home · On a note · Homemade piston pumps for water. We make a water pump with our own hands. We build a wave pump with our own hands

Homemade piston pumps for water. We make a water pump with our own hands. We build a wave pump with our own hands

As soon as the documents for a suburban plot are completed, newly-minted summer residents begin searching for water. It’s good if there is water on the site, but what if there isn’t? You can borrow from your neighbors, but even to prepare dinner you will need two buckets. You can no longer apply it to watering your garden. Where can you get life-giving moisture in this case? If you look around, somewhere you will definitely find a lake or stream, even a stream will do. All you need is a pump. And it doesn't have to be electric. A homemade water pump can use solar energy, a vacuum, or the natural vibrations of a lake. This is both economical and does not depend on the voltage in the electrical network.

Many individual areas are not connected to the power grid. DIY water pumps can use more than just electricity. They work perfectly on the “free” energy of the sun and wind, and use the natural fluctuations of water and river flow. You can even pump water using a vacuum, and for this you only need a barrel and a fire.

Wave pump: easy to assemble, pumps efficiently

To make a wave pump you need:

  • corrugated pipe (accordion);
  • two bushings with valves;
  • bracket;
  • log.

If a brass pipe was used, then the log should weigh more than sixty kilograms. Although if you use a plastic accordion, you can get by with a lighter one. In the latter case, the weight of the log can only be accurately determined in practice.

The pipe is closed on both sides with bushings with valves. One end is attached to the bracket, the other to the floating log. The natural vibrations of the water in the river will set the accordion into action. If the wind speed reaches two meters per second, then the pressure increases to four atmospheres, and about twenty-five thousand liters can be pumped per day.

Wave homemade pump for pumping water, it will last longer if you secure the ring stopper with a bolt on the lift. So log in horizontal plane It will only turn a little. This will eliminate unwanted torque. You can also solder tips into the ends of the pipe, onto which bushings are screwed.

The log that will be used in this design must be soaked three to four times with a mixture of kerosene and natural drying oil in a one to one ratio. The ends and cuts need to be soaked six times. If the mixture begins to harden, it needs to be heated in a water bath.

Stove-pump: heat - does not heat, but pumps water properly

The name of the system misleads many: the stove-pump does not provide water heating. The operating principle is to create a pressure difference. To assemble a pump furnace, you need:

  • two hundred liter steel barrel;
  • blowtorch or stove;
  • pipe with tap;
  • rubber hose;
  • mesh nozzle for hose;
  • Experience shows that it takes about an hour to fill a barrel. And this is provided that the diameter of the hose is millimeters, and the water needs to be lifted from a depth of six meters

    IN bottom part barrels cut into a pipe with a tap. A hole is drilled in the screw plug that closes the barrel on top and a rubber hose is inserted very tightly. Its second end is covered with a mesh nozzle, and then lowered into the reservoir. Install under the barrel blowtorch or primus.

    1-2 liters of water are poured into a barrel, and a fire is built under its bottom. The steam displaces the air, which enters the reservoir through the hose. Then the fire is extinguished, the barrel cools down. As a result, the pressure inside drops, and water begins to flow from the reservoir.

    Solar pump: always running

    The grid tubes contain propane-butane. It is connected to a rubber bulb lowered into a can. There are two valves in its lid: one lets air in, and the other releases it under a pressure of about 1 atm. into the air pipe.

    To start the pump in action, in the summer it is enough to water the grate cold water. Liquefied propane-butane cools and its vapor pressure decreases. As a result, the rubber bulb contracts and the can fills with air. After a few minutes, the sun will dry the grate and heat it up again. Liquid vapors will inflate the bulb, as a result of which the pressure in the can will increase, and air will begin to escape through the valve into the pipe. The air lock, like a piston, pushes water forward towards the shower head. This sip of water hits the grate and cools it again.

    The tubes from which the grill is assembled can contain not only propane-butane. Any other liquid that boils at a low temperature will also work.

    This system works even in winter, however, the cycle is “reversed”: frosty air cools the grate, and underground water heats it.

    If the site is located on the shore of a lake or river, then it is not necessary to carry buckets of water to water the garden. You can make a pump from scrap materials. The sun and the river flow will do all the work themselves.

Arranging a personal garden or summer cottage is the first priority for every owner. Of course, the primary task is to solve the water supply problem. If there is any reservoir in the nearby area, you can purchase a pump. The modern specialized market offers a wide range of different models of water pumps that can satisfy the wishes of any, even the most picky and scrupulous, customers.

However, such devices can be made with your own hands, while avoiding significant costs.

Using wave energy

This option is most optimal for areas that overlook the shore of a body of water. To construct the pump structure, you will need a log about 3 meters long and two stakes, a small piece of corrugated plastic pipe and two valves.

It is necessary to attach several loops of wire to the log, the diameter of which should be 6 mm at the ends. You need to attach a prepared piece of corrugated pipe to it from below. Valves are pre-attached to the pipe at the end holes.

The operating principle of such a pump is based on the action of waves. The wave of water lifts the log, the length of the pipe increases, and the liquid is sucked through the lower inlet. Accordingly, when a wave lowers a log, the size of the corrugated tube decreases, and water is squeezed out through a special upper valve. This process repeats periodically depending on wave fluctuations.

This design allows you to lift water from a depth of about 25 meters. When producing this design, it is important to properly process the float using special means to protect wood from constant exposure to moisture. The best option would be to use regular drying oil for these purposes.

To achieve greater effect, it should be used warmed up. The surface of the log must be treated several times.

Wave water pump (option)

This design will help to significantly simplify and facilitate the process of pumping water from any reservoir. Managing it is not very difficult.

The production of this device can be divided into several stages.

  • At the first stage, it is necessary to prepare the main pumping element of the structure. This element is a hollow cylinder in the form of an accordion. During the process of compression and stretching, the volume of this part will change significantly, while creating the pressure necessary for pumping out water. As a material for the manufacture of this element, you can use ordinary car tire required diameter.

  • The second stage in the manufacture of the pump will be the creation of a special “floating” platform. For this you can use wooden material, the dimensions of which must correspond to the dimensions of the chamber, or ordinary plastic bottles, closed with lids. The selected material should be carefully fixed using electrical tape or construction tape on the bottom of the chamber.
  • Next, on the top of the camera you should fix a small wooden board. It will help the camera always stay afloat.
  • After this, you need to secure the wave pump. Two pillars need to be driven into the bottom of the reservoir; the upper platform of the structure is rigidly attached to them. For the lower platform of the device, it is necessary to provide special wire loops. This is necessary for the free movement of water.

To make such a design you can use various materials, the main thing is that they perform all the necessary functions. Repairing such a water pump can be done at home, if you take our advice into account.

Using solar energy

This homemade water pump is very easy and simple to make. To make such a design you will need a regular hose made of plastic. The best option is to use plastic hose 2 inch section.

The hose can be installed in two ways:

  • spread in the form of rings on the surface;
  • hang the hose with a wire using several vertical posts.

The operating principle of this design is based on heating the water in the device by the sun. As the hose fills, the water in it will gradually begin to heat up from the sun's rays and rise.

The connection between the hose and the tank or any other container must be covered special material, to provide reliable protection from various negative impacts. For this Any will do material with a reflective surface.

This design is capable of lifting water from various reservoirs from a depth of about 8 meters.

Solar pump: always running (optional)

The design of this pump consists of a special grid containing propane-butane in the tubes. The grid is connected to a rubber bulb lowered into the container. There are two special valves in the lid of the container: the first is designed to allow air into the structure, the second releases it under a certain pressure into the air pipe.

To set the pump in motion, warm time all you need to do is pour cool water over the grill. In this case, the liquefied propane-butane cools, and its vapor pressure decreases. This helps compress the rubber bulb, and the container is filled with air. After a certain period of time Sun rays dry the grate and it will heat up again.

The resulting liquid vapors will inflate the rubber bulb, as a result of which the pressure in the container increases, and the air will escape through a special valve into the pipe. The resulting plug of air will act as a piston and drive the water in front of it towards the shower head. The liquid then falls back onto the grate and cools it.

Such a system works not only in summer, but also in the cold season. In this case, the cyclicity changes slightly. Cold frosty air cools the grille of the structure, and it is heated due to the impact groundwater. Therefore, if your garden or summer cottage is located on the shore of a body of water, it is not at all necessary to carry water to water the garden using buckets. You need to make a pump for pumping water with your own hands from scrap materials. In this case, the sun's rays and the flow of the river will do the main work themselves.

A more complex and time-consuming process is the manufacture of wind pump structures for pumping out water. Here you need to show maximum ingenuity and imagination. Such devices often contain complex elements such as flexible actuators, various shapes wind catchers and so on.

In addition, the design may include a piston pump or a diaphragm pump, which are needed for pumping water.

Manual pumping devices

A distinctive feature of these devices is the ability to use this device without electricity. The option can be vacuum or plunger. You can make such a mini-pump with your own hands; for this you will need several parts.

  • Base. The main component part, which serves as the basis for fixing the entire device. For this you can use textolite or fiberglass. The thickness of this material should be 20 millimeters.
  • Flange. To connect the casing to the base of the structure you will need special part threaded. This is important, since it is necessary to prevent water leakage.

  • Bottom valve. To ensure reliable closure of the main pipe opening, it is necessary to install a valve.
  • Limiter. This detail will help to avoid displacement of the valve during operation from the main axis of the structure.
  • Frame. All the main components of the pump structure are located inside the housing, which ensure pumping and draining of water.
  • Piston with valve. This element plays an important role in the design of the pump; it is necessary when pumping liquid from the main pipe into the housing to the hole intended for draining using a special reed valve.

Similar structures are used for pumping water from wells or wells.

Working principle of a hand pump

By applying a slight force to the special lever in the upper direction, it is necessary to start its movement. In this case, a certain pressure is created inside the pipe, which acts on the check valve, and the process of drawing water from the casing into the structure body begins.

When the pressure inside the pipe is equalized, the check valve gradually lowers and closes the hole to the casing. This creates the necessary pressure to open the petal valve, water enters upper cavity to the hole intended for draining and poured into a previously prepared special container.

DIY manual water pump

Such a design is the best option for pumping water from various wells, unlike the wind model.

To manufacture this device you will need a small amount of readily available materials:

  • a small amount of wire;
  • a car camera, such products can be found in almost every person;
  • brake chamber;
  • balloons small sizes of steel;
  • several copper tubes;
  • special epoxy glue.

After everything necessary materials will be prepared, you can begin assembling the pump. First you need a brake chamber; you need to carefully plug all the holes in it except one. The hole should be located on top of the chamber; this is where the rod will be placed. In addition, special outlets should be provided for the valves at the bottom of the chamber.

Next you need to drill into the prepared copper tube on inside a small hole, the diameter of which should correspond to the size of the steel ball. To prevent the ball from falling out of the tube while the pump is running, on top copper pipe you need to weld a special wire.

The next stage in pump production is manufacturing check valve. This process is completely identical to the previous stage, but there is a slight difference. A small special spring should be installed between the steel ball located in the copper tube and the wire welded to the end of the tube.

Then the finished inlet and check valves must be firmly fixed in the brake chamber.

You need to cut a small circle from a car camera and make a hole inside it. Next, you need to glue two washers on different sides to the hole using epoxy glue. A special threaded pin, secured with nuts, is threaded through this hole. This design will be used as a seal in the manufacture of a water pump. The finished seal should be fixed to the brake chamber and glued using special epoxy glue.

The final stage in the manufacture of a water pump is the installation of the rod. It must be threaded through a specially prepared hole located on top of the brake chamber. All parts of the water pump are connected using a rod.

The structure is ready, you can install it in a reservoir and start pumping out water.

Pump from a regular plastic bottle

This is a very popular design among summer residents, since its manufacture does not require a motor or pressure level meter. The popularity of the device is due to its low cost and simplicity of design. This device is the best option for pumping water both from a reservoir and from special tanks and barrels. The operating principle of the design is based on the principle of communicating vessels and does not require connection to the electrical network. This is also a strong argument in favor of the use of this design by many summer residents and owners of personal plots.

Making such a device with your own hands is very simple; it will require ordinary materials that can be found in every home.

First you need to take plastic bottle and make a small hole in the lid with a diameter of about 8 millimeters, and remove the gasket located in the plug.

The idea was born to make a mini fountain myself. The design of the fountain itself is a separate story, but this article will discuss how to make a pump for water circulation with your own hands. This topic is not new and has been described on the Internet more than once. I am just showing my implementation of this design. If anyone is too lazy to do it, then such pumps are sold on Aliexpress for around 400 rubles (price as of February 2016).

So let's get started. A bottle of nasal drops was used as a body. For those who are interested, I will write down the dimensions of some parts. So, inner diameter bubble 26.6 mm, depth 20 mm. A hole slightly larger than the diameter of the motor shaft is drilled in it on the back side, and a hole on the side for water outlet (4 mm in diameter). A tube is attached to it first with superglue and then with hot glue, through which the water will subsequently rise to the top of the fountain. Its diameter is 5 mm.

We also need a front cover. I drilled a 7 mm hole in the center. The entire body is ready.

A hole for the shaft is drilled in the base. The diameter of the base, you understand, should be smaller than the diameter of the body. I have about 25 mm. In fact, it is not needed at all and is used only for strength. The blades themselves can be seen in the photo. Made from the same box and cut to the diameter of the base. I glued everything together with superglue.

The engine will rotate the impeller. It was most likely taken out of some kind of toy. I don’t know its parameters, so I didn’t raise the voltage above 5 V. The main thing is that the engine is “faster”.

I tried another with a speed of 2500 rpm, so it raised the water column very low. Next you need to assemble everything and seal it well.

And now the tests. With a power supply of 3 V, the current consumption is 0.3 A in load mode (that is, immersed in water), at 5 V - 0.5 A. The height of the rise of the water column at 3 V is 45 cm (rounded down). In this mode, I left it in the water for an hour.

Passed the test fine. How long will it last? good question, which only time can answer. When powered by 5 volts, the water rises to a height of 80 cm. All this can be seen in the video.

All materials for the water pump can be bought at a flea market or in a specialty store The main disadvantage of factory pumps is the need to connect them to electricity. But both in private dachas and in villages, there is often no electricity. A factory electric pump is good, but you also need to have a backup option in case of a power outage.

    • How to make a centrifugal pump with your own hands
    • We make a diaphragm pump with our own hands
    • Why do you need a water pump: we create a housing for the pump with our own hands
    • Summer residents recommend: a pear for pumping out liquid
    • How to make a water pump with your own hands (video)

You can make a centrifugal pump with your own hands in a few days. This is a pump in which water flow and pressure are created using centrifugal force. It occurs when the moving wheel blades act on the water.

The principle of centrifugal force is widely used in pumps. Among the insides, one can note the spiral shape and the presence of a shaft on which the impeller is mounted.

To make a centrifugal pump with your own hands, you need to have the appropriate knowledge and experience

There are two types of wheels:

  • Open type;
  • Closed type.

IN open type Blades are placed on the disk. IN closed type the blades are located between the rear and front discs. They can be located away from the direction of operation of the wheel.

To make a centrifugal pump with your own hands, you need to place a valve for it at the end of one side of the water hose. Place this end in water and fill the entire system with water.

If you don't have a free valve on hand, but have an old one washing machine, then you can remove the valve from it. Older washing machines have tubes that are suitable for closing extra holes in the pump mechanism.

For proper design, it is recommended to draw the pump in two projections so that you understand the mechanism of operation of the pump. To create it, you need to find blades to create centrifugal force. It is advisable to choose them from durable materials so that they do not break under the pressure of water flows. It is preferable to opt for metal. They are placed inside the main round body from which water will flow. It can be made from a plastic or iron barrel. You just need to reduce its size.

To create a diffuser for water flow, you can take plastic materials. A stream of water will flow through it. The diffuser should be placed at an angle to the round body.

These are the basic elements needed to create a centrifugal pump. It can be assembled from available materials. The main thing is that the materials are of high quality and without cracks. If you make a pump with your own hands, it will be able to fully provide you with water.

We make a diaphragm pump with our own hands

For a summer residence, an excellent option would be to make a diaphragm pump. This is a water extraction plant, which is made on the basis of cast iron.

The pump has a special element - a piston. It is needed in order to do the cleaning yourself. dirty water. This important nuance, which plays in his favor in choosing pumps for summer cottages. Self-cleaning prevents dirt, sand, and grass from accumulating inside the pump.

A diaphragm pump can be used to pump water that contains insoluble fractions. It is sometimes used to pump out feces.

Before making a diaphragm pump, you need to watch a training video

The main element of the pump is the membrane. The diaphragm pump is perfectly used in dachas where the electricity is constantly cut off. In such a device, water is pumped thanks to two valves.

In order to make it yourself you will need materials for:

  1. Membranes;
  2. Valves;
  3. Pipes.

First you must prepare the working chamber - the space where the main work of the pump will take place. To do this, you can take a small metal container. Plastic materials can also be used. Many summer residents recommend buying a membrane. This is due to the fact that it must be sealed and vacuum. Unlike the chamber, valves and pipes, for which plastic materials can be used.

To make a diaphragm pump, take a container, that is, a chamber, and cut a hole on three sides. Use drills. Water will flow from both sides, where valves and pipes need to be installed. In the third hole, on top, install the membrane. A simple design will allow you to pump out water.

If the light often goes out in your summer cottage, and it is not possible to use an electric pump, then the membrane option will come in handy. To manufacture a diaphragm pump, a minimum amount of materials must be used, thereby spending little money. Make a pump yourself and you will always have access to water.

Why do you need a water pump: we create a housing for the pump with our own hands

On summer cottages Sometimes situations happen when the power goes out. In order for you to always have water in your house, you need to make a water pump. This is one of the main elements of a hand pump.

You can make a homemade manual and diaphragm piston pump with your own hands. Impeller, gate, drainage and wind pumps are difficult to make on your own. There is also a so-called Musho pump, which runs on solar energy. There is also a wave pump, the principle of which is to oscillate waves.

To make a pump you need to take a flask. This is a regular housing in which the piston is placed. It, in turn, has two holes: outlet and inlet. Make them so that the water can rise. Close both holes with valves. Next, make a lever to pump out water.

The housing for the pump must be made of durable material.

A thick pipe with a diameter of 3 centimeters is suitable for the lever.

Make holes in the top of the barrel, and another one on the side for the tap. Attach the hose. Please note that the hose must be of such length that it can reach the surface of the water inside the well.

The pump design includes:

  • Metal barrel for 150-200 liters;
  • Tap for outlet hole;
  • Hose for water intake.

Flatten the pipe on one side with a hammer, and make holes for the bolt on the other side. Use the brackets to secure the lever. When you install your pump, keep in mind that there may be a sewer system underneath. Check these points in advance using the drawings.

Making a pump is quite simple if you already have all the necessary materials on hand. Follow the instructions and then you will be able to make the entire pump structure efficiently and without errors.

The bulb is necessary for pumping out liquids and is also used for pumping gasoline. It is often used in the automotive industry. Each hose has its own mini bulb. You can buy such a hose in stores. Or buy a separate hose and a separate bulb.

The jock bag is a cylindrical shape that tapers at the sides. This is necessary to connect the hose at both ends. In the area of ​​narrowing the pears are attached metal rings. This helps the hose to be firmly attached to the bulb.

The design of the pear represents:

  • Rubber mold:
  • Metal rings at the ends of the arms;
  • Additional hose for work.

A bulb for pumping out liquid is inexpensive, so everyone can afford it

Using a hose with a bulb is easy. It is enough to take one end of the hose and lower it into a well or other container with water. To determine the direction of the hose, namely which end to lower into the water, you need to look at the bulb. There is a direction arrow drawn on it.

Pay attention to the arrow that is depicted on the pear.

Direct the other end into a container where the liquid will be poured. Next, press the bulb and the water pumps.

The pear serves as the simplest device for pumping liquids. You can buy it in the store at low prices, which causes demand among owners summer cottages. The mechanism is easy to use. It is enough to point the ends of the hoses and press the bulb.

How to make a water pump with your own hands (video)

A water pump is necessary at every dacha. It allows you to quickly pump water out of a well. You can buy a pump in a store, or you can make it yourself. To do this, just select quality materials and use your wits. However, you can only make pumps with your own hands that are more simple design. But they also do a good job of pumping out water. This will give you the pleasure of drinking water on a sunny day. Therefore, we wish you good luck in making your own pump!

Pumping water with a hand pump, of course, is not as convenient as its electric counterpart. The speed of work is not even close to comparison. However, there are situations when a hand pump for water is necessary, and sometimes the only thing possible solution. For example, as a temporary type at the stage of installing water supply at home. It is unwise to buy a device for short-term use. Do you agree?

We offer extensive information on options for making your own hand pumps. We present practice-tested methods available to home craftsmen in terms of costs and methods of implementation. A homemade product created according to our advice will reliably serve its intended duration.

The main purpose of using pump-type equipment is to pump water from a source to certain points: to a residential building, bathhouse, garage, garden. On suburban areas The source most often is wells, less often – ponds and other bodies of water.

All residential or country houses can be divided into three categories: permanent, seasonal and periodic residence. Not all of them have electricity, and some are supplied irregularly.

If we summarize all these factors, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • in houses permanent residence by default, electricity is used, so the main equipment for pumping water is an electric pump, and the manual model is a spare backup unit;
  • if the dacha is used only in the summer and power lines are connected, then the energy-dependent option is also ideal, and hand tool plays a minor role;
  • a summer cottage without electricity needs equipment most of all manual type.

To irrigate 2-3 flower beds, you can still draw water with buckets, but to ensure complete and daily watering of beds, greenhouses and lawns, a pump is needed. This is where a model that requires a pair of hands to operate comes in handy.

You can make a simple speaker yourself by using the skills of welding and assembling metal or plastic parts.

An example for making your own model can be a factory product assembled from durable cast iron or steel parts, with a comfortable handle for use

Some craftsmen build reliable equipment for wells and wells that serves well for years. We present an overview of homemade products, for the manufacture of which scrap materials were used.

Types of devices for pumping water

One physical strength, used to lift water upward, is small, since the process becomes difficult and labor-intensive. Therefore, mankind has long ago invented many devices that facilitate the rise of liquid from a well or natural reservoir to the surface.

All devices are combined general principle work, which is based on the interaction of the valve system.

There are many varieties of hand pumps, but four main types can be distinguished:

  • piston;
  • rod deep (varieties of piston);
  • winged;
  • membrane

For manufacturing at home, they usually choose the first type if it is necessary to service a well of shallow depth (3-6 m), or the second if it is necessary to lift water from a well from a depth of 10-12 m.

These models are considered to be the most productive, easy to assemble and install, and reliable. The rest have significant shortcomings, the biggest of which is considered to be insufficient productivity.

It is piston devices that have occupied the main niche among factory manual equipment; they are popular among home craftsmen.

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The advantage of piston column pumps is their ease of assembly and installation. All the parts necessary for the manufacture of the body and dynamic parts can be found on the farm or purchased in addition.

And to connect the elements into a single device, home tools are usually enough: a drill, a circular saw, a hacksaw, pliers, and keys. If necessary welding machine, then you can rent it or borrow it from your neighbors.

Popular handicraft pumps

To pump water from one place to another, all kinds of hand pumps are used. Their operating principle is based on the simplest laws of physics, according to which water can move through pipes and vessels due to differences in temperature, pressure, height, etc. Let’s find out how devices made by amateur craftsmen operate.

Option #1 - piston apparatus from casing pipe

The homemade product was invented by a master for a specific purpose - for. However, it turned out to be quite productive, so it was later used for pumping water out of the pond and as a backup pump during a power outage.

To make a pump you will need minimum set tools: grinder for cutting metal parts, welding machine and drill for drilling holes for fasteners

All work on cutting steel elements is carried out with an electric circular saw. If you use hand tool, then production will take a long time.

To make a connection metal parts Welding experience required. If you are new to this business, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with.

Review of homemade pump parts:

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For installation on the ground, a kind of base is used - a structure made of metal pipes 20*40 mm and 20*20 mm. Thanks to the long welded pipes, the pump stands firmly in a strictly vertical position.

Option #2 – rod pump for a well

The model, made from a ready-made fire extinguisher body, differs from the previous one in reliability and greater performance.

A homemade “samovar” can be safely installed in a well up to 15 m deep. It does not have to be used constantly, however, in the absence of electricity or for cleaning the well, it will be simply irreplaceable.

The principle of operation is the same: thanks to the vacuum in the zone of movement of the piston, water flows from the well into the pump housing, and from there through the outlet pipe - out into the substituted container.

The device is suitable for servicing a well, borehole, pool, pond or other body of water. It can pump not only clean water, but also dirty liquid with silt, sand and dirt.

For manufacturing, you will need a tool for cutting and processing metal parts, as well as a welding machine. Distinctive features Let's look at the models in more detail.

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Everything on top metal parts treated with a primer to protect against corrosion, since the pump will be located outdoors, in the open air.

On top of the primer it must be coated with metal paint to make protective layer as durable and airtight as possible.

This is what the piston looks like, which is responsible for the movement of water. This is a 5 mm perforated metal round plate + a thick rubber seal. Hole diameter – 10 mm

It is difficult to judge the exact performance of the device; testing is necessary. However, we can say that with one press of the lever, about 2-3 liters of water are pumped, that is, with just 3-4 presses you can fill a bucket.

If the given instructions for assembling a homemade product seemed complicated to you and you do not want to waste time on manufacturing, but you need a pump for pumping dirty water, we advise you to take a closer look at ready-made models sold in stores. To make it easier for you to choose suitable model, we invite you to familiarize yourself with those presented on the market.

Option #3 – collapsible model for the summer season

If the well is shallow, an economical and easy-to-use plastic model can handle the delivery of water to the top.

A summer version of a hand pump, completely assembled from plastic pipes with a diameter of 20 and 50 mm. Only the check valve and filter are made of metal

For self-assembly you will need:

  • sewer plastic pipes 50 mm - 2 pieces 3 m each;
  • mesh filter for mounting on the end of the pipe;
  • thin PP pipe 20 mm with thread for attaching a check valve;
  • factory-made check valve;
  • fastening the handle from a tee 25*20 mm with a soldered thread;
  • metal tube for handle;
  • fluoroplastic gasket for making a piston;
  • clamps with dowels for attaching the pipe to the walls of the well.

The assembly proceeds as follows. First, a fluoroplastic piston is screwed onto a flexible PP pipe with a diameter of 20 mm, through which water will move, and then a check valve.

They insert it into the sewer plastic pipe with a diameter of 50 mm, on the side of the check valve it is closed with a nozzle with a filter. The result is a “pipe-in-pipe” structure that must be immersed in the well.

A tee is screwed onto the other end of the PP pipe and a handle is inserted into it. To pump water, you need to hold the handle with both hands and move the pipe up/down.

In appearance and in the way the handle moves, the pump resembles a manual analogue for inflating bicycle wheels.

The outer part is supplemented with a spout made from a piece of sewer pipe and two fittings - a tee and a 90º angle. As the handle moves up/down, water pours out of the spout into the container underneath.

One of the advantages of a simple plastic model is that it can be quickly disassembled. With the onset of cold weather, the outer parts are removed, and the PP pipe is simply pulled out. As a result, only one element remains - sewage pipe, but in the well shaft she is in no danger.

If you change your mind about making a homemade pump, you can always purchase finished equipment in the shop. Tips for choosing a pump for a well.

Less popular manual modifications

In addition to piston models, which have proven themselves well in factory and homemade versions, other devices are also used.

They are less productive, but interesting from the point of view of design and operating principle.

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There are factory models that are not practical to make yourself. For example, equipment based on an impeller. Such devices are used in the industrial sector; they are not very convenient for the garden.

In addition, buying a compact metal device that looks like a can twister will cost no more than making it yourself.

None of the considered homemade pump designs suits you? Then we recommend you take a look more options homemade products, the production of which we examined.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Before you start self-production hand pump, study the experience of home craftsmen. This will not only help you learn new technologies, but will also help you avoid annoying mistakes.

A manual water pump is a great helper in difficult situation. If an accident occurs on the electric main, you will not be left without water: you can pump several buckets from a well with a hand pump.

And to collect useful device on your own, no need to study complex technologies or look for special materials - you will find everything in the household.

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