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Birthday games for little ones. Speed ​​competition “Cheerful Sweet Tooths”. Program for adults

Four participants are selected. Two are blindfolded, the rest are dictated where and what to draw. Task: draw a birthday boy. The team with the most beautiful drawing wins.


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A birthday without a birthday person(s)?

Guests came to the birthday party. But there is no birthday boy. Children ask their parents, ask questions to which parents can answer YES or NO.

For example:
Is the birthday boy (name) in his room?
Is the birthday boy (name) hiding in the closet?
The birthday boy (name) is behind the chair?

Those. You can’t search, but find the birthday person (-tsu) by asking questions. Whoever hits the mark is the winner. He (she) brings out the birthday boy, receives a prize from him (her) and the celebration begins.


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Guess what's behind?

Participants are seated in a circle, facing the back of their neighbor. A sheet of paper is taped to each person's back. The first player is told in his ear a simple word that is easy to draw: flower, house. He must draw with a pencil what he heard on his neighbor’s back. The neighbor, guided only by his feelings, while they are drawing on his back, must understand what is drawn there and make a similar drawing on the back of the player sitting in front of him. When all participants have completed their drawings, they begin to evaluate these works, based on the results of voting, whoever has the most beautiful and accurate drawing, except for the first participant, wins and is awarded a prize.


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Dance on the newspaper!

3 couples participate. All participants dance on the newspaper to cheerful music. After each turn off the music, the newspaper is rolled up and its area decreases. The task is not to step over the edge of the newspaper. Those who fail are eliminated from the game. The most persistent ones win and are awarded a prize!


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Skittles are placed on the floor and two people participate. The presenter says that the driver needs to drive at night without lighting. The participant will be blindfolded and given commands to “move the car.” The participant must knock down as few pins as possible. Then the next participant starts driving. Whoever knocks down the fewest pins wins.


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Move the coin!

Participants are divided into two teams. At the end of the room you need to place two jars. Each participant is given a coin, which he must place on his leg. After this, participants take turns carefully and quickly carrying the coin on their feet and putting it in the jar. The team that completes the task faster wins.


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Magnetic fishing!

The players are divided into two teams. Magnets are placed in the basins. The first player on the team is given a fishing rod with a magnet, he needs to run to the basin, catch the “fish”, put it in a nearby bucket and return to the team to pass the fishing rod to the next one. The team with the most catch wins.

Birthday contests at home

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Air battle

The room is divided in half by tape. Participants are divided into two teams. Each team is given the same number of balloons. The task is to throw all your balls to the opponent, while they must also send the balls from their opponents back to their field. The competition starts at sound signal and after the second sound, the children must stop. The team with the fewest balloons on its field wins.


If your baby is already between the ages of 5 and 7 years, you have a wonderful opportunity to celebrate his birthday not only fun, but also useful. The fact is that during this period the child’s personality develops at a rapid pace in all areas of life. For boys and girls during this period:

  • intelligence and conscious curiosity increase;
  • control over emotions appears;
  • willpower and moral concepts appear;
  • increases physical strength and endurance.

Where to celebrate a birthday

The main thing is that the child is no longer afraid of animators, magicians, or any other professionals in the field of children's entertainment, but, on the contrary, is glad to see them and really wants to take part in some exciting adventure or watch an experimental show. The birthday of a child aged 5-7 years can be celebrated in any place you like, respectively, with or without animators. Such a place could be:

  • children's cafe or restaurant. There are a lot of them now and all conditions for family leisure have been created there.
  • Entertainment Center;
  • nature;
  • game room;
  • museum.

Planning your child's birthday yourself

If you have not entrusted the organization of an event for your child to professionals entirely, then you will need to draw up a celebration plan in advance (about 2 weeks before the long-awaited event) with traditional points:

  • place and time of the event;
  • booking a hall (it is important to do this in advance);
  • number of guests;
  • menu;
  • accessories;
  • program and script of the holiday and entertainment;
  • gifts for the birthday boy and guests;

Remember that some children's institutions have their own rules for holding holidays, so you need to clarify them in advance. Also ask about the possibility of bringing any food or drinks with you. In some places this is strictly prohibited, so to avoid any unpleasant surprises, it is better to find out everything in advance.

When organizing children's event Parents always bear a lot of responsibility and stress. Therefore, it is better to think through all the little things of the holiday in advance, otherwise, in haste and nervousness, you can miss something important and spoil the joy of the child and his little guests.

Entertainment program for children's birthday

Sometimes parents celebrate the birthdays of children aged 5 - 7 years (especially 5) at home. In this case, it is very important to carefully consider entertainment program on one's own. It's best to start by congratulating the birthday person. This process should be organized in a non-standard way to immediately set the tone for the holiday. For example, the voices of your favorite cartoon characters will be just appropriate in this case. You can also congratulate your child in the costume of some funny animal or a character from his favorite cartoon, or arrange a good one.

After the procedure for presenting gifts, you can begin games and competitions.

Games and competitions for the birthday of a child aged 5-7 years

Fun balls

Fun traffic light

This game involves a presenter wearing clothes of three traffic light colors. The children's task is to cross the road, carefully listening to the leader's commands. If the leader says “red,” then only the players whose clothes contain red can cross the road, and the rest need to run so that the traffic light leader doesn’t hit them with the ball. The one who gets caught becomes the traffic light leader himself.

Happy wave

Two adults stretch out a long, wide cloth and wave it as if it were a storm at sea. Dolphin players try to run under the fabric so that it does not hit them. If the cloth touches the dolphin, it is eliminated from the game.

Guess what!

In this game, the leader thinks of a word on a certain topic, which he tells the children. Participants must guess the word by asking leading questions, to which the presenter answers in monosyllables: “yes” or “no.”


Children stand in a circle and throw a ball to each other, coming up with a cute nickname based on the character and appearance of the person to whom the ball is flying. For example, a girl with white skin is Snow White.

The main thing in this game is that the assembled company be friendly and polite, and indeed, give each other only pleasant nicknames.

Cat and mouse

Favorite game of millions, especially those who visited kindergarten.))) Participants form a circle, holding hands. A player is placed inside the circle to represent the mouse. And the cat player becomes outside the circle. Her task is to get inside and catch the mouse. Children in a round dance actively prevent the cat from achieving its goal. The cat tries to crawl under the circle, jump over it, or break the chain of intertwined hands of the participants. If she succeeds, then the children must immediately release the mouse from the circle and hold the cat in it. The game lasts until the cat grabs the mouse.


To play you will need plastic cover from plastic bottle with water or lemonade. It is placed on the table exactly in the middle. Players are divided into 2 teams and located on both sides of the table. Each team begins to blow on the lid, trying to blow it into the opponent's territory.\

The goal is to score a goal for your opponents. Pushing the object with your hands or other objects is prohibited. The winning team receives a prize - a cup with their favorite drink.

This year we played this kind of air hockey. The children really liked the game. I had to play several matches)))


Game-mood and warm-up for facial muscles and... abs. The children are given markers. They should be placed between the baby's nose and upper lip. The participants' task is to hold the felt-tip pen in place for as long as possible. And the task of adults is to make the “strong people” laugh.


One of the participants is blindfolded and put in his mouth a piece of something tasty: orange, candy, banana, apple, plum, pear (prepare a wide assortment). The player must taste what is in his mouth. When a child makes a mistake, another player takes his place.

Repeat the movement

The guests present sit in a circle. The first participant shows the movement. The second player repeats the same movement, but adds his own. The third participant repeats the two movements and also adds something of his own... and so on in turn. The hardest part is for the last player, who must repeat all previous movements without error. The one who gets lost is out of the game.

Giants and dwarfs

The adult presenter takes turns pronouncing the words: “dwarfs” - everyone must squat; “giants” - everyone needs to stand on their feet. The game requires attentiveness and good coordination of movements.

The GM is allowed to confuse the players. For example, he can give false commands: “Cucumbers!”, “Cow!”. A participant who mixed up the team or was not attentive enough is eliminated from the game.

Watch a few more games for a large group of kids in this video:

Take care in advance about the reward for the losing participants, or better yet small gifts for all participants. And winning and losing will be secondary. Give your children a cute souvenir, a small toy, or something sweet from the table.

After games and entertainment, invite children and their parents to the table. After the gala dinner, be sure to bring in the cake with the right amount candles so that the birthday boy can blow them out and wish for his very best cherished wish to cheerful music.

Feast for children and adults

By the way, at this age children are already beginning to understand whether the celebration is beautifully decorated. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to take care of the festive and original table setting and decoration.

  • serve the main course on identical plates and with a single design theme;
  • Place canapés and desserts on wooden or plastic skewers that resemble forks (only with very blunt ends). After eating, the skewers must be removed immediately so that they do not become objects for play;
  • Divide the canapés onto several small plates so that they can be placed at several ends of the table. If common table If you don’t have one, then we place the plates on the windowsills, coffee table or bedside tables;
  • choose some dense product as the basis for canapés - hard cookies, bread, cucumber, marshmallows, root vegetables (so that there are no crumbs);
  • avoid eating rye and gray bread for sandwiches - this is too heavy food for small tummies;
  • to add originality to the dish, cut the canapes into shapes: square, oval, circle, star, heart;
  • coat the canapes between layers with sauce: cottage cheese, sour cream or low-fat mayonnaise;
  • decorate the main meat dish in the form of funny hedgehogs, fish and crabs. Attach legs to the crab made from strips of boiled carrots or canned zucchini rings, and let the eyes be cloves or dark olives. Any children's salad can be decorated in the form of funny animals;
  • Put several animals on each child’s plate at the same time: for example, from salad and from meat - there will be no limit to the child’s delight;
  • include sausages from a trusted manufacturer in your holiday diet (necessarily made according to state standard), even if in Everyday life you don't favor them. Sausages can be used to make many interesting and funny figures: turtles, octopuses, rabbits and dogs - everything your imagination allows for.

After the feast and the ceremonial removal of the cake with candles, be sure to organize a children's disco. Let the kids jump and frolic to the cheerful songs of cartoon characters. And let the children have unforgettable impressions after the celebration!

Enjoy your preparations and happy holidays!


Marina Talanina and Lyudmila Potsepun.

No one doubts the fact that the birthday boy is main character on his birthday. A Special attention are given to the birthday child, because for him this is a long-awaited, special day. But don't forget about the guests. And it often happens that not only his peers come to the little birthday boy, but also godparents, aunts, uncles and other relatives and family friends, so it’s worth thinking through in advance and preparing competitions for adults at a children’s birthday party, so that this day will also become a happy holiday.

In fact, you can take any competition, both adults and children. The main thing is that these are not too frank or indecent competitions, as well as games where alcohol is involved, after all, a birthday is for children. In principle, any fun and decent competition or game that will appeal to an adult company and will amuse the children watching what is happening will do.

Our selection consists of simple options, which do not require special preparation and require a minimum of props, which will greatly simplify their implementation. Well, now let’s take a closer look at each of the competitions.

You only need one very ordinary clothespin. At the beginning of the fun, we announce that we have a crocodile and it will periodically attack guests, after which, during the celebration, we quietly attach the “crocodile” to someone’s clothes, or hide it under a napkin, or throw it in their pocket. When the job is done, we announce that the crocodile has escaped, and the guests’ task is to find him. The one who found a crocodile receives a small present and is declared the new driver, that is, now he must throw a clothespin to the next guest. So, during the celebration, the clothespin goes around almost all the guests and everyone receives small pleasant gifts.


For this competition take glass jar, several bills of different denominations, coins, as well as pieces of paper, fabric, foil, and any small objects. You can take chocolate candies in the form of coins to confuse participants. The size of the jar and the amount of money is at your discretion. Next, we put the money and all other details in the jar so that it is difficult to count the amount in the bank. We pass the finished jar around, and each of the guests tries to count the money and writes down their amount on a piece of paper. At the end, we open the jar, count the money and determine the winner, and the winner is the one who counted the amount as accurately as possible.

Draw the most valuable

It is advisable to hold a variety of competitions for adults at a child’s birthday, including creative ones. Let your guests show their artistic talent and draw the most valuable thing in his life or what he dreams of. Then everyone talks about their drawing, the story is commented on by the participants and the most successful and original drawing and story are selected by voting.

Balloon battle

This fun game, which you can play to warm up a little after prolonged sitting at the table. It is carried out in a spacious room or in an open area. The essence of the game is that each guest has an inflatable ball tied to his leg. It should be tied as low as possible and it is advisable that the ball can lie on the floor. Then we turn on a cheerful melody, and the participants’ task is to pop other people’s balloons. The winner is the one whose ball stays intact longer. You can also play in teams, then the participants

One team destroys the balls of the other team, and the winner is determined by the maximum number of intact balls in the team. Good mood after the game guaranteed!

Dance on chairs

This is not a dance where you have to sit down on a chair when you finish. xia m Music, this is a simple creative competition, the task of the participants is to improvise to the music, trying to dance without getting up from their chair.

It is advisable to place chairs for participants in the middle of the hall so that spectators have the opportunity to observe all the body movements of the dancers, and then evaluate them, choosing the most active and creative dancer.

Fun Zoo

This game is suitable for children, but adults will be no less delighted with it. How to carry it out? At the beginning, we distribute cards with animals to the participants, but we do it in such a way that they do not see which animal is indicated on their card. Then everyone shows their card to the other participants and asks leading questions. The remaining players answer the questions, but do not name the animal itself. The winner is the one who guessed his animal after least amount questions.

A zoo can easily be replaced by a store household appliances, For example. To do this, we take cards not with animals, but with household appliances. The guessing process is identical.

Guess the fairy tale

The game is played at the table. The presenter begins to tell the story without naming the names of the main characters. You can read directly from the book, skipping names, titles, and guests try to guess which one it is about. goes like a fairy tale speech. If there are children at the party who are already familiar with fairy tales, you can also involve them in solving them. In this case, hold a team competition - a team of children against a team of adults.

watering hole

You should prepare several identical containers with water in advance. We pour water or juice into each container and give the participants straws. The contestants' task is to empty their container as quickly as possible. You can make the task more difficult by requiring that you drink without using your hands. It will be even more interesting if the container is not on the table, but on a chair.


A great opportunity to test your imagination and writing skills, and have fun at the same time.

How to do it? We prepare a list of questions in advance. It should look something like this:

  • Who?
  • Where did you go?
  • For what?
  • What did he see there?
  • How did he react to this?
  • Who came next?
  • What happened next?
  • etc.

You can take our list and add a couple more questions to it.

The process itself:

  • hand out pieces of paper and pens to participants;
  • Everyone writes at the very top of the sheet the answer to the question “Who?” This can be either a real or a fictional character;
  • then the piece of paper is folded so that what is written is not visible and the participants exchange leaves with each other;
  • Next we write the answer to the question “Where did you go?” and continue in the same way until the questions run out;
  • ready literary works surrender to the presenter and read aloud. Believe me, the stories will be very funny and with unexpected turns plot!

Sign up for a prize

We prepare one or several sheets, at the very top of which we write: “who will tell a fairy tale or poem,” “who will sing a song,” or something similar. You can also consider options such as “who will wash the dishes”, “who will help clear the table” and so on. We cover the inscription with a sheet with the word “Prize” and send this sheet around the table so that those who wish can sign up for the prize. What a surprise it will be when those who signed up see what they actually signed up for! But, of course, don’t leave them without a prize after they complete the task)

Like a birthday boy

A competition requiring participants to demonstrate their acting skills.

For this entertainment, we prepare pieces of paper in advance with inscriptions like “I can eat like the birthday boy,” “I can walk like the birthday boy,” “I can draw like the birthday boy,” “I can dance like the birthday boy.” This competition will be especially interesting at the birthday of a child 1-3 years old.

Participants take turns taking out pieces of paper and showing their acting skills. We reward the most talented actor with a prize.

Almost football

For this game you will need a spacious room, which is divided into two halves. We divide the guests into two equal teams. The role of a soccer ball is played by a balloon, and the task of the “football players” is to throw the ball to the side of the opposing team. A certain time is allotted for the game, during which it is advisable to turn on rhythmic music.

Open the chest

Something like a mini-quest for guests. You can use any box or even a box as a chest. Mini-quest stages - any interesting riddles or questions about the birthday boy himself. As an option, divide the participants into teams and let each of them compete for the “treasure”. It can also be carried out in the form of an individual competition - whoever gives the most correct answers receives the key to the treasured treasure chest. Well, let’s fill the chest itself pleasant little things- candies, chocolate bars, small toys. Even if the adult guests do not have a sweet tooth, then each of them probably has children at home who will be happy about such a treasure won by a parent.

Who will melt the ice?

Refreshing entertainment. It’s worth preparing a few ice cubes in advance for this. To make it more interesting for the participants, we freeze any small figures in cubes, which will become prizes. You can freeze, for example, small sweets, only by first wrapping them in several layers packaging film so that they do not dissolve in water before they freeze)

The task of the participants, as you probably already guessed, is to melt the pieces of ice. But how to do this is up to you. You can dissolve them in your mouth, you can blow on them (in this case they will melt more slowly, but this will be safer for the participants’ throats). The winner is the one whose piece of ice melts before the others.


A game that can be played right at the table in a calm environment.

To begin, select a topic for which you will select associations. Let’s take the theme “Summer” as an example. Each participant writes on a piece of paper 10 words that he associates with summer. For example: beach, sea, heat, watermelon, strawberry, etc. When everyone has completed the task, we begin to read out the lists one by one. If someone finds the same items, they must be crossed off from all lists. The one on whose list there are the most uncrossed words wins. The winner rightfully receives the title of the person with the most innovative thinking)

A few more ideas can be gleaned from the video:

In conclusion, I would like to note that this is only a small part of the entertainment that can be provided at a little birthday party for adult guests. Any competition can be slightly modified, adjusted to the situation and the interests of the participants.

What games and competitions did you organize for guests at your child’s birthday party? Share in the comments!

Can be done both at home and at children's birthday.

Birthday competitions for children can be held both at home and anywhere else. It is generally accepted that fun games, quizzes and comic competitions are only suitable for preschool parties, but in reality this is not the case. And older children enjoy participating in competitions if the games are selected according to their age. A correctly selected scenario with birthday competitions, even for 14-16 year olds, is the key to a fun and memorable holiday!

1. Competition “Smile for the birthday boy”

(competition for the birthday of a child 10-14 years old)

This competition is best held at a child’s birthday; it turns out to be fun and relaxed.

The presenter announces:

“It is necessary that everyone gives the birthday boy their most beautiful smile.”

The children immediately begin to smile, and then the presenter announces that it is too simple and everyone can smile like that. Then the presenter takes out a plate with sliced ​​lemon slices. Children need to each take a lemon, put it in their mouth, chew it, and smile at the same time. And the birthday boy must determine whose smile he liked the most.

2. Competition “Bell”

(Birthday: competitions for children 10 - 14 years old)

An unlimited number of people can participate in this competition. It can be held at any holiday. For the competition you will need a small bell on a string, which will be hung around the neck of the participant in the competition. You will also need several ropes that will be stretched in the room for different heights from the floor, the ropes can be attached both horizontally and across the room space, so that the participant, going to the finish line, must both squat and step over the ropes. The player's task is to reach the finish line without the bell hanging around his neck ringing. Whoever completed this task best is considered the best bell tamer from that day on.

3. Competition “Animal Balls”

(children's birthday contests)

The following items are required for the competition: balloons, threads, markers. Inflate all the balloons prepared for the competition, tie them so that they do not deflate. Divide all the balls equally into two halves. Hang one half of the balloons in one corner of the room, the other half in the second corner. Divide everyone present into two teams and give them markers. Teams must draw eyes, nose, mouth, etc. on the balls. They should get funny little animals. The team that creates the animals the fastest wins.

4. Game “Scarf, laughter and children”

(games and competitions for children aged 10-14 years old)

To play you need a small silk scarf the size of a handkerchief. All children, except the birthday boy, stand in a circle. The birthday boy stands in the center of the circle, throws his handkerchief into the air and begins to laugh loudly. The other children should start laughing too. If someone stops laughing while the handkerchief is in the air, they are out of the game. When the handkerchief touches the floor, everyone stops laughing. If participants do not fulfill this condition, they are eliminated from the game. The last child left in the game is the winner.

5. Game "Running ball"

(children's games and competitions for birthdays of 8-10 years)

To play you will need two balloons and two glasses. Participants are divided into two teams. Each team stands in a column. The first team members are given a glass and a balloon. They place the ball on the glass to keep the ball balanced. Then these participants must run around their team and return to their place. After this, the first players pass the glass with the ball to the second players, who also run around the team. The game continues until all participants have run around their team. But if someone’s ball falls, he must return to his place and start running around again. You are not allowed to touch the ball with your hands while performing the task. The team that completes the task first wins.

6. Relay competition “Turtles”

(competitions for the birthday of a 4 year old child)

This fun competition for children will perfectly lift the spirits of all guests on their birthday. If you are hosting a Jungle themed party, be sure to include a competition in your script. To carry it out you will need 2 basins. Then you select two equal teams and place them in two columns. The first participants receive a pelvis, thanks to which they must turn into turtles. To do this, you need to get on all fours and “put” an inverted pelvis on your back - you will get a turtle under its shell. Now each participant must run to a given place, return to the team and pass the baton to the next participant. The team whose turtles all pass the test wins the competition.

7. Competition “Who is the fastest?”

(contests for the birthday of an 8 year old child)

The presenter places two boxes at the finish line; a distance of at least two meters must be left between them. Small toys of the same size, such as balls, cubes, rings, are placed in boxes. They are divided equally into two teams. At the start, two teams of children line up, each with a certain number of participants. Teams wait by their empty boxes for the competition to begin. It is best to mark the starting line somehow (with chalk, flags) and place empty boxes, which children will have to fill with toys, transferring them from a full box. At the leader’s signal, the first participants from each team must run to the full box at the finish line, take a toy from it, run to the start, and throw the toy into the empty start box. After this, the next participants continue the competition. So children, running from a full box to an empty one, must move all the toys. The winner is the team that was able to move all the toys faster than the other. The winners must be given a prize.

8. “Point the finger” competition

This competition is fun to do at a child's birthday party. The presenter shows 5 items and names them. For example, nose, plate, ceiling, door, birthday boy. Each child, when the presenter calls a word, must point to an object or person with a finger. The presenter will deliberately confuse the guests and may point to one object and name another. The participant who never gets lost receives a prize.

9. Competition “Where is our ball”

(children's birthday contests for 11 years old)

This is an active sports game. It is most convenient to carry it out in the hall or on sports ground. It begins at the sign of the leader. The children close their eyes, and the leader throws a small ball in any direction. Participants listen to the sound of a falling ball, trying to guess where it went. The host asks: “Where is our ball?” These words are a signal for the players that they can run in different directions and look for the ball. The one who finds it must, unnoticed by others, run up to the designated place, pat it with his hand and shout: “My ball!” If during the game a player sees who has the ball, he must try to catch up with the lucky one and touch him. Then the ball goes to him. Now the rest of the children are running after the player with the ball, trying to catch up with him. And the player with the ball will try to run as fast as he can to the appointed place with the words: “My ball!”, dodging everyone who wants to catch him.

10. Game “Catch a snowball”

(games and competitions for children)

An active, fun game for children that develops dexterity and attentiveness in children, as well as speed of reaction. Usually children are offered to play it preschool age. For the game, the leader must prepare a bag with small balls or “snowballs” made independently from cotton wool. Children need to be given small multi-colored plastic buckets. At a given signal, the children must prepare for the game; it requires good reaction and speed. The presenter takes snowballs out of his bag and throws them in different directions. The kids run and try, placing buckets under the flying snowballs, to catch them. When all the snowballs in the bag run out, the game ends. The counting of balls caught by each player begins. Caught the most a large number of"snowball" becomes the winner, he is awarded with friendly applause and a prize

11. Game “Flying the Broom”

(games and competitions for children 11 years old)

This is a team game. It is suitable for children. You can play this game on any holiday: and on New Year, and on March 8, and on birthdays, etc. You will need two stools or two chairs. You will also need two brooms or mops. The children are invited to imagine that they have turned into evil wizards and can fly on a broom. The participants’ task is to take turns passing the broom, holding it between their legs, run to the stool, come back and pass the broom to another team member. The team that finishes the game first wins.

12. Quiz-competition " SpongeBob»

(quizzes and competitions for 10th birthday)

Children adore this funny character - the sea sponge SpongeBob. Cartoons with him are very popular all over the world. This quiz will calm the kids down for a while. Here are the questions:

  • Where does Spongebob live? Bikini Bottom, Pineapple House.
  • When does SpongeBob celebrate his birthday? the 14 th of July.
  • What kind of pets do Bikini Bottom residents keep at home? Snails and worms.
  • What are SpongeBob's best friends? Patrick, Sandy, Squidward, Mr. Krabs, Gary.
  • Why does SpongeBob go to the "Field of Jellyfish"? Catches jellyfish and milks them into jelly.
  • What is the name of SpongeBob's teacher? Mrs. Puff.
  • What exam does SpongeBob fail to pass Mrs. Puff? Driving a submarine.
  • What is the name of SpongeBob's only friend who cannot breathe underwater like fish and other sea inhabitants? Sandy.
  • Who are Sea Superman and Barnacle Boy? Superheroes from Bikini Bottom.
  • How many people live in Bikini Bottom, including SpongeBob? 538.
  • Who is Plankton, and what does he want from SpongeBob? This is the villain Bikini Bottom, who is trying to steal the magic Krabby Patty formula.
  • Who is the greediest money lover in Bikini Bottom? Mr Crabbs.
  • What are the names of SpongeBob's neighbors and where do they live? Squidward (Easter Island statue) and Patrick (under the stone).
  • Who is the Flying Dutchman? Ghost of the Sea Pirate.

Give a prize to the child who gives the most correct answers: any item with the image of SpongeBob.

13. Game “Guess who eats what?”

(games for children's birthday)

This competition is best held when the children have just arrived for their birthday.

This competition is best held when the children have just arrived for their birthday. It is held at the table. The theme of this game is "Animals". Prepare questions about what animal eats what. And ask the kids. You can remember all the animals in the zoo and ask about each one.

Start with easy questions about the bunny and the wolf, and end with exotic animals. For each correct answer, give your child a sticker or candy.

14. Competition “Trees happen”
(children's birthday contests)

An interesting game for kids that develops their attentiveness, logic, and reaction speed. It is usually played by preschool children. The children are seated in front of the leader, who says: “Trees can be low,” and he himself raises his hands up. Children must show attentiveness, logic, speed of reaction, and show what low trees look like. The presenter lists what types of trees there are: tall, small, huge. At the same time, he tries to confuse the children with incorrect movements. But if one of the players goes astray and shows the way the presenter does, he is eliminated from the game. True, the eliminated participant only misses a few rounds, he is not allowed to get bored for too long, and is offered to return to the game. The winner is the participant who showed what trees are like the fastest and most correctly, and was not mistaken. He is rewarded with a tasty prize.

15. Competition “Back pictures”

(birthday contests)

A fun game that can be offered to children when you need to find something interesting and interesting for them. exciting activity. Children are seated in a circle, facing their neighbor's back. A sheet of paper is attached to the back of each with tape. Further events in the game develop according to the “damaged phone” principle. The first player is told in his ear a simple word that is easy to draw: flower, house, sun. He must use a blunt pencil to draw a picture on his neighbor's back. And he, guided only by his feelings and guesses, while they are drawing on his back, must decide what is drawn there and make a similar drawing on the back of the player sitting in front of him. The main thing is that children don’t peek, otherwise it won’t be interesting. When all the participants in the fun have finished their drawings, they begin to evaluate these works! Usually everyone finds it very funny from the pictures that the young artists drew.

16. Competition “Invisible Back”

(children's birthday competitions for 6-12 years old)

This competition is suitable for children's day birth. All guests participate in it. The birthday boy stands facing the wall and with his back to the guests. Guests line up at the threshold of the room. On the count of three, the first guest begins to move towards the birthday boy. As soon as the birthday boy feels that the guest is already close and standing behind him, he says: “Stop!” The same continues with the next participant. The main thing for the birthday boy is that he is not hurt by the participant, and for the guest it is important to get closest to the birthday boy. Whichever guest stands closest to the birthday boy wins. The winner must be rewarded with a delicious prize in the form of a chocolate bar, or given a toy.

17. Competition “Find your prize”

(competitions for children)

The game helps to reveal the talents of every child. This game requires a set of colored cardboard, two boxes and plenty of prizes so that there is enough for everyone. First you need to prepare cards (according to the number of players). A piece of colored cardboard is cut in half. The task is written on one half, and the name of the prize on the other. If there are more children than multi-colored cards, cards of the same color can be cut in different ways: along, across, at an angle, in a wavy line. Cards with tasks are placed in one box, colored side up. Cards with prizes are placed in the second box, hidden in another place. Each player, having drawn a card, must complete a task: recite a rhyme, sing a song, compose a short thematic story, ask the children a riddle. Then the child must find the other half of his card and receive a prize. For prizes, it is best to purchase colored pencils, markers, albums, coloring books, books, and small toys. At the end of each child's performance, the others thank him for his efforts by clapping their hands and cheering him on as he searches for his prize.

18. Game “At the Bazaar”

(competitions for children 10 – 12 years old)

At the very beginning of the game, all participants are divided into three groups and one leader. Each group chooses a fruit, for example, one group will be called bananas, the second - strawberries, and the third - peaches. Then all players sit in a circle, facing the center of the circle. The presenter stands in the center of the circle and says the following phrase: “I went to the market and bought...” Then, depending on the continuation of the phrase, the participants should act differently, for example:

- “... and bought bananas”, then all those who belong to the group of bananas change places (the leader also participates in this exchange). After the exchange, one “extra” fruit remains, which becomes the leader and the game begins again.

- “... and bought peaches and bananas (or any other combination of groups)”, then all participants belonging to the named groups change places (along with the leader). Again, the extra “fruit” becomes the leader.

- “... and bought fruit”, in this case all the participants change places. The only one left without a place becomes the leader.

19. Competition “Cool Tales”

(interesting competitions for children's birthdays 11 - 12 years old)

Reaction and attentiveness - these qualities guarantee the player’s success in this game. All participants stand in a circle. My right hand each participant clenches his fist, exposing thumb up. Left hand everything is folded into a tube, which is put on the neighbor’s thumb. And so, when all the players have clasped their hands in such an intricate way, the presenter begins to tell the tale, having named the code word in advance. The condition of the game is this: after hearing the code word, you need to have time to grab your right hand, while simultaneously catching your neighbor’s, grabbing his finger. At the same time, in a fairy tale you can use various funny gags, which are designed to confuse and confuse the players. For example, if the code word is Princess Nesmetna, then when telling a story, you can use the frog princess, the princess and the seven heroes, and any other phrases starting with the word princess. Hearing them, the players will break free and grab the hands of their neighbors. The game is always accompanied by laughter and sincere fun.

20. Competition “Who am I?”

(fun competitions for children's birthdays)

This competition is perfect for a child's birthday. Draw several pictures, for example, pineapple, cake, candy, etc. Cut out the middle for the child's head. The participant takes the picture and sticks his head inside. He doesn’t see who is in his picture, so he asks the guests questions to find out. Guests can only answer “YES” or “NO”. For example, questions: “Am I tasty?”, “Am I made of wood?”, “Am I bigger than an orange?”, “Do I start with a vowel?” and so on.

How to please your child on his birthday? Gifts, congratulations, a festive table with treats, and, of course, guests and friends. What kind of holiday would it be if you don’t invite your child’s friends? And so that they don't get bored festive table, you need to think through the upcoming party for children in detail. Interesting competitions and games for children are the key to a successful holiday, especially a birthday!

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Competitions for children are the key to a successful children's party

There is nothing better for children than competitions and games. During the game, the child learns the world, learns to solve some problems and simply enjoys the gameplay itself. And competitions held for a whole group of children will definitely please every child. Acting as an animator, you will help children cope with tasks and solve various types of tasks. We are pleased to offer you various competitions for children's birthdays that will delight both children and adults. Our competitions are intended for children from 6 to 12 years old - at this age the child is most active and mobile, and is also ready to learn and absorb new information.

  • Competitions can be very different - mobile, mental, in the form of quizzes or puzzles. Some competitions do not require additional equipment, while for others you will need to purchase everything you need.
  • The main thing that should be observed when holding children's competitions is not to let children feel out of place.

    Every child should be involved in the game process, do not let anyone sit idle.

    While some are competing, ask others to cheer on the players and cheer for them.

  • If you plan to have competitions with prizes, you need to come up with prizes for each child. Even if the child did not win the competition, it is necessary to reward him for participating in the game. Children can be very vulnerable and offended that they were left without a gift.

Interesting competitions for the home for the birthday of children from 6 to 12 years old

  1. Competition "Fashion Show"

    Give children the opportunity to feel like fashion designers and models showing off different outfits. Divide the children into several teams, depending on their number. Each team must choose a model, and the rest of the team must come up with an original outfit for her. You can use various fabrics, bows, decorations, colorful paper, scarves and anything else you can use to decorate your outfit. Let the guys come up with a name for the outfit, and the models will demonstrate it in front of the public. Take a vote to determine best outfit and congratulate the winning team.

  2. Competition "Who am I?"

    For this competition you must prepare special cards. Take ready-made pictures or draw various objects of the same theme, such as food, on thick sheets. Cut in the middle
    pictures a hole so that the child can stick his head in there. Without showing what is in the picture, place the picture on the child's head. He should ask leading questions, and the guys should answer them, not to mention what is shown in the picture. Questions can be different, for example - “Am I sweet or salty?”, “Am I a fruit or a vegetable?”, “Does my name begin with a vowel?”

  3. Game "Pantomime"

    A very fun game that does not require additional equipment. Select 2-4 participants, depending on the number of children, and describe to them the situation that they will have to show. The rest of the children must guess what they are showing.

    You can complicate the task: ask one of the participants to close their ears, and describe the situation to the others. Players will have to perform the skit with this participant, without telling him about the situation, and he must guess what is happening.

  4. Competition “Try it, come!”

    Choose one participant and place him with his back to the others. The children move away from the participant, after which the first child must approach the participant and touch him. As soon as the child with his back turned says “Stop,” the other one stops. Then another child approaches the player. The winner is the one who can silently reach the participant and touch him.

  5. Game "Whose shoes?"

    2 participants are selected and blindfolded. The rest of the children take off their shoes, put them in a pile and mix them up. Then they take turns approaching the participants. The players' task is to find the shoes of the person who approaches them and put them on. The one who can put shoes on the most players wins. To simplify the competition, you can blindfold the boys and let them find shoes for girls, or vice versa.

  6. Titanic Competition

    To conduct this competition, you will need a basin of water, as well as plastic cups according to the number of participants, plus one more. Pour some water into the glass and place it in a bowl of water so that it floats. Hand each a glass of water to the participants and let them take turns adding water to the glass as they float. The one who “sinks” the cup is out of the game. The competition continues until one player remains - he will be the winner.

  7. Competition "Greedy"

    You will need many different items - toys, cookware, clothes, etc. The players' task is to hold as many objects as possible and not drop a single one. You can help yourself with your feet, hands, head. The one who manages to “grab” will win large quantity items.

  8. Competition "Blind Artist"

    You will need whatman paper, markers and paints. Select several participants, blindfold them and ask them to draw the birthday boy. And let the hero of the occasion choose the winner.

  9. Competition "Animals"

    You will need inflated balloons and markers. Give each child a ball and ask them to draw the face of an animal. You can divide the children into teams and ask them to draw their own “zoo” for speed. Let them explain why they chose this or that animal.
  10. Speed ​​competition

    Everyone knows the competition with chairs, when children run around to the music, and when it ends, they must have time to take their place. We are offering to you new option games for speed and attention. Place blocks, skittles, water bottles, or other similar items on the floor. Children should run around them to the music. Once the music ends, they must grab the object and sit down. Anyone who does not have enough item is eliminated from the game.

Of course, this is only a small part entertainment competitions for children. You can arrange various puzzles, quizzes and charades, do not let your children get bored. Don't forget to reward all participants with prizes and congratulate the winners. We wish you a great time and an unforgettable holiday for the children!