home · Installation · Open hanger in the hallway. Hanger in the hallway: creative placement options in the interior (86 photos). Unusual and designer hangers

Open hanger in the hallway. Hanger in the hallway: creative placement options in the interior (86 photos). Unusual and designer hangers

The hallway in the room must comply with all the norms and rules of aesthetics and fashion.

Even the most ordinary elements for supporting clothing, hats or umbrellas must meet all prescribed requirements.

So, for example, when choosing a hanger for the hallway Special attention attention is paid not only to its external data, but also to its direction and suitability to the overall interior.

Hanger in the hallway interior

A hanger in the hallway is not only useful, but also a must-have. Its necessity is quite difficult to overestimate, but what is worth focusing on is their varieties.

It was already mentioned earlier that this element is purchased based on an existing interior.

Moreover, the opinion that a hanger is a functional detail and a way to decorate the overall interior is absolutely correct.

Whatever its form, the function will be performed the same in any case. Next we will look at the most popular and simple options for common interior solutions.

Material for making hangers

In most cases, wall hangers for the hallway are made from a wide variety of materials. different materials, and these can be both natural and artificial.

Among them, wood and metal occupy the leading places. With what it can be connected? First of all, because they are practical and versatile, and can fit perfectly into a wide variety of interior solutions. In this case, it is recommended to decide on the style of the product itself.

A wooden hanger in the hallway would be a good solution for a room created using natural materials, which is shown in the photo of hangers in the hallway, and the design idea may have visible differences from simple classic ones to floor hangers in the hallway.

As for clothes hangers in the hallway made of metal, they can not only fit perfectly into any style, but also have a huge number of varieties.

The most common options for metal hangers in the hallway are:

  • wall-mounted (can have from one to several tiers);
  • floor (with several rows of hooks).

This variety has a wide variety color solutions, which can satisfy even the most extraordinary requirements.

TO additional options Materials include plastic, glass, animal horns and even tree branches. The forged hangers in the hallway deserve special attention.

Types of hangers for the hallway

Floor and wall-mounted ones are considered the most practical due to their convenience and functionality. Choice of the most suitable type depends primarily on the size of the room itself.

The second option is considered the most economical in terms of space involved. Moreover, it can have several rows of hooks and even a special shelf for storing hats.

No less popular is a cabinet with a hanger in the hallway. It is a fairly long panel on which hooks are directly placed, while its lower part is attached to a small cabinet.

In which you can easily place shoes or bags. This is an excellent solution if you have a small amount of free space. In addition, such a hanger may include a bench, which is extremely convenient.

A traditional set of furniture for a hallway usually includes a mirror. Thus, the hallway hanger created by IKEA includes this item.

In larger rooms, you can install a hanging closet in the hallway. They can be a standard version, which is located along one wall, or it can be a corner hanger in the hallway.

Basically, wood or metal can be used for manufacturing; if desired, you can bottom part decorate with stone, which will increase the stability and reliability of the entire structure. Some models are equipped with special wheels to increase comfort.

Stylish designer hangers for the hallway

Many designers tend to use mainly unusual models hangers. The most extraordinary are:

  • paint brushes
  • hats;
  • pencils;
  • wooden fence.

It is important to remember that before purchasing required option should be taken into account not only general interior, but also the size of the free space in your hallway.

Photo of the design of hangers in the hallway

A hanger is an indispensable item in almost any home. If small space If your hallway does not allow you to install a full-fledged wardrobe, a simple, but convenient and irreplaceable floor design will come to the rescue. The variety of models of this device gives the owner of any corridor an excellent opportunity to choose the appropriate option for themselves.


Convenient floor hangers have a number of distinctive properties and qualities:

  1. The main advantage of such interior elements is the height of the counter. It allows you to hang clothes freely, eliminating the contact of things with the floor.
  2. To install a floor hanger you do not need to have any special skills. If you wish, you can always move it to another place and free up the necessary space.
  3. This model can replace a large wardrobe with shelves without taking up excess space in the room. It can also be placed in a hallway of any size.
  4. It is multifunctional and allows you to quickly solve the problem of placing an impressive number of all kinds of outdoor accessories, clothing and shoes.
  5. A mobile floor hanger always gives you the opportunity to dry things. You just need to place it close to the battery.
  6. The base of such an object must be stable and the body durable.


There are several types of floor hangers:

  • The typical and most popular option is regular hanger , for the production of which, as a rule, wood and metal are used. This model is equipped with the necessary shelves, hooks and shoe stands, so there is no need to purchase other pieces of furniture, for example, shoe cabinet or additional rack.
  • Model in the form tripod hangers looks like an original tripod with hooks for clothes. Its base is made in the form of a tripod or is a flat and even canvas. It is a small dressing room on which you can place a large number of clothes. These options are equipped with a shoe stand. Mobility is the main advantage of this subtype of floor hangers. If desired, you can change the interior decor in a few minutes by quickly moving it to another place.
  • Design resembling the letter "p" equipped with a horizontal crossbar and is often used for hanging things on hangers. Typically, this model is made of metal and equipped with wheels. Basically, similar designs are used in stores, but if you want to have just such a hanger in the hallway, then take a closer look at the shorter model.

  • floor hanger on one support They are placed mainly in the corner of the hallway, since here it will not take up excess space. This model is vertical bar, where there are hooks at the top on which you can hang clothes and hats. There is only one drawback to these options. You need to hang things evenly on them, otherwise the hanger may fall.
  • Hanger basket- Very practical option. It is made in the form of an original metal basket, where you can place various small wardrobe items, all kinds of accessories and house shoes. This model is very stable, but unlike a stand-up hanger it takes up a little more space, but with it it is quite easy to maintain order and comfort in the hallway.

  • An original design solution in your hallway will be hanger seat. It is good because it is equipped with a seat with enough high back, where you can sit down. This will please any person, since with such a device it is possible to change shoes and change clothes while sitting on a chair. This model has a shelf for shoes and a rack for storing clothes. The seat hanger folds freely, so you can store it without taking up extra space.

Finding a similar model on sale is quite difficult, but if you are lucky, your purchase will become an atypical interior design solution.

  • Appeared not long ago modular hangers. They are roomy, compact and suitable for small hallways. One of the main advantages of this model is the ability to change the location of the modules.


To make hangers, both natural and artificial materials. The most popular of them are metal and wood, which combine solutions that are convenient to use in various interiors. Plastic or combinations of these materials are also widely used:

  • Metal hanger can be used in any interior, from classic to loft. The most popular material for the production of these products is aluminum. Such items may have different color palette and are chrome plated, but often manufacturers retain the natural color. This material is durable, does not corrode and is not afraid of sunlight.
  • Elegant and expensive are forged hangers. They can withstand heavy loads and have the advantages of stability, greater strength, compactness and durability. Simply put, these hangers are “unkillable.” IN Lately their use in interior design is a very fashionable trend.
  • Wooden hangers are made from solid wood, or from pieces of wood glued together from high-quality bars that are free of knots and voids. Such structures are more durable than solid wood options.
  • To the characteristics plastic hangers include decorativeness, lightness, mobility and low cost.

However, the material can be anything. The main thing is that it is reliable in operation.

How to choose?

When choosing a suitable floor hanger, it is important to answer a number of questions, namely:

  • What material should your product be made of? The variety is surprising: modern buyers can purchase the most different variants from hangers made of forged metal and plastic, to solid wood.
  • What design should the hanger you need have? Decide whether you prefer originality or standard solutions.
  • How much space will the hanger occupy in the hallway?
  • What style of product do you prefer?

Taking into account all these features, you will choose the perfect piece of furniture for the corridor that will suit your home. It is important to determine the dimensions of your corridor. If the room in which the hanger will be placed outerwear, is quite small, then the design model should be compact. Too large specimens will look good in spacious corridors.

When choosing a hanger, pay attention to strength and durability of the structure. Indicators are especially important ultimate load products. If the model has a good enough base or support, then it will be possible to store a lot of heavy clothes on it. The most acceptable option would be a hanger, reinforced at the bottom with a special circle that will not allow it to fall. Top part The design should look so that various small items of clothing can be conveniently placed.

Metal and forged furniture are more profitable various reasons. Tangible weight and excellent stability are their main advantages. It is difficult to drop such a product, and it will withstand any amount of outerwear. Forged hangers do not lose their quality over the years appearance and are not deformed. Such options will create harmony in any interior, because they can be modified by painting them in a suitable color.

Wooden models will fit perfectly into the interior of any corridor, especially if your hallway is dominated by natural materials: oak board, stone, lining, parquet, then a wooden stand or shelving will be simply irreplaceable. But it is worth remembering that you cannot hang wet clothes on a solid wooden structure, as the wood becomes deformed and cracks due to absorbed moisture. It is imperative to check the quality of raw materials, varnish and polishing.

A plastic hanger is quite light and will not be able to hold a large amount of things. It will not fit well into a solid and expensive interior, so it is more suitable for children's and dressing rooms. Its advantage is its inexpensive price.

If your corridor is free enough, you can purchase a mobile hanger, thanks to which you can approach clothes from any side.

When choosing a floor hanger, consider the possibility of adjusting the crossbar in height. This will give you the opportunity to place clothes of different lengths and volumes. Also pay attention to functionality. A good option there will be a modification with shelves, drawers for small items, sofa, banquette or shoe shelves. It will become a replacement for various pieces of furniture in the hallway.

The classic and uncomplicated design will become excellent choice, because it has a significant set of hooks, is equipped various shelves, umbrella stands and made in an individual style.

There are unusual and fashionable options for hangers of non-trivial shapes. As a rule, such models are made of plastic, but they are not as durable as products made from other materials.

Options in the interior

The variety of floor designs combines many different features: interesting appearance, wide range of colors, custom design and varied style. All this will allow you to realize absolutely all your ideas regarding the design of the hallway:

  • For example, to create an interior in classic style You can pay attention to the massive wooden hanger.

  • A hanger with an unusual cast iron pattern is suitable for the Art Nouveau style, and a floor design with aging motifs in light gray tones is appropriate for the Provence style.

  • Lightweight folding hangers are a new creation by designers. They are suitable for lovers of minimalism and will like the fact that when assembled they can easily be put away in a closet or on the balcony. They can also be taken out and placed in the hallway for guests, if necessary.

It is probably almost impossible to live without a hanger in the hallway. It is simply necessary for storing bags, umbrellas, hats and outerwear. Otherwise, complete chaos may reign in the hallway. But what this hanger could be like, we will now consider.

Many designers believe that it is the hanger that becomes the basis around which the entire interior of the hallway is created. On the other hand, if your hallway is already formed, then, of course, based on the present situation, you will choose a hanger.

We would like to stop right away existing types hangers - these are wall, floor, portable, built-in and even ceiling. Some designs provide not only hooks, but also hangers, which is clearly preferable for storing clothes, but is not always acceptable in small hallways.

In general, the main factor influencing the choice is the size of the hallway. And if here we have a cramped space, then the hanger should be compact so that the hallway remains convenient to use. Quite often, to save space, they choose corner models. This design takes up relatively little space, located along two adjacent walls, and at the same time even wins in terms of functionality and spaciousness.

Built-in hangers are very popular today. If the layout allows, then in one of the corners or nooks you can install a built-in wardrobe, which will be very capacious system storage and at the same time will fit perfectly into the interior without even causing thoughts about what its sliding doors a whole "warehouse". In standard domestic apartments Quite often you can find small storage rooms, which are located just in the hallways. It is these closets that are most often used to create a mini-wardrobe. There is nothing easier than replacing a standard door with a sliding system for a wardrobe, and everything inside can be conveniently equipped for storing outerwear, bags and even shoes.

For private houses and large apartments with a non-standard layout, where there are spacious hallways, the hanger can be a complex structure with a mirror, lighting, several rows of hooks, a cabinet for shoes and a comfortable soft bench on which you can sit while putting on your shoes.

As for the materials used to make hallway hangers, here we are met with considerable variety. We will start, perhaps, with the leaders among materials, and wood and metal undoubtedly play this role.
Both of these materials perfectly combine aesthetic and practical qualities. Wood, as you know, can fit very harmoniously into any interior. It is easy to process and with its help you can give the product both a strict minimalist style and pretentiousness and pomp, decorated with massive carvings. If the interior design requires it, then the wood can be artificially aged. At the same time, this material is exceptionally reliable, durable and environmentally friendly.

Metal, in addition to its strength and reliability, also fits perfectly into various interiors. For example, you can’t do without its chrome shine modern interior in high-tech style. And a forged hanger, regardless of type (floor or wall) will serve as an original decorative element any interior and can even become its main highlight.

Designs made of plastic, glass and other materials can be no less original. In addition, quite often you can find a combination of several types of materials.

If you have gone through many hanger options and still haven’t found one that suits you, then the best option would be to make the product to order. In this case, you can take an active part in creating the sketch and have no doubt that it will fit perfectly in size into your hallway.

Designer models occupy a separate niche. Each of them is an exclusive option and is distinguished by its originality. Therefore, if you are a lover of uniqueness and a bright expression of individuality, then you definitely need to go to a design workshop to choose a hanger for the hallway.

Hanger in the hallway - 60 photos

A clothes hanger is not only a unique device, but also stylish element decor that can give your hallway some individuality and specialness.

Currently, there are a huge number of the most variety of options design solutions: from simple classic to the most extraordinary.

Main selection criteria

First of all, when choosing the most optimal option Hangers in the hallway should take into account several important details:

  • material of manufacture;
  • stylistic decision;
  • design features;
  • amount of free space;
  • presence of originality and unusualness.

By taking into account all these details, you can choose the most convenient and functional hanger option for your hallway.

Pay attention to the material

Both natural and artificial materials can be used for production. Wood and metal are considered the most popular and time-tested; they are shown in the photo of the hallway hanger.

Let's look at each of the varieties in a little more detail.

Wooden. Great solution become wooden hangers into the hallway to create numerous styles.

Metal. In this case, preference is given to floor structures with hooks in several rows. In addition, there are also wall hangers for the hallway, the types of which are determined depending on the total number of hooks. This option It also differs in a variety of colors.

The laminated chipboard version is no less popular. But, despite the final choice of clothes hanger for the hallway, the main thing is that it is as reliable as possible.

Design choice and main advantages

There are a huge number of model varieties, and designers are not going to stop there.

All varieties have their own individual characteristics and advantages, especially wall-mounted options: compactness and ease of location.

Among the variety of varieties there are:

  • with hooks in one row;
  • with fittings in several rows;
  • with additional storage space;
  • with a crossbar;
  • with the presence of an upper shelf.

Floor hangers in the hallway deserve special attention. Their location can be not only in the corner part, but also along any wall.

The most common type is a crossbar on special racks. This option requires additions in the form of hangers.

Features special functionality combined option, for example, a hanger with a cabinet.

If desired, you can install a closet; in this case, the hangers in the hallway are located directly in it, but this option is relatively large and requires a lot of free space.

In the case of using continuous structures (mounted to the wall), it is important to remember that this type involves a large load and is not suitable for those rooms that have suspended or suspended ceilings.

Hanger in the hallway

The most important thing to pay special attention to is the size of the room. If you have a small area, it is better to use compact options for further ease of use.

To save space intelligently, it is better to purchase a corner hanger for the hallway.

Built-in varieties of forged hangers in the hallway are no less popular. Moreover, this model makes it possible not only to install the hanger itself, but also a built-in wardrobe, characterized by increased capacity and excellent fit into any interior solution.

IN modern apartments you can find small storage rooms, their location is carried out directly in the hallway. This option is very often used to create a small dressing room, and standard door can be replaced with a special one sliding system or a metal hanger in the hallway.

In houses with large free space And non-standard layout, you can install a complex structure that includes a mirror, lighting, a cabinet with a hanger in the hallway or a banquette.

As for manufacturing materials, we already mentioned this at the beginning of the article. In this case, it is worth recalling the possibility of combining several varieties.

Also, do not forget that you can use ready-made option, for example, from Ikea, a hanger in the hallway in this case can satisfy any customer needs.

You can also create a custom model by preparing a sketch of the model in advance. Wooden hangers for the hallway.

Photo of hangers in the hallway