home · Tool · The height of the border stone in the local area is GST. Ramps and lowered curbs. How to protect sidewalks from vehicle access

The height of the border stone in the local area is GST. Ramps and lowered curbs. How to protect sidewalks from vehicle access

Border (fr. bordure “edge”, “border”, “frame”) in road construction— a method of laying a profile separator between the roadway and the sidewalk.

Curb is the well-known name for the edge of the road, its junction with the sidewalk. This name is widespread throughout Russia, with the exception of St. Petersburg, as well as Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and Kurgan. Residents of these cities call it a curb. This is one of the most famous differences in the speech of St. Petersburg residents.

There are opinions that calling any junction of a road and a sidewalk a curb is incorrect. For example, science fiction writer Svyatoslav Loginov, a St. Petersburg resident, in his essay “Pyshka, donut and “aladya”” points out that both of these terms are in GOSTs, and their meanings are slightly different. However, despite the possible formal incorrectness of such a naming, it, as stated above, is common in Russia.

Need for use curb stone when laying paving slabs - it is obvious, because in addition to the visual effect of framing paving fragments with a curb, the latter carries the burden of durability of laying paving slabs. Practice shows that after the snow melts (after a season), provided that the curb stone was not used in laying, the paving areas laid with tiles diverge, that is, a gap forms between the tiles, water accumulates, which contributes to further destruction of the laying areas paving slabs. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to always use curb stones to frame surfaces where paving slabs have been laid.

St. Petersburg science fiction writer Svyatoslav Loginov claims that “curb” is the correct name for the profile separator in cases where the sidewalk is raised compared to the roadway.

In the instructions for the construction of complete surfaces of urban roads VSN 1-94 (issued in 1996, a valid document), neither the curb nor the curb are mentioned, both of these words are replaced by the universal “ side stone" The word “curb” is not mentioned at all in any GOST on road construction. He is mentioned in commercial offers on the provision of services with the title “installation of curbs”, indicating GOST 52289-2004 (current document), in which, again, only curbs are found.

Thus, we can conclude that the curb is popular name vague-looking fencing of the roadway from other spaces. Bardur takes place and has a certain form, established according to GOST. Thus, in the above-mentioned GOST there is a mention of the side surface of the curb and its top (marking), which indicates its elevation above the road surface and the visibility of the upper part; it also mentions “Safety Islands”, which must be marked with markings or curb stones and be 10 cm high. And already in GOST R 52767-2007 ( Russian Federation), issued in 2007 (current document), the following can be found:

4.2.4. Guide islands.

The height of the curb of the guide islands is measured using a level in accordance with GOST 9392 and a measuring ruler in accordance with GOST 427.

The height of the curb is determined by measuring the gap between the road surface and the lower edge of the level installed in a horizontal position on the upper edge of the curb. The height of the curb at any point should not exceed 10 cm.


✔ Let's assume that you are designing a store or a residential building. How can you be sure that in your plan for landscaping the surrounding area, you have provided everything for the free and safe movement of a disabled person in a wheelchair in all possible directions?
Very simple. We must remember the children's game.
Pick up a pencil, choose a route and try to get from point A to point B, using board game Your project.
If you don't meet on the way:
– stairs or other obstacles,
– drops, curbs, etc. more than 4 cm high,
– steep descents and insurmountable climbs,
– the wheel of the stroller did not slip in the seams between the concrete slabs and did not get stuck between the ribs of the grating installed on the traffic paths,
- you were not injured and remained alive, then the game - Won.
Now choose another possible route and get to the same point B again, but from point C.
The surface of pedestrian paths intended for the movement of disabled people must be smooth, without seams and non-slip, including when wet. Small level differences along the way must be smoothed out.
Coating from concrete slabs should be even, and the thickness of the seams between the plates should be no more than 1.5 cm.
Surface water flow on pedestrian paths should be arranged so that water inlets and grates do not extend onto pedestrian paths.
The edges of the gratings installed on the paths of movement of disabled people must be located perpendicular to the direction of movement and at a distance from each other no more than 1.3 cm.
The slopes of pedestrian paths and sidewalks, which are intended for use by people with disabilities in wheelchairs and the elderly, should not exceed: longitudinal - 5%, transverse - 1-2%.

For the movement of people with limited mobility on difficult terrain, it is necessary to provide for the construction of serpentine routes with slopes within normal limits.
In cases where, due to terrain conditions, it is impossible to ensure the specified limits, it is allowed to increase the longitudinal slope to 10% over a distance of no more than 12 m with the construction of horizontal intermediate platforms along the descent, each at least 1.5 m long.
The crossing of pedestrian paths is carried out at one level.
Today, please note that if you want to turn from the sidewalk onto a pedestrian path leading to a parking lot or a store, then between the sidewalk and the path you will come across a 15 cm high curb separating them (Fig. 14.2 - left entrance). This is the most common mistake. Very often this level difference occurs when “Bekhaton” paving stones are laid in front of the store. The level difference between the sidewalk asphalt and the “bekhaton” in this case is equal to the height of the sidewalk stone.
In Fig. 14.2 approaches to the right store are completed correctly. But the figure contains two more typical errors.
A call button designed for wheelchair users is installed on the wall near the entrance to the store at the required height.
The first mistake was that the designer forgot to provide for the possibility of a disabled person in a wheelchair approaching the call button. It was necessary to either make the entire sidewalk path wider, or widen the path in the area of ​​approach to the button in the form of a “pocket.”
The second mistake is that there was no point in installing a call button, since this store is accessible for the free movement of a disabled person in a wheelchair.
Warning information for people with complete and partial loss of vision about approaching obstacles (stairs, pedestrian crossing, end of a traffic island, etc.) should be provided by changing the texture of the surface layer of paths and sidewalks, guiding relief stripes and bright contrasting colors.
The optimal colors for marking are bright yellow, bright orange and bright red.
To warn people with complete or partial loss of vision that they are approaching a pedestrian crossing, the texture of the sidewalk surface should be changed immediately in front of it.
To do this, 0.6–0.9 m before the start of the transition, warning tactile (tactile) strips with pronounced corrugation of the surface are laid (Fig. 14.4 and 14.5). The tactile strip is perceived by a cane or by direct contact with the feet of the walker.
Unlike Russia, in Great Britain (and in many other countries) the tactile strip made before the crossing (Fig. 14.4) is adjacent at an angle of 90° to another tactile strip, which stretches across the entire sidewalk and warns people with visual impairments in advance about a place where you can turn towards the transition.
In Fig. 14.3 shows an example of one of the relief information plates of the road surface (for the blind) with dimensions in mm.
Since the industry today does not produce embossed information plates, in Yekaterinburg a tactile stripe is usually made on an asphalt sidewalk using Bekhaton paving stones.
At the intersection of pedestrian paths with the roadway of streets and roads, the height of the sidewalk stones should be at least 2.5 cm and not exceed 4 cm (Fig. 14.4). The minimum width of the lowered curb, based on the dimensions of the wheelchair, must be at least 900 mm.

The lowered side stone is painted with bright yellow (or white) paint. Contrasting coloring helps people with visual impairments to navigate and at the same time indicates to people with musculoskeletal disabilities (walking on crutches, in wheelchairs) places of possible entry and exit onto the sidewalk.
It should be noted that in world practice, as a rule, the curb is lowered not to 2.5–4 cm, but to zero, in order to eliminate all obstacles in the paths of people.
In Yekaterinburg, the first intersection reconstructed taking into account the needs of people with disabilities in 1998 at the intersection of Malysheva-Bazhova streets was done exactly this way. The curb was leveled with the roadway. Wheelchair users and parents with baby strollers were happy. But the Land Improvement Department did not like this - when a sweeper comes, all the garbage ends up on the sidewalk. A grader that removes snow along the curb in these places cannot determine the boundary between the sidewalk and the curb, which can result in damage to either the grader or the regular curb along the road. Visually impaired people also spoke out against it. In the absence of special relief information plates, nothing warned the visually impaired about entering the roadway. The traffic police officers were also not happy, as there was a danger of cars hitting pedestrians. They insisted that a minimum height lowered curb 4 cm.

In my opinion, it is necessary to change the psychology of Russian drivers and adhere to at least the established Russian standard, which determines the maximum limits for the height of a lowered curb, taking into account changes in relief from 2.5 to 4 cm. If we define a minimum limit of 4 cm, then builders will install the curb at within 3–5 cm. Some disabled people, especially disabled people in electric wheelchairs, cannot overcome the curb even 2–3 cm (!). A 5 cm border will not be overcome by most.
IN international practice the maximum permissible height difference in levels is no more than 1.3–1.5 cm (!), and to separate the roadway and pedestrian zone, which are on the same level, special bollards with markings (“bollards”) are installed at a distance of 1.2 m from each other. These bollards prevent vehicular traffic in the pedestrian zone.
Sidewalk exits should have a slope of no more than 1:10.
In Fig. 14.5:
1 – exit from the sidewalk;
2 – warning tactile (tactile) strip.
In places of transitions, the use of side stones with a beveled upper edge or ramps that narrow the width of the roadway is not allowed.
If a car moving along the roadway high speed, will drive its wheels onto such an exit overlooking the road (Fig. 14.6), it will simply roll over. Cleaning equipment that clears the road along curbs can also be damaged if it accidentally catches such a protrusion.
In practice, very often during reconstruction small area roads, high curbs are simply rolled up with asphalt in the form of a roller. For example, so that a car with goods can drive onto the asphalt and drive close to the loading door of the store. It is important to ensure that such rollers near sidewalks do not appear on major highways with heavy traffic.

What would I like to draw your attention to? Special attention. In the regulatory literature it is not entirely clear in which places it is necessary to lower the curb and in which places it is not necessary. In Fig. Figure 14.7 shows schematically the places where the curb is lowered. As we can see, lowered curbs are not installed at all intersections of the sidewalk with the roadway, but in places where pedestrian traffic is allowed: 1 - at controlled intersections where there are traffic lights or a “Pedestrian Crossing” sign is installed; 2 – in places where automobile entrances to courtyards intersect pedestrian paths. A woman with a baby stroller walking along the street along the road (arrows in Fig. 14.7) should move freely and not endlessly drag the stroller over the curbs. In the figure, as an example, there is also a place crossed out with a cross where curbs cannot be lowered, since people crossing the road in this direction is prohibited.
To prevent people standing on a sidewalk exit with a 10% slope from slipping and falling under the wheels of a car, it is recommended to install a handrail flag (a column with a loop ending at the top) within the tactile strip, on the right in the direction of travel.
The width of the pedestrian path through the traffic island at the point of crossing the roadway must be at least 3 m, the length - at least 2 m.
In places where there is a level difference exceeding 4 cm between horizontal sections of pedestrian paths or floors in buildings and structures, the installation of ramps and stairs should be provided.
All stairs located in the path of wheelchair users must be duplicated with ramps or lifts. Stairs and ramps are protected with railings.

All stairs of an underground or overground passage must be duplicated with ramps. Near underground passages, clearly visible signs should be placed information signs(Fig. 14.8). Crossings at large and complex traffic intersections should be equipped with protective barriers.
Areas and spaces that are dangerous for disabled people should be fenced off with side stones at least 5 cm high. A fence should be installed near obstacles.
In residential areas and microdistricts along pedestrian paths and sidewalks intended for the movement of disabled people, rest areas with benches should be provided at least every 300 m.

SNiP 35-01-2001 and GOST 6665-91

Interestingly, the document ( building codes and rules), which should help cyclists overcome curbs and easily enter sidewalks, is intended for the design, construction and renovation of buildings and structures that are accessible to all groups of the population with limited mobility. Here the interests of cyclists coincide with the interests of wheelchair users. And since Russia signed the Declaration of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, adopted by the General Assembly in 1975, there are articles in the legislation that are useful to us, cyclists.

Quote from current SNiP 35-01-2001:

3.4 The height of curbs along the edges of pedestrian paths on the site is recommended to be at least 0.05 m. The height of the curb stones at the intersection of sidewalks with the roadway, as well as the difference in heights of curbs, curb stones along the operated lawns and green areas adjacent to pedestrian traffic paths, should not exceed 0.04 m.

This “SNIP” (building codes and regulations) is included in the international Classification ISO 91.040.01, which provides people with disabilities the opportunity to lead an active lifestyle. "Snip" replaced VSN 62-91 * from 1994, in which a similar clause sounded as follows:
"…2.2.2. In places where pedestrian paths intersect with the roadway of streets and roads, the height of the sidewalk edge stones must be at least 2.5 cm and not exceed 4 cm. The use of edge stones with a beveled top edge or ramps is not allowed in places of transitions, narrowing the width of the roadway..."

Thus, as I understand it, there is an organization called Rostekhnadzor, which must monitor compliance with the above-mentioned SNiP included in the ISO Classifier 91.040.01 (Construction in general).

"The Moscow MTU of Rostechnadzor faces the main tasks of exercising powers aimed at implementing the legislative and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation in the field of ... construction supervision ...

The activist's legal sclerosis. Height of curbs on streets and roads

in order to prevent accidents, injuries and reduce the likelihood negative impact per person..."

Side stone BR 100.30.15, for separating the roadway of intra-block driveways from sidewalks and lawns GOST 6665-91

Side stone BR 100.20.8, for separating pedestrian paths and sidewalks from lawns GOST 6665-91

And here is the main stone for us cyclists - RAMP
Description according to GOST 6665-91
Stone-ramp, reference mass - according to the project (i.e. there are no dimensions, they do it as needed on site), purpose - for connecting the surfaces of bicycle paths and sidewalks with heavy traffic of children's and wheelchairs, etc. with covering the roadways of streets and roads at intersections

Note. The length of the ramp (la) for paving surfaces made of prefabricated slabs is taken as a multiple of the size of the slabs, and other dimensions depend on the type of stone.

How to protect sidewalks from vehicle access?

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The height of the excess of the side stone above the roadway

The height of the excess of the side stone, which provides drainage, above the roadway is usually taken to be 0.12 - 0.18 m with possible fluctuations in the range of 0.08 - 0.20 m. At the entrances to the block, if they are not designed as a junction of two streets, without interrupting the sidewalk on the street, the height of the side stone is reduced to 0.04 m

Intra-block driveways are bordered on both sides with curbs 0.15 - 0.18 m high; for single-pitch driveways - 0.08 - 0.10 m is allowed.

Source - N.M. Kleimenov and N.D. Dudina “Vertical layout » pages 73, 110

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52767 -

Roads common use




The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by the Federal Law of December 27, 2002. No. 184-FZ“On technical regulation”, and the rules of application national standards Russian Federation - GOSTR 1.0 -2004"Standardization In Russian federation . Basic provisions"


1. DEVELOPED by the Federal state unitary enterprise "Russian Road Scientific - research Institute" (FSUE "ROSDORNII") Rosavtodor together with the Department of Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and CJSC "DORISCONSALT"

2. INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 418 “Road Facilities”

3. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated October 23, 2007. No. 271-st


Information about changes to this standard is published in the annually published information index “National Standards”, and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly published information index “ National standards" In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index “National Standards”. Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in information system for general use - on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and metrology on the Internet


dateintroduction- 2008 - 07 - 01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to equipment elements highways for general use, designed to improve convenience and improve road safety in accordance with GOST R 52766.

The standard establishes methods for determining the parameters of highway development elements.

2. Normative references

This standard uses references to the following standards:

4. Methods for determining the parameters of technical means and devices for organizing and ensuring road safety

4.1. Road signs and signals

4.1.1. Road signs Tests of the physical and electrical parameters of road signs are carried out in accordance with GOST R 52290 (section 7); photo and colorimetric parameters according to GOST R 52290 (section 8). Determining the compliance of the installation of road signs on roads with traffic management projects and GOST R 52289 is carried out by full-scale inspection.

4.1.2. Board with changing information The correspondence of the sizes of the boards, inscriptions and symbols depicted on them to the sizes of similar elements for individually designed signs in accordance with GOST R 52290 is determined by measuring these elements using measuring rulers in accordance with GOST 427 or tape measures in accordance with GOST 7502. To measure the distance, use a car that has visibility from the driver’s seat in accordance with GOST R 51266 and is equipped with a device for measuring the distance traveled with a measurement error of no more than ± 2%, or use a stopwatch. Tests should be carried out under the following conditions:

The section of the road on which the sign is installed must have natural illumination corresponding to the light or dark time of day; if artificial lighting is available, it must be turned on, and the lamps must be in good condition;

The scoreboard must be turned on and in working condition;

The meteorological visibility range at the test site must be at least 1000 m;

The car with the observer must move in the direction of the board at a constant speed allowed in the area where the board is installed;

When testing in the dark, the car must have low beam headlights on;

At the test site, vehicles should not move in the opposite direction with their high beam headlights on.

It is not allowed to carry out tests in atmospheric precipitation. Measuring the distances of legibility of inscriptions and symbols on the board is carried out by measuring the path of the point at which the observer begins to distinguish all the inscriptions and symbols on the board up to the installation site of the board.

It is possible to determine distances by measuring, using a stopwatch, the length of time from the moment an observer in a car moving at a constant speed begins to distinguish inscriptions and symbols on the scoreboard until the moment the car passes the target where the scoreboard is installed. The distance in this case is determined by the duration of the marked period of time and the speed of the vehicle. The correct placement of a sign on the road is determined by the compliance of its placement with the traffic management project (scheme) and the compliance of its position on the road with the rules for installing individually designed information road signs in accordance with GOST R 52289.

4.1.3. Road markings

Parameter measurement road markings and the compliance of its application on the road surface (GOST R 52289 and GOST R 51256) is carried out using a measuring tape in accordance with GOST 7502.

4.1.4. Road traffic lights

Measurement of parameters of road traffic lights is carried out according to GOST R 52282.

4.2.1. Signal road posts Determination of the linear dimensions of the posts (dimensions, dimensions of vertical marking elements), as well as the parameters of their installation on roads (distance from the edge roadbed, roadway, between columns) for compliance with the requirements of GOST R 50970 is carried out using a measuring ruler in accordance with GOST 427 and a tape measure in accordance with GOST 7502. The position of the bevel of the upper part of the column, the position of the columns located on opposite sides of the road, the presence of reflectors and defects are determined visually when inspecting the columns. Determination of photometric parameters of retroreflectors located on signal posts - according to GOST R 50971.

4.2.2. Signal road bollards The height of the cabinets and geometric parameters their vertical markings are determined with a measuring ruler in accordance with GOST 427. The visibility distance of the cabinets at night is determined in accordance with -.

4.2.3. Road reflectors

The technical parameters of retroreflectors on highways are determined according to GOST R 50971.

The height of the curb of the guide islands is measured using a level according to GOST 9392 and a measuring ruler according to GOST 427.

The height of the curb is determined by measuring the gap between the road surface and the lower edge of the level installed in a horizontal position on the upper edge of the curb. The height of the curb at any point should not exceed 10 cm.

4.2.5. Safety islands

The height of the curb of traffic islands is measured in accordance with 4.2.4. The height of the curb at any point should be (10 ± 1) cm.

4.3. Devices affecting vehicles

4.3.1. Artificial humps

The parameters of artificial unevenness are determined according to GOST R 52605.

4.3.2. Noise stripes The placement of noise strips on a section of the road is checked against the traffic management design (scheme). The width of the stripes and the distance between the stripes are measured with a measuring tape according to GOST 7502. The height of the strips is determined using a rack with a wedge gauge according to GOST 30412.

The lath is laid across the strip so that one of its ends is 15-20 cm long above the road surface. Then, using a wedge gauge, measure the gap between the bottom edge of the rack and the road surface. Measurements are carried out across the entire width of the noise band at points spaced 0.5 m apart.

The measurement result is taken as the average value of the measurements taken on the noise band.

4.3.3. Emergency exits The linear parameters of the ramp (length, width of the ramp, dimensions of the turning area) are determined according to GOST R 52577.

Slopes are measured with a level according to GOST 10528. The thickness of the coating layer of loose material, as well as the height of the sand shaft, is measured by immersing a metal rod with a diameter of 8-10 mm and a length of 150 cm into it.

The rod is buried in a loose coating or sand bank in vertical position with a force of 10 kg. The depth of the rod is used to determine the thickness of the coating and the height of the sand bank. The presence of road signs at the exit and the absence of pedestrian traffic are determined visually.

4.4. Protective devices

4.4.1. Road barriers Consumer characteristics of the design of road barriers (level of holding capacity, dynamic deflection and working width) are determined according to GOST R 52607. Compliance of the consumer characteristics of the design of road barriers with their installation site is carried out by inspecting the road section at the site of installation of the barrier, assessing the degree of complexity of road conditions in accordance with GOST R 52289 and studying technical documentation on the fence. Compliance of the installation parameters of fences (fence length, installation height, distance from the edge of the roadway, distance from the fenced obstacle, distance from the edge of the roadbed) with the requirements of their installation projects and GOST R 52289 is determined using a measuring tape and measuring tape in accordance with GOST 7502. The presence of all fencing elements provided for by GOST 26804, including retroreflectors, the presence of an outlet or deepening of the initial sections of the fencing, the correct installation of elements, as well as the mating of fencing on artificial structures and approaches to them are determined by visual inspection. Determination of the parameters of restraining fences for pedestrians and limiting fences for pedestrians and animals is carried out according to the technical documentation for these fences. The color of road barriers in the form of buffers, the presence of vertical markings and the presence of ballast in them are determined by direct inspection.

4.4.2. Acoustic screens The geometric parameters of the screen and its placement on the road section are measured with a measuring tape and measuring tape. The operating efficiency of acoustic screens at their installation sites is determined by experimental evaluation according to GOST R 51943.

4.4.3. Anti-glare screens The location of the initial and final sections of the screen relative to the boundaries of intersections and junctions on the same level, pedestrian crossings and turning points of vehicles are determined using the equipment of a mobile road laboratory, a laser range finder, a total station or other geodetic instrument certified in the prescribed manner. The position of the screen in relation to the roadway, the distance from the upper and lower edges of the protective element of the screen to the surface of the dividing strip is measured with a tape measure according to GOST 7502. The directional transmittance of the mesh screen is determined according to GOST 26302 (method A). The essence of the method is to determine the ratio of the current strength of the photodetector when it hits luminous flux, passing through the screen sample under study, to the current strength when the light flux hits the photodetector directly. When carrying out measurements, use a light source according to (type A) with color temperature T tz = (2850 ± 20) K and a photodetector with a photometric head corrected for the V(T) function in accordance with GOST 8.332.

Tests should be carried out in a room that excludes the presence of extraneous light (in a completely darkened room). The sample must be clean, dry and kept for 24 hours in the room where the tests will be carried out.

Measurements are carried out on a prototype, which is one of the screen sections.

The sample is placed vertically between the light source and the photodetector. The axis of the screen sample is positioned at an angle α to the axis of the incident light beam (Figure 1).

1 - sample screen; 2 - Light source ; 3 - photometric photodetector head; N is the normal to the sample surface; ρ - lighting angle equal to 72 °; A- additional lighting angle equal to 18°; OS = OF

Picture 1 - Photometric directional transmittance measurement circuit for mesh screens(view from above )

Measurements are carried out at at least three points along the length of the sample at levels corresponding to 85% - 100%, 45% - 60%, 0% - 15% of the screen height.

During the measurement process, the current strength of the photodetector is determined when the screen sample is illuminated at a given angle α .

Directional light transmittance t calculated by the formula

The mesh screen sample is considered to have passed the tests if the transmittance at the angle value α from 0° to 18° is no more than 0.10. The transmittance of rack screens under the above test conditions should be equal to 0.

4.4.4. Snow protection devices In snow-protective plantings, using a measuring tape or measuring tape according to GOST 7502, measure the distances between rows of trees and shrubs, as well as the distances in a row between trees and shrubs.

The measured distances must correspond to the standard values. The geometric parameters of snow-retaining and snow-blowing fences, the distance between the rows and the road are measured using a measuring tape.

4.5. Means for organizing the movement of pedestrians and cyclists

4.5.1. Sidewalks and pedestrian paths When determining the parameters of sidewalks and pedestrian paths, their presence along the length of the building is visually determined settlement and on approaches from bus stops and places of public recreation, as well as the presence of a fence at a distance from the edge of the roadway of less than 2.5 m. The width of sidewalks and pedestrian paths, the distance to the roadway, and the height of shrubs are measured with a measuring tape in accordance with GOST 7502. Calculation of the intensity of pedestrian traffic to determine the correspondence of the width (number of lanes) of sidewalks and pedestrian paths to the intensity of pedestrian traffic is carried out during rush hour using a visual method. Sidewalk slopes are measured with a level according to GOST 10528.

4.5.2. Pedestrian crossings The presence of pedestrian crossings and their arrangement with road signs, markings, fencing and lighting are determined according to the traffic management project. The width of pedestrian crossings is measured with a tape measure according to GOST 7502. The visibility distance of cars on both sides of the crossing is determined according to GOST R 52577.

4.5.3. Bike paths The need to install bicycle paths is determined by measuring the intensity of traffic and cyclists during rush hour and checking the compliance of the obtained values ​​with regulatory requirements. The geometric parameters of bicycle paths (width of the path, shoulders, dividing strip, distance to obstacles) are determined according to GOST R 52577.

The height of the curb is determined with a ruler in accordance with GOST 427, the height dimension is determined with a tape measure in accordance with GOST 7502. The approximate value of the radius of horizontal circular curves can be determined using the following method.

To take measurements, use a measuring tape or measuring tape according to GOST 7502.

On the inner edge of the bicycle path, two points are selected, located at a distance S. Then, in the middle of the measured segment, a segment is measured perpendicular to ith(Figure 2). Radius R, m, is calculated using the formula

Figure 2 - Scheme for determining the radius of a horizontal curve

To increase the accuracy of determining the radius of a horizontal curve, it is recommended to take measurements in two or three places on the curve. Radius R The horizontal curve is defined as the average value obtained from the results of individual measurements. The presence of hard surfaces on the path, fences and technical means of organizing traffic at the intersection of the bicycle path with the roadway is determined visually.

4.6. Means for improving visibility conditions

4.6.1. Stationary electric lighting The presence of stationary lighting on sections of roads where lighting is required by current standards, and the distance between individual illuminated objects are determined when conducting road diagnostics. Determination of horizontal illumination and uniformity of horizontal illumination of coatings - according to GOST 24940. The installation parameters for lamp supports are determined using a measuring tape or measuring tape in accordance with GOST 7502 by measuring the distance from the support to the edge of the subgrade or side stone.

When installing supports on the side of the road or dividing strip, determine the presence of fences and the distance from the fences to the edge of the roadway.

If there are supports with a height of more than 15 m, measure the distance from the support to the edge of the roadway and the presence of a fence if this distance is less than 9 m.

4.6.2. Road mirrors Tests of road mirrors are carried out at air temperature plus (25 ± 10) ° C, relative humidity 45% - 80%, atmospheric pressure 84-107 kPa (630-800 mm Hg). The presence of defects on the reflector (scratches, dents, omissions of the reflective layer) is checked according to GOST 17716 (clause 4.3) indoors under diffused natural or artificial lighting in reflected light.

To determine the presence of defects, the observer must be between the light source and the front surface of the reflector. The optical element should be located at a distance of 800-1000 mm from the observer's eyes.

The presence of defects is checked by tilting the optical element in different directions. The correct choice of the mirror design and its installation location is determined visually when natural light at the intersection of main and secondary roads.

On the side of the main road opposite to the observer, at a distance of 1 m from the edge of the roadway, a mirror is installed, the size of which corresponds to the category of the road. The center of the mirror reflector should be at a height of 2.7 m from the surface of the roadside.

The mirror reflector must be turned towards the observed section of the road so that this section is visible to the observer.

The eye level of an observer in a car on a secondary road at the place where he must give way to a car moving on the main road should be at a height of 1.2 m from the surface of the pavement.

The test is considered successful if, with binocular vision, the observer from the place where he must give way sees in the mirror the full width of the intersection of the roadway at the distance from the mirror indicated in Table 1 and can determine the direction of movement passenger car, which fell into the viewing sector on the main road.

Table 1 - Minimum visibility distance for the full width of the roadway

Reflector size, m

Reflector option

Full visibility distance width of the road parts, m





After testing, no corrosion spots are allowed to appear on the reflector, the total area of ​​which exceeds 2% of the reflector area. Providing protection of the reflector from water ingress by the mirror housing - in accordance with GOST R 52290. Strength of protective paint coating mirror elements - according to GOST 15140 (method 2). Resistance to climatic factors - according to GOST 9.401.

5 Methods for determining the parameters of buildings and traffic service structures

5.1. Road user services facilities

5.1.1. Buildings and structures for rest and food for road users The distances between facilities for rest and food for road users are determined based on the results of road diagnostics. Compliance of the capacity of buildings and structures for rest and nutrition of road users with the requirements of GOST R 52766 is determined based on the results of traffic accounting and comparison of the required and actual capacity.

5.1.2. Recreation areas The distances between rest areas and their capacity are determined based on the results of highway diagnostics. The presence of zoning and equipment of rest areas is determined during their direct inspection during the diagnostic process of highways.

5.1.3. Stopping and short-term parking areas The availability of areas for stopping and short-term parking of cars at traffic service facilities and their actual capacity are determined based on the results of highway diagnostics. Compliance of the actual capacity of sites with the requirements of GOST R 52766 is determined based on the results of inspection of structures and their technical documentation.

5.1.4. Items medical care

In the process of diagnosing highways, the availability of information on the road about the location of medical aid points and its compliance with the list of medical institutions providing assistance to victims of road accidents, agreed upon with the regional authorities of medical institutions, is recorded.

5.1.5. Communications facilities In the process of diagnosing highways, they record the presence on the roads of information about the location of communication points (post office, telephone, telegraph) and the correspondence of the information to the actual location of communication structures, as well as the presence of signs on the section of the road on which the radio communication system with emergency services operates. The distances between calling speakers in the presence of signaling and calling communications on the road are determined using a mobile road laboratory. The placement of calling speakers in the transverse profile of the road is measured with a measuring tape in accordance with GOST 7502. The operability of the emergency call system is determined by the alarm on the control panel at the dispatch center (point) for controlling the system or by monitoring communication with the operator using a call station on the road.

5.2. Facilities for Maintenance Vehicle

5.2.1. Fuel stations The distances between fuel filling stations and their capacity are determined during highway diagnostics. Measuring distances from fuel filling stations to the edge of the roadway, the boundaries of children's land plots preschool institutions secondary schools, boarding schools, medical institutions from a hospital or to the walls of residential or public buildings and structures, as well as from landing areas, turning and settling-turning areas of ground passenger transport, pedestrian crossings are determined with a measuring tape.

5.2.2. Car service stations The distances between vehicle service stations and their capacity are determined during highway diagnostics. Measuring the distances from car service stations to the windows of residential buildings and public buildings, as well as to the boundaries of land plots of schools, preschool institutions and hospital-type hospitals is determined with a measuring tape.

5.2.3. Washing stations

The distance of free-standing washing stations from residential buildings, public buildings and structures, boarding schools, and inpatient medical institutions is determined using a measuring tape.

5.3. Stopping points for public passenger transport

5.3.1. The location and distances between stopping points of public passenger transport are determined using a mobile road laboratory when conducting diagnostics of highways.

5.3.2. Availability necessary funds stopping point equipment is determined by visual inspection.

5.3.3. The geometric parameters of high-speed transition and dividing lanes, pockets, stopping and landing areas are in accordance with GOST R 52577.

5.3.4. The presence and location of the necessary means of traffic management (signs, markings, traffic lights) and pedestrian barriers are determined by comparing the means available in the stopping area with those provided for by the traffic management project and GOST R 52289.

5.4. Traffic control structures

5.4.1. Stationary posts of the road patrol service The availability of areas for stopping and parking cars, the parameters of transitional express lanes are determined when conducting diagnostics of highways. The illumination of the area for stopping cars and transitional express lanes is measured in accordance with GOST 24940.

5.4.2. Stationary weight and dimensional control points Availability of equipment for weight and dimensional control points (rooms for accommodating personnel and special technical equipment, areas for parking and taking measurements, technical means production of measurements, storage and analysis of data) are checked during diagnostics of highways The compliance of the parameters of transitional express lanes with the road category is determined according to GOST R 52577. Measurement of illumination of the surface of transitional express lanes and the territory of the weight and dimensional control point is carried out in accordance with GOST 24940.

5.5. Monitoring compliance with traffic safety requirements at the locations of traffic service buildings and structures

5.5.1. The parameters of the geometric elements of the road section at the location of the traffic service structure are determined according to GOST R 52577.

5.5.2. The value of the radii of curvature at the exits is determined in accordance with.

5.5.3. The steepness of slopes on embankments within the transitional speed strips is determined using geodetic instruments.

5.5.4. Lateral visibility at exits to service facilities is determined according to the methodology adopted for intersections and junctions of highways at the same level in accordance with GOST R 52577.

Lateral visibility should provide visibility from the main road to a vehicle waiting on a secondary road for safe entry onto the main road. In this case, the waiting car is located 1.5 m from the edge of the roadway; on the main road the car moves 1.5 m from the edge of the roadway; The driver's eye level is located at a height of 1.2 m (Figure 3).

Figure 3 - Scheme for determining lateral visibility

The visibility distance measurement is carried out using a road laboratory moving in the direction of the exit to the object at the permitted speed, and a passenger car standing on the exit in accordance with Figure 3.

Visibility of a car is considered ensured if, when driving a road laboratory along the main road, its driver sees a waiting car on a secondary road from a distance L the meaning of which is no less than the normative one.

The visibility distance of the road surface is checked by two observers standing at a distancel chapter and l Tue (standard values ​​of the visibility distance of the surface of the main and secondary roads) from the intersection (adjacent) in accordance with Figure 3. If an observer from a height of 1.2 m sees the road surface at the location of the second observer, it is considered that the condition for ensuring the visibility of the road is met.

5.5.5. Checking the zoning of the territory of the facility, the organization of traffic and pedestrians, the presence of a layout of facilities and passages to them in service complexes, the availability of lighting of transitional express lanes and the territory of the facilities, information about the location of the telephone, first aid equipment is carried out by inspecting the facility and its territory.

Keywords: arrangement of highways, arrangement elements, basic parameters, methods for determining parameters