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Electric current using a magnet. Use of magnetic current energy. Fan with magnetic motor

Universal application electricity in all areas human activity associated with the search for free electricity. Because of this, an attempt to create a generator became a new milestone in the development of electrical engineering free energy, which would significantly reduce the cost or reduce to zero the cost of generating electricity. The most promising source for realizing this task is free energy.

What is free energy?

The term free energy arose during the time of large-scale introduction and operation of internal combustion engines, when the problem of obtaining electric current directly depended on the coal, wood or petroleum products used for this. Therefore, free energy is understood as a force for the production of which there is no need to burn fuel and, accordingly, consume any resources.

The first attempts to scientifically substantiate the possibility of obtaining free energy were laid by Helmholtz, Gibbs and Tesla. The first of them developed the theory of creating a system in which the generated electricity should be equal to or greater than that spent for the initial start-up, that is, obtaining a perpetual motion machine. Gibbs expressed the possibility of obtaining energy by flowing chemical reaction so long that it is enough for a full power supply. Tesla observed energy in all natural phenomena and proposed a theory about the presence of ether, a substance that permeates everything around us.

Today you can observe the implementation of these principles to obtain free energy in. Some of them have long ago entered the service of humanity and help to receive alternative energy from wind, sun, rivers, tides. These are the same solar panels, hydroelectric dams that helped harness the forces of nature that were freely available. But along with already proven and implemented free energy generators, there are concepts of fuel-free engines that try to circumvent the law of conservation of energy.

The problem of energy conservation

The main stumbling block in obtaining free electricity is the law of conservation of energy. Due to availability electrical resistance in the generator itself, connecting wires and other elements of the electrical network, according to the laws of physics, there is a loss of output power. Energy is consumed and to replenish it, constant external replenishment is required, or the generation system must create such an excess of electrical energy that it is enough to both power the load and maintain the operation of the generator. From a mathematical point of view, the free energy generator must have an efficiency of more than 1, which does not fit within the standard physical phenomena.

Circuit and design of the Tesla generator

Nikola Tesla became the discoverer of physical phenomena and based on them created many electrical devices, for example, Tesla transformers, which are used by humanity to this day. Over the entire history of his activities, he has patented thousands of inventions, among which there is more than one free energy generator.

Rice. 1: Tesla Free Energy Generator

Look at Figure 1, this shows the principle of generating electricity using a free energy generator made from Tesla coils. This device involves obtaining energy from the ether, for which the coils included in its composition are tuned to a resonant frequency. To obtain energy from the surrounding space in this system, the following geometric relationships must be observed:

  • winding diameter;
  • wire cross-section for each winding;
  • distance between coils.

Known today various options the use of Tesla coils in the design of other free energy generators. True, it has not yet been possible to achieve any significant results from their use. Although some inventors claim the opposite, and keep the results of their developments in the strictest confidence, demonstrating only the final effect of the generator. In addition to this model, other inventions of Nikola Tesla are known, which are generators of free energy.

Magnetic free energy generator

The effect of interaction between a magnetic field and a coil is widely used in. And in a free energy generator, this principle is used not to rotate a magnetized shaft by applying electrical impulses to the windings, but to supply a magnetic field to an electric coil.

The impetus for the development of this direction was the effect obtained by applying voltage to an electromagnet (a coil wound on a magnetic circuit). In this case, a nearby permanent magnet is attracted to the ends of the magnetic circuit and remains attracted even after turning off the power from the coil. A permanent magnet creates a constant flow of magnetic field in the core, which will hold the structure until it is torn off by physical force. This effect was used to create a permanent magnet free energy generator circuit.

Rice. 2. Operating principle of a magnetic generator

Look at Figure 2, to create such a free energy generator and power the load from it, it is necessary to form a system of electromagnetic interaction, which consists of:

  • trigger coil (I);
  • locking coil (IV);
  • supply coil (II);
  • support coil (III).

The circuit also includes a control transistor VT, a capacitor C, diodes VD, a limiting resistor R and a load Z H.

This free energy generator is turned on by pressing the “Start” button, after which the control pulse is supplied through VD6 and R6 to the base of transistor VT1. When a control pulse arrives, the transistor opens and closes the current flow circuit through the starting coils I. After which electricity will flow through the coils I and excite a magnetic circuit, which will attract a permanent magnet. Magnetic field lines will flow along the closed contour of the magnet core and permanent magnet.

An emf is induced from the flowing magnetic flux in coils II, III, IV. Electric potential from the IV coil is supplied to the base of transistor VT1, creating a control signal. The EMF in coil III is designed to maintain the magnetic flux in the magnetic circuits. The EMF in coil II provides power to the load.

The stumbling block in the practical implementation of such a free energy generator is the creation of an alternating magnetic flux. To do this, it is recommended to install two circuits with permanent magnets in the circuit, in which the power lines are in the opposite direction.

In addition to the above free energy generator using magnets, today there are a number of similar devices designed by Searle, Adams and other developers, the generation of which is based on the use of a constant magnetic field.

Followers of Nikola Tesla and their generators

The seeds of incredible inventions sown by Tesla gave birth to an insatiable thirst in the minds of applicants to turn into reality fantastic ideas for creating a perpetual motion machine and send mechanical generators to the dusty shelf of history. The most famous inventors used the principles laid down by Nikola Tesla in their devices. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Lester Hendershot

Hendershot developed a theory about the possibility of using the Earth's magnetic field to generate electricity. Lester presented the first models back in the 1930s, but they were never in demand by his contemporaries. Structurally, the Hendershot generator consists of two counter-wound coils, two transformers, capacitors and a movable solenoid.

Rice. 3: general form Hendershot generator

The operation of such a free energy generator is only possible if it is strictly oriented from north to south, so a compass must be used to set up the operation. The coils are wound on wooden bases with multidirectional winding to reduce the effect of mutual induction (when EMF is induced in them, EMF will not be induced in the opposite direction). In addition, the coils must be tuned by a resonant circuit.

John Bedini

Bedini introduced his free energy generator in 1984; a feature of the patented device was an energizer - a device with a constant rotating torque that does not lose speed. This effect was achieved by installing several permanent magnets on the disk, which, when interacting with an electromagnetic coil, create impulses in it and are repelled from the ferromagnetic base. Due to this, the free energy generator received a self-powering effect.

Bedini's later generators became known through a school experiment. The model turned out to be much simpler and did not represent anything grandiose, but it was able to serve as a generator free electricity about 9 days without outside help.

Rice. 4: circuit diagram Bedini generator

Look at Figure 4, here is a schematic diagram of the free energy generator of that same school project. It uses the following elements:

  • a rotating disk with several permanent magnets (energizer);
  • coil with a ferromagnetic base and two windings;
  • battery (in in this example it was replaced with a 9V battery);
  • control unit consisting of a transistor (T), resistor (P) and diode (D);
  • Current collection is organized from an additional coil that powers the LED, but power can also be supplied from the battery circuit.

With the start of rotation, the permanent magnets create magnetic excitation in the coil core, which induces an emf in the windings of the output coils. Due to the direction of the turns in the starting winding, current begins to flow, as shown in the figure below, through the starting winding, resistor and diode.

Rice. 5: start of operation of the Bedini generator

When the magnet is located directly above the solenoid, the core is saturated and the stored energy becomes sufficient to open the transistor T. When the transistor opens, current begins to flow in the working winding, which recharges the battery.

Figure 6: Starting the charging winding

At this stage, the energy becomes sufficient to magnetize the ferromagnetic core from the working winding, and it receives a pole of the same name with a magnet located above it. Thanks to the magnetic pole in the core, the magnet on the rotating wheel is repelled from this pole and accelerates the further movement of the energizer. As the movement accelerates, pulses appear in the windings more often, and the LED switches from flashing mode to constant glow mode.

Alas, such a free energy generator is not a perpetual motion machine; in practice, it allowed the system to work tens of times longer than it could function on a single battery, but eventually it still stops.

Tariel Kapanadze

Kapanadze developed a model of his free energy generator in the 80s and 90s of the last century. Mechanical device was based on the operation of an improved Tesla coil, as the author himself claimed, compact generator could power consumers with a power of 5 kW. In the 2000s, they tried to build a 100 kW industrial-scale Kapanadze generator in Turkey, according to technical specifications it required only 2 kW to start and operate.

Rice. 7: schematic diagram of the Kapanadze generator

The figure above shows a schematic diagram of a free energy generator, but the main parameters of the circuit remain a trade secret.

Practical circuits of free energy generators

Despite a large number of of existing schemes of free energy generators, very few of them can boast real results, which could be tested and repeated at home.

Rice. 8: working diagram Tesla generator

Figure 8 above shows a free energy generator circuit that you can replicate at home. This principle was outlined by Nikola Tesla; it uses a metal plate isolated from the ground and located on some hill. The plate is a receiver of electromagnetic oscillations in the atmosphere, this includes a fairly wide range of radiation (solar, radiomagnetic waves, static electricity from the movement of air masses, etc.)

The receiver is connected to one of the plates of the capacitor, and the second plate is grounded, which creates the required potential difference. The only stumbling block to its industrial implementation is the need to isolate the plate on a hill large area for feeding at least a private home.

Modern look and new developments

Despite widespread interest in creating a free energy generator, it has been forced out of the market classic way They are not yet able to obtain electricity. Developers of the past, who put forward bold theories about significantly reducing the cost of electricity, lacked the technical perfection of the equipment or the parameters of the elements could not provide the desired effect. And thanks to scientific and technological progress, humanity is receiving more and more inventions that make the embodiment of a free energy generator already tangible. It should be noted that today free energy generators powered by the sun and wind have already been obtained and are actively being used.

But, at the same time, on the Internet you can find offers to purchase such devices, although most of them are dummies created with the aim of deceiving an ignorant person. And a small percentage of actually operating free energy generators, whether on resonant transformers, coils or permanent magnets, can only cope with powering low-power consumers, providing electricity, for example, a private house or lighting in the yard they can't. Free energy generators – promising direction, but their practical implementation still not implemented.

“Working” structures with magnets are often posted on the Internet. One option is “if you take 2 magnets with the same poles facing each other, they will repel each other.” Logical. Now it’s a “trick with your ears” - “you need to place these magnets on the disk at an angle so that they always repel each other.”

I was not too lazy to assemble a design similar to the one patented by Lazarev Mikola Vasilovich in the role of “UFO” (patent and translation into Russian). The patent specifies large magnets, and therefore they are not monolithic, in pieces. To eliminate twitchiness, there are 1 or 2 more pieces on one side than on the other side. I had the opportunity to use a solid magnet on one side, so the smoothness there would be 100%. As a result, I was once again convinced that such a structure will move to a stable position and does not intend to rotate:

Here is another refutation of such “magnetic engines”:

Magnets can only attract or repel one time. The closest analogue is a spring. If you change its state, it will tend to return to its original state. Stretched - it will tend to shrink. Analogue - 2 magnets with opposite poles facing each other. They compressed the spring - in the same way as if 2 magnets are brought closer to each other with the same poles. Replace any magnetic structure with springs - the modeling will be quite accurate. The springs will return to initial position, and the system will be static.

If you see a design where the “endless” movement of magnets is only due to constant magnetic fields, this is a blatant lie. They use various tricks in the form of “wires in sleeves”, a hairdryer behind their back (it was funny to watch how a magnet is applied to an ordinary fan, and it starts spinning without electricity - but show the same fan, but without blades!), secret wiring under the table with a reed switch, electromagnetic interference from alternating EM field generators, and simply motors in an inconspicuous box nearby (an option is that the hidden motor is disconnected after acceleration, after which the camera changes angle to show that there is nothing at the other end of the shaft). It is very significant when such “perpetual motion machines” INSTANTLY light up the light bulbs (fakers - take note!). It is touching how “seriously” the “inventors” approach the ostentatious maintenance of their “unit”, how much work they put into the pretentiousness of the design itself.

There is another area where it is supposedly possible to obtain “free energy” from magnetic structures. There is already a more “scientific” approach. The reasoning is as follows. If you hang a coil on a magnet, and the magnet is “opened” by a certain plate (the plate is small, it does not require a lot of energy to move it), which will “screen the magnetic flux,” then an emf will be induced in the coil due to a change in the strength of the magnetic field. The output will be many times more energy than it would take to simply move a light plate. Logical. And he wasn’t too lazy to collect it either. I came across the fact that this screen not only screens magnetic fluxes, but also interacts perfectly with them. And you have to apply significant effort to this plate in order to close or open the magnetic flux. The result is a banal electric generator with low efficiency. I won’t give a diagram; there are plenty of them on the Internet. The experiment was carried out a long time ago, there is no video footage.

Therefore, if you see some “magnetic field breakers” in a magnetic structure, you should know that this is an ordinary generator with an unusual drive. Even if the design is based on symmetry, where 2 plates in 2 different circuits work in antiphase and cancel each other out, then in this case there will be no breakthrough - the plate that actively shields the magnetic flux is much stronger than the other plate that is removed from the other magnetic flux. Even if you manage to compensate with something for the effect of the magnetic field on the magnetic screen, you will only slightly improve the efficiency of this electric generator. But as soon as you apply an electrical load to this generator, the effect of the magnetic field on the magnetic screen will sharply increase in the direction of counteraction. Everything will be exactly the same as with a conventional electric generator, which will also rotate easily without load. Don't expect miracles.


There are a large number of devices belonging to the so-called "". Among them, there are numerous designs of current generators that make it possible to obtain electricity from a magnet. These devices use the properties of permanent magnets capable of performing external useful work.

Currently, work is underway to create a device capable of driving a device that generates current. Research in this area has not yet been fully completed, however, based on the results obtained, one can fully imagine its structure and principle of operation.

How to get electricity from a magnet

In order to understand how such devices work, you need to know exactly how they differ from conventional ones. electric motors. All electric motors, although they use the magnetic properties of materials, move solely under the influence of current.

To operate a real magnetic motor, only constant energy magnets, with the help of which all necessary movements are performed. The main problem with these devices is the tendency of the magnets to become statically balanced. Therefore, the creation of variable attraction, using physical properties magnets or mechanical devices in the motor itself.

The operating principle of a permanent magnet motor is based on the torque of repulsive forces. The action of the same magnetic fields of permanent magnets located in the stator and rotor occurs. Their movement is carried out in the opposite direction in relation to each other. In order to solve the problem of attraction was used copper conductor with an electric current passed through it. Such a conductor begins to be attracted to the magnet, but in the absence of current, the attraction stops. As a result, a cyclic attraction and repulsion of the stator and rotor parts is ensured.

Main types of magnetic motors

Over the entire period of research, a large number of devices have been developed that make it possible to obtain electricity from a magnet. Each of them has its own technology, but all models are united. Among them there are no ideal perpetual motion machines, since magnets completely lose their qualities after a certain time.

The simplest device is the anti-gravity magnetic Lorentz engine. Its design includes two disks with opposite charges connected to power. Half of these disks are placed in a hemispherical magnetic screen, after which they begin to gradually rotate.

The most real functioning device is considered simplest design rotary ring ringer Lazarev. It consists of a container that is divided in half by a special porous partition or ceramic disk. A tube is installed inside the disk, and the container itself is filled with liquid. First, the liquid enters the bottom of the container, and then, under the influence of pressure, the sweat tube begins to move upward. Here the liquid begins to drip from the curved end of the tube and again enters the lower part of the container. In order for this structure to take the form of an engine, a wheel with blades is located under the drops of liquid.

Magnets are installed directly on the blades, creating a magnetic field. The rotation of the wheel accelerates, water is pumped faster and, in the end, a certain maximum operating speed of the entire device is established.

The basis of the Shkondin linear motor is the system of placing one wheel in another wheel. The entire structure consists of a double pair of coils with opposite magnetic fields. This ensures their movement in different directions.

The alternative Perendeva engine uses only magnetic energy. The design consists of two circles - dynamic and static. Magnets are located on each of them in the same sequence and intervals. The free force of self-repulsion sets the inner circle into endless motion.

Application of permanent magnet devices

The results of research in this area are already making us think about the prospects for using magnetic devices.

In the future, there will be no need for all kinds of chargers. Instead, magnetic motors will be used different sizes, driving miniature current generators. Thus, many laptops, tablets, smartphones and other similar equipment will work continuously for a long time. These power supplies will be able to be switched from old models to new ones.

Magnetic devices with higher power will be able to rotate such generators, which will replace the equipment of modern power plants. They can easily work instead of internal combustion engines. Each apartment or house will have an individual energy supply system.

Electricity bills are an inevitable expense for any modern person. Centralized power supply is constantly becoming more expensive, but electricity consumption is still growing every year. This problem is especially acute for miners, because, as you know, cryptocurrency mining consumes a significant amount of electricity, and therefore the bills for its payment may exceed the profit from. Under such conditions, it is worth paying attention to the fact that almost all Natural resources can be used to convert into electricity. Even in the air there is static electricity, all that remains is to find ways to use it.

Where can I get free electricity?

You can get electricity from anything. The only condition: a conductor and a potential difference are required. Scientists and practitioners are constantly looking for new alternative sources of electricity and energy that will be free. It should be clarified that free means no payment for centralized energy supply, but the equipment itself and its installation still costs money. True, such investments more than pay off later.

On this moment Free electricity comes from three alternative sources:

Method of generating electricity Features of energy generation
Solar energy
Requires installation of solar panels or a glass tube collector. In the first case, electricity will be generated due to the constant movement of electrons under the influence sun rays inside the battery, in the second - electricity will be converted from heat from heating.
Wind energy
When there is wind, the windmill blades will begin to actively rotate, generating electricity, which can be immediately supplied to the battery or network.
Geothermal energy
The method consists of obtaining heat from deep in the soil and its subsequent processing into electricity. To do this, a well is drilled and a probe with a coolant is installed, which will take away part of the constant heat existing deep in the earth.

Such methods are used both by ordinary consumers and on a large scale. For example, huge geothermal plants have been installed in Iceland and produce hundreds of MW.

How to make free electricity at home?

Free electricity in the apartment must be powerful and constant, so to fully ensure consumption, a powerful installation will be required. The first step is to determine the most suitable method. So, for sunny regions, installation is recommended. If solar energy is not enough then wind or geothermal power plants should be used. The latter method is especially suitable for regions located in relative proximity to volcanic zones.

Having decided on the method of obtaining energy, you should also take care of the safety and security of electrical appliances. To do this, the home power plant must be connected to the network through an inverter and voltage stabilizer to ensure the supply of current without sudden surges. It is also worth considering that alternative sources are quite capricious in terms of weather conditions. In the absence of appropriate climatic conditions power generation will stop or be insufficient. Therefore, you should also acquire powerful batteries for accumulation in case of lack of production.

Ready-made installations of alternative power plants are widely available on the market. True, their cost is quite high, but on average they all pay off in 2 to 5 years. You can save money by purchasing not a ready-made installation, but its components, and then independently design and connect the power plant.

How to get free electricity at your dacha?

Connecting to a centralized energy supply system is a problematic process and often dachas are left without electricity for a long time. This is where installation can come to the rescue diesel generator or alternative ways production

Dachas often lack a huge number of electrical appliances. Accordingly, energy consumption is significantly less. First you need to determine the predominant period of time that will be spent indoors. So, for summer summer residents, solar collectors and batteries are suitable, for the rest, wind methods.

You can also power individual electrical appliances or illuminate a room by collecting electricity from grounding. Scheme for obtaining free electricity: zero - load - ground. Voltage inside the house is supplied through the phase and neutral conductors. By including the third load conductor to zero in this circuit, from 12W to 15W will be directed into it, which will not be recorded by metering devices. For such a circuit, it is imperative to take care of reliable grounding. Zero and ground do not pose a risk of electric shock.

Free electricity from the ground

The earth is a favorable environment for generating electricity. There are three environments in the soil:

  • humidity - drops of water;
  • hardness - minerals;
  • gaseousness - air between minerals and water.

In addition, the soil constantly undergoes electrical processes, since its main humus complex is a system in which a negative charge is formed on the outer shell, and a positive charge on the inner shell, which entails a constant attraction of positively charged electrons to negative ones.

The method is similar to that used in conventional batteries. To generate electricity from the ground, two electrodes should be immersed in the ground to a depth of half a meter. One is copper, the second is made of galvanized iron. The distance between the electrodes should be approximately 25 cm. The soil between the conductors is poured saline solution, and wires are connected to the conductors, one will have a positive charge, the other will have a negative charge.

In practical conditions, the output power of such an installation will be approximately 3W. The charge power also depends on the composition of the soil. Of course, such power is not enough to provide energy supply in a private home, but the installation can be strengthened by changing the size of the electrodes or connecting the required number in series. After conducting the first experiment, you can roughly calculate how many such installations are needed to provide 1 kW, and then calculate the required amount based on average consumption per day.

How to get free electricity from thin air?

Nikola Tesla was the first to talk about generating electricity from thin air. The scientist's experiments have proven that between the base and the raised metal plate there is static electricity that can accumulate. In addition, the air in the modern world is constantly subject to additional ionization due to the functioning of many electrical networks.

The soil can serve as the basis for a mechanism for extracting electricity from the air. metal plate placed on the conductor. It should be placed above other nearby objects. The outputs from the conductor are connected to a battery in which static electricity will accumulate.

Free electricity from power lines

Power lines carry enormous amounts of electricity through their wires. An electromagnetic field is created around the wire carrying current. Thus, if you place a cable under a power line, an electric current is generated at its ends, the exact power of which can be calculated by knowing how much power the current is transmitted through the cable.

Another way is to create a transformer near power lines. A transformer can be created using copper wire and rod using the primary and secondary winding. The current output power in this case depends on the volume and power of the transformer.

It is worth considering that such a system for obtaining free electricity is illegal, although there is no actual illegal connection to the network. The fact is that such wedging into the power supply system damages its power and can be punishable by fines.

Free electricity from surge protector

Many seekers of free electricity have probably found versions on the Internet that an extension cord can become a source of endless free energy, forming a closed circuit. To do this, you should take a surge protector with a wire length of at least three meters. Fold the cable into a coil with a diameter of no more than 30 cm, connect it to the socket of the electrical consumer, isolate all free holes, leaving only one more socket for the plug of the extension cord itself.

Next, the surge protector must be given an initial charge. The easiest way to do this is by connecting an extension cord to a functioning network, and then shorting it out in a split second. Free electricity from an extension cord will supply power lighting fixtures, but the free energy power in such a network is too small for anything more. But the method itself is quite controversial.

Free electricity from magnets

A magnet emits a magnetic field and, as a result, it can be used to generate free electricity. To do this, you should wrap a magnet with copper wire, forming a small transformer, which, by placing it near the electromagnetic field, you can receive free energy. The power of electricity in this case depends on the size of the magnet, the number of windings and the power of the electromagnetic field.

How to use free electricity?

When deciding to replace centralized energy supply with alternative sources, you should take into account all the necessary safety measures. To avoid sharp changes voltage, electric current to the devices must be supplied through voltage stabilizers. You should definitely pay attention to the dangers of each method. Thus, immersing electrodes in the soil implies subsequent flooding of the soil with a saline solution, which will make it unsuitable for further plant growth, and systems that accumulate static electricity from the air can attract lightning.

Electricity is not only useful, but also dangerous. Incorrect phasing can lead to electric shocks and short circuit on the network - to fires. Providing electricity to your home at home requires a detailed study of the methods and laws of physics.

It should also be taken into account that most methods do not provide stable power and depend on many factors, including weather conditions, which are impossible to predict. Therefore, it is recommended to either store energy in batteries, and have a backup power supply just in case.

Forecast for the future

Already now, alternative energy sources are widely used. The lion's share of electricity consumption comes from household electrical appliances and lighting. By replacing their power supply from centralized to alternative, you can significantly save your budget. Special attention Miners should consider alternative sources of power supply, since mining with a centralized power supply can take up to 50% of the profit, while mining with free power will generate net income.

All more houses switches to power from solar panels or wind power plants. Such methods provide much less power, but are environmentally friendly sources of energy that do not cause harm. environment. Industrial alternative power plants are also being constructed.

In the future, this area will only be supplemented with new methods and improved analogues.


It is possible to extract electricity even from thin air, but to cover all consumption needs it is necessary to design an entire system of alternative electricity generation. You can take the easy route and buy ready-made solar panels or wind power plants, or you can put in the effort and assemble your own power plant. Nowadays, free electricity is not a fully explored area and opens up a lot of opportunities for independent experiments.

In this article you will learn how to use energy magnetic current in household appliances own production. In the article you will find detailed descriptions and diagrams for assembling simple devices based on the interaction of magnets and an induction coil, created by yourself.

Energy use in the usual way- it's simple. It is enough to pour fuel into the tank or turn on the device at electrical network. Moreover, such methods, as a rule, are the most expensive and have dire consequences for nature - colossal natural resources are spent on the production and operation of mechanisms.

In order to get working household appliances, you don’t always need an impressive 220 volts or a loud and bulky internal combustion engine. We will consider the possibility of creating simple but useful devices with unlimited potential.

Technologies for using modern powerful magnets are being developed reluctantly—the oil-producing and processing industries risk being left out of business. The future of all drives and activators lies with magnets, the effectiveness of which can be verified by assembling simple devices based on them with your own hands.

Visual video of magnets in action

Fan with magnetic motor

To create such a device you will need small neodymium magnets - 2 or 4 pieces. As a portable fan, it is best to use a cooler from a computer power supply, since it already contains almost everything you need to create a stand-alone fan. The main parts - induction coils and an elastic magnet - are already present in the factory product.

In order to make the propeller rotate, it is enough to place magnets opposite the static coils, securing them in the corners of the cooler frame. External magnets, interacting with the coil, will create a magnetic field. An elastic magnet (magnetic tire) located in the propeller turret will provide constant uniform resistance, and the movement will be self-sustaining. The larger and more powerful the magnets, the more powerful the fan will be.

This engine is conventionally called “perpetual”, because there is no information that the neodymium has “run out of charge” or the fan has failed. But the fact that it works productively and stably is confirmed by many users.

Video on how to assemble a fan with magnets

Magnetic fan generator

The induction coil has one almost wonderful property— when a magnet rotates around it, an electrical impulse occurs. This means that the entire device has the opposite effect - if we force the propeller to spin by extraneous forces, we can generate electricity. But how to spin a turret with a propeller?

The answer is obvious - still the same magnetic field. To do this, we place small (10x10 mm) magnets on the blades and secure them with glue or tape. The more magnets, the stronger the impulse. To rotate the propeller, ordinary ferrite magnets will be sufficient. We connect an LED to the former power supply wires and give an impulse to the turret.

Generator made from a cooler and magnets - video instructions

Such a device can be improved by placing additionally one or more magnetic tires from the propellers on the cooler frame. You can also connect diode bridges and capacitors to the network (in front of the light bulb) - this will rectify the current and stabilize the pulses, producing an even, constant light.

The properties of neodymium are extremely interesting - its light weight and powerful energy give an effect that is noticeable even on crafts ( experimental devices) household level. Movement is made possible thanks to efficient design bearing turret of coolers and drives - the friction force is minimal. The ratio of mass and energy of neodymium ensures ease of movement, which provides a wide field for experiments at home.

Free energy on video - magnetic motor

The scope of application of magnetic fans is determined by their autonomy. First of all, these are motor vehicles, trains, gatehouses, and remote parking lots. Another undeniable advantage - noiselessness - makes it convenient in the home. You can install such a device as an auxiliary device in the system natural ventilation(for example, to the bathroom). Any place where a constant small air flow is needed is suitable for this fan.

Flashlight with “eternal” recharging

This miniature device will be useful not only in an “emergency” case, but also for those who are involved in prevention utility networks, inspection of premises or returning home late from work. The design of the flashlight is primitive, but original - even a schoolboy can handle its assembly. However, it has its own induction generator.

1 - diode bridge; 2 - coil; 3 - magnet; 4 — batteries 3x1.2 V; 5 - switch; 6 - LEDs

To work you will need:

  1. Thick marker (body).
  2. Copper wireØ 0.15-0.2 mm - about 25 m (can be taken from an old reel).
  3. The light element is LEDs (ideally the head from a regular flashlight).
  4. Batteries standard 4A, capacity 250 mAh (from the rechargeable Krona) - 3 pcs.
  5. Rectifier diodes type 1N4007 (1N4148) - 4 pcs.
  6. Toggle switch or button.
  7. Copper wireØ 1 mm, small magnet(preferably neodymium).
  8. Glue gun, soldering iron.


1. Disassemble the marker, remove the contents, cut off the rod holder (a plastic tube should remain).

2. Install the flashlight head (lighting element) into the removable lid of the bulb.

3. Solder the diodes according to the diagram.

4. Group the batteries adjacently so that they can be placed in the marker body (flashlight body). Connect the batteries in series, on a solder.

5. Mark the area of ​​the body so that you can see free space, not occupied by batteries. An induction coil and a magnetic generator will be installed here.

6. Winding the coil. This operation should be carried out observing the following rules:

  • Breaking the wire is unacceptable. If it breaks, rewind the coil again.
  • The winding should start and end in one place, do not break the wire in the middle after reaching required quantity turns (500 for ferromagnet and 350 for neodymium).
  • The quality of winding is not critical, but only in this case. The main requirements are the number of turns and uniform distribution throughout the body.
  • You can secure the coil to the body with regular tape.

7. To check the functionality of the magnetic generator, you need to solder the ends of the coil - one to the lamp body, the other to the LED terminal (use soldering acid). Then place the magnets in the case and shake several times. If the lamps are working and everything is done correctly, the LEDs will react to electromagnetic vibrations with weak flashes. These oscillations will subsequently be rectified by a diode bridge and converted into D.C., which will accumulate batteries.

8. Install the magnets in the generator compartment and cover it with hot glue or sealant (so that the magnets do not stick to the batteries).

9. Bring the antennae of the coil inside the housing and solder it to the diode bridge, then connect the bridge to the batteries, and connect the batteries to the lamp via a key. All connections must be soldered according to the diagram.

10. Install all parts into the housing and protect the coil (adhesive tape, casing or heat-shrink tape).

Video on how to make an eternal flashlight

Such a flashlight will be recharged if you shake it - the magnets must move along the coil to generate impulses. Neodymium magnets can be found in DVD, CD drives or computer hard drives. They are also available for free sale - suitable option NdFeB N33 D4x2 mm costs about 2-3 rubles. (0.02-0.03 c.u.). The remaining parts, if they are not available, will cost no more than 60 rubles. (1 USD).

There are special generators for the implementation of magnetic energy, but they are not widely used due to the powerful influence of the oil production and processing industries. However, devices based on electromagnetic induction are breaking into the market with difficulty, and highly efficient ones can be purchased on the open market. induction furnaces and even heating boilers. The technology is also widely used in electric vehicles, wind generators and magnetic motors.