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Cleansing the human energy field. Ritual of karmic cleansing at home

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The cleansing ritual is a simple but very effective magical ritual that allows you to get rid of any negativity. With this tool you can cleanse yourself, your internal energy, your loved ones, your home, etc.

Rite of purification through the power of fire

Most popular rituals for getting rid of negative energy carried out using the power of the fire element. In rituals, this power is often symbolized by the flame of a candle; this small flame allows the performer to clear his own thoughts and concentrate on the magical ritual of getting rid of any filth.

Purification rituals are simple and safe, however, for such magic to work as effectively as possible, the performer requires intention, strength and will.

These are very important components of successful work.

Home cleansing ritual

This is a simple ritual that works on the power of the element of fire. It will help you cleanse your own home, get rid of negativity and evil. Light a candle, concentrate on its flame and try to feel how everything bad burns out in this small flame. Come with a burning candle to front door and go around the whole house with it, moving clockwise, along the walls. At this time, you need to continuously look at the candle flame, think about how good it is at home, how cozy, warm, and dear your home is. Try to feel the atmosphere of peace and love in your home, think that here the walls help you in all matters, you and all the other residents.

When you feel confident that your home is really helping you, think that inside these walls you will be protected from any evil, from people with bad intentions, from negative energy.

As you move around the house, try to think that the candle flame really helps you protect your own home from evil, hatred, envy and other negative feelings and emotions.


As you walk through the rooms with candles, pay attention Special attention on the vibrations of the flame, if the fire at some point becomes restless, you will hear distinct crackling sounds, which means that in this place the negative energy impact is especially strong. Stop for a while and read any cleansing spells or prayers you know.

When you have gone through all the rooms in the house, return to the front door, place a candle on the threshold and leave it there to burn out. Place the candle in such a way that people entering will not knock it over.

A candle can be used to cleanse not only your home, but also your own thoughts and feelings.

If something is really bothering you, if you are tormented by doubts and fears, just light a candle, put it on the table, sit next to it and concentrate on its flame. Try to enjoy contemplating the sacred fire, admire its yellow tongues, and then simply tell the flame what really worries you, what prevents you from living and feeling happy. Tell sincerely about all the grievances and pains, about doubts, about everything that lies a heavy burden on your heart. After that, just imagine that all your negative thoughts and emotions are a pile of garbage that you threw away and gave to the sacred flame. Now you will definitely feel better.

Slavic rituals for cleansing

Our distant ancestors viewed themselves in an inextricable connection with nature, which they identified with the Gods and the Mother of all things. Moreover, the Slavs considered themselves descended from the Gods and called themselves the grandchildren of Dazhdbog.

Few people know, but one of the most common cleansing rituals, egg rolling, has roots in ancient Slavic rituals. This simple technique allows you to remove any energy damage to the body and spirit. The ritual is completely safe and, if used correctly, can be used any number of times.

Ritual for home protection

Our ancestors paid special attention to protecting family and home from negativity. They believed that there should always be some object located next to the front door that would catch the eye of everyone entering. It was this object that was supposed to absorb all the negative energy.

As such a protector, the Slavs used small wooden or straw houses, wreaths of various herbs and flowers, old clothes and shoes, as well as jewelry with various seeds, fruits and berries, bags of herbs and amulets.

The same item can be used today, you just need to know the basic properties of the listed items.

Salt for clearing negativity

In many cleansing rituals, the Slavs used salt, which was considered one of the most powerful means for collecting negative information.


A simple way to cleanse a room of any filth is to take a small amount of coarse salt, pour it into plates or pots, and place it in all corners of the room. Leave the plates for a week, and then pour all the used salt into one bag and bury it outside. Do not use waste salt in food under any circumstances, as you will take on all the accumulated negativity.

Slavic ritual of cleansing an apartment with fire

Fire has always been revered by the Slavs, and bonfires were an integral attribute of any holiday. As an example, consider the holiday “Kupala”. The fire was always led by a sorcerer or sorcerer, who chose from among the young men those who would maintain the sacred fire throughout the sacrament.

To cleanse yourself or a room with fire, light a few candles, place them in a circle and read the words of the ancient conspiracy:

“In the name of Svarog the Father, in the name of Dazhdbog, and in the name of Perun the Thunderer. You, Svarog the Father, separate truth from falsehood, you, Dazhdbog, separate day from night, and you, Perun, separate Reality from Navi. I conjure (name), by the power of heavenly fire, by the power of the fire that is between heaven and earth, by the power of earthly fire, and by the underground I conjure. Let all the dark spells, all the teachings and slander, all the dry spells of Navya burn out in the Pekelny Fire. May what has been said come true. Exactly".

Purification ritual with water and fire

Before performing this ceremony, place three or twelve church candles on the table. Water and Fire are the elements that are at the core of the universe, therefore they must be treated with all respect and reverence. Sit at the table and say the words in a whisper:

“Lord God, bless you for cleansing. I ask you, spirits of fire and water, help me cleanse myself, take away all the anger and misfortune from me, burn them in fire, drown them in water, so that they never return to me, the servant of God (name). Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After this, move the candles from the table to the floor and sit in the center, reading the Lord’s Prayer nine times. Try to relax and watch the candles burn around you. Close your eyes and imagine that you are in a boat in the middle of a large lake, feel the waves rocking your vessel. If at this moment you feel a negative influence, which may manifest itself in nausea or other sensations, then you have a large amount of negative energy.


You need to stay inside the circle of candles until you feel relief. If it doesn’t get better, then you can leave at any time, but at the same time, be sure to thank the forces of Fire and Water for their help and support.
This ritual must be performed every day until you feel that there is no trace left of everything negative and negative.

Powerful ritual of purification

This is an extremely effective ritual that will not only help you get rid of negative thoughts and feelings, but will also teach you how to enter a state of meditation, which can be successfully used in other magical practices.

To perform the ceremony you will need some kind of silver vessel. This could be a cup or a vase. If you do not have a suitable silver vessel, then you can replace it with a jug made of another material, but in this case you will need to put a silver coin on the bottom of the vessel (the presence of silver is a prerequisite for this ritual).

Pour water into the prepared vessel and place it on a windowsill or balcony so that moonlight falls into the water. The water should be exposed to the moon for several hours. Then place the vessel in front of you and place both hands on its neck. Close your eyes and try to imagine that the moonlight is touching your palms through the water. As soon as you manage to catch this first sensation, begin to transmit it to your whole body, as if moonlight is spreading throughout your body.

When you feel that you have taken all the energy flow from the jug, read the words of the conspiracy:

“Silver moonlight, you give strength, you bring purity. Cleanse me, God's servant (name), from all filth, from all evil, from envy and sadness. Let it be so".

Now scoop up some moon water with your palms and moisten selected points on your body with it. Most often they choose: temples, forehead, solar plexus area, neck, wrists, etc. When you feel energy starting to flow into your body again, read the words:

“My mother Moon, strengthen my spirit, fill me with your strength, light, creative power, cleanse me from everything dark, everything evil and unworthy. Cleanse, Moon, your child (name). Let it be so".

Then lower your hands and say:

“I (name), pure, I am perfect, like a baby at the beginning of its life path. Thank you, O Moon Goddess. Stay with me in my life, help me preserve the lily of my soul in the silver of your rays. Exactly".

Sometimes in the life of any person there comes a period when every day becomes a difficult test - illnesses appear, there is complete bad luck in business, and there is a heavy atmosphere of discord in the family.

Of course, we know that life is like a vest - after the light stripe, wait for the dark one. However, if the dark streak has dragged on, it means that the matter is not a simple cyclical nature of existence. Most likely, negativity has accumulated in your home and in your energy – the dirt of subtle planes.

The house and the human body not only need regular cleaning, washing and cleaning on the physical plane, but also need to be cleansed energetically.

For cleansing on the subtle plane, over the centuries, sorcerers and magicians from different parts of the planet have developed special cleansing rituals. These rituals have survived to this day in almost their original form.

There are many purification rituals, some duplicating each other, and some used for different purposes.

Fire rituals for cleansing are the most common, since fire has the property of irreversibly destroying information. And subtle dirt is, first of all, accumulated information structures that interfere with the normal flow of energy in the home or body, or convert the normal energy of the external environment or communication into a harmful effect.

Residential cleansing ritual

For effective cleansing Some points to remember:

  • Negativity usually accumulates in hard-to-reach places: corners, space behind furniture, under sofas and beds.
  • After the ceremony, you need to ventilate the room for a while to replenish natural flows.
  • The ceremony always ends with a consolidation ritual.

The ceremony begins at the front door. A door is a gateway not only for the owners and their guests; both positive and negative energy flows penetrate through the door.

  • The first step of the ritual is performed: light a church candle, then drop wax into the right corner of the opening, move along inner surface doorway, light the candle counterclockwise and drop it in the lower left corner of the opening. At the same time say: “I’m closing!”
  • Now you need to start walking around the house clockwise. Imagine that a ray passes through the point where your “third eye” and the candle light are located, which after the candle light becomes fiery. By raising or lowering the candle, or moving it from side to side, you seem to change the direction of the beam.
  • You need to mentally “burn” the space of the rooms with the fire of the beam, paying special attention to corners and other hard-to-reach places.
  • In places where you involuntarily feel the urge to stop and work longer, the “Our Father” is read to enhance cleansing.
  • After you have walked through one of the rooms, stand in the center and try to feel the atmosphere in it after you have completed the ritual; if necessary, repeat the ritual again.
  • After you have walked through all the rooms, return to the front door. Drip wax into the left (as viewed from the room) corner of the opening, run a candle flame along its inner surface, drip wax in the opposite corner with the words of the anchoring ritual: “I open to goodness, health and prosperity!”
  • After the ceremony, be sure to ventilate the room!
  • Approach the person from behind. Hold the candle above your left shoulder, imagining molten pure silver in that space. Once the image of silver has become clear, we move on to the next stage.
  • Hold the candle over your right shoulder until the image of molten silver appears.
  • Hold the candle behind the image being cleaned until the image of the straightened silver appears.
  • Hold the candle in front of what you are purifying until the image of molten silver appears.
  • Move the candle in a clockwise circular motion over your head until an image of silver appears.

The Roman rite is distinguished by its large number of parishioners. It is both a celebration and a ritual. There is every reason to believe that the Roman ritual of purification by fire takes its origins from pagan rites. The Roman pantheon of Gods did not differ much from other pagan pantheons, in whose rituals of service they most often used fire. The Roman liturgical rite receives additional power of purification from the recitation of “cleansing” prayers.

The Roman rite requires a high degree of trust on the part of parishioners, which, with a large number of participants, enhances the purification effect many times over.

Humanity has successfully used purification by fire for centuries. Many scientific works have been written about its impact and a large number of scientific and educational videos have been filmed. I propose to consider the 8 most effective ways to cleanse yourself, another person and your home.

For many millennia, people considered fire sacred and worshiped it, identifying it with the Sun and Life. Some pagan rituals based on it have survived to this day: we celebrate Maslenitsa with the burning of its effigy, we jump over a fire on Kupala night, we pray in front of burning candles.

And fire helps to cleanse the soul and aura, enter the higher spiritual realms and be heard by the Universe. Today we’ll talk about the most powerful, beneficial and mysterious natural force that bestows health and prosperity - fire.

Rituals for purification by fire

Even eminent scientists talk about the existence of a human biofield - an energy body. Look what Professor Neumyvakin says about him. The scientist even wrote a large and very informative book about the energetic essence of man. It is easy to find in electronic form on the Internet. I highly recommend reading it to gain new useful knowledge.

Method 1. Cleansing with a candle

How to find out if you are wearing it, read the special article. And to cleanse yourself of negativity, perform the ritual that my grandmother-healer shared with me.

  1. For a week, every evening before going to bed, be sure to light a consecrated church candle in a dark room.
  2. Sit comfortably in front of it, look at the flame and try to relax as much as possible. Thus, the fire will take away the negativity from your biofield and burn away.
  3. Peer intently into the fire until a state of complete calm and relaxed numbness appears (5-10 minutes).
  4. Read “Our Father” three times and mentally turn to your Guardian Angels with a request to help you cleanse yourself, restore your health, give you good rest and a happy life.

And go to bed peacefully.

In the morning you will feel healthier, more attractive and Fortune will no longer turn its back on you. Try it and see the simplicity and power of such a folk ritual.

Method 2. Healing meditation cleansing with the element of fire

See how to use healing meditation correctly, what attributes and conditions are needed.

Method 3. Purifying a person with fire energy

With the help of a cleansing ritual with the energy of fire, you can save any person from someone else’s negative impact on his biofield, damage, the evil eye, thereby preventing diseases or alleviating those already acquired. The ritual must be carried out together: this is how one person cleanses the aura of the other through the flame of a candle.

Bioenergy therapists advise carrying out the cleansing ritual in white clothes or wrapped in a sheet. White color will protect you from receiving negativity from the patient during the cleansing effect.

  1. Place the person in front of you, and stand behind you, holding a lit church candle.
  2. Try to relax. Turn off the inner chatterbox, the creeping distracting thoughts (just tell them “Get out, I'm letting you go”).
  3. Focus completely on the flame and the person sitting in front of you.
  4. Read quietly “Our Father...” together.
  5. Start cleansing from the bottom of the spine up, from the tailbone to the top of the head, placing the candle fifteen centimeters from the body. At the same time, with your hand holding the candle, slowly lift it up, make small smooth circles (counterclockwise) and listen carefully to the flame.
  6. Where there are clots of negativity or a diseased organ in the biofield, the candle fire will crackle and smoke. Moreover, the stronger these manifestations, the more negativity accumulated in this area of ​​the body. Keep the fire here until the soot and crackling stop.
  7. Be sure to finish the cleansing procedure 20 cm above the crown.
  8. We carry out this cleansing by fire three times.
  9. After this, be sure to wash your hands with cool running water from the elbow to the hand and fingertips, washing away the received negative energy. This is what energy therapists and healers do.

Also look at other folk methods.

Method 4. Practice of cleansing the aura and chakras with fire

This little practice will take 5 to 15 minutes. It cleanses the chakras, awakens the Divine fire and strengthens the aura as much as you want.

Your aura is the sphere of harmony and responsibility in your life. When a person refuses responsibility, his aura collapses. And if he does not take responsibility even for his health, his aura is drawn into the body.

But you can become as wide as the world in your Divine claims and extend your aura to the house in which you live, to your neighborhood, city and even country. Your aura expands along with your consciousness.

  1. Light a candle (preferably a tablet so it doesn’t leak) and, calling on the Divine fire to awaken your chakras, direct the flame to your forehead, between your eyebrows, until you feel warm. Mentally place this fire in the ajna chakra (in the center of the head) and strengthen the fire in it. The head should feel filled with light.
  2. Place a candle opposite your throat and imagine the fire in the Vishuddha chakra (throat center), strengthen it and cleanse the chakra until pleasant lightness and freedom appear in the neck and shoulders.
  3. Place the candle opposite the middle of your chest and light and cleanse the anahata chakra (heart center) in the same way. The entire chest should experience a feeling of warmth, freedom and expansion.
  4. Place the candle opposite the center of the abdomen (above the navel), light it and cleanse the manipura chakra. The stomach should become warm, the middle of the back should be relaxed.
  5. Place a candle at the lower abdomen, awaken and cleanse the swadhishthana chakra. Your lower back should feel warm and soft and relaxed.
  6. Place a candle opposite the groin area, awaken and cleanse the muladhara chakra (root center, located in the perineum).
  7. When all the chakras are awakened and filled with light and warmth, return the candle to the middle of the forehead, place the fire in the ajna chakra and mentally spread the fire along the nerve channels leading to the hands. The fire should light up in the centers of the palms and in each finger.
  8. Then spread the fire all over your back, mentally directing it to your legs. The knees, feet and toes should be filled with fire.
  9. Then place the candle flame near the center of your chest. Summon fire into your aura, imagine your entire body being in the flame of a giant candle and expand your aura - the aura of fire as much as you see fit. At least for kilometers, at least for your entire city.

At a minimum, you should increase it to 10-15 meters (this is the size of the Divine fire in a person when a person is awakened).

Thank the fire, thank the Divine power and extinguish the candle with your fingers. You can ask your aura to protect you throughout the day and make the people and events you encounter kind and benevolent.

Method 5. The practice of purifying a person with fire

The practice of healing your biofield, changing your negative internal state, going beyond your destiny.

Method 6. Ritual of energy purification and protection from negativity

To cleanse yourself of accumulated pathogenic negative energy and gain protection Higher powers in any life situation, perform such a ritual. It is similar to the above, only here a protective plot is read.

Light a candle, look at the flame and say a prayer:

Flame of the sacred candle, symbol of the Holy Spirit and Universal Fire, symbol of the Sun, cleanse and protect me so that the Holy Spirit descends from heaven and finds its abode in me.

Try to cleanse yourself and your loved ones with fire - acquire new skills, help yourself and people. And in addition I wish you what the Japanese wish each other:

May any illness pass you by. May peace and prosperity remain in the family. May there be good luck in business.

Method 7. Cleansing the house, premises, space with fire

I perform this ritual the same way my grandmothers did. Do the following:

  1. Make a small bag out of paper into which the wax of a burning candle will drip so as not to burn your hands. Or put salt in a container and insert a candle into it.
  2. Place a lit candle in it (preferably a church candle).
  3. Cleaning the room must begin behind the front door.
  4. Holding the bag in your right hand, enter the room.
  5. We walk around the entire apartment or any room along the wall on the left side, that is, clockwise.
  6. Be sure to stop at each corner and cross it with a three-lit candle. Do the same with windows and doors.
  7. Finish the cleansing at the front door, leaving the apartment or room. Blow out the candle there.

After rituals, I always wash my hands, as I described above. I also imagine a waterfall and douse myself with water from the top of my head to the tips of my toes, sending negativity into the ground, which I advise you to do as well. At the same time, pronounce the spell:

Mother Earth, take everything bad and recycle it for good.

Method 8. Cleansing sound program

I also recommend using the video Sound of Fire. A program specially written by scientists, using healing sound vibrations and fiery flames, cleanses rooms and people from damage, bad energy, all the best. Such programs are created by specialists in institutes. Therefore, without fear, treat yourself with them for your own good.

I shared several rituals known to me. Humanity has been successfully using these folk remedies for hundreds of years - try using them to relieve negative effects. They will definitely help maintain health and well-being.

Your home needs not only to be kept clean visually and physically.

Experiences, various information, anxieties, quarrels, illnesses and much more contribute to the accumulation of negative energy in the house. This can lead to feelings of fatigue, restless sleep, ill health, and even the desire to quarrel.

If you feel uncomfortable and anxious in your own home, then it’s time to do some energetic cleaning.
Quarrels, envious guests, simply unfriendly people have brought energetic dirt into your home, it takes away your peace, instills anxiety in your soul, and does not allow you to sleep peacefully.

First, take ordinary salt. She tends to absorb negative energy. Pour salt into a variety of different salt shakers, cups, bowls and other containers, place them in all corners, on shelves, on appliances - in a word, everywhere.

Let it sit for two days, then flush it down the toilet.

Light a candle and walk throughout the apartment, especially blessing the corners where negative energy accumulates.

Do a wet cleaning, making sure to wash the mirrors.

The mirror absorbs bad energy so much that simply wiping it is not enough.

We offer you several types of cleaning of an apartment or house,
We recommend alternating them periodically:

Take 3-5 small onions, peel them and hang them in different places.

Pierce each onion with a thick needle and red thread and tie the thread around the onion. After seven days, remove the onions and place each on a separate sheet of paper, salt them well and burn. After this ceremony evil forces will leave the house.

Burn church candles in all rooms for several days and even weeks. The fire will drive away the dark entities of the other world.

At night, you can put onions cut in half in the corners, and in the morning, collect them on a scoop (do not touch them with your hands) and bury them in the ground.

The same ritual can be performed with garlic. After all, it has been known since time immemorial that onions and garlic are the best helpers in the fight against dark forces.

Take a branch of St. John's wort or thistle, dry it, light it with a church candle and fumigate all rooms with smoke, even the smallest closets. Walk crosswise in rooms, from corner to corner.

The same fumigation of an apartment can be carried out with heather. To find out what kind of energy is in your apartment, make several different observations.

For example, in a house with good energy, spilled water dries up slowly, flowers in vases do not wither for a long time, metal objects feel cool to the touch, and wooden objects are a little warm.

In “black” houses, a fallen coin does not ring, milk sours faster, hot food quickly cools down, salt instantly dissolves in water, butter melts before our eyes, the candle smokes, its flame flickers and goes out.

It’s good to check the energy spots in your apartment with a pendulum. Make it yourself from any weight: silver, copper or crystal. The main thing is that it is only yours.

Test areas by asking, “Is this a good place? Rocking back and forth means yes, side to side means no.” Gradually move away from the dirty area and determine its boundaries. You may not succeed the first time. Or you will not be able to correctly interpret the readings of the pendulum, or at first it will refuse to work with you.But do not give up, but try to learn how to work with the pendulum.

On negative areas you can put any electrical devices, but not books. They will immediately absorb the negativity and pass it on to the reading owner.

Place pieces of aspen, oak, birch and spruce in places of strong negative energy - they absorb this energy, and maple, bird cherry, rowan, hazel and juniper can even transform it into positive energy. Tree pieces must be changed periodically.

It’s also good to put glasses of water on negative places at night and pour them out the door in the morning. You can put a silver object or an egg in the water. Use plain water, not holy water.

To ensure that your home is always cozy, clean, calm and comfortable, learn to be like that yourself, because all our words, anxieties, negative emotions materialize on the walls, furniture, things, paintings, even flowers.

Have some kind of vessel in your house, for example a jug, and mentally put bad moods, sorrows and failures into it. When you feel the pitcher is full, throw it in the trash and get a new one.

Don't allow yourself to get angry before bed - you'll create a program for the night and simply won't rest. Neutralize Bad mood an interesting book, a funny movie, pleasant music.

Be sure to get rid of unnecessary things, especially those with bad energy, left over from deceased relatives associated with your failures. If you haven't used an item for a year or more, you definitely don't need it.

If you're in a particularly bad mood, try running across a river on a bridge or across a shallow stream. Running water has special energetic qualities; it will cut off any ill-wisher or envious person from you. If there is no bridge nearby, this picture will help you. Imagine yourself running along it.

In a private home, it is very useful to hang old shoes on the fence. Someone else's gaze catches on them, and they take the first energy blow.

And in a city apartment you can hang wicker bast shoes on the wall in the hallway.

Just remember that a house or apartment is not just housing where we come after work to eat and sleep, but our living space, our territory. He reflects us, and we reflect him. We charge the house with our energy, it charges us.

It’s not for nothing that they say: “My home is my fortress,” “In your home, even the walls help!” Free yourself from the junk accumulated over many years, sort out the rubble and part with the past.

How to perform a home cleansing ritual.

Feng Shui problems are not always solved by simple correction. Many people make the huge mistake of starting to "fix" their home with methods that require a complete cleansing of the home first.

Remember: If your problem is obvious and has disappeared after a simple correction, then there is no need to take other serious actions. But if the problem persists, then most likely it is necessary to re-create the paths for the distribution of pure Qi. In such cases, a complete cleansing of your home is required.

In addition, it is useful to cleanse your home at least once a year, even if everything seems to be in order. This way you clear the clogged vessels of your home and give it the opportunity to live and breathe freely.

Cleansing the house is a ritual familiar to many peoples, because since ancient times people have known: it is simply necessary to cleanse their home of energetic dirt. Russia also has its own methods and rituals.

You can use the strongest and most effective method cleansing - cleansing with a candle and holy water.

This work needs to be done together, and it is advisable that no one else is in the house at that moment, turn off the phone during the ceremony so that no one disturbs you. Collect your thoughts, get ready for work.

You need to start from the front door.

Light a candle, take it in your right hand, stand with your back to the door and, looking at the fire, read the Lord's Prayer.

After you read the prayer, you need to start moving along the walls counterclockwise, keeping your back to the front door.

Read the prayer over and over again and cross the walls with a candle flame.

Pay special attention to corners, including those formed by furniture, as well as mirrors, windows and sleeping places: they are baptized with a candle three times.

A lot of negativity accumulates where the TV and telephone are, so stay near them longer.

The second person follows the first and also crosswise sprinkles the walls, corners, mirrors, furniture, etc. with holy water.

If somewhere a candle begins to go out, it means there is a lot of negative energy there: you need to stop and stand with the candle longer, especially intensively cross this place with a flame and sprinkle it with holy water (not with your hand, but with a feather or a special brush).

You don’t have to go into the closets, bathroom, toilet, just open the doors there and cross the space behind the door with a candle, mentally bringing there the fiery cross formed by the candle flame.

Having thus walked around the entire perimeter of the apartment, you need to go out the door.

There, cross it three times with a candle and water, then cleanse yourself with a candle and water.

Close the door and read the Lord's Prayer again, looking at the candle flame.

Now you can extinguish the candle (you should not do this with your breath).

The work is finished.

For those who want to install stronger protection.

During cleansing with fire and water, place chalk crosses on all sides on windows, doors, around the TV and telephone.

Remember - no one should remain in the house!!!

If there are places in the house where for a long time there was a seriously ill or dying person or died somewhere - special work must be done with such areas. After all, in the place where a person died, a stable communication channel with the afterlife is formed. This is a kind of black hole into which the energy of both the apartment itself and the people living in it is sucked.

In such a place you need to put a candle, light it and not extinguish it until the candle itself burns out completely. This may have to be done more than once. Then you need to take another lit candle and make counterclockwise circular movements over this place, as if burning out the remaining negativity. Then light another candle and, looking at the flame, imagine how the golden glow emanating from the candle flame completely fills the cleansed space.


Today, more than ever, the question of cleanliness at home arises.

Fumigating a house with herbs is very powerful way cleansing the space that people have used since ancient times.

It’s bad when there is no energy in the house, but when it’s filled with negative energy, it’s even worse.

This brings not only fatigue and irritability, quarrels and loss of money, but also illness and even the destruction of the family.

This is why the house needs to be cleaned from time to time.

This energetic cleaning should be done 3-4 times a year, like a regular general cleaning of an apartment.

During quarrels, stress, etc. Primary heavy thought forms are formed around us - all of this hangs in “energy clusters” around the house.

. Sage is a powerful cleanser.

Smoke drives away negative energies formed as a result of quarrels and difficult emotional experiences, and cleanses space.
After sage, it is recommended to use wormwood; it seems to neutralize the remnants of “mental dust” after sage.

Wormwood helps to cleanse the “atmosphere” of irrelevant extraneous influences - someone else’s or your own thoughts “not relevant.” Fumigation with wormwood can drive almost any evil spirits out of the house.

It is used to fumigate a sick household member. If you hang a sprig of wormwood above the front door or put it in a vase, then this will be enough to protect your home.

. Juniper

Cleanses the atmosphere and expels various unwanted entities, protects the house, protects against damage and other magical attacks, purifies energy, purifies and refreshes the air. The disinfecting effect has been known since ancient times - juniper smoke in villages was used to disinfect cellars, treat salting barrels, and fumigate plague barracks.

. St. John's wort

Reliably protects against negative entities and damage, as it is one of the most powerful anti-demonic plants, protects the house from negative energies and attacks evil people, cleanses space not only from harmful vibrations and layers of negative energies, but also from the presence of evil spirits.

Cleansing with a mixture

Take equal parts (about a handful) of dry herbs:

  • oregano,
  • laurel
  • rosemary

Heat a gallon of water until almost boiling, remove it from the heat and add the herbs to the water. Cover and let cool.
Strain the herbs and use your fingers to sprinkle the infusion throughout your home. Move clockwise, imagining and saying something like this:

I expel evil and negative energy.
This is my will, so be it!

Touch doors and windows, household utensils and furniture with water, spray the outside of the house and spray the surrounding yard. Be sure to pour some water down the drains.

Imagine how water cleanses everything.

The ceremony is over.

How to carry out fumigation?

If the plants were tied into a bunch when drying, then first set fire to one edge. When it flares up, blow out the fire.

The bunch should continue to smoke.

Keep the bundle over some fire-resistant dish; there should be a bucket of water nearby so that you can immediately extinguish it if something goes wrong.

If you fumigate with pine needles or small-leafed plants, then from practice - take candles in metal cases, place them in a low jar, and set them on fire. Place a small metal strainer on top of the jar.

Place pine needles or leaves on the strainer.

As soon as it starts smoking, start moving around the rooms and fumigating. This “structure” must be monitored to avoid fire.

Remember that the smoke must be very strong.

Start working clockwise from the eastern corner of the room, direct the smoke around the perimeter of the room, the main thing is to fill the room with smoke.

From personal experience, juniper smells best. But sage smokes the best - it’s so smoky that the neighbors immediately come running.

In addition to fumigation, ordinary coarse salt miraculously removes all kinds of energy pollution. Scatter it in the corners for 2-3 days, then collect it and flush it down the toilet.

This is a practice for energetic cleansing of space and body.

It is recommended to carry it out regularly and also as needed - a serious illness in the household, major quarrels in the house, large crowds of people.
. Incense

A very simple and pleasant way to liven up a room is to light a stick of incense. The smell will penetrate your room, filling it not only with a pleasant aroma, but also helping to cleanse this space.

The scents you use are very important.

Energy changes from one situation to another, and your needs for different smells change accordingly.

To completely expel harmful entities, cleaning should be done in 2-3 stages.

Take a mixture of 4 parts juniper, 2 parts pine (or cedar) needles and 1 part cloves.

Fumigate the room with this mixture with the windows and doors closed, let it brew, then ventilate completely.

The next stage is final cleaning - fumigation with sage and wormwood.

After such an expulsion procedure, of course, it won’t hurt to simply tidy up the room, wash the floor, etc.

Salt cleansing

Salt absorbs all negative energy and is an excellent assistant in cleansing the environment.

There is a very old and very effective technique.

We do it on the waning moon. Take a frying pan, pour salt in a layer of about 2-3 centimeters and put it on the fire or on an electric stove, first heat it high for 5 minutes, reduce the heat and in the evening keep it on the fire for only 40 minutes, leave the frying pan with salt on the stove overnight, and in the morning for 20 minutes burn and then with the words:

“Where it came from, that’s where it went”

pour into the toilet or sink and flush.

I warn you: on the first day, the salt may burn with smoke (no need to panic), small volcanoes, crackling, yellow and black spots are normal.

It will be easier on the second day, etc.

For some, it takes 2-3 days to burn, for others more - until the salt remains normal by the end of the cleaning.

In different places in the apartment there may be a mark of the evil eye, damage, or an unfortunate word thrown at you.

Be sure to select a frying pan separate from the cooking one, whichever you don’t mind - the entire coating will quickly come off, and the handle of an aluminum one will quickly fall off. It is better to choose iron or cast iron.


This ritual uses the powers of the four elements of the earth. Air, Fire, Water to cleanse the house. Sometimes you find yourself alone in the house or with only your family or close friends present, place the following on the table:

* A deep or flat plate with salt,

* Incense burner,

* Incense (or any other sweet-smelling substance for incense (sticks, cones or powder),

* White candle,

* A bowl of clean, clear water.

Light a candle and start smoking incense. Stand in front of the table and open yourself to home. Feel its energy. Indulge in the impressions that arise.

After a while, stretch your hands over the collected objects and say something like this (don’t be afraid to improvise):

I call on you, objects, personifying the elements, to cleanse my house of disease and poison! It is my will, so be it!

Take a plate of salt and, moving clockwise around the house, throw a pinch into each corner of each room, saying something like this:

With the powers of the Earth I cleanse this house!

Imagine how the salt burns away negative energy when you throw it around. The purification will be stronger the more your imagination runs wild.

Also, throw a pinch of salt into cupboards, closets and closets, through open windows and doors, into the attic and basement, and into the garage.

Then put the salt and take the incense burner. While the incense is smoking, carry the incense burner the same way you walked with the salt. holding her in front open windows and doors and in the corners of each room, imagine how the smoke dispels negative energy and evil. Say the following at regular intervals:

With the powers of Air I cleanse this house!

When you have walked through the whole house, place the incense burner on old place, take a lit candle and carry it in the same way. Again, imagine, moving clockwise and holding the fire in front of open windows and doors, how it sparkles magical power, burning all negative energy. Say from time to time:

With the powers of Fire I cleanse this house!

Finally, place the candle on the table and take a cup of water.

Spray water throughout the house, in every corner and at all entrances and exits. Throw a few drops through the window. Imagine and know that water washes away diseases and evil with a surge of magical energy. Say the following words:

With the powers of Water I cleanse this house!

Purification with fire, water and copper coins

So, let's begin the cleansing ritual.

First you need to find the “power point” of your home.

Concentrate and walk slowly around the house.

The place where you feel most comfortable will be the main point.

Place a stool in this place (or a coffee table, if you have one), cover it with a beautiful tablecloth or napkin.

We will also need a candle, a saucer, a handful of rice, pieces of any fruit, aromatic oil or an incense stick and some small coins.

Light a candle, drop a little wax into the middle of the saucer and secure the candle on it. Then pour some water into the saucer. Around the candle we put coins, pieces of fruit (you need to stick an incense stick into one of them), pour rice.

Now if you are using an incense stick, you need to set it on fire; if you don’t have one, then carefully drop a little aromatic oil onto the hot wax at the base of the candle wick.

Fruits symbolize earth, a candle symbolizes fire, incense symbolizes air, and water, of course, water.

These four elements help us cleanse our home of all bad things.

Rice and coins symbolize wealth in the family.

Leave this composition in the “power point” of the house for 5-10 minutes, then bring it into all rooms, as well as into the corridor, bathroom, toilet and kitchen for 2-3 minutes.

You can leave all this for a while until the candle burns out.

Then, take it all out of the house.

Water can be poured under a tree.

Give rice and fruits to the birds.

Place the coins in the corners of the house or apartment.

Cleaning the house with lemon.

Need 9 lemons

1. Peel the lemons by hand and then place the peels in a large pot of water.
2.Knead the peel well with your hands until a tart aroma appears in the air.

Imagine how the lemon scent cleanses your home of negativity.

3.it is necessary to wash all doors, windows and floors with this water.

What's left is to pour it into the bathtub, kitchen sink, toilet, imagining how lemon water washes away all the bad things.

When the house has been cleared of negativity, it needs to be filled with energy.

1. Slamming the house. Clapping your hands carries an energy charge.
You need to go around the entire house clockwise (from the front door), directing the claps to the walls, furniture and various objects in the house.

2.Ringing a bell. The only criterion when choosing a bell is that the sound should be pleasant to you. Also, clockwise (from the front door) you need to go through the entire house. It is desirable that the ringing does not interrupt. Where the sound is quieter and muffled, it means negative energy has accumulated there (you need to stand longer in this place with the bell)

3. Some musical instruments have the property of accumulating beneficial energy:

  • The sounds of percussion instruments attract the energy of abundance and material well-being.
  • Wind instruments enhance intelligence and improve memory.
  • String instruments help improve health and get rid of fears, and increase sexual performance.
  • Resonant metal instruments promote healing, love, friendship, creativity, and improve mood.

When preparing the material, information from

From this book you will learn how to use candles, Tarot cards and runes to get rid of diseases and problems caused by the evil eye and damage. You will be able to independently carry out simple but effective rituals to harmonize the surrounding space, and learn new ways of fortune telling. Money rituals of fire magic will fill your home with well-being and prosperity. The warm fire of a candle will help you find harmony in your personal life.

* * *

The given introductory fragment of the book The magic of candles. Rites of purification and protection (Dmitry Nevsky, 2010) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

Small fire rituals

Candles. general information

We will begin our story about fire magic by studying the Rituals of fire magic and in particular, we will talk about candles and how to use them in magical practices.

Candles, as a magical instrument that connects a magician with the power of fire, have been known for a long time, but candles received real use and real distribution only from the 18th century - from that time when the source of open fire became less and less accessible.

Yes, this is exactly how candles became entrenched in the magical arsenal, replacing the fire, the flame of a torch and the stove, giving them their own separate niches. On the one hand, this is a natural process, since magic has been improved along with humanity for centuries, which has led to the creation of more accurate and better rituals.

This is how the division of magical techniques into Large and Small occurred, as we have already discussed.

What are candles used for?

From the very beginning it is worth understanding that the candle, whatever it is, is only part of the process. An important, key, but a part that does not replace or replace all other components.

A candle, regardless of shape, size and color, is, first of all, a source of energy. This is the power that is present in the ritual and with the help of which certain goals can be achieved.

And you control this power, as many magicians and witches did before you, lighting a candle to achieve your goal.

In addition to general phrases describing working with candles, there are also more specific ones that reveal the very essence of the techniques.

Divination work is one in which candles (both fire and wax) are used in predictive techniques. The purpose of these techniques is not only to find out the future or understand the present, but also to achieve understanding for the use of other magical techniques.

Thus, melted candle wax provides a fairly accurate and informative “cast” of a person’s energy field, allowing one to correctly diagnose the presence or absence of magical influences, chakra anomalies, and diseases.

The flame of a candle, which was drawn across the paper, leaving a mark, gives us the answer to the question posed. All you have to do is carefully examine the trace and see the image that the fire pointed to.

Conspiracies and slander are techniques that use several material components in their structure, where a candle can be used both as a reinforcing element, and as a destructive one, and as a means of protection.

For example, love spells or love spells are often based on two candles. One of them symbolizes a man, the other – a woman. The interaction of candles gives desired result on the physical plane - in real life.

Protection techniques - when fire itself, under the control of a magician, can serve as an excellent protection against various kinds of influences. It, in its essence, not only prevents influence by simply burning it, but is also able to cleanse influence, if it already exists.

Visual defense techniques are also based on this, when a person imagines that he is enveloped in a fiery cocoon, burning everything that moves towards him. And, of course, ritual techniques in which candles located around the perimeter of the ritual are used as protective barriers that do not allow foreign energy to penetrate inside and harm the magician.

Destruction techniques - when fire is able to destroy most magical actions, influences and programs directed against a person.

Usually, for this purpose, they either burn something on candles, using the right spell prayers, or the candle itself plays the role of an object that should be destroyed (see harmonic techniques).

Desire techniques - when the candle itself, as the main element of rituals, is used to achieve a specific goal, becoming a candle of desire. She, as a symbol of our world, the mechanism of which implies that death is always followed by birth, when destroyed, provides energy for the implementation of our plans.

It was these techniques that formed the basis of the so-called “birthday candle”, which remains from the birthday cake and is stored until the wish is fulfilled.

True, there is a different opinion regarding this candle. If within a year, after your birthday, you light it and make a wish, then it will certainly come true. You just need to let the candle burn out completely.

Harmonic (associative) techniques use candles, and in particular, wax from candles, in order to use it to create a figurine model of a person, thing, or simply simulate a situation. By creating a connection between these wax "toys" - volts and reality, you can have a different impact on situations and people.

The technique of harmonic magic, or, as it began to be called later, involtation magic, is one of the most ancient techniques. Even cave people, having sculpted figures of animals from clay, imagined how they would hunt them and hit them with their spears.

Thus, a semi-game, semi-mystical plot, transferred to reality, became the basis for the desired events that were previously programmed using figurines.

Later, in European magic, the concept of a volt appeared - a wax figurine of a person, by influencing which it was possible to influence the person himself. Thus, piercing a figurine with needles or nails could cause illness in a person. By tying a figurine, it was possible to force a person to become attached to someone or do something. By simulating on a figurine a person’s deliverance from injuries and illnesses, it was possible to heal him.

What types of magic candles are there?

Considering the materials from which candles are made, we can divide them into two types - chemical (paraffin, stearin and gel) and wax.

Wax candles are considered better than chemical ones, since wax is able to “absorb” and retain the greatest amount of information. And, as a result, the wax candle has greater strength and gives better quality compared to paraffin.

But the reality is that finding a wax candle is quite problematic, and in this case you have to use chemical candles, modifying them accordingly.

However, in order for the candles you purchased to give maximum results, you will somehow have to improve them, refine them, as we said, so that they become truly magical.

And although there are magical candles on sale, made for specific purposes and magical ceremonies, it is still necessary to bring your influence, your magical cliché, so that the candle, like any other element of the ritual, acquires a connection with you.

Separately, there are candles made from animal fat. These candles are a kind of sacrifice that may be necessary during the ritual. But the use of such candles belongs to the category of higher magic, and therefore we only mention them without going into details.

Candle color

There are a great variety of candle colors. Not only and not so much for beauty, but in order to set a certain direction for your actions.

Sometimes, depending on the ritual, the color is important, sometimes the color of the candle does not play any role. The only important thing is that it is chosen correctly.

Later we will talk in more detail about colored candles and where and how to use them. Now it is important to say that a colored candle, be it paraffin or wax, must be completely painted over.

Partial, superficial painting will not give you the desired result. Moreover, such candles are a kind of magical negligence that can nullify your efforts.

Keep this in mind when choosing colored candles.

Candle Filling

In addition to the main component - wax - a candle can contain herbs and oils in its structure, which also affect both the ritual itself and the person performing it.

These elements are introduced independently or (if such an opportunity exists) a candle is purchased that already has the necessary characteristics.

But since rituals using herbs or oils that complement the energy of a candle are considered unique in magical practice, it is better to make such a candle yourself.

We will talk about this in the corresponding chapter.

Candle diameter

The thicker the candle, the longer it burns - a truism that does not contain any information about which candle to choose.

In fact, in magic there is a slightly different concept - the thicker the candle, the less sensitive it is. After all, the sensitivity of a candle - crackling, soot, flickering - is extremely important in diagnostic procedures, in eliminating effects, in healing. Crackling, soot - all this is information about what happens to the energy that is influenced.

Simply put, if you take a thick candle, a candle of large diameter, then you will not get feedback, and the work will be carried out almost blindly, without informing you about what is actually happening.

On the contrary, in rituals where serious protection or attracting a large amount of energy is required, the use of thin candles is unacceptable.

They simply will not provide the energy that is required. And the information content, so important and described above, in this case will simply interfere with your concentration.

So, if you want to know what is happening, take a thin candle. You need a large amount of energy and its reserve - your choice should be a thick candle.

Candle shape

Currently, a great variety of candles of various shapes are produced. These are square, triangular, round, pentagonal, and so on, according to the list of geometric shapes.

So, the meaning of candles of such shapes is only aesthetic. That is, the appearance of the candle, its shape, influence the one who sees it. This is exactly what you need to consider when buying candles.

But if you don’t see the candle you need or can’t choose it according to the suggested list of shapes, it’s better to stick with the classic shape.

As for the list of candle shapes and their influences, you can find it below.

Classic candle shape (candle with a round cross-section). It is used in all rituals without restrictions and is a universal candle that can replace any other candles if none are at hand. It has a slight motivational effect, enhances concentration and attention.

Round candle. It is used in rituals aimed at gaining integrity, in particular, it can be used in love rituals.

It also helps in achieving the set goal, which is why it can be used as a carrier for a “wish candle.”

Triangular candle. Used in complex and lengthy rituals. Allows long-term maintenance high spirits and energy potential necessary for the successful completion of the action.

It can also be used as a “candle of atonement” in techniques aimed at writing off karmic debts (see below).

Less commonly used in rituals aimed at enhancing male or female attractiveness and sexuality, gaining power over a partner.

Square candle. Used in rituals aimed at attracting good luck, in money rituals, working with the energy of money.

Pentagonal candle. Used in techniques that involve influencing a person or group of people, except for techniques love magic.

Tall cylindrical candle. It is used on a par with classic candles and, due to its large diameter, is used where it is necessary to attract a large amount of energy.

This form of candle is also very convenient for modification - for adding oil or herbs to its structure.

Component spark plugs, consisting of two, three or more components, are used in complex and multi-stage rituals, when the end of one component and the beginning of another determines the milestones of the ritual.

Such candles are used less frequently, since there are not many techniques that require such complex attributes. However, if the process involves steps, certain stages, then such a candle is unique in its structure.

Abstraction candles. There are also candles whose shape and appearance are quite difficult to describe. Most often they are used in meditation and are selected individually, according to the associative principle.

Look at the candle, think about what associations it evokes in you and then decide whether the candle is suitable for your meditation.

Float candles. They are named so because they are often used by placing them in a container of water (the candles float on the surface).

Float candles are also used without water, but only as an interior solution. Such candles are not applicable for magic and magical techniques.

Crystal (candle of crystalline geometric shape). Candles of this shape can be used for meditation, as well as for rituals for prosperity, well-being and abundance. Candles of yellow and green crystalline colors are used in money magic when performing rituals for prosperity.

Heart (candle in the shape of a heart). Heart-shaped candles are used in love magic rituals, as well as in rituals aimed at increasing personal attractiveness.

Rectangle (tall). It is used as a candle of protection, as well as in rituals aimed at protecting a person.

In complex rituals (usually Kabbalistic), a tall rectangular candle is the key candle, determining the course and direction of energy in the ritual.

Rectangle (low). A low rectangular candle is sometimes called a “patron candle” because it is used in rituals to strengthen the connection with one’s heavenly patron.

DIY candles

Such candles can have any shape depending on their purpose. The simplest and easiest way to make a cylindrical candle, and although the procedure for making candles yourself is quite labor-intensive and troublesome, we’ll talk about this in a separate chapter.

Charmed candles

Charmed candles are candles that themselves are a magical instrument. You just need to light such a candle - and it begins to have the required effect.

The plot itself is added to the candle at the time of its manufacture. But it is also possible to remake a “factory” spark plug, subject to certain conditions.

Candle programs

Program candles are similar in their influence to enchanted candles and are created to provide the required influence. The only difference is that when making program candles, a different technique is used than when making charmed candles. Their influence is “harsher” and stronger, since they are quite recent developments compared to the usual conspiracies.

Talisman candles

The talisman candle itself has a certain influence on its owner or on the person for whom it was made. You don’t have to light it to get the desired participation in your life.

But if such a candle is lit, which is permissible, then the influence given impetus by the energy of the candle will be intensified.

Such candles are effective in cases where it is necessary to get things moving, to speed up something, to intensify the process. All you need is an impulse - and then things will move on their own.

Runic candles

Runic candles are part of the group of talisman candles, but have their own individual characteristics. So, the rune energy received from a lit runic candle will give you a certain component that can be used in the situation that arises.

It's essentially a custom-made talisman that only works when you need it. A few minutes of burning the candle is enough to get the desired result.

Now that you know a little more about candles than when you first started reading this chapter, let's move on to a detailed look at everything we discussed. Let us consider all of the above not only from a theoretical, but also from a practical position.

Church candles

Church candles are practically no different from candles that are described as classic, except that they are purchased in the church and are already consecrated, that is, they do not require additional work with them.

And although the church is against its candles being used for magical purposes, this does not prevent them from being included in various rituals.

The only thing you should pay attention to here is that the process of purchasing candles in a church is usually quite serious and is described differently in specific rituals each time.

Please note, this is not the author’s imagination, but necessary conditions that must be met. Often such conditions are certain days of the week on which you can go to church, or strict adherence to the principle of buying candles in the church itself, and so on.

In any case, you can learn about these conditions in the ritual itself.

If you intend to seriously and for a long time engage in fire magic and candle magic, then you simply cannot do without an Altar, one of the most important magical tools. And that's why.

If you work with a candle on the Altar, a specially equipped and magically prepared place, the maximum amount of energy is spent on achieving the goal, since the Altar itself determines the boundaries of the concentration of this energy. Otherwise, when working outside the Altar, energy is dissipated in space and is spent not only on achieving the goal, but is simply wasted.

Working without an altar can be compared to trying to heat a house without windows or doors. As you understand, the heat will not stay in it for long.

When you make the Altar (and it is made independently), your concentration in any process taking place on it will be maximum. You will spend your energy not on gathering your thoughts, but on achieving your intended goal.

You can understand the difference only by comparing altar and non-altar work, so in this case you will just have to take their word for it.

You can use the altar for other purposes, not just to work with candles. Other magical techniques performed on this Altar will be more effective.

You can decorate the Altar as a beautiful coffee table - this is not forbidden, but it will add an interesting interior solution to your home.

But if this is not possible, then the Altar can simply be a wooden or glass plate that can be taken out or put away when you need it.

In the picture you can see one of the design options for the Altar of Fire. Your version may differ from what we give as an example. The main thing is to maintain the balance of the four elements, which must certainly be present in the Altar diagram.

In addition, there must certainly be center point– the point of unity of the elements. After all, despite the fact that in front of you is the Altar of Fire - the element with which you have to work closely - fire is only one of 4 equal elements that make up the world. Fire, water, air and earth are the four foundations of our world that should be reflected here.

Consecration of the Altar

The inscription and consecration of the Altar are carried out on the days of the new moon. Essentially, you have 5 days allotted to make and consecrate it: 2 days before the new moon, 1 day of the new moon and 2 days after the new moon - this is the period allotted for making the Altar.

How and with what you will apply the drawing to the Altar is your business. The only thing to note is that the paints you use should be natural or at least contain natural ingredients. This will allow achieving the necessary division of energy in the Altar area.

After you have made the Altar, you need to consecrate it. To do this, you will need chakra candles (see the chapter “Colored Candles”).

Darken the room so that no other light enters it except the candle that burns on the Altar.

Try to make sure that you are not interrupted during the rite of consecration and do not interrupt yourself under any circumstances.

Light the red candle in the center of the Altar. Look at the candle flame, placing your hands over the fire so that you feel its warmth, but do not experience discomfort.

Imagine the manifestations of fire, the images and associations that it evokes in you. Imagine his strength, his weakness, his influence, feel your sensations.

After this, taking a deep breath, draw into yourself all the energy that has accumulated on the Altar during concentration. Pause as long as possible. Then, slowly exhaling, release all the energy onto the Altar, placing your palms on it.

Sit like this for a few minutes, looking at the candle flame. Then light the orange candle from the red one and repeat all over again. The red candle must be extinguished and removed.

So move along the entire spectrum of chakras: red - orange - yellow - green - blue - indigo - violet.

The last candle you need should be white. Light it from the purple candle, placing it in the center of the Altar. It should burn to the end.

However, you don’t have to be in the room and wait for it to burn down.

It should be noted that you can use any candlesticks. Preference is given to those made from natural materials - clay, metal, stone, glass.

After the candle burns out, your Altar is ready for use. You can remove it or leave it - it's all at your discretion. The candles that were used during the consecration of the Altar can be used in other rituals at your discretion.

Gift from the spirit of fire

This is not so much a ritual as an opportunity that your participation in fire magic provides, and it lies in the fact that sometimes, during or after the ritual, you may have a desire. This is a bright and acute need to get something or do something for oneself.

In this case, you will need a blank sheet of paper and a pen to write your wish.

Write briefly, but clearly articulate what you want to receive.

If you wish to receive or acquire something, then the ashes must be scattered to the wind (thrown out the window).

If you wanted to get rid of something, remove an obstacle, or punish someone, then the ashes must be thrown into running water (into the toilet).

You must understand that such a gift does not happen often, but when they are ready to give it to you, the best thing to do is to take advantage of the offer received.

This is what needed to be told to you about the creation of the Altar of Fire. You can arrange everything else according to your taste and feeling of the place. However, you must remember that when you are going to work on the Altar, there should not be anything superfluous on it that could interfere with you or hamper your movements.

Think over your rituals, leaving on the Altar only what you need at the moment.


The issue of choosing candlesticks is no less important than the choice of candles themselves. The whole point is that candlesticks, being in the field of influence of the candle and in the process of the ritual, exert their influence on the process, and this influence should be beneficial and not create obstacles in achieving the goal.

We will list the main types of candlesticks used in magical practices so that you can understand which candlesticks to choose for certain purposes.

Clay candlesticks

Clay candlesticks are the simplest and do not have any effect on the processes in which they are involved. Their energy is neutral.

But besides the apparent advantage, there is also a disadvantage that you should be aware of. Clay, even baked, has the ability to absorb energy, and, ritual after ritual, clay candlesticks, having gained a certain potential, begin to “foul”, creating interference in the action being carried out.

They cannot be cleaned and will have to be thrown away. And in order to understand how dirty they are, you can use a frame or a pendulum.

Glass candlesticks

Glass candlesticks are absolutely neutral and do not affect the process if they are transparent.

But if a glass candlestick is painted in any color, then it has an influence on the operator - the one who performs the ritual - in accordance with the influence of color in a magical ceremony.

You should consider this fact when using a colored candle holder. He should help, but not hinder you.

Copper candlesticks

Copper (brass) candlesticks have a pronounced energy of creation and can be used in all rituals. But they, like any metal, are able to hold energy that passes through and around them.

Clearing copper candlesticks of this energy is very simple. It is enough to clean them white and place them in blessed salt for a day.

Silver candlesticks

Silver (nickel silver) candlesticks are real assistants to the magician. Due to their energetic qualities, they purify the energy in the ritual, remove interference and reduce the level of error.

They, like “vampires of negativity,” remove everything that interferes with normal action.

It should be noted that these candlesticks require more frequent cleaning than copper ones. But the principle of cleansing is the same.

Wooden candlesticks

Wooden candlesticks are used quite rarely for the reason that wood has a certain and characteristic influence, which is quite difficult to take into account when performing a particular ritual.

Most often, wooden candlesticks are made from oak, linden and pine, that is, from trees that have predictable influence.

But their service life is short, and their influence is quite characteristic. Therefore, they are avoided to be used in candle magic.

Stone candlesticks

Stone candlesticks are quite common and widely used. The reason for this lies in the fact that the stone is neutral to the ritual itself and its energy, but is active with human energy.

The properties of stones can be found out from any reference book, but you can also study them yourself, trying to penetrate into the essence of a particular stone. This is not an easy process, but by purchasing a candlestick that fully matches your rhythm, you thereby receive a “companion” who will assist in the magical ritual.

Lead candlesticks

Lead candlesticks are very rare, however, the use of such candlesticks in healing rituals increases their effectiveness.

The service life of lead candlesticks is short, and it is recommended to throw them away (it is better to bury them) after the course of treatment is completed, but their help is undeniable.

Candle colors

The color of the candle, regardless of its shape, has its own influence on both the magician operator and the ceremony itself.

This is why we pay so much attention to the topic of candle color.

It is worth noting that it is not so much the color of the candle itself that is important, but how this color affects you. It is this influence that is key and it is this that must be taken into account.

We all, to one degree or another, have “favorite” and “unfavorite” colors, and if it happens that you are recommended to use an unfavorite color, then it is better to replace it with a color that is similar in influence or spectrum, or even replace it with a neutral one. This will avoid unnecessary conflicts that may arise when working with candles.

The operator’s perception of color is the key point in working with different candle colors.

It is important to understand that a candle is colored only if it is completely dyed. But if the paint containing color is applied only to the surface of the candle, such a candle is unsuitable for work.

How to choose the color of a candle?

In fact, there are not many principles by which you can choose the color of candles for a ritual. Let's describe them.

The color of the candles is selected according to the appropriate table.

Below we will give the meanings of each of the colors and tell you how they affect the rituals you perform. Based on these tips, you can independently select the color spectrum you need to get the maximum effect from your work.

The color of the candles is indicated in the description of the ritual.

If the color of the candles is indicated in the description of the ritual, then you should not rack your brains over what color to choose. You just have to follow what is written, or if you don’t have a candle of the required color on hand, you should replace it with a candle neutral color(white or yellowish waxy).

The color of the candles is not specified in the ritual.

If the color of the candles is not specified in the ritual, you should either choose neutral candles, or, using the influence table, select the ones most suitable for your task.

Intuitive selection of candle color.

The method of intuitively selecting the color of a candle for a ritual is considered one of the most difficult, since it requires both a certain level of work with fire magic and experience in performing magical actions.

This is a level when the process is not only meaningfully and logically understood, but also an unconscious, internal connection with it arises. Such a connection, such an internal assessment will allow you to see what is happening from a different level, to see places where you can change something, improve it, do it more competently, which will give the best result.

The influence of color in magical ceremonies

White. White candle color (natural yellow for wax candles) is a classic neutral color. Its influence is purity, sincerity, wisdom, increased sensitivity, protection and harmony, the ability to approach any ritual of the Magic of creation.

That is why white candles are universal and are used in most magical ceremonies.

Golden or golden. Candles of this color can enhance and speed up the implementation of the ritual and the achievement of the goal. They are used in rituals aimed at male attractiveness, giving strength, masculinity, and good luck.

Silver or argent. Silver-colored candles create harmony and allow you to maintain energetic balance in the ritual, which is important in cases where the ritual is unbalanced or not entirely correct.

Candles are used to eliminate negativity or negative influences, while increasing a person’s energy tone.

Violet. The influence of this color is similar to the influence of gold, but unlike gold, violet only gives acceleration of the process, activity, without introducing any other influences.

Blue. Blue color is used in healing rituals; it enhances energy exchange and increases internal concentration for treating the disease.

Less commonly used in meditation, allowing you to find inner peace and tune into a creative mood. Calms and relaxes, encouraging a person to pay attention to the spiritual issues of his life, pushing everyday life and problems into the background and giving emotional respite.

Dark blue. Dark blue candles must be used with great caution, because, on the one hand, a candle can give an excellent internal impulse, a breakthrough, which is good during periods of internal stagnation or confusion.

But, on the other hand, if a person is not yet ready for active action, a candle can direct this energy deep into the person, which will lead to emotional stagnation and depression. In this case, the “cure” for dark blue will be gold.

Turquoise. Turquoise candles are most often used in rituals aimed at activating the intellect, improving thinking abilities person. This is the color of revelation, the use of which can allow a person to look at the world and their problems in a new way.

Turquoise color can also be used in those actions that are aimed at eliminating internal contradictions and conflicts within a person.

Blue. Blue candles are used in rituals aimed at activating personal creative potential. They provide inspiration, new ideas and insight. But at the same time they maintain internal balance and do not have an irritating effect on the human psyche.

Blue candles are also used in rituals aimed at harmonizing relationships, eliminating conflicts and quarrels between people.

Green. Green candles are used in money magic rituals. With their help, money and monetary success are attracted, and material benefits are obtained. It is great to use green candles in rituals aimed at career growth, achieving personal goals or personal material gain.

In addition, green candles are used as additional factor growth and activity in rituals related to various issues of the material world - such as employment, business development, opening new prospects for development.

Emerald green. These are candles of love magic, which, along with other flowers, should be present in a ritual aimed at attracting attention, forming relationships, activating feelings and other aspects of actions designed to form interpersonal relationships.

Dark green. Candles dark green used in rituals aimed at neutralizing enemies and protecting against them. Dark green candles destroy such manifestations of human nature as greed, envy, self-interest (which most often feed the actions of enemies).

In addition, candles of this color are used in cases where the ritual is aimed at eliminating jealousy, disagreements and discord that arose on emotional grounds.

Yellow. Yellow candles are used in fortune-telling, negative practices and clairvoyance sessions. Yellow color increases concentration and receptivity, making it easier to enter a state of predictive trance.

Yellow candles are also used in rituals aimed at subordinating a person to your will, encouraging him to fulfill your desire.

Orange. Orange candles have a pronounced power aspect and are perfect for use in rituals aimed at achieving goals in the field of justice, trade, and property matters.

Orange candles are used in rituals of attracting success, achieving plans, prosperity and prosperity.

Often an orange candle becomes a “wish come true” candle.

Pink. Candles Pink colour used in rituals aimed at increasing personal attractiveness. These are rituals of glory, honor, and public gratitude.

Such candles are widely used in the practice of love magic, increasing sensuality, receptivity and attraction of people to each other.

Red. Red is the color of passion and is used in rituals where passion is the key concept. These are actions aimed at sexual or personal attractiveness, rituals of love magic.

For men, color gives masculinity, sympathy from the opposite sex, and increases personal attractiveness.

For women, color increases sexuality, self-confidence, and attractiveness.

Red candles are often used in rituals aimed at finding a life partner.

Purple. The influence of a purple candle is twofold, and you need to understand which aspect of its influence you need and how much it coincides with the overall tone of the ritual.

On the one hand, a purple candle activates the creative principle in a person, allows him to penetrate the secrets of things, increases receptivity, attention and understanding of what is happening, eliminates frameworks and stereotypes that interfere with the achievement of his plans.

On the other hand, a candle activates personal capabilities and abilities, allowing a person to achieve success and fame in his chosen business. Strengthens personal ambitions and makes a person more ambitious.

Brown. Candles Brown Mainly used in home magic rituals. Peace and harmony in the family, prosperity, financial stability, family success.

In addition, candles are also used in more specialized rituals, when it is necessary to attract the forces of the earth and their participation in the ritual being performed. Most often these actions are associated with money magic.

Grey. Candles of this color are used for meditation and reflection, giving a person a feeling of calm, creating inner comfort and contentment with what is happening.

Black. Black candles are used in rituals of destruction - such as getting rid of illness (treatment), eliminating negative influences, eliminating obstacles and neutralizing enemies.

In combination with white candles, black candles are used in rituals of expelling entities (exorcism), getting rid of ties to the world of the dead.

It is used both in the magic of creation as an element preparing a springboard, and in the magic of destruction, that is, for its intended purpose.

Candle color and zodiac signs

In addition to the fact that you need to know about the influence of the color of the candles that you intend to use in the ritual, you should familiarize yourself with the correspondence between the color of the candle and the sign of the Zodiac.

Candles corresponding to certain signs of the Zodiac are used in the following cases.

Reflection of a person. The zodiac candle is used in cases where the ritual needs to reflect the person for whom it is being done. The zodiac candle in this case seems to reflect the presence of a person in the process itself.

Showcasing house influence. As is known, each aspect human life- be it health, career, family - is in a certain Astrological house, under the control of one or another sign of the Zodiac.

Using a candle that matches your sign and astrological house emphasizes the aspect you want to influence.

Characteristics of houses

1st House – House of life (Personality). Aries

This house displays such concepts as Personality and Character of a person.

2 House – House of profit (Income and possessions). Taurus

This house contains such material concepts for a person as property, income, and various types of spending.

Naturally, we are also talking about sources of income or receipt of money.

3 House – House of brothers (Inner circle, acquaintances). Twins

Information about relationships with people around you is stored here - family, neighbors, close relatives, as well as those who are part of a person’s daily social circle.

4th House – Parents' house. Cancer

This house describes the parents themselves, their relationships with them and everything they have and give to the child. First of all, these are the concepts of family, home and its way of life, inheritance, intra-family agreements.

5 House – descendants (Creativity). a lion

The Fifth House combines two areas of human interests - children and creativity.

Children are issues of their upbringing, attitude towards them and the influence of children on a person’s life.

Creativity is the realization of one’s inner needs in the world around us. Hobbies, interests, preferences.

6th House – House of Health (Diseases). Virgo

The house tells about what the parents and clan gave to the person, who contributed to the genetic chain of this dynasty.

A description of his genetic potential, the strengths and weaknesses of his body, as well as what the person deserves at the present time. His attitude towards his own health and illnesses, including hidden ones.

7th House – House of the spouse (Partners). Scales

The house primarily deals with issues of marriage, as well as partnerships (including business ones).

Social connections and alliances are also reflected in this house.

8th House – House of sex and death (Realization). Scorpion

The house reflects a person’s sexual preferences, his inclinations and interests, the image of his partner and his desires, including unspoken ones.

9th House – House of piety (Morality). Sagittarius

The House of Morals deals with issues of human intellectual life, his religious principles and aspirations, as well as travel.

10th House – House of the Kingdom (Career). Capricorn

These are a person’s professional and social successes, his career as a way and place for realizing his capabilities and talents.

The house reflects the real state of things at work or in the business in which a person is engaged, as well as the prospects for his growth and development. Of course, if there are any.

11th House – House of good deeds (Plans). Aquarius

The house tells us what a person really wants from life and from those around him.

Everything that is connected with the perspective that a person has thought about and strives for will be displayed in this house. Here are plans to relax, and meet someone, and change jobs, and so on and so forth that worries a person.

12th House – Dungeon (Disadvantages and obstacles). Fish

What a person doesn’t like, what limits him, irritates him, but ultimately controls him, forcing him to either solve the problem or change his trajectory if he decides to get around this problem.

Candle colors

Candle colors for each day of the week

It is possible that you may need to know the color of the candle and the day of the week on which you should perform certain rituals.

Sunday– favorable for love rituals, rituals for personal development, career growth and increasing wealth.

Monday– for meditations, predictions, reflections and rituals aimed at influencing the human psyche and emotions.

Tuesday– for any active actions, perfect for rituals aimed at removing obstacles and getting rid of enemies.

Wednesday– you can carry out any creative personal actions. In addition, it is suitable for rituals aimed at development own business and activation of personal talents.

Thursday– increasing personal attractiveness, personal growth, success and favor of fate.

Friday– for matters of love magic and rituals aimed at interpersonal relationships. On this day, rituals are performed for children, as well as for those who want to conceive a child.

Saturday- just like Mars, it is perfect for actions of destruction and removing obstacles. In addition, you can perform rituals aimed at subduing the will and controlling a person.

But there are times when time is pressing, and it is not possible to wait for the required day of the week on which the ritual will be most effective. In this case, select a candle for the corresponding day of the week, which will become central to your ritual. It will create the influence of the day.

Of course, this is a kind of trick that will not replace the influence of the desired day, but will only make the ritual more effective.

So, if you have time, wait for the right day and do the work.

Sunday – yellow

Monday – white

Tuesday – red

Wednesday - purple

Thursday - blue

Friday - green

Saturday - black

Color spectrum of the magic number series

Knowing your Golden Alchemical Number will allow you to choose the color candle that suits you.

Knowing your own color will allow you to more accurately reflect yourself in the ritual, if necessary, and also make a personalized wish candle (see below), making it completely correct.

To calculate the Golden Alchemical Number you will need a table from which you calculate the total amount of your first name, middle name, last name and date of birth. The sum of all these numbers will be the Golden Alchemical Number.

1 – orange

2 – light green

3 – blue-violet

4 – rainbow

5 – light yellow, for women – silver

6 – blue

7 – purple

8 – indigo, black, white

9 – red, white, scarlet

Features of working with candles

Time and conditions of rituals

A magic candle is not only a source of energy and one of the elements of a magical ritual. A candle is a magical instrument that has its own character, its own characteristics that must be known and taken into account when performing magical actions.

Here is a set of wishes dictated by the nature of the instrument called “candle” and the rules that exist in fire magic.

For rituals, use only candles that correspond to the rituals. If you don’t have the required ones, use universal candles, but under no circumstances use whatever is at hand.

A candle is a part of a ritual that is like a link in a chain. If the link is weak or of poor quality, then the entire ritual may collapse.

The consequences of this can be the saddest, even having the opposite effect: if you wanted prosperity, you will get unhappiness.

Use only new spark plugs. If you have cinders left after previous rituals, this is not a reason to use them in a new ritual. You can melt them down into new candles (see “ Self-production candles") or used for predictions on wax.

Candles purchased in a store must be blessed. This is done as follows. Take a container with fire-heated salt (cooled) so that the candle is completely immersed in it. Leave the candle in the salt for a few minutes and during this time light the incense.

Taking the candle out of the salt, pass it over the smoke of incense, and then dip your finger in clean water(preferably from a spring or spring), pass it over the candle from top to bottom, on four sides.

After this, the candle can be used.

In this case, you can consecrate several candles at once, then wrap them in cloth and leave them stored until you need them.

Sit down to work with a candle only in a state of complete mental and emotional balance. Anxiety, excitement, nervousness and other negative components can affect the ritual and, enhanced by the energy of the candle, introduce destructive components into its structure.

Do a short concentration exercise that will allow you to get into the desired state. To do this, you must have a meditation candle selected according to the specified principles.

Sit in front of the candle without crossing your arms or legs. Look at the flame and breathe calmly and slowly.

When you relax a little, take a slow breath while looking at the candle. Close your eyes and hold your breath for 5-7 seconds.

Open your eyes and exhale slowly.

Inhale again and hold your breath, but do not close your eyes. They must be closed as you exhale, as if in antiphase to the previous part of the exercise.

Then return to the first part of the cycle. And so on.

Do at least 10 complete cycles.

The result you should expect is mild dizziness. As soon as it appears, you can begin the ritual.

You should have everything you need for the ritual at hand.

Think over the ritual in advance, since any mistake can affect your mood and, as a result, the results of the ritual.

When starting a ritual, you must know exactly what you want to receive. But not how to get it, namely, what is your goal, which you will strive for and which will always be in your mind during the entire ritual.

Most candle rituals require the candles to burn to the very end. Even if you have completed the ritual, but the candles have not burned out yet, leave them to burn out. This will enhance the effect of the ritual and allow you to comply with the necessary condition.

The exception is rituals in which it is necessary to pick up candle stubs. But usually this is stated in the text of the ritual itself.

The behavior of a candle in ritual

As mentioned earlier, a magic candle is a thin and very sensitive instrument and is capable of informing the operator about what is happening in the ritual itself. These clues, visible and explicit, can give you a lot of useful information.

First, let's talk about the positive aspects of the candle's behavior.

If the candle is lit the first time, the fire flares up quickly, the flame of the candle is even and strong, this indicates that you are well prepared for the ritual. This is a kind of positive assessment of the future process.

If during the ritual the candle reacts with flashes of flame, crackling, or changing the color of the flame, and this happens at key moments of the ritual, this indicates a good and purposeful action. And the candle itself is an indicator that you are doing everything right.

If the candle burns at a normal rate or if the candle burns slower than usual, this indicates that your ritual is well chosen and you are not wasting energy and effort.

If you are working with paired candles that symbolize people, and they burn almost identically, this indicates harmony in the couple, even if it is a couple of the future.

If after finishing the ritual and turning off the candle the wick smokes for some time, and the smoke goes vertically upward, this indicates a job well done.

Now let's talk about anomalies that can have a negative meaning.

If at the very beginning of the ritual you cannot light a candle, this indicates that the ritual is poorly thought out. Perhaps the timing is wrong. You may have messed up something with the components. Perhaps you are not ready for the ritual. Regardless, you should stop and think again.

If you light a candle, but the flame is weak, fluctuates and seems like it is about to go out, this means that you do not have enough strength to carry out your plan. You simply won't be able to work with the energy you're going to attract, and all your work will go down the drain.

Since this happened at the very beginning of the ritual, you can interrupt it in order to restore your strength.

But if you paid attention to the behavior of the candle already during the ritual, or the candle began to behave this way a little later, then this indicates that the forces that were available at the beginning are quickly being used up. This situation is typical for beginners who are unable to understand how prepared they are for action.

In this case, you can pause the ritual and collect energy in any way available to you, in particular, the one described in the chapter “Tuning into Fire.” and then continue the ritual.

If the candle goes out some time after the start of the ritual, this indicates that there is poor protection in the room where you are performing the action. You will waste some of the energy of the ritual in vain. If the process has not entered the active stage and it is possible to take a break, then it is better to resume protection.

Sometimes this behavior of a candle indicates that the room is energetically polluted. If you haven't cleansed it for a long time or performed a ritual that is destructive in nature, it could have an impact on the energy of the room.

If the candle fire behaves abnormally during the ritual - jumps, changes colors, the candle begins to smoke and crackle, and this is not related to the key moments of the ritual, this indicates that you do not fully understand what you are doing. It is as if they are demonstrating to you the dissonance that exists between the energy of action and what you really want.

In this case, you should pause, think about what you are doing and continue the ritual. If the flame has stabilized, this indicates that you have found harmony. But if not, then, if possible, you should interrupt the ritual, since your efforts will not be crowned with success.

If you are working with a person candle, that is, a candle that symbolizes a person, pay attention to the flame of the candle. It should behave in tone with the action you are carrying out. If you seek sympathy from a person, then the candle flame should beckon and attract you. If you are confronting an enemy, then the fire should be aggressive, as if reflecting the characteristics of the offender.

In any case, there should not be large discrepancies between the effect on a person and the candle symbolizing the person.

If you are working with paired personal candles, you need to observe their behavior in the same way as a single candle. If you are trying to strengthen feelings, create affection between people, then the columns of flame on both candles should burn evenly, perhaps slightly leaning towards each other. If you are trying to create a conflict between people, then the columns of flame of their candles should reflect this conflict.

In any case, you must have a mirror between your intention and what you see in the candle flame. If it is not there, this indicates a distorted or simply low-quality ritual.

A strong crackling sound, soot, or the extinction of a candle indicate that there is a serious source of negative energy either in the room or in the situation, and you should understand where it is. Because if he is indoors, then everything can be solved with simple protection. But if he is in a situation that you influence, then your action will not achieve results, since it will be absorbed by this energy.

Choosing the timing of the ritual

We partly raised the question of the timing of the ritual in the previous chapter, when we talked about the colors of candles and how you can help yourself if you cannot do the ritual on the appropriate day.

But now we will talk about when and at what time it is better to do certain actions, without helping yourself with tricks, but strictly observing the canons of candle magic.

The first thing you need to understand is that the time for the ritual can be determined both by Sunny days and by Lunar days. It all depends on what kind of ritual you are performing.

Lunar rituals

We will begin our description of the time of rituals with a description of the Lunar rituals, since all other rituals, by the principle of simple exclusion, will be classified as Solar.

Lunar rituals in their composition, in the very structure of the ritual, necessarily contain water. This can be spoken water or water into which wax is poured for a spell (but not a prediction, since it can be done at any time). This could be a spell about water, in which there is a candle as an element of the ritual; in any case, there is water in the ritual.

And then you should turn to the following recommendations.

Waxing Crescent

Rituals aimed at creation, development, active growth, prosperity, good luck, improving health (of course, if a person is sick, then first you need to cure the disease and then improve your health, otherwise the disease will become more active), rituals related to interpersonal relationships, love rituals.

Waning moon

Rituals of a destructive and destructive nature, for destroying or getting rid of something, overcoming obstacles, for treating diseases (getting rid of illness).

Full moon

On full moon days there is a balance between creative and destructive energies. If the ritual is mixed, containing both aspects of the action, then it is better to perform it at this time.

It is most effective to carry out rituals on the full moon aimed at achieving success, good luck, personal growth - for the reason that in addition to active movement and development, all these aspects of human life imply the presence of enemies, external or internal, from which it is good to get rid of.

New moon

The time of the new moon is perfect for rituals associated with the birth or appearance of something new, a new turn in fate, a new and interesting proposal.

Solar rituals

These are rituals that do not use water in their structure and are performed on the day of the week that corresponds to the ritual.

In the chapter “Candle Colors” we provided this list, so there is no point in repeating it. But it makes sense to discuss with you exactly what hour is best to perform the ritual.

For fire magic rituals, there are four times in which the rituals are performed. These are morning, noon, evening and midnight.

Morning rituals

Morning is considered to be an hour before sunrise and an hour after sunrise. That is, every time you need to look at the calendar to find out the right time.

In the morning hours, the so-called first rituals are performed, that is, rituals that you do for the first time in relation to a situation or person. This time helps you make an impact more effectively, while minimizing the errors that are always possible.

Daily rituals - noon

At this time, complex rituals are performed that take a long time and require a lot of energy from you.

Time of day is the time an hour before midday and an hour after. But keep in mind that noon is not 12 hours, but the time from sunrise to sunset divided by 2. This is exactly half of the daylight hours.

In the evening, that is, an hour before sunset and an hour after it, it is best to conduct personal rituals, that is, something for yourself and for your needs. These can also be predictive rituals.

Midnight - an hour before and an hour after - is usually used for rituals of a destructive nature.

In addition, at this time it is worth carrying out rituals aimed at controlling a person or his emotions.

Numerological selection of watches

In addition to the emphasis on solar time, orientation to morning, afternoon or evening, there is also a numerological way of determining time.

It must be said right away that it is not classic and is applicable only to those for whom it works. But it actually doesn’t work for many people, and especially for those who feel the connection between personal and natural rhythms.

Whether there is such a connection or not is easy to check. It is necessary to correctly guess the time at least 10 times during the day with an error of no more than 10 minutes. If at least 8 attempts are successful, this indicates that there is such a connection, and the proposed methods can help you.

Hand clock

One of the ways to determine the time of the ritual is to use a clock.

The minute and hour hands are located between 9 and 3 o'clock, at the top of the dial - at this time positive actions are carried out aimed at development, obtaining something, and activating processes.

The minute and hour hands are located between 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock, at the bottom of the dial - at this time actions of a destructive nature are carried out, aimed at getting rid of something, eliminating obstacles.

The minute and hour hands are at 3, 6, 9 or 12 o'clock - this is the time for actions to harmonize the situation, for the actions of love magic.

Digital clock

The 21st century has made its own adjustments to the methods of determining personal work time. For this you will need a digital watch.

If the number on the left is greater than the number on the right, for example, 12:01, 18:12, etc., then this time is suitable for working with the forces hidden within the person himself. To work with his capabilities, talents, personal success or attractiveness.

If the number on the left is less than the number on the right, for example, 12:31, 18:21, etc., then this is the time to work with all social components of a person, for example, a career, if it is related to communication with people, or to harmonize the situation in team or family, in general, for everything that is in one way or another connected with the presence of people in the situation.

Times when the left and right sides are equal, for example, 12:12, 13:13, etc., are suitable for rituals aimed at strengthening or shaping interpersonal relationships.

But, I repeat, this approach is strictly individual and requires careful verification on your part.

Setting up for fire

This chapter is intended for those who seek to get the maximum results from fire magic.

I won’t say that you should strive to devote yourself to magic, but to do everything as efficiently and effectively as possible, as should be the case with a serious approach to business, is undoubtedly.

And in this case, in order to get what you want, you should spend some time in order to penetrate deeper into the essence of the energy with which you intend to work.

If your task is to perform a couple of rituals from this book and try your hand, then you may not need to waste time on such exercises. However, it's up to you to decide.

The techniques described below can be classified as meditation, the purpose of which is to consider the manifestations of fire in oneself.

It is in oneself, since the internal fire, which is located in a person and is presented in the form of various personal manifestations, connects the person himself with the element of fire, forming the very channel through which energy moves. And the stronger the connection, the greater and better the energy transfer.

1 part. Preparation

The first thing worth mentioning is that you must conduct all training in the place where you have the Altar of Fire installed.

By the time training begins, it should be ready, since both your connection with the elements and your ability to work with tools, which include the Altar, are being developed.

You need to carry out training over a four-day time cycle, without taking breaks.

The first training session is at dawn on the first day, the second at noon on the second. The third - in the evening of the third day, the fourth - at midnight of the fourth.

For training, you will need white or wax candles. Of course, it is advisable to make them yourself, but if that doesn’t work out, then bless the candles according to all the rules.

The room must be ventilated and darkened before training, even if you are working on the fourth day.

The room should be clean and tidy. Everything should be in its place so as not to create micro-conflicts and not distract you from your studies.

Sit in front of the Altar in a comfortable position. Light a candle and just look at the flame.

Watch until you feel a slight dizziness and some kind of inner detachment. This means that you have entered the desired rhythm.

Pass your left hand over the candle, feel the warmth emanating from it. Hold your hand over the fire safe distance so as to feel the flow of warm air. At the same time, do not take your eyes off the candle.

Then do the same right hand. After that, folding your hands like a boat, do everything described with both hands.

Do this as much as you see fit. Your inner attitude is important.

Further. When you feel that you have enough, begin to spread your arms to the sides. The palms should be facing each other. And between them the warmth that you felt while holding your hands above the candle should remain.

Spread your arms until the feeling disappears. With each workout it should become stronger and stronger.

And if you manage to retain the heat when your hands are shoulder-width apart, then you can consider the first part of the exercises completed.

The four-day cycle can be repeated after a two-day break, and this exercise should be done until you learn to feel the residual heat in your arms, spread shoulder-width apart. It is not recommended to move on to the second part earlier.

Part 2. reflections

For the second part of the training, you will need four candles of red, burgundy, pink and scarlet colors. If for some reason you cannot purchase such candles, then take white candles, replacing the missing colors with them, and replace those colors that are missing with sheets of colored paper.

You can place the paper on the Altar, under the candle, so that you can see the required color.

You need to calculate the time for the training of the 2nd part according to the time of the rituals.

I deliberately do not specify the time, because after reading the instructions for the exercises, you can come to your own conclusion about when exactly to do them.

You are given one day for each candle. But you won’t be doing the exercises for four days in a row, because after each exercise you will need to make sure that you did everything correctly. You will learn about this condition in the description of the exercise for each candle.

Red candle

You will start your training with a red candle. Light it and look at the fire, collecting your thoughts and thinking about your own.

As soon as you feel that you are internally ready, proceed to the active phase of the exercise.

Looking at a candle, you need to imagine all the manifestations of fire that you know. Candle flame, fire, forest fire, gas torch, etc. Hold the image of your memory for at least 10-15 seconds before you begin visualizing the next image.

At the very beginning, pictures will begin to pour in, as if from a “cornucopia,” but gradually their flow will dry up.

Once you realize that you can't remember anything else, extinguish the candle.

You should be interested in fire, and in those manifestations that you did not “remember” during the exercise.

If over the course of 3 days you see more than five fire scenes that you did not see, for example, a burning match, or the fire of a lit cigarette, then you should repeat the exercise.

Pink candle

The exercise with a pink candle is somewhat reminiscent of the exercise with a red one, but differs in that you should remember or visualize images of human feelings related to the concepts of love, infatuation, sympathy. These are story memories that you need to remember using a keyword. For example, “first love” - you remember a story from your life or something you saw once. “Sympathy” - remember the plot. “Attachment” is again a plot.

You hold the picture and memory just long enough to feel inside yourself the feeling that you imagined. After the flow of memories and feelings has dried up, you finish the exercise.

And then, over the course of 3 days, you pay attention to how people behave. What feelings do they show to each other, and which of these feelings do you not remember.

As in the red candle exercise, you need to have less than five “forgotten” senses.

Burgundy color

Using this color, you have to remember all types of aggression and aggressive behavior that are in your everyday baggage of memories. Anger, hatred, malice, shouting, quarrel, swearing and so on.

Each plot should find a corresponding response in you, but not in the form of the emergence of this emotion, but in the form of some kind of internal reaction to the memory. It is the reaction that will tell you that you not only remembered, but also felt this manifestation of fire.

For 3 days after training, you should closely observe what is happening around you and how you yourself react to certain events. You need to “check” all manifestations of aggression with your memories in order to find what you forgot during training.

As before, if you have forgotten more than five manifestations of aggression, the training must be repeated.

Scarlet color

Scarlet is the final color for stage 2 training. It must contain all the manifestations of fire in a person that are not included in the first three. These are, first of all, manifestations of such personal qualities as courage, activity, determination and other manifestations of personal activity.

In addition, the description of the scarlet color must include all manifestations associated with home and hearth - warmth, coziness, care, comfort.

All the stories that you will remember when looking at the candle flame, you need to internally feel, experience to the extent that you can experience memories.

For three days you will have to work on your mistakes - you need to consider everything that you see around you. And if you forgot something more than five, then you need to return to training.

Part 3. unity

Once you have completed the first two parts of the fireworking exercises, you can begin the third and final part of the attunement.

To do this, you will not need the flame of a candle, which is a derivative of real fire, but the fire itself.

Yes, you will need a fire, a fireplace, a stove flame - everything that actually produces a strong and active flame.

After completing the 2nd part of the exercises, you should still have 4 candle stubs that you will need for this exercise.

Build a fire or light a fire in the hearth. Wait for it to gain strength. Look at the flame, at its color, consider all the shades that you see. These are burgundy-red coals, yellow-white flames, and red sparks rising upward.

Try to draw a parallel between a fire and a person’s life. Imagine what in his life corresponds to coals and what to sparks. This will not be difficult for you after you have completed the 2nd part of the exercises.

As soon as you feel that the picture of human life is completely described by you, begin to throw candle stubs into the flame in the order in which you did it.

At the same time, remember everything that you remembered when you did the exercise with this candle. There is no need to go into details, but what comes to mind is worth remembering.

Watch how the flame of a fire changes when a candle burns in it.

Do this with all the candles. And then warm yourself by the fire. Try to absorb its warmth. Feel it with your face, body, back, hands.

Take a few deep breaths, as if drawing in its energy.

Wait until the fire burns out completely and then you can leave.

To conclude this chapter, it must be said that you can stop at any stage of training. Each of these stages is a step towards discovering your own capabilities, for which you must be ready to acquire, and if you cannot yet, are not ready, do not want to carry out the full cycle, limit yourself to one thing, it is your will.

In any case, even a small effort, a small part of the training completed, will give you more than if you did nothing at all.

Making candles

Herbs and oils

Candles can be purchased for rituals. But it is not always possible to buy candles containing herbs, oils, and incense, which are so necessary in various rituals.

In this case, you are faced with a choice: either make a candle yourself, or make changes and additions to the finished candle.

We will talk in detail about these two options that you can take advantage of. Moreover, for a wish candle you will have to make the candle yourself, not trusting your wishes to purchased candles.

Making your own candles

In order to make your own candle, you will need wax, a wick made (woven) from linen or cotton thread, and a container into which you will pour the wax.

You can purchase wax from beekeepers, or you can melt it from ready-made wax candles.

The wax must be melted in a water bath, and while it is melting, you should focus on your desire, the desire that you are trying to achieve with the candle you are making.

Your focus, your thoughts, your motivation while making a candle - all this will go into its structure and will allow you to get the maximum result from its use.

As for the container you will pour the wax into, it can be a glass or ceramic container of any shape and size. The main thing is that it corresponds to the purpose for which you are going to use it. This could be a jar, a pot, or a deep bowl that will hold wax.

Secure the wick to the bottom of this container with a few drops of wax and, holding it with one hand, pour the melted wax inside.

Try to do this in one go as taking a break can create layers that will ruin the integrity of your candle and you will have to do it all over again.

After you have poured the wax inside, you need to cool the wax so that the candle can be used. There are two ways to cool a candle, each of which has its own effect.

Cold cooling

If you intend to use a candle in a ritual of destruction - where destructive energy is attracted (for example, to remove obstacles or get rid of illness), then a cold cooling is what you need. After you have poured the wax into the container, you need to put the candle in the freezer. So it should stand for at least 3 hours, and then it can be used.

Warm cooling

Warm cooling is used if your candle will be used for creative purposes, to obtain something, gain, develop and other positive components.

In this case, after pouring the wax into a container, you leave it in a dark place at natural room temperature to cool for at least six hours. Only after this time has passed the wax can be used.

Filling the candle. Herbs, roots, flowers

In order to fill a homemade candle with herbs or roots that have additional characteristics and can enhance the effect of the candle, it does not take much effort. All you have to do is add the herb to the wax after it has melted and before pouring it into the container, and you will get the desired result. But if you want to add extra impact to the candles you purchase, you need to know how to do it correctly to achieve the desired result. There are five ways to add additional components to a candle. This is the method of simple spiral, complex spiral, rings, stripes and coating. Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

Simple spiral

A simple spiral, drawn counterclockwise (if you are using the candle for destructive purposes) or clockwise (if you intend to create with the candle), is applied using a hot knife.

You, moving from top to bottom along the candle in the chosen direction, burn a groove into which the herb powder will then be placed. Take it slow, visualizing the impact you want to make.

Then, when the furrow is finished, you need to fill it with grass. Fill in a few centimeters at a time, and then, using a standard white or natural yellow candle, bury the grass in the furrow.

So, moving a few centimeters from top to bottom, you will fill the entire candle. After this, it is necessary to consecrate it using the ritual described in the previous chapter, and put it away until the date of use, wrapped in cotton or silk cloth.

Complex spiral

A complex spiral, represented as two spirals directed clockwise and counterclockwise and in antiphase, is used in two cases.

Firstly, if your ritual implies the presence of destruction and creation at the same time and it requires the involvement of these two energies.

Secondly, if you need to add two herbs to the composition of the candle. They cannot be mixed, and therefore you will have to resort to this method.

First, burn a groove in a clockwise direction, moving from top to bottom along the candle. Then start burning the spiral in a counterclockwise direction, but moving from the bottom up.

Filling and pouring of the filling channel is carried out in the same way as indicated for a simple spiral, observing the order of burning the grooves.

Rings burned horizontally are used if you need to add three or more herbs to the candle. In this case, horizontal rings are made, which are filled with appropriate herbs. The rings are burned from top to bottom, and they are also filled and subsequently buried.

It should be noted that the distance between the rings should not be less than 3 centimeters, and the first ring should be located no closer than one centimeter from the top.

Filling the strip is used if you need, in addition to herbs, to add the influence of oil or oils to the composition of the candle.

In this case, you need to burn as many grooves on the candle as the number of oils you intend to use. So, two grooves will create space for two oils, three - for three, etc. But usually more than 4 oils and herbs are not used in one candle, since it is not always possible to say how this will collectively affect the ritual.

You burn grooves vertically, moving from top to bottom, if your task is a creative ritual. If you are going to carry out a destructive action, then you need to burn and, therefore, fill the grooves from the bottom up.

Once you have filled the grooves with grass and placed them in, you can begin to coat the candle with oil. This is done with your hands, in the direction of the introduced grass.

Dipping your finger in the oil, you generously lubricate the desired area of ​​the candle with it. Then, after rinsing your hands, you apply the oil to another area.

To finish making the candle, you need to wrap it in cotton or silk fabric.


Smearing is the most in a simple way applying herbs to a candle. It is made using oil, which is coated with a candle, and then grass is poured onto it.

Although the method is very simple, nevertheless, it has its own subtleties.

The oil you use to make your candle should be consistent with the focus of the ritual. If you can't find the right oil, use olive oil, which is considered all-purpose.

If you intend to carry out a ritual of creation, then coat the candle from top to bottom. If the ritual of destruction is from the bottom up.

It is not recommended to use more than one herb in a candle made using the smearing principle.

Having told you how to add herbs, flowers or roots to a candle, you need to tell us exactly what herbs are used for this and what properties they have.

Herbs, roots, flowers

It is successfully used in money rituals as an element that attracts money, success, and prosperity. Makes a person more successful and enterprising. Its influence is similar to basil, but somewhat stronger.

It is a very powerful herb and, due to its potential, is used in rituals aimed at enhancing a person’s personal capabilities. For example, to attract good luck, increase profitability, attract the attention of the opposite sex. Usually used in conjunction with another herb or oil, which will determine the direction of influence.

Balm of Gilead

Used in love magic in cases where it is impossible to return the previous partner. Helps you more calmly survive a breakup and start a new relationship, increasing the attention of the opposite sex and helping you make new acquaintances.

Tonka beans

Known as wish-granting beans. They give a person success, happiness and the fulfillment of his plans. They are used as a reinforcing element in rituals aimed at achieving goals and obtaining what they want.

It has a wide range of influences both on the energetic and physical levels. Protects a person from negativity and cleanses him of everything that prevents him from achieving his goal. It is used in rituals of purification and protection, as an auxiliary element that protects the ritual and the person in achieving the goal.

Witch's grass

Used in rituals of attracting the attention of the opposite sex, searching for a new partner. In addition to the ability to attract a partner, it has protective properties, weeding out unnecessary acquaintances and pushing away those who can bring problems into a person’s life.


It can make a person successful, successful and happy both by attracting these components into his life and by helping him deal more skillfully with available opportunities. Used in rituals aimed at personal growth, finding happiness and success in life. It is often one of the components of money rituals that contribute to a more harmonious process.


Helps a person to concentrate on the important, paramount things in his life, without being distracted by the secondary and unimportant. Used in rituals aimed at achieving success, good luck, strengthening and developing one’s personal abilities. Can be used as a basic personal component in goal achievement rituals.

It has pronounced creative characteristics and is used to enhance the effects of other herbs. It is used in love magic, in rituals of attracting attention, finding a life partner, and enhancing personal attractiveness.

Has a tonic and stimulating effect. It is used as a prophylactic agent that can prevent the onset of physiological and psychological problems due to excessive use of energy. It can be compared to a vitamin that is taken to help the body work better.


Honeysuckle is used in rituals aimed at demonstrating personal capabilities and positive qualities to others. These can be rituals of attracting attention, finding a partner, attractiveness to others, sympathy from superiors. Capable of exaggerating positive qualities person and downplay the negative ones - those that should be hidden from prying eyes.


Improves mood and overall tone. It is used as a stimulant that does not have an excessive effect, allowing a person to maintain sanity and self-control. Used in rituals aimed at eliminating personal shortcomings and in the fight against various addictions.

Ginger, by its influence, encourages a person to look deep into himself, to consider his strengths and weaknesses. Perfect for meditation, as an auxiliary element when concentrating on solving problems. It is used in rituals aimed at reconciliation, searching for compromises, making a person more flexible and loyal.

Cinnamon can attract good luck by increasing the activity of the person himself. That is, nothing falls from the sky on him, but he, becoming more active and bold, takes steps that end in success. It is used in rituals aimed at attracting good luck, to win difficult cases, and to overcome stagnation in business.

Yarrow roots

Used as a cleansing agent that can remove negativity from a situation or person. They are used in rituals that are aimed at eliminating conflicts, curing diseases, and getting rid of illnesses.

Yohimbe bark

Activates internal forces a person, influences sexual activity, increases the interest of the opposite sex, and helps to find a life partner. It is used in rituals of finding a life partner, to strengthen the connection between partners, as a basic element in rituals of love magic.

Dragon's blood

The action of this herb is similar to that of Rue, but more aggressive and harsh. So, if a person is not ready to get rid of what oppresses him and hinders him, having all the possibilities for this, the grass begins to force him to do this. He experiences physical and emotional discomfort if he does something wrong. Used in rituals aimed at subduing a person and fulfilling a certain instruction. Can be used in both destructive and constructive actions.

The effect of lavender is similar to that of lilac, but it acts deeper and stronger, eliminating not only tension, but also hidden fears, revealing a person in a positive light. It is used to influence people in order to eliminate suspicion, tension, and in order to extinguish conflicts. It is used in rituals of love magic, facilitating the first acquaintance, the first step, making the beginning of a relationship easier and more relaxed.

Crushed laurel brings success and good luck, because it is no coincidence that a laurel wreath crowns the head of the winner. Laurel is used in rituals aimed at personal attractiveness, success, luck, gaining well-deserved fame, and in rituals of money magic.


Used in love magic when it is necessary to ignite new feelings or make relationships more passionate. It is used both in love spell rituals and in rituals aimed at strengthening relationships in an existing couple.

It is used as a means of revealing a person’s creative potential. It is used in rituals aimed at gaining one’s own strength and one’s own capabilities, searching for a personal calling, and to enhance spiritual growth. Widely used in meditation for deeper immersion in the process.

European Mandrake (root)

Used as an enhancing element in rituals. By itself, it does not have pronounced characteristics - only a high level of energy and the ability to combine other components of the ritual, which makes it one of the universal energy elements.


The nutmeg peel has a unique property: if there is someone in a person’s life who harms him, then the nutmeg used in the ritual begins to poison the life of this someone. Physical ailments of unknown origin, problems that arise out of nowhere are pronounced symptoms of the work of nutmeg. That is why it is used in rituals directed against enemies or those who harm a person.

Perfect for rituals aimed at increasing the profitability of a business, for rituals of good luck, increasing a person’s financial success, increasing family income. Can be used as a single component, or can be enhanced to obtain a faster effect.

It has a cleansing effect and the ability to eliminate negativity, primarily of the physical plane. Widely used in healing rituals, to cure diseases and cleanse a person of negativity. It can be used as one of the components in rituals aimed at getting rid of magical influences, as well as induced failures and problems, in money rituals as a component that removes obstacles in a person’s path.

One of the key components in the rituals of love magic. He has a soft and at the same time penetrating influence that can reach any person. With all this, the rose is “honest and straightforward” and can prevent the formation of relationships that are based not on feelings, but on profit or selfishness.


Attracts success and gives good luck in business. Used in rituals for personal and career growth, to overcome bad luck or a bad streak. With the oil of destiny, you can enter a new stage of personal development.

End of introductory fragment.