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Material sphere of society. Great encyclopedia of oil and gas

Perhaps one of the most discussed problems in modern socio-philosophical thought in Russia is the question of the role of the mode of production in the life of society. The reason is that the law of the determining role of material production in the life of society, discovered by K. Marx in the middle of the last century, in the era of the ascending development of capitalism, was recognized in Marxist-Leninist social science as a truth beyond doubt.

Many thinkers consider the method of material production to be the basis for the existence and development of the entire society, putting forward quite compelling arguments:

  • 1. Without the constant reproduction of material goods, the existence of society is impossible;
  • 2. The method of production, the existing division of labor, property relations determine the emergence and development of classes and social groups, layers of society, its social structure;
  • 3. The method of production largely determines development political life society;
  • 4. In the production process, the necessary material conditions for the development of the spiritual life of society are created;
  • 5. Material production supports human activity in any area of ​​his life and activity.

For the life of people, who are characterized by active adaptation to the environment, appropriate things are necessary, the creation of which is carried out by material production.

In the process of material production, people create and consolidate a certain type of mentality, a way of thinking and feeling. Social life involves the most complex system social connections, connecting elements together public life. In some cases, they arise spontaneously, as a “test product,” for example, material production. However for the most part they need to be created through targeted, specialized activities that require real effort. This is a regular type of activity. The highest form of this activity is political activity.

Production relations characterize the economic relations in which classes and social groups find themselves regarding the ownership, exchange, distribution and consumption of produced material and spiritual goods. They can be defined as follows: production relations are a set of material and economic relations between people that develop in the process of production and the movement of a social product from producer to consumer.

Labor is the basis of material production, the basis of the productive forces of society. Productive forces consist of: means of labor and people armed with certain knowledge and skills and putting these means of labor into action. Means of labor include tools, machines, complexes of machines, computers, robots, etc. By themselves, of course, they cannot produce anything. The main productive force is people; but they in themselves also do not constitute productive forces. People represent living labor (or the personal element of production), and the means of labor represent accumulated labor (or the material element of production). All material production is a unity of living and accumulated labor.

Productive forces characterize the active attitude of people to nature and represent the system various elements, transforming the substance of nature into material goods necessary for the existence of people. This system includes material elements (means of production) and a personal factor (a person with his knowledge, production experience and skills).

As part of the material component of the productive forces, an important role belongs to engineering and technology, since they embody human qualities for purposefully changing the world around us. Technology is an artificial system created by man means of material and other activities. Technology - methods of converting materials and types of their processing used in production. At the same time, technique and technology are also the embodied power of knowledge, the embodiment of the power of the human mind. Therefore, they contain the unity of the material and the ideal. Equipment and technology are, ultimately, a general indicator of the level civilizational development. They characterize: the degree of mastery of the forces of nature, differences in economic eras, the development of man as a productive force and, finally, relations of production.

The main element of the productive forces is the people who carry out the production process, since the tools of labor are created, set in motion and improved by human hands, and only human knowledge, his initiative, and talent are the basis for technical improvements.

At the same time, a person as a productive force represents the unity of physical capabilities and intellectual abilities, including professional skill, the ability to think creatively, personal interest, and comprehensive development individual characteristics, level of culture, which reveals the civilizational aspect of considering the personal element of the productive forces.

All these qualities acquire their special significance in the conditions of development modern technologies, which gives reason to talk about the increasing role of the personal, human factor. The nature of the requirements placed on a person and his qualities changes. Advanced technology can neither be developed nor used in production without the appropriate personal conscious-psychological prerequisites, without the ability of production workers to perform independently, creative thinking, without their need and ability for self-realization.

Consciousness As we have established - ours material body - the body of a person - a mental-vital being - everything (but not all the matter of the world - as I said earlier) consists... the amount of rarefied and very hot (millions of degrees) plasma and relativistic electrons, structured magnetic fields, fills the galactic crown - sphere, which encloses the flat stellar disk of our galaxy. Global galactic plasmoid and relativistic electron clouds, the level of organization of which...


A benefit that determines appropriate human behavior when resources are limited. Benefits are also divided into material and intangible. Material benefits include: natural gifts of nature, land, water, air and climate; ... the process is distinguished between publicly organized services and private services. By spheres labor applications services are divided into services consumed material production, and services consumed by intangible production. Statistics are based...


With objects of perception. Such pleasures are temporary, because material the body is perishable. The liberated soul is not interested in anything transitory. And can one who has experienced the highest, spiritual... for such pleasures are available even to excrement eaters (pigs). You must devote your life to austerity to purify yourself of material defilement and experience boundless spiritual bliss.” Thus, true yogis and sages do not strive for sensual pleasures that chain...


A society that is rotting
Morally decomposes from the inside,
He forgets about the laws of honor,
Praising your upper layers.
Trying to impose a pseudo benefit,
This society oppresses people
Those people who tried to protect,
Your mind is full of such “good” ideas...


This is reality, but you can understand and feel it only in society exalted souls who dedicated their lives to the development of spiritual affections. Another question may arise: Well, what if you refuse material attachments, will we really escape death? - No, the body... understand the world. Getting to know new system views, we sometimes find that this system helps to highlight those spheres our experience, which were previously incomprehensible to us or were listed as irrelevant. Then, if, practically...


I knew that Victor was happy with life, prospering, and sent his children to study in England. But all this is visible material the well-being achieved due to great physical and nervous stress did not pass without a trace for him. Now Victor doesn't... that every person is a product genetic information received at birth and is formed under the influence of the environment society. Society From childhood, he imposes his values ​​on a person: achieving benefits and advantages, being strong, rich, ...


Sell... USEFULNESS. ...everyday, human need... Look: around the Planet,.. on the surface,.. - the raw Abyss... Inescapable... ... financially worthless. Not needed. ...counters, store shelves... Apartments,.. garages, basements and sheds are different... ...littered, lined,.. ... ,.. especially cool and technologically... WE. All the same, we will throw commercial products onto the MARKET... Purely en masse!.. And Sphere The Abyss of Consumerism grows and expands... and deepens... In consciousness... long ago special. All the rest,.. - " ...


Essential and important issues, as the state of the economy, financial spheres, energy, environment, public safety, that is, issues that may affect the personal interests of each member society, begin to elude their understanding? Are they trying... that such formulations are unlikely to contain all the information on a particular issue, awareness society is unlikely to become greater, and the likelihood that the problem will be solved correctly or solved at all, accordingly, ...

Social production a way of living together that allows people to inherit and create history; the process of purposeful human activity.

Functions of social production:

1. Reproduction of material conditions of existence.

2. Production of social connections and relationships.

3. Production of ideas (ideologies) and spiritual values, symbols, signs.

4. The production of people themselves as social individuals.

The concept of “social production” reveals the social course of the history of society. In the process of life, a person produces social circumstances that produce him. To survive, people united in circumstances are forced to perform a number of basic functions:

a) economic;

b) control over violence;

c) development of knowledge;

d) development of the ability to self-restraint and movement

On every historical stage During its development, society performed these functions in different ways. However, it is in the process historical development people carrying out the process of social production, as its result, was the social division of labor.

Main types of social production:

1) material production;

2) spiritual production, intangible.

Some groups of people produce material products (workers), others produce ideal products (scientists, engineers, musicians). At the same time, the product of material production contains the ideal. Let's say a worker building a bridge implements a project (plan), which is the result of the engineer's activity. Hence, material and spiritual production are closely interconnected and represent a dialectical unity.

Material production (material sphere) – represents a set of branches of material production that produce or bring material goods to the consumer. Mmaterial production – it is the process of creating wealth. Its role is as follows:

1. Material production ensures the existence of society and the functioning of all spheres (social, spiritual, organizational, etc.)

2. Material production directly determines the development of the social structure of society(existence of classes, social groups, layers).

3. Material production(mode of production) determines the content and direction of political processes occurring in society.

4. Material production ensures the existence and development of the spiritual sphere both in the material plane (construction of theater buildings, cinemas, philharmonic societies, libraries, printing houses, etc.) and in the directly spiritual (development of art, science, religion, morality).

Material production(method of production of material goods) has two sides:

    · a) productive forces, · b) relations of production.

Productive forces are:

Firstly, people with their knowledge, skills and abilities to work;

Secondly, means of production (tools of labor, raw materials, transport, buildings, structures with the help of which production is carried out).

Relations of productionthese are relationships between people that develop during the production process. They include:

A) ownership of the means of production. Depending on the nature of the property (private, collective, state), the owners of enterprises can be individual people, various groups, states and mixed forms of ownership;

b) activity exchange relationship between people based on the existing division of labor (engineer, doctor, teacher, farmer, etc.)

V) distribution relationships created material wealth.

Thus, industrial relations act as relationships between people regarding:

· production;

· distribution;

· exchange;

· consumption of material goods.

The main link industrial relations are relationship ownership of the means of production and its products(economic resources). A change in property relations inevitably entails a change and transformation of other links in production relations. This leads to change social nature mode of production and to change the face of the entire society.

includes a set of branches of material production (See Production) in which material goods are created that satisfy certain human needs, personal or social. The differences between the industrial sector and the non-production sphere (See Non-production sphere) are fundamental. A clear delineation of the branches of agricultural production from other types of activity is necessary for the correct determination of the volume of the total social product (See Total Social Product) and national income (See National Income).

National income is produced in sectors of material production. In socialist countries, national income is calculated on the basis of data on production in the sectors of social production. Expenses for the maintenance of the non-production sphere are formed at the expense of surplus product (See Surplus Product) , created by the labor of social workers: first, through the state budget (for example, for such activities as education, health care and management); secondly, at the expense of the personal income of workers, who, in exchange for part of their income, receive a special use value - a service (See Services).

Soviet statistics include industry, Agriculture and forestry, construction, transport and communications (servicing material production), trade and societies. food, logistics supply and sales, procurement and other branches of material production (publishing, film studios, recording enterprises, design organizations, procurement of scrap metal and waste materials, procurement wild plants, fruits, mushrooms, seeds, herbs and their primary processing, hunting).

In other socialist countries, the classification of branches of industrial manufacturing has some peculiarities. They are mainly associated with the classification of such types of activities as material production that are services for consumers, but have characteristic features productive labor. Thus, in some socialist countries, transport services include not only freight, but also passenger transport, as well as communications for serving the population. Therefore, for comparability (See Comparability) of production data, based on practical considerations, Industry Classification National economy of the CMEA member countries, adopted in 1966, also includes passenger transport and communications in general in material production.

A special place is occupied by science, which in the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution (See Scientific and technological revolution) becomes the most important production factor, a direct productive force. Scientific activity is a sphere of spiritual activity, however, its main achievements are introduced into production, changing qualitatively and quantitatively the composition of the means of production, thereby ensuring the growth of the productive forces of society. S. m.p. includes only a part of scientific activity, the work of whose workers is directly embodied in material goods: design and planning organizations, complex and sectoral agricultural stations, experimental and pilot production stations at scientific institutions producing commercial products, experienced industrial enterprises, as well as a number scientific institutions, directly serving production. activity. They are distributed among the relevant branches of the agricultural sector, for example, biological stations and biological laboratories serving agriculture, forest soil laboratories, design and survey organizations for construction services, and organizations for deep exploration drilling for oil and gas.

Bourgeois economics does not make a distinction between industrial production and the non-productive sphere. Therefore, in capitalist countries, national income is calculated as the sum of the population’s income received in both spheres of activity, and the labor of military personnel, police officers, governments, officials, and the activities of religious organizations is considered productive. This classification makes it possible to hide the exploitative nature of the social structure of society.

The composition of industries in the national economy is not constant. Development of material production, technical progress and social division labor leads to the formation of new branches of the national economy and to a change in the relationship between the average production sector and the non-production sphere.

Lit.: Marx K., Theories of surplus value (IV volume of Capital), Marx K. and Engels F., Works, 2nd ed., vol. 26, part 1; Kvasha Ya. B., On the boundaries of material production, “Uch. zap. on statistics", 1961, vol. 6; Medvedev V. A., Public production and the service sector, M., 1968; Guryev V.I., Classification of branches of the national economy of the USSR, M., 1971.

Yu. L. Selivanov.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what the “Sphere of Material Production” is in other dictionaries:

    sphere of material production- The totality of all types of production activities that create material goods in material form and increase their value in the sphere of circulation. Syn.: material production… Dictionary of Geography

    THE SPHERE OF MATERIAL PRODUCTION- - a complex of sectors of the national economy that produce and sell material production products (products of industry, agriculture, etc.), including the provision of material services for supply, purchase and sale, etc. ... Concise Dictionary of Economist

    THE SPHERE OF MATERIAL PRODUCTION- a set of sectors of the national economy and activities that create material goods or perform functions that are a continuation of the production process in the sphere of circulation. The labor of workers employed in S.M.P. is embodied in products... ... Large economic dictionary

    A set of industries that produce or deliver material goods to consumers. The sphere of material production includes: industry, agriculture, forestry, water management, construction, freight... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Modern encyclopedia

    Material production sphere- MATERIAL PRODUCTION SPHERE, a conditional identification of a set of industries that produce or bring material goods to consumers. Includes industry, agriculture, forestry, water management, construction, freight... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    A conventionally defined set of industries that produce or deliver material goods to consumers; includes industry, agriculture, forestry, water management, construction, freight transport, communications (according to... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Sphere (from the Greek spháira ball), 1) a closed surface. 2) Area of ​​action, the limits of the spread of something (for example, the sphere of action of gravity). 3) Setting, environment, social environment. See also Sphere of material production, Sphere... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    sphere- y, w. 1) O globe or the airspace around it. Earthly sphere. Celestial sphere. And the first takeoff of an airplane into the desert of unknown spheres (Blok). 2) mat. A closed surface, all points of which are equally distant from the center; surface... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

Industries of material production

According to the methodology of the All-Union Classification of Sectors of the National Economy (OKONH), it is believed that in the sphere of material production a national product is created (production of products, material services)

The sphere of material production is a set of industries producing materials.
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benefits or providing material.
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The sphere of material production includes industries: industry, agriculture and forestry, construction, freight transport and communications, trade, catering, logistics and sales, procurement, information and computing services, real estate transactions, etc.

Industry is the leading branch of material production - ϶ᴛᴏ industry national economy, uniting organizations involved in the extraction of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy production, and processing of industrial and agricultural raw materials.

According to the economic purpose of the products produced, all industries can be divided into two groups:

1. Industries producing means of production;

2. Industries producing consumer goods

By the nature of the impact on the subject of labor, industries are divided into:

1. Mining;

2. Processing

Organizations of extractive industries are focused on the extraction and procurement of natural raw materials (oil refining, coal, peat industries). Organizations of manufacturing industries influence the subject of labor by changing its physical and chemical properties (mechanical engineering, metallurgy, light industry etc.).

By functional purpose industries are divided into:

1. Producing an intermediate product

2. Producing the final product

According to the structure of production costs:

1. Fund-intensive

2. Knowledge-intensive

3. Labor intensive

4. Material-intensive

5. Energy-intensive

As smooth as possible:

1. Seasonal

2. Off-season

The nature technological process:

1. Continuous Process Industries

2. With a predominance of chemical processes

3. With a predominance of electrochemical processes

4. With the predominance of other processes

Sectoral structure of industry and indicators characterizing it

Industry structure - This is a quantitative ratio of industries, reflecting the existing production relationships between them.

It characterizes the degree economic independence country, its level of industrialization, development of competition, etc.

The formation of the sectoral structure of industry is influenced by a number of factors:

Scientific and technical progress;

Planned rates of development of the entire industry and its individual branches;

Growth in the material well-being and cultural level of workers;

Raw materials of the country;

Forms public organization labor production: concentration, specialization, cooperation, combination;

International division of labor, etc.

The industry structure can be studied using various indicators, which are divided into three groups:

1) Quantitative relationships between industries

2) Structural changes over the period

3) Industrial relations: inter-industry, intra-industry.

Indicators characterizing the quantitative ratio of industries:

- specific gravity industry in the total volume of output (UR):


where VP, VP are the products produced by the industry and industry, respectively, p.

- share of the industry in the total number of industrial production personnel (employees) (UR):


where H, H is the number of workers in the industry and industry, respectively, people;

- share of the industry in the total cost of basic production assets (BP):