home · Appliances · Ways to get rid of scale. How to descale a kettle at home? How to clean a glass teapot

Ways to get rid of scale. How to descale a kettle at home? How to clean a glass teapot

Scale (salt sediment) disrupts the functioning of the electrical appliance, and white and red flakes end up in the cup along with boiled water. At first this layer is just white coating, then it turns into stone, which is difficult to remove. I'll describe effective ways How to descale a kettle at home.

  • Warn your family not to use the device temporarily.
  • Fill the water up to the middle of the container.
  • Add active ingredient.
  • Turn on the device.
  • Wait at least half an hour.
  • Wash the inside surface thoroughly.

To remove old fossilized plaque, use several methods at once or try again.

Traditional Effective Methods

The easiest way to clean an electrical appliance at home is with the help of improvised means:

  • Soda - softens salt deposits.
  • Acids - They even dissolve fossilized scale.
  • Brush and sponge- will not damage the surface of the kettle walls, like their metal counterparts.

So, the main sediment fighters are soda and citric acid.

Method 1: Cleaning with baking soda

Baking or soda ash will help restore cleanliness to any electrical appliances (plastic, metal, ceramic). There are 3 ways to descale a kettle with soda:

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Method 1 - with soda ash

Recipe for multilayer scale:

  • Fill the bowl with water.
  • Add powder at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter.
  • Boil and leave until cool.
  • Wash the kettle, removing any remaining sediment.
Method 2 - with baking soda and vinegar

Recipe for a small layer of salts:

    • Empty the kettle from water.
    • Prepare containers for vinegar and soda. Here, soda for descaling in a kettle works in combination with vinegar.
    • Wear rubber gloves.
  • Soak a sponge in vinegar and then dip in the powder.
  • Using your hands, rub it into the inner surface of the device.
  • Wash the electrical appliance.

Vinegar and soda, when combined, produce a reaction that destroys salt deposits.

Method 3 - powerful complex from soda ash And citric acid
  • Dissolve 1 tbsp in a liter of water. a spoonful of soda and 1 teaspoon of citric acid.
  • Pour the resulting solution into the device.
  • Next, boil and leave to cool.
  • Remove loose residues with a brush.
  • Wash the device thoroughly.

This method is not for plastic. Long-term contact with acid and alkali will destroy it. An aluminum kettle may also be damaged.

Method 2: using acids

Any old deposits acids can be easily removed:

Acid Application


To clean metal, ceramic and glass electric kettles:

  1. Prepare the solution: ½ cup vinegar per 1 liter of water.
  2. Bring the solution to a boil.
  3. Leave for an hour to loosen sediment.
  4. Wipe the device with a sponge, removing the remaining salt layer.
  5. Wash thoroughly.

The disadvantage of this method is bad smell in the kitchen from vinegar. Ventilate.

Two types of citric acid are used: powder and lemon.

Cleaning instructions:

  1. Dissolve teaspoon of powder in 500 ml of water or cut the sour fruit into 4 parts.
  2. Turn on the electric kettle.
  3. The next half hour is the time for cooling and softening of the plaque.
  4. Clean up leftovers sponge
  5. Rinse.

The bonus of the method is a refreshing lemon aroma.

Cleaning a kettle from scale with oxalic acid:
  1. Pour the powder into the device, about half a glass.
  2. After 10 minutes, fill it with water.
  3. Boil.
  4. Wash thoroughly big amount water.

For minor plaque, you can use fresh sorrel: boil a few leaves.

Lemonade contains phosphoric and citric acids, eliminating sediment:
  1. Shake carbonated drink.
  2. Pour into the kettle.
  3. Turn on device.
  4. Leave to cool.

Organic acids of the peel they will get rid of the apple Electric kettle from scale:
  1. Peel the apple from the peel.
  2. Fold cleaning into the device.
  3. Fill with water and boil.
  4. Leave it overnight.

So safe natural remedy use once a week for prevention.

Method 3: combined (for a thick layer of scale)

After such a powerful attack, all the scale will come off. This is a two-step cleansing process:

  • Step 1: remove with soda and acid. Pour some soda into a saucer, add any acid from the table. Treat the entire coated surface with the resulting slurry. After 10 minutes, rinse.
  • Step 2: Remove scale and odors. Cut the lemon into slices and place in the electric kettle. Boil water with lemon and leave for half an hour. Wash the device to remove loose residues.

Various household chemicals for scale removal

Except traditional methods, you can clean an electric kettle using chemical products specially designed for this purpose.

Their main components:

  • Organic and mineral acids (citric, sulfamic, adipic).
  • Sodium tripolyphosphate- the main product from the processing of phosphoric acid in expensive products.
  • Soda.

These products also solve the problem of how to clean enamel teapot from scale. Available in liquid, powder or tablet form. Use strictly according to the instructions so as not to damage the equipment.

General scheme of how to get rid of scale special cleaners:

  • Prepare the solution.
  • Boil in a kettle.
  • Then pour it out.
  • Remove scale. Once softened, it can be easily removed.
  • Boil 2-3 times clean water to wash away the remaining chemical substances.


We found out that the choice of ways to remove scale from an electric kettle is quite large. Home remedies are not inferior in effectiveness to industrial ones, tested! Check out the video in this article, and you can ask questions in the comments.

Every housewife is faced with the problem of how to remove scale from household appliances. The cause of this problem is the use of hard water. in which there is enough a large number of soluble calcium and magnesium salts.

It is thanks to them that cloudy stains appear on dishes after washing. There are several solution options: either install a special filter that works to soften it, or use a purchased distilled one, or deal with an existing problem.

The harder the water, the faster our appliances become dirty, and if we allow severe contamination, as experts say, drinking this kind of water will have a rather detrimental effect on your health over time. There are several fairly common and cheap methods for removing these troubles from surfaces.


This is probably the most common household appliance, which is susceptible to dirt from inside, due to constant contact with liquid. The methods below are well suited not only for cleaning this appliance, but also for descaling pots.

So 6 inexpensive ways, the effectiveness of which is probably not the same as that of dry cleaning, but still deserves attention and testing.

  • Vinegar. A well-known product that came to us from ancient times. You can find it in any store at a ridiculous price. Dilute 500 ml of water in one glass of 9% vinegar. Then there are several options for use: bring water to a boil and then pour in the vinegar solution, or immediately pour in the mixture and boil it for about half an hour. After this, boil clean water several times. This method is great when a thick layer of scale has formed.
  • Lemon acid. The method is similar to the first, only you add a couple of tablespoons of acid to the same amount of water. We also boil everything, and the time can be increased depending on the severity of the case, and let it cool. Finally, boil clean water several times to get rid of any remaining citric acid. To get rid of odors, you can add sugar or Bay leaf.
  • Soda. Grandma’s well-known method, she probably cleaned everything. You can also try it as an option. Dilute half a liter of water with a few tablespoons of powder. Pour in the entire resulting mixture and boil for half an hour. We wash the device clean water if necessary, several times until the unpleasant odors completely disappear.
  • Sprite, Coca-Cola or mineral water. The method is only suitable for stainless steel kitchen utensils and electric kettles. It is necessary to release unnecessary gas, pour liquid inside and boil for 30 minutes.
  • Descaling using potato peels or apple skins. Peel the peel, put it in a kettle, fill it with water and boil for two hours. Let it cool. This method is more suitable for prevention than for effective disposal.
  • Brine. Boil for a short time inside the device and let cool.

Cleaning the water heater

Experts recommend cleaning the water heater approximately once every 2 years. Since the water supplied is hard, over time the heating element also becomes “overgrown” with scale. Accordingly, the larger the scale layer, the more difficult it is to heat the water in the tank. More time is needed, which means more electricity. There are two cleaning methods:

  • Mechanical. It is necessary to take out the heating element and clean it manually from scale with a knife, a brush with metal bristles, a wooden spatula or other means. After this, go over it with sandpaper.
  • Chemical. You can also clean the heating element, like a kettle, using vinegar or citric acid. However, it is necessary to ensure that the rubber seals are not immersed in water.

Cleaning the iron from scale

Almost all modern irons include a steam function. After a certain time, the holes through which steam or water enters become covered with a layer of scale. And probably almost everyone is familiar with the unpleasant moment when, when steam or water is supplied, pieces of rust are sprayed out.

The thing can no longer be cleaned. Therefore, in order to avoid such surprises, the soleplate of the iron must also be periodically descaled.

There are several stages to cleaning an iron:

  • Cleansing from the inside. It is necessary to dilute a small amount of water with one packet of citric acid (or cut the lemon into small slices). Pour this mixture into the hole and let it heat up. With a burst of steam, all channels will be well cleared of scale.
  • Iron sole. Can be cleaned with a surface cleaning pencil. If you don’t have it at hand, then wet a soft sponge with vinegar essence and thoroughly wipe the deposits off the iron. An alternative can also be baking soda, regular toothpaste, hydrogen peroxide and so on.

Cleaning the washing machine from scale

Like all devices that interact with water, we cannot leave washing machine without attention. Professionals recommend descaling your machine once every 2-3 months.

Of course, there are now quite a large number of cleaning products on the market. But not everyone can afford them, and why spend extra money? If you can use all the same methods that will perfectly get rid of scale.

To do this, you still need to take citric acid, about 100-200 grams; products already known to us like 9% vinegar or baking soda will do. Having chosen the product that you like, you need to pour it into the powder compartment. Having set it to any long program at 90-95 degrees, turn on the machine for washing without laundry. And the scale is gone! Easy manipulation with minimal costs.

Descaling your coffee machine

Technologies do not stand still; modern coffee machines already have a descaling function. But what to do if your car does not have a function or is an older model?

In this case, citric acid or vinegar will still come to our aid. For cleaning or prevention, you need to pour the solution into the tank of the coffee machine and run it “idle”. After completing the program, leave it inside for 2-3 hours, then pour it out and run the car a few more times, but with clean water.


Summarizing all of the above, it is quite possible to replace expensive means for getting rid of scale with simple and affordable means for every housewife. Which will clean all surfaces just as well.

But still, advice from professionals is that it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive maintenance of devices. In order to prevent old scale from forming into a thick layer. At the very least, this promises you the failure of the equipment and the purchase of a new one.

Hello dear readers! Today we will deal with one not very pleasant thing - scale in the kettle.
Nowadays there are teapots in every house different forms and firms, conventional or electric. But regardless of the type, scale appears in all of them. Of course, we try to purify the water with filters, however, they do not always cope well with our water.
Scale gradually forms and, of course, you need to fight it. I wanted to tell you exactly how to get rid of scale. But before we fight, let's figure out where this scale comes from.

Why does scale form?

If you look inside the kettle, you will see scale on the walls, and if you have an electric kettle, it forms on the heating elements that come into contact with water.

The cause of scale is the salts contained in the water. The harder the water, the faster scale forms. And whichever good filter If you didn't put it in, the salt will still remain in the water.

Why is scale dangerous?

Of course, many people think that scale is not worth fighting. But in fact, scale has a bad effect on the functioning of the kidneys and urinary system. In addition, scale leads to premature failure of electric kettles and destruction of enamel in conventional ones.

That is why, right now, look into your kettle and check if there is scale there?
And if it exists, then you need to immediately start fighting it.
In order to get rid of scale there is a lot different ways, the main thing is, after you get rid of the scale, do not forget to boil your kettle several times.
This will need to be done to get rid of any aftertaste from the descaler.

How to descale a kettle

1 . How to descale a kettle with vinegar (metal kettle)

One of the most the best means to get rid of scale, while undoubted advantage vinegar is that it is not toxic to the body. Fill the kettle with water and add vinegar (100 ml for each liter), boil for a quarter of an hour. After this, the scale will flake off, you will need to rinse thoroughly and
remove any remaining scale.

2. How to descale an electric kettle with citric acid

Can be used for: plastic or electric kettles.
Cannot be used for: teapots made of metal and enameled.
Advantages: An excellent way - budgetary and effective.
Flaw: It works well if there is little scale.

Citric acid is always available in the kitchen, so this method is very simple. The main thing you need to remember is that everything needs to be done on time and the scale also doesn’t need to be started.

To descale an electric kettle, vinegar should not be used. To combat scale, use citric acid. Don’t forget about precautions and pour the acid only into cold water!

Make a solution of 2 tsp. acid per 1 liter of water. Pour the solution into the kettle for several hours. If the scale is not strong, it will flake off or dissolve. And if it’s strong, then you’ll have to rub it. If this does not work, then the same solution of citric acid must be boiled. After this, the scale will peel off and you will only need to rinse the kettle and then boil the water 2 times.

3. How to descale a kettle with Coca-Cola and Sprite

Can be used for: non-electric and enamel kettles
Cannot be used for: electric and enamel kettles
Advantages: The method is effective and can cope even with advanced scale
Flaw: Drinks contain dyes that can stain the kettle.

Probably each of us has heard about how easy it is to clean a kettle using cola or sprite. Popular drinks will cope with this task perfectly. These drinks are also great for fighting rust and other problems.

Another advantage of this method is that... you can show it to children. After which I think “interest” in sweet drinks in children
It's done like this. First you need to release the gas a little so that the bubbles completely disappear, then pour the drink to the middle of the kettle and bring to a boil. After that we wash it.

4. How to descale a kettle with soda

4.1.How to clean a kettle from heavy scale at home

If your kettle is in very poor condition. Then we proceed as follows: pour water and add 1 tbsp. baking soda, bring to a boil. Let it cool, then pour out the water. Pour a new one and add 1 tsp. citric acid and simmer over low heat for half an hour. Let's drain this water. Pour clean water and add 100g of vinegar to it, then boil for half an hour. After such a “cocktail” even the strongest scale softens. If scale (for electric)

4.2. How to descale a kettle with soda (metal or enameled kettle)

Pour water into the kettle and add 1 tsp. soda, put on fire and boil for 1/2 hour. Next, wash the kettle and boil it a couple of times with plain water to get rid of soda.

5. How to descale a kettle using brine

Excellent folk remedy For scale, use brine from pickled cucumbers or tomatoes. All thanks to citric acid. Application is also simple: pour the brine into a kettle, put it on the fire and let it boil, let it cool, then wash it.

6. Only for enamel and metal kettles.

This method is also popular and does not require the use of acid; however, it is only suitable for weak scale. Take it potato peelings, rinse off sand and soil. And then bring to a boil and leave for a couple of hours. After that, wash it well.

How to descale a kettle video

Lime in the kettle– a very common problem for housewives who use this practical device.

Whether it’s an electric kettle or a regular appliance, scale will appear in the kettle anyway.

If you are also worried about limescale in your kettle and you don’t know what to do, take note of the tips on how to descale your kettle using effective ways, how to remove scale from a kettle using home remedies, as well as how to descale an electric kettle.

In this article we will tell you how to descale a kettle quickly and easily.

To understand how to clean a kettle from plaque and scale, you should know that scale on the walls of the kettle occurs due to the layering of various kinds of salts and metals that are included in chemical composition water.

If scale has formed in the kettle after just a few boiling times, then your water is not of the best quality.

In addition, a layer of scale prevents the water from heating quickly, which means more time and electricity are wasted.

It will be more difficult to clear the scale in the kettle if you wait until there is a thick crust of plaque on the walls. Try to remove sediment systematically.

If scale appears in an electric kettle, be prepared for the fact that the disk or heating coil may deteriorate.

Particles of boiling salts and metals flake off and end up in the water you drink, which, of course, is not very pleasant.

When you don’t have time to descale your kettle using home methods, buy it at the store. special chemicals for cleaning the kettle. They will effectively remove plaque and scale from the kettle.

To prevent scale from appearing in the kettle, try to wash the kettle almost every day with a sponge and water. This way the plaque will not have time to harden on the walls of your kettle.

Scale forms in the kettle not only over time, but also due to poor water quality. Therefore, if possible, take filtered water.

When required quantity boiled water has been used, do not forget about the remaining water that we usually forget in the kettle.

It turns out that if you leave water for some time, scale in the kettle is guaranteed.

Homemade ways to descale a kettle

Many housewives only welcome home methods of cleaning the kettle. We have collected the most common tips on how to clean a kettle from scale and deposits using home methods.

How to remove scale from a kettle with citric acid

Citric acid can descale your kettle. Make a solution of 1 liter of water and 10 grams of citric acid.

When this kettle cleaner is almost boiling, turn the kettle off to prevent any foaming water from coming over the top.

After the contents of the kettle have cooled, pour it out and remove any remaining scale with a sponge or brush, washing the kettle again with water.

It happens that the first time citric acid cannot cope with all the scale in the kettle. Repeat the procedure again.

How to descale a kettle with vinegar

To descale a kettle using vinegar, add two-thirds water and one-third 9 percent acetic acid to the kettle.

The prepared liquid must be boiled and left for 2 - 3 hours. After performing this cleaning, rinse the kettle with water to remove any remaining scale.

Another thing worth knowing when using vinegar to clean your kettle. To remove the smell after cleaning, let the kettle boil again, but this time with clean water.

Old scale in a kettle can be removed using baking soda.

Baking soda is a universal cleaner for cleaning any dishes. The kettle can also be cleaned using this method.

Even for a neglected kettle, where there is already a thick crust of plaque, a solution of ordinary soda and water (2 tablespoons/1 liter) is suitable, which should be boiled before further cleaning with vinegar or a solution of citric acid. Soda promotes active chemical reaction For better removal scale

Non-standard ways to descale a kettle

The above methods will tell you how to descale a kettle using the usual means.

And here an unusual means for cleaning an electric kettle. You will be surprised, but an electric kettle is very effective against scale Coca-Cola can clean well.

Citric and phosphoric acids contained in this drink will help remove scale from an electric kettle.

Many housewives talk about caring for the kettle using brine and also offer clean the kettle using potato peelings.

We hope our rules and tips on how to descale a kettle will be useful to you in the kitchen, and scale in a kettle will never be a problem for you again.

Cleaning a kettle from scale takes housewives a lot of time and one can understand their desire - to find a method so that they can remove scale from the kettle as quickly as possible without much effort.

Today you will learn about many universal descaling products, all of which do an excellent job of descaling the kettle. Only you can decide how best to do this - with the help folk recipes or buy a store-bought product.

Be extremely careful! None of the described compositions can be added to hot water– only when it’s cold and only then heat it up. It is impossible to predict what the effect of a reaction with boiling water may be, so follow safety precautions in your kitchen. Strong chemicals should only be used with gloves and make sure your eyes are also protected.

Why do you need to descale your kettle?

Scale occurs as a result of the settling of limescale on internal surfaces teapot. Limescale is formed from salts, metal particles, minerals, which are present in any unboiled water, and especially a lot of scale forms in hard water. Humanity has not yet found a means to remove scale so that it can disappear once and for all.

Every housewife periodically (about once every two to three months) notices the appearance of white flakes in the water, a whitish or rusty layer on the surface of the dishes, and stone deposits on the spirals of the electric kettle. This means that it’s time to descale the kettle again. Why does it have to be removed?

Scale causes significant harm because:

  • the boiling time of water is extended, there is no energy saving;
  • the heating element may fail;
  • the kettle will start to turn off before the water in it boils;
  • the water will become cloudy, which will affect the quality of the prepared tea and coffee.

Scale occurs on absolutely all heating elements, and it is false to say that if you use filtered water, there will be no problem. It will happen, but not so often and that’s very good. Alas, household filters do not remove everything that forms limescale.

Scale particles can get into a cup of drink, and this will be harmful to human health. To prevent this from happening, you can use special filters - nylon, gold-plated. Their use is not very justified - these filters are very short-lived, they have to be washed frequently, which also reduces their service life.

Which descaling agent is best to buy?

You can remove scale from your kettle using store supplies. In every department household chemicals you will be offered a choice of several different drugs for different manufacturers. Almost everyone has the same name - Antiscale.

What's better? Judging by the reviews, everything special means They are good for descaling, even those whose price is no more than 12-15 rubles.

If you use the product strictly according to the instructions, you will definitely have an effect and you won’t have to rub the kettle on purpose, since everything will come off on its own. Look at each package for instructions on how to apply and the exposure time - based on this, make your choice.

Usually the drug must be added to the kettle with cold water and boil. After the procedure, the dishes are thoroughly washed. Acid for descaling works well, but store-bought cleaning methods heating elements It is not recommended to use frequently, as acids can damage metal surfaces.

You can also descale an electric kettle using the products offered in our stores, but you need to look at the specific composition. Choose the newest “Antinscale”, which contains special additives, which will protect your kettle from corrosion, so you won’t have to be afraid that its heating element will stop working.

How to get rid of scale in a kettle using folk remedies

It’s up to you to decide whether to learn how to care for your kettle so that scale appears in it as rarely as possible, or to always buy a new unit. If you make it a rule to regularly descale your kettle, this will not be such a big problem for you.

The most effective and inexpensive method is using citric acid or lemons. Find out how to clean scale with citric acid:

  • Add citric acid to the kettle at the rate of one tablespoon per liter cold water. You have to boil it and leave it in closed overnight, and rinse everything thoroughly in the morning.
  • Instead of acid, you can take lemon; half of it is enough. If it is heavily soiled, you should cut the whole fruit into several pieces and boil water with lemon. You need to wait at least 10 hours and then wash.
  • Concentrated citric acid can only be used in ordinary teapots. In this case, there is no need to boil the water - just wait a while, check the quality of cleaning and wash it out.

Other ways to remove scale from a kettle using folk remedies:

  1. You can add 100 ml to water table vinegar. Bring it to a boil, let it simmer for up to 10 minutes and you can start using the dishes after thorough rinsing. Acetic acid, just like lemon, will react with scale. As a result of the chemical reaction, salts will begin to form that are highly soluble in water. That’s why it’s enough to just rinse, you don’t have to rub anything.
  2. A thick layer of scale will take longer to remove, but this can also be done with improvised means. We take water, add a tablespoon of baking soda and boil for 30 minutes. When finished, drain the water, add fresh water and now add a spoonful of citric acid - boil again for about 30 minutes. If the scale does not come off during these processes, then you can now boil new water with a few tablespoons of vinegar.
  3. You can boil the remaining brine from tomatoes or cucumbers in a kettle. The result will be because these vegetables were preserved with vinegar.
  4. Some housewives try to clean with Coca-Cola and similar drinks, but this method cannot be called cheap.
  5. Potato peelings are very effective if you put them in a kettle and add water, and then boil for a while.

It is not always possible to completely destroy it after using the described methods to remove scale from a kettle. Still, it becomes soft and now you can try to wipe everything off with a sponge. The main thing is not to use steel wool, sandpaper, or abrasive cleaners!