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Original radio amateur circuits. Amateur radio circuits and homemade designs. What to use for the design

Since you have decided to become a self-taught electrician, then probably after a short period of time you will want to make some useful electrical appliance for your home, car or cottage with your own hands. At the same time, homemade products can be useful not only in everyday life, but also made for sale, for example. Actually the build process simple devices at home is not difficult. You just need to be able to read diagrams and use the ham radio tool.

Regarding the first point, before starting production electronic homemade products with your own hands, you need to learn how to read electrical diagrams. In this case, ours will be a good helper.

Among the tools for novice electricians, you will need a soldering iron, a set of screwdrivers, pliers and a multimeter. To assemble some popular electrical appliances, you may even need welding machine, but this is a rare case. By the way, in this section of the site we even described the same welding machine.

Special attention should be paid to available materials, from which every novice electrician can make basic electronic homemade products with their own hands. Most often, old domestic parts are used in the manufacture of simple and useful electrical appliances: transformers, amplifiers, wires, etc. In most cases, novice radio amateurs and electricians just need to look for everything necessary funds in a garage or shed at the dacha.

When everything is ready - the tools have been collected, spare parts have been found and minimal knowledge has been obtained, you can proceed to assembling amateur electronic homemade products at home. This is where our small guide will help you. Each instruction provided includes not only detailed description each stage of creating electrical appliances, but is also accompanied by photo examples, diagrams, as well as video lessons that clearly show the entire manufacturing process. If you do not understand some point, you can clarify it under the entry in the comments. Our specialists will try to advise you in a timely manner!

Electrical circuits for beginners, amateurs and professionals

Welcome to the Radio Circuits section! This is a separate section of the Radio Amateurs Site, which was created specifically for those who are comfortable with a soldering iron, are used to doing everything themselves, and it is dedicated exclusively to electrical circuits.

Here you will find circuit diagrams of various topics such as la self-assembly for beginner radio amateurs, and for more experienced radio amateurs, for those for whom the word RADIO has long become not just a hobby but a profession.

In addition to circuits for self-assembly, we also have a fairly large (and constantly updated!) database of electrical circuits for various industrial electronics and household techniques - diagrams TVs, monitors, radios, amplifiers, measuring instruments, washing machines, microwaves and so on.

Especially for workers in the repair industry, we have a section on our website “Datasheets”, where you can find background information to various radioelements.

And if you need any scheme and want it download, then we have everything here free, no registration, no SMS, no file sharing and other surprises

If you have questions or haven’t found what you were looking for, come to our FORUM and let’s think together!!

To make it easier to find the necessary information, the section is divided into categories

Schemes for beginners

This section contains simple circuits for beginner radio amateurs.
All diagrams are extremely simple, have a description and are intended for self-assembly.
materials in category

Light and music

light devices x effects: flashing lights, color music, stroboscopes, automatic switching of garlands and so on. Of course, you can assemble all the circuits yourself

materials in category

Power supply circuits

Any electronic equipment needs power. This category is dedicated to power supplies.

materials in category

Electronics in everyday life

This category contains device diagrams for household use: rodent repellers, various alarms, ionizers and so on...
In general, everything that can be useful for the home

Antennas and Radios

Antennas (including homemade ones), antenna components, as well as radio receiver circuits for self-assembly

Spy things

This section contains diagrams of various "spy" devices - radio bugs, phone jammers and listeners, radio bug detectors

Auto-Moto-Velo electronics

Schematic diagrams of various auxiliary devices to cars: chargers, direction indicators, headlight control and so on

Measuring instruments

Electrical circuit diagrams of measuring instruments: both home-made and industrial production

materials in category

Domestic technology of the 20th Century

A selection of electrical circuit diagrams of household radio equipment produced in the USSR

materials in category

Scheme LCD TVs(LCD)

Electrical circuit diagrams of LCD TVs (LCD)

materials in category

Programmer circuits

Schemes of various programmers

materials in category

Audio equipment

Circuits of sound-related devices: transistor and microcircuit amplifiers, pre-amplifiers and tube amplifiers, sound conversion devices

materials in category

Monitor circuits

Fundamental electrical circuits various monitors: both old CRT and modern LCD

materials in category

Schemes of car radios and other car audio equipment

A selection of car audio circuits: car radios, amplifiers and car TVs

Nowadays, there is a huge selection of tools and devices for practicing radio electronics: soldering stations, stabilized laboratory power supplies, engraving kits (for drilling circuit boards and processing structural materials), tools for stripping and processing wires and cables, and so on. And all this equipment costs a lot of money. A reasonable question arises: will a novice radio amateur be able to purchase this entire arsenal of equipment? The answer is obvious, especially for some people who are interested in electronics on occasion (for the individual production of some useful devices for household purposes), the purchase of such a quantity of tools is not required. The way out of this situation is quite simple - make necessary tool with my own hands. These homemade products will serve as a temporary (and for some, permanent) alternative to factory equipment.
So let's get started. The basis of our device is a network step-down transformer from any old radio-electronic device (TV, tape recorder, stationary radio, etc.). The power cord, fuse block and power switch may also come in handy.

Next, we need to equip our power supply with an adjustable voltage stabilizer. Since the design is designed to be repeated by beginning radio amateurs, the most rational, in my opinion, would be to use an integrated stabilizer on a microcircuit like LM317T (K142EN12A). Based on this microcircuit, we will assemble an adjustable voltage stabilizer from 1.2 to 30 volts with full current loads up to 1.5 amperes and protection against overcurrent and overtemperature. Schematic diagram stabilizer is shown in the figure.

You can assemble the stabilizer circuit on a piece of non-foil fiberglass (or electrical cardboard) hinged installation or on a breadboard - the circuit is so simple that it doesn't even require a printed circuit board.

You can connect a voltmeter to the output of the stabilizer (in parallel with the terminals) to monitor and adjust the output voltage, and (in series with the positive terminal) a milliammeter to monitor the current consumption of the amateur radio homemade product connected to the stabilizer.

Another necessary thing in the arsenal of a beginning radio amateur is a microelectric drill. As you know, in the arsenal of any (beginner or experienced) home-made worker there is a “warehouse” of obsolete or faulty equipment. It would be good if in such a “warehouse” there is a children’s car with an electric drive, the micromotor from which will serve as an electric motor for our microdrill. You just need to measure the diameter of the motor shaft and purchase a cartridge with a set of collet clamps (for drills of different diameters) for this micromotor at the nearest radio store. The resulting micro drill can be connected to our power supply. By adjusting the voltage, you can regulate the number of revolutions of the drill.

Next necessary thing- low-voltage soldering iron with galvanic isolation from the network (for soldering field-effect transistors and microcircuits that are afraid of static discharge). Low-voltage soldering irons for 6, 12, 24, 48 volts are available for sale, and if the transformer that we chose for our product is from an old tube TV, then we can consider ourselves very lucky - we already have a ready-made winding for powering a low-voltage electric soldering iron (you should use filament windings (6 volts) of the transformer for powering the soldering iron). The use of a transformer from a tube TV gives another advantage to our circuit - we can also equip our device with a tool for stripping the ends of the wire.

The basis of this device is two contact blocks, between which a nichrome wire and a button with normally open contacts. The technical design of this device can be seen from the figure. It is connected to the same filament winding of the transformer. When you press the button, the nichrome heats up (everyone probably remembers what a burner is) and burns through the wire insulation in the right place.

The housing for this power supply can be found ready-made or assembled yourself. If you make it out of metal and provide ventilation holes only on the bottom and sides, then you can place racks on top for a soldering iron and wire stripping tool. Switching of this entire equipment can be done using a packet switch, a system of toggle switches or connectors - there are no limits to imagination here.

However, you can modernize this block to suit your needs - supplement, for example, charger for batteries or electric spark engraver, etc. This device served me long years and still serves (though now at the dacha) for the manufacture and testing of various radio-electronic and electrical homemade products. Author - Elektrodych.

Those who do radio electronics at home are usually very inquisitive. Amateur radio circuits and homemade products will help you find a new direction in creativity. Perhaps someone will find it for themselves original solution one problem or another. Some homemade products use ready-made devices, connecting them in various ways. For others, you need to completely create the circuit yourself and make the necessary adjustments.

One of the most simple homemade products. More suitable for those who are just starting to craft. If you have an old but working cell phone with a button to turn on the player, you can use it, for example, to make a doorbell for your room. The advantages of such a call:

First you need to make sure that the selected phone is capable of producing a sufficiently loud melody, after which it must be completely disassembled. Basically, the parts are secured with screws or staples, which are carefully folded back. When disassembling, you will need to remember what goes with what, so that later you can put everything back together.

The player's power button is unsoldered on the board, and two short wires are soldered in its place. These wires are then glued to the board so the solder doesn't come off. The phone is going. All that remains is to connect the phone to the call button via a two-wire wire.

Homemade products for cars

Modern cars are equipped with everything you need. However, there are times when it is simply necessary homemade devices. For example, something broke, they gave it to a friend, and the like. That’s when the ability to create electronics with your own hands at home will be very useful.

The first thing you can tamper with without fear of damaging your car is the battery. If you don’t have a battery charger at hand at the right time, you can quickly assemble it yourself. To do this you will need:

A transformer from a tube TV is ideal. Therefore, those who are interested in homemade electronics never throw away electrical appliances in the hope that they will be needed someday. Unfortunately, two types of transformers were used: with one and with two coils. To charge a battery at 6 volts, any will do, but for 12 volts only two.

On wrapping paper such a transformer shows the terminals of the windings, the voltage for each winding and the operating current. To power filaments vacuum tubes voltage used is 6.3 Vs high current. The transformer can be remade by removing unnecessary secondary windings, or leave everything as is. In this case, the primary and secondary windings are connected in series. Each primary is rated at 127 V, so combining them produces 220 V. The secondary are connected in series to produce an output of 12.6 V.

Diodes must withstand a current of at least 10 A. Each diode requires a radiator with an area of ​​at least 25 square centimeters. They are connected into a diode bridge. Any electrical insulating plate is suitable for fastening. A 0.5 A fuse is included in the primary circuit, and a 10 A fuse in the secondary circuit. The device does not tolerate short circuit, so when connecting the battery, do not confuse the polarity.

Simple heaters

During the cold season, it may be necessary to warm up the engine. If the car is parked where it is electricity, this problem can be solved using a heat gun. To make it you will need:

  • asbestos pipe;
  • nichrome wire;
  • fan;
  • switch.

Diameter asbestos pipe selected according to the size of the fan that will be used. The performance of the heater will depend on its power. The length of the pipe is everyone's preference. You can collect it a heating element and a fan, only a heater is possible. When choosing last option we'll have to figure out how to let it in air flow on heating element. This can be done, for example, by placing all components in a sealed housing.

Nichrome wire is also selected according to the fan. The more powerful the latter, the larger diameter nichrome can be used. The wire is twisted into a spiral and placed inside the pipe. For fastening, bolts are used that are inserted into the drilled holes in the pipe. The length of the spiral and their number are selected empirically. It is advisable that the coil does not become red hot when the fan is running.

The choice of fan will determine what voltage needs to be supplied to the heater. When using a 220 V electric fan, you will not need to use an additional power source.

The entire heater is connected to the network via a cord with a plug, but it itself must have its own switch. It can be either just a toggle switch or an automatic machine. The second option is more preferable, it allows you to protect shared network. To do this, the operation current of the machine must be less than the operation current of the room machine. A switch is also needed to quickly turn off the heater in case of problems, for example, if the fan does not work. This heater has its disadvantages:

  • harmful to the body from asbestos pipes;
  • noise from a running fan;
  • smell from dust falling on the heated coil;
  • fire hazard.

Some problems can be solved by using another homemade product. Instead of an asbestos pipe, you can use a coffee can. To prevent the spiral from closing on the jar, it is attached to a textolite frame, which is fixed with glue. A cooler is used as a fan. To power it, you will need to assemble another electronic device - a small rectifier.

Homemade products bring those who do them not only satisfaction, but also benefits. With their help, you can save energy, for example, by turning off electrical appliances that you forgot to turn off. A time relay can be used for this purpose.

The simplest way to create a time-setting element is to use the charging or discharging time of a capacitor through a resistor. Such a chain is included in the base of the transistor. The circuit will require the following parts:

  • high-capacity electrolytic capacitor;
  • transistor p-n-p type;
  • electromagnetic relay;
  • diode;
  • variable resistor;
  • fixed resistors;
  • DC source.

First you need to determine what current will be switched through the relay. If the load is very powerful, you will need to connect it. magnetic switch. The starter coil can be connected via a relay. It is important that the relay contacts can operate freely without sticking. Based on the selected relay, a transistor is selected and it is determined what current and voltage it can operate with. You can focus on KT973A.

The base of the transistor is connected through a limiting resistor to a capacitor, which, in turn, is connected through a bipolar switch. The free contact of the switch is connected through a resistor to the power supply negative. This is necessary to discharge the capacitor. The resistor acts as a current limiter.

The capacitor itself is connected to the positive bus of the power source through a variable resistor with high resistance. By selecting the capacitance of the capacitor and the resistance of the resistor, you can change the delay time interval. The relay coil is shunted by a diode, which turns on in the opposite direction. This circuit uses KD 105 B. It closes the circuit when the relay is de-energized, protecting the transistor from breakdown.

The scheme works as follows. In the initial state, the base of the transistor is disconnected from the capacitor, and the transistor is closed. When the switch is turned on, the base is connected to the discharged capacitor, the transistor opens and supplies voltage to the relay. The relay operates, closes its contacts and supplies voltage to the load.

The capacitor begins to charge through a resistor connected to the positive terminal of the power source. As the capacitor charges, the base voltage begins to rise. At a certain voltage value, the transistor closes, de-energizing the relay. The relay switches off the load. In order for the circuit to work again, you need to discharge the capacitor; to do this, switch the switch.