home · Appliances · Secret bolts from thieves in the country. To avoid being robbed: how to protect your apartment and house from thieves. When leaving home, always close the door behind you.

Secret bolts from thieves in the country. To avoid being robbed: how to protect your apartment and house from thieves. When leaving home, always close the door behind you.

Date of publication: 10/13/2012

My home is my castle. But the world is not without bad people. This means that there is a chance of an attack on your property. In this article we will look at ways to protect your apartment from intruders.

Defense from intent

Most The best way stopping a thief is at the stage of the thief's intent. In other words, you need to discourage thieves from breaking into your apartment. This can be done by following simple rules.

Firstly, don’t let letters and newspapers sit in your mailbox. Thieves are watching mailboxes. If a lot of newspapers have accumulated in the box, it means the person has been absent from the apartment for a long time - perhaps he has gone somewhere else. If you are leaving somewhere out of town or on vacation, then ask your neighbors to remove all correspondence from your mailbox.

Secondly, in the evenings, close the curtains and curtains so that thieves do not see your apartment from the inside. Thieves usually look out the window to determine a person's level of wealth. If they see suspended ceilings, new frames, large LCD TVs, laptops, etc., then they may consider you a money person.
Usually observed in the evenings. The whole point is that daylight It gives a strong glare on the windows, and therefore it is not possible to examine the interior in detail. And in the evening you turn on the lights in the apartment, and therefore there is no glare.

Third, install a dummy camera. Thieves are afraid of cameras (unprofessional burglars are especially afraid of cameras). Ideally, of course, install a real camera. However, a cheap plastic dummy will also work.

It happens that your apartment is “rattled.” They call you on a landline phone, you pick up, and the other person immediately hangs up. If this happens several times over several days, you should think about safety. This is how thieves try to find out if you are at home.

Talk to your neighbors in advance about trespassers. If someone stranger walks near your apartment, then let your neighbor take the time to ask the stranger who he is. Neighbors will have your back, and you will have your neighbors' back.

Windows and doors

Naturally, thieves will try to enter the house through a door or window. It is enough to put bars on the window. In addition, the higher you live, the less chance of intrusion through the window. Exception: if you live on the top floor, they can get to you from the roof using a rope.

It's better not to skimp on doors. If the structure of the landing allows it, then install an iron door that will be common to you and your neighbors. It is also better to install an iron entrance door to the apartment. Just choose a heavy and massive door. Sometimes there are fakes made of thick tin or thin metal. Thieves can easily open such doors with a can opener.

Also pay attention to the castle. Ideally, there should be at least two locks, and they should be of different mechanical device. Try not to install so-called “flat” and “construction” locks; such locks can be opened by simply selecting a key. It is better to choose complex locks that cannot be drilled or their core cannot be knocked out.

Some people like to protect their home with special methods. Some connect electricity to the door handle, some set traps before leaving. There is no need to do this. Innocent citizens may be harmed. In addition, such behavior of yours may be considered sabotage, and therefore there have been cases when thieves sued a person for stepping into a trap in his apartment.

Alarm and insurance

There are expensive methods of protection. You can install an alarm and security system in the apartment. It will cost you from 15 to 30 thousand rubles, and you will also need to pay a subscription fee. But this method works well.
You can also insure your property. However, such insurance can be expensive.

As a rule, “volumes” are installed in apartments. Those. sensors that respond to volume movement. To prevent the sensor from reacting to pets, you can set a motion detection threshold.


One of the most reliable ways to protect your apartment is to own a dog. Naturally, you need to choose a large dog, preferably intended for protection. If you get a small and expensive decorative dog, then not only will it not be able to protect your home, but it itself will probably be stolen.

In this case, you need to properly train the dog. To your four-legged friend reacted correctly to strangers in the apartment. There have been cases when thieves met in an apartment friendly dog, who, instead of protecting property, brought slippers to the robbers :)

By the way, you don't have to get a dog. You can have several angry cats instead of one dog.


In general, valuable items and money should be kept in a bank. If you keep money at home, then do not follow common mistakes. Therefore, there is no need to hide money in:
- bed linen
- clothing pockets
- cistern toilet
- under the mattress
- books
- refrigerator
- behind pictures and mirrors
- under the carpets
- among dirty laundry

If you want to store money and securities at home, then buy a safe. It is advisable to buy a massive and heavy safe that you cannot carry alone. It’s even cooler if you make a safe built into the wall. If you don’t have a safe, but you need to store money safely, then you can hide money in unexpected places.

You can hide money in food (!). They sell fish models with a special pocket for money.
Money can be hidden in holes in the wall. Hollow out a small cavity and stick wallpaper on top. True, you often won’t be able to use such a hiding place; you’ll have to re-glue the wallpaper.
Money can be hidden in an old system unit. But there is a chance that your system unit may also be taken away.
You can also hide money in soft toys. Much better soft toys. Then thieves will not have the desire to inspect every toy. The main thing is that you yourself don’t forget that you hid your stash in the green bear :)

What to do if you catch a thief in your apartment

You come home and a stranger is standing in the room. You look at him - he looks at you... You must immediately run out of the apartment and close the door. Hold the door so the thief cannot escape. This way you will catch the thief. Call the police.

The thief will try to rush through the window first. If you live above the third floor, then the thief will not jump. Or maybe jump... Then you have a chance to watch him break his legs (revenge!). The main thing is to prove later that it was not you who threw it off.

If the thief does not jump through the window, he will try to exit through the door. Your task is to hold the door with all your might so that he doesn’t run away. If possible, close the door and break the key. Then he will not be able to open the door from the inside.

When the thief realizes that he can no longer hide and that the police are now coming for him, he will begin to “prepare” for a meeting with the police. First, the thief will begin to threaten you that he will burn down the apartment or your valuable property. You must tell him that he will not intimidate you, and if he tries to burn anything, then you will sue him and he will spend the rest of his life working for you.
When the police arrive, tell them everything you know about the thief (is he armed, is he strong). Then the police will rush into your apartment in a crowd, and you will hear cheerful screams and curse words of justice :)

Professional thieves

You can't stop professional thief. Neither the complexity of the lock, nor the strength of the doors, nor the safe will stop them. The only consoling fact is that such thieves will not rob the apartments of ordinary citizens. Such thieves target the apartments of stars and politicians.

That's all!

Thank you for your attention!

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If you ask any summer resident what worries him most in winter, the answer will be practically the same - “as if they didn’t get into the house.” And it’s not the dacha junk that we feel sorry for - most often the prey of thieves is old padded jackets, holey boots and all kinds of dacha equipment. It’s a shame that people break into our huts “for sport” - to show off.

Most often, teenagers from nearby communities assert themselves in this way. settlements. They will break the door into splinters, break dishes and windows... Honestly, the moral damage from such raids far exceeds the material damage. Therefore, most summer residents prefer to take out (or hide in secluded places) everything more or less valuable. Many people hang up metal shutters and install armored doors, but this doesn’t always help. Few people rely on law enforcement (and for good reason). This means we need to act ourselves. What to do?

  • Hire a watchman. IN cottage villages, as a rule, there is security for cottages and this is good, but in holiday villages it may just be a watchman. The measure is necessary, but it is difficult to call it a panacea.

Minuses: Often even professional security guards are not very effective if nothing else is done to protect the village. Keep track of the entire territory without the help of special technical means problematic. In addition, for many summer residents it is also expensive.

  • Install "howler". The most popular and simplest protective system- devices that emit a loud sound when unauthorized persons enter the house. This sound can frighten intruders and attract the attention of neighbors and security.

Minuses: Such a system can scare teenagers or homeless people. Not very effective against thieves with “serious intentions”.

  • Donate to the security system. Modern version- special systems that are installed in houses or areas and are connected to a single network to the control panel. In this case, the guards will have accurate information about the location of the object that was penetrated. These systems, in addition to security functions, usually also have a fire-fighting function. The security console also promptly displays all cases of fire. Each system usually consists of intrusion sensors, an access control system, a local information collection and control console, and a communication channel with the central security console.

Minuses: very expensive

  • Buy a multifunctional light switch. It not only allows you to smoothly adjust the lighting, but also has a valuable function - it creates the illusion of presence in the house. There is a photocell and a timer there. When it gets dark, the photocell will automatically turn on the lights in the house. And after two hours the light goes out. The switch can be used not only at the dacha, but also in a city apartment when you yourself have gone to the dacha.

Well, if you can’t set up an alarm system for your dacha, and there’s no telephone there, what should you do? So, I'm like experienced summer resident, having survived more than one robbery, I advise you to leave for the robbers... a bottle of vodka, attach a note to it with good wishes and directions to which drawer to find the snack and can opener. In the spring it usually turns out that the locks have been broken, the bottle is empty, and the jar of sprats is empty too. But the house was not destroyed or looted. Kolodyazhny V.K.


Never open the door to the apartment if there is a stranger or a person unfamiliar to you on the site, especially if he is drunk.

Do not leave the keys to your apartment to strangers. Do not give apartment keys to friends and colleagues for “romantic” meetings.

Always look through the peephole before opening the door and do not open it to strangers. If the person who comes introduces himself as a police officer, a utility service employee or a social security service employee, ask for documents or call this organization and ask if they have such an employee.

Explain to the children that in the absence of their parents they should not open the door to anyone or allow strangers into the apartment.

When leaving the apartment, do not leave open balcony, windows and vents, even if the apartment is located quite high floor.

When going on vacation or a business trip, leave the keys only with close relatives or reliable, well-known neighbors.

If you have sold a large item or are going to make an expensive purchase, do not tell all your relatives, acquaintances, and even strangers about it. One of these individuals may intentionally or accidentally give a “tip” to the criminals.

Do not keep large amounts of cash at home, and do not leave money or valuables in visible places. You should not hide money or jewelry in boxes, in tea and table sets, in documents, between bed linen, under the mattress, under the carpets - this is where thieves will look first of all.

If your home " full bowl“, you live in abundance and your good financial situation is clearly noticeable to others, you should not lead criminals “into temptation,” it makes sense to take care of installing a fire-security or “alarm” alarm. Sometimes the mere sight of an installed alarm discourages criminals from risking their freedom.

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Nowadays, there are often stories of criminals taking away their empty apartments from homeowners for the sake of personal enrichment. How to protect yourself from such fraud?


Attackers, of course, are most often interested in housing when the owners have gone on a business trip, to the countryside, or to permanent place residence abroad. Owners of housing in new buildings also often become victims of criminals, because they often do not visit the site where the house is being built.

Attackers can obtain information about whether the owners of the house are present or not from local doctors, social service workers, and even your neighbors and friends. Based on the lack of light in the windows, according to indications and whether correspondence has been removed from mailboxes, thieves also check the presence of owners.

Before a long departure, arrange your apartment. Modern ones involve the installation of sensors and other complex devices that will monitor the entry of uninvited guests into the apartment. Information about the condition of the object goes to the monitoring center, and if something happens, the owner will immediately know about the incident. The response service will certainly arrive at the scene faster than you.

Do not leave documents in . Give all documents on your property to your lawyer or put them in a safe deposit box. Also, inform your neighbors about the departure, only those with whom you communicate well and trust, and be always in touch with them.

If you bought real estate in a newly built house, then scammers can use a fake court decision, according to which it is possible to register ownership, hand it over to Rosreestr and receive the documents necessary for resale. A judicial act document does not have watermarks and is printed on plain paper, so it is easy to forge.

In order not to buy someone else’s empty home, before the transaction, go to the court and clarify all the necessary information about the court’s decision.

You can also check the data on the State page automated system Russian Federation “Justice” on the Internet. The section “Courts of General Jurisdiction” contains information about the judicial authority that made the decision. Next, in the search, you need to enter the personal data of the participants in the case and the number and date of the decision. If the act is valid, then it should be in the database.

Before such a purchase, you should talk to your future neighbors and find out as much as possible about your possible home. Also, seek help only from real estate agencies you can trust.

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  • "Rambler-Real Estate"

Experts say that most burglaries coming for the summer is a time when many people go on vacation. It is worth taking care of the safety of your home in advance.

For a house to truly become a fortress, it needs a good door.

And even better, if funds allow, two. Professionals advise: the first door should not attract attention. But let the second one, the inner one, be more impressive and stronger. Of course, it must be made of metal. Quality door- This:

  • The thickness of the canvas is at least 1.5 mm

  • Opens outwards

  • Stiffening ribs: at least four

Even the strongest door won't save you if the locks are bad.

Some of the most reliable ones are considered to be lever ones that work according to a code system. There must be at least two locks, it is better if they have different mechanisms. Another obstacle for attackers is an invisible lock: in order to open it, you still need to find it.

Windows also need to be protected.

If you live on the top or first floor - or roller shutters. When installing double-glazed windows, it is worth ordering anti-burglary fittings. Another option is glass armoring: shockproof film is applied to them.

Technical devices for home protection

  • Surveillance camera on landing next to the front door. Or you can install a false camera in which a red light will blink and create the appearance.

  • Motion sensors are installed in the apartment and, if someone breaks into it, they send a signal to the owner or a security agency.

  • GSM alarm. Its sensors react to sounds, movement, vibration of windows and, in case of an emergency, send an SMS to the owner.

    Thieves do not come into an apartment at random; they carefully look at every option. Often, a wealthy tenant is given the doors and the contents of the balcony (curtains, flowers, paintings, a bicycle or exercise machine, etc.). The more luxurious the front door and balcony, the more likely it is that you have something to steal. Do not display your acquired property, and thieves will not come near you.

    However, if new door already installed, but there is nowhere to remove the expensive bicycle from the balcony, the best option An apartment can be protected from burglary by installing an alarm system. But not everyone can afford such luxury. An easier option: use fakes - stick a “Guarded” sticker on the door or install a red light above the door like the one used for alarms.

    Attackers can monitor the object long time. It is not difficult to understand that you are being watched: pay attention to any little thing - a match or candy wrapper thrown near your door or inserted into door cracks can serve as sources of information for thieves: if the obstacle is removed, it means the person has come home or, conversely, left .

    Try to notice what kind of people are in your yard and communicate with your neighbors more often. If you know almost everyone, someone stranger will immediately stick in your memory and arouse suspicion. Also, never advertise that you are leaving - just inform 1-2 relatives. You can give them the keys to look after the apartment during your absence.

    One of creative options A musical alarm clock is considered a protection against burglary. Set the timer and volume so that the melody plays every day at the same time three times (early in the morning, at lunch and in the evening), and the music can be heard (if you put your ear to your door). The effect of presence will be ensured.

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If you think that they only steal from the rich from luxury penthouses, you are mistaken. A criminal does not steal because he has a good life and may even be happy with an old TV, a good jacket or a new laptop.

Criminals get into a house in different ways: by breaking down the door or window frame, open the lock and crawl through the open window. Therefore, the protection of the apartment must be comprehensive - if you install a good lock, but bad door, this will not save you from theft.

Thieves don't like to attract attention, and they don't have much time. They want to enter the apartment as quickly, quietly and unnoticed as possible. Therefore, the more difficult it is to get into an apartment, the safer it is for its owner.

Buying a reliable lock

All door locks can be hacked. It’s just that some are very easy to hack, while others require some fiddling. The simplest lock can be opened in a minute, but a reliable one can take up to half an hour. It is too dangerous to fiddle with a master key in front of the door for so long - most likely, the thief will simply leave.

Deadbolt locks are the most unreliable. They can be opened with a simple wire or a screwdriver in a minute. This is what their key looks like:

Cylinder locks are the most common. They can be either simple or complex with multiple protection mechanisms. Open with a master key or rough knocking out. If the key is lost, only the lock cylinder can be replaced.

There are cylinder locks that fall apart when you try to break them. The thief will have nothing to break into - he will have to remove the door, and this is too troublesome. The obvious disadvantage is that you will have to remove the door after the robbery attempt. Keys for cylinder locks look very different:

Lever locks are difficult to knock out, but you can pick up a master key. If you lose such a key, you will have to change the entire lock. Electronic locks exist in dozens of varieties: electromechanical, electromagnetic, electronic and others. Electronic locks do not have any holes with outside- they are opened using a code or a special key - remote control, magnetic card, fingerprint. It will not be possible to pick up a master key - you can only open the lock by special means. Such locks will make an excellent pair with ordinary mechanical ones if intruders try to knock out or damage the mechanism. Below is an electromagnetic lock:

It is most reliable to install two types of locks at once: for example, cylinder and lever. Then the thief will have to first select a master key and then pick the lock. The greatest protection is provided by a lock with a bolt from the inside.

The more turns of the key you need to make, the more reliable the protection. Ideally - 3-4 turns.

To prevent the lock mechanism from being knocked out or drilled, install an armor plate on top of the lock - cast metal plate. It would be a good idea to protect the keyhole from penetration. foreign objects- then the criminal will not be able to stuff garbage into it and disable it.

We install a secure door

A good lock will not protect you from theft if it is installed on an unsecured door. Wooden doors cut out with a jigsaw, cheap metal ones are opened with a crowbar. Only reliable steel or special materials will protect.

The flimsy door is immediately visible. It bends under your fingers and weighs only 15 kg - a real steel door weighs from 50. Steel doors are divided into 7 safety classes. The higher the class, the more difficult it is to break into the door. Doors of classes 3 and 4 are suitable for an apartment.

Simple external loops can be easily cut with a grinder. To prevent this from happening, install a door with internal hinges or anti-removal pins. If you do not install pins, thieves can cut off the hinges with a grinder and simply remove the door without even touching the lock.

Anti-removal pins. Photo from the site comefort.ru

Install the door so that it opens outward - this way you won’t be able to knock it down. For greater reliability, the door can be reinforced with steel angles or metal pins concreted in the ceiling, walls and floor.

Burglars want to do everything as quickly and quietly as possible. If you put two doors, most thieves simply won't bother with them.

We strengthen the windows

According to statistics, from 15 to 40% of residential burglaries occur through windows or balconies: thieves simply break glass or break out the frame. Even if you live on the top floor, a thief can get into the apartment through the roof or an unglazed balcony. This happens more often than you think.

There are special anti-burglary windows. They have a reinforced frame, armor-resistant glass, locks on the handles, reinforced glazing beads and fittings. Don't want to change your windows? You can strengthen and protect those that exist.

If you live on the first two floors, install bars on the windows - this is the simplest and most reliable protection. Without them, the criminal will get into the apartment within a few minutes. The most reliable are stationary grilles mounted in the walls.

Lattice with anchor fastening.

A stationary grille that cannot be opened from the inside. Photo from chance.ru

Instead of bars, you can install burglar-resistant roller shutters. They are most often installed in private houses, but they are also suitable for apartments. Roller shutters do not block your view when you are at home, they allow you to escape in the event of a fire, and at the same time protect your apartment from burglars. Roller shutters can only be opened with a grinder.

A worker installs roller shutters on the second floor windows. Photo taken from alumarket.ru

Don't chat about expensive purchases, cash in your apartment, or your upcoming vacation. During your departure, place your valuables in a safe deposit box. Criminals love the dark, so be sure to staircase and it was always light in the entrance.

Thieves pay attention to everything: air conditioners, satellite dishes, expensive door trim. Close the curtains in the evenings - thieves can find out through the windows what and where you have in your apartment and whether it is worth breaking into it.

As a rule, thieves prepare for theft in advance. They monitor the apartment and the residents, studying when they are at home. Therefore, pay attention to all unknown and suspicious people in the entrance. Thieves do not like to show their faces: when they see people, they immediately turn away and pretend to look out the window, poke at the phone, or simply leave and then return.

If you're going on vacation, leave an extra set of keys with your friends. During your absence, they will be able not only to water the flowers, but also to come with the police if something happens.

It’s good if you know your neighbors in the stairwell and communicate with them. Before you go on vacation, let them know that you are leaving. If your neighbors hear noise while you're away, they can call the police or scare away thieves.

And finally, don’t rely on chance and insure yourself against theft in advance.