home · Appliances · How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment building. How to quickly get rid of cockroaches in the house - Useful tips. Scaring away is one of the effective methods

How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment building. How to quickly get rid of cockroaches in the house - Useful tips. Scaring away is one of the effective methods

Presence of cockroaches in apartments multi-storey buildings- This is a common occurrence, since many residents do not effectively combat these insects. Despite this, according to experts, the populations of these insects are declining sharply. This is due to the rapid development of the radio-electronic industry in all areas National economy, including in everyday life. This factor negatively affects cockroaches, since the electromagnetic waves emitted household devices, repel these pests. And yet, despite this, cockroaches are attracted to conditions such as warmth, moisture and the presence of food. Although, one can say it differently: cockroaches began to adapt to such living conditions.

To combat cockroaches and other pests, people have come up with many effective ways. The most effective of them are modern chemical substances, acting literally instantly. Unfortunately, their use is not always permitted, especially if small children, pregnant women or infirm family members live in the same living space. In such cases, they can help get rid of cockroaches folk remedies made from natural ingredients.

Cockroaches can appear in any apartment, but they cannot take root in every apartment. For them to take root, a number of factors must contribute to this, for example:

  • Food products are stored so that they can be easily accessed.
  • There are dirty dishes in the sink or on the table.
  • Free access to water.
  • There are a lot of unnecessary, old things in the room.
  • Availability of places where cockroaches can hide.
  • Increased humidity and heat.
  • Unsanitary conditions in the apartment.

Cockroaches appear in the apartment in various ways, such as:

  • Through various cracks located in the floor and around the baseboards.
  • Through ventilation systems.
  • From the entrance.
  • From neighboring apartments, especially if their owners began to fight these insects.
  • From basements and attic floors.
  • Through holes in floor slabs.
  • With food purchased at the market and supermarkets.
  • Along risers, telephone and electrical wires.
  • Together with the purchased household appliances.
  • With furniture or other things purchased at a flea market.

Important! As a rule, cockroaches actively reproduce in unsanitary conditions. Cleanliness in the home prevents the appearance of these insects in the apartment. If there is no access to food and water in the apartment, then these pests are unlikely to be interested in this home.

When cockroaches appear in an apartment, you must immediately take measures to get rid of them. Moreover, this is exactly the case when it is better to destroy cockroaches rather than expel them from the apartment. They will leave, but they will appear at other residents and will terrorize them, causing harm to food products, as well as to people's health. For successful fight with these insects, you need to follow some rules:

  • Maintain living conditions in the apartment at an appropriate sanitary level. Moreover, the approach should be comprehensive: it is necessary to maintain cleanliness not only in the kitchen, but also in other living areas. It is advisable to get rid of old, unnecessary trash.
  • The ventilation system must be equipped with grilles with sufficiently small cells.
  • Seal all cracks through which pests can enter the apartment.
  • Store food only in the refrigerator or in special containers and do not leave unwashed dishes after eating.
  • Promptly repair leaks in pipes or taps, cutting off access to water.

DIY traps

As a rule, such traps are made without extra costs time and money. To ensure effective use, it is advisable to check traps every day.

Simple traps:

  • From a can. Although the trap is simple, it is effective. It is enough to take a half-liter jar and pour a little jam, honey or other bait into it. It is better to lubricate the inside of the jar with vegetable oil. You need to place an object next to the jar so that insects can easily reach the neck. If cockroaches get inside the jar, they will no longer be able to get out.
  • From double sided tape . Quite simple, but also effective trap. Tape is glued to a piece of cardboard or other material. A bait in the form of a drop of jam is placed in the center. On the way to the bait, the insects will simply stick. The more such traps, the greater the likelihood of destroying all pests.


People have long used strong-smelling plants to protect their homes from various types insects, including cockroaches. The presence of flowers such as geranium in the apartment protects against cockroach invasion.

As a rule, the following is used for repelling:

  • Mint.
  • Sagebrush.
  • Eucalyptus.
  • Bogulnik.
  • Melissa.

These plants are classified as medicinal, so you can purchase them at any pharmacy or prepare them yourself if you wish. Before using, it is better to dry them under cover, although freshly prepared ones can also be used. Small bouquets are made from raw materials and placed in places where pests appear. A good option is to place bouquets under various things where barbels can hide.

On a note! The smell of a certain type of chamomile, called pyrethrum, is not tolerated by many insects. The powder from this plant has been used since ancient times. It is simply scattered over problem areas. Together with others preventive measures, this option gives tangible results.

Placing various poisoned baits gives good results in the fight against insects. The main advantage of these simple remedies is their availability and safety, especially if they are prepared according to folk recipes.

The most effective baits:

  • Lure 1, based boric acid, is used by many in the fight against cockroaches. This treat is not harmful for humans and pets, but cockroaches die from it. To prepare the substance, simply boil an egg and separate the yolk from the white. The yolk is mixed with boric acid. To form balls you will have to add a little water. The balls are placed in places where insects appear. In addition to the fact that the cockroaches themselves will try this destructive remedy, they will also bring it for their relatives who are in the nest. As a result, it is possible to destroy the entire colony of longhorned beetles.
  • Lure 2, based on boric acid powder itself. It is enough to scatter it in places where cockroaches appear. In case of contact with boric acid, insects die, but not immediately. During this time, while they are alive, they have enough time to infect other relatives.
  • Lure 3, based on borax. This is powder white, which must be mixed with powdered sugar, mashed potatoes and vanilla. It is used in the same way as in the case of boric acid.

Application of essential oils

Bright, persistent aromas have a negative effect on many insects, and cockroaches are no exception. Essential oils that have a fairly rich aroma can drive cockroaches out of human homes.

Methods for preparing repellent solutions:

  • Option #1. Take 1 liter of cool water and add 15 drops of any essential oil. As a rule, extracts from mint, eucalyptus, lavender, fir, geranium, lemon balm, lemongrass, etc. are used. Problem areas processed from a spray bottle. The treatment is carried out until the pests leave the apartment.
  • Option No. 2. Take 500 ml of water, 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar and 10 drops of any essential oil. The spray prepared in this way is used for its intended purpose: problem areas are sprayed with it. This composition is sprayed three times a week to ensure positive effects.

On a note! If family members prone to allergies live in the apartment, then it is necessary to check the body’s reaction to essential oils. To do this, it is enough to treat a small area and monitor how the body reacts. If there are no allergic reactions, then you can start treating the entire area.

How to proceed:

  • Take a piece of cloth or a foam sponge, soak it in vinegar and wipe the areas where insects appear. The following areas are subject to treatment: baseboards, floors, areas under the bathtub and sink, as well as next to the trash can, etc.
  • The active ingredient is prepared, consisting of 500 ml of warm water, 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar and 1 tbsp. spoons of ground red pepper. The components are mixed and poured into a spray bottle, after which the product is sprayed in places where barbels appear.

Cold against cockroaches

As far as we know, insects are attracted to food and warmth, so cockroaches cannot tolerate the effects of low temperatures and quickly die. Cockroaches hide in various things, so just taking them out into the cold for a while will kill both the adults and the eggs they lay. Unfortunately, it is not possible to take everything out of the apartment, just as it is impossible to set the temperature in the apartment to sub-zero, although the method is quite effective.


The appearance of cockroaches in an apartment indicates serious problem or even a number of problems, as well as the fact that it is necessary to begin to destroy them. At the same time, you will have to analyze the causes of the occurrence in order to eliminate them. If this is not done, then similar insects will appear again and again.

Prevention measures include:

  • fight with high humidity in the apartment, which leads to the appearance of mold. As a rule, various leaks in water supply and sewerage systems lead to such consequences.
  • Maintaining cleanliness in residential and non-residential premises.
  • Removing from dining table leftover food after eating.
  • Timely emptying the trash can of food debris.
  • Control over food storage: they must be stored either in the refrigerator or in special containers.
  • Regular general cleaning, emptying the home of unnecessary, old things.
  • Regular cleaning of dust and dirt.
  • Use herbs with a persistent aroma to repel insects, including cockroaches.
  • Install mosquito nets on windows, and use grilles in ventilation systems.
  • Produce in a timely manner cosmetic repairs with the replacement of old, dried out wooden products, such as baseboards, platbands, window frames, window sills, etc.

Interesting to know! In the fight against cockroaches, any means of control can be effective if you act deliberately and regularly. Even folk remedies that are not toxic to humans can cope with the invasion of these pests. If possible, you can resort to chemical means of combating this type of insect. Unfortunately, without preventive measures, cockroaches will appear again and again.


Of course, in private or country house Organizing the expulsion of cockroaches is much easier. But everything has its own nuances. To get rid of cockroaches, first you need to wet cleaning at home or, each time filling the corners and all visible crevices with powder to combat cockroaches. If there are relatively few cockroaches, you can use special aerosol.

Sometimes this is achieved through the use of all kinds of traps, which are considered a very modern, effective and safe means. And some gels created to fight cockroaches are even “long-lasting” - starting to act only on the third day after application, they give a long-lasting effect.

If you don't recognize chemicals, you can use numerous folk remedies to combat these unpleasant insects. For example, you can try to get rid of cockroaches using the most common boric acid. To do this, boric acid is mixed with boiled egg and finely chopped boiled potatoes. The resulting mixture is rolled into balls and placed in cockroach habitats.

Cockroaches are also afraid of the smell of ammonia, so you can add a few drops of this substance to the water you use to wash the floors from time to time. In order for the existence of cockroaches in your apartment to cease to be cloudless, you need to deprive them of access to water - wipe the sink, bathtub, etc. dry, while placing saucers with boric acid around the apartment.

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Tip 2: Is it possible to get rid of cockroaches and bedbugs with ultrasound

Impact of ultrasound

Some insects are indeed dependent on ultrasonic vibrations, but the small number of studies in this area does not allow us to say about the degree of effectiveness of ultrasonic repellers used against cockroaches and. Manufacturers of these devices claim that they emit sound waves that are unpleasant to the nervous system of cockroaches and bedbugs, forcing the insects to leave human homes.

In addition to bedbugs and cockroaches, ultrasonic repellers can fight fleas and ants.

The ultrasonic repeller works when connected to power. It is equipped with a switch that is set to look like it is repelling insects or rodents. According to the manufacturers, the effectiveness of the ultrasonic device will be visible after just a few days. As high-frequency sound affects nervous system cockroaches and bedbugs, insects will begin to leave the house and will finally stop appearing after five to six weeks. For prevention, manufacturers recommend leaving ultrasonic repellers on for some more time to prevent new insects from breeding in the house.

Ultrasound effectiveness

According to experts, ultrasonic repellers are good technology to repel rodents, while they have practically no effect on cockroaches and bedbugs. Much more effective means getting rid of them will be disinfestation measures - starting from good room hygiene and ending with non-toxic insecticides that destroy almost all insects. Although some types of insects (such as mosquitoes) do get irritated by sound pressure, it does not work on cockroaches and bedbugs for the reason that they do not communicate using ultrasound - unlike the same mosquitoes.

Most effective ultrasonic repeller can only slightly reduce the number of insects in an apartment or house.

However, sufficiently powerful ultrasound can affect the condition

  1. It is necessary to determine where the insects live and, most importantly, where they drink. All possible ways movement should be sprinkled with boric acid powder. It should be noted that these are not only sinks and toilets. For a cockroach to drink enough, just a drop of water is enough, for example, next to flower pot. The fight will be more effective if you treat the baseboards, various cracks, and places behind the cabinets in the kitchen with powder. But many consider another method of preparing boric acid to be more effective.
  2. Cockroaches need to be treated. Add 30-50 g of boric acid to the raw yolk of a chicken egg and mix thoroughly.
    Make small balls from the resulting dough and leave them to dry for about an hour. Then the prepared treats are placed in pest habitats. They are very curious, so they will definitely try or at least smell the treat. To get poisoned, a cockroach only needs to touch the poison with its antennae.


Often they help get rid of cockroaches in an apartment forever. Let's look at the most popular of them:

Sticky traps

Trap jar

Traps Raid and Raptor

Such traps appeared at the end of the last century, although currently their popularity has fallen significantly. They are suitable for fighting single individuals.

Trap Kombat

Automatic traps

Inexpensive devices similar to the trap described above.
The bait is placed inside, and when the insect enters, it can no longer leave. Auto traps are recommended to be used in hard-to-reach places.

Low temperatures

Aerosol products

It is better to spray an empty apartment. The most important thing is that there are no children or animals in the house. All food products must be carefully packaged to ensure they are not exposed to poison.

When poisoning cockroaches you need to wear a mask and preferably gloves. The aerosol is also dangerous for humans.

This method should be used in combination with other means, since the spray repels pests and makes them escape rather than kills them.

Gels against cockroaches

Pencils and powders

The pencil is applied to surfaces on which cockroaches can move, and the powders are scattered in hard-to-reach places.

It is better to protect children from contact with the powder, it can be dangerous to their health.

The pencil is more convenient to use; it can be applied without problems to vertical surfaces.

Ineffective methods


Kerosene and turpentine

Many people recommend applying these liquids to baseboards and cracks in your home. The fact is that the use of these products in the kitchen is not recommended if the premises are residential. And cockroaches live in this part of the house. Moreover, as soon as bad smell disappears, they will immediately continue their active life activities.

The right choice of control methods

As practice shows, you should not constantly use the same method of fighting insects. Cockroaches adapt to changes quite easily environment. Over time, they can get used to dichlorvos, and the gel, and the pencil. But don't despair. How to get cockroaches out of your apartment forever.

Chemicals need to be changed periodically; it is better to combine them with other means described above. But the main thing is not to overdo it and not to use all the means at once.

Greetings, dear readers. Today we’ll talk about the war against insects in a private home. After all, cockroaches were eternal companions not only apartment buildings with a garbage chute and unclean neighbors. Even in the most remote place from civilization, these unpleasant creatures can live with the most careful housewife.
I will talk about how to get rid of cockroaches in a private home, and all the nuances of this process. You will find out where Prussians can come from in your home, and why you need A complex approach to disinfestation. Let's discuss and chemicals from insects, and folk recipes. By applying my recommendations, you can quickly and inexpensively solve the cockroach issue. Let's also talk about preventing the return of redheads so that they never bother you again.

Where did cockroaches come from in a private house?

There is an opinion that cockroaches can only appear in a dormitory, where the garbage chute is always clogged, there are always piles of garbage and dirty dishes in the common kitchen, and the neighbors have never heard the word “cleaning.” This is not entirely true. Of course, in unsanitary conditions, the likelihood of getting hold of red-haired reptiles is much higher. But in reality, these arthropods simply love to live next to humans, because our houses are warm, there is food and drink, and the rest are just risk factors.

And if in a multi-entrance house cockroaches can come from neighbors, from the sewer, basement or garbage chute, then in a suburban building it would seem that they simply have nowhere to come from. In reality, everything is different, and life in own home dreams can be overshadowed by the appearance of vile arthropods.

They can enter your home in any of the following ways:

Come from a neighboring area. Of course, this journey will take longer than if you lived in a city apartment. But even outside the city, in conditions of food shortage (this happens when the colony grows too much), cockroaches travel from one area to another, simultaneously increasing their habitat.
Infiltrate along with new appliances or other purchases. Cockroaches are frequent guests in the warehouses of large household appliance stores. They settle in rear walls electric stoves, microwave ovens, refrigerators and other unexpected places. If you made repairs and bought equipment, it may well be that this was the cause of the appearance of insects.
You yourself brought them home along with fruit from the supermarket or in a box with old things after moving. Even one female that has already been fertilized once can cause a significant number of insects to appear.

How to deal with cockroaches in a private home?

Some have chosen to live in nature and live permanently in a private house, while others visit the countryside as a dacha to relax and unwind. The lives of both can be overshadowed by the appearance of nasty insects in the house. Let's talk about how you can get rid of them so that you can enjoy all the delights of a country house with peace of mind.

Folk remedies for cockroaches

Residents of private houses have an undeniable advantage over those who live in a city apartment - having noticed a cockroach in the house, its owner can afford to leisurely try folk remedies in search of the most effective one. I'll tell you about the most popular recipes from our grandmothers - who knows, what if it never comes to industrial insecticides?

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An old, but no less effective method to destroy vile creatures. As you know, both black and red cockroaches love warmth and do not tolerate low temperatures. You can try the method that our great-grandmothers used - freezing.

To do this, all items that may be damaged by frost ( potted plants, aquarium, etc.) should be taken to a warm place. Then all windows and doors are opened wide. As soon as the room temperature drops below -1°C, you need to start counting the time.
The greater the minus, the faster the insects die. But in general, one hour is usually enough. One “but”: the ootheca reliably protects the future generation of longhorned beetles, so it’s better to repeat the event in a couple of weeks.

Balls with boric acid

Another recipe we inherited from older generations. For it we will need:

A couple of bags of boric acid;
chicken eggs;
vegetable oil(sunflower, for example).

I can’t tell you the exact proportions - it depends on the area of ​​the house and the size chicken eggs. I will only say that the finished mass should be thick and elastic, like raw shortbread dough.
To prepare the balls, hard boil the eggs, remove the yolk, knead it with boric acid powder and, if necessary, add oil for elasticity. Balls are made from such a mass, which are later laid out in nesting places and on the routes of movement of insects. After 2-3 days, only eggs will remain from the cockroaches. But you can also get rid of the larvae in the same way - just repeat the treatment after one and a half to two weeks.

Chemicals for cockroaches

In fact, black cockroaches often live in private houses, but Prussians prefer city apartments. But this does not mean that any special means will be needed to disinfest a country home. The only nuance is the amount of these funds.
Square country house often much larger than the area of ​​the apartment, therefore, the consumption of insecticides increases. Take this factor into account - it’s better to buy more inexpensive drugs than expensive means, but in insufficient quantities.

Insecticidal traps

This is one of the simplest and at the same time effective ways to destroy the mustachioed brethren. The principle of operation of traps is based on the content of poison in the bait, which does not kill immediately, but only after several hours. Thanks to this effect, one individual, after contact with the poison, upon returning to the nest, infects several more, and the entire colony dies along the chain.

All you have to do is open the package and set the traps. By the way, they are completely safe for households and their pets - it is simply impossible to get to the poisoned bait. The traps remain effective for several months, so in addition to directly killing insects, they also good way preventing their return.

Insecticidal gels

A huge group of products that contain one of the most commonly used insecticidal poisons: fipronil, cypermethrin, chlorpyrifos, fenvalerate or fenthion. These substances kill cockroaches quickly and effectively. To attract insects, the bait contains a food attractant, whose smell will not leave any cockroach indifferent.

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By personal experience I can say that the most popular form is gels. This popular love is partly due to ease of use, lack of specific smell and toxic fumes and prolonged effect. Thanks to the special fatty base in the gel, it remains effective for up to 9 months, which means that a single application will be enough - there is no need for re-processing.

Insecticidal solutions, powders and aerosols

But powders and aerosols, although very effective, are not so popular due to the method of application and difficulties in cleaning after treatment. Aerosols have significant drawback– there is a risk of intoxication when using it. In addition, they often have a rather specific smell.
As for powders, they are convenient to use in those rooms where household members do not spend much time - in a barn, pantry, garage, etc. In living rooms, the powder on the floor will interfere and make you want to take up the vacuum cleaner. However, I do not pretend to be the truth - perhaps for some it is powders that are the most in a convenient way destroy insects. Read information and reviews about the drug, choose and find the most convenient remedy for yourself.

Electronic traps and repellers

These are devices that do not kill insects, but repel them from your home. This occurs due to ultrasonic or magnetic radiation, which the device begins to produce after being plugged into an outlet.
The advantages of such devices include the lack of impact on human health, durability and ease of use. Among the disadvantages are unproven effectiveness and relatively high price. However, they are definitely worth trying - hundreds of rave reviews on the Internet suggest that they do work.

Fumigators and aquafumigators

Such devices stand alone in the range of insecticidal products. All due to the specifics of the application. Many people do not like fumigators because of the specific smell; some get a headache after using them.

Fumigators kill insects by releasing toxic fumes or smoke (depending on the type of device). The disadvantages include the need to buy Consumables(special liquid or plates), high cost and specific smell, which can cause headaches. Among the advantages are high efficiency, ease of use and durability - one device works long years, you buy it once and for all (you only need to buy additional plates or liquid as needed).

Prevention of cockroaches

As you know, cockroaches are tenacious creatures, but at the same time they are heat-loving. So migration from one area to another usually occurs in warm time of the year. Whether your neighbors have them or you brought them yourself, the strategy is the same. You can develop a specific plan to protect your home from insects.

1. Plant peppermint, tansy, red elderberry and honeysuckle in the area. Whiskered reptiles hate the smell of these plants, so a couple of the right bushes can become a kind of amulet against insects.
2. When purchasing household appliances, check them thoroughly for traces of Prussian activity before installing them in the house. Carefully inspect all surfaces and secluded places: if cockroaches live there, you will probably find their excrement (small black dots), chitinous shells from oothecae, or even themselves. In any case, it makes sense to treat the equipment with any insecticidal spray - Dichlorvos, for example. This is exactly the situation when it would be useful to hedge your bets.
3. When buying fruits and vegetables at the market or supermarket, always carefully inspect the packaging for insects, or even better, choose one at a time, putting it in a clean bag. Do the same with boxes of old things, because a whole nest may appear there during the month that this box is in the pantry and which you will soon move to your new home.

Don’t forget that it’s important to keep your home clean - deprived of food and water, cockroaches do not reproduce as quickly and generally become less cheerful, and sometimes this can be a good reason to leave your home in search of something more bready.

Place all foodstuffs and prepared foods in an airtight container or refrigerator.
Dry your bathroom, sink, and kitchen sink at night.
Immediately after eating, remove crumbs and wash dirty dishes.
Empty the trash can daily and do not allow garbage to accumulate in the area - its smell can attract not only cockroaches.

Cockroaches in the house are not always a sign of sloppiness on the part of the housewife. Many clean people face the problem of pest infestation in their apartments. This is due to neighbors, containers for disposing of household waste located next to the house, and dampness in the basement. Let's look at how to get rid of cockroaches quickly and without subsequent relapse (re-infestation).

The most effective way to eradicate insects once and for all is to call a professional. In case of minor contamination of a living space, you can deal with it yourself without involving the disinfection service. In a private house, the process of getting rid of cockroaches on our own takes place with less financial losses. The effectiveness of a single treatment is due to the absence of neighbors where cockroaches migrate during disinfestation work. IN apartment building Disinfestation against cockroaches is more difficult, but with the right method chosen, the result will not take long to arrive.

People notice black, red and white cockroaches in their apartments. The latter are ordinary Prussians during the molting period. It is much easier to eradicate albinos at home than adult insects. The absence of chitinous cover makes cockroaches more vulnerable to chemicals.

Reasons for the appearance of cockroaches in residential premises

One of the main reasons for Prussians settling in housing is unsanitary conditions. If the house is kept clean, garbage cans are regularly emptied, and plumbing is in good working order, insects will quickly leave the apartment due to lack of favorable conditions for reproduction and development.

Attention! Water is the source of life for cockroaches. The chemicals used will be effective provided there is no free access to the liquid. Insecticidal preparations lose their poisoning ability if the insect finds a source of water.

Before removing arthropods, it is important to identify the reason why cockroaches appeared:

  • Negligent neighbors;
  • Repair or relocation of residents of the entrance;
  • An old house with many cracks in the floor and walls;
  • The presence of a direct source of infection: garbage chute, basement, attic.

You can bring cockroaches with your purchase from grocery store, from work, from guests.

Why is it difficult to get rid of pests?

The process of destroying the Prussians on our own is a long one. Household insecticides, sold in stores are not effective enough, as they contain a minimal concentration of the toxic compound. These are usually nerve or enteric chemicals. The insect must consume the drug for food to occur.

Important! Self-disinfestation products have no effect on eggs. The hard shell of the ootheca reliably protects the larvae from toxic substances.

Cockroaches hide in secluded places. Household appliances, space under the baseboard – comfortable spot for the life of the Prussians. Applying insecticide to hard-to-reach areas yourself is problematic.

The fertility of cockroaches is extremely high. Behind life cycle the female sheds up to 30 oothecae, each of which contains up to 20 individuals.

Well-worn methods of control - boric acid, crayons, gels work, but only if the contamination of the living space is minor.

If you decide to poison cockroaches yourself, do not expect instant results. All individuals will be destroyed after 1 - 4 months, provided that the house is kept clean and household waste is regularly disposed of.

Conventional methods of controlling arthropods

At home, you can exterminate arthropods using inexpensive means. The following work effectively in the fight against cockroaches:

  • Boric acid powder, borax;
  • Strong smelling products: essential oils, ammonia, vinegar essence;
  • Freezing.

Food baits are prepared using boric acid. Add to the powder mashed potatoes, egg yolk. Balls are formed and placed in the habitats of the Prussians.

Attention! The method has been used since the 90s! Insects mutate and develop resistance to chemical compounds. To obtain a visible result, it is necessary to use several methods of exterminating arthropods simultaneously!

Before removing cockroaches yourself, carry out general cleaning and fix plumbing problems. Unhindered insect access to water, crumbs under furniture and scattered cereals in cabinets attract cockroaches more than acid balls!

Washing floors and surfaces with the addition of vinegar, ammonia, concentrated oils of tangerine, lavender, and lemongrass helps drive insects out of the apartment. Cockroaches cannot tolerate the strong smell and migrate to their neighbors. This method is not applicable when living in a house with allergies, patients with bronchial asthma, pregnant women and small children!

The freezing method allows residents to kill cockroaches rural areas. The main condition for the physical method of pest control is a stove in the house instead of pipe heating and the cold season. After cleaning, the home is left for 2-3 days, the doors of the house are left open. Low temperatures air have a detrimental effect on arthropods. In apartment buildings you can take out household appliances in the cold for several days.

Effective insecticides for self-disinfestation

The fight against cockroaches at home is limited to the use of dusts, aerosols, gels, sprays and crayons. Widely applicable as bait glue traps. Substrates are placed behind the stove, under the sink and under the bathtub. Insects are tightly glued to the base. Change the trap when filled with arthropods.

Important! Glue-based traps are not able to effectively combat and completely rid your home of harmful insects! In some cases, they lure Prussians away from their neighbors, which will increase the number of individuals in the apartment!

Sprays provide instant results. They allow you to quickly kill arthropods. Most drugs are odorless. This does not mean that when disinfesting yourself you do not need to use products personal protection. Remove food, hide utensils, and spray chemicals in areas where arthropods frequent. Sinuzan and Reid have proven themselves well.

Gel-like insecticides have a prolonged effect. They are based on active ingredients, not losing their activity for up to 5 months. Apply the gel around the perimeter of the apartment, behind the toilet, under the bathtub. The insect dies from eating the chemical, and also carries the insecticide on its legs to the places where the insects are most concentrated. Gels work effectively:

  • Clean house;
  • Forsyth;
  • Absolute.

Apply the gel to hard-to-reach places if there are small children in the house. Curious family members may taste the poisonous substance, which can have dangerous consequences.

Crayons are considered low-toxic insect killers. Before fighting cockroaches, carefully read the instructions for the drug. You cannot “draw” with chalk in cabinets with dishes or food products. The drugs Domovoy, Chisty Dom, Mashenka work effectively. Use them as a preventative rather than a primary means of baiting arthropods.

If there are small children in the house, it is recommended to poison cockroaches by safe means. Pyrethrum is a powdered insecticide based on chamomile. This is a low-toxic drug of natural origin. The powder is sprinkled on baseboards around the perimeter of the home, behind cabinets and under the sink. The drug has high efficiency and works up to 4 months.

Calling a disinfection service

Destruction of cockroaches by professionals saves a lot of time and effort. The client is only required to properly prepare the apartment. The company may recommend leaving your home for a period from several hours to 2 – 3 days. It all depends on the degree of infection of the object and the drug used.

Important to do right choice in favor of one company or another. Before exterminating cockroaches with the help of specialists, check:

  1. Does the company have a license to carry out pest control activities;
  2. Is the company registered in the Russian Federation as a legal entity;
  3. Terms of guarantee. This could be a re-treatment discount valid from 1 to 12 months;
  4. What drugs work? Insecticides must be certified and approved for use in residential premises;
  5. Hazard class of a chemical compound. Class 3 and 4 drugs are considered less toxic to humans and animals;
  6. What processing method does the company use? In effective ways professional extermination of cockroaches is spraying with a pump and using a cold fog generator.

Be careful! Many pest control agencies offer to poison insects with hot fog. This method is not suitable for disinfestation in apartment buildings. A cloud of fog rises up and penetrates through ventilation structures into neighboring rooms, which poses a huge danger to residents!

The odorless preparations used to kill cockroaches work effectively, but can be harmful to health. After treatment, experts recommend not entering the apartment for several hours, despite the absence of a strong insecticide aroma. Curiosity forces a person to drop into the house for a forgotten thing, after which poisoning occurs.

It is important to understand that even an odorless drug is a chemical that is not recommended for people and animals to come into contact with for some time.

Be wary if they promise to eradicate arthropods from your apartment forever. The residual effect of insecticides is from 3 to 6 weeks. Re-infection is not excluded, since Prussians develop resistance to chemical poisons.

How professionals work

Responsible companies value their reputation and work for results. Quality is important to them recommendation reviews and grateful clients.

For disinsection, insecticides certified in Russia are used that do not affect human health.

Before poisoning cockroaches in an apartment, the client receives full information By preliminary preparation, the terms of the guarantee and the need for re-processing are discussed.

The preparations are applied using special equipment - a pump sprayer and a cold fog generator. The advantages of comprehensive disinfestation are:

  • Efficiency;
  • Insects lack the ability to hide;
  • Access to hard-to-reach places;
  • Barrier protection for several weeks.

Professional pest control products do not leave marks on furniture and wallpaper, quickly evaporate and protect the apartment from cockroaches for up to one and a half months.

Important! Effective fight with cockroaches is a set of measures in which not only disinfection services, but also residents take part. If basic sanitation rules are not followed, there is a risk of relapse.

How to prepare housing

Before carrying out pest control work, the apartment must be prepared. They start with a thorough cleaning, paying attention Special attention corners, space beyond kitchen furniture and household appliances.

To prepare housing you need:

  • Take out the trash;
  • Disassemble deposits of books and magazines;
  • Clean out the kitchen cabinets;
  • Repair dripping faucets;
  • Pack opened food items;
  • Place pets and birds with neighbors or friends;
  • Turn off the filter and cover the aquarium with fish during treatment;
  • Remove personal hygiene items: combs, razors, toothbrushes.

Check out the apartment! Photo frames, souvenirs, vases and figurines must be tidied up to avoid damage to property. The drug from the fog generator is supplied under pressure! Glass and fragile objects may fall and break. Check if they are securely fastened Wall Clock and paintings.

Children's toys must be packed in bags. Anything that cannot be protected from the drug must be subsequently treated with a soap and soda solution.

Treatment with a cold fog generator

Advantage professional processing is the possibility of applying insecticide to hard-to-reach places. The drug is brought to a working concentration and poured into specialized equipment.

Under pressure, the chemical is released in the form of a mist. Fine particles penetrate under the baseboard, into the space behind furniture, and cracks in the floor and walls. The sea cloud forces cockroaches to come out of secluded places. The drug enters the body of arthropods and penetrates the organs respiratory system and digestive tract. The Prussians have no chance of survival.

A suspended cloud remains in the air for at least 2 hours. During this time, all insects manage to get direct contact with the chemical. Those who managed to hide will receive their dose of the poisonous substance from their relatives. Prussians will definitely bring the poisonous substance to the nest on their paws.

The effect of baiting cockroaches with fog is visible after 3 hours. Upon returning to the apartment, you need to collect dead individuals and dispose of them. Ideal option will burn the Prussians or send them to the sewer. Do not throw dead arthropods into the trash. If professionals used nerve agents in their work, insects can come to life and continue their life activities.

Pump spray treatment

Before fogging, many companies use a pump spray method. The sprayer allows you to apply the chemical around the perimeter of the room.

The working solution is poured into the sprayer tank and supplied in the form of drops. A special rod with an extension allows you to reach under the stove and refrigerator and apply chemical compound behind radiators and curtains.

Please note! This processing method involves pouring furniture. If it's in the kitchen couch, it will be wet. The carpet on the floor will also not remain dry. The disinfectant does not always warn about this. Many people refuse treatment with a pump sprayer, opting for fog.

The company is not responsible for stains on the walls, wallpaper peeling off as a result of disinfestation, swelling wall panels! This clause is spelled out in a properly drafted contract! Carefully study all the terms and responsibilities of the parties.

What results to expect

Treatment by a disinfection service is considered effective if 70% of the insects have died after baiting. The remaining individuals die out within 10–15 days. If disinfestation does not bring the expected result, cockroaches continue to live and reproduce, it is necessary to re-treat.

When a residential area is populated en masse by Prussians, treatment alone will not help. There is no need to wait for a miracle; in half an hour it is impossible to completely eradicate all the individuals that have lived in the house for several years. In some cases, 2–3 treatments are necessary, with an interval of 15 days. Each time the disinfector must change the insecticide.

What to do after treatment

After poisoning the cockroaches in the apartment, you cannot enter the room for at least 3 hours. During this time, most of the individuals die, and the fog cloud (in the case of treatment with a generator) dissipates.

When you return to the house, first open the window. It is necessary to ventilate all rooms in the apartment.

Prepare a working solution by adding half a pack to 10 liters of water baking soda And detergent soap based. Wipe all surfaces with which family members come into contact with the prepared solution. Pay attention to door handles, refrigerator handles, countertops, cabinets and coffee tables. Bed linen needs to be changed, blankets and bedspreads need to be washed.

There is no need to wash the walls and floor! The drug continues to work for several weeks.

If there is an urgent need to wash the floor, then step back 15 cm from the baseboard.

General cleaning is carried out in 10 days! This time is enough for the insecticide to take hold and protect your home from arthropods.

How to avoid becoming a victim of scammers

When choosing a disinfection service, pay attention to some aspects. The disinfector is obliged to provide the client with a package of documents, including:

  • Agreement for the provision of services;
  • Application. Act of executed works;
  • Payment receipt;
  • Warranty card;
  • A reminder for the client containing information about further actions and prevention of relapse.

Fraudsters often hide under the guise of disinfection services and will prohibit you from attending the processing. Taking advantage of the situation, a thief can steal valuables. If desired, the client can be in the apartment while baiting cockroaches. The disinfection service worker is obliged to provide respiratory protection and not interfere with the owner’s presence in the premises.

Preventive actions

After all the cockroaches in the apartment have died out, there is no need to relax. It is important to take all measures to prevent re-infection.

Pests will not appear if:

  • Take out the trash can in a timely manner;
  • Do not leave dirty dishes overnight;
  • Seal cracks in the floor and walls;
  • Seal the entrance door;
  • Repair plumbing equipment;
  • Keep the room clean.

Often cockroaches are brought home from work. If you are a catering or hospital employee, kindergarten or grocery store, check your bag when leaving work for home.

Compliance with basic sanitary rules will allow you to avoid unpleasant proximity to the Prussians.

Shushunova Elena Valerievna
Epidemiologist, customer service manager at 3DezAltai LLC