home · electrical safety · What can be done from an old fur coat. Exclusive do-it-yourself fur coat rug Do-it-yourself fur coat rug - preparing the base

What can be done from an old fur coat. Exclusive do-it-yourself fur coat rug Do-it-yourself fur coat rug - preparing the base

From an old fur coat, you can make such wonderful blankets that will help create coziness in the house, a warm home environment. What could be more expensive after a hard day's work?

Probably every woman has some kind of fur things: a fur coat, a hat, collars that have served their time. for a long time in favor of us. You can make a blanket on a sofa, a cape on an armchair or a small rug for the feet in front of the bed.

Not a single piece of furniture can resist such a soft and fluffy decoration that will make any room not just a place of relaxation, but also a romantic, sophisticated place where you want to spend time and relax your body and soul.

And fur rugs on the floor will truly be a fairy tale for your tired legs during the day.

So where to start? If the fur is very worn out, then a big thing will not work out of it, the main thing is that the mezdra is intact. We open the fur coat, free it from the lining, we take only fur into work. Long, matted fur can be combed with a comb with sparse teeth. Fur, if there are grease spots on it, can be cleaned with a brush dipped in gasoline, to which a solution of washing powder is added (1 teaspoon per liter of water). The stain is wiped again with clean gasoline, of course, this treatment is best done on fresh air observing fire safety measures.

Very dirty light fur is rubbed with gruel made from gasoline and starch or bran. The fur is wiped with this gruel, then allowed to dry and shaken. Fur can even be vacuumed. You need to wipe the pile of the skin in one direction: not very greasy places along the pile, heavily greasy, for example, from the cap, against the pile. Sweat stains are removed with the following mixture: 3 teaspoons of salt are diluted in 500 milligrams of water and 1 teaspoon is added ammonia. After that, wipe with clean gasoline.

A fox collar or hat can be cleaned without gasoline. Sprinkle the fur with starch, sprinkle with water, let dry and shake well. The fur will change. Dark smooth fur is cleaned with dry hot sand. Try to tint a yellowed light astrakhan with blue or blue fabric paint. Wipe with a swab or cloth upper layer fur, without wetting the skin.

Wet fur is dried away from batteries and sunlight. Our coat is dry. We take a furrier's knife or a scalpel and carefully, using a metal ruler, cut off all the worn edges on the reverse side. Cut only the core, without touching the fur. We got pieces that now need to be attached correctly to each other and sewn together. For dense fur, a faceted needle is suitable, but you can use a regular one. You will need threads in tone No. 10 and a thimble. For strength, the threads can be rubbed with wax.

Lay the prepared parts of the fur coat face down on the table and mark the lines of the joints with a small line every 5 centimeters. In these places, it is better to fasten the details with a few stitches. Now start sewing with an overcast seam over the edge, trying to lay the seam evenly, after 2-4 mm. After you have sewn the parts, iron the seam with the rings of the scissors and tap the seam with a wooden mallet. You can finally align the seam by moistening it with water from the side of the mezra and drying it in a straightened state.

You can try to sew fur with a dense mezra on sewing machine. Fold the pieces face in, fasten every 5 cm by hand and zigzag stitch so that the top weave of the seam runs near the edge of the leather.

Fragile skin, torn under the needle when stitching, needs to be strengthened. Place a piece of cotton fabric under the weak spot, gluing it with glue, which, when dried, will remain elastic, such as rubber. Gluing with glues "Moment", "Uni-kum" or "88 N" will turn out harder. The glued fur is sewn together with the fabric.

For lining, apply a suitable fabric from the inside and quilt frequently, grabbing the entire thickness of the leather with the needle.

Your old fur coat will still serve you!




Remember from primary school, a work of oral folk art called a mystery.

Give two or three examples of riddles. How did they form?

People began to compose riddles in antiquity. Then these little works were not fun entertainment but rather a serious test for young men. With the help of riddles, older and more experienced men tested the minds of the guys. It was believed that if a teenager cannot complete a task, then he is not yet ready for adult life. This rite of passage for young men is also reflected in fairy tales, when fairy tale character tested with tasks and riddles. The guy must show ingenuity, resourcefulness, mind.

Later, boys and girls had fun in solving riddles. It took a long time before the riddle turned into children's entertainment. But she, just as in antiquity, іёereviryає mind, knowledge, quick wits.

A riddle is a short poetic, often rhythmic statement that needs to be guessed, in which some object or phenomenon is encrypted in a veiled * form.

The word riddle is derived from the word guess, which meant in ancient times to think, guess, guess.

Why is the mystery interesting? First of all, their hidden meaning. The object that was “hidden” in it must be sought under a hint, description characteristic features. For example, there is such a riddle: There is a snowstorm near the ear, and a fair in the ear. To unravel it, you must at least once put your ear to the bee hive and listen to the quiet buzz in it. It can resemble the sounds of a blizzard, and the constant movement of bees in a hive is a din at a fair. So through the description of the phenomenon, you can guess about the hidden object.

* Veiled - deliberately hidden, obscure, vague.

Often in a riddle, an object is compared with a creature: He waved his hands - he bent the tree. (Wind.) In some riddles, a creature, object or phenomenon is indicated through negation or opposition: No arms, no legs, but it rushes across the field. (Wind.) Does not live, but follows a person. (Shadow.) Not an artist, but draws. (Freezing.)

Riddles can be rosy sentences: Under the ground, a bird has built a nest and laid eggs. (Potatoes.) Seven hundred falcons sleep on one pillow. (Sunflower.) Often the riddle is framed interrogative sentence: What goes without moving? (Time.) What grows upside down? (Icicle.) There are several groups of riddles: about people and their lives, about nature and its phenomena, about plants, animals, etc.

1 Names, what type each group of riddles belongs to. Guess them.

The black cow overcame everyone. The white wolf raised everyone.

Noisy, buzzing and everything goes uphill.

A thousand sheep, and between them one lamb.

He is small, and his fur coat is wooden.

Without eyes, without hands, but climbs on a club.

Small, round, hooks - you will cry.

She swam, swam, she remained dry.

Gray in summer, white in winter.

Born twice, dies once.

In the morning he walks on four, in the afternoon on two, in the evening on three. There are two rows of lambs in the shed, and all are white.

There were two brothers and both Kondrati, they live across the path and do not see each other.

He does not eat, does not drink, but stands and beats.

There are teeth, but no mouth.

He walks along the wire, disperses the darkness.

2. Explain how the riddles are formed:

Not a tailor, but walks with needles.

A golden boat floats on the sea.

A woman came down from the mountains and carried a hundred skins.

3. Guess the riddles:

It jumps on the ground and swims in the water.

Who wears his own house?

Four brothers under one roof.

He is silent, but he will teach a hundred fools.

Runs on the ground, lies down to sleep under the bench.

Without arms, without legs, and puts everyone on the bed.

A lady in a golden caftan walks, where she looks - the grass withers.

One does all the work, the second feeds the owner with milk, the third guards the house.

In a green shell, but inside - like the sun.

Fold - a wedge, spread - a mushroom.

And they bake me, and they boil me, and they eat me, and they praise me, because I am kind.

Salty, not salt, runs, not a river, glitters, not gold, when one would guess and less know it.


1. What is a riddle? Why do people make puzzles?

2. How are riddles formed?

3. Names with which you can compare such objects and phenomena as wind, sun, road, toothbrush, book. Warehouses with them are mysteries.

4. Learn a few riddles by heart, ask your friends.

Another option decorative finishes facades of buildings is the so-called house under a fur coat. This idea for decorating a residential building and garden buildings was known back in the last century and was actively used on summer cottages In the countryside. The technology for applying plaster under a fur coat is quite simple, fast and cheap, now we will prove it to you.

Plaster coat: essence and benefits

Stucco fur coat is an application sand-cement mortar sprayed onto the surface of the building. This process even a novice in the construction business is able to carry out, because. all you need is a mortar, a broom, a stick and a trowel. The process of applying plaster coats to the house is not laborious and takes little time, compared to other options for finishing the facades of the building (lining, etc.). There are practically no material costs, the only costs are the purchase of cement and color pigment for the color of the solution (optional).

The advantages of plastering a fur coat are as follows:

The disadvantage is the fact that the type of fur coat will not fit modern garden styles(for example,), as well as that the fur coat is a dust collector due to its embossed surface.

How to apply decorative plaster coat?

You can wear a coat different ways, which are equally simple. It is best to use a special machine for applying plaster.

It is necessary to apply the solution with a machine as follows: we hold the socket of the machine at a right angle to the wall, as a result of which the solution is applied in a small layer to the surface under the action of air from the compressor. Please note that the socket must be kept at a right angle, otherwise the plaster coat will be distributed unevenly and the decorative look will lose its beauty. It is necessary to apply plaster with a machine in several layers, if you decide to take a break, be sure to cover the edges of the sprayed mortar with a film to protect the facade from cracking.

In addition to the machine, you can use the "old-fashioned" methods of applying plaster coat with your own hands. There are 3 most popular types of spraying: broom, brush and through the net, now we'll talk about them.

Spraying plaster with a broom is the easiest way. To do this, you need to use a solution, a broom and a stick. We hold a stick in one hand, a broom in the other. We soak the broom in the solution and hit the stick, which we hold against the wall. As a result of this solution is distributed over the surface of the house.

It is also not difficult to apply a plaster coat on a house with a brush with your own hands. All you need is a brush and a small wooden board. We dip the brush into a container with a solution for a fur coat, turn the brush over near the wall and draw a plank over it (on ourselves). As a result of this, the solution is sprayed onto the wall and creates the appearance of a decorative fur coat.

Well, the last popular way to apply plaster on a fur coat with your own hands is to use a metal mesh. In front of the wall on which the fur coat will be applied, a mesh is installed with wooden frame and already through it with the help of a trowel a solution is thrown. After the end of the work, the grid is removed.

As you can see, do-it-yourself methods for applying plaster on a fur coat are quite simple and not laborious. Now we will talk about how to properly create a house under a fur coat with your own hands.

Plastering a house under a fur coat with your own hands: a sequence of actions

As mentioned earlier, the technology of plastering a house under a fur coat is not complicated and even a beginner can handle it.

First of all, we prepare the wall for plaster. If the wall is smooth, then we specially make notches on it using a chisel and a hammer. We also make small holes, but at the same time, without damaging ourselves construction material at home (or cinder block). If the wall has uneven surface there is no need to do any preliminary steps. In addition, it is necessary to get rid of the previous plaster, tile or other decorative cladding, which was applied earlier. Once the wall is prepared, we move on.

The next step is priming the walls. For this, ready-made primer liquids, sold in hardware stores, are used. Their price is inexpensive, and the quality is good enough to ensure the necessary adhesion of the wall with the mortar. You can apply the primer with a brush-brush, this must be done once, but carefully. If the wall area under the fur coat is large, then in order to save on the amount of primer, it is recommended to use a sprayer, it not only applies a primer thin layer but also sprays it on all cracks and gaps.

After the wall is primed, we wait until it is completely dry, this is a must. Next, we proceed to applying the plaster coat to the surface of the house.

At this stage, you should decide on a solution for creating a house under a fur coat. There is an option for applying a gypsum mortar, but it is not recommended to use it, because. gypsum will not provide sufficient moisture protection for the wall. The advantage of gypsum is only that the solution dries faster.

It is best to use the more popular cement-sand mortar. As for the ratio of sand and cement for mortar, opinions very often differ here. Some argue that it is best to use a ratio of 1:3 (cement:sand), others insist on a ratio of 1:2 and even 1:1. We still recommend choosing the 1:3 option, because this solution has already been successfully tested. As for the density of the solution, the plaster coat should have the consistency of liquid sour cream, so it is easier to apply and the requirement for the granularity of the solution is satisfied.

The solution must be applied in 3 layers. The first layer is applied with an ordinary trowel and leveled with it, additionally using a building level. Next, a second layer is applied, preparatory, 1 cm thick. Well, in the end, the last layer is sprayed using the tools and methods listed above. Here you should pay attention to the fact that the last layer, decorative plaster can be cut into pieces broken glass different colors and powder color pigments. This design move will make the facade of the house under a fur coat even more interesting and attractive.

If the plaster under a fur coat is applied with your own hands without the use of color pigments in the solution, the facade can be painted on your own with a spray gun, after the plaster has completely dried.

Among the most popular buildings for applying plaster with a fur coat with your own hands, the following are distinguished:

  • House
  • Brick. You will be surprised, but it is also decorated with plaster under a fur coat, rarely, but there are still examples.

In order for the plaster coat to decorate houses for more than a dozen years, it must be applied correctly. Experts gave us the following helpful tips:

  • The weather conditions for applying plaster coat should be as follows: temperature from 5 to 27 degrees above zero, without direct sunlight (preferably on a cloudy day), but not in rainy weather
  • All 3 layers must be applied in one process, allowing each of the layers to dry a little
  • It is forbidden to save on a primer, it must be applied to the wall
  • It is recommended to use the following powders (from minerals) for coloring the solution: red iron ore, white asbestos, manganese powder, finely ground cobalt glass, ground white marble, coal powder, etc. They must be added to the solution while mixing cement and sand with water.
  • The solution should be rare, but at the same time not slide off the wall
  • To create a more grainy fur coat, you must use metal mesh or a stick with a broom. To keep the grit to a minimum, it is recommended to use a brush.

That's all I wanted to tell you about the plaster coat, how decorative material for finishing facades. We wish you good luck in creating a house under a fur coat with your own hands!

In order to diversify the interior with an exclusive and original detail, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money. You can get by with improvised means and things that have lost their attractiveness or are out of fashion. A do-it-yourself rug made of a fur coat will be a great alternative to expensive carpets from stores.

Even a non-professional can sew a rug from a fur coat with his own hands. For such an element of decor, you need an old fur coat and improvised tools.

Preparing to create a fur rug

Almost every woman has an old fur coat (artificial or natural), which has lost its relevance in modern fashion and aesthetic appearance. This is a rather voluminous thing and takes up a lot of space in the closet, and, importantly, accumulates dust.

Give an old fur coat new life”, to make room for fashionable things and get an exclusive piece of furniture will help a rug made of old fur coat.

At the first stage, it is necessary to assess the condition of the fur coat, its size and color. To do this, carefully unzip the thing and remove the lining.

If the fur coat is too worn, then the rug big size you won't be able to. But a small rug next to the bed will decorate the bedroom and make waking up pleasant.

Do-it-yourself fur coat rug - how to restore the appearance of fur?

  • comb the rolled fur with a brush with rare teeth;
  • grease stains can be removed with a brush and a solution of gasoline with washing powder. After completing the procedure, wipe the stain with clean gasoline. Be sure to follow safety precautions - carry out the procedure in the fresh air!
  • a paste of gasoline and starch will help clean light fur from severe pollution (can be replaced with bran). The paste is applied to contaminated areas, left to dry completely and shaken.
  • An ordinary household vacuum cleaner will help to get rid of the dust accumulated over the years.
  • short dark fur can be cleaned with hot sand.
  • light astrakhan fur that has turned yellow can be dyed with fabric dye. Using a cotton swab, gently work the top layer of fur.

After processing, let the fur dry well. Dry away from radiators and direct sunlight.

How to sew a rug from a fur coat with your own hands?

The preparatory work is completed and you can begin to pattern the product. The shape of the rug is completely up to your imagination.

You can stop at strict geometric shapes, abstraction or random arrangement of pieces different size.

You need to cut the fur very carefully. Spread it out on flat surface wrong side up. Using a scalpel or furrier's knife, make the necessary cuts under the metal ruler. Thus, worn edges are also removed.

The resulting pieces of fur must be properly sewn together. For work, threads No. 10 rubbed with wax, a needle (preferably faceted) and a thimble (for convenience and safety) are needed.

Lay the flaps on a flat surface with the wrong side up and mark the joints with small joints at a distance of 5 cm from each other. For convenience, make a few stitches along the seam lines.

Do-it-yourself fur coat rug - assembly

Sew the details with an overcast seam over the edge. Try to make the seam uniform, after 2-4 mm. After assembling all the parts, tap on the seams with a wooden hammer.

You can finally smooth the seams and make them flat by wetting with water and drying them in a straightened form.

The assembly of the product can also be done on a sewing machine. To do this, fold the flaps inside out and sew with a zigzag seam, laying it as close to the edge as possible.

If the base of the fur is thin and breaks under the needle, use a piece of cotton fabric to strengthen it. The flap is glued elastic adhesive(e.g. rubber).

The surface will be harder if you use "Moment" or another similar adhesive. After the glue dries, the fur is sewn together with a flap of fabric.

Do-it-yourself fur coat rug - preparing the base

The front side of the rug is ready, it's time to take care of its base. As a lining, non-staining and dense fabrics are suitable.

Thin material will quickly rub off and lose its appearance. The color of the base should be combined with the front side.

If you are planning to use an old fur coat rug as a bedspread or sofa cover, choose soft tissues, pleasant to the touch. In this case, they will be pleased to take cover on a cold winter evening.

The base is quilted together with the fur, piercing the entire thickness of the skin. This must be done as often as possible.

Do-it-yourself rug from a fur coat in a children's room

Children love to play on the floor, so a warm carpet in the nursery is a must. You can also buy it in a store, but it’s much more pleasant to make a rug yourself, putting your soul and saving the family budget.

The main thing is that the rug from the old fur coat is fun and original. If the fur coat is in shades of brown, then a stylized bear skin would be a great idea. A red or light coat with dark spots will become an exotic tiger skin.

Bear or tiger head can be used from old soft toys or make your own out of fur.

An excellent addition to the interior of the nursery will be a colored rug made of different fur coats. If the length of the pile and the texture of the fur do not match, connect the patches of different sizes in a chaotic manner. The result will be impressive!

With imagination, you can create unique items interiors with minimal financial outlay.

Rug from fur pompoms

Looks very original. It can be in the form of animals, square, round or any other shape.

Making fur pompoms is very simple:

  • cut a circle of the required size;
  • overcast the edges with purl stitches;
  • put inside the filler tied with a ribbon;
  • carefully pull off the pom pom (the tape should remain outside).

The number of pompoms depends on the amount of fur and the size of the intended rug. Ready-made pompoms are sewn to a pre-prepared base. If the base is a mesh, then the pompoms are tied with ribbons.

Easy, simple and original!

Rug from an old fur coat in the interior

A rug from a fur coat can be made not only for the floor. The interior has a huge number of options where it will look appropriate and original.

Chair covers

Fur rugs on the chairs will decorate the dining room and create a cozy atmosphere. cold winter and rainy autumn.

And if the chair covers are combined with a carpet on the floor or a bedspread on the sofa, then the interior is guaranteed to be impressive.

Of course, such an ensemble will require more than one fur coat, but the result is worth it.


Fur bedspread will create coziness to any room. Not only does it look stylish, but it also helps keep you warm when it's raining or freezing outside.

The size of the rug-spread is not fundamentally important. It can cover the furniture completely or only part of it. The main thing is harmony with common interior rooms.

Rug on the wall

If your fur coat has animalistic colors, and you are a fan of the exotic in the interior, a rug on the wall will be the perfect solution.

The interior in African and other exotic styles will perfectly complement the "skin of a wild animal" on the wall. Prepare your pattern right size in the form of a skin and cut the fur along its contour.

Think in advance how the "skin" will be attached to the wall. Make air loops from lace or braid, along one edge of the product.

Caring for a rug made of natural or artificial fur

Carpets from natural fur need periodic cleaning from dust and dirt. It is strictly forbidden to wash them - only dry cleaning or spot removal of stains, otherwise the product will deform and lose its appearance.

Spilled liquid on the carpet must be gently blotted dry with a napkin, and not wiped.

Detrimental to a carpet made of natural fur are: straight Sun rays, high humidity and underfloor heating.

WITH faux fur everything is much easier. It is enough to vacuum it periodically and can be washed in a washing machine.

At proper care your fur rug will keep original and attractive appearance for a long time.

Experiment, look for new original solutions, and you will not only update the interior, but also get rid of obsolete and unnecessary things. The main thing is fantasy and the desire to create comfort in the house!

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