home · Networks · Wallpaper made from natural materials leaves. Modern natural wallpaper in the interior: selection criteria. How to care for natural wallpaper

Wallpaper made from natural materials leaves. Modern natural wallpaper in the interior: selection criteria. How to care for natural wallpaper

Natural wallpaper steel for modern interiors a real find. They can be used to decorate entire walls or decorate individual areas. In addition, natural wallpapers can be combined with other materials and with each other. Natural wallpaper can enliven any interior, bringing into it a natural richness of colors and textures. Such wallpapers are highly environmentally friendly, so they can be used even in... Wallpaper from natural materials will cause absolutely no harm to the health of your children.

A lot of natural wallpaper is used in the production of manual labor, that's why they have quite high cost, but it is 100% justified.

First you need to collect natural materials, which should be dried very carefully. After this, the plants are selected and fed to the machine. There, each stalk and each blade of grass is woven using special threads into a single fabric, which is glued onto a non-woven or paper base. If there are neat seams on the canvas of natural wallpaper, then this is a sign of manual labor, so we can say that every centimeter of natural wallpaper is saturated not only with the power of nature, but also with the warmth of the hands of the master who worked on it.

Types of wallpaper

Currently on the market there is a large number of a wide variety of natural wallpapers, which can be divided into several types:

  • Vegetable. In the production of plant wallpapers, several various plants- reed, jute, nettle, sisal and others. As part of such wallpapers most cellulose occupies, so such wallpaper can be called paper. Plant wallpaper can redistribute moisture in the room and absorb extraneous noise.
  • Cork. If you glue cork veneer onto a paper base, with which you can increase sound insulation, you will get the so-called cork wallpaper.
  • Wallpaper made from natural veneer. This type of wallpaper is made from the thinnest cut of valuable wood, which is glued to a non-woven or paper base. In the production of wallpaper, slices of European cherry, as well as Japanese lacquer and sandalwood are used.
  • Wallpaper using mica. To produce such wallpaper, it is necessary to glue vermiculite onto the paper, which is a hydromica material and has a layered structure. This wallpaper is particularly practical and highly durable.
  • Bamboo wallpaper. This wallpaper is made from natural bamboo. They are characterized by increased moisture resistance, which allows them to be used for finishing rooms in which there is increased level humidity. In addition, such wallpapers most often have a fabric base, which increases their strength and reliability.

Natural wallpaper is a very interesting finishing material that has many advantages:

  • resistance to impact harmful insects, as well as to the appearance and subsequent reproduction of various pathogens;
  • ease of use;
  • increased wear resistance;
  • increased resistance to moisture;
  • good sound insulation;
  • structure, pleasant to the touch;
  • environmental cleanliness.

Natural wallpapers are very good, but they also have disadvantages, of which there are not many:

  • Many natural wallpapers are quite dark, so if all the walls of the room are decorated with such wallpaper, the room will be somewhat gloomy. If the room was not initially too bright, then this effect will be especially noticeable.
  • Cutting and attaching some natural wallpapers is quite difficult, so you may spend large quantity time for cutting and gluing them, compared to vinyl and paper counterparts.
  • natural wallpapers are quite expensive, and not every master will undertake to work with them.

It is also worth noting the fact that due to its naturalness, such wallpapers attract the attention of various pets, which can damage them with their teeth and sharp claws.

Gluing natural wallpaper

Before you start gluing natural wallpaper, you need to give it time to adapt to the room for which it is intended. It will be enough to let them sit partially unfolded for about 24 hours. During this time, you should not leave the wallpaper where it may be exposed to moisture or direct sun rays, as this may cause them to warp, making the gluing process more difficult.

It is very important to carefully prepare the base by removing old wallpaper. You should also level the base, if necessary, and be sure to prime it.

Everything else depends solely on the type of wallpaper chosen. There are wallpapers that are very difficult to cut. For example, to cut bamboo wallpaper, you may need tin snips.

When gluing natural wallpaper, you should use only glue recommended by wallpaper manufacturers. Some people use liquid nails to glue bamboo wallpaper, but it is better not to do this, since the composition is applied to the wallpaper in strips, after which the wallpaper is glued to the wall. In those places where glue was not applied, the wallpaper will come off. Therefore it is better to use suitable glue, intended for the selected type of wallpaper, and apply it completely to the canvas.

Wallpaper must be glued end-to-end, and the joints will be visible in any case. If you plan to decorate a wall with an insert made from a sheet of wallpaper, then you need to mark the surface in advance, even before the glue is applied, since natural wallpaper absorbs it very quickly.

Wallpaper made from veneer, mica, cork, bamboo, jute and sisal will look very unusual. After gluing, they look more like panels rather than regular wallpaper. In addition, they have a complex texture and complex color, which can cause the effect of some redundancy and pressure on the walls if you cover all the walls with them. Don’t forget that such wallpapers are often quite dark. Taking into account all of the above, natural wallpaper is recommended only for combination with finishes made from other materials. Although, darkness will not be superfluous in the bedroom, so quite often you can see it decorated with natural wallpaper.

Natural wallpapers are also well suited for creating accent walls. For example, you can use them to create a focal strip on the wall, on which a TV will subsequently be placed. In the same way, you can try to highlight the wall in the kitchen, near dining table and in .

If you have unused material left, don’t be upset, as natural wallpaper can be used to decorate and update furniture. They can be used to cover the inside wall of a shelving unit or the front surface of an old chest of drawers. Using beautiful natural wallpaper, you can make wall panels for decorating the kitchen, hall, corridor, etc.

In the interior, natural wallpaper can also be used as a combination material. For example, they can paste over bottom part the walls, and her top part or paint. The joint can be decorated with molding or decorative strip.

You can also decorate a wall with a basic base with insert fragments made from natural wallpaper, and then frame these areas. Natural wallpaper pasted in this way looks like panels.

It must be emphasized that natural wallpapers are excellent choice for interiors designed in tropical, ecological and Japanese style. Natural texture will help create an atmosphere of closeness to nature and a certain naturalness. In the interior of such styles, you can use wallpaper made from natural materials more extensively.

These wallpapers are very harmoniously combined with green, sand and brown colors in the interior.

Igor, Kazan asks a question:

Hello! My wife decided to update the living room with natural wallpaper. They say they are spectacular, but there is a lot of hassle with them. Tell me how to glue natural wallpaper.

The expert answers:

Indeed, natural wallpaper differs from ordinary paper wallpaper and looks very extravagant. But no special rules have been established for gluing them, although there are some nuances. The technology for producing natural wallpaper is such that dyed fibers from exotic plants are glued onto a base of unbleached paper.

They use jute, from which they mainly make durable fabric and carpets; yellow cane - raw material for the production of paper, mats, baskets; sisal is one of the the best materials for fishing nets and marine ropes; rattan, whose vines turn into elegant wicker furniture. Herbaceous types of bamboo are very popular.

Thanks to this choice of raw materials, a wide range of natural wallpapers is provided. They are distinguished by a variety of textures and rich color scheme. By the way, wallpaper from the same batch usually differs slightly in shades. Therefore, when purchasing, try to select the most solid-colored rolls.

How to stick natural wallpaper so that the work looks beautiful and is durable? Since the purchased rolls have been lying tightly rolled up for a long time, you need to unpack them and lay them out on the floor - let them lie there for a day to “acclimatize”.

Natural wallpaper can be pasted on any surface. The walls or ceilings to be pasted must already be freed from old wallpaper, primed, leveled and well dried. High-quality prepared surface - the most important condition strong fixation of wallpaper.

Much depends on the glue; experts recommend using German-made Cosca Proff products. You need to dilute the glue exactly following the instructions. You must first check with a wet sponge the degree of porosity of the surface. If the water is absorbed quickly, the glue will have to be applied not only to the wallpaper, but also to the wall. This is necessary if the wallpaper is thick and heavy.

Before starting work, you need to calculate and prepare required amount stripes The fibers of natural wallpaper are very fragile, so they cannot be bent. Cutting rolls into pieces required length, be sure to add an allowance of 5-10 cm. Otherwise, when they dry out and “shrink,” they will turn out to be shorter than required!

You can evenly coat the underside of the strip with glue using a wide brush. Using a roller is faster, but there is a greater risk of getting them dirty. Do not allow the glue to stain front side wallpaper After applying it, the strip should lie for 4-5 minutes, otherwise the glue will not have time to absorb into the paper base.

You should always start work from the windows, gradually moving towards the door of the room.

Moreover, the very first strip must be strictly vertical, so it should be glued using a level or plumb line. There should be a small margin at the top of the canvases near the ceiling in order to even out inaccuracies later.

They go over the strip with some effort with a wallpaper roller or a dry terry towel, moving from its middle to the edges, while removing air bubbles. The strips are usually glued end to end. These joints will be visible later, but they just emphasize the texture of the natural material. If desired, they can be decorated, for example, with manila or jute rope.

When pasting the corners of the walls, cut the strips along the line of their intersection. The canvas that fits the door opening is also trimmed. Panels of sockets and switches are first removed, and the electricity is turned off. After gluing the strip, cross-shaped cuts are made in these places and a hole is carefully cut out in the shape of the nest. If you follow all these simple tips, the work of gluing natural wallpaper will be successful.

If you are planning to change your apartment and decide to look at what natural wallpaper looks like in the interior in the photo, in order to decide whether it is worth contacting them, which natural wallpaper to choose and how to use it in the interior. In several photos we will be happy to show and tell you how wallpaper from natural materials used to decorate rooms. Technological breakthrough allows you to create beautiful, practical and durable things from artificial materials. But an excess of synthetics awakens an even greater desire to get closer to nature. Natural wallpaper allows you to create a natural atmosphere in the interior of your home, to escape from the noisy technogenic city into the peace and quiet of the tropical forests. Photos and videos in this article will help you imagine the sensations that natural finishing materials give.

Natural wallpaper in the interior photos, videos, advantages and disadvantages

Natural wallpaper in the kitchen interior contributes to good mood and improving appetite, in the bedroom they give peace and warmth, in the living room they set the mood for relaxation and pleasant communication. They are used in any room, taking into account the characteristics of the materials.

Advantages of wallpaper made from natural materials:

  • The most important difference is health safety. Selected species natural wallpaper can be painted, for rooms where allergy sufferers and children live, perfect choice– finishing that does not require painting.
  • Most materials made from plant materials are quite durable, do not fade or fade.
  • Many natural wallpapers are easy to clean and wash; caring for them is easy and pleasant.
  • They are perfectly combined with natural materials on the floor, ceiling, and furniture elements.
  • Natural wallpaper makes the interior special, breathes life into it, photos cannot convey this. To feel the special atmosphere, you need to be in a room covered with bamboo, wood or plant wallpaper.

The disadvantages of natural wallpaper include:

  • Most natural materials absorb odors well and are rarely used in poorly ventilated kitchens.
  • You should be careful when covering walls within reach of the claws and teeth of pets, otherwise the service life of the material will be sharply reduced.
  • Prices for natural materials often deter buyers. But it is important to understand that this price is not for some mythical qualities. Making natural wallpaper is a long, painstaking process using manual labor.

All types of natural finishes differ in installation techniques, but there are also general requirements.

  • Before gluing, the roll should lie for a day in an unfolded position in the room where installation will take place.
  • Materials must be protected from sunlight and humidity using special means, otherwise they may warp or swell from absorbed water.
  • The surface of the walls is well and carefully prepared and must be primed.
  • Wallpaper made from natural materials can be difficult to cut with ordinary scissors or a knife; it is better to “arm yourself” with metal scissors in advance.

You can learn more about natural wallpaper, its use in the interior, the production and installation process from the video:

Types of natural wallpaper and photos of interiors decorated with natural wallpaper

Nature has many faces, and natural materials reflect this diversity of shapes, colors, textures and textures. So what are natural wallpapers like:

  • from plant fibers;
  • cork;
  • bamboo;
  • leaf wallpaper;
  • made of wood and wood veneer;
  • wallpaper using mica;
  • textile wallpaper made from natural materials.

Floral wallpaper is made from jute, goldenflower or sisal fibers glued onto a paper or non-woven base, thus creating a chaotic pattern or even, clear lines. For an example of how natural jute wallpaper looks in the living room interior, look at the photo and learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of this finishing material in the article Jute wallpaper in home interiors.

Wallpaper made from natural jute does not look bad in a small and cozy living room.

IN country house, in a cottage or in a country house, decorating walls with natural materials invites relaxation and allows you to feel comfort and real home warmth. Is it worth finishing with unnatural and unhealthy wallpaper? small corner nature, away from city noise.

In the hallway, away from direct sunlight, wallpaper made of natural jute greets owners and guests with unprecedented warmth, and it doesn’t matter whether the wall is a warm or cold shade. As you can see in the photo, grey colour gives the interior a very unique style.

Photos of interiors using other natural wallpapers

Floral wallpaper is glued to walls and ceilings, but is more often used to decorate walls or areas that require highlighting; in other words, expensive finishing materials are used for zoning. This is written in more detail in a separate article about zoning rooms using wallpaper. The variety of colors allows you to use them as a background and as decor in the hallway, living room, and bedroom. Remember: Natural wallpapers made of jute, sisal and golden flowers are not used in the interior of the kitchen and bathroom, as they perfectly absorb odors and moisture.

Designers recommend using bamboo wallpaper for finishing all walls and individual fragments. Wallpaper in natural shades does not stand out too much in the interior, but complements it. Tinted bamboo in a variety of colors will help in the implementation of bold and unexpected ideas.

Wallpaper made from leaves. Natural wallpaper, photos of which are presented below, are made from real leaves. Such wallpaper is rare; it is not recommended to use it for covering all walls, but rather as decorative element in the interior. They are like a fresh gust of wind, a ray of sunshine, the rustling of trees. Leaves wallpaper looks romantic, but we must take into account that this material is really fragile and short-lived.

Wood wallpaper There are two types: in the form of small wooden planks or a thin slice of wood glued to paper (veneer, veneered wallpaper). Both options are absolutely environmentally friendly and safe. Natural wallpaper made of wood in the interior is used to decorate walls and ceilings completely or in sections; they go perfectly with any style. The photo below shows several finishing options. You can learn more about wooden wallpaper by following the link: Wooden wallpaper - luxury in the interior

Wallpaper made of mica (vermiculite) very rare in domestic market. For lovers natural stones they will be a real find. They cannot be confused or compared with anything. Vermiculite crumbs can be applied randomly to the base or form a specific pattern. It is extremely rare to cover an entire room with mica trim; it serves as decoration and decoration.

Finishing made from natural fabrics is used in any room, except the kitchen and bathroom, sauna and other rooms with high humidity and intense odors.

With their help, an interior is created in the classical, ethnic, ecological, and baroque style. Even for a high-tech style, you can choose textile trim from natural materials.

No need to say that natural wallpaper- this is a modern and high-quality material for wall decoration and other interior elements. But what will never be superfluous to pay attention to is their environmental properties. Since the basis for natural wallpaper is unbleached paper, and the natural materials themselves - leaves, threads of bamboo, reed, jute and other plants - are woven onto the front side by hand, this wallpaper is non-toxic, not chemically treated, and therefore safe for health. Before you begin, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the topic, and read more about the types of natural wallpaper.

Each photo shows interiors using natural wallpaper, as well as numbered samples that we specially prepared in case you want to reproduce something similar at home.

We are all children at heart, which is probably why we buy toys, small clothing items for kids and for ourselves too. Yes, yes, let's be honest with each other - looking at all this gives us great pleasure. So don’t deny yourself it, decorating the nursery with natural wallpaper. Moreover, this way, you will be sure that your child lives in the most environmentally friendly atmosphere.

With natural wallpaper it is very easy to make an accent - for example, on one wall, or maybe just part of it. Bright colors or calm ocher shades - what do you like best?

Natural cork wallpaper with a gilded and silver effect, on the surface of which some kind of print is applied, harmonize well with the constructed decorative elements, such as the vases in the photo below. Note that the inclusions sparkle very delicately, so you won’t find it excessive.

Strict, dark colors can give the interior a somewhat austere look, but the very texture of natural wallpaper and its natural pattern can easily correct the situation. Paste natural wallpaper into a wall niche and decorate it decorative panels or photographs, add a rough texture - an aged chest of drawers, a large knitted blanket, perhaps in a contrasting color, or a sisal carpet.

There are many possibilities for using natural wallpaper, as we hope you have already seen. But this set is easily supplemented by the same set. If your interior is sophisticated and it is acceptable to use it, then consider the option of pasting fragments of natural wallpaper in the spaces between the planks connected to each other. This will give the interior a graphic feel and make it not boring.

Veneered natural wallpaper is decorative coating consisting of thin plates valuable species tree. They do not fade, they can be washed, and their wear-resistant function is enhanced. Due to this you can paste over this type wallpaper even on the fronts of cabinets in any interior, just choose your pattern and color. In the photo below, natural wallpaper is used in the interior of the living room and bathroom, come up with your own version!

You've decided to freshen up the walls in your house. You might think that nothing could be simpler. There are only two ways here - whitewash them, as our grandmothers did, or stick wallpaper. Whitewashed walls look a bit boring, and lime leaves its mark everywhere. But wallpaper gives a huge scope to your imagination. And you go on construction market or to the store. But here it awaits you new problem. What to choose?

Today we are offered such abundance wall coverings that it is very difficult to choose the right product. It's difficult to fix your gaze on something. Huge range of different colors; wallpapers made of paper, vinyl, acrylic, fiberglass and even liquid. But if you want to purchase an original and environmentally friendly product, pay attention to natural wallpaper. What is this, you ask. So let's look at this issue.

What is natural wallpaper?

This type of wall covering appeared on our market relatively recently. But many centuries ago, walls in rich houses in Europe and Asia were decorated with canvases made from natural materials - silk, jute, sisal and other plants.

With the advent of fashion for ethnic styles, many salons, shops, and restaurants of oriental cuisine began to use trellises made of bamboo, cane, cork, papyrus or reeds in interior decoration.

Natural wallpaper is a wall covering consisting of plant fibers that are glued to a paper or fabric base.

Today their range is very rich. In addition to various fibers, various weaving techniques, dyes and combinations are used in the design. different materials. Making coatings from natural plant materials is a real art. Their production is mainly done by hand. That's why they cost much more than other types.

Natural wallpapers have many advantages. They are made from environmentally friendly pure material, which supports optimal humidity in room. Thanks to modern processing means, these materials are fire-resistant and vapor-tight. Their attractiveness is not lost even when they fade in the direct rays of the sun.

Natural wallpapers retain their appearance for a long time if they are properly and carefully cared for.

Of course, this type of wall covering also has its drawbacks. As mentioned above, they are quite expensive. Some of their types are difficult to cut and fasten, and therefore more time is spent working with such material. And it is also required preliminary preparation surfaces of the walls before gluing such canvases.

And, strange as it may sound, coatings made from natural materials immediately attract the attention of pets, who will definitely taste them and test their strength.

Types of natural wallpaper

Today, manufacturers offer us a diverse range of wall coverings made from natural materials:

  • Bamboo;
  • Vegetable;
  • Cork;
  • Textile;
  • With veneer;
  • With vermiculite (with mica)

Let's look at each type separately.

  • Name "bamboo wallpaper"Speaks for itself. This type of covering consists of thin, durable bamboo slats, dried in a special way and glued to thick fabric. Sometimes, for their fastening, in addition to glue, they use decorative stitching. Bamboo wallpaper usually has its own natural color, different for each plant variety. The fabric base increases their moisture resistance and sound insulation.
  • Plant wallpaperare made from sisal, nettle, jute and other plants, the fibers of which are glued onto a paper base.

Not so long ago, leaf wallpaper appeared on sale. It's very beautiful and original coating with a pattern of real leaves different colors. The texture and pattern on such canvases is very reminiscent of a photo taken through tree branches.

  • Cork wallpapermade by gluing cork veneer onto a paper base. They are lightweight and easy to care for. This coating is hypoallergenic, which is important for people suffering from allergies.
  • Textile wallpapermade of velvet, silk, leather.
  • Wallpaper with veneerconsist of a thin layer of valuable tree species, the thickness of which does not exceed 0.8 mm, glued to a paper or non-woven base. Today on the market you can also buy self-adhesive coatings with veneer.
  • Wallpaper with vermiculiteThey are a paper base coated with a special coating, the main component of which is vermiculite or mica. They stand out for their good wear resistance and comfort.

Finishing with natural wallpaper

Whatever wall material you choose, remember that most often they have dark color and unusual texture. And if you cover everything with them side surfaces indoors, the effect of wall pressure will appear. Therefore, natural wallpaper is mainly used in interior decoration in combination with some other type of decoration. And here there are no limits for your imagination.

You can cover only one wall in the room with them, and decorate the rest with another material, for example, wood, plaster or another type of wallpaper. Use them to decorate some separate fragments of the interior, make inserts in the form of various geometric shapes.

If there are pieces left from the paintings, they can be used to make wall panels or use them for furniture decoration.

How to properly stick natural wallpaper

So, you have chosen the wallpaper and decided on the design of the room. Where should you start?

  • To begin, unroll the rolls and let them sit for about a day in a dry, well-ventilated area. Natural wallpaper needs to get used to temperature conditions your house.
  • Now you need to prepare the place where you will glue them. Delete the old one finishing material, seal the cracks, prime and after complete drying you can start working.
  • All types of such coatings come with instructions. Before you start cutting and gluing them, be sure to study it.

This should not be neglected, because a properly selected adhesive composition will be a guarantee that the wallpaper will adhere firmly to the wall. If for some reason there are no instructions, then do not be upset. For light coatings, adhesive for vinyl wallpaper, but for heavy types, for example, bamboo, it is better to use a special polymer mixture “liquid nails”.

  • If you choose bamboo wallpaper, then to cut it, in addition to scissors, you will need a metal file. Use a hacksaw blade with fine teeth to avoid damaging the bamboo slats. Or use tin snips.

  • When starting work, apply the glue very carefully. If it gets on the front side of the coating it can damage it, because wallpaper made from natural materials is a very specific product. And if this trouble does happen, try to remove the contamination as quickly and carefully as possible with a dry rag.
  • Avoid drafts during operation.
  • Do not bend the material too much. When gluing corners, it is better to cut the canvas and glue it so that its edges fit tightly to each other.

  • You should not stick the edges of the wallpaper one on one. They should fit snugly against each other. These joints will be visible in any case. But don't be disappointed. This will add some charm to your interior.
  • Don't forget to remove switches and sockets. Install them by doing in the right place making a cross-shaped cut and cutting out a hole the right size when the canvas is already pasted.

If the work is done poorly, the wallpaper at the joints may peel off; this will help you avoid such troubles.

Yes, we can say with confidence that natural wallpaper for walls is good purchase. After all, they allow us to create a unique atmosphere in our home, filling it with the richness of colors and forms of nature itself.