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Coconut or felt in a mattress, which is better? Coconut mattress. Children's coconut mattresses

The comfort and orthopedic properties of a mattress are largely determined by its filler. The most common materials for hard mattresses include felt and coconut coir, which are noticeably superior in their consumer properties to synthetics, straw and wood shavings, while at the same time being significantly cheaper than pressed horsehair and exotic materials. Russian market filler made from processed seaweed. Strictly speaking, felt and coconut coir have much more in common than differences, and in many models both of these fillers are used simultaneously.

Coconut is the hardest filling used today, so the thicker its layer, the higher the rigidity of the mattress itself. The use of felt, due to its cheapness and widespread availability, is more universal, but the highest quality and most expensive varieties are successfully used as flooring material. Separately worth noting thin mattresses with a monoblock made of coconut coir - a real bestseller for newborns!

Coconut fiber filling

Coconut coir is made from natural raw materials, soft short matted fibers of the coconut palm nut that have undergone special processing. Latexed and pressed coir should be distinguished as materials that have some differences between each other. As the name suggests, during the production process latex coir is impregnated with natural latex, usually in a ratio of 50/50 or 70/30 (for stiffer models). This gives the material elasticity, resistance to deformation and breathability. A clear sign of the use of latex coir is the characteristic smell of rubber.

Pressed coir is much cheaper and is used for production in the mid-price category. This material is stiffer and less durable than latex-impregnated coir. Technological process manufacturing also includes punching the resulting material with special needles, which increases the service life of the mattress.

Benefits of coconut coir:

  • 100% natural material;
  • pronounced orthopedic properties;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • does not absorb water and unpleasant odors;
  • does not rot and does not create an environment for the proliferation of bacteria and saprophytes;
  • excellent heat transfer and internal ventilation;
  • does not lose its beneficial properties for a long time.

Disadvantages of coconut coir:

  • enough high price compared to synthetics;
  • risk of violation of production technology and/or counterfeit;
  • dependence of properties on the quality of the feedstock.

In other words, recycled coconut fibers are an excellent filler, but some manufacturers, in an attempt to save money, use immature coir and reduce the thickness of the layer below optimal level. A quality mattress should have at least 3 cm of coconut as the sole filling and at least 1 cm if latex carpet is used in combination with other materials. Another guarantee of quality will be the characteristic rich Brown color of this material and the uniformity of the structure, which can be checked using an inspection zipper or by removing the cover from the product.

Felt is a material with a thousand-year history

Felt is a dense non-woven material from felted wool. Nomads in Central Asia were the first to use such materials to protect their homes from cold steppe winds, and even the word itself came into Russian from Turkic, where it means “blanket.” Can be used in the production of mattresses different kinds felt, including the use of linen and cotton fibers, and in orthopedic ones, a special linen jute felt impregnated with latex is often used.

In the manufacture of mattresses, felt can be used to solve several problems at once: reinforcing the entire structure of the mattress to increase strength and elasticity, isolating the soft layer from the spring block, as well as using covering material for hard models.

Advantages of felt:

  • natural material, no chemical binders;
  • high strength and durability;
  • improving the orthopedic properties of the mattress;
  • thermoregulation and removal of moisture from the body during sleep;
  • affordable price.

Disadvantages of felt:

  • the possibility of shrinkage (deformation) of the material;
  • ability to absorb moisture and odors;
  • easily accumulates dust and becomes a breeding ground for saprophytes.

An orthopedic mattress with felt filling is often ideal solution in terms of price-quality ratio. However, his consumer properties largely depend on the quality of the material, because today there are many types of felt on the market and even synthetic material that does not have even half useful properties natural felted wool.

Why are hard mattresses so good?

In general, it is believed that younger man, the greater the rigidity of the mattress is recommended for maintaining the health of the musculoskeletal system. But in some cases, models with above-average rigidity are often the only possible choice when arranging sleeping place. It is reasonable to purchase such products for:

  • people with back problems, because hard mattresses with good orthopedic properties can bring relief during periods of exacerbation of diseases of the upper spine (more about);
  • manual workers and professional athletes;
  • overweight people;
  • newborns and children.

An interesting solution is also, for example, during exacerbations of osteochondrosis, you can sleep on a harder surface, and the rest of the time - on a softer one. Double-sided mattresses also sometimes have “winter” and “summer” sides: warm felt or wool are indispensable in the cold season, and well-permeable coconut coir will provide the desired coolness even on the hottest days.

One of the most popular materials used in the manufacture of modern mattresses is thermal felt. This non-woven material is made by mixing fibers of natural and synthetic origin. Sheets are made from thermal felt, which are located on both sides of the spring block in an orthopedic mattress.

Thermal felt composition

Thermal felt is an essay on a free theme. Each manufacturer determines for himself percentage natural fibers and synthetics. There are no rules determining what materials will be used. Most often, synthetics in such material do not exceed forty percent, but there are also options when it is not used at all. It is worth noting that when using quality materials, this does not affect performance characteristics finished thermal felt.

The most popular synthetic fibers are polypropylene and acrylic. The first one is known to everyone. After all, it is the basis for foam rubber and has excellent properties - strength, reliability, resistance to high loads. As for acrylic, it has good low thermal conductivity. As a replacement for these two materials, some manufacturers often use polyester and polyamide fibers.

The natural part is usually represented by wool, cotton, jute and flax regenerated fibers.

Characteristics of thermal felt

A sheet of thermal felt is usually a little more than two meters wide. This is quite enough for the production of a mattress, while the amount of waste is kept to a minimum.

Why is thermal felt so good? What characteristics make it so popular among well-known manufacturers?

First of all, it's dense. For sheet material The parameter “surface density” is used, which is measured in grams per square meter and kilograms per square meter. Those. mass of one square meter material.

Thanks to this density, it effectively isolates the springs from the top layer material in the mattress. For example, the model is Mattress "Classic +15 BS" (Jacquard). Its base is a bonnell spring block, insulated with a layer of thermal felt, and a layer of polyurethane foam is placed on top, which gives comfort to the top layer. This is the most classic example use of thermal felt in mattresses.

There are other extremely important parameters such as elongation at break and breaking load. In the first case, this is an indicator of how much the material stretches before it begins to tear. In the second, we can understand how much body weight the mattress can support without the risk of damage to the thermal felt sheet.

Durability is important for a mattress. because this material important parameter is resistance to physical wear and tear under constant mechanical influence. High-quality thermal felt lasts for years without losing its properties.

Thickness. Typically this parameter starts at three millimeters. But different manufacturers and for different models of mattresses the parameter changes.

It's hygienic safe material, which even when destroyed does not pollute environment and safe for allergy sufferers.

Features of thermal felt manufacturing technology

To create this popular material, special devices are used - plucking and carding machines, which prepare the fibers used in production. Then, in special machine, they are mixed in a special way and shaped. After this, the material is fastened using the needle-punched method, or by thermal bonding. In the first case, we are talking about firmware. But many manufacturers, for reliability, even after this use the thermal method.

When thermal bonding, the workpiece is heated to 190 degrees Celsius, after which it is pressed. For this purpose it is used special apparatus. After synthetic fibers melt, the material is securely bonded.

What is thermal felt used for in mattresses?

In modern orthopedic mattresses, this material is used to protect the fillers. It is installed in such a way that this layer separates the spring block from the materials. Also, thanks to its properties, it makes it possible to provide the same spring pressure on the human body over the entire surface of the mattress. The mattress becomes more comfortable and maintains the desired level of firmness.

Soft felt in mattresses

In addition to pressed felt - thermal felt, soft felt (cotton fabric) is also used in mattresses. It serves to isolate the fillers from human contact. A striking example Moreover, Beautyson mattresses, in particular Mattress "Multipackage Prestige" .

Many manufacturers use coconut fiber (coir) as a mattress filler. In this article we will answer the following questions:

  • what it is
  • pros and cons of this material
  • what to look for when buying
  • how to choose a really high-quality coconut mattress

What is coconut coir?

Let's turn to Wikipedia:

Coir (from Malayalam kayaru - rope) is a fiber from the intercarp of coconut palm nuts. These are lignified vascular bundles 15-33 cm long, 0.05-0.3 mm thick. The walls of the fibers are made of cellulose. When unripe, they are white and soft, but as lignin is deposited in them, they become harder and acquire a reddish-brown color. Flexible white fiber is obtained from unripe fruits, brown - from fully ripened ones.

Material plant origin. Which means: natural and environmentally friendly. The fibrous structure does not get wet and is well ventilated. It has high strength and elasticity: stronger marine ropes are made from coarser and longer fibers. But short and flexible coir is used in the production of mattresses. Which dries out over time and becomes brittle.

It turns out:

IN pure form, a natural and safe coconut fiber, is not suitable for use in mattresses. Ultimately, the filler will crumble anyway and lose its orthopedic properties.

That's why:

Manufacturers use various technologies for improvement consumer qualities. The most commonly used are pressing and latexing.

Pressed (needle-punched) coir

The first process allows for a slight increase in service life and is used to produce cheaper models. Coconut coir is pressed and punched with special needles. But this technology does not allow the filler to withstand many years of use.

The material is perfect for. Coconut coir will provide the necessary rigidity for correct formation baby's bone skeleton. And from the age of three, experts recommend the use of full-fledged orthopedic products.


At the expiration of certain period, a mattress with a compressed coconut slab will completely become unusable. But for some time it will be natural and hygienic. And most importantly, replace it with a new one in time.

Let's continue:

Latexed coconut coir

To eliminate fragility and increase service life, coconut fiber is impregnated with latex. The output is monolithic slab: strong and durable. Latex impregnation allows you to withstand heavy loads and prevents deformation and delamination of the filler.

Latexation naturally adds value to the mattress. But to achieve needed by manufacturers the effect of using artificial or natural latex is not important. Both of them cope with the task equally well.

If not for one thing!

The use of artificial latex allows you to reduce the cost of the product. But only. The safety of this material is highly questionable. In parallel with persistent odor rubber, synthetic impregnation releases formaldehyde, which is dangerous to the body. The concentration is negligible and harmless for an adult. But it can cause complications in the child. In addition, over time, such a layer in the mattress begins to deteriorate and, with constant exposure, breaks down into small particles. As a result, sleeping on it becomes not only uncomfortable, but also harmful.

The advantages natural materials known to everyone. The safety of coconut coir impregnated with natural latex is beyond doubt. Also, the combination of these two components determines the strength and durability of the product. It is environmentally friendly, safe, and, to a certain extent, even healthy. But the benefits will come at a high price.

And finally:

It is not difficult to determine the origin of the impregnating emulsion. Natural material has a light pleasant aroma. A artificial latex smells car tires. This is what makes a coconut mattress stink.

In the production of mattresses today, materials of both natural and artificial origin are used. The most popular natural mattress fillers are materials obtained from the juice of Hevea, coconuts, oil palm fruits, algae, and also from agave leaves. In addition, frequently used natural fillers include soy, horsehair, cotton, felt and wool. Modern natural fillers provide a high level of comfort for mattresses, often providing not only a bactericidal, but also a massage effect. They are generally more durable than their synthetic counterparts.

1. Coconut coir

Coconut coir is considered the hardest material used in the production of mattresses. This modern, environmentally friendly material is characterized by durability, high elasticity and excellent bactericidal properties. For countries with high humidity levels, it is very valuable that coconut coir will not rot no matter the humidity. This natural material is obtained by processing the intercarp of the coconut palm nut in a special way. Impregnation of coconut fibers with natural latex provides the coir with excellent elasticity and protects it from delamination.

Innovative technologies also make it possible to process coconut by reinforcing its fibers with a mesh of 100% polyester material (Politex coconut). This technology guarantees the highest strength of mattresses, ensures their excellent orthopedic properties and extends their service life by 20%.

2. Cactus coir

Cactus coir (also called "Mexican fiber", "sisal" and "Tampico fiber") is one of the best natural fibers. Mattresses with such filling are classified as medium hard. It has excellent antistatic properties and protects against the feeling of heat, promoting the evaporation of moisture. It's rude strong fiber obtained from agave leaves. It is believed that the milky white fibers of sisal are much more elastic and softer than the woody, hard fibers of coconut coir.

3. Palm coir

This natural material from the fruit of the oil palm is valued for its extremely high elasticity, durability and resilience. At the same time, palm coir mattresses are well ventilated, protecting the sleeping person from contact with various germs and dust mites.

4. Seaweed

This natural material is unique because, thanks to its high concentration of microelements, it can have a therapeutic, bactericidal and preventive effect. However, it crumbles quite easily. To increase strength, it is specially impregnated with latex or other materials are added to form the base of the mattress. The algae themselves impart rigidity to the filler, providing orthopedic properties to the products.

5. Latex

This popular filler is based on Hevea juice extract and is durable. Natural latex is resistant to caking, does not cause allergies, and also prevents the appearance of various microorganisms in mattresses and rotting even in a humid environment.

Thanks to a special microporous structure reminiscent of a honeycomb, latex gives mattresses exceptional softness and the ability to easily restore their original shape. Uniform distribution of air in latex mattress provides excellent comfort and unsurpassed massage effect. It perfectly supports the spine, ideally distributing the load. The great advantage of this natural filler is the perfect ventilation even of the inner layers of the mattress.

Because the natural latex is quite expensive, a cheaper synthetic substitute has been created. However, artificial latex is slightly stiffer and less durable than its natural counterpart.

6. Soy

Soy fillers are made from an aqueous solution of soy with the addition of high-tech polymer additives. Such mattresses are non-toxic and do not cause allergies. At the same time, they are valued for their tight support, amazing elasticity and resilience. In addition, they are well ventilated.

7. Horsehair

The advantages of horsehair mattresses include optimal rigidity, durability and the ability to retain heat well, thanks to the air layer. Fillers with the addition of horsehair do not retain moisture and protect products from rotting.

8. Wool

In filling orthopedic mattresses on the winter side, the wool of various animals is often used. This significantly increases the mattress's ability to retain heat and absorb moisture, providing pleasant dream. Also, the advantages of wool include the firmness and elasticity of the fleece.

9. Cotton

Filling made from natural cotton fibers is used in mattresses on the summer side to dissipate the heat of a sleeping person. Natural cotton fiber has a high moisture absorption capacity. It is very convenient that in winter cotton can retain heat, and on hot summer nights it can give a feeling of pleasant freshness.

Felt (this is a woven fabric made of wool and cotton) shows good characteristics in terms of hygroscopicity and thermal conductivity. It often acts as an insulating layer between soft fillers and springs. This design gives the mattresses additional elasticity and strength.

Such a variety of natural fillers makes it possible today to choose a mattress that will truly take care of comfortable sleep and the health of a person of any age and size.

Good and comfortable sleep is the key to vigor, excellent well-being and good health in general. Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of the maximum comfortable bed. But the main element that ensures sleep comfort is a good and reliable mattress.

Today there are many types and options of mattresses, which differ in filling. In addition to modern orthopedic options, so-called coconut mattresses.

What it is?

The main element of this model is coconut coir - this is a special fabric obtained as a result pre-treatment coconuts. She has a number positive qualities, which are able to provide the necessary level of rigidity, elasticity and comfort necessary for sleep.

At its core, coir is a 100% natural product, as it is made from coconut fiber without any additional materials. In order to obtain it, the nuts are soaked in ordinary water approximately 10 months, due to which the soft fibers are easily separated from the hard ones.

The “woolen” part of the fruit is sorted after separation. Longer and stronger sections will be used to make ropes, and short and tangled fabrics will be selected for coir. When transported, they resemble the haystacks familiar to many of us in appearance. But unlike dry grass, soft fabrics coconuts do not prick and spring better.

In order to make a mattress, or rather, a solid block for filling it, the manufacturer can use two different technologies. The first of them, the simplest and most accessible, is based on pressing large quantity coirs. As a result, a “briquette” of a certain density and rigidity is formed, which is perforated with special needles to circulate air and increase service life. After this, the filler is cut into separate blocks with the required proportions.

Some mattresses may also contain coconut fiber with the addition of natural rubber or latex.

Typically, materials are mixed in proportions of 50:50, but some domestic manufacturers focus on hardness, choosing proportions of 70:30. In general, latex gives this coconut filler greater elasticity and strength, which makes it universal material for any bed, and also increases service life.

Thus, when choosing coconut fillers, you can be confident in what you are using. natural product. In addition, coir has a lot of positive qualities that will affect not only your sleep and rest, but also your health in general.

Which is better - felt or coconut?

Enough frequently asked question those who are not sure about the need to update their bed. It should be noted right away that even among most manufacturers, not to mention the consumers themselves, felt is a material that is becoming a thing of the past.

The thing is that it is in many ways inferior to coir in its qualities. Indeed, felt is another good option. natural filler, however, it does not have a sufficient combination of elasticity and rigidity.

There are mattress options with felt bases that can provide comfortable sleep for a period of time. After the expiration date, felt very quickly loses its quality, sags, and rolls up.

As for coir, it is devoid of such disadvantages. As it turned out, such simple material is more reliable. Combination with latex allows you to achieve much better foundation for a mattress that will last much longer, while perfectly conforming to the shape of your body and guaranteeing comfort.

In addition, there is some evidence that felt, unlike plant-based materials, is much more likely to cause allergic reactions. It is also a fairly favorable environment for various insects, bacteria, fungi. This made him far from best choice, especially when it comes to buying a mattress for a crib.

This is why mattresses filled with coconut began to gain such popularity and displace their “felt” competitors.

Benefits and harms

But don't limit yourself to only the positive aspects. When you choose a place to sleep, you are, of course, interested in all the advantages and disadvantages. To decide for yourself whether sleeping on coconut coir is good or bad, just evaluate all the pros and cons provided in the following list:

  • The filler made from the soft tissues of coconut palm fruits is quite beneficial for our body. It is hypoallergenic and does not have any negative influence on the skin, does not form small dust particles;
  • Koira not exposed dampness and rotting;
  • Coconut mattresses, as a rule, have quite high orthopedic indicators;
  • Filler is excellent ventilated and does not accumulate unpleasant odors or dust;
  • Vegetable base made from coir, including in combination with latex not a breeding ground for bacteria, mites, fungi or mold;
  • Enough long service life.

We can safely say that such a mattress will not be harmful to any consumer. However, it also has some disadvantages that must be taken into account when purchasing and using:

  • Koira- not the best available material For domestic producers. Therefore, you should be prepared for the fact that coconut mattresses are relatively expensive;
  • If you choose a mattress with coir and latex, then keep in mind that it may have a rubber smell. According to the manufacturers, the specific “aroma” disappears a few hours after opening the package and protective film. However, a lot depends on the quality of coir and latex, so pay special attention to them;
  • More expensive and good option considered to be 100% compressed coconut fabric. But she is very picky in terms of use. If used incorrectly, this filler can dry out and crumble.

Who is it suitable for?

Coconut mattresses are a universal base for a sleeping place, which has high orthopedic characteristics, an ideal combination of elasticity and rigidity, and can also be combined with other filling options.

The environmental friendliness and safety of coir allows it to be used for both adults and children. In general, anyone who needs a sound and comfortable sleep should choose such a mattress.

For children

One of the most valuable qualities coconut filler– this is an opportunity to use it for a child’s bed, even if we are talking about a newborn baby. Moreover, many experienced pediatricians recommend giving preference to such material, since in the first months of your child’s life, his posture and figure are just developing and he needs increased rigidity of the sleeping surface.

Coir, enclosed in an equally reliable and hypoallergenic cover, for example, made of natural cotton, is best suited for a crib, stroller or cradle.

In addition to quality and safety, this choice makes it easy to wash the bed. With age, when your baby learns to sit and stand on his own, you can slightly reduce the hardness by choosing a mattress with latex coconut filling.

The ideal option is a special double-sided children's mattress. One side of it is made of high-grade coconut fiber, and the second is made of softer materials. From the first days of life until about a year, the child sleeps on the harder side, and then the mattress is simply turned over.


In general, coir bases allow you to achieve the most various options combinations of fillers. Today the most famous and popular are considered the following types coconut mattresses:

  • Based on 100% coconut fiber. Such mattresses are the hardest and are recommended for use by people who suffer from various musculoskeletal disorders;
  • With coconut fiber shavings impregnated with natural latex. This combination has become very popular as it provides ideal rigidity, elasticity and ventilation;
  • Mattresses with spring blocks, which are covered with several layers of coir. This option is most suitable for people with increased weight and anyone who does not like too soft beds;
  • With additional fillers, among which cotton, felt, buckwheat, and any other natural materials can be used.


The simplicity of making coconut filler allows you to create completely different proportions of the base for mattresses. Much depends on the manufacturer. For example, some trade marks they purchase ready-made “briquettes”, therefore, as a rule, their price is limited to fairly standardized sizes like 160x200, 90x200, 60x120, 160x70, 140x200, 140x70, 90x200, 160x80, 180x80. In European regions, the standards are 160x200, as well as a mattress length of 140 cm with a width of 70 cm, which forms one standard sleeping place.

If pressing or latexing of coir occurs directly at the manufacturer’s premises, a wider range of mattress sizes is possible: 73x198, 68x153, 75x195, 125x65, 90x40, 78x193, 63x158. It is these manufacturers that can offer special mattresses for cribs or strollers.

  • Buy mattresses only in professional specialized stores and salons. Never order a future stock via the Internet, as you will not have the opportunity to initially test it for yourself and check it in detail;
  • Feel free to view a sample of the product. Any professional salon has separate samples that demonstrate all the “insides” of the types of mattresses available in the assortment;
  • Make sure it is not too thin. Even if the sample shows that it has an impressive layer of coir, in reality this will be completely insufficient. It is better to give preference to options with additional separate spring blocks or alternating dense layers of several natural materials;

  • The best orthopedic material for combination with coir is holofiber. It practically does not wrinkle and will allow your mattress to always return to its original state. Even a relatively small layer of this material radically changes the situation, so it is in your interests that the mattress has at least a basic holofiber backing;
  • If the bed is large, a standard double mattress may not be suitable. therefore, always take measurements and inquire about the possibility of custom ordering;
  • Pay attention to external materials sleeping place. Immediately refuse options with cheap synthetics and give preference to mattresses with covers made of natural cotton;
  • For one bed, a double-sided mattress can be an economical choice, which will allow you to alternate between hardness and softness by turning it over. These mattress options are especially popular for children's bedrooms;
  • Do not forget about your weight, since coir is a rather sensitive material. If your weight exceeds 90 kg, then you should pay attention to options with additional spring blocks, which will not only provide additional comfort, but also longer service life of the mattress.

How to properly care?

Typically, the features of caring for such sleeping products are indicated in their passport. However, it is recommended to comply general recommendations To prevent your coconut mattress from deteriorating too quickly:

  • Avoid putting excessive weight on it! The service life will increase if you do not put heavy things on the mattress and do not allow children to jump on it;
  • If you have a model with thin layer coke, then you should not twist it or fold it even for a short period of time;
  • Store your mattress only in horizontal position;
  • Don't forget to turn it over periodically even if your model is not double-sided;
  • Choose mattresses with replaceable covers to so that you have the opportunity to wash regularly.