home · Networks · DIY children's kitchen. We make a stove for a child from cardboard boxes. A stove and sink for a child from boxes

DIY children's kitchen. We make a stove for a child from cardboard boxes. A stove and sink for a child from boxes

And we, too, were caught up in the craze for dishes. Yes. Now five-year-old Egor prefers pots and spatulas to any machines or robots. And God forbid he sees some pink blender in a toy store: everything, write, is gone.
Not buying girly toys is threefold difficult for me: firstly, a young man can be desperately inspired in his requests. The cat from “Shrek” nervously tugs at the tip of his tail, remaining silent on the sidelines. Secondly, I have youngest daughter, that is, in principle, I can do this quite legally, without inventing cunning excuses. But. It is for her that I will have to come up with gifts for birthdays and new years for the next twenty years - and it would be better to leave myself not only room for maneuver of imagination, but also some physically free space in the house. And thirdly: any mother knows that it is tens, no, hundreds of times easier to resist buying any transforming cyborg than it is to resist a single fuchsia iron or a set of tiny cups. We are girls too!!!
In general, we decided to rob the neighboring supermarket again for clean cardboard and cook up no more, no less - full kitchen for mother's helpers.
We will need (I give actual prices, i.e. what we personally actually spent):

Cardboard boxes (free, “hello, can we help you partially get rid of cardboard waste?”), 4 CD blanks (also free, but if suddenly there are no old scratched ones lying around the house, well... 8 rubles?), a lot of corks from plastic bottles and one bottle itself, ropes, plastic household hooks (10 rubles each), a stationery knife, scissors, a glue gun (I highly recommend having it at home, since this glue does not stink, and if you follow safety precautions, you won’t get burned. But if not, then take any serious glue that does not dissolve plastic), paint, colored paper, stickers for decoration (everything that was in the house), colored reinforced tape (80 rubles), a plastic spoon from bulk products (baby food, washing powder- anything), a simple pencil, a small metal bowl (hiking or dog bowl, for example, 38 rubles). A pair of nails - thick and thin, pliers, a gypsy needle. An enthusiastic big-eared five-year-old is one thing.
Time required – about two hours.
Let's get started!

Cleaning from the box suitable size factory tape and labels, on the top side we glue the “slab grid” with strong and bright reinforced tape, at the same time strengthening and covering the joints and corners.

Use a glue gun to glue the CD burner into place.

From colored paper or “foam” we cut out circles with a diameter slightly larger than bottle caps and glue them in place of future handles:

We also seal and cover any unevenness or unsightliness.

Now - work for mom. Use a thick nail to pierce holes in each circle:

We clamp a thin nail with pliers and heat it on the stove (if you don’t have gas, a candle will handle the heating quite well).

This requires two hands, so it was not possible to photograph the moment of the puncture. Physical strength and super-serious temperatures are not needed, everything is quick and simple. You should end up with cork “buttons” like this:

Which we “sew” into place using a gypsy needle and rope:

We pass the ends of the rope into one hole, previously pierced with a thick nail:

We put our hands inside the box and tie a lot of knots at the ends (we don’t worry about being pretty, the main thing is that it doesn’t come undone or jump out during the game):

Having made all five handles (4 burners and an oven), we tie the ends together - this is even more reliable.

We trace the outline of the A4 sheet to mark the future oven door:

Cut along the drawn line, the letter P: left, top and right side. Bottom - do not touch:

The bottom edge of the door will often bend and unbend (it’s a door!), so you need to reinforce this bend with a strip of reinforced tape:

In the upper corners of the door, using a thick nail already tested in such matters, we pierce holes under future pen and pass a thick rope through them:

Using leftover cardboard, we haphazardly stick a shelf inside the oven. To be honest, we never managed to do this exactly - but no one will suffer because of it.

We also glue the edges of the door and oven with tape, in all places where the cardboard can get wet.

We adjust the second box in height to fit our freshly baked stove (any housewife knows that the work and hob surfaces, as well as the sink, must be at the same height!). We clean it of labels, glue all the corners and joints, apply a metal bowl to the top surface and trace it with a pencil:

Having retreated - INSIDE! - about 5 mm from the edge (or more/less, depending on the shape and width of the side of your bowl), use a stationery knife to cut out a circle of smaller diameter:

Using a glue gun we glue our sink into place:

We make a tap from a bottle neck, caps and a spoon. Due to the rotating plug to which the spoon is glued, it turns back and forth. In principle, this version of the mixer is completely optional, depending on ethnic composition broken toys and your imagination, you can come up with any other design that is more similar to the truth.

We make a kitchen “apron” from scraps of cardboard and glue hooks to it:

We place the kitchenette “on its back” and mark the doors in the front part by tracing two A4 sheets. This time we cut through the top, bottom and center line, the side ones will turn into folds, so don’t forget to glue them with tape according to the same principle as the oven.

We pierce holes for the handles, pass ropes through them, and glue the shelves inside:

We glue the edges of the doors, paint and decorate the kitchen to the best of our depravity, arrange all the utensils - and PLAY!!!

  • ruler
  • pencil
  • glue (glue stick and super glue)
  • scissors
  • beads
  • drinking straw
  • cream jar
  • shoe box with lid
  • 2-3 small boxes
  • White paper
  • colored paper or cardboard
  • scotch
  • large sheet of thick cardboard
  • doll for which we will make a kitchen

Remove the lid from the shoe box (we will need it). Place the box “on its side”, so it should be up to the doll’s waist, preferably even a little lower.

If the box is tall, you can cut off the opposite part - the side. You need to cut as evenly as possible, the stability of the future kitchen depends on this. We'll call it part #1.
Let's do back wall. To do this, from a large sheet of thick cardboard you need to cut a rectangle with a width equal to 1.5 times the length of part No. 1.

The height of the back wall can be any, at your discretion. In our case, the height is equal to the height of the doll with its arm extended upward.

Note: not enough thick cardboard can be strengthened by gluing several sheets together.
Making a table leg. The table leg should be the same height as part No. 1. You can use a suitable (preferably narrow) box. If there is no suitable box, then you can make it yourself. We measure the height of part No. 1. In our case, the height is 15 cm.

This will be the height of the table leg. It is enough to make the width 5 cm. The length of the leg can be at your discretion. In our case, the length is 13 cm. We draw a diagram on a sheet of thick (but not thick) cardboard.

Note: Don't forget to draw the flaps for gluing.
We will call the resulting box-leg part No. 2.
In part No. 1 we make a hole for washing. To do this, we outline the neck of the cream jar on the surface of part No. 1 in the place where we want to make a sink, and cut it out.

Glue together part No. 1 and part No. 2.

Insert the jar into the hole for the sink.

We glue the back wall to parts No. 1 and No. 2 glued together.

Note: It is better to use strong glue or Double-sided tape for better adhesion.
Take the lid from the box. We cut off its side flaps and get a rectangle, the width of which should not extend beyond the back wall of the kitchen, and the length should be 3-5 cm longer than the length of the leg. In our case, we got a piece measuring 13 cm x 18 cm. This piece will be the tabletop. Glue it to part No. 2.

Thus, we received a blank for our future kitchen. Now we decorate it at our discretion. You can use any material for decoration: colored paper, colored cardboard, leftover wallpaper, wrapping paper, etc.
Note: if you plan to cover the workpiece with thin paper, I advise you to initially cover it with white paper. Once the work is completed, the side parts can be covered with tape.
This is what we got.

We used colored cardboard, colored paper, beads for handles and taps, oven and we drew the burners on the stove with a white pencil on black cardboard.
How to make a faucet. For the tap you will need: a drinking straw with a curved tip, two beads, a sewing pin with a ball at the end and liquid glue. We cut off two edges from the tube, leaving a part that looks like a faucet.

IN bottom part“tap”, pour a little glue, insert the sewing pin with the head (ball) into the tap.

Most girls from childhood dream of becoming good mothers, playing mother-daughter and, of course, good housewives. Kitchen for girls is a great option for developing these qualities.

Modern stores offer a wide range of different children's kitchens, toy furniture and dishes. But why not try to do it all with your own hands, taking into account all the child’s preferences, giving him a lot of joy and pleasure from the game?

Materials for children's kitchen

Imagining herself to be a real housewife, each girl happily prepares her first culinary masterpieces on a children's stove, and then treats them to dolls using toy dishes. Stuffed Toys, comfortably seated at the children's kitchen table and chairs.

When making a kitchen with your own hands, you can not limit yourself to a stove and a sink, but also complement it with an oven, microwave, refrigerator and others kitchen items, capable of maximally diversifying children's play.

To make them, you can use cardboard boxes, for example, from household appliances or shoes, as well as old furniture: bedside tables, cabinets, chests of drawers, stools, etc. Despite the fact that the children's kitchen is made from old things, it will look very modern and stylish, and will also a wonderful gift for girl.

All kinds of materials that are always available on the farm are suitable as accessories. A children's kitchen will look great when all the pieces of toy furniture are made of materials of the same structure.

When decorating a kitchen, it is very important to use bright developmental elements that will be as similar as possible to real kitchen items.

You can find the most different variants DIY kitchens for girls. Making them yourself will not be difficult, but playing with them will be quite interesting.

We bring to your attention several ideas on how to make a kitchen for a girl yourself.

Toy kitchen from an old nightstand

To make a toy kitchen with your own hands you will need:

  • an old bedside table, preferably with drawers;
  • CD or DVD discs and red plastic pieces - 4 pcs.;
  • paint of several colors;
  • light bulbs with wires;
  • furniture fittings (canopies, handles, hangers with hooks, etc.).

Stages of work:

  1. The bedside table and all its elements must be cleaned of the old coating and sanded with sandpaper.
  2. Cover all the elements of the future kitchen with multi-colored cheerful paint, delimiting the working areas: on one side there will be a stove, on the other - a sink.
  3. Assemble the kitchen. Build an opening oven door under the stove and leave it under the sink drawers, which are useful for storing various things, such as cutlery. Additionally, furniture facades can be decorated separate elements decor on an adhesive base in the form of flowers, vegetables and fruits.
  4. Screw the handles onto the drawers and doors oven.
  5. Make a tabletop out of plywood with your own hands, cutting four holes in it for the burners and one large hole for the sink. Install it in the kitchen.
  6. Use disks and red plastic pieces to assemble burners and attach them to hob. Mount light bulbs under the glass of the burners.
  7. Can be used as stove switches round handles For kitchen furniture. Connect the knobs and light bulbs of the burners using wires.
  8. Insert a stainless steel bowl of the appropriate size into the hole under the sink. Install a faucet next to the sink.
  9. Attach a hanger with hooks to a vertical surface and hang toy kitchen accessories on them.

The children's kitchen is ready. As a result, you should get it approximately as shown in the photo.

Cardboard plate for girls

If your house doesn't have an old one unnecessary furniture, suitable for making a kitchen for your daughter, you can simplify the task a little and make toy stove from a cardboard box.

All you need is a box, four CDs or DVDs, five any plastic bottles with wide caps (4 pieces of one color and 1 piece of another), glue, thick wire, adhesive tape black color.

The sequence of work on making a children's board from cardboard with your own hands will be as follows:

  1. The surfaces of the cardboard box that you will use as a base for the stove can be left in in its original form, or you can cover it with self-adhesive paper. It all depends on your desires, fantasies and mood.
  2. From the top surface of the box we make hob, attaching 4 disks to it with glue.
  3. In the front wall of the drawer, we make 4 holes at the top for the burner switches, and also cut out the door for the oven.
  4. If the box is large and allows you to fit toy dishes into the future oven, you can build a shelf out of cardboard by gluing it to the side surfaces of the box.
  5. Cut off the neck of each bottle, adding two to three centimeters. Paste it with inside boxes into the holes for the switches and push them forward, screw the lids on the outside.
  6. Make a handle for the oven door from thick wire and decorate it with fabric or cardboard.
  7. Using black adhesive tape, mark the boundaries of the hob, oven and switch panel.

An ideal option for a child would be a kitchen for girls, which includes not only a stove, but also a sink, refrigerator, microwave and other pieces of kitchen furniture made in a similar way.

If you follow our instructions, you could end up with a kids kitchen similar to this one.

Conclusion and results

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about self-production items of children's kitchen furniture. Try it and see for yourself. A kitchen made by yourself for a girl will become her favorite toy, and the game will make her feel like an adult and responsible.

An indispensable attribute of children's games for girls is the presence of a kitchen, dishes and other household items that mothers use. Watching children's games, you can often observe how kids pretend to prepare various dishes. Supporting the desire of children to join household chores, parents are happy to buy toy dishes. But why not please your child and create a kitchen with your own hands in the photo, in which young housewives can feel like chefs to the fullest? Of course, you can buy ready-made toy kitchen, not always made of high-quality plastic. It is much more interesting and entertaining to build a kitchenette with your own hands, involving a child in the work. In this case, the baby will choose the color herself and tell her what her kitchen should look like.

Material selection

You can use any material to create your own play kitchen. Cardboard, polystyrene foam, drywall, plywood are suitable. The simplest option is a toy made from shoe boxes. Boxes are selected in such a shape and size that the desired structure can be built from them. To make the toy bright, the surface of the boxes can be decorated with self-adhesive or wallpaper. Moreover, to decorate the play kitchen, any Decoration Materials, remaining after repair. The structure can be decorated plastic panels, corners, edges and even leftovers ceramic tiles. Whatever type of finish is chosen, it is important to choose an adhesive that will reliably stick everything decorative elements. Of course, a full-fledged children's kitchen cannot do without a hob and oven. These elements can be painted with good waterproof paint.

Plywood kitchen

If dad has enough free time, a children's kitchen for his daughter can be built from plywood sheets. Having decided on the dimensions of the structure, first they cut out the blanks from which the kitchenette will be made. To join plywood sheets, use wooden slats and small furniture nails. Having built the base, we move on to fastening the doors. To surprise the baby and give her the opportunity to feel like a real mistress, toy set you can supply water and light. It's absolutely not difficult.

To create a water pipeline, you will need:

  • Small faucet.
  • Plastic tube.
  • Bottle.
  • A bowl.
  • Sealant for gluing elements.

We cut out a hole on the top of the structure, the diameter of which should match the dimensions of the bowl. We attach it to the bowl using sealant. plastic construction consisting of a bottle and a hose. We install a crane nearby. Above the improvised sink, it is necessary to build an additional cabinet that will serve as storage for a container of water. By connecting the container to the tap, we get a full-fledged kitchen with running water.

In order to equip the structure with light, you will need 3-4 battery-powered flashlights, which are attached to the top of the headset. For the baby’s convenience, the flashlights need to be connected to each other and connected to a switch located at the child’s level.

The final stage of work is decoration. Furniture can be covered with wallpaper, painted with spray paint and painted on the oven and hob. The set can be supplemented with hooks for towels and potholders.

If you have an unnecessary cupboard in your house that you inherited from your grandmother, you can turn it into a play kitchen for girls. First of all, we adjust the furniture according to the baby’s height. Then, the structure is cleaned and painted. After the paint has dried, we attach hooks to the set, install a sink and equip the structure with light. The working part of the kitchen can be decorated with images of the necessary equipment and other decorative elements.

Necessary little things

To make the girl feel like a real housewife, the children's kitchen should be supplemented various little things. You will definitely need toy dishes, plastic cutlery, washcloths, washed containers from detergents. Also, a playroom can be supplemented with towels, napkins, oven mitts, and an apron. In the process of arrangement, you certainly need to consult with your child. Children's imagination will allow you to fill the kitchen with necessary and interesting things, which will decorate the structure.

Detailed master class on how to create a play kitchen on video.

Thus, with a little effort, you can build a kitchen for your child at home using improvised materials. Don't limit your flight of fancy. Involve the baby in the process, and then creative process will become even more entertaining and interesting. Take your toy creation seriously. After all, a craft created with your own hands, and even in tandem with younger assistants, will become a real source of pride for all family members.

Such a play item as a children's kitchen has already become a full-fledged part of the children's interior. What child wouldn't be happy to see a small copy in his room? adult kitchen. This is not just a set of furniture and various kitchen utensils, it is, first of all, an opportunity to engage your child in play.

A play kitchen is interesting place which opens up a lot of opportunities for the development of creative abilities little man. Here you can cook lunches and dinners, invite household members for tea, and if adult relatives are full-time, they can always be replaced with dolls. And everything will be completely real!

A toy kitchen can become in a wonderful way introduce a child, regardless of his gender, to food products, functions kitchen appliances and furniture, as well as instill important social skills such as table manners.

However, if you have already been to children's stores in search of a play kitchen for your child, you have probably already seen these prices? Even such kits are quite expensive. We offer you to get acquainted with several ideas for creating play kitchen furniture yourself. By the way, for this purpose, it is quite possible to use items from IKEA.

Shelving, chairs, bookcases, bedside tables and many other things can serve as a basis for your creativity. You can even find pieces of furniture that you won't have to repaint, as this chain offers furniture and miscellaneous items in a wide variety of shapes and colors.

So, to make a children's play kitchen, you can take an inexpensive bedside table, or a nightstand from kitchen set(sometimes in the discount department you can find individual items furniture from various sets at bargain prices). On top you need to make a sink with a tap and a stove, and at the bottom there are shelves for kitchen utensils and an oven.

To wash, you need to find a small sink and, after drilling a hole in the tabletop of the bedside table and sanding the edges, insert it into the prepared socket.

You can screw on a real faucet that has already been used, or be more creative and screw on a faucet instead English letter“J” made of plywood (you can cut it yourself with a jigsaw), for strength, place it on wood glue.

After that, we paint all this beauty in the chosen color, and paint the burners with silver or black paint. We screw on the handles, they can be bought at any store furniture fittings. And most importantly, don’t forget about kitchen accessories - dishes, towels, oven mitts, etc. Yours play kitchen ready!


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