home · electrical safety · Irises are bearded dwarf varieties. Growing dwarf irises. Bearded dwarf iris, variety ‘Hammered Copper’

Irises are bearded dwarf varieties. Growing dwarf irises. Bearded dwarf iris, variety ‘Hammered Copper’

For its wide variety (there are from 700 to 800 species), original forms and richness of color.


Rules for planting bearded irises

To obtain a high-quality bearded iris that will delight you with its beauty, you need on-time landing and proper care of the plant in open ground.

The best time for planting and replanting is considered to be after flowering, then the plant will form new roots. If you look closely at the rhizome, then below the base of the leaves you can notice light green tubercles - these are the rudiments of the roots.

When they grow up, they will be very fragile and brittle. Therefore, irises are planted either immediately after flowering, or in the fall, when the roots become fibrous and hard.

Did you know?From the rhizomes of the iris flower, people have learned to make iris oil, which is used in the production of very high quality perfume products.

When wondering how to properly plant bearded iris, many gardeners stick to one answer. When planting iris, you need to make a light depression with a small mound.

Place the flower on this mound, straighten the roots well and, compacting them, cover them with earth. The plant divisions should not be deepened too much, since the root should be well warmed by the sun.

When planting in the ground in the spring, the prepared bearded iris material must be processed. If the rhizome is very long, it needs to be trimmed a little, rotten areas removed and kept in weak solution potassium permanganate for about 20 minutes.

How to care for flowers

In order for the iris to delight with its flowering for a long time, it is necessary to carry out a number of works.

Soil care

Bearded iris requires in spring special care. It does not imply hard labor, you just need to be extremely careful when doing it. The roots of the flower are close to the surface of the earth, and you need to be very careful not to damage them.

Important!Irises cannot bloom on acidic soil! In this case, the plant will have a lot of strong leaves, but it will not throw out buds. It is possible to deoxidize the soil by adding ash, lime or.


Water accumulation and nutrients in irises it occurs in the root system. Therefore, they need watering only during dry summers and during the flowering period in order to prolong it.

Trimming leaves and spent shoots

In August, the leaves begin to slowly die off, this may serve as a signal that it is necessary to do sanitary pruning. To do this, you should completely remove all dried leaves, shorten the rest by half or a third.

In this simple way, you can protect the plant from all kinds of diseases, the carriers of which are old leaves and faded flower stalks.

Separately about feeding

in spring

The plant needs in the spring. It can be added as a solution under orris root. This fertilizing will help the development of leaves and increase the size of flowers.

One of the most attractive flower stalks is the dwarf iris. With its help you can perfectly decorate gardens and cottages. Flowers amaze with their beauty and diversity. They come in many colors and shapes and will look amazing, luxurious and original.

The plants are stunted, growing to a height of 40 cm, but 20 cm flowers are more common. Although the sizes dwarf irises modest, the flowers do not differ in size and brightness from their traditional counterparts. The petals of the peduncles are painted in many shades. Many flower lovers are delighted with lilac, purple, yellow and other colors.

Iris dwarf "Blau"

Each flower stalk can grow from 2 to 3 flowers; one bush can produce a large number of shoots, so flowering is characterized by abundance and diversity. Dwarfs are unpretentious and easy to care for, which makes them different from their taller counterparts.

Culture has a number of advantages:

  • dwarfs are distinguished by colorful inflorescences, spectacular foliage that retains an attractive appearance all season, until autumn;
  • dwarf varieties bud already at next year after landing, so for short term it turns out to be a beautiful flowerbed;
  • The crop blooms 14-15 days earlier than its taller counterparts; the difference lies in the abundance of buds.

The plants are hardy and unpretentious, indispensable when decorating the territory of summer cottages and gardens.

Dwarf iris: varieties

Cultivation of dwarf irises has been carried out for the last hundred years. Breeders have developed many varietal varieties from one plant. Gardeners grow the following varieties:

  1. Attractive yellow-orange peduncles, each petal of which bears a beard of a soft white hue, is produced by the bearded iris. dwarf variety and "Carats". At the tips the beard becomes bright red.
  2. The petals of the “Puppet” variety of irises with streaked brownish veins are beautiful and lavender-like in color. Peduncles are tall, 30 cm, with 3 buds.
  3. The snow-white inner petals and the heavenly bluish tint of the lower lobes are characteristic of the “Wink” variety. The stems grow to a height of 24 cm, with up to two buds blooming on each big size.
  4. Large flowers, painted in a soft blue color, are characterized by “Cry Baby” irises. Under influence sun rays The petals can burn out, becoming whitish. Peduncles usually grow to a 28-centimeter mark, each of them grows from 1 to 3 buds, striking in their beauty and originality.
  5. The iris variety “Little Dream” is distinguished by large peduncles painted in a soft lilac shade. Each petal has beards of a bluish tint. The height of the stem varies from 30 to 34 cm. 2-3 large flowers can bloom on each stem.
  6. Flowers amaze with their beauty and attractiveness. They are painted dark blue. Each petal of the Sapphire Gem iris produces a snow-white beard. The peduncle can grow up to 37 cm. Each of them produces up to four flowers.

Planting dwarf irises

Dwarf iris is indispensable when decorating borders.

First, gardeners decide on a site for planting irises. For culture, it is necessary to choose well-lit places. It is under these conditions that plants will attract attention with the colorfulness, brightness and perfection of their buds.

Good flowers grow in light, breathable, nutritious soils. To get lush bouquets in areas with insufficiently loose soil, add sufficient sand to the ground. Lime, ash and other alkaline substances. To avoid excessive moisture, care should be taken to ensure good drainage. This measure will ensure the safety of the root system.

Plant the crop like its tall counterparts:

  1. Varieties of dwarf irises begin to be planted on the site in the spring and until August. The culture takes root well after transplantation in any weather conditions.
  2. It is necessary to disinfect for 2 hours using potassium permanganate dissolved in water. This measure will reduce the risk of developing diseases.
  3. After choosing a site, it is recommended to dig it up and add nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus-containing substances in sufficient quantities.
  4. When planting bushes, the root neck should be left above the ground.
  5. The plant is watered for a week, after which the soil is carefully loosened. In this case, you need to be careful not to harm the root system.


Dwarfs are easy to care for as they are quite unpretentious. In the spring, before flowering begins, the plant must be fed with potassium-phosphorus substances. This will help to form attractive and large buds. To stimulate flowering, experienced gardeners use the following scheme:

  • in April, irises are fertilized using nitrogen-potassium substances;
  • after a 3-week period, nitrogen and phosphorus are added;
  • after the beginning of the flowering period, it is necessary to feed with minerals.

After the flowers wither, they are cut off. When the irises stop blooming, it is recommended to remove the flower stalks. In August, plants are trimmed, foliage is trimmed to 10 cm in size.

After a 3-4 year period, it is recommended to divide and plant irises. First, the foliage is cut off at a 7-centimeter level from the surface of the ground, then the roots should be dug up and the crop should be divided into parts, leaving in each case several leaf rosettes (usually 1 or 2).

Rules for propagating dwarf irises

Currently, there are two ways to propagate the crop:

  • vegetative;
  • seeds.

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Gardeners usually propagate irises by dividing the rhizomes. Such reproduction occurs throughout the season. But professionals advise carrying out the procedure after the onset of the resting phase. The plant is completely dug up or a small part is cut off from the mother bush. Then root system should be washed with water to clear it of soil and divided into fragments. The foliage is trimmed by 15 cm and the rhizome is shortened by 10 cm. At the next stage, the links are treated with potassium permanganate diluted in water and dried in the sun.

The bush propagates by the bud method. On each of the annual links of the root, a new shoot can grow. This part is separated, disinfected in a potassium permanganate solution and planted for growing.

Peduncles are formed if the irises were propagated vegetatively, already in the spring of next year, if the plant was planted at the end of summer.

You can grow a bush from seeds. This method is optimal if the gardener has a desire to obtain new hybrid forms. Sowing of seeds is carried out in early autumn immediately after they are collected. You can sow the crop in the spring, but it is recommended to stratify the grains. Planting material pre-soaked in water, then you need to mix it with sand and hide it in a cold place, where it should lie for 2 weeks.

Application in landscape design

At the time of replanting dwarfs in the territory or rose gardens, it is necessary to pay attention to the free arrangement. It is not recommended to plant creeping and ground cover plants with irises in the same area, as their beauty will be “strangled” in this case.

Dwarf iris is used to create rockeries

Plants look good in areas if other crops grow with them. Combinations of irises with other flowers usually amaze the eye. spring flowers. These low-growing attractive flowers can be accompanied by rock alyssum, Caucasian rhizome, and spurge, which look great in rock gardens. Here you can plant daffodils, pushkinia, or imperial hazel grouse. Dwarf irises are indispensable in the design of rose gardens.

With the help of dwarf irises they are decorated border areas and are created Plants look attractive in various containers, placed throughout garden plot. Irises in flowerpots, flowerpots and stone bowls decorate a loggia, balcony or veranda. But when grown in pots Special attention It is recommended to pay attention to drainage; plants cannot tolerate stagnant water. In this case they die.

Iris small size are able to give beauty to any area. They will delight you with their flowering and originality. Caring for the crop is quite simple, so it’s worth trying to plant it in your own areas. Try it, you won't regret it.

Dwarf bearded irises V Lately are becoming more and more popular. Almost everyone is familiar with the low purple irises, which can be seen in city parks and in our gardens. But few people have seen low bearded irises of orange, brown, sky blue, bright yellow, almost red or white.

It’s not for nothing that dwarf irises are called a small miracle. The height of this flower varies from 20 to 40 cm. It blooms dwarf irises in May, immediately after the flowering of daffodils, tulips and hazel grouse, when peonies are still in buds, and tall bearded irises are just putting out their first flower stalks. This is where charming miniature “bearded men” bloom, and we are once again surprised by the wisdom of nature.

Dwarf iris: rules of planting and design

Caring for irises is not at all difficult.

When choosing a place, keep in mind that dwarf bearded irises are dry-loving plants and love the sun, which should illuminate them for at least half a day.

Plants should be placed at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other. good care irises will actively grow and quickly occupy the space allotted to them.

They can be planted both along paths and in separate flower beds. And do not forget that they should be located in the foreground. After flowering, the foliage of irises is also spectacular and will decorate any flower bed.

Don't forget about color combinations. If you place dark brown ones next to dark purple ones, then such a tandem is unlikely to be attractive, and most likely even some irritation will appear.

But if you place a lighter one, but of the same tone, next to a dark iris, then the latter will emphasize the charm of the first. So, if we place blue with dark blue or purple, and yellow with burgundy, then they will shade each other. And white iris will go well with iris of any other color.

Next to two-color irises, the colors of the upper (standard) or lower (foul) petals will look good.

The soil

If you have damp area, then you shouldn’t give up dwarf irises just because of this. You just need to lift them into beds or high flower beds.

When preparing the bed, remove the new or old fertile layer (for us it is 25-30 cm) down to the clay, put it aside. Then add a layer of sawdust (10 cm), either rotted or fresh. If there is hay available, then lay the hay under the layer of sawdust. By doing this we block the cold coming from the clay and increase the height of the bed.

Add one to the selected land square meter two buckets of humus or well-rotted manure, horse or mullein, two or three buckets of peat, a bucket of sand, maybe two. Sand gives looseness to the soil and excess water leaves without stopping. We usually prepare the beds in September and therefore add 40-50 g mineral fertilizer for autumn.

Division of rhizomes

The most favorable time for dividing iris rhizomes - this is two weeks after the end of flowering. But the bed may not be ready by this time. In this case, the iris divisions are planted in containers, in which they form a branched root system by the time they are planted in the ground.

Preparing for winter

Dwarf irises are covered for the winter. Therefore, after the last last weeding, the irises are sprayed with copper-containing preparations, such as Oksikhom or Maxim, pollinated with ash and covered with padding polyester up to 2-3 cm thick, which does not rot and allows water to pass through. If there is no snow for a long time, then hay is thrown on top.

Irises should be prepared for winter by eliminating fertilizing containing nitrogen in the second half of summer, and also adding ash to the soil, which contains many elements and microelements and does not contain nitrogen.

People often refuse to grow dwarf irises, believing that they bloom little. This is not entirely true. The life of a flower can be three, four, or five days, and there can be three or four flowers on the peduncle.

Dwarf variety Cocoa Pink

In the second half of May, when the mass flowering of your favorite tulips ends, and the flowering time of peonies is just promising, dwarf bearded irises join the “rainbow of colors” of our gardens. This group of irises was obtained by crossing tall bearded irises with low-growing natural species. They have a more winter-hardy, hardy and unpretentious character, they bloom earlier and bloom more abundantly than their counterparts, and after flowering they better retain their decorative appearance.

Dwarf plants are divided into miniature (peduncle height - no more than 25 cm, number of flowers on a peduncle - from one to three) and standard (peduncle height - from 25 to 40 cm, number of flowers on a peduncle - from two to four). Despite the low peduncles, the flowers of standard dwarf irises are large - up to 7 cm in height and up to 12 cm in spread, while miniature ones have smaller flowers - up to 8 cm in spread.

"Iris" means "rainbow" in Greek. According to myths, the goddess Iris descended to people along the rainbow to convey to them the will of the gods.
Thanks to their rich palette of colors, dwarf irises are superior to their tall relatives. By planting them in the garden, within a year you will receive beautiful, well-grown, abundantly flowering clumps of a wide variety of shades. When selecting color range you can create clumps of one color, with sharp contrasts and smooth transitions of colors - it all depends on your taste preferences.

How to ensure abundant flowering?

The growing conditions for dwarf irises are the same as for their tall relatives. The most important thing is sun and good drainage. They should be planted in the most illuminated areas of the garden, even on southern slopes. Irises feel best when exposed to the sun all day, with a minimum exposure time of 6 hours. They will grow well in any cultivated, loose, neutral soil.

It is better to plant in July - September, but it can also be planted in spring. When planting, do not bury it, plant it flush with the soil so that part of the rhizome is exposed. You cannot mulch the soil with plant materials, only with sand.

Plantings should not be allowed to thicken. They grow quickly, so when planting, the distance between plants in a row should be at least 0.3 m, and between rows - 0.4 m. as a last resort, if you want to quickly achieve the effect of a dense green curtain, a distance of 0.1 m is acceptable. In this case, the plants will have to be planted earlier.

Plantings should not be allowed to thicken.

Our soils are quite fertile, but in the spring, before budding begins, you can fertilize once with fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium. During the flowering process, dried buds should be removed; when the plant has finished blooming, cut off the flower stalks, and at the end of the season, cut off the leaves to a height of 10 cm.

Irises are heavily oppressed by weeds, so regular weeding is required.

How to understand the classification of bearded irises?

The varieties of bearded irises are very diverse, so their classification is quite difficult. The following division into groups has now been adopted.

1. Single color: upper petals and foils are the same color.
2. Two-tone: the upper petals and foils have different shades of the same color.
3. Iridescent: different shades smoothly transition into each other.
4. Bordered: The edges of the foils are edged with a border of a contrasting color.
5. Bicolor: The upper petals and foils have different colors.

Of the most beautiful views belonging to the group of standard dwarf irises, it should be noted:

solid: dark purple Demon, beet red Mini Dynamo, dark purple Double Lament, brown red Little Buccaneer, marsh brown Galleon Gold, pink Hazel's Pink, lilac Little Dream, light blue Cry Baby, Sapphire Gem and Puppet, yellow Gingerbread Man and Laced Lemonade;
iridescent Chanted – pink with a salmon tint;
two-tone with darker fouls: brown Little Chestnut and purple Bright Button;
two-tone Hammered Copper – beige top, copper foils, multi-colored.

Varieties miniature irises:

Wink – white, blue spots on fouls;
Button Box – purple, dark spots on foils;
Skip Stitch – white, purple pattern on top, purple border along the edge of the fouls;
Wow Brown - two-color bordered: yellow top, brown foils, yellow border along the edge;
What Again is two-tone with a blue top and orange foils with brown touches; This variety belongs to the remontant (re-blooming) varieties.

Irises in landscape design

Dwarf irises are widely used in creating the most exquisite site design: in mixed plantings and iridariums, in rock gardens and against the backdrop of fill - everywhere these flowers delight the eye, creating bright accent and highlighting the beauty and individuality of other elements.

In mixed plantings, they look good in the foreground in mixborders and classic flower beds, they will create borders and borders, and will perfectly decorate internal paths and paths on the site.
Miniature bearded irises have no equal in the design of areas with backfill. Even modest gravel against a backdrop of exotic flowers and bright, beautiful foliage looks very smart.

Dwarf irises are also good in a classic iridarium, both monochrome and with clumps different colors. Asymmetrical iridariums with different-sized, chaotically scattered multi-colored curtains look best. The borders of curtains are usually filled with gravel. Such small clumps, both mono-colored and mixed, will highlight the beauty of the emerald lawn.

Dwarf irises are also good in a classic iridarium, both monochrome and with clumps of different colors.

irises in tree trunk circles


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