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Slavic traditions of home improvement. House in Slavic - history of the earth

“Don’t whistle at home, there won’t be any money,” says popular wisdom.
“Hard sounds can disrupt the flow of Qi,” teaches Chinese Feng Shui.

Feng Shui... how much of this has merged in sound for the Russian heart... Today, Feng Shui is considered one of the most popular teachings for improving your space. It has long been recognized outside eastern countries and is successfully used on a variety of continents. Surely there is already some kind of talisman in your home to attract love or prosperity, and you have even seen a good result.

And how did our ancestors live without it before? It turns out that it’s actually quite good! Because they had their own Slavic feng shui, which in its effectiveness is not only not inferior to its eastern counterpart, but even has similar features with it.

- this is a whole collection folk signs and superstition, which has come down to us in the form of beliefs and even proverbs. Which of them are similar to the currently popular trend? Let's get a look…

Slavic Feng Shui

Chinese Feng Shui

The Slavs tried to build their houses on such sites that there was a mountain or a dense forest behind them (for protection), and in front, in the middle of the yard, a tree (for example, a hazel tree) was planted.

The presence of a hill (or other building) behind the house is a symbol.
The presence of a small hillock (shrub) opposite the front door of your house is a symbol of the crimson phoenix.

The ideal place for a house is on the concave bank of a river with a medium flow, so that there is always money (too fast - it washes away finances, too slow - it slows down income). If there is no river, then at a decent distance from the road, which should not abut the house.

The house on the inside of the curved road enjoys the beneficial breath of Qi! A building located close to and perpendicular to the direct road approaching it can have a negative impact on its occupants.

The threshold of the house must be strong and high. At first, the ashes of deceased relatives were buried there, and then they began to consider it a habitat for spirits.

The road should not be at the same level as the house. It is better to either complete a separate floor or increase the height of the threshold.

The Slavs made the hallway light and spacious, and above the door they hung a talisman or a horseshoe to protect against evil.

A well-lit hallway and metal bells will help dispel negative energy, coming from outside.

The threshold is not a place for talking.
Don't hand anything over at the door!

The front door should be kept closed, otherwise negative Sha will fly in to you.

The mirror is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. They preferred to hang it in the kitchen. It was strictly forbidden to place it there, so as not to invite demons.

Hanging a mirror opposite kitchen table, you will double the food standing on it and attract wealth. A mirror in the bedroom is an unfavorable sign. The spouses reflected in it may separate.

The house should always be orderly and clean. You cannot store broken things or collect trash, so as not to anger the brownie.

– the key to the flow of favorable energy Qi.

Don't sit on the corner - you'll end up as a girl!
Do not give objects with their edges towards a person - this will lead to a quarrel.

Corners and other sharp objects are “poisonous arrows” that can harm a person.

Linen towels, Beregini dolls, carved doves and other amulets were placed not only to decorate the house, but also to attract health, love and prosperity.

Feng Shui talismans – effective method to materialize your desires. Just one iron toad with a coin in its mouth can influence income growth...

Of course, these examples are only a small part of the teaching " Slavic Feng Shui", and there are still many of our own in it, traditional methods, in no way connected with the Eastern tradition. However, one thing is for sure - no matter what feng shui is, it works! Otherwise, why would a person pay such close attention to creating harmony with his surrounding space?

RODOLAD - This is a system harmonious home, very different from Chinese. First of all, the location of favorable places and directions.

Star Alatyr (Cross of Svarog), Eye of the God of Rod
Eight petal star ancient symbol folding and unfolding of the Universe - Alatyr, the dawn-stone, on which the Gods rest and gain strength, Alatyr-stone is the basis of the world. From this name comes the name altar. Unity and multi-manifestation of the forces of the Almighty.
Alatyr is the Eye of the Family, from it shines the Light of the Most High Family, God's grace, which he bestows on all that exists and bears. All the wisdom of the Universe is carved on Alatyr. Alatyr is embroidered on the shirts of knowledgeable people, or as a talisman for a long and dangerous journey.
All the numbers and cuts (runes), svargs, circles, tri-heads and two-heads, snakes and other sacred signs are hidden in it, for it is the basis and the end. All other amulets are only small manifestations of it.
Alatyr as a symbol of the harmony of the Universe is also an image of a temple. If the upper flowers are arranged like a cross (vertically), then this is a temple of solar (male) power, if like a ridge (diagonally), then it is a temple of lunar (female) power. Embroidered on both men's and women's shirts, it cleanses and fills with solar power (vital) or lunar (understanding of Magic
Alatyr is located on the cardinal points, each side has its own deity and reflects certain properties. Has its own color. Plant and element. This knowledge was used in Slavic Feng Shui. Alatyr was superimposed on the plan of the house or plot.
Next is a description of the cardinal directions, salting. That is, according to the sun,

Deity: ROD
Properties: harmony, harmony, creation
White color
Element: ether

Deity: Yarilo, Alive.
Properties: Spirit, life development, fulfillment, profit, family unity.
Color: yellow, gold
Element: air, Symbol: falcon, arrow, aromas.
The windows should face east; in the eastern part of the house there was a living room and dining room; they also slept only with their heads to the east; among the Slavs, the east was considered the most favorable direction.

Deity: Kupala
Properties: honor, glory, health, spiritual grace.
Orange color.
Southeast is the direction in which the altar was built. Place of the head of the house. Red corner. The guests of honor were seated.

Deity: Perun, Stribog.
Properties: Law, life, embodiment of karma, union of man and woman.
Color: Red.
Element: fire.
Symbol: Sun, Rooster, viburnum, rowan.
There was a stove in the south. This is the kitchen place. Hearth. (By the way, Borscht is a sacred dish of the sun.)

To be continued….
I'm writing from my head. so I can't promise it will be quick.

In our fast-paced age, people especially need to feel protected and safe somewhere. And the natural place that gives such a feeling is one’s home. No wonder the popular saying says: “my home is my fortress.” But for a house to be a home, it must be properly built and equipped. Today everyone is hearing about the art of home improvement, Feng Shui, which came to us from China, a little less people knows the ancient Indian Vastu Shastra. However, our Ancestors – the Slavs – had their own art of home improvement, which developed over thousands of years and was in tune with our ancestral Spirit. In the ancient Slavic Volkhov art “VoyYarg” there was a whole section dedicated to the design and arrangement of a house, which was called “Lady House” or “House-Amulet”.

If we turn to the worldview of our Ancestors, we will see that the entire universe for them was built on the principle of similarity, where the small - Yar, reflects the great - Yarg. So the house was a likeness of the Universe, a kind of universe created by the owner and connecting him with outside world. But in order for a house to become a semblance of a living Universe, it must be filled with Life Force - Vein. To do this, it was necessary to meet a number of conditions, the first of which was the choice right place for future housing.

There are strong, neutral and bad places. It is impossible to build housing on the latter; such places include cemeteries, places near existing temples and sanctuaries, or places where temples and sanctuaries stood and were destroyed. Also, places where one should not settle included steep bends of rivers, places where the road used to pass - it was believed that in such a place happiness and wealth would not linger in the house. The strong place is rich in underground springs, trees and bushes grow even and tall on it.

There was also a special ritual that helped determine whether the place was chosen to build a house.

The location of the house was also important; it was consistent with the cardinal points and, accordingly, with the so-called. geomagnetic network or, in the old way - Navi Lines. The house itself was built in the traditional span system of measures, which was tied to the human body. This means that it was initially friendly with its owner and was created exclusively for him. And a person in such a house felt free and comfortable. Internal layout at home was consistent with the Kolovrat, generated by the elemental Streams of Heaven and Earth. The external decoration of the house was framed with protective patterns in order to attract positive elemental Currents into the house and eliminate the impact of bad Currents. In the rooms of the house special Objects of Power were placed, dedicated to the patron Gods of these parts of the house.

When building a house, a mortgage was placed under its foundation - special amulets with runic symbols and spells that were supposed to attract, attract Zhilot into the house. The same amulets and signs were placed or drawn on the floor under the top covering, placed in corners, under baseboards and under the jambs of doors and windows.

The house itself was arranged according to a certain principle and every part of it was interconnected with the Gods. Horizontally, the house was divided by Perun's cross into four sectors, correlated with the four Gods - the organizers of the home space. Moreover, each of these sectors could also be divided according to the principle of nested spaces. Vertically, the house repeated the three-part structure of the world: the lower part - the foundation and the underground or cellar - Nav, the past, the foundation; the middle part is residential - Reality, the place where the life of the household takes place; attic and roof - vault of heaven, Rule - monastery higher powers. Heavenly Streams flow through the roof into the house, which is why in the old days the roof of any house had slopes, so that the Power flowing from Heaven would not stagnate and create unnecessary tension, but would wash the house like rain. The gable roof was usually located in the east-west direction, and horse heads were carved on the skates, symbolizing the chariot or boat of Dazhbog the Sun, in which he sails across the Sky.
The southern side of the house was considered the strongest, the side in which the Strib (element) of the earth ruled along the earthly Kolovrat elements, and the Strib of solar fire ruled along the heavenly Kolovrat. It was on the southern side, along which the Sun walks, that the facade was located - the face of the house. This side usually had the most windows.

On the south side of the house there was also a living room and a kitchen, since the south side is the side of fertility, prosperity and health. Moreover, the living room connected with the eastern side, for the eastern side carries wandering, nomadic streams - just to welcome guests. The living room was patronized by Belobog, the organizer of manifest life, and Striver, the master of space, the Father of the Winds. That’s why all important family matters were decided in the living room, family councils were held, and guests who came to the house were greeted here. The kitchen merged with the western side, since the west brings Streams of material wealth and stability. The kitchen is under the control of Chislobog - the keeper of time, numbers and the Deity of counting and calculations and Mokosha - the heavenly spinner, the patroness of women. The kitchen space from the stove to the southern wall was called the women's quarters - here the woman was a full-fledged mistress. In the kitchen there is also one of the most significant Places of Power in the house - the oven. According to ancient Slavic legends, the first thing that the heavenly forge Svarog cooked was a stove. And his first words were: “Let there be fire in this hearth!” And the light, already from the fire, appeared on its own. The first stove maker was God Svarog, that’s why all stove masters are Svarog’s brothers. The stove is the gateway to Nav - ancient world humanity. Behind every furnace lives the God of the beginning, our First Ancestor. He still lives there, but people have forgotten about it; those who are friends with the stove can see Him. He usually appears in flames as a Fireman. The female womb is designed in the image of the furnace, inside which Svarog placed the Life-giving fire. You put something raw into it, but you get it ready, with Spirit and Soul. The oven takes you from death to life, from the past to the future. The hearth in the house is life in the house. A house without a hearth is not a home at all; even a temporary home has a hearth. In modern apartments, the kitchens have gas, electric, and stoves. Fire can have any nature. Any furnace is a child of that Divine First Furnace. Any fire by which you warm yourself and on which you cook food turns your house into a temple. You need to handle the hearth with understanding, according to all the rules: keep it clean, just as you keep your body clean, wipe it down every day. If you ask for the stove well, it will protect the house from all evil spirits, and it will drive away illness and all kinds of sadness. You can burn your sadness in the oven, drive away any misfortune. And you can also use a stove fire bad dreams tell me, I have bad feelings. The oven is almost like God, omnipotent! Prabog lives in a world called Nav, the Navyas - the Souls of the Ancestors - live there, and we will go there after death. From there new Souls come into the world. The stove is an image of Mother Earth. At the stove they pray for future children and bake premature and sick ones. In the oven, wild fire turns into tame fire and serves man.

From the west to the south side there was usually an enclosure or veranda. Moreover, the entrance to the house should be from the rear side, so that Streams of material wealth and stability flow into the house. The hallway and entrance are under the control of Perun - he rules the streams flowing into the house. And standing guard over the boundary separating the space of the house from the alien world behind the house, he rules the flow of Lives in the house. WITH outside on the porch above front door They usually hang potkova, which has certainly been under a horse and found independently. To attract happiness and prosperity, they hang it with its horns up. A horseshoe placed in this way also symbolizes a full cup in the house. But on the inside, under the casing, needles or a knife are usually stuck in order to interrupt the flow of bad streams and discourage those who come into the house with bad intentions. The platbands themselves above the front door and the pediment of the porch are decorated with carved signs of Perun - Gradins.
Everything should be located on the back side of the house material values, be it money, jewelry or pantries with food supplies. Then prosperity and well-being will continuously reign in the house. In the West, you also need to develop a business place, then any business will bring tangible material results.

These are just some of the principles of arranging a Good House by our Ancestors, which can be a talisman and a real family nest for those who inhabit it. The Slavic knowledge on home improvement itself is very extensive, and includes information about the creation of home amulets that ward off misfortunes and illnesses, and bring goodness, ancient rituals that call into the house the Power and Grace of the Gods and the Elements. And many many others.

And even if you do not live in your own house, but in a high-rise apartment, using the wisdom of our Ancestors you can turn it from a gray typical cold crypt into a native corner that warms your Soul and Heart.

Aura of the house Fad Roman Alekseevich

Chapter 2 Slavic Feng Shui - RODOLAD

Slavic Feng Shui - RODOLAD

RHODOLAD - ancient Slavic Vedic art, which in Everyday life Our ancestors constantly used it. Or rather, this is not even art, but science, the wisdom of life and knowledge, which teaches the ability to live with the world in harmony and love and create them with your own hands. This is a certain world order, knowledge of the laws of which is necessary for all people, and first of all for women, as guardians of the home, on whom depend the birth and upbringing of children, the peace and happiness of the family, the veneration of ancestors and much more.

For example, the ancient Slavs believed that Bereginya was the great goddess who gave birth to all things. She is accompanied everywhere by luminous horsemen, personifying the sun. She was especially often addressed during the period of ripening of bread, which, of course, indicates that the goddess belonged to the supreme patrons of the human race. The worship of the Beregins was combined with the worship of Rod and Mokosha - the patrons of fertility. A woman is also a kind of Bereginya, protecting her family, her clan and children; happiness and peace in the house depend on her.

Later they began to believe that betrothed brides who died before the wedding (for example, who committed suicide due to the betrayal of an insidious groom) turned to beregins. But these are already fairy tales. With the adoption of Christianity, the Vedic wisdom of the ancestors was hidden under the church-Christian “Domostroy”.

If we talk about “Rodolad,” then we immediately and without difficulty isolate the words that form it: “kind” and “lad,” that is, life in harmony. Lada- goddess of spring, spring plowing and sowing, patroness of marriage and love. And the fret is a design detail of some stringed instruments, which is a convex transverse strip on the fingerboard and serves to change the tone of the sounding string. And mode in music is directly related to harmony, which again brings us back to the fact that mode is capable of harmonizing sound and melody. And what could be more important for Rod than harmony? Living in harmony with oneself and with the world is the main task of a rational being.

Rod is a common Slavic god, the creator of all living things. Rod - Existing, One, progenitor of the gods and creator of the world, “The Almighty, who is the only immortal and indestructible creator, blows the spirit of life on man’s face, and makes man live in his soul: then you are not a Rod, sitting in the air, a mosque on the ground in heaps - and in this the children are amazed...” mentioned in the teachings against paganism “On the inspiration of the Holy Spirit”, “The Word about Idols”, “The Word of Isaiah the Prophet”, the manuscript of the Chetya Menaion from the Old Russian confessor.

The Byzantine writer Gregory, who lived in the 12th century, in his “Tale of Idols” reported that the cult of Rod is one of the world religions, and the chronicler of the German bishop Herold Helmold wrote in 1156: “Among the diverse deities to which they (the Slavs) devote fields , forests, sorrows and joys they recognize and one god ruling over them in heaven, they recognize that he is omnipotent, cares only about heavenly affairs, other gods obey him, fulfill the duties assigned to them, and that they come from his blood and each Of these, the closer he stands to this god of gods, the more important he is.” The Western Slavs call this “God of gods” Sventovita; most likely, this is one of the main incarnations of the Family.

Now by the word genus we mean relatives, our ancestors, descendants, but its essence is much deeper and broader. We, without hesitation, use the root “genus” in the words parent, native, homeland, give birth/give birth, harvest, people, breed, spring, nature. But first of all, gender is a huge force, life-giving, calling to be nourished by it and allowing, with its help, to find harmony with the universe.

If a woman is called to create peace and harmony in the family hearth, then a man is the breadwinner, breadwinner and protector of this hearth. He creates life by planting a seed in a woman’s womb, and his chosen one preserves and nurtures it, revealing a new person to the world in due course. A woman and a man create love. The woman harmonizes it and maintains the flame, the man protects this love, calm and order.

RODOLAD - the art of harmonious communication and interaction with the Universe through the elements of earth, air, water and fire.

Our home is our fortress, this is a sacred place, a place where a person should be protected from the invasion of alien energies, a place where he always feels good and calm. In the house we perform the most important actions: we eat, sleep, create love, raise and teach children, take care of elderly relatives, dream, conceive new things, relax and gain strength. We invite into our house only those closest to us, those we trust. And we spend the most time in the house, so art correct device home is one of the most important. By ignoring the details and nuances that make up the aura of our home, we thereby let our whole life go “at random”, not realizing that this is where the starting point begins. If our house is dirty, not tidy, full of broken things, then the whole life will go somehow, since there is no harmony either within us or in our house, and accordingly, there is no harmony with life itself, with the universe. What is welfare? What does good consist of? It, like a mosaic, consists of many details, and only by harmoniously putting them together will we get the desired picture, and not a meaningless and clumsy drawing.

Create your own harmony. Start with yourself, with a change in your way of thinking, with the comfort of your home, with a way that you may have yet to learn. Knowing how to live in harmony with yourself, being able to maintain order in the house, you can teach this to your children, and then they too will be able to live in harmony and love: choose the right profession, husband or wife, find worthy goals and bring them to life.

Living in harmony with yourself and the universe, you become co-creators of a new world and a new world order, you choose your own path, and do not float limply with the flow, like many others, those who were not taught this simple but very important art.

It would seem that, modern world has unique knowledge and technologies inaccessible to our ancestors, but then why isn’t there more in the world? happy people who have learned to live in harmony? After all, you can overcome many diseases, fly halfway around the world in a few hours, go on a journey to the ends of the earth or land on the moon, but there will still be no happiness. People are dying from new diseases for which no cure has yet been created; they are getting sick from pollution. environment, wars, get sick from their own fears and acquired phobias, fall into depression from the meaninglessness of existence. However, everything new is well forgotten old. Everything great does not have a complex mathematical formula and does not require the sophisticated brain of a genius to solve the simplest problem. The solution is simple. If you want to be happy, be it. Open your heart to the world, open it to love and learn to live in harmony with yourself, family and friends, family, nature, the world. Harmony of masculine and feminine principles, masculine and feminine energy, the nature of their interaction, where each has its own place (not first and second, not main and secondary, but its own, initially natural), the harmony of the physical and material, and spiritual and immaterial - this is the secret that needs to be understood and accepted.

There cannot be a healthy nation, a happy country where the majority of people are in illusions, when words are not combined with deeds, and understanding is not combined with the acceptance and professing of a certain order.

I’m not trying to agitate you for this or that religion, faith, way of thinking, I’m not trying to turn a sanguine person into a choleric person, or out of a humanist into a specialist in any of the following. exact sciences, but I am revealing to you my effective model of happiness, tested in practice by me personally. Whether to use it or not is up to you. But why not try?

Central symbol of Rodolad

Star Alatyr (Cross of Svarog), Eye of the God of the Family - Eight-petalled star, an ancient symbol of the folding and unfolding of the Universe.

Alatyr is located on the cardinal points, each side has its own deity, reflects certain properties, has its own color, plant and element.

Alatyr was placed on the plan of a house or site before its construction; it was embroidered on the shirts of sorcerers and sorcerers, as well as travelers setting off on a long journey.

It contains fours and runes, svargs, circles, tri-heads and two-heads, snakes and all other sacred signs, because it is the basis and end of everything. Other amulets are only parts of it, details reflecting individual properties.

Russian house according to the cardinal points

Key areas of a Russian, Slavic house: entrance, stove, red corner.


In accordance with most of the early pre-Christian excavations, it can be argued that the entrance to the dwellings of our Slavic ancestors was oriented to the south.

Later excavations also reveal the eastern direction of the entrance. Later, the choice of a specific entry direction was lost. According to tradition, a rag doll-bereginya was planted at the entrance to the house or in front of the house at a level just above the human head. The doll had no facial features - it was believed that their presence could turn her into evil spirit. In Chinese Feng Shui, the best direction of entry is the same as among the Slavs - south.

South represents the element of fire.

Symbolism: solar, firebird, red berries and fruits.


The Slavs attached great security importance to the threshold; according to tradition, the Slavs buried the ashes of deceased relatives under the threshold, thus their ancestors guarded the entrance. And traditionally, the threshold of a Slavic house should be high in order to cut off foreign energy, not allowing it to penetrate the house.


The stoves in the houses of our ancestors were located at the far northern wall, or in the northwestern corner. It was believed that the stove, as a representative of the element of fire, protects the house from evil spirits coming from the north and west. In later dwellings (judging by excavations and written evidence), the stove could be in other sectors of the house, sometimes in the center.

North- the direction of the goddess Mokosh, the patroness of the hearth.

Symbolism of Mokosh- deer, woman with deer antlers.

Northwest considered the direction of the goddess Doli. The share is responsible for upcoming events and fate. According to custom, notes with wishes for the future were placed in this corner.

Direction colors- Red Black.

Red corner

The red corner among the Slavs was traditionally located diagonally from the stove corner.

Southeast- its characteristic direction.

The red corner is designed to be responsible for prosperity and health in a broad sense. There was an altar here and it was placed dinner table. In the red corner was the place of the owner of the house and the most dear guests.

Colors- shades of red, gold, yellow.


In the most ancient buildings of our Slavic ancestors there were no windows, but in later dwellings, with the advent of division into various rooms, the best direction for windows living rooms eastern and southern were considered.

East- direction of the god Yarilo. This direction is responsible for the arrival of new opportunities. A bow and arrows found their place on the eastern wall.

Symbolism solar, color gold, yellow. It should be noted that the Slavs slept with their heads to the east.

Southwest among our ancestors it was intended for storing metal utensils and amulets. The spirit of the southwestern direction is the sacred bird Swa (quite likely an owl).

West- direction of the earth element. There was a place for pottery. Patron spirit - Autumn.

Kolyada had a twin brother, Ovsen (or Avsen), who was born a little later and therefore was considered the second, youngest. He also got the role of putting into practice the divine knowledge that Kolyada taught people. The Book of Kolyada says:

How two falcons flew - Ovsen and Kolyada! It's summer there - it's winter here! All the people watched as they flew. As they sat down, all the people were amazed. As they fluttered up, all the people sighed...

The honoring of the two brothers took place during the same season - winter. First, Kolyada was celebrated, then “Ovsen farmers” walked around the villages, glorifying Ovsenya. “Summer” in the song symbolizes the eternal prosperity of life in heaven. “Winter” is the difficulties of earthly life. Not so long ago, two brothers were taken around Belarusian villages on New Year’s Eve. One, dressed richly and beautifully, was Kolyada, the other, in everything old and torn, was Ovsen. They entered the house, covered the brothers with a curtain, and the owner of the house had to choose one of two “carols.” If he guesses the first one, he will have good luck in everything, happiness in life and a rich harvest. Well, if he chooses the second one, then everything is the other way around: continuous worries and labors, but the harvest will still be meager. But there was no need to be very upset - this is not for life, but only for a year. On the next carols you should try your luck again, maybe it will smile on the unfortunate one. The main thing is that you should remember: the heavenly - Kolyada - is higher than the earthly - Ovsenya, you need to choose it.

Autumn- this is a bridge to the future, along which Kolyada’s brother is the first to cross into the coming New Year. He is the first to go into the unknown future, meet evil spirits there, dispel them and thereby clear the way for people, as if saying: “Welcome to new life! After this, people began to bake special cookies - in the form of larks, which should be treated not only to loved ones and neighbors, children and wanderers, but also to the elements - fire and water, so that they would be obedient in the new year and would not cause trouble for people.

Northeast- a place for amulets of marriage. He is patronized by Lada.

Symbols - a pair of ducks.

This picture depicts Makosh: a woman with her arms raised up, the designation of a cross on the woman’s torso is a child carried in her womb.

Earth symbols- different versions of diamonds nested inside each other. Diamonds with black splashes mean fertile land sown with grain and a pregnant woman.

Paired birds- amulet of family relationships.

Zigzag pattern- symbolism of water, river, rain.

Eight pointed star symbolizes a person.

Horses, samovars, griffins etc. - later fantasies that are more decorative than sacred meaning.

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Ancient Slavic rite for conception For a favorable conception at home, a woman performed the following ritual: she poured water into a clay bowl, stepped on the threshold with her right knee, which symbolized the border of the real and other worlds, then said

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Chapter 18 The Neurological Foundations of Brainwashing (Excerpted from T. Leary's book Neuropolitics, chapter written by T. Leary with R. A. Wilson) A fundamental example of brain programming that helps us understand the transformation of Kelly, Lynette, Patty and ourselves is linked

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Pagan Slavic amulet May have various options, depending on the wishes of the owner. It is made from pendants on a separator for jewelry (Fig. 74). Among the pendants there can be a variety of Slavic symbols. Among the most popular is a spoon (prosperity,

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“Slavic Knot of Happiness” “Slavic Knot of Happiness” is close in its properties to amulets. Refers to a number of magical nodes - nauzs. The “Knot of Happiness” was widespread among the Slavic peoples, as well as in China and Mongolia. The “happiness knot” symbolizes balance

Place. Landscape.

Our Ancestors had different views than ours on the place called home, where they were to live, raise children, celebrate, love, and receive guests.

Let's try to turn to their experience, to restore for ourselves their sense of the space of being, which they “did” in compliance with customs and rituals in order to serve their lives as successfully as possible.
First of all, the choice of location was not accidental. The Russian village, as a rule, is very picturesquely located. A settlement was established on the banks of a river, lake, on a hill near the springs. The place was well ventilated and washed by energy flows of air and water.

When building a house, the peasant gave it orientation to the cardinal points. He placed the hut where the rays of the sun provided more warmth and light, where the windows, the porch area, and the yard offered the widest view of the lands he cultivated, where there was a good approach and access to the house. For example, in Nizhny Novgorod province they tried to orient the houses to the south, “towards the sun”; if this was impossible, then “face” to the east or southwest. The houses of single-row settlements are oriented only to the south. The natural shortage of places on the sunny side during the growth of the settlement led to the emergence of a second row of houses, with facades facing north. On a flat and dry area, he built a barn and a threshing floor, “before his eyes” - he placed a barn in front of the house. He raised a windmill to the top of the hill, and built a bathhouse below by the water.

It was impossible to build housing where the road used to pass. The space of the former road was piercing, “breathy”; the energy of life did not accumulate in the house, but passed through it along the old route.
A place was considered unfavorable for construction if human bones were found there, or someone was wounded with an ax or knife until they bled, or other unpleasant, unexpected events occurred that were memorable to the village. This threatened misfortune for the residents of the future home.

It was impossible to build a house on the site where the bathhouse stood. In the bathhouse, a person did not simply wash off the dirt from himself, but, as it were, plunged into a vessel with living and dead water, was born anew each time, subjecting himself to the test of fire and water, steaming under high temperature, and then plunged into an ice hole or river, or simply doused himself with ice water. The bathhouse was both a maternity hospital and a habitat for the spirit of the bannik. The bathhouse is an unconsecrated place - there are no icons there. The bathhouse is a place where a lot happens, if you do not adhere to the rituals of visiting it.

Based on all this, the house, built on the site of the bathhouse, was built in a space where a lot of things happened and it continued to preserve the memory of it. The consequences of living on the site of the bathhouse were unpredictable.
The place where one lies down to rest was considered favorable for construction. cattle. People attributed to him the power of fertility. Animals are more sensitive to the energy characteristics of a place. The ancients knew this and used it widely in life. The peoples of the world have many similar signs and rituals that use the senses of animals.
The entire house-building process was accompanied by rituals. One of the obligatory customs is making a sacrifice so that the house stands well.

Here it would be appropriate to recall that Orthodoxy has pagan roots, which Christianity has not destroyed. The paganism of a Christian reflects the reality of his existence among living nature, which he perceived as spiritualized, that is, manifesting itself as a subject equal to him. Our ancestors, the Slavs, as a rule, clothed knowledge in mythological metaphors, proverbs, sayings, and signs. This did not in any way reduce the value of the knowledge they accumulated, which today is forgotten and little used. We tend to turn to to the modern designer, relying again on traditional, but Chinese Feng Shui, rather than using the experience of one’s own ancestors.
Fragments of the worldview of the ancient Slavs were preserved by the Russians almost until the end of the 19th century. Speaking about the construction of a house, we can observe its manifestations in the ritual described below.

At the site of the future log house, a tree was installed, usually a birch or rowan tree, which symbolized the “world tree” - the “center of the world.” In our opinion, this ritual reflects the idea of ​​our ancestors about their own time and place in the world. Let us note that the peasants of the 19th century hardly did this consciously or with understanding. The archaic meaning of the ritual could mean that it was here, in the space of the future house, that all the most significant events for the owner of the house would take place, his life, the life of his children and, possibly, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The ritual tree was replaced by a living one, planted near the house. It carried the sacred meaning of the world tree, and besides this, the person who planted the tree demonstrated that the space around the house was not wild, but cultural, mastered by him. It was forbidden to cut down specially planted trees for firewood or other household needs. The choice of tree species - most often rowan was planted - was also not accidental. Both the rowan fruit and the leaf have the graphic of a cross, which means, in the Russian worldview, they are a natural amulet.

Particular importance was attached to the laying of the first crown: it divided the entire space into domestic and non-domestic, internal and external. From the chaos of the surrounding nature and elements, the promised island stood out - the macrocosm of human life.

Estate. HOUSE.

Let's consider the typical form of traditional housing. A hut is a cage, which is a rectangle, above which rises a gable roof. Let's try to read this in the Feng Shui system. According to the elements, it is earth heated by fire. That is, energetically the house was like a continuation of the element Earth, but so that it was not washed away by the element of water pouring from above, the roof - the fire - protected and warmed. Fire connected the space of the house with the Fire of Heaven, the Sun, the Light of the Stars and the Moon. By gable roof energy flows onto the house, washing it. For comparison: our today's box houses lack verticality, which would facilitate, like an antenna, connection with the energy of the Cosmos. This is directly related to the well-being of a person living in such a house and among such flat architecture. In architecture Nizhny Novgorod For example, over the last 10 years they have been trying to make a tower, a spire, a high roof reaching towards the sky, both for residential buildings and for administrative buildings. This is an intuitive desire to compensate for a long period of a kind of gray stagnation in external decoration and well-being. What can we remember from " architectural styles» Soviet period? "Stalin", "Khrushchev", panel construction. How are they appearance, and the interior decoration cannot be called comfortable for humans.

On the facades of the houses of our ancestors, for example, in our forested Nizhny Novgorod region, the picture of the world of our ancient ancestors was reflected in wooden carvings, or some of its details were present, as if hinting at it. The essence of ornamental decoration is the image of the three worlds. The pediment is the upper world, the middle part of the facade is the earth. Bottom part, as a rule, not filled with ornaments - the chthonic, unmanifested world. The abundance of solar signs, signs of fertility, the world tree - everything was intended not to decorate, but to carry certain meanings through which the space of the required quality unfolded. That is, it was assumed that the house should be a full bowl, its space should contribute to health and happy life families. This was what the façade ornaments served.


Sacred meanings in a simple Russian hut, manifested in rituals, dominated over cleanliness and comfort from our modern point of view.

Almost the entire home space seemed to “come to life”, participating as a place for certain family rituals associated with the growing up of children, weddings, funerals, and receiving guests.
Let's start, as usual, from the stove.

The Russian stove is the largest volume in the interior of the house. They occupied an area of ​​2.5 - 3 square meters. m. The heat capacity of the stove ensured uniform heating of the living space around the clock, allowing food and water to be kept hot for a long time, clothes to be dried in damp and cold weather sleep on it.

The stove, as we have already noted, is a home altar. It warms the house and transforms food brought into the house with fire. The oven is a place near which various rituals take place. For example, if a smartly dressed woman comes to the house and, almost without words, approaches the stove and warms her hands by the fire, it means that a matchmaker has come to make a match.
And a person who spends the night on the stove becomes “one of our own.”

The point here is not the oven as such, but the fire. Of all the elements, fire is the most revered. Not a single pagan holiday was complete without the lighting of ritual bonfires. Then the fire migrated to the Orthodox church: the lights of lamps, candles lit with prayer. In traditional Russian culture, a room without a stove was considered non-living.
Let us note that, for example, in the Nizhny Novgorod region the stove was heated black, and there was no talk at all about any convenience in our understanding - cleanliness, fresh air. The white furnace fire transformed the house. At the same time, the traditional furniture and interior of the Trans-Volga peasant hut remained unchanged. Back in the middle of the 19th century, P.I. Melnikov-Pechersky wrote: “The Great Russian hut in the north, east and along the Volga has almost the same location everywhere: to the right of the entrance in the corner there is a stove (rarely placed to the left, such a hut is called “non-spinner”, because on the long bench opposite the stove, It’s not easy to spin from the red corner to the bunk - right hand close to the wall and not in the light). The corner to the left of the entrance and the counter from the door to the corner is called “konik”, here is a place for the owner to sleep, and harness and various belongings are placed under the bench. The front corner to the right of the entrance is the “woman’s kut”, or “cooking room”; it is often separated from the hut by a plank partition. The shop from the holy corner to the cooking corner is called “big”, and sometimes “red”. The counter from the woman’s kut to the stove is a “cooking shop”, next to it up to the stove itself is a “cooking station”, like a cupboard and a table together, on which dishes are prepared.” (5, p. 199)

Each family member had their own space in the house. The place of the housewife, the mother of the family, is at the stove, which is why it was called “woman’s kut.” The place of the owner - the father - is at the very entrance. This is the place of the guardian, the protector. Old people often lay on the stove - warm, comfortable place. The children were scattered like peas throughout the hut, or sat on the flooring - a flooring raised to the level of the stove, where they were not afraid of drafts during the long Russian winter.

The infant was swinging in a swing attached to the end of a pole, which was attached to the ceiling through a ring fixed in it. This made it possible to move the shifter to any end of the hut.

Red corner .

An obligatory accessory of a peasant home was a shrine (“tyablo”, “kiot”), which was located in the front corner above the dining table.

This place was called the “red corner”. It was a home altar. A man began his day with prayer, and prayer, with his gaze turned to the red corner, to the icons, accompanied his entire life in the house. For example, prayer was required to be read before and after meals.

The red corner - the Christian altar and the stove - the “pagan” altar, created a certain tension, located diagonally across the space of the house. It was in this - the front part of the hut - that there was a red bench, a table, and food was prepared in front of the stove. The events of everyday life took place in a very powerful energy space. A guest entering the house immediately saw the icons of the red corner and crossed himself, greeting the owners, but stopped at the threshold, not daring to go further into this habitable space, preserved by God and Fire, without an invitation.

In addition to the first level of the interior already described above, there was a second one, located on the stove column, which was located at external corner stove - almost in the middle of the hut and reached the height of the stove's shoulder. From the stove pillar, leaning on it, there were two thick beams - one to the front, the other to the side walls opposite the stove. They were located approximately at a height of 1.6 - 1.7 meters from the floor. The first is ward, as it served as the supporting structure of the ward flooring - traditional sleeping place. The bread beam limited the height of the “babiy kut” oven. Freshly baked breads and pies were placed on the bread beam as if on a shelf. As we see, the second residential tier is directly related to the life processes of household members - meals and sleep. If you open the door and look into the hut, then what is going on in the tents will not be visible at all - they are located above the head of the person entering, and the place near the stove will be hidden by a protruding stove pillar and a curtain, which was sometimes used to fence off a woman’s kut just along the upper border, marked by a beam of bread . Naturally, many rituals are associated with the stove pillar - as if it were the strongest supporting structure in the house. For example, when a child stood on his feet and took his first steps, a midwife visited him. She placed her pet with his back to the stove pillar with the sentence: “As the stove pillar is strong, so be you healthy and strong.”

Among the movable furniture we can name only a table and one or two saddle benches. The space of the hut did not imply excesses, and they were not possible in peasant life. A completely different space in the house of wealthy Volga region or always free northern peasants.

Windows and doors.

The entrance to the hut was preceded by a vestibule, the entrance to the house was preceded by a porch. The porch is a few steps up, then a door leading to the vestibule, a vestibule, and a door leading to the hut. The doors were never located on the same straight line. The flow of air and everything it carried seemed to swirl, weaken, and enter the hut itself, already “purified,” filled with the good aroma of herbs drying in the hallway and the smell of a cow coming from the yard.

Windows and doors, like some kind of highways, passages into and out of the house were always framed externally and their intersection was accompanied by rituals. Before the owners went outside, it could be like this: “God bless you for a good day, protect you from bad ones, evil people! Before entering someone else's house, a prayer was also read.

These customs are connected with the fact that a person, on a subconscious level, distinguished between the space of the house, where nothing threatened him, and the external space, where anything could happen.

The window is also a connection with world of the dead. For example, dead unbaptized children were carried out through the window: they died, although they had not yet been accepted by the world of the living. "God gave - God took." That is, there is almost no time in their earthly life and the child’s soul is returned to the world from which he just came.

Through the window they will serve Christmas carols to the carolers - that is, to those who brought divine wishes to the owners.

Space exploration.

The house was, as it were, a model of man himself and by its very design was designed to help life in it.
The dwelling was likened to the human body. Forehead, face (platbands), window (eye), mouth (mouth), forehead, backside, legs - etc. general terms to describe a person and a home. This is reflected in rituals. For example, at the birth of a child, the doors of the house, which was thought of as a woman’s body, opened.

A fully rebuilt house is not yet a living space. It had to be populated and settled properly. A house was considered inhabited by a family if any event important to the household took place in it: the birth of a child, a wedding, etc.
To this day, even in cities, the custom of letting a cat in front of you has been preserved. In villages, traditionally, in addition to the cat, the house was “inhabited” by a rooster and a hen left overnight. According to popular beliefs, the house was always built “on someone’s head”: this meant the possible death of one of the household members. Therefore, the house was inhabited in a certain sequence, first by animals, then by people.

The transition to a new residence was preceded by rituals associated with the “relocation” of the brownie.
To this day, the brownie in villages is revered as the owner of the home, and when moving into new house, asking his permission:

“Master of the brownie, let us stay” or:
"Master and Mistress,
Stay with us
Give life a good one.
It's not a night for us to spend the night,
And the century will last forever.” (3, pp. 24, 21)