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Types of non-profit organizations public organization. Non-profit enterprise

Historically, non-profit organizations have emerged as an alternative to politicized public organizations. Initially, these were voluntary associations of active, ideologically literate people, and these associations were based on the principles of humanism and justice. These socially oriented non-profit organizations provided legal protection and education to the broad masses of the population.

Currently, the programs of such organizations provide free legal advice and legal support.

A non-profit organization must have a legal entity;

Possible profits are not distributed among its participants.

Organizations: charter, an organization may have its own emblem, seals, stamps, its own balance sheet or estimate.

Non-profit organizations can have the following types:

  1. Public organizations/associations. In turn, they are divided into public organizations, social movement, public fund, public institution.
  2. Religious organizations.
  3. Various funds.
  4. Associations legal entities(associations and unions).
  5. Financed by the owner of the institution.
  6. Chambers of Commerce and Industry.
  7. Bar Associations.
  8. Non-profit partnerships.

To improve the efficiency of a non-profit organization, several decisions should be made important issues. Among them, the problem of incompleteness of the legal information base and the problem of insufficient financial resources are in first place in importance. It is these problems that make it difficult to implement many initiatives, such as high-quality monitoring of the legal situation, the protection of certain segments of the population, and the formation of a systematized database. Only after resolving them can you proceed to the next ones. However, some plans non-profit organizations in Russia are encouraging, and there are ways for their growth and development.

Any organizations are divided into non-profit and commercial structures. The goals of creating one and the other group are their main differences. This difference can already be understood by the general designations: commercial and non-profit organizations. Examples of both will be given in this article. More attention, of course, will go to non-profits, since the article is dedicated specifically to them. For comparison, let's first look at another group.

Commercial organizations

People who create a certain community and pursue the goal of making a profit from their activities unite into commercial organizations. According to their main legal and organizational forms, they are divided into the following types:

Open joint-stock companies, or OJSC;

Societies closed type- COMPANY;

Limited liability companies, or LLC.

Non-profit organizations: examples and characteristics

Receiving and distributing profits is far from the main goal of such communities.

According to the law, maintaining entrepreneurial activity is not prohibited, but they are required to use the profit received for the main purposes of the organization, and not for personal enrichment. For example, non-profit scientific organizations purchase equipment, raw materials and invest in the development of new projects. Medical societies are expanding their range of services to the public.

Non-profit organizations can appear at any level, from local to international, on the initiative of citizens who unite to express and protect their interests.

Their mission is charity, satisfaction of the spiritual needs of citizens, health care, development of sports, culture, provision of legal services. That's what nonprofits do. Examples of their activities are described below.

National public organizations

1. One of the world's largest charitable foundations for the protection of wildlife - the abbreviation WWF. It operates in more than 130 countries. Since 1988, he began promoting his projects in Russia. In 1994, a WWF office was opened in our country.

2. Meet FCEM - Global Association of Women Entrepreneurs. This organization helps to find contacts in the business environment, holds exhibitions, round tables, seminars, does charity work.

3. MKKK is the International Committee of the Red Cross. Another independent humanitarian organization operating around the world. Its mission is to provide assistance to those who have suffered in armed conflicts.

Examples of non-profit organizations in Russia

1. Russian Library Association. It was created in order to increase the prestige of these institutions in society. RBA preserves and develops librarianship in our country and establishes contacts with professionals from abroad.

2. The largest charitable movement is Russian Abbreviated as Rusfond. This organization provides targeted assistance to those in need: large families, disabled people, adopted children, orphanages, hospitals.

Socially oriented non-profit organizations

In 2010, April 5, in the main the federal law, adopted in 1966 and called “On Non-Profit Organizations”, amendments were made. A documented list of activities allowed these organizations to acquire the status of socially oriented ones.

Such communities require assistance from the state. These can be various benefits, for example, for paying taxes. Support is provided in retraining staff and improving their qualifications. Orders are placed for the supply of goods and services.

Non-profit organizations - examples of socially oriented communities - are included in a special register and systematized.

In addition to financial support, they receive free or big discount can provide non-residential premises for long-term use.

New reality Russian society become socially oriented non-profit organizations. You can see examples of them everywhere.

Forms of non-profit organizations

Let's look at some of them from a wide list.

The most common form - Examples - Occupational Safety and Health Centers. There are such organizations in any area, and they provide services for employers. Instruct occupational safety specialists. Train fire safety, providing assistance in case of accidents.

Autonomous non-profit organizations are examples of communities in which there is no legal entity or citizen membership. Supervision of activities lies with the founders, who use the organization’s services on an equal basis with others.

Foundations as non-profit organizations are no less popular. Examples include the well-known charity organization “Gift of Life”. This fund was established by actress Chulpan Khamatova and her colleague. Many of their fellow artists (artists, musicians) participate in charity events, providing assistance to children with cancer.

The funds also do not have membership, and accordingly, no mandatory contributions are paid. Only voluntary investments are possible. Foundations are also allowed to participate in entrepreneurial activities.

The responsibility of such organizations includes an annual report on the property used.

Consumer cooperatives are another example of non-profit organizations. Citizens unite voluntarily. Dues are paid upon joining and during membership.

What are non-profit organizations?

We often hear about such a concept as non-profit organizations. Their types can be very different. What it is? What are their features? How are they different from commercial organizations? Why are they created? To answer this question, let's turn to the legislation. It clearly and clearly answers the question about their nature. A non-profit organization does not aim to make a profit. This is its main feature. Why then are they needed?

The role of communication in human life

The ability to communicate is one of the most important human characteristics. Without this opportunity, life becomes much more difficult. But it's not only that. Through joint efforts, people have solved almost all the most important problems of their existence throughout their history. All human life occurs within certain communities. In particular, by uniting in voluntary organizations, people will do much more to achieve a common goal than each individual will do for his own.

Some examples of such organizations

When we consider non-profit organizations, their types can be as different as their tasks are differentiated human activity. For example, we can cite charitable organizations, political parties, societies of hunters or fishermen, lovers of the history of their native land and, of course, many other options. Let's consider non-profit organizations and their types from the point of view of legislation. They have a number of tax benefits. This makes sense, because if they don't make a profit, how can they pay taxes?

General concept

Non-profit organizations: their types are prescribed in the Civil Code and in the “Law on Non-Profit Organizations” in this way. Among them: consumer cooperatives, public and religious organizations, foundations, institutions, non-profit partnerships, autonomous non-profit organizations, associations of legal entities, state corporations. As we see, non-profit organizations, their concepts and types are very diverse. Organizational forms are designed for a wide variety of possible situations.

Different types of non-profit organizations

It can be noted that such organizations are created in order to satisfy non-material needs. Of course, we can also note the commonality of interests of the citizens participating in them. Let's consider different kinds non-profit organizations. Consumer cooperatives stand apart. They are created on the basis of share contributions and are aimed at satisfying the material and spiritual interests of the participants. If we talk about funds, they essentially accumulate sums of money intended for the implementation of one or another non-commercial activity. Institutions can be created by any owner to perform the necessary tasks. Non-profit partnerships are usually used to unite people of liberal professions: writers, lawyers, doctors and others. Autonomous organizations are used to provide services. Associations of legal entities defend the collective interests of certain groups of organizations. The activities of a state corporation are determined by special laws.

The role of such organizations

Nonprofit organizations are used to perform a variety of non-profit tasks. Such areas for activity in modern society a lot of. Socially oriented non-profit organizations help strengthen and develop our lives.

is an organization whose purpose of functioning is not to make a profit, but to carry out cultural, educational, and charitable tasks. Such tasks may include protecting the rights of citizens, developing sports and promoting healthy image life, satisfying the spiritual needs of citizens.

Non-profit enterprises: characteristic features

Non-profit companies have a number of features that are not characteristic of commercial organizations:

  • Non-profit enterprises can engage exclusively in the type of activity that is prescribed in the constituent documents.
  • NPOs may have forms provided not only by the Civil Code, but also by other legislative acts.
  • Non-profit organizations do not go bankrupt when they are unable to fulfill their obligations to creditors (except for consumer cooperatives). When a non-profit company is liquidated by decision of the founder, the property remaining after settlements with creditors is sold and used for the purposes specified in the constituent documents.
  • An NPO can engage in business, but only to the extent necessary to achieve the main purpose of its operation.

Forms of non-profit organizations

List of possible legal forms non-profit enterprises appear in the Federal Law “On Non-Profit Organizations”. The following forms are possible:

  • Public association– an organization based on the common interests of participants. A public association is created on the initiative of at least three founders. Associations include:

- public organizations– assume membership;

- movement– do not have membership;

- institutions– the goal is to protect the interests of participants;

- amateur bodies– such organizations are formed to solve social problems of members (search for housing or work);

- Political Party – is formed in person and is guided by the goal of representing the interests of citizens in government bodies.

  • Religious organizations– these are organizations whose functioning goals are to spread the faith and teach the promoted religion to followers.
  • Consumer cooperatives are memberships that operate to meet members' needs for services and goods. In order for the initial property of a consumer cooperative to be formed, each member is required to contribute a share upon joining the association. The cooperative is created on the basis of the principles of voluntary entry and availability of information and has the following distinctive features:

The goal is satisfaction material needs;

Can engage in business - income is distributed in equal shares among members or goes to pay for the needs of the association.

  • an organization that exists to achieve socially beneficial goals through the use of property provided to its founders. The Foundation as an NPO has the following distinctive features:

- Legal entities can also establish a fund;

- the fund does not require membership;

- the fund is obliged to regularly publish reports on how the property transferred to it is used.

  • Associations– association of several legal entities. The purpose of creating the association is to coordinate the activities of member organizations and protect their interests. The association is not obliged to bear responsibility for one of its members, but the members themselves bear subsidiary liability for the obligations of the association.
  • – an organization created by combining monetary and property contributions. A charitable foundation can be formed in one of two ways:

The foundation finds a philanthropist (sponsor) who donates money to charitable causes. The state can also act as a philanthropist.

The fund makes money on its own.

A combination of both methods is also possible.

A charitable foundation as a form of non-profit organization has the following features:

Authorities and local government deprived of the opportunity to participate in a charitable foundation.

The structure does not provide for membership.

A prerequisite for a charitable foundation is the formation of a controlling authority, which is called board of trustees.

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Russia, as a rule-of-law state, carries out activities regulated by the norms and fundamental principles of law. Not only government bodies are subject to laws, but also various types of organizations, some of which are known as. Let's take a closer look at the types of non-profit organizations (NPOs).

First of all, it should be emphasized that they differ from commercial ones in the lack of financial interest of the participants. The main tasks facing them must be charitable, social, socially beneficial, scientific or other of a socially significant nature.

It is the type of non-profit organization that plays a role in what activities they will carry out in the future. The classification of NPOs is based on the principle of correlation property rights between the founder and the legal entity, breaking them down by form. The organizational and legal form allows non-profit organizations to be divided into the following types:

  • Endowed with the right of ownership (partnerships, business entities).
  • Having no property (unions, associations, religious or charitable organizations).

Further, the forms of NPOs are divided into several varieties (there are about 30 of them). At the same time, the organizations themselves can perform similar functions, differing only in name and representing different legal forms. Therefore, from the entire list there are several main types of NPOs. More about them later.

Types and areas of activity

It should be noted that, although non-profit organizations cannot have a material interest, they have the opportunity to carry out activities. We are talking about attracting additional funds by selling products of our production in order to continue to fulfill our primary task before society.

  1. The Foundation is a non-profit organization deprived of membership (based on Article 50 “Commercial and non-profit organizations” of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), which continues to function thanks to and on a voluntary basis. Its goal is to develop education, science, culture and social relations.
  2. Religious/ public organization/the association, like the fund, operates on a voluntary basis. Contributions for their activities come from voluntary contributions of their members. The main goals of this type of NPO are charitable, cultural and social functions.
  3. A private institution basically has an owner who has created an organization to perform functions limited to a non-profit nature. The founder in this case can be either a legal entity or an individual.
  4. In addition to other NPOs, Russia contains on its territory a number of state corporations, in which membership is not provided, and the property is provided to the Russian Federation for purposes defined at the legislative level. They are mainly of a managerial and social nature.
  5. A non-profit partnership is included in the types of non-profit organizations, such as an NPO, whose goal is charity, management, and support in resolving issues social nature. In this case, the founders are individuals or legal entities.
  6. Associations of legal entities, as well as unions and associations are created with the aim of more successful coordination between commercial organizations. At the same time, their main difference from business institutions is their non-profit nature.
  7. An autonomous institution is an NPO, which can be formed either by Russia, represented by the current government, or by a separate subject of the Russian Federation. the main objective its creation - the implementation of local self-government in the areas of providing health, scientific and cultural services. First of all, organizations of this form carry out tasks of a state nature.
  8. An autonomous non-profit organization has no membership and was created to provide services in the cultural, educational, health, legal, and scientific fields. The activities of NPOs are carried out at the expense of voluntary property contributions from participants. In this case, the participants lose the right of ownership of the property after its transfer to the disposal of the ANO.
  9. presented in the form of different public associations, which are based on solving managerial and social problems. Most NPOs of this type are membership based. For example, housing construction or housing cooperatives provide citizens with housing. A consumer cooperative may be called a non-profit partnership or partnership, depending on its chosen goals.

In accordance with the law Russian Federation, NPOs can be classified according to the right to manage their activities, the right to own, use and dispose of the property transferred to them, if it is in federal ownership.