home · Lighting · Methods for purifying smoke for cold smoking. How to make a smoke generator for smoking with your own hands. Preparing meat for smoking

Methods for purifying smoke for cold smoking. How to make a smoke generator for smoking with your own hands. Preparing meat for smoking

For more effective cleaning The N10-IDG-1 smoke generator uses a water-inertial method. Its essence is as follows (Fig. 49). The flow of smoke generated in the smoke generation chamber is directed through the central pipe and, by inertia, hits the surface of the water, displacing part of it from under the end of the pipe. Next, the smoke enters the knee and hits the surface of the water again. In areas where smoke comes into contact with water, it swirls and a water-smoke mixture is formed. Thanks to inertia and effective contact with water, heavy smoke particles (soot, ash, tar) are captured by it. Running water carries away particles of soot and ash, and the resin settles to the bottom of the device and is periodically removed through a hatch into a special container.

It is possible to reduce the content of PAHs in smoke smoke and, accordingly, in processed products using other solutions. For example, the smoke generator N20-IHA.03 provides water curtain. There are also known methods for removing PAHs from smoke by lowering the temperature, passing it through metal shavings, sawdust and a layer of water or by obtaining smoke condensate, which is transferred to a state close to the original smoke before being sent to the smoking chamber. When converting condensates into a vapor state, heating temperature plays a significant role in reducing the PAH content. Thus, at a temperature in the range of 294-316 °C, the content of benzo(a)pyrene in the newly formed smoking medium decreases by 14-17 times compared to the original smoke, and at a temperature of 371-427 °C - by more than 100 times.
All the methods considered have a common drawback - they do not solve the main problem of completely eliminating the possibility of contamination of smoked products with PAHs. It should be noted that research is currently being conducted to prevent the formation of PAHs in smoke by pre-treatment sawdust chemical reagents, reducing the temperature of thermal decomposition of wood.

    Scientists from the Institute of Nuclear Physics and the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the SB RAS proposed using industrial accelerators created at the institute for disinfection Wastewater pig farms and poultry farms.
    Industrial accelerators are charged particle accelerators used in industry. The Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS has been producing particle accelerators of two types for 40 years: electrostatic and high-frequency pulsed. During this time, more than 220 installations were assembled. They can be used in various fields: for the disinfection of medical clothing, for imparting new properties to materials, X-ray flaw detection, obtaining metal nanopowders, etc.
    INP Deputy Director Gennady Kulipanov told how accelerators can be used to treat wastewater from the Kudryashovskaya pig farm.
    “It is known that a colossal odor emanates from the Kudryashovsky pig farm; it also discharges wastewater into the Ob and pollutes The groundwater. Together with ICIG, we have developed a comprehensive method for wastewater disinfection, which uses the water hyacinth plant, which filters the water and absorbs all solid fractions, then is cut off, irradiated and used as fertilizer. Water can be used in the second circle,” said Kulipanov.
    He explained that similar technology could be used to clean up waste from poultry farms.
    Kulipanov said that the project requires investment and did not receive support at the regional level, but it was sent for consideration to the ministry Agriculture Russia.
    The scientist said that with the help of particle accelerators in the 1980s it was possible to solve environmental problem in Voronezh.
    “The waters of Voronezh were cleared of organic matter that appeared due to the operation of the synthetic rubber plant. Due to imperfect processing technologies, waste was simply pumped underground and leaked. This was the first technology of this kind in the world - water was pumped out from underground, irradiated in an accelerator and pumped back. From 1984 to 1988, the pollution spot decreased, the sands were washed several times,” Kulipanov said.
    He added that the Koreans bought such an accelerator with a capacity of 500 kilowatts from the institute to purify wastewater from chemical plants.
    Let us remind you that with the help of industrial accelerators it is possible to “sinter” proteins in a special way, which allowed Novosibirsk scientists to create a unique medicine for the treatment of blood clots.
    Source: sib.fm

    ABH Miratorg launched a biocomplex deep cleaning wastewater at the Kurasovsky pig farm (Ivnyansky district, Belgorod region) worth 7 million rubles and a production capacity of 360 cubic meters per day, the company’s press service reported.
    According to the general director of the company’s pig farms in the Ivnyansky district, Alexei Yudin, the main function of this installation is to separate solid particles of livestock wastewater from liquid. He explained that such measures will not only reduce the storage time of wastewater in lagoons, but also “increase the efficiency of biological treatment,” as well as minimize the impact on the environment, primarily “in terms of the spread of unpleasant odors.”
    Let us remind you that the Kurasovsky pig farm was launched at the end of January 2004. Construction of a biocomplex for separating liquid and solid fractions of livestock waste began in the fall of 2013. Today the complex operates at full capacity.
    "Miratorg" is a vertically integrated holding that includes two grain companies, three elevators, four feed mills, 23 automated pig complexes in the Belgorod and Kursk regions, a high-tech enterprise for slaughter and primary meat processing, a plant for the production of semi-finished products, a logistics company, distribution centers in major cities Russia. The production capacity of the meat processing plant in the Belgorod region is 3 million heads per year.

Smoke fish or lard in a hot way at the dacha, in hiking conditions or even in a city apartment, everyone can do it, but with cold smoking everything is much more complicated. Here you cannot do without a stationary smokehouse and strict adherence to technology. And how many different subtleties need to be taken into account in order to end up with the “correct” ham or fish delicacy! Many Forumhouse users have successfully mastered smoking with a smoke generator and are happy to share their experience and successful recipes.

How to make a smoke generator

There are now a lot of smoke generators and fully equipped smokehouses on sale for every taste. But a good purchased unit is quite an expensive pleasure; it’s easier to make it yourself from scrap materials. The main thing is to know how to do it correctly. A proven working option is offered by the user Vital.

– The smoke generator is made in the form of a long pipe for a number of reasons. The main one is the slow burning of sawdust. You can extend one charge over the entire smoking process, just after some time, slightly rearrange the lamp or burner along the length of the pipe. The heating spot on the pipe will be optimal. You can’t achieve this with a saucepan/stove, and the smoke will come out in bursts (as it warms up, it starts strong, then gradually declines). You will have to monitor the sawdust and change them quite often (the cold process is a protracted one). Then, with a fire (or potbelly stove) it is not very convenient to monitor the temperature; you constantly need to monitor the combustion processes.

No matter how good the recipes for smoking meat are, a smoke generator made from junk can ruin everything.

An iron barrel (and not some box lined with insulation) also plays an important role in cooling the smoke. It is advisable to make the joints on threads - the structure must be disassembled, especially the back cover, through which the smoke generator can be charged. All that remains is to make a couple of holes in the barrel and buy a temperature sensor. And everything is ready for use. This version of the smokehouse is a winter one, for the cold. With more high temperatures You also need to make an additional smoke cooler (either on the pipe or in the chamber itself, i.e. the barrel).

And here is the version from the user Captain777. Tested - cold smoking with a smoke generator works perfectly.


– The generator is connected to any cabinet or barrel with a pipe, corrugation, etc. There is no need to build meter-long chimneys for cooling; the smoke at the outlet is slightly warm. Rectangular metal container, where sawdust shavings are poured, there is a hole at the bottom with a plug for ignition and a second one for supplying air from the compressor (can be used from an aquarium or, as in my photo, from an old refrigerator). The “charge” lasts for several hours.

Its simple, but efficient design smoke generator offers Semur. The unit, according to him, was assembled literally on the knee - cheap and cheerful.

– The generator runs on chopped wood chips: I poured wood chips into a vertical pipe, set it on fire from below, and a hose from an aquarium compressor – i.e. the air draws smoke through a horizontal pipe, at the same time creating draft, the chips smolder, and cold smoke pours out. Works for 4-5 hours. It’s not enough - I lengthened the pipe, and the time lengthened, it will smoke for 8-10 hours. The asking price is five electrodes, a plumbing fitting + a pipe + a pipe, preferably one hundred square meters in diameter (chips will not get stuck).

Smoking with a smoke generator: recipes

Cold smoking is a serious and labor-intensive business, and to learn how to cook delicious products and to minimize the harm to health from their use, forum members are advised to carefully study all stages of the process. It would not be amiss to familiarize yourself with sanitary requirements requirements for smoking ovens and cold smoking technology. Nothing can be simplified here; it is important to strictly observe the temperature and time regime. Well, know the “correct” recipes. This is how a forum member smokes poultry and meat DeRenardNez.


– Cold smoked duck. For a kilogram of meat - a tablespoon of salt, a tablespoon of lemon juice, ½ teaspoon of red pepper. Place the thoroughly washed and gutted bird under oppression for 48 hours in a cool place (2-4°C), after rubbing it with lemon juice and salt. To make the meat softer, I recommend beating the duck before salting. Press down from above to break the bones and give them a flat surface – this way it will be better salted. After, before smoking, roll the outside and inside thickly in pepper. The bird should be thickly boned both outside and inside. Smoke the bird for 48 hours. It can be longer - you have to watch to understand how long. When smoking, I recommend using oak, maple or cherry sawdust.

Pork tenderloin and brisket. For 5 kg of meat: a glass of salt, a tablespoon of sugar, ½ glass of lemon juice, a teaspoon of allspice, 4-5 chopped garlic cloves. The meat is rubbed with a mixture of salt, sugar and spices and kept in a cool place under pressure for 72 hours. Washed cold water, dried and rubbed lemon juice. Smoking time ranges from 24 to 48 hours (depending on the thickness of the pieces). Smoked ham is hung in a cool, dry place (1-4°C) for several days (as long as you can stand it) - it should dry out.

User Roman261076 mastered cold smoking of fish, and having gained experience, added lard and meat to the assortment. Here are his recipes for cold smoked smoke generators.


– We clean the silver carp, remove the gills, rinse well and remove the black inner film. Salt with dry salting (the amount of salt per 10 kg of fish is 1.5 kg) and under pressure, for 3-4 days. Remove and taste for salt. If the fish is too salty, soak and rinse. Soak at the rate of one hour per day of salting. Then we ventilate for 3-5 hours - and off to smoking. The time for cold smoking fish with a smoke generator on alder, oak and pear wood and sawdust is usually a day at a temperature of 30 degrees. We also tried smoking perch, catfish, small carp, and pike.

How long to smoke cold smoked fish with a smoke generator depends on the preparation. Preparation of products – important stage. According to many members of the forum, it is better to salt and dry fish well beforehand for cold smoking - then it will not be smoked for a couple of days, but only about 12 hours, and this is not so long.

Meat is a traditional dish on our tables. It can be cooked different ways, however, this option is very popular heat treatment, like smoking, and the device is a smoke generator for smoking. The procedure allows you to not only make a dish from a perishable product long-term storage, it makes it possible to obtain a special taste and aroma that is incomparable with any other processing method. And let the market household appliances More and more different devices are appearing; do-it-yourself smoking is still at a premium.

Note: Smoke plays a special role in the procedure; it gives the dish not only an excellent taste, but also a special aroma. And although many people are starting to use ready-made devices, there are plenty of people interested in using homemade devices.

This is both a good way to save money and a great opportunity to get additional pleasure from the opportunity to do something yourself. After all, with a little effort, you can make a generator with your own hands.

Smoking is a fairly lengthy process that also requires certain skills. Certain conditions must be met:

  • minimum temperature of incoming smoke;
  • processing should be long-term – from several hours to several days;
  • you can use sawdust from fruit trees, but not from coniferous trees;
  • products must be processed - peeled, washed, salted, dried.

Taking into account the skills of the cook and understanding of the intricacies of the procedure, the result is determined. The device also matters, especially if you make the smoke generator yourself. For him, the most important thing is the correct location of all elements and the flow of low temperature smoke. All this together makes it possible to hope that it will turn out very tasty and presentable.

Homemade with a smoke generator
  • alder;
  • cherry;
  • Apple tree;
  • pear;

Thanks to different aromatic qualities, dishes are obtained with different taste characteristics. It is enough to make a smoke generator for smoking with your own hands to start controlling the process.

About smoke

Smoke is a natural antiseptic that is valued by smokers. After all, after such processing, harmful microflora does not form in the product for a long time. In short, the shelf life increases, the dish receives special taste qualities. Smoke can be used to treat game, meat, and fish.

Smoke produced by a smoke generator

Thanks to the generator you can get smoke from necessary characteristics. Its injection is carried out due to the operation of a fan or a temperature difference. Sawdust also plays an important role.


The procedure involves feeding sawdust, as well as subsequently cleaning the container from decayed elements. If you are using a self-made smoke generator for cold smoking, you will probably have to perform the procedure yourself. However, if applied ready-made option, it is quite possible to automate the process. In large productions, an operator is used for monitoring.

Advantages of ready-made options

Making a generator yourself is not an easy task. This requires certain skills, materials, and time. Therefore, many do not dare to take such a step, but buy a ready-made electric smoke generator. Such devices are very popular because they have the following advantages:

  • high performance;
  • low power consumption, which is comparable to the consumption level of a switched-on incandescent lamp;
  • in the heat chamber, smoke is purified, as a result of which resinous substances settle on the walls and are then removed;
  • complete combustion of sawdust is ensured;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • high reliability of the device.

All this ensures the demand for devices and high performance procedures. Next, we will consider several models of ready-made options.

Original Bradley Smoker

Bradley Smoker is a specialized manufacturer of devices for creating smoked products. Distinctive features manufactured devices – modern design, high reliability. The devices preserve the natural taste. To provide the process with smoke, briquettes are used, the supply of which is organized automatically.

Smoke generator Original Bradley Smoker


This device provides not only automatic feeding of briquettes from hardwood wood, but also electronic control. The power of such a device is sufficient to organize a process in a small enterprise.

Smoke generator with compressor and sawdust of different species


This American device is more suitable for private use. The fuel for such a device is coal. Therefore, it can be used as a grill. Many of the manufacturer's models are used for industry. Therefore, such devices are used quite rarely in private property.

Smoke generator brand Weber Stephen

How is it used?

The purchased version of the smoke generator is used as follows. The products are loaded into the cabinet, which is closed. Sawdust should be filled into the bunker (about 70% of the bunker). The smoking chamber must be filled with products. During smoking, control of the intensity of smoke coming out of the cabinet is required.

Note: The duration of the process is determined by the product. For example, it will take 24 hours for lard or mackerel, and 8 hours for capelin. Poultry meat will require longer processing.

It is very important to regularly wash the casing during operation. Once cleaned, it can be reused. It is also worth considering a few more recommendations:

  • to speed up the smoking process, it is necessary to install inside the device electric heating element to ensure heating of sawdust;
  • the taste of the dish is determined by the type of wood chosen;
  • you can add a little to the sawdust grapevine, which will provide an original pleasant taste;
  • dry weather is optimal for the procedure;
  • The smoking temperature must be maintained at 30–35 degrees.


The smoke generator design has its own characteristics, so you must follow the safety rules:

  • the device is installed on a durable, fireproof surface;
  • best to use metal case having a layer of heat-resistant paint;
  • electrical wiring must be removed from the source of exposure to high temperatures;
  • in case of unforeseen circumstances, the control unit must be equipped with an automatic shutdown element.

Simple design smoke generator for smokehouse

By following these rules, you can prevent not only equipment breakdown, but also injuries and other health problems.


Let's figure out how to make smoke generators for cold smoking with your own hands, and how such a device can be made yourself.

As a rule, the design includes the following elements:

  • source;
  • smoke cooling system;
  • fuel;
  • system for supplying smoke to the smoking chamber.

The source of heat generation can be:

  • coal;
  • wood chips, sawdust;
  • firewood;
  • electricity.

DIY smokehouse with smoke generator

The most optimal device smoke generator - one that involves the use of sawdust.

Smoke generator application option

Cold smoke

Typically includes:

  • laying out the pit for the firebox;
  • laid underground;
  • the filter ensures product purity and protection from soot;
  • installation of the smokehouse itself.

Smoking process using a smoke generator

However, the process may be accompanied by one drawback - increased temperature, which precludes cold smoking. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. The length of the chimney should be increased, which will allow the smoke to cool.
  2. Running water can help cool the smoke. Therefore, modernization of the design will be required.

Assembly electric generator For a smokehouse, it is quite easy to assemble with your own hands if you use drawings and diagrams. The electric stove is heating element, and cooling of the smoke is ensured by the length of the pipe.

If you want to make a wood-burning smokehouse, assembling it is even easier. The design of such a smoke generator is based on a potbelly stove. The length and number of bends in the pipe determine the temperature of the smoke. It is lower the higher the indicators.

Smoke generator for smokehouse in active action

The size of the smoking chamber is determined by how many products are planned to be processed at one time. If the procedure will be performed once a year, then you can take an ordinary bucket made of metal with a lid. A hole is drilled at the bottom, the diameter of which must coincide with the smoke generator tube. You need to make a hole in the lid to allow smoke to escape.

Homemade smokehouse with smoke generator

The smoke generator device may include various elements: frame, fan, drum, heat chamber, electric drive.

As you can see, it is quite possible to make the device yourself; all you need to do is show patience, persistence and set aside some time. Then everything will definitely work out!

Option for a smokehouse with a smoke generator

The technological properties of smoking smoke are largely determined by its chemical composition. The chemical composition of smoke depends on many factors, among which the most significant are: temperature of smoke formation; generation method; type of wood - wood moisture content; wood particle size; air access to the smoke generation zone; smoke transportation.

Wood requires heat to decompose and produce smoke. In the practice of smoking production, heat for generating smoke is obtained either by burning part of the wood used, or by supplying it from the outside.

The process of wood pyrolysis was studied on a laboratory device and presented in the form of a so-called “smoke thermometer” (Fig. 52).

Rice. 52. Smoke thermometer

When the wood temperature increases to 120 °C in upper layers sawdust, the formation of droplets of condensing water was observed. When the temperature reached about 185 °C, the color of the sawdust changed and a barely visible “thin” fog was observed. According to the researchers, this fog had a pungent odor, but could hardly be called smoke. For the first time, real smoke appeared in the temperature range of 220-300 °C.

The observed smoke formation continued up to a temperature of 500 °C, and the sawdust was completely charred. No smoke formation was observed in the combustion zone.

Here the burning of charcoal was observed, which had lost the ability to release gas. Smoke appeared near the combustion zone in wood that was not yet burning, but sufficiently heated.

Numerous studies of the influence of wood pyrolysis temperature on the chemical composition of smoke have led to the conclusion that the maximum yield of such chemical substances, like phenols, acids and carbonyl compounds, occur at temperatures of 550-650 °C.

At higher generation temperatures, as well as at lower ones, the content of phenols, acids and carbonyl compounds in the smoke is noticeably reduced.

The specified (optimal for given conditions) temperature when obtaining heat for the decomposition of wood due to combustion is ensured, as a rule, by changing the air supply to the combustion zone. With an increase in air supply, the temperature in the wood pyrolysis zone rises, and vice versa, limiting the air supply leads to a decrease in temperature.

It is easier and more accurate to regulate the temperature of smoke production, and therefore its chemical composition when using an external heat source for heating. In this case, the temperature is maintained and regulated by automation devices.

Examples where the heat required for pyrolysis is not generated by the combustion of charcoal, but is supplied externally, include heating superheated steam or using frictional heat. In practice, two similar smoke generators have been used, namely friction and steam. Friction operates at a pyrolysis temperature of about 380 °C, steam - from 320 to 380 °C. Smoke formation occurs when one or the other method is used in the lower temperature range required for lignin pyrolysis. At these temperatures, lignin is a source for the formation of flavoring components of smoke, such as phenols, and decomposes completely.

For many years, in the production of smoked fish products, preference has been given to wood from deciduous trees when generating smoke. Finished products when processed in smoke, this wood has high quality indicators, in particular a pleasant taste and smoky aroma. This fact is undoubtedly associated with the chemical composition of the smoke used and its condition.

It has been established that in the smoke generated when burning hardwood (oak, beech), the content of volatile acids is significantly higher than in the smoke generated from coniferous wood.

There is a difference in the structure of lignin in softwood and hardwood. The main components of phenolic compounds in smoke from soft wood is guaiacol, from hard wood - a mixture of guaiacol, syringol and its para-component derivatives. Hence the significant differences in the flavoring effect of these two types of smoke.

In the smoke from coniferous wood (spruce, pine) it was noted high content resinous substances and carbonyl compounds. Products treated with this smoke, as a rule, have an intense surface color and a pronounced resinous aroma.

Experimental work using an aerosol filter and a cascade impactor showed that the mass concentration of smoke smoke generated from birch sawdust is three times less than the mass concentration of smoke smoke generated from beech sawdust.

It was suggested that if the smoke from beech sawdust is more concentrated in the dispersed phase, then significantly less fuel from beech will be required to smoke the same amount of fish than from birch.

In practice, when producing smoked fish products, waste from wood processing enterprises is used as fuel to produce smoke. In most cases, this is a mixture of sawdust from various woods, most often hardwood.

Humidity of fuel (sawdust)

Research has been carried out on the influence of the moisture content of the material (sawdust) on the smoke formation process. The experiments considered sawdust with humidity levels of 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50% and smoke formation temperatures of 300, 500 and 700 °C. The time of onset of formation and the duration of smoke emission were recorded when burning the studied sawdust with different humidity levels and after cooling the mass of the remainder of the burnt wood. It has been established that at temperatures of 500 and 700 °C, complete decomposition of wood occurs and the mass of charcoal formed is almost the same for these temperatures.

In both cases, about 75% of the dry wood mass turns into smoke. At the same time, at a temperature of 300 °C, incomplete smoke formation was noted.

With subsequent heating for 1 - 2 hours, the mass of charcoal decreased, but did not reach the residual 25% that was observed at temperatures of 500 and 700 °C. Based on the work carried out, a number of conclusions were made. Firstly, water delays the onset of the smoke formation process, but this does not in any way affect the total amount of smoke produced at sufficiently high temperatures. Secondly, water evaporated from sawdust partially displaces oxygen from the combustion zone, as a result the temperature of the fire decreases and more smoke is produced. In addition, additional heat is required to evaporate water from sawdust, which also leads to a decrease in temperature in the smoke generation zone. Thirdly, a decrease in the pyrolysis temperature during the development of smoke affects chemical composition smoke and, as a result, on its sensory properties. Fourthly, the increased moisture content in sawdust leads to significant humidification of the smoke, reducing its moisture capacity.

When studying the effect of fuel moisture on the dispersed composition of smoke smoke, it was noted that the mass concentration of smoke at a given temperature decreases with increasing relative humidity of sawdust.

The air entering the combustion zone during the formation of smoke has important, since to some extent it affects the chemical composition of the smoke. As air access increases during a certain period, an increase in the content of phenols is observed. The concentration of phenols, acids and carbonyl compounds increases with increasing proportion of decomposed wood and the amount of air supplied. With a large amount of incoming air, the generated smoke smoke contains an increased amount of resins and the content of phenols in it decreases.

In most modern smoking enterprises, smoke for fish processing is obtained in special devices - smoke generators, which are usually located at some distance from the smoking installations. In these cases, the centralized supply of smoke to the smoking chambers is carried out through chimneys. Transportation of smoke is reflected in its chemical composition; in this case, the degree of changes that occur depends on the distance of the generating device to the smoking chamber; changes in the cross-section of chimneys; changes in smoke temperature. When transporting smoke, accompanied by a decrease in temperature, a change in the ratio between the content of smoking components in the dispersed phase and the dispersion medium is observed. Main part chemical compounds concentrated in the dispersed phase.

During the movement of smoke, coagulation of particles and deposition of the latter on the walls of the air ducts are observed, and a significant part of the resinous substances is deposited in the air ducts. As a result general content smoking components in the smoke are reduced.

Since chemical compounds are distributed between the dispersed phase and the dispersion medium, the question of where more of them are located and which of the above smoke phases plays a decisive role in smoking is important.

An increase in relative humidity at the same temperature leads to an increase in the amount of phenolic compounds in the dispersed phase, and at a relative humidity of about 90 % Almost all phenols are concentrated in it. An increase in the temperature of the working environment promotes the redistribution of phenols between phases - part of the phenolic compounds from the dispersed phase passes into the vapor phase. However, even with maximum permissible temperatures cold smoking process (30-34 °C) phenol content in the vapor phase with relative humidity 20% did not exceed 50-55 % from their total content in the smoking environment.

Thus, it has been established that during cold smoking the phenolic components of smoke are mainly in the dispersed (droplet-liquid) phase. This is partly due to the fact that the boiling point of phenolic compounds is in the range of 182-260 °C.

Under hot smoking conditions at working environment temperatures from 80 to 140 °, the picture changes. Studies of model vapor environments regenerated from smoking products have shown that the bulk of smoke components of smoke in the lower temperature range are in the vapor phase. With an increase in temperature from 120 to 140 °C in the dispersed phase total quantity phenols, acids and carbonyl compounds decreases from 10 to 25% depending on the type of drug used and its chemical composition.

Negative factors smoke smoke and ways to eliminate them. Under the influence of individual components of smoke, in particular carbonyl compounds, the content of amino acids in the product, and especially lysine, decreases, resulting in a decrease the nutritional value products.

Among the carbonyl compounds in smoke, formaldehyde dominates. Free formaldehyde is one of the possible reasons formation of cancerous tumors. Nevertheless, it has been proven that the human body is a system sufficiently protected from the effects of this substance, and its content in food is permissible up to 50 mg per 1 kg.

The main attention of specialists when studying issues related to smoke smoking is focused on finding ways to reduce the penetration of harmful chemical compounds into the processed products. In this area, researchers have achieved certain positive results. Thus, products with a reduced content of PAHs were obtained by using smoke generated under strictly defined conditions of pyrolysis and oxidation of volatile thermal decomposition products during the smoking process. As a result of numerous studies, it has been reliably proven that the smallest amount of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons contains smoke generated at temperatures of 300-400 o C.

Benzpyrene is concentrated mainly in the dispersed phase of smoke containing heavy resins. Separation of the dispersed phase and the use of exclusively steam media for smoking made it possible to significantly reduce the ingress of benzopyrene into the product.

The concentration of PAHs in smoked food products is significantly reduced when processed with cooled or filtered technological smoke. Studies of the composition of smoking media have confirmed that cooling promotes the condensation of high-boiling carcinogenic components of smoke, as well as coagulation and sedimentation of large particles of the dispersed phase containing benzopyrene.

Filtration is one of the simplest and most common methods of partial purification of smoke from undesirable compounds, based on the removal of particles from the smoke-air mixture large sizes. Thus, one of the proposed methods for reducing PAHs is the use of electrostatic air filter containing an ionizing section. Patent descriptions also contain recommendations for reducing PAHs in smoke using a cyclone. Filters are also used for these purposes mechanical removal from the smoke of resinous substances, but placing such a filter along the smoke path creates additional heat losses during hot smoking and contributes to an increase in wood fuel consumption.

Sensory evaluation of smoked products prepared with regular smoke compared to products processed with filtered smoke showed that they were similar in quality, but products smoked with filtered smoke were less intensely colored. Removing part of the dispersed phase during filtration leads to a decrease in the content of all smoke components, including aromatic and color-forming ones.

Steam smoked products are characterized by a low concentration of carcinogenic compounds, but they differ significantly in their organoleptic characteristics from the corresponding smoked products, in particular in the intensity of color and expressiveness of aroma, which are more pronounced during smoke smoking.

Most units for generating smoke include systems for partial purification of smoke from undesirable components. An example of a fairly effective method for purifying smoke is a device of the so-called water-inertial type, proposed by the Azcherryba Central Design Bureau (Fig. 53).

Thanks to inertia and effective contact with water, heavy smoke particles (soot, ash, tar) remain in it. Running water carries away particles of soot and ash, and the resin settles to the bottom of the device and is periodically removed through a hatch into a special container.

The methods and techniques listed above that help reduce the concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in smoked products do not lead to a noticeable decrease in nitrosamines, since one of the main sources of their formation in the product, nitrous oxide, is in the vapor phase of smoke, which does not undergo noticeable changes during the process. cleaning in smoking installations.

No less important issue associated with the use of smoke during smoking is the protection environment from air polluting smoke emissions containing a large number of organic substances.

Rice. 53. Cleaning device for smoke generator N-10-ID2G-1;

1 - purified smoke output; 2 - fitting for connection to the water supply network; 3 - bottom of the device; 4 - central pipe; 5 - circular wall; 6 - a partition dividing the device into two compartments; 7 - drain tray; 8 - Luke; 9 - elbow

Amount emitted into the atmosphere organic compounds reaches 2 g/m 3 during cold smoking, and 10 g/m 3 during hot smoking.

Currently, methods of adsorption, absorption, high-temperature and catalytic combustion, liquid-phase oxidation, electrostatic deposition and combined methods are used to purify smoke and gas emissions from industrial enterprises.

In order to prevent environmental pollution from emissions from smoking industries, methods such as sedimentation of the dispersed phase of emissions in an electrostatic field are most often used and recommended. high voltage, catalytic and high-temperature combustion.

Of significant importance when assessing the effectiveness of a particular cleaning method is, in addition to the cost of the devices and their reliability in operation, the possibility of side effects and operating costs.

Afterburning of smoke emissions is the most effective way neutralization, which achieves a high degree of purification from toxic substances. The process can take place at a temperature of about 500 °C (catalytic afterburning) or 750 °C (thermal afterburning), resulting in the formation of water vapor and carbon dioxide. Regular fuel oil or gas is used as fuel in afterburning devices. It should be taken into account that when using fuel oil as fuel, sulfur dioxide is formed. If installations are used to burn smoke of relatively low density (density), then the amount of sulfur dioxide formed may be higher than the amount of organic carbon burned. In addition, at present, the use of these cleaning methods is becoming economically unprofitable due to the high energy (fuel) consumption of afterburning devices.

The method becomes economical if the combustion chambers of existing thermal units, such as boilers, are used for afterburning. However, thermal neutralization is complicated by the presence of tar substances in the emitted gases. The accumulation of resin disrupts the aerodynamics of chimneys and the operation of control and burner devices.

In Fig. Figure 54 shows an installation for thermal neutralization of smoke emissions containing resin. Smoke emissions from smoking stoves 1 and exhaust ventilation systems 2 pass through the resin pre-separation tank 3, reducing resin deflection in the fan 4. Gas duct 5 also serves as a condenser and is laid in the direction of the resin collector 10. The flue gases are then supplied by a blower 6 into the air path of the oil-gas burner 7, located in the boiler furnace. The separated resin is periodically heated by a coil 9 to reduce the viscosity of fuel oil, which is pumped 8 is supplied to the liquid path of a gas-oil burner for combustion in the same way as liquid fuel.

Rice. 54. Installation for thermal neutralization of exhaust gases:

I - smoking oven; 2 - suction channels of the exhaust ventilation system; 3 - resin pre-separation capacity; 4 - fan; 5 - gas duct; b - fan supplying gases to the burner; 7 - gas-oil burner; 8 - fuel oil pump; 9 - resin heating system; 10 - resin collector

Rice. 55. Circulation system of the Atmos-2000 smoking installation:

1 - smoking chamber; 2 - shower system; 3 - exhaust air outlet; 4 And 15 - valves for regulating temperature and humidity of the working environment; 5 - working medium circulation fan; 6 - air supply duct to the smoke generator; 7 - smoke generator; 8 - air supply to the combustion zone of the smoke generator; 9 - throttle valve; 10 - air supply bypassing the sawdust combustion zone; 11 - electric ignition of sawdust; 12 - supplying smoke to the chamber; 13 - condensate drain; 14 - working environment heating system

Reducing environmental pollution is also facilitated by a more complete use of smoke in a smoking installation due to its recirculation and the creation of closed (circulation) systems. Example practical application closed system The Atmos-2000 installation can serve (Fig. 55). With this system of organizing the smoking process most of air required for flow chemical reactions during sawdust smoldering, taken from the working environment smoking chamber. Thanks to this, the amount of waste smoke during conventional smoking is reduced by 1/10.