home · Other · Planting cucumber seeds in open ground. Tips for successfully and correctly planting cucumber seeds in open ground. As a conclusion. Features of reproduction

Planting cucumber seeds in open ground. Tips for successfully and correctly planting cucumber seeds in open ground. As a conclusion. Features of reproduction

The most common vegetables in almost every area are crispy cucumbers. Of course, they, like any culture, require. But it is equally important to guess when to plant cucumbers in open ground.

When can you plant cucumbers in open ground?

Usually, cucumbers are planted in two ways - without seedlings and seedlings. If you prefer the latter method, then it is worth considering that optimal time for planting cucumber seedlings in open ground is directly dependent on how warm the soil is. If the temperature is insufficient, the seedlings begin to get sick, become weaker and may even die. What kind of harvest can we talk about in this case?

You should focus on the established warm weather (above +15 ⁰С during the day), and also on the fact that at a depth of ten centimeters the soil temperature is not lower than +10 ⁰С. For the southern regions, this time falls at the end of April - beginning of May. For middle zone It makes no sense to plant cucumber seedlings before the middle or even the end of May.

When can you sow cucumbers in open ground?

Many gardeners prefer to grow crunchy vegetables not from seedlings, but from seeds. In order to enjoy your harvest in the summer, it is also important to determine the timing of sowing cucumbers in open ground. You may also need a thermometer here. The fact is that the seed successfully germinates, and does not die, only if the soil in the upper part is warmed up to +13+15 ⁰С. In this case, it is important that the weather be warm, in which the air is heated to at least +17 ⁰С. And then the seeds will germinate quickly. And soon you will see characteristic sprouts in your beds. If we talk about how many days it takes cucumbers to sprout in open ground, then subject to the above temperature requirements Shoots will appear on the fourth to seventh day. And this is subject to preliminary germination of seeds.

Cucumbers are one of the most sought-after and popular crops in gardens and vegetable gardens of our country. Ever since childhood garden plot we associate with cucumbers and tomatoes as the most prominent representatives world of plants. Planting cucumbers in open ground, and this is exactly what we will talk about now, can be done either with seeds or seedlings. This happens in early June.

Choosing a landing site

Cucumbers love the sun, so you need to choose an open place for them, and at the same time protected from the northern winds. The best location is the southeastern and southwestern slopes. The beds on them need to be arranged in a terraced manner and given a transverse direction so that the sun illuminates the plants the best way. Thanks to good lighting, more ovaries will appear on the vines.

Be sure to raise the cucumber beds by two to three dozen centimeters. With this trick, the temperature on them will increase by a couple of degrees, which will only increase the growth rate.

If your site does not have slopes, fast-growing hedges can come to the rescue. For this, plants such as Jerusalem artichoke, potatoes, sunflowers, corn and various legumes can be used. These green spaces will protect the cucumbers from winds and late blight, and they, in turn, will create their own microclimate within the walls, in which the temperature will be two to three degrees higher. All this only contributes to the rapid development of plants.

Before planting in open ground, cucumber seedlings need to be hardened off.

Planting cucumbers with seeds

Planting seeds is very in a convenient way for those who are inconvenient to grow seedlings on their windowsill and then take them to the dacha in the general hustle and bustle, or for those who are simply too lazy to waste their time and energy on extra hassle. In addition, planting with seeds has one undeniable advantage - from the moment the plant pecks from the seed, it immediately adapts to external conditions and it will be stronger than those that grew on the windowsill.

Cucumber seeds planted in the ground have a growth program - the plant knows very well when to slow down growth and when to speed it up.

After transplanting into open ground, seedlings take some time to adapt to changed conditions, which significantly slows down the growth process. As a result, the time for fruiting in both cases occurs simultaneously, so the statement that the result will be faster with seedlings is most likely untrue.

There is no need to rush into planting cucumbers in open ground with seeds if there is a threat return frosts

To awaken the intraseminal bud, which will give impetus to development, the seeds need to be soaked in warm water the day before planting. In this case, the seeds will quickly sprout and begin to grow actively. You can also warm up the soil before planting - additional heat will not hurt the cucumbers.

Since cucumber seeds can serve as carriers of various kinds of infections and bacteria, and are also susceptible to diseases themselves, they need to be soaked in a strong manganese solution before planting. Thanks to this, many diseases are prevented, the immunity of cucumbers is increased, and in the future the plants will be more resistant to late blight and gray rot. After the procedure, the seeds are washed in running water, dried and planted in the holes.

Planting cucumber seedlings (video)

Planting cucumbers through seedlings requires slightly different preparation. Before planting, the soil must be fertilized and loosened well, forming beds. The seedlings need to be hardened off so that they can more easily withstand transplantation. If the seedlings live on a windowsill or balcony, you need to periodically ventilate the room, gradually and periodically lowering the air temperature. All the same rules apply to greenhouses.

Photo gallery of containers for growing cucumber seedlings

You can grow cucumber seedlings in plastic cups... ... peat tablets… …and cups… …and even in original containers like eggshells

Cucumber seedlings are planted in early June. Usually at this time the threat of return frosts has passed, and planting can be done without fear. Between bushes you need to maintain a distance of 13-15cm.

Cucumbers should be watered with settled water. room temperature, which should always be in stock

Now, thanks to the efforts of our breeders, varieties of cucumbers have been developed that allow them to survive even serious drought, provided that you visit your plot only on weekends. How likely this is - only those who have tested it from their own experience can judge. However, even in the case of drought-resistant varieties, it is worth remembering that cucumber is a moisture-loving plant, so it will respond much more gratefully to periodic watering more than once or twice a week, and the fruits will be crisp and without bitterness. Otherwise, cucumbers do not require special effort and time spent during cultivation. But still remember that it will not be superfluous to periodically apply fertilizers during the period of fruit set and growth, since by doing this you will stimulate the plants to actively bear fruit and add strength to them for this process. If you follow these simple rules, you can grow without much difficulty. decent harvest cucumbers

Growing vines of cucumbers, when protected by green hedges, create their own microclimate, in which the temperature is two to three degrees higher

23.09.2017 5 987

Planting cucumbers in open ground with seeds - step by step guide

In order for planting cucumbers in open ground with seeds to be completed successfully, and for the plantings to delight with a rich harvest, it is important to calculate the timing and timing, decide which scheme will be optimal for carrying out the work, and also properly prepare the bed and, preferably, a warm one...

Conditions for growing cucumbers in open ground

Cucumbers are among the most common vegetables that can be grown on site without any problems, but they need a special microclimate with elevated temperatures, bright sun and no drafts.

Therefore, before planting cucumber seeds in open ground, you should take care of creating natural screens - their role will be perfectly fulfilled berry bushes, fence, or rows of corn and sunflowers planted.

Cucumber roots lie in the surface layer of the earth, and for normal functioning they need a lot of air and moisture. Such conditions can be ensured by moisture-intensive, loose soil with high content organics.

The first thing a novice summer resident will be concerned about when planting cucumbers in open ground is the planting time, which is not tied to a specific date and the main criterion is the soil temperature - this indicator should not be lower than +15 ْC. Planting cucumbers in open ground in May is carried out in the Volga region, Krasnodar region and others southern regions in the first ten days, and in the Moscow region and Leningrad region Cucumbers are sown in the middle of the month. As for the middle zone, the Southern Urals and Siberia, cucumbers are planted in open ground in June, in the first ten days.

Seeds need to be planted in warm soil. If the weather is inclement, you will have to wait until the sun warms up the surface of the beds well, otherwise you will have to wait a very long time for seedlings. The risk of seedlings dying before they release cotyledons cannot be ruled out.

Seed preparation - disinfection, hardening, germination

Before planting cucumber seeds in open ground, it is important to prepare them for the difficult conditions that await them in the garden. To begin with, the seeds are disinfected in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes, then washed with cool water and dried.

  1. The seeds are placed in a gauze bag and slightly moistened
  2. Wrap the bag in paper and place it in the vegetable section of the refrigerator for 2 days
  3. Remove the seeds, ventilate them and dry them again at room temperature.

Some seeds purchased in the store have already undergone this treatment - they do not need processing or hardening. Information about preliminary preparation seeds can be found on the packaging with them.

Then, so that planting cucumbers in open ground with seeds is successful and the seedlings are not sparse, the hardened seeds are germinated. Not all summer residents resort to this procedure, but thanks to it only viable seeds fall into the garden bed.

It is better to germinate cucumber seeds on a southern windowsill. Spread gauze in several layers on a flat saucer, moisten it and lay out the seeds. Cover the top with a layer of damp cloth. If there are a lot of seeds, several such layers are made. Germination lasts from 1 to 3 days. All this time it is necessary to keep the gauze slightly damp. At the same time, it is important to inspect the seeds daily and as soon as the beginnings of roots appear on them, you can sow them.

Planting cucumbers in open ground with seeds - technology and diagram

Cucumber loves fresh organic matter. While its closest relatives, zucchini and pumpkins, prefer mature compost or humus, cucumbers prefer fresh manure. It enriches the soil with nitrogen and provides a lot of heat, which the cucumber needs for normal growth.

Therefore, special warm beds are built for them - in the fall they dig trenches 80 cm deep, fill them with manure, cover them with a layer of garden soil of 20-25 cm. For the winter, they are insulated with straw and covered with film. In the spring they loosen upper layer, and as soon as the bed begins to “float”, cucumbers are planted.

If planting cucumbers in open ground with seeds is carried out without insulation, the soil will be flavored with manure in the fall, always fresh! You need to apply a lot of it - up to 2 kg/m2. Also, a few days before sowing, additives useful for cucumbers are added to the garden bed:

  • for soil deoxidation - dolomite flour in an amount of 20-40 g/m2, depending on the level of soil acidity
  • for loosening and lightening the soil - peat, humus and compost up to 1 kg/m2
  • for enrichment minerals- potassium sulfate 60 g/m2

The soil is dug up to a depth of 40 cm, mixed well and the clods are broken. The bed should be as loose as possible.

When planting cucumbers in open ground with seeds, the sowing pattern plays an important role. With sparse crops, the summer resident will receive a smaller harvest, and with thickened crops, they may not always be successful if the process is already too advanced. In addition, cucumbers growing in close quarters experience nutritional deficiencies.

There are two ways to plant cucumbers correctly:

  1. In rows - with a distance between them of 70-80 cm, between plants 15-20 cm
  2. In squares (in holes) - with a distance between plants in rows of up to 50 cm, between holes in a row of 30-40 cm

The first option is good if trellises are installed on the beds. After sowing, the beds are watered with warm water. If there is a possibility of a drop in temperature, the bed is covered with film or non-woven material.

Caring for cucumbers in open ground after sowing

To prevent the seedlings from dying after cucumbers have been planted in open ground with seeds, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for their growth:

  • Water the beds daily with warm water
  • loosen the soil surface
  • remove weeds

During the day, when the weather is clear, the film needs to be lifted, and the bed must be covered again at night. If it's cold outside, you shouldn't open the garden bed all day - cucumber seedlings are very sensitive to low temperatures.

To prevent crust from forming on the garden bed, it is mulched with sawdust. Another benefit of mulch is that it reflects some sunlight, which has a good effect on the growth of cucumbers.

All the subtleties described in this article will help you get a large harvest of cucumbers in the open ground; the main thing is to properly prepare the seeds and sow them in the prepared bed.

Thanks to their excellent taste and relative ease of growing, cucumbers have become regular fixtures in every garden (they're even grown!). Despite the fact that this crop is very unpretentious, not every gardener manages to grow cucumbers using the seedless method. The reasons for such failure, as a rule, lie in improper or lack of seed preparation, as well as in the immediate planting procedure, or incorrect subsequent care of the seedlings. However, you can achieve success in this matter without any problems if you follow completely simple rules!

To learn how to properly plant cucumbers in open ground with seeds, read further in this article, in which you will find tips, recommendations and step-by-step instructions for sowing cucumbers.

When to plant cucumber seeds in open ground: optimal sowing time

Since this pumpkin crop belongs to the number of quite heat-loving plants, it is recommended to plant cucumber seeds in open ground only when the soil will warm up to +12 degrees, and the ambient temperature will be consistently above +14 degrees.

There is no point in sowing earlier, since the seeds will sit in the ground for a long time and not germinate. As a result, they may not sprout at all, but simply rot in a damp and cold environment.

But you shouldn’t put it off too much, because optimal temperature for the growth of cucumbers +14..+30 degrees, and if the peak of their development coincides with the July heat, they will simply stop growing and begin to dry out.

Obviously, in a greenhouse the soil warms up faster, so you can plant cucumbers earlier (1-2 weeks).

Depending on region and climate

Due to the fact that the climate in different parts countries are very different, there are no uniform sowing dates. It is necessary to choose the time for planting cucumbers in open ground based on climatic features each individual region, namely the weather conditions of the current season.

Timing for sowing cucumbers in open ground in the North-West (Leningrad region), as a rule, shift 1-2 weeks ahead from those near Moscow.

In the Urals and Siberia- in the second half of May - early June.

By the way! In regions with short summers, cucumbers are often grown.

But in the south of Russia cucumbers can be sown in open ground in the second half of April.

We repeat! The main condition when choosing a landing date cucumbers in open ground is the temperature environment, which should not fall below +14-..15 degrees, and the soil temperature, which should warm up to 12 degrees. Otherwise, the seeds will not sprout.

Advice! Cucumber varieties are divided into early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening. To enjoy crispy cucumbers continuously, it is better to sow them right away. different planting material . Thanks to this “little trick,” the plants alternate bearing fruit, allowing you to enjoy cucumbers throughout the season.

Specific dates for planting cucumber seeds of the selected variety (or F1 hybrid) can often be found on back side packaging.

According to the lunar calendar in 2019

The lunar calendar can help you choose specific dates for planting cucumbers in open ground.

Everyone has long known the fact that the moon affects not only the waters of the world's oceans, but also the juices inside plants. Yes, the most favorable period When you can sow cucumbers falls on the waxing moon.

According to the lunar calendar, in 2019 favorable days When you can plant cucumbers in open ground, the following dates are considered:

  • in April - 6-9, 11-13, 20, 21, 24-26, 29-30;
  • in May - 3, 4, 8-10, 17-18, 21-23, 26-28, 31;
  • in June - 5, 6, 13-15, 18-20.

Unfavorable days are the following:

  • in April - 5, 19;
  • in May - 5, 19;
  • in June - 3, 4, 17;
  • in July - 2, 3, 17.

According to lunar calendar, from the magazine “1000 tips for a summer resident.”

How to choose a good variety of cucumbers

Plant several varieties of cucumbers at once - 3-4, or better yet 5-6. It's hard to guess what the conditions will be current year, That's why varietal diversity will increase your chances of getting more consistent yields. Besides different varieties V different years, depending on weather conditions, have their advantages, since some are better adapted to moisture deficiency, others are more cold-resistant, and others are resistant to certain diseases.

If you plant only one or 2 varieties, then it is quite difficult to guarantee a stable harvest.

Choose optimal variety(hybrid) the following detailed review articles about the most popular and the best varieties cucumbers:

How to plant cucumbers with seeds in open ground

For planting cucumbers to be successful, it is not enough to simply buy seeds and sow them in the first available free hour: you need to carefully prepare not only the seeds, but also the soil (beds), and also follow a number of rules for directly sowing seeds in open ground.

So let's figure out how to plant cucumber seeds correctly.

Seed preparation

As a rule, most gardeners sow this crop with dry seeds, because... cucumbers sprout well.

By the way! Cucumber seeds remain viable for 5-6 years, but it is better to sow them after they have been sitting for 3-4 years (if you...

However, in order to be completely sure of their germination, if desired, you can carry out pre-sowing treatment of cucumber seeds.

So, even before preparing cucumber seeds, they need to be calibrated. Suitable for planting are large, even seeds that have light shade (without any dark spots).

Important! On sale you can find coated or glazed seeds that do not require any preparation; they need to be sown exclusively in dry form, because... they are already pre-treated by the manufacturer.

Of course, much more popular disinfection dark seeds pink (1%) solution of potassium permanganate.

Worth knowing! Potassium permanganate is a very weak and ineffective disinfectant. Where is the best place to prepare a solution? brilliant green(take 1 ml of 1% pharmaceutical solution and dissolve in 100 ml of water) or disinfect in chlorhexidine(take 0.05% pharmaceutical solution). If you are a supporter of organic farming, then your choice is garlic infusion(2-3 crushed cloves, pour 100 ml of water and let it brew for 24 hours) or 50% aloe juice(to get 100 ml of solution, take 50 ml of juice and 50 ml of water). Pickling time: 30 minutes. Afterwards, be sure to rinse the seeds under clean (filtered, bottled) water.

In general, the most effective way pre-sowing preparation seeds, many rightfully consider them soaking and germination.

Before direct germination, they can be disinfected.

To do this, you need to wrap the cucumber seeds in a damp cloth (or gauze), then put the package on a saucer or other container, which should be wrapped in a plastic bag and put in a warm place where the air temperature is about + 22-26 degrees (optimally + 24-28 degrees ). Under such conditions, the seeds will germinate within 24-48 hours.

In regions with harsh climates, it is even recommended to hardening cucumber seeds. To do this, seeds (you can even sprouted) need to be wrapped in cloth, wetted and placed in refrigerator (not freezer) for 4-5 days, and then planted in the ground.

Video: how to prepare cucumber seeds for planting in open ground

Site selection: rules for crop rotation and bed preparation

The choice of place for growing cucumbers should be approached with the utmost seriousness, because this crop is very warm and light-loving, which means that even a slight drop in temperature and shading will certainly negatively affect its yield (although there are relatively shade-tolerant and cold-resistant ones, you just need to choose the appropriate hardy variety or hybrid).

After which it is better to plant: good and bad predecessors

The place for cucumbers should be selected in accordance with the rules of crop rotation. So, it is advisable to plant cucumbers after the following crops:

  • tomatoes and peppers;
  • onions and garlic;
  • cabbage

You can also do mixed plantings cucumbers with tomatoes, cabbage, turnips, radishes, corn, legumes and green crops.

Note! But after pumpkin and melon crops (pumpkins, zucchini, squash, melons, watermelons), cucumbers cannot be planted, as they have common diseases. The same goes for replanting cucumbers in a bed where they were already growing.

Preparing soil and beds for planting cucumbers.

The basis for obtaining rich harvests of cucumbers is high soil fertility. Naturally, it should be light and loose, as well as neutral in acidity.

Of course, ideally, the bed for planting cucumbers (and other crops) should be prepared in the fall, but if you haven’t done this, then it’s okay - you can dig up and add the necessary fertilizers in the spring, at least a month or 2 weeks before planting the seeds.

Alternatively, you can add organic matter or mineral fertilizers directly into the planting holes, making them 25-30 cm deep (at the tip of a shovel). Next, mix everything thoroughly with garden soil and sow to the recommended depth (1.5-3 cm).

In addition, in the area allocated for sowing green vegetables thin layer you can spread humus or compost (about 5-8 kg per 1 square meter), pour wood ash(100-200 grams per 1 sq.m.), and then dig everything deep (at the bayonet of a shovel - 25-30 cm).

By the way! Cucumbers love manure.

Contributed organic fertilizers will make the soil looser, and also saturate it with nutrients necessary for active growth and fruiting of the crop.

If you allow the use mineral fertilizers, then the whole complex of macroelements should be added for digging, for example, you can use one nitroammophosphate (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium - 16% each) or take all the elements separately - urea or ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, potassium sulfate (according to the instructions).

Note! In the fall, it is recommended to apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizers (they take a long time to absorb and dissolve), and in the spring - nitrogen fertilizers(act quickly).

Worth knowing! No matter how you prepare the bed for planting cucumbers, you will you will have to feed them during the growing season, and do this quite often - throughout the entire fruiting period.

Important! You should not initially apply an excessive amount of fertilizer to the soil, because... exceeding their norm can simply destroy your plant (its roots).

Methods of planting and growing cucumbers

All gardeners plant cucumbers on their plot in accordance with their capabilities. However, there are several quite original and quite effective ways growing cucumbers.

In barrels

Perhaps this is the most original way planting cucumbers, which has enough simple technology preparing the barrel itself, sowing the seeds, as well as further care and harvesting.

In bags

In general, this method is similar to the previous one, except that now dense plastic bags or sugar (or flour) bags. However, in this case you will have to make supports and tie lashes on them, and also monitor watering, in other words, you will have to get quite confused.

By the way! You can do it in a similar way.

However, his (this method) the effectiveness is quite questionable.

Cultivation methods depending on the methods (methods) of garter

There are a huge variety of ways to garter cucumbers.

Of course, the most popular and effective of them is on a trellis, but there are also much more original ones.

Landing on black agrofibre (spunbond)

Alternatively, you can grow cucumbers on black agrofibre.

What needs to be done?

Lay agrofibre, make slits at the required distance (according to the recommended pattern) and plant the seeds.

Or you can do the opposite, that is, first sow the seeds, wait for germination, and only then cover the bed with spunbond.

Planting cucumbers under a black film reduces the soil temperature by 2-4 degrees, so in the summer heat such cucumbers feel better.

On a warm bed

Since in the temperate zone there is always a risk of relapse spring frosts, then it is most reliable to plant cucumbers in warm (high) beds.

And already on warm bed you can (grow) cucumbers in any way that is most suitable (convenient) for you.

Direct landing

Step-by-step instruction planting cucumber seeds in open ground:

  • Make planting holes or even rows (beards).

The depth of planting cucumber seeds is 1.5-2 cm (maximum 3 cm if you have very loose and sandy soil).

  • Lightly shed the holes and grooves with water.
  • Place dry seeds in furrows at a distance of 5-10 cm (if you are sowing already sprouted seeds or are 100% sure of their germination, then you can immediately sow according to the recommended planting scheme for a given variety or hybrid, when, as a rule, 1 sq. No more than 4-5 plants are placed per meter: 20-40 cm by 60-100 cm).

It is better to put 2-3 seeds in one hole at once in order to subsequently remove the weaker ones.

  • Cover the holes with soil or smooth out the grooves.

Advice! To protect your seeds from ants, after you place the seeds in the holes or grooves, you can sprinkle tobacco dust or mustard cake on top of them (so to speak, mulch the seeds), and only then cover them with earth.

By the way! Tobacco dust is also a prevention against nematodes.

  • Lightly water again.

Video: the most easy landing cucumbers in open ground

Video: planting cucumber seeds on raised beds

Shelter after landing

To create the high humidity that cucumbers love so much, after sowing the bed is covered with polyethylene (or better yet, white spunbond).

Some gardeners install above their plantings mini greenhouse on the arcs.

Cucumbers covered in this way, thanks high humidity, will germinate quickly and will not suffer from returning spring frosts.

And as soon as the seedlings germinate and shoots appear, the film will need to be promptly removed.

In the case of a mini-greenhouse, it will need to be opened (ventilated) periodically, gradually increasing the time the plants spend in the open air.

In the future, when the flowering period begins, it is recommended to completely remove the shelter (greenhouse) or open it from the end sides so that bees can fly inside (if you are growing bee-pollinated varieties).

Video: planting cucumber seeds in a greenhouse to obtain early harvest

How to care for cucumbers after planting in open ground: growing rules

After the emergence of seedlings, after waiting for some time, they should be thinned out, leaving the strongest plants.

Thinning should be carried out in accordance with the selected growing scheme (as a rule, it is given on the seed packaging).

To get a rich harvest of delicious greens, in the future you need to properly care for the cucumbers.

What exactly needs to be done? What is included in the list of basic agrotechnical techniques for caring for cucumbers in open ground?

In short, for successful cultivation cucumbers are needed regularly water and feed, Necessarily tie up, mulch or periodically loosen, and pinching, pinching and shaping. And, of course, promptly fight possible diseases, effectively resist pests. At the same time, it is important to do everything in a timely and high-quality manner.

By the way! Do not forget to regularly collect ripe cucumbers, since untimely harvesting will inhibit the growth of new cucumbers.

Video: how to grow cucumbers in open ground


As a rule, it is not necessary to moisten the soil under the cover before active seed germination begins, since the covering material prevents the evaporation of moisture. But it is still necessary to control the condition of the soil, since the slightest drying out can cause the death of hatched seeds.

In the future, it is very important to carry out competent and timely watering of cucumbers.

In short, the basic rules for watering cucumbers are:

  • water only with warm water (above +18 degrees), preferably settled water (or rain);
  • do not get on the leaves - this provokes the development of diseases;
  • shed deeply - shallow watering disrupts the harmonious development of the root system;
  • water both early in the morning and/or late in the evening (at sunset).

Advice! More detailed information about the features of irrigation cucumbers you can find it!

Top dressing

Cucumbers are capable of bearing fruit for a fairly long period of time, which means that they (the bushes) must be regularly provided with adequate nutrition throughout the entire period of their growth and especially fruiting.

Moreover, cucumbers require so much nutrition that even if you initially put what you think are a sufficient amount of useful macro- and microelements into the soil, it will still not be enough.

We repeat! It is also wrong to initially make excessively “oily” soil: cucumbers should receive nutrition gradually - as they grow.

Now there are a lot of ready-made special fertilizers like “Agricola” for cucumbers, zucchini, and squash on sale.

However, to feed cucumbers you can cook completely.


To ensure that all plants have enough sunlight, as well as to reduce the risk of fungal diseases in cucumbers arising from cramped growing conditions (including bushes for this purpose), and also, in order to simplify planting care, cucumbers are tied to horizontal or vertical trellises .

By appearance cucumbers (namely by leaves) can be determined what does the plant lack?, as well as what and how best to feed it:

  • If cucumber leaves turn yellow around the edges(they remain green in the center), i.e. you see a characteristic yellow border (marginal chlorosis), and, as a rule, it (the border) first forms on the old lower leaves, then all this indicates a clear potassium deficiency.

  • Iron deficiency causes the appearance interveinal chlorosis on young leaves(the plate itself acquires yellow, and the veins remain dark green), while older leaves, on the contrary, remain green.

In each of the above cases, it is necessary to quickly feed the cucumbers with a liquid solution of micro- or macroelements. For example, in dolomite flour contains both calcium and magnesium, so you can perform liquid root feeding with this solution, and it is advisable to add 100 grams of 9% vinegar to it (for better absorption and conversion of the fertilizer into a chelate form).

In addition to the fact that the color of the cucumber leaves themselves changes, indicating a lack of nutrition, troubles may be happening and with the cucumber fruits themselves:

  • This is how cucumbers can start.
  • And in addition begin.

Diseases and pests

Like all plants, cucumbers are susceptible to a number of diseases and pest attacks.


Cucumbers can infect the following diseases: powdery mildew, peronosporosis (downy mildew), olive spot (cladosporiosis), gray rot, root rot.

Gray rot

Advice! It is easier to prevent any diseases than to fight them later, therefore, for example, when planting and further care It is advisable to periodically water the holes with a solution of Fitosporin or Trichodermin to protect the cucumbers from root rot.


Which main pest of cucumbers? That's right, that's aphid.

Therefore, every gardener should know.

In addition, cucumbers have other pests - the same whitefly, (aphid carriers).

Thus, we can say that as such there are no special secrets to planting cucumbers in open ground, but there are some nuances and rules that need to be taken into account. Besides, planting is only half the battle, or even a quarter of the battle. To get a rich harvest, you need to properly care and grow. Good luck!

Video: growing cucumbers in open ground - planting and care

In contact with

Vegetables require special care, but initially they need to be planted. Growing seedlings is just one way to get a harvest. Without such actions, unfortunately, many types of vegetables simply cannot be grown (tomatoes, peppers, cabbage). But there are others that you can simply plant seeds directly into the soil. We are talking about the most popular plant - cucumber. Its appetizing smell and pleasant taste allow it to be used in food in different variations.

For a high-quality and quantitative harvest, you need to know how to plant cucumbers in open ground, as well as what care is needed after that. It is an unambiguous fact that wild conditions they won't like it. Caring attitude and attentiveness - that’s favorable conditions for the gardener who wants to grow them.

For those who do not yet know how to properly sow cucumbers in open ground, this information will be useful.

Before you start sowing, you need to choose a variety, and gardeners don’t even have the slightest idea which cucumbers are best to plant in open ground. It's good if there is help knowledgeable people nearby (neighbors in the area who have been doing this for several years). But without knowing the basic plan of action, the novice gardener is lost. Moreover, you need to choose a variety. Accordingly, this problem arises much earlier than how to plant cucumbers in open ground with seeds and grow them well.

Considering that housewives like to use their green harvest in preparing various salads and stocking up on preserves for the winter, the conclusion arises that universal varieties that are used for various purposes will be relevant.

In order not to get into the jungle of various types and modifications, we can define the types optimal options cucumbers, which can vary in both their yield and appearance:

A variety that can take root in this place is also selected for the growing location. Thus, more modified versions are used that have the same necessary qualities, which are not inherent in varietal varieties. And this is described on the packaging, since some data varies (planting depth, interval between seeds). Although the disadvantage of such varieties is the inability to collect seeds.

The beginning of the process of cultivating cucumbers in open ground

Before you begin, you need to check the seeds that were purchased in advance, after which you will have the opportunity to plant cucumbers in open ground. There is one simple “grandmother’s” way - fill them with water and monitor their buoyancy. High quality material will fall to the bottom after a while, empty ones will float on the surface. Then the liquid is drained, laid out on a porous cloth (gauze, for example) and moistened. Choose a warm place with good lighting for germination. All that can ultimately produce a harvest will soon germinate, but the rest are worthless. Next, we’ll find out how to plant cucumbers in open ground and do it without any problems.

Planting process

The planting process itself is fundamental to growing vegetables.

Further fruiting and ease of maintenance of the beds depend on how well this is done. If seeds were purchased for planting outside of greenhouse or greenhouse conditions, then they need to be sown correctly. How to grow cucumbers: planting and care in open ground and a little about how to do it correctly, we will consider further.

Preparing the land for planting

In order to begin the planting process, it is necessary to prepare the soil. For this purpose, places are selected where there are no drafts or winds. If there is such an opportunity, then you should choose a site that will not be located in an open area.
Air humidity is also important. If there is a lake or other body of water nearby, then such a place is ideal.

The land must have the following qualities:

  • structural and well-heated;
  • not sour and moisture-absorbing.

After the selected area, which will be allocated for cucumbers, proceed to subsequent actions.

Arranging a bed for cucumbers

Since these vegetables do not require further replanting, proper planting of cucumbers in open ground occurs using the method of row sowing. To do this, prepare beds with a hoe, which have a depth of 5-7 cm. The distance between the lines of the beds can be different - from 20 cm to 60 cm. This depends on the area of ​​their location and varietal characteristics. The optimal option is 40 cm.

Sowing cucumbers in open ground

The seeds that were prepared in advance are sown in the resulting depressions. Next, the scheme for planting cucumbers in open ground looks like this: the interval should be approximately the same, there is no need to sow chaotically, the roots of plants located close to each other will interfere with each other. It is necessary to make an interval of 15 cm to 20 cm between planted seeds, so sowing cucumbers in open ground will happen correctly and will allow the plants to develop normally. Those furrows that remain along the edges of the recess are used to cover the top.

Watering planted seeds

So, all the seeds are buried, now it’s time to water them on top. You should not do this with a high-pressure jet, as the newly planted material may simply be washed out.

It would be ideal to use a watering can with a diffuser and a hose with a similar nozzle, so the watering will be uniform and with low pressure, simulating rain.

If the soil is clayey, then it is necessary to water not the seeds after planting, but the hole itself. The soil with moisture on top after watering will form a crust that will not allow air to pass through for seed germination.

Covering sown beds

If the weather has not yet stabilized (as often happens in our regions in the spring), then it is better to cover the seeded beds with burlap, polyethylene or blankets. At first, the seeds love warmth. Therefore, it is better not to open them until they germinate to the surface. After all, the temperature for planting cucumbers in open ground is optimal if it is above 10 degrees Celsius.

This rule directly relates to the continuation of how to properly plant cucumbers in open ground and avoid possible difficulties in this. The key here is the meaning of “open ground”, which in the spring has not yet fully warmed up, but already needs to be sown. Covering will help maintain a more or less stable temperature inside the bed.

All planting manipulations are quite simple and can be repeated by every novice gardener. In this case, doubts about how to properly plant cucumbers in open ground will disappear by themselves.

Caring for cucumbers in open ground

If you have already acquired knowledge of how to plant cucumber seeds in open ground, then you need to learn how to care for this plant. Depending on the variety and place of growth, cucumbers require a certain approach.

First of all, it comes to regular watering. Otherwise, the fruits will become bitter, bend, and the plant itself will bear little fruit. As a rule, they water at night or early in the morning, when the scorching sun is not yet very hot. If you do this in the middle of a hot afternoon, you will really ruin all your efforts, since the leaves of the plant will simply burn and it will die.

Getting rid of extra tendrils that constantly grow on the plant is also necessary action. After all, they take away from him nutrients. The tendrils are also an indicator of the fruiting of the plant. If they grow regularly on the plant, then the growing season has not yet ended and the plant feels good. If their quantity is small, we can assume that there will be no more harvest from it.

For good harvest cucumbers are fed. This should be done once a week, and once a month. foliar feeding. They are chosen differently for each stage of plant growth - before and during fruiting.

Tying is rarely used in open ground, but it is done if there is a desire and the variety allows. Then it is easier to harvest, and the site will take on a neater appearance. Also, tied cucumbers are easier to fertilize (feed), but the bushes lose moisture at the base faster, and they will have to be watered more often. You can find out more about how to care for cucumbers in open ground.

Conclusions about the correct planting of cucumbers in open ground

After figuring out how to properly plant cucumbers in open ground, you will be able to plan your plot to determine the amount of space for each vegetable. To obtain crops for sale and for personal food, several varieties are planted that will satisfy all requirements.

In order for the harvest to turn out as expected, you need to have knowledge of how best to plant cucumbers in open ground; before that, you should also know how to prepare the area and how. The rules are so simple that enjoy own harvest Even the summer resident who did this for the first time can do it.

As a result, it is worth highlighting a chain of key values ​​that will affect obtaining a good harvest. This is a variety, site, care, which includes a set of measures to prevent the death of the plant (watering, getting rid of pests, fertilizing). Complex actions will not deprive the gardener of good fruiting.