home · Installation · Classification of the device of the main types of standard automation equipment. Technical means of production automation. Programmable automation systems

Classification of the device of the main types of standard automation equipment. Technical means of production automation. Programmable automation systems

Question 1 Basic concepts and definitions of A&C

Automation- one of the areas of scientific and technological progress that uses self-regulating technical means and mathematical methods with the aim of freeing people from participation in the processes of obtaining, converting, transferring and using energy, materials or information, or significantly reducing the degree of this participation or the complexity of the operations performed. Automation makes it possible to increase labor productivity, improve product quality, optimize management processes, and remove people from production processes that are hazardous to health. Automation, with the exception of the simplest cases, requires an integrated, systematic approach to solving a problem. Automation systems include sensors (sensors), input devices, control devices (controllers), actuators, output devices, and computers. The computational methods used sometimes copy the nervous and mental functions of humans. This entire complex of tools is usually called automation and control systems.

All automation and control systems are based on such concepts as a control object, a communication device with a control object, control and regulation of technological parameters, measurement and conversion of signals.

The control object is understood as a technological apparatus or a set of them in which standard technological operations of mixing, separation or their mutual combination with simple operations are carried out (or with the help of which are carried out). Such a technological apparatus, together with the technological process that takes place in it and for which the system is being developed automatic control and is called a control object or an automation object. From the set of input and output quantities of a controlled object, controlled quantities, control and disturbing influences and interference can be distinguished. Controlled quantity is an output physical quantity or parameter of a controlled object, which during the operation of the object must be maintained at a certain specified level or changed according to a given law. Control action is a material or energy input flow, by changing which, it is possible to maintain the controlled value at a given level or change it according to a given law. An automatic device or regulator is a technical device that allows, without human intervention, to maintain the value of a technological parameter or change it according to a given law. An automatic control device includes a set of technical means that perform certain functions in the system. The automatic control system includes: Sensing element or sensor, which serves to convert the output value of the controlled object into a proportional electrical or pneumatic signal, Comparison element- to determine the magnitude of the discrepancy between the current and specified values ​​of the output quantity. Setting element serves to set the value of the process parameter, which must be maintained at a constant level. Amplifying-converting the element serves to generate a regulatory effect depending on the magnitude and sign of the mismatch due to an external energy source. Actuator element serves to implement regulatory influence. produced by UPE. Regulating element– to change the material or energy flow in order to maintain the output value at a given level. In automation practice During production processes, automatic control systems are equipped with standard general industrial devices that perform the functions of the above elements. The main element of such systems is a computer that receives information from analog and discrete sensors of technological parameters. The same information can be sent to analog or digital information presentation devices (secondary devices). The process operator accesses this machine using a remote control to enter information not received from automatic sensors, requesting the necessary information and advice on managing the process. The work of the automated control system is based on the receipt and processing of information.

Main types of automation and control systems:

· automated planning system (APS),

· automated system of scientific research (ASNI),

· system computer-aided design(CAD),

· automated experimental complex (AEC),

· flexible automated production (GAP) and automated process control system (APCS),

· automated operation control system (ACS)

· automatic control system (ACS).

Question 2 Composition of technical means of automation and control of automated control systems.

Technical means automation and control are devices and instruments that can either be automation tools themselves or be part of a hardware and software complex.

Typical automation and control tools can be technical, hardware, software and system-wide.

Technical means of automation and control include:

− sensors;

− actuators;

− regulatory authorities (RO);

− communication lines;

− secondary instruments (displaying and recording);

− analogue and digital control devices;

− programming blocks;

− logic-command control devices;

− modules for collecting and primary processing of data and monitoring the state of a technological control object (TOU);

− modules for galvanic isolation and signal normalization;

− signal converters from one form to another;

−modules for data presentation, indication, recording and generation of control signals;

− buffer storage devices;

− programmable timers;

− specialized computing devices, pre-processor preparation devices.

Technical means of automation and control can be systematized as follows:

CS – control system.
Memory – Master device (buttons, screens, toggle switches).

UIO – Information display device.
UIO – Information processing device.

USPU – Converter / Amplifier device.
CS – Communication channel.
OU – Control object.
IM – Actuators.

RO – Working bodies (Manipulators).

D – Sensors.
VP – Secondary converters.

According to their functional purpose, they are divided into the following 5 groups:

Input devices. These include - ZU, VP, D;

Output devices. These include - IM, USPI, RO;

Devices of the central part. These include - UPI;

Facilities industrial networks. These include - KS;

Information display devices – UIO.

TSAiU perform the following functions: 1. collection and transformation of information about the state of the process; 2. transmission of information via communication channels; 3. transformation, storage and processing of information; 4. formation of management teams in accordance with the selected goals (criteria for the functioning of systems); 5. use and presentation of command information to influence the process and communicate with the operator using actuators. Therefore, all industrial means of automation of technological processes, based on their relationship to the system, are combined in accordance with the standard into the following functional groups: 1. means at the system input (sensors); 2. means at the output of the system (output converters, means for displaying information and process control commands, up to speech); 3. intra-system control systems (providing interconnection between devices with different signals and different machine languages), for example, have relay or open-collector outputs; 4. means of transmission, storage and processing of information.
Such a variety of groups, types and configurations of control systems leads to many alternative design problems technical support APCS in each specific case. One of the most important criteria The choice of TSAiU can be based on their cost.

Thus, technical means of automation and control include devices for recording, processing and transmitting information in automated production. With their help, automated production lines are monitored, regulated and controlled.

General information about process automation

Processes food production

Basic concepts and definitions of automation

Machine(Greek automatos - self-acting) is a device (a set of devices) that functions without human intervention.

Automation is a process in the development of machine production in which management and control functions previously performed by humans are transferred to instruments and automatic devices.

Goal of automation– increasing labor productivity, improving product quality, optimizing planning and management, eliminating people from working in conditions hazardous to health.

Automation is one of the main directions of scientific and technological progress.

Automation How academic discipline is an area of ​​theoretical and applied knowledge about automatically operating devices and systems.

The history of automation as a branch of technology is closely connected with the development of automatic machines, automatic devices and automated complexes. In its infancy, automation relied on theoretical mechanics and the theory of electrical circuits and systems and solved problems related to regulating pressure in steam boilers, steam piston stroke and rotation speed electric machines, control the operation of automatic machines, automatic telephone exchanges, relay protection devices. Accordingly, technical means of automation during this period were developed and used in relation to automatic control systems. The intensive development of all branches of science and technology at the end of the first half of the 20th century also caused the rapid growth of automatic control technology, the use of which is becoming universal.

The second half of the 20th century was marked by the further improvement of technical means of automation and the widespread, although uneven for different sectors of the national economy, distribution of automatic control devices with the transition to more complex automatic systems, in particular in industry - from the automation of individual units to the complex automation of workshops and factories. A special feature is the use of automation at facilities that are geographically distant from each other, for example, large industrial and energy complexes, agricultural facilities for the production and processing of agricultural products, etc. For communication between individual devices in such systems, telemechanics are used, which, together with control devices and controlled objects, form teleautomatic systems. In this case, technical (including telemechanical) means of collecting and automatically processing information become of great importance, since many problems in complex automatic control systems can only be solved with the help of computer technology. Finally, the theory of automatic control gives way to a generalized theory of automatic control, which unites all theoretical aspects of automation and forms the basis of the general theory of control.

The introduction of automation in production has significantly increased labor productivity and reduced the share of workers employed in various areas of production. Before the introduction of automation, the replacement of physical labor occurred through the mechanization of the main and auxiliary operations of the production process. Intellectual work for a long time remained unmechanized. Currently, intellectual labor operations are becoming the object of mechanization and automation.

There are different types of automation.

1. Automatic control includes automatic alarm, measurement, collection and sorting of information.

2. Automatic alarm is intended to notify about limit or emergency values ​​of any physical parameters, about the location and nature of technical violations.

3. Automatic measurement provides measurement and transmission to special recording devices of the values ​​of controlled physical quantities.

4. Automatic sorting carries out control and separation of products and raw materials by size, viscosity and other indicators.

5. Automatic protection This is a set of technical means that ensure the termination of a controlled technological process when abnormal or emergency conditions occur.

6. Automatic control includes a set of technical means and methods for managing the optimal progress of technological processes.

7. Automatic regulation maintains the values ​​of physical quantities at a certain level or changes them according to the required law without direct human participation.

These and other concepts related to automation and control are united by cybernetics– the science of managing complex developing systems and processes, studying the general mathematical laws of object control of different nature(kibernetas (Greek) – manager, helmsman, helmsman).

Automatic control system(ACS) is a set of control object ( OU) and control devices ( UU), interacting with each other without human participation, the action of which is aimed at achieving a specific goal.

Automatic control system(SAR) – totality OU and an automatic controller, interacting with each other, ensures that the TP parameters are maintained at a given level or changed according to the required law, and also operates without human intervention. ATS is a type of self-propelled gun.

The classification of technical automation equipment is not something too complicated and loaded. However, in general technological means automation have a fairly extensive classification structure. Let's try to figure it out.

Modern automation tools are divided into two groups: switched and non-commutated (programmed) technical automation tools:

1) Switched automation equipment


Relay circuits

2) Programmed automation tools

ADSP processors

ADSP processors are an automation tool that is used for complex mathematical analysis of processes in the system. These processors have high-speed input/output modules that can transmit data at high frequencies to the central processor, which uses complex mathematics to analyze the operation of the system. An example is vibration diagnostic systems that use Fourier series for analysis, spectral analysis and a pulse counter. As a rule, such processors are implemented in the form of a separate PCI card, which is mounted in the appropriate slot of the computer and uses the CPU for mathematical processing.

PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)

PLCs are the most common automation tools. They have their own power supply, central processor, RAM, network card, and input/output modules. The advantage is high reliability of the system, adaptation to industrial conditions. In addition, programs are used that run cyclically and have a so-called Watch Dog, which is used to prevent the program from freezing. Also, the program runs sequentially and does not have parallel connections and processing steps that could lead to negative consequences.

PKK (Programmable Computer Controllers)

PKK is a computer with input/output cards, network cards that are used for input/output of information.


PAK ( programmed automated controllers) – PLC+PKK. They have a distributed network structure for data processing (several PLCs and PCs).

· Specialized controllers

Specialized controllers are not freely programmable automation tools, but use standard programs in which only some coefficients can be changed (PID controller parameters, actuator running time, delays, etc.). Such controllers are oriented in advance known system regulation (ventilation, heating, hot water supply). At the beginning of the new millennium, these technical means of automation became widespread.

A feature of ADSP and PKK is the use of standard programming languages: C, C++, Assembler, Pascal, since they are created on a PC. This feature of automation tools is both an advantage and a disadvantage.

The advantage is that using standard programming languages ​​you can write more complex and flexible algorithm. The disadvantage is that to work with them you need to create drivers and use a programming language, which is more complex. The advantage of PLCs and PACs is the use of engineering programming languages ​​that are standardized by IEC 61131-3. These languages ​​are not designed for a programmer, but for an electrical engineer.

Principle of information transformation

Management principles are based on the principle of information transformation.

Converters are devices used to convert quantities of one physical nature into another and vice versa.

Sensors are devices that produce a discrete signal depending on the code technological process or exposure to information.

Information and methods for converting it

The information must have the following properties:

1. Information must be understandable in accordance with the adopted coding system or its presentation.

2. Information transmission channels must be noise-proof and prevent the penetration of false information.

3. Information must be convenient for processing.

4. Information should be convenient for storing it.

To transmit information, communication channels are used, which can be artificial, natural, or mixed.

Rice. 3. Communication channels

We will talk in more detail about communication channels a little later.

The means of generating and primary processing of information include keyboard devices for applying data to cards, tapes or other information carriers by mechanical (punching) or magnetic methods; the accumulated information is transferred for subsequent processing or reproduction. Keyboard devices, punching or magnetic blocks and transmitters are used to make up production recorders for local and system purposes, which generate primary information in workshops, warehouses and other places of production.

Sensors (primary transducers) are used to automatically extract information. They are very diverse devices in terms of operating principles that sense changes in the controlled parameters of technological processes. Modern measuring technology can directly evaluate more than 300 different physical, chemical and other quantities, but this requires automation in a number of new areas human activity sometimes it's not enough. An economically feasible expansion of the range of sensors in the GPS is achieved by unifying the sensitive elements. Sensitive elements that respond to pressure, force, weight, speed, acceleration, sound, light, thermal and radioactive radiation are used in sensors to control the loading of equipment and its operating modes, the quality of processing, accounting for the release of products, monitoring their movements on conveyors, stocks and consumption of materials, workpieces, tools, etc. The output signals of all these sensors are converted into standard electrical or pneumatic signals, which are transmitted by other devices.

Devices for transmitting information include signal converters into forms of energy convenient for broadcasting, telemechanics equipment for transmitting signals via communication channels over long distances, switches for distributing signals to places where information is processed or presented. These devices connect all peripheral sources of information (keyboard devices, sensors) with the central part of the control system. Their purpose is efficient use communication channels, eliminating signal distortion and the influence of possible interference during transmission over wired and wireless lines.

Devices for logical and mathematical information processing include functional converters that change the nature, shape or combination of information signals, as well as devices for processing information according to given algorithms (including computers) in order to implement laws and control (regulation) modes.

Computers for communication with other parts of the control system are equipped with information input and output devices, as well as storage devices for temporary storage of source data, intermediate and final results calculations, etc. (see Data input. Data output, Storage device).

Devices for presenting information show the human operator the state of production processes and record it the most important parameters. Such devices are signal boards, mnemonic diagrams with visual symbols on boards or control panels, secondary pointer and digital indicating and recording instruments, cathode ray tubes, alphabetic and digital typewriters.

Devices for generating control actions convert weak information signals into more powerful energy pulses of the required shape, necessary to activate protection, regulation or control actuators.

Security High Quality products is associated with automation of control at all main stages of production. Subjective human assessments are replaced by objective indicators from automatic measuring stations linked to central points where the source of defects is determined and from where commands are sent to prevent deviations outside of tolerances. Of particular importance is automatic control using computers in the production of radio-technical and radio-electronic products due to their mass production and a significant number of controlled parameters. No less important are final tests of finished products for reliability (see Reliability technical devices). Automated stands for functional, strength, climatic, energy and specialized tests allow you to quickly and identically check technical and economic characteristics products (products).

Actuating devices consist of starting equipment, actuating hydraulic, pneumatic or electrical mechanisms (servomotors) and regulatory bodies that act directly on the automated process. It is important that their operation does not cause unnecessary energy losses and reduce the efficiency of the process. So, for example, throttling, which is usually used to regulate the flow of steam and liquids, based on increasing the hydraulic resistance in pipelines, is replaced by acting on flow-forming machines or other, more advanced methods of changing the speed of flows without loss of pressure. Economical and reliable control of the electric drive is of great importance alternating current, the use of gearless electric actuators, contactless ballasts for controlling electric motors.

The idea of ​​constructing instruments for monitoring, regulation and control in the form of units consisting of independent blocks that perform certain functions, implemented in GSP, made it possible to various combinations using these blocks to obtain a wide range of devices for solving diverse problems using the same means. Unification of input and output signals ensures the combination of blocks with different functions and their interchangeability.

The GSP includes pneumatic, hydraulic and electrical devices and devices. The greatest versatility is electrical devices, intended for receiving, transmitting and reproducing information.

The use of a universal system of industrial pneumatic automation elements (USEPPA) made it possible to reduce the development of pneumatic devices mainly to assembling them from standard units and parts with a small number of connections. Pneumatic devices are widely used for control and regulation in many fire and explosion hazardous industries.

GSP hydraulic devices are also assembled from blocks. Hydraulic devices and devices control equipment that requires high speeds to adjust the control elements with significant effort and high accuracy, which is especially important in machine tools and automatic lines.

In order to most rationally systematize GSP facilities and to increase the efficiency of their production, as well as to simplify the design and configuration of automated control systems, GSP devices are combined into aggregate complexes during development. Aggregate complexes, thanks to the standardization of input-output parameters and block design of devices, most conveniently, reliably and economically combine various technical means in automated control systems and allow the assembly of a variety of specialized installations from general-purpose automation units.

Targeted aggregation of analytical equipment, testing machines, mass-dosing mechanisms with unified measuring, computing and office equipment facilitates and accelerates the creation of basic designs of this equipment and the specialization of factories for their production.

Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution

higher professional education

"Omsk State Technical University"

V.N. Gudinov, A.P. Korneychuk

Lecture notes

Omsk 2006
UDC 681.5.08(075)

BBK 973.26-04ya73

N.S. Galdin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of PTTM and G, SibADI,

V.V. Zakharov, head of the automation department of ZAO NOMBUS.
Gudinov V.N., Korneychuk A.P.

G Technical means of automation: Lecture notes. – Omsk: Omsk State Technical University Publishing House, 2006. – 52 p.
The lecture notes provide basic information about modern technical and software-hardware automation tools (TSA) and software-hardware complexes (STC), the principles of their construction, classification, composition, purpose, characteristics and features of application in various automated control and regulation systems of technological processes (APCS).

Lecture notes are intended for students of full-time, evening, correspondence and distance learning in specialty 220301 - “Automation of technological processes and production.”
Published by decision of the editorial and publishing council of Omsk State Technical University.
UDC 681.5.08(075)

BBK 973.26-04ya73

© V.N. Gudinov, A.P. Korneychuk 2006

© Omsk State

Technical University, 2006


The purpose of the course “Technical Automation Tools” (TSA) is to study the elemental base of automatic process control systems. First, we present the basic concepts and definitions.

Element(device) – a structurally complete technical product designed to perform certain functions in automation systems (measurement, signal transmission, information storage, processing, generation of control commands, etc.).

Automatic control system (ACS)– a set of technical devices and software and hardware that interact with each other in order to implement a certain control law (algorithm).

Automated process control system (APCS)– a system designed to develop and implement control actions on a technological control object and is a human-machine system that provides automatic collection and processing of information necessary to control this technological object in accordance with accepted criteria (technical, technological, economic).

Technological control object (TOU) - a set of technological equipment and the technological process implemented on it according to the relevant instructions and regulations.

When creating modern automated process control systems, global integration and unification is observed technical solutions. The main requirement of modern automatic control systems is the openness of the system, when the data formats used and the procedural interface are defined and described for it, which allows connecting “external” independently developed devices and devices to it. Behind last years The TCA market has changed significantly, many domestic enterprises have been created that produce automation tools and systems, and systems integrators have appeared. Since the early 90s, leading foreign manufacturers of TCA began to widely introduce their products into the CIS countries through sales offices, branches, joint ventures and dealer firms.

The intensive development and rapid dynamics of the market for modern control technology require the emergence of literature reflecting the current state of TCA. Currently, the latest information about automation equipment of domestic and foreign companies is scattered and is mainly presented in periodicals or on the global Internet on the websites of manufacturing companies or on specialized information portals, such as www.asutp.ru, www.mka.ru, www.industrialauto.ru. The purpose of this lecture notes is a systematic presentation of material about the elements and industrial complexes of TSA. The abstract is intended for students of the specialty “Automation of Technological Processes and Production” studying the discipline “Technical Automation Tools”.

1.1. Classification of TSA by functional purpose in ACS

In accordance with GOST 12997-84, the entire TSA complex, according to their functional purpose in the ACS, is divided into the following seven groups (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Classification of TSA by functional purpose in ACS:

CS – control system; OU – control object; CS – communication channels;

Memory – master devices; UPI – information processing devices;

USPU – amplifying and converting devices; UIO – information display devices; IM – actuators; RO – working bodies; KU – control devices; D – sensors; VP – secondary converters

1.2. TCA development trends
1. Increased TCA functionality:

– in the control function (from the simplest start/stop and automatic reverse to cyclic and numerical program and adaptive control);

– in the alarm function (from the simplest light bulbs to text and graphic displays);

– in the diagnostic function (from open circuit indication to software testing of the entire automation system);

– in the function of communication with other systems (from wired communications to networked industrial facilities).

2. Complication of the element base means a transition from relay contact circuits to contactless circuits on semiconductor individual elements, and from them to integrated circuits of increasing degrees of integration (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Stages of development of electric vehicles
3. Transition from rigid (hardware, circuit) structures to flexible (reconfigurable, reprogrammable) structures.

4. Transition from manual (intuitive) TCA design methods to machine, scientifically based computer-aided design (CAD) systems.

1.3. TCA imaging methods
In the process of studying this course, various methods of depicting and presenting TCAs and their components can be used. The most commonly used are the following:

1. Constructive method(Fig. 7-13) involves depicting instruments and devices using mechanical engineering drawing methods in the form of technical drawings, layouts, common types, projections (including axonometric ones), sections, cuts, etc. .

2. Circuit method(Fig. 14.16-21.23) assumes, in accordance with GOST ESKD, the representation of TCA by diagrams various types(electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic, kinematic) and types (structural, functional, fundamental, installation, etc.).

3. Mathematical model is used more often for software-implemented TSA and can be represented by:

– transfer functions of typical dynamic links;

– differential equations of ongoing processes;

– logical functions for controlling outputs and transitions;

– state graphs, cyclograms, time diagrams (Fig. 14, 28);

– block diagrams of functioning algorithms (Fig. 40), etc.
1.4. Basic principles of TCA construction
To build modern automated process control systems, a variety of devices and elements are required. Satisfying the needs of control systems of such different quality and complexity for automation equipment with their individual development and production would make the problem of automation immense, and the range of instruments and automation devices almost limitless.

At the end of the 50s, the USSR formulated the problem of creating a unified State System Industrial Instruments and Automation Facilities (GSP)– representing a rationally organized set of instruments and devices that satisfy the principles of typification, unification, aggregation, and intended for the construction of automated systems for measuring, monitoring, regulating and managing technological processes in various industries. And since the 70s, GSP has also covered non-industrial areas of human activity, such as scientific research, testing, medicine, etc.

Typing- this is a reasonable reduction of the variety of selected types, designs of machines, equipment, devices, to a small number of the best samples from any point of view, which have significant qualitative characteristics. During the typification process, standard designs are developed and installed, containing basic elements and parameters common to a number of products, including promising ones. The typification process is equivalent to grouping, classifying some initial, given set of elements into a limited number of types, taking into account actual restrictions.

Unification– this is the reduction of various types of products and means of their production to a rational minimum of standard sizes, brands, shapes, properties. It brings uniformity to the main parameters standard solutions TCA also eliminates the unjustified variety of means of the same purpose and the diversity of their parts. Devices, their blocks and modules, identical or different in their functional purpose, but derived from one basic design, form a unified series.

Aggregation is the development and use of a limited range of standard unified modules, blocks, devices and unified standard structures (UTC) for the construction of many complex problem-oriented systems and complexes. Aggregation allows you to create various modifications of products on the same basis, to produce TSA for the same purpose, but with different technical characteristics.

The principle of aggregation is widely used in many branches of technology (for example, modular machines and modular industrial robots in mechanical engineering, IBM-compatible computers in control systems and automation of information processing, etc.).



GSP is a complex developing system consisting of a number of subsystems that can be viewed and classified from different positions. Let's consider the functional-hierarchical and constructive-technological structure of technical means of GSP.
2.1. Functional-hierarchical structure of SHGs

Rice. 3. Hierarchy of SHGs
Distinctive features of modern structures for constructing automated control systems for industrial enterprises are: the penetration of computing tools and the introduction of network technologies at all levels of management.

In world practice, specialists in integrated production automation also distinguish five levels of management modern enterprise(Fig. 4), which completely coincides with the above hierarchical structure of the SHG.

At the level ER.P.– Enterprise Resource Planning (enterprise resource planning) calculates and analyzes financial and economic indicators, and solves strategic administrative and logistics problems.

At the level MES– Manufacturing Execution Systems (production execution systems) – tasks of product quality management, planning and control of the sequence of operations of the technological process, management of production and human resources within the framework of the technological process, maintenance of production equipment.

These two levels relate to the tasks of automated control systems (automated enterprise management systems) and the technical means by which these tasks are implemented - these are office personal computers (PCs) and workstations based on them in the services of the chief specialists of the enterprise.

Rice. 4. Pyramid of modern production management.
At the next three levels, problems that belong to the class of automated process control systems (automated process control systems) are solved.

SCADA– Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (data collection and supervisory (dispatcher) control system) is a level of tactical operational management at which problems of optimization, diagnostics, adaptation, etc. are solved.

Control- level– level of direct (local) control, which is implemented on such TCAs as: software – operator panels (remotes), PLCs – programmable logic controllers, USO – communication devices with the object.

HMI– Human-Machine Interface (human-machine communication) – visualizes (displays information) the progress of the technological process.

Input/ Output– The inputs/outputs of the control object are

sensors and actuators (S/AM) of specific technological installations and working machines.

2.2. Structural and technological structure of GSP

Rice. 5. SHG structure
UKTS(unified set of technical means) it's a collection different types technical products, designed to perform various functions, but built on the basis of the same operating principle and having the same structural elements.

ACTS(aggregate complex of technical means) it's a collection various types technical products and devices interconnected according to their functional purpose, design, type of power supply, level of input/output signals, created on a unified design, software and hardware basis according to the block-modular principle. Examples of well-known domestic UKTS and ACTS are given in Table. 1.

PTK ( software and hardware complex ) – This is a set of microprocessor automation tools (programmable logic controllers, local regulators, communication devices with the object), display panels of operators and servers, industrial networks interconnecting the listed components, as well as industrial software all these components, designed to create distributed automated process control systems in various industries. Examples of modern domestic and foreign hardware and software systems are given in Table. 2.

Specific complexes of technical means consist of hundreds and thousands of different types, sizes, modifications and designs of instruments and devices.

Product type- this is a set of technical products that are identical in functionality, have a single operating principle, and have the same nomenclature of the main parameter.

Standard size– products of the same type, but having their own specific values ​​of the main parameter.

Modification is a collection of products of the same type that have certain design features.

Execution– design features that affect performance characteristics.

TCA complexes Table 1


Part of the equipment

Application area

Aggregate means

control and regulation


Converters; devices software processing signals; information display means

Centralized control and regulation of continuous and discrete technological processes

Aggregate complex

analog electrical

microelement-based regulatory agents


I/O devices;

regulators; masters; functional blocks;

non-contact MI

Local self-propelled guns,

ACS for continuous technological processes

Aggregate complex

panel electrical

means of regulation (CASCADE-2)

Analogue and position controllers; auxiliary devices

Local self-propelled guns; centralized control and regulation systems

TS complex for local information-managed systems (KTSLIUS-2)

Signal conversion devices; input/output of information into the processor; RAM and external memory; controllers

Local automatic control systems as part of automated process control systems for continuous and discrete technological processes

Microprocessor automation and telemechanics dispatching tools


Devices for collecting, primary processing, displaying and storing data; digital, program-logical control

Distributed continuous and discrete automated process control systems

Aggregate complex

panel pneumatic control devices (START)

Regulators; indicating and recording instruments; function blocks

Fire hazardous


functional and technical complex of pneumatic equipment (CENTER)

Control devices; PI controllers; remote control THEM; operator consoles

Aggregate complex of means for collecting and primary processing of discrete information (ASPI)

Devices for registration, primary processing, collection and transmission of information

Process control system and automatic control system for collecting and generating discrete primary information

Aggregate complex of electrical measuring equipment (ASET)

Devices for collecting and converting information; switches; DAC and ADC

Scientific research, tests; diagnostics

Aggregate complex of computer equipment (ASVT-M)

Devices for continuous control and processing, information storage, input/output to media

Process control systems and process control systems related to processing large quantity information

Aggregate complex of electrical actuators


Actuators built from standardized blocks and modules

Process control systems in all industries