet against the influence of energy vampires is safety pin. The simplest little thing, and what protection! Just pin a pin to your clothes, you can inside, and wear it on yourself. This is my grandmother's method, proven over the years. Nothing threatens you! It is also worth pinning a pin to children’s clothes so that they are protected.

A good amulet that helps against evil and energy vampires is Turkish blue, or the eye of Fatima. It costs a penny, but it is a truly effective amulet that will help you every day. Remember - you need to wear this eye so that it is visible, only in this way will it repel the influence of dark forces. It can be in the form of a brooch, pendant or ring, or it can be pinned on a pin, there are a lot of options.

Clover is another proven and ancient remedy for energy vampires. His defense is very strong. Amulets and amulets with the image of clover come in a variety of different materials, from gold to wood.

You can make such a reliable amulet even with your own hands, and it will be an excellent protector against vampires. From polymer clay, leather or any other material, it is not difficult to make a clover, and all you need to do is wear it on yourself all the time. He will protect you!

A very effective amulet that protects against energy vampires is. This symbol will reliably protect you from any negative energies and will not give you offense; you will be reliably protected. In addition, you yourself will feel a surge of strength and energy when you wear such an amulet. These could be earrings, a pendant or a ring with the image of the sun, or you can even make a talisman yourself.

This can be an image of Yaril, Solstice or another ancient Slavic solar symbol, or simply an image of the sun - at your request. Belonging to a culture or religion does not matter; the amulet will reliably protect you in any case.

Turquoise is very strong stone, from which you can make a wonderful amulet against vampires. Just wear any turquoise jewelry: a ring, earrings, beads or pendant - and it will be your personal amulet. You can simply carry a turquoise ball with you in your purse.

Beautiful amulets - with signs. These are universal talismans for life; they can help every person from birth. A talisman with the image of your zodiac sign will not only protect you from energy vampires, but will also always bring good luck, ward off trouble, and help in any way. difficult situation. So feel free to use it! Find a beautiful pendant with your zodiac sign and wear it every day. It will be stylish decoration and reliable protection!

And remember: the main thing is not to be afraid. Don't be afraid of dark energies, and you can protect yourself from them. Learn to feel for yourself which people “drain” strength and energy from you, and limit communication with them. Try to communicate only with those people from whom, on the contrary, you feel a surge of strength and joy! And find the type of amulet that will help you feel safe and not be afraid of anything. Author: Vasilina Serova

This article is about how to protect yourself and protect loved ones from energy vampires. Yes, yes, those same people, after communicating with whom, loss of strength, emptiness, confusion, dissatisfaction with oneself and other similar states appear. It is a great blessing if you do not have to deal with energy vampires. If you don’t have a relative or boss with similar “talents”. It’s worse if such a person is still present in life. It’s even worse if he is present in the life of someone dear to you and there is no way to stop this interaction. For example, an energy vampire may be your child’s teacher or your brother’s lover or the sick grandfather whom your friend is looking after.

Contact with an energy vampire is especially dangerous in autumn and spring, i.e. at a time when the body is weakened. After all, the vast majority of diseases are of a psychosomatic nature, i.e. caused by deep emotional experiences. In order to protect yourself from the attacks of an energy vampire, you need to act comprehensively.

Step 1. Understand the mechanism of energy vampirism.

An energy vampire usually has several topics that he constantly addresses to people in order to “feed”. For example, there are those who start arguing with you about the political system. There are those who will start discussing their loved ones or your mutual friends or you. There are those who complain about life, about their figure, about pain, or about the fact that they have nothing to wear. But! It is important to note that not all conversations on such topics can be considered vampirism. Only those of them, after which you feel empty, angry or tired, and your interlocutor is full of strength. This is exactly what is a clear sign of energy vampirism.

There are several ways to “neutralize” a vampire:

Just don't communicate with him or minimize communication as much as possible. When the vampire takes the conversation back to normal, try to answer differently, hush up the topic, take the conversation in a different direction, or otherwise avoid the conversation. This method is suitable for those who practice energy healing and have initiation into Sol Wa Sin, cosmoenergetics, Reiki, Zhiva, egregoric fire Zoroastrianism or another tradition. Before you communicate with an energy vampire, place a harmonizing or healing channel on it.

Most the hard way- this is to understand yourself and heal the wounds that the energy vampire feels and aggravates. But it is also the most effective, because... in this case, you become too tough for him and he loses interest in you.

I would like to add that sometimes each of us can try on the role of an energy vampire. After all, in everyone’s life there are times when we get sick, sad, depressed, feel weak, tired or powerless. And at such moments we can get angry at those around us, forcing them to submit to our whims, we can argue for the sake of arguing, bringing our opponent to hysterics, we can cling to little things and make a whole scandal out of it.

But you can do it differently. Admit to yourself that right now it’s not best time and either retire until the acute phase passes, or honestly ask for help, saying that you really need support and care. The main thing to remember is that you should not linger in such states for a long time, so as not to turn into a real energy vampire.

Step 2. Restoration and compaction of energy bodies.

To become less susceptible to outside influences, including the “attack” of an energy vampire, it is worth resorting to practices energy cleansing and recovery. In addition, it is important to densify your energy body and harmonize psycho-emotional state. IN this process Myrrh and frankincense will help you. They can be worn in clothes, laid out wardrobe, place at the head of the bed, and also fumigate yourself, loved ones and your home with them. Smyrna has cleansing and harmonizing properties. Incense cleanses from negativity and gives physical and spiritual strength.

Strong and self-confident people are less susceptible to attacks from energy vampires. To strengthen these qualities in yourself, do amulet "Strength and confidence".

For this you will need:

  • Red fabric.
  • Green cord.
  • Jasper.
  • A piece of deer antler (can be replaced with unground saffron).

This amulet can be made in the form of a rhombus, and it will act actively; it can be made in the form of a circle, then the action of the amulet will be calmer.

When you collect the amulet, select the time for consecration. Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday on the Waxing Moon is best. For consecration, take a red or yellow candle and red or yellow flowers. Light a candle and turn to the Ancestress with the words:

I ask you, Great Mother, bless this amulet and illuminate it. Let him help (the name of the person who will wear the amulet) develop and strengthen his confidence and fortitude. Let it be so.

The amulet is ready. Thank the Ancestress, bring flowers as a gift. Leave the candle to burn out. You can give the amulet to the person for whom it was intended, or you can leave it near the candle and pick it up after the candle burns out.

Step 3. Protection.

Amulet “Protection from energy vampires”

Recipe 1

  • Red lace.
  • St. John's wort (flowers).
  • Calendula (petals).
  • Primrose (flowers).
  • Turmeric (root piece).
  • Coriander (cilantro seed).

Recipe 2

  • A diamond-shaped pouch of yellow color.
  • Red lace.
  • Heleotrope (small stone).
  • St. John's wort (flowers).
  • Calendula (petals).

Recipe 3

  • A diamond-shaped pouch of yellow color.
  • Red lace.
  • Jet (small stone).
  • Calendula (petals).
  • Primrose (flowers).

The time for consecration is Sunday on the Waxing Moon. For consecration, take a yellow candle and yellow flowers. Light a candle and turn to the Ancestress with the words:

Great Father of All, I turn to you and ask for your mercy and blessing of this amulet. Please, give him your power. Let the power of victory and protection from energy vampires, negativity, the evil eye, envy, illnesses, other people’s anger and harmful people. So be it and so it is.

The amulet is ready. Thank the Sun, bring flowers as a gift. Leave the candle to burn out. You can give the amulet to the person for whom it was intended, or you can leave it near the candle and pick it up after the candle burns out.

I wish you well-being, integrity and security from all adversity. Let energy vampires bypass you and your loved ones.

The concept of energy vampirism is not fiction. Such people really exist next to us, but their impact is very unpleasant.

If you feel tired, lack of strength, unwillingness and inability to work, you need to analyze the behavior of your environment. You can fight this - block the vampire’s powers, do not allow him to feed on your energy. This can be done easily if you have the necessary amulets. They will help protect you from such energetic influences of vampires and keep your mind clear. Your energy remains with you. This method has been known since ancient times, because back then they were also afraid of vampires, although they did not know the nature of their powers.

How to Know If You're Dealing with an Energy Vampire

Being around your colleague, boss, friend, teacher or relative, you may not feel very good. Moreover, everyone else complains about the same problems. It could be:

  • Sudden extreme fatigue.
  • Loss of energy in the middle of the working day.
  • The impossibility of refusing a person, and without any justification.
  • Sudden emptiness.

Such vampires are not tormented by a thirst for blood, they feed on our energy, and the longer you are around, the worse you feel. Very often these people do not understand why this happens, they cannot control their strength, attributing it to the fact that colleagues or friends are simply very tired and do not get enough sleep.

Of course, it is difficult to explain to a person that he is an energy vampire, and even more difficult to come to such a conclusion yourself. But the facts are clear, it’s hard for you next to him. Very often these are teachers or managers. They manage to control people with the help of their powers - taking away their will and energy. Every day they need to be in society, otherwise they themselves suffer.

These vampires have their own own energy not so much - they definitely need to feed their strength, literally taking away yours. You can protect yourself from them by creating a talisman.

What happens when you are affected?

Imagine that you are a vessel of water. If you dip a sponge into it, it will quickly absorb water. By itself, the sponge is dry, but when it gets into the vessel, it immediately picks up moisture.

Also with energy - you come to work, to university, to a meeting, to visit. You are full of strength, energy, you drank a cup of strong coffee - everything is going great. The vampire feels this on a subconscious, subtle level. He doesn’t need to do anything special, just by being next to you, talking to you, he takes away your energy, strength, will, desire to work. It sucks the energy out of you. He himself is getting much better, but you are getting worse. I want to sleep, even coffee or strong tea doesn’t help.

Many people attribute these phenomena to changes in pressure, but this is not so. You are under the influence. If you are constantly in such a state of decline, then you can become seriously ill - the constant pumping out of energy leads to serious illnesses. You need to take the situation into your own hands. You cannot change the nature of energy vampires, but you can protect yourself from their influence. To do this, you can create amulets yourself, or you can buy them, because the phenomenon of vampirism has been known since ancient times.

What will help fight the effects of a vampire?

The first thing that comes to mind is garlic. And you're right. He has special protective properties that scare away vampires. But this method is not always convenient. Carrying a head of garlic with you is effective, but few people will do it. But hanging a braid of autumn garlic in the kitchen - perfect option, if the vampire is your relative or friend who often comes into the house. Garlic can be added to dishes, salads, and pies. You will see for yourself how the balance of power will change. You will not harm the person, you will only block his innate ability to take your energy. This is a simple home talisman.

Rosemary also has strong properties to ward off intrusion into your energy channels. Ideal shape- fresh sprigs, rosemary oil. Bring it to work - it's a nice office decoration, but for your boss or vampire colleague it will be an unpleasant nuisance. Holy water, church candles, cross - attributes of mystical films. Perhaps they will help against real vampires with fangs, but in the case of energy vampires they will not be useful. In addition, a person can be baptized and wear a cross himself. It is rather some innate property that is not dark magic.

Talismans that protect against all types of vampirism

You can choose a ready-made talisman - the esoteric store will definitely recommend the following items to you:

One more effective advice- get a cat. She feels the approach of the energy vampire very strongly. The cat will never go into the arms of such a person; on the contrary, it will protect you and your home. And if you come home and feel very tired and empty after communicating with such a person, pet the animal. It will immediately take away all the negativity and give you the opportunity to recover. Such a living talisman will become the protector of your peace of mind.

White rite of expulsion of the children of the night

In the Middle Ages, a secret ritual was carried out that helped protect a person from the attacks of vampires, including energy ones, because it was believed that the most ordinary vampire also had the ability to take a person’s powers from a distance. Our ancestors were not far from the truth. During the ceremony it was necessary to use silver ring without a stone - it was charged in a special way. Vampires are children of the night, so the ritual was carried out during the day in the light of the Sun. Take:

  1. Dry rosemary, black wool thread, black pepper.
  2. All these ingredients were mixed in a bowl and set on fire.
  3. When everything is completely burned out, you need to collect the ashes and read a prayer over them:

    “I will stand, servant of God (name), having blessed myself, I will go, crossing myself, from the hut doors, from the courtyard gates, to the high eastern side, to the Okiyan - the blue sea. On the Okiyan - blue sea there is an island, on this island there is a stone, on this stone there is a cathedral, in this cathedral there is a throne. Behind this throne is the eagle-father Vladimir, Ilya-Muromets and mother Holy Mother of God. I came to you to ask and beg you from the pricks, from the hunk, from the whining, from the simple-haired girl, from the sorcerer man, from the wild eye, from the windy eye, to protect me, God’s servant (name).”

  4. A silver ring is placed in it, and the prayer is repeated again.
  5. A person must wear this ring for 10 days without removing it, and the ashes are scattered at the crossroads.

It was believed that you could walk with this ring even at night - vampires would not do anything to a person, they would not dare to show themselves.

In the modern world, you can be influenced by energy vampires, but they can be resisted. This unpleasant situation can easily be resolved in your favor if you can create a talisman for protection. Your energy channels will withstand the enemy’s attack, and you will maintain peace, self-confidence, and the normal flow of life. Your strength is enough for the amulet to work.

Protection from energy vampires at work is a pressing issue, since we usually do not choose colleagues, employees and bosses. Among them there may easily be those who like to profit from other people’s energy, with whom they will have to somehow coexist.

The issue of energy vampires is ambiguous, and measures to combat them can be very different: from reading prayers and mantras to wearing special amulets. Let's take a closer look at the phenomenon of energy vampirism and ways to protect against it.

Energy vampirism

In essence, energy vampirism is the drawing of vital forces from the energy system of one person to the system of another. How do they do it? Sometimes - unconsciously, sometimes - consciously. The unconscious process occurs as if by touch, at the level of reflexes. The vampire feels a surge of energy during a quarrel or conversation, and his unconscious takes note of the situation in order to repeat it more than once (in this case, the robber, like the victim, may simply not be aware of what is actually happening during the communication process).

Conscious energy vampires act differently - they create the intention to feed on someone else’s energy and visualize a certain channel through which vital forces flow from the donor to them. Of course, they know what to say and do to “trip” you into emotions, unbalance the system and force you to splash out your energy. They can act out pity or show aggression, probe for vulnerable spots, or even do nothing - just be somewhere nearby. Your mood deteriorates, your head hurts, you feel drowsy and your performance decreases.

Such employees, and even more so bosses, really are a problem. After all, you not only have to endure them, but also perform some tasks together. Of course, you don’t want to change your job because of the presence of an energy vampire in the office. But you will have to put forward a defense against him - both you and he need this. The fact is that by getting used to free energy, a vampire extremely weakens his energy system and practically loses the ability to generate life force himself.

Regular attacks by an energy vampire affect not only the donor’s performance, but also their health and mental state. Options cannot be ruled out when a vampire needs more than just energy. Taking advantage of his ability to “de-energize” the victim, he can pursue other goals - to “hook” you or discredit you. In this way he can fight competition or take revenge for something. Since the victim suspects nothing, the vampire’s insidious plans sometimes come true.

However, one should not consider an energy vampire a superman or at least a strong personality. The main reason for his abilities is precisely the weak, disrupted energy system. This is a kind of disease that can be cured if you set a goal.

Forms of protection

  1. Subject. These include amulets, amulets and talismans that you can wear on yourself, keep on your desk or in your nightstand. To activate the amulet, you need to perform an appropriate ritual. It’s also good to do it with your own hands, investing positive energy and the specific intention of protection.
  2. Abstract. These are energetic methods that are based on visualization and intention. Most often they involve mentally creating a force or reflective barrier. This group of protection methods also includes prayers, spells and mantras.
  3. Aimed at strengthening our own energy system. This is perhaps the most successful approach, since it allows you to create permanent protection against vampirism. A vampire simply cannot “attach” to a person whose energy system is strong and balanced. If in subtle body there are no cracks or gaps, the “tentacles” of the invader do not penetrate into it and a channel is not formed.

Talismans and amulets

No matter what they say, but pectoral cross- This is a classic amulet. Of course, the little vampire himself can wear exactly the same cross, but this should not discourage you. It is important how you perceive this symbol - if you believe in its power, then you automatically fall into the protection zone of the Christian egregor. If you feel signs of an attack, touch the cross, ask for protection, read your favorite prayer.

In essence, a talisman against an energy vampire is any amulet that protects against negative influences from the outside and strengthening you from the inside. It could be a red cabalistic thread on the wrist, Slavic amulets, Scandinavian runes... To choose a suitable amulet, get acquainted with several of them - read the literature, find out about their capabilities, history, meaning. Then purchase or make one that inspires sympathy and observe how it works in practice.

There are also specific amulets recommended by esoteric scientists to protect against energy vampirism and increase personal energy. One of these amulets is a quartz crystal. Thanks to its structure this stone It is perfectly programmable and creates a strong protective barrier. In addition, it is able to smooth out disturbances in the energy system of its owner, cure phobias, depression and other diseases.

The quartz crystal must be correctly programmed, and first remove the old program by holding it under the stream cold water and let it air dry. To program the crystal, you need to hold it in your hand and formulate your intention to cooperate with it to create a protective barrier. It is advisable to carry the crystal closer to your body or at least in your purse. If one day you see that a speck or other defect has formed in it, know that the amulet has protected you from a powerful energy attack.

Another talisman is a pyramid that follows the proportions of the Great Egyptian Pyramid. It can be made of any natural material - stone, wood, glass... To activate the pyramid, hold it in your hands, imagining how cosmic energy pours through its top and spreads throughout your body. This amulet not only creates a protective barrier, but also promotes concentration and focus on work.

Abstract methods and self-improvement

In essence, abstract methods operate on the same principle as substantive ones, creating protective field and strengthening the human energy system. The only difference is that they do not require any items. On the one hand, it is easier to concentrate on the subject, but on the other hand, you simply may not have it at hand. In this case, abstract methods are indispensable. They are especially suitable for people with a developed imagination.

The easiest and most fun way is to imagine a little vampire and cover him with an imaginary glass. You can develop the situation further - imagine his futile attempts to influence you from behind the “impenetrable” glass. To some, this method even seems cruel, since it isolates the vampire from all sources of energy. What if he comes to his senses and wants to connect with space? More soft way– put an “impenetrable” barrier between him and you, alternatively a mirror one, reflecting any attack.

You can mentally read conspiracies, mantras or prayers. A universal amulet is the prayer “Our Father”. Communication with nature - trees, sea, starry sky - will help replenish the loss of vitality and strengthen the energy system... All kinds of meditation and yoga classes are also useful. Concentrate your attention on something high - spiritual growth, self-improvement, revealing your potential, and no vampires will simply be able to reach you.