home · Measurements · What time to plant seedlings. At what age can a male child be seated: the harm of early and the benefits of timely sitting down. Planting potatoes in May

What time to plant seedlings. At what age can a male child be seated: the harm of early and the benefits of timely sitting down. Planting potatoes in May

My dear friends, tell me, do you know such feelings? Spring has come, you need to do sowing and planting in the garden, but you are tormented by thoughts: to plant or not to plant. You see that your neighbors planted potatoes early, and you begin to suffer from doubts: should you plant them early, or wait. You decide to plant it later. The neighbor's potatoes have sprouted, yours is not yet visible, and it's frosty here, then you realize what you've done.

Or, for example, I planted onion sets early, and my neighbor says: “It’s bad so early, don’t plant it, wait.” My onion managed to capture moisture and sprouted quickly and well. The neighbor planted it later, there was a drought, and the onion turned out to be weak.

So it turns out that spring planting is like roulette, lucky or unlucky. I was tired of playing roulette with nature and decided to find a way that would help me determine planting dates and ensure that everything was on time. The task borders on science fiction, but when I began to delve into this topic in more detail, I realized that everything is quite real.

Every seed is sown in its own time

Every plant needs certain temperature soil for germination, that is, as in the saying “Every seed is sown in its own time,” and it is directly related to temperature environment. When the soil temperature is the same as you see below for each crop, then you can sow and plant them in the garden:

  • Beetroot - +6-10º;
  • Potatoes - +8-10º at a depth of 10-12 cm;
  • Cucumbers - +13-15º;
  • Tomatoes - +15º;
  • Zucchini, pumpkin - +10º;
  • Peppers and eggplants - +18º;
  • Watermelons, melons - +18º;
  • Beans - +15º;
  • Peas - +3º;
  • Sorrel - +1-2º;
  • Onion seeds - +0-2º;
  • Dill, parsley - +3º;
  • Carrots - +3º;
  • Radish - +1-2º;
  • Onion sets - +8-10º;

I’m sure many of the readers will ask: “So now, before planting, should I run to the garden or go to the dacha several kilometers away with a thermometer to measure the temperature in the soil.” This would be correct, but it looks strange from the outside, and the neighbors will begin to twist their fingers at their temples. Let's do without the sidelong glances and do things a little differently.

We all noticed very well that various flowers, shrubs, trees begin to develop and bloom in different terms. Give some cold weather, others only warm, otherwise they will refuse to bloom. It becomes clear - perennials are the very thermometer that shows how the soil has warmed up and what you can start planting.

It is very important to observe them in the exact area where you will sow or plant your vegetables. I’ll explain why this is important now.

My site is located at the highest point in the city, here strong winds and the air temperature is always slightly lower than in the city itself, which is located below. Apricots in the city bloom two weeks earlier than here, so crocuses, daffodils and other plants also bloom later. Therefore, I focus on my flowers, and not on those that people have in the city.

I think you understand me, I can sow carrots a little later than they do in areas where there is no wind and it is warm. You need to monitor the plants on your site and in nearby areas, if only because in each area the soil is different, loam, black soil, sandy loam, they will also warm up differently.

Well, now let me tell you how to navigate plants in order to know which seed is time to sow.

When and what to plant in the garden

By observing the perennials in your area, you can easily determine the timing of sowing or planting vegetable crops, you will always know when and what to plant in the garden.

The science of observing plants

This science is old and is called phenology. According to it, dandelions begin to bloom when the air temperature crosses the ten-degree mark. Bird cherry produces color on the 28th day after the hazel tree blooms and 10 days before the birch begins to green up.

How clear everything is in nature, everything is thought out, almost according to schedule. So let us follow this schedule so as not to fall behind and not fly forward, everything has its time.

Snowdrops bloomed

In order not to run into the forest to watch the snowdrops, I brought them to my site, but I think you can focus on whether they were on sale or not. When snowdrops appear, you can sow:

  • tomatoes for seedlings;
  • petunia, salvia, asters, geranium, ageratum, cloves for seedlings.

The crocuses have bloomed

Here I would like to draw your attention to the fact that they are early, middle and late. My first crocuses are blooming, there is still almost snow on the ground, and it would, of course, be stupid to focus on them. I am observing crocuses with an average flowering period; their period is the best for planting cold-resistant crops. As soon as they bloom, you can start sowing in the garden:

  • early carrots;
  • nigella onion (seeds);
  • salad;
  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • radish;
  • bow on feather.

You can sow flowers into the ground: a lissum, delphiniums.

Apricot blossomed

Many people ask the question: “When can I plant onion sets, what should I focus on?” Focus on apricot. As soon as it has bloomed, you can plant onion sets.

Coltsfoot bloomed

Coltsfoot is a wild-growing herb, if you have the opportunity to observe it, then it will tell you when you can sow it in the garden:

  • early carrots;
  • nigella onion (seeds);
  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • salad;
  • radish.

What else is interesting about coltsfoot for gardeners and gardeners? It is from the moment of its flowering that the beginning of all field work can be calculated.

  1. On the 11th day, the trees are whitened, the leaves are removed, and fruit trees begin to be planted.
  2. On the 14th day, prepare the soil for the beds.
  3. On the 23rd day, early vegetables are sown.
  4. On the 30th day, early potatoes are planted.

Daffodils have begun to bloom

As soon as the daffodils appear before us in all their glory, we can sow and plant them in the garden:

  • sow phlox, lupine, sweet peas and daisies into the soil;
  • plant seedlings of early white cabbage and cauliflower;
  • sowing beets;

Muscari are blooming

This is an early flower, and its flowering allows us to plant:

  • seedlings of early and cauliflower, but under cover;
  • sow peas.

Lilac blooms

You can sow cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, melons and watermelons. Re-sow lettuce in the garden.

Chestnuts have blossomed

The flowering of chestnuts is the time for re-sowing, if necessary.

  1. We re-sow the dill.
  2. If necessary, re-sow radishes and lettuce.

Cherry blossoms have begun

We do new and repeated sowing and planting.

  1. You can also sow dill.
  2. We sow beans and corn.
  3. We sow late carrots for storage.

Almond trees began to bloom

  • sowing peas;
  • sowing beets;
  • We continue to plant cabbage seedlings.

Leaves appeared on the birch tree

As soon as the birch has released leaves about 1 cm, you can safely begin planting:

  • potatoes;
  • dahlia;
  • lilies;
  • sow late cabbage.

Apple trees have bloomed

From the moment the apple trees bloom, you can plant:

  • corn;
  • beans.

It's time for the viburnum to bloom

  1. Let's start planting corn and beans.
  2. You can also sow in open ground cucumbers, pumpkin and zucchini.

Peony Tips

As soon as buds begin to appear on the peony, you can sow and plant in the garden:

  • Cucumbers, pumpkin, zucchini;
  • watermelons and melons;
  • corn and beans.

As you can see, the same vegetable crops can be sown by observing different plants. Determine for yourself which ones you will watch.

And now the most important and valuable thing. When can you plant seedlings so that they do not fall under spring frost? And here we will focus on the flowering of rose hips or red rowan. If they bloom, it means that frosts will no longer make their nightly raids. The warm season has arrived!

My dear friends, I think this simple science will help you, just as it helps me, if you don’t play roulette with nature, you’ll be lucky or unlucky, but will become your exact indicator of when and what to plant in the garden.

Sow every seed in due time, and the plants around will be your helpers, just look closely and listen to them.

Good luck and great harvests!

I wish everyone happiness, Natalia Murga

Tulips are one of the earliest spring flowers, which appear in abundance in retail sales for the holiday of the Eighth of March, and after the snow melts they begin to appear from the warmed ground in private flower beds, to soon bloom with fragrant delicate flowers. If you have finally decided to place lovely tulips in your garden, you will most likely have a logical question: when to plant tulips?

Nature will tell you the correct answer

It would be logical to start planting bulbs in the spring, along with other flowers and vegetable crops. But it was not there! Most experienced flower growers unanimously claim that autumn is the only suitable time when it is better to plant tulips. Although there are also supporters spring planting, which can give many reasons why it is preferable to plant tulip bulbs in the ground in the spring. So, when should you plant tulips, and who is right?

Autumn is the only suitable time when it is better to plant tulips

To come to the right conclusion when is the best time to plant tulips, you should pay attention to how these flowers grow in nature. Having understood the natural rhythm of life of wild tulips, you can easily understand what the more delicate varietal flowers growing in flower beds want.

Video about correct landing tulips

Most types of tulips are native to Central Asia. Here, wild tulips are found in rocky and sandy deserts, in arid mountainous areas, foothills, on scree, in rock crevices, and also in steppes. In early spring, the mountain slopes and deserts of Central Asia present a truly picturesque picture - blooming tulips play with bright colors in the sun, covering the ground with flowering carpets.

As soon as the spring warmth turns into hot heat, the tulips quickly fade, dry out, and all the life in them is concentrated in the bulbs. The bulbs go deeper into the ground, and with the arrival of cool autumn weather, they form new roots in order to bloom again in the spring immediately after awakening.

Thus, the tulips bloom in natural environment occurs only after a period of winter cooling, which is necessary for the formation in the bulbs of substances that affect the germination and flowering of the plant.

Tulips bloom in their natural environment only after a period of winter cooling.

The optimal time to plant tulips

The life cycle of cultivated tulips is the same as that of wild ones, so the most suitable period when you need to plant tulips is autumn. Once in the ground, the bulbs have time to grow roots before frost, after which life in them freezes with the onset of winter. In spring, the stem quickly emerges from under the snow and delicate buds form in a short time. At the end of flowering, the tulips are dug up and the bulbs are sent for storage until autumn planting.

Featured tulip planting dates– from the second ten days of September until the last days of October. The right time to plant tulips depends on the region and the local climate. So, in middle lane In Russia, bulbs are planted starting from the twentieth of September, and in southern regions– since October.

The life cycle of cultivated tulips is the same as that of wild ones

You can determine when to plant tulips by looking at the soil temperature:

  • as soon as at a depth of ten centimeters the soil temperature dropped to +7+9 degrees, it was time to start planting the bulbs;
  • if the temperature is higher, the bulbs will sprout, which will die at the first frost, and rooting will be worse;
  • at a lower soil temperature, the bulbs simply will not have time to take root well before the onset of frost, which will lead to stunted growth of tulips in the spring and unsuccessful flowering.

Sufficient time for rooting of planted bulbs is about 20-30 days at optimal humidity soil and temperature in its upper layers up to +7 degrees.

Tulip shoots

But if for some reason the recommended dates were missed, when can you plant tulips in this case? According to experienced gardeners, it is possible to plant bulbs until the first days of December - this is still better than postponing planting until spring. And so that the bulbs do not freeze and the tulips do not lag behind in development in the spring, it is recommended to cover the flowerbed with spruce branches, dry leaves or straw and sprinkle snow on top.

Features of spring planting

It also happens that flower growers remember the need to plant tulips only on the eve of spring. Although the time is not the best, don’t completely give up on these elegant flowers now. Tulips planted in spring also grow, but begin to bloom much later. You can speed up their flowering using a simple technique:

  • Place tulip bulbs that have been recently purchased in the refrigerator overnight (not in the freezer!);
  • the next day, rinse with a pink solution of potassium permanganate;
  • plant the bulbs in the ground.

Video about methods of planting tulips

You need to plant tulips in open ground before April, but if frost is still possible in your region at this time, first plant the bulbs in a container suitable size, and only then carefully transplant it into a flowerbed.

The main thing is to remember: regardless of what time to plant tulips, agricultural technology must be followed carefully, otherwise due to proper care the plant bulb shreds, and after it the stems and flowers become smaller.

Almost every gardener, both beginner and experienced, grows onions on their own plot. This is understandable, because this vegetable is present in most of the daily dishes that we are used to eating. It is rich in beneficial microelements and protects during the flu and cold season. In addition, many people love to eat onions raw and cannot live without them. fresh salads. And this right choice. After all, the benefits of onions for human health have been scientifically proven.

Previously we discussed , and . Today we will take a closer look at how to grow onion sets. This method is most familiar to gardeners and is considered one of the simplest.

To do this you need to select suitable variety and buy it. You can do the same on your own. Seeds are sold in stores, but you can also get them at home by planting an onion of the desired variety in the ground and waiting for an arrow with an inflorescence to appear.

For the harvest to be as successful as possible, experienced gardeners recommend following the recommendations lunar calendar. Scientists make a calendar every year taking into account the phases of the moon. Using it, we can determine favorable and undesirable days for planting a particular plant.

To determine the planting date, sowing the lunar calendar is not enough. It is necessary to take into account the location and surrounding climate. Although onions are not particularly demanding of heat, best growth it reaches during sunny and warm summers.

Most favorable days for sowing onion sets in 2020, based on your region of residence, you can choose from this list:

  1. April 7, 8, 9, 16, 28;
  2. May 4, 5, 14, 31;
  3. June 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 18.

Onions for the winter can be planted on the following dates:

  1. September 8, 27, 29;
  2. October 6, 8, 26;
  3. November 3, 22, 28, 30.

Growing and caring for onion sets in Siberia

Onions in Siberia need to be planted either in spring or autumn. It depends on the variety and type of vegetable. For this area, however, spring planting is most suitable. It is better to start sowing seedlings in early May. If you do this in April, when the soil is not yet warm enough, the onions will give you only greens; you can forget about large onions. If you plant onions in the summer, the vegetables will not have time to grow to the desired size by autumn.

Before planting, set, like any other planting material, you need to prepare in advance. To do this, dilute 2 tablespoons of table salt in 5 liters of water. Place the onions there throughout the day. Then prepare a pink solution of potassium permanganate and soak the seedlings there for 2 hours. Immediately after this you need to start planting in the ground.

Onions love neutral, non-acidic soil. Starting in the fall, you need to fertilize the beds with compost or mullein. You need to choose a bright, well-ventilated place, away from bushes and trees. Onions are planted in dug up and cleaned beds at a distance of about 10 centimeters.

In the first days after planting, onions need constant moistening and loosening. For the next two weeks, watering should be done 2-3 times every 7 days, and then reduce the amount to 1 time per week. Urea and wood ash are well suited for feeding.

If you are aiming to harvest large onions, it is better to avoid fertilizing with organic matter.

You will know for yourself when the onions are ready to be harvested. The greenery stops forming new feathers, withers and falls off. After harvesting, the onions need to lie on a bright, windy side all day, until the evening.

Planting and fertilizing onions in open ground

After planting, after about 2 weeks, the onion beds need to be fed. On this period The green feathers grow slowly and have a yellowish tint to them. To help the bulbs begin to grow properly, you need to apply fertilizers with a high nitrogen content. In a bucket of water, dilute 40 g of ammonium nitrate, 30 g of potassium chloride and 50 g of superphosphate. Water the beds with the solution at the rate of 1.5 liters per square meter.

After 2-3 weeks, the beds need to be fed again. In this case, you can use regular compost or mullein. A month later, shortly before digging up the onions, apply the last portion of fertilizer. Potassium and phosphorus will help you here. You can fertilize yourself as follows: in a bucket hot water dissolve 300g of ash and leave for 2 days. Water at the rate of 2 liters per 1 square meter.

In addition, in specialized stores you can find special mixtures of fertilizers that just need to be dissolved in water.

When to plant seedlings in the Leningrad region and in the Moscow region

In the Moscow region and Leningrad region You need to plant the seedlings in early May, when the ground is sufficiently warm. Although onions are not overly heat-loving, they bear fruit much faster and better in warm soil.

Prepared seeds should be planted in fresh beds cleared of weeds and stones. They should be located on a well-lit and ventilated side. Excessive shade can cause onions to rot.

Planting onions too early can rob you of strong bulbs and only leave you with bushy greens. Planting onions at the end of June is also the wrong choice. The onion will not have time to ripen correctly and reach the size required for storage.

Proper planting of onions and caring for them in the Urals

You need to sow the seedlings in open ground around mid-May. Onions are planted in beds at a distance of 10 centimeters, pressing them to the top into the ground. One of the most important components of proper onion care is weeding. Weed removal should be done every one and a half to two weeks. Weeds provide the soil with excess moisture, which can lead to rotting of the onions.

In the first 2 weeks after planting onions in open ground, the soil needs to be watered every 7 days. The water should be cool, about 15 degrees above zero. Water consumption is approximately 13 liters per 1 square meter. After green onions appear, watering should be reduced to once every 2 weeks.

After irrigating the beds, the soil around the bulbs needs to be loosened to ensure proper access of water and oxygen to the root system. The appearance of post-irrigation crust has a bad effect on the quality of the crop.

2 weeks after planting, you need to apply the first fertilizing. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers are perfect for this. 14 days after this, the turn of the second feeding begins. Phosphorus and potassium substances are the priority here.

3 weeks before the intended digging, watering of the onions should be stopped.

What kind of soil should there be for growing onions?

As we already know, the optimal place for sowing seedlings is a bright, preferably sunny area, without bushes or trees nearby. The soil should be non-acidic and not prone to large weed growth.

It’s great if, before sowing the onions, zucchini, cabbage, legumes, potatoes or pumpkins grew in this soil. As a rule, these vegetables require organic fertilizers, which gives these predecessors an advantage.

Onions are happy to be next to cabbage, carrots and beets. Unless, of course, they grow very close, blocking the sunlight with their tops. The distance between the beds should be at least 50 centimeters.

Onions prefer loamy and sandy soil. Too heavy soil will not provide a good harvest.

Now you know how to properly grow onions so that your neighbors look at your harvest with envy. But perhaps the most important rule for growing any type of vegetables is good mood. After all, fruits and vegetables grown with love taste better than anything else in the world. So stock up on the right attitude aimed at getting a rich harvest!

Almost every person has a dacha. And it doesn’t matter whose it is – grandparents, parents or your own. And every year at the same time everyone rushes to grow vegetables and berries. One of these crops is potatoes, the peculiarities of growing which should be known to everyone. We'll tell you how to plant potatoes correctly below.

Landing nuances

The optimal time for planting potatoes in the ground is end of April or beginning of May. It is impossible to do such an action before this time, because the crop may simply disappear in the cold earth. If the climate in your area is cool, then you should wait until the ground warms up at least up to 10 degrees.

How to Plant in Spring - Step by Step Process

To properly plant potatoes, you should follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • A few weeks before landing, you should keep the tubers warm, then cover the boxes with some translucent material and leave them in a cool, bright place. When they send out green shoots in the spring, it’s time to plant them in the ground.
  • Carrying out disinfection using boric acid or manure solution.
  • Preparing the soil for planting.
  • Planting potatoes.
  • Creation optimal mode for growth.

Planting potatoes in May

Potatoes should be planted according to the lunar calendar. In May, these dates can be selected 9th, 11th and 13th.

Until what date can you plant potatoes?

When determining this date, it is worth considering that the growing season for this root crop is 90 days.

That is, if you planned to plant on July 1, then at the end of September you can fully harvest.

On what days is it not possible?

Folk omens say that potatoes cannot be planted in the ground on the following days:

  • On Wednesdays.
  • On Saturdays.
  • During Palm Week.

If these rules are neglected, the tubers will deteriorate and will not produce further growth.

Is it possible to plant potatoes in cold soil?

Plant potatoes in cold ground you can’t, because it can simply freeze in this weather and you will lose the entire harvest, it’s worth taking some time.

If you hurry up and still take such a step, then you need devote Special attention warming up and provision good conditions its vital activity in order to obtain a harvest.

Which one to use - large or small

Small tubers are usually called samples weighing up to 30 grams, average – 30-80 gr, and large ones - more than 80 g.

Very often, many gardeners use medium-sized potatoes, believing that this can become optimal choice. But it is precisely such specimens that usually grow from weakened plants.

Most the best way There are only 2 landings:

  • Plant small tubers, but throw them into the planting hole immediately several pieces each.
  • Plant cut from large tubers. But such objects must have at least three eyes.

Is it possible to plant fresh tubers?

If anyone thinks that this method is unacceptable, then he is very mistaken. Using fresh potatoes when replanting allows you to improve the yield several times and relieve owners from problems with storing seed material until spring.

This method is best used for those countries in which the frost-free period is 180 days. This is observed in Odessa, Kherson, Poltava and other cities. This method will not work for Irkutsk.

A distinctive feature of this type of landing is that the new crop will sprout slowly.

What weather is it like?

Potatoes should be planted only when the frosts have passed and the air temperature has risen. up to 14-16 degrees. The earth should warm up at this time up to 10 degrees.

There is a folk sign according to which the root crop should be planted after the leaves on the birch tree become the size of a coin.

How often to plant potatoes

Potatoes can be planted several times a year, taking into account that the full growing period is 90 days.

How to properly plant in granulated feed

Granular feed finds its application when digging up areas before winter comes. It is then that it is introduced into the soil to improve the characteristics of the soil used.

Planting with manure

If you want to significantly increase your yield, it is better to use manure for fertilizer.

It can be applied in 2 methods:

  • Fertilizing the land before in winter. It is applied in the amount of 10 kg per 1 square meter.
  • Fertilizer in the hole. When planting occurs, after laying the tuber, sprinkle it with manure.

Walk-behind tractor or shovel

Potatoes can be planted using 2 methods:

  • Manually using a shovel. Among the advantages of this technology is simplicity: one person simply digs a deep hole, and the second throws in tubers and fertilizer. When the second one finishes sowing, the first one fills the finished hole. After the process is completed, the ground is leveled with a rake, which allows the water to remain in the ground.
  • Using a walk-behind tractor. The advantage of this method is the speed and low cost of manual effort. The process begins with cutting furrows, after which the sprouted seeds are thrown into them. After this, the holes can be dug in manually or using a cultivator.

What are green manures and what are they for?

Green manures are plants that are grown to improve the fertility of the soil.

What does this technique give?

  1. Soil enrichment with nitrogen, which makes up some part of plant nutrition.
  2. Loosening the soil and improving the structure.
  3. Elimination of erosion.
  4. Land enrichment nutrients and organic substances.
  5. Reduces weed growth.
  6. Elimination of pests and diseases.
  7. Protecting the earth from overheating.

Boarding order

Germination of tubers and soil preparation

To grow potatoes, you should germinate the tubers 2 weeks, while removing the white sprouts. You need to lay out the material for planting thin layer on the floor in a bright place. Readiness can be determined by the presence of green sprouts on the potatoes, but without additional spots.

If speak about detailed preparation soil, then it is worth starting with its fertilization before the onset of winter. When it's time to plant, you should ensure necessary moisture and loosening of the soil. Digging should be replaced by bayoneting using a fork. This allows the earth to be enriched with oxygen.

Features of growing in the country

If you have your own dacha, then when growing potatoes, first choose its variety.

After all, some people prefer root vegetables with yellow, crumbly pulp, while others prefer white ones. After this you need decide on a growing method, of which there are now a large number. But don’t forget about fertilizing the soil.


Hilling up potatoes should be done after the plant rises 10 cm above the ground. This will allow the root crop to be protected from frost using bedding. And after the potatoes grow to 40 cm, you need to fully earth up the beds, filling the row spaces well with soil.

Very often, leaves, branches or hay - organic materials - can be added to the bedding mixture. This will keep moisture in the ground longer and also prevent weeds from germinating for a long time.

Watering and care

After the potatoes have begun to bloom, the main condition for a good harvest is quality watering.

It should be 2-3 times if the summer is very hot, but if on the contrary, then 1 time is enough. But weeds need to be removed much more often, and you also need to watch out for Colorado potato beetles.


First you need to harvest in 60 days after planting the potatoes, but the main part should be waited until the tops are completely dry.

You only need to remove the finished crop with a pitchfork so as not to damage the mounds. You can only grow crops in one place for 4 years, after which you need to give the soil a rest and move the plant to another place.

How to grow in a “two-crop” way

In many southern countries Gardeners use any methods to grow as many crops as possible every year. And therefore, today a method of growing potatoes has already been developed Twice a year, taking into account that only early ripening varieties are used.

The features of the method are:

  • Good potato samples should be washed and cut, then withstand in special solution for one and a half hours.
  • Germinate the crop for 10 days in the garden bed, covering it with a small layer of soil.
  • After this, on July 10 you need to land ready material into the ground and wait for the harvest.

Growing potatoes is a simple process if you follow a few basic rules:

  • Compliance with the process of preparing material for planting and soil.
  • Creation favorable conditions for germination.
  • Plant nutrition.

If you follow all the above rules, you can achieve good results even with a minimum of effort.

To collect good harvest, you need to take care of growing seedlings in time: prepare seed material, dishes, soil, provide after sowing optimal conditions so that the sprouts develop strong and survive the picking well. Important factor– when to sow seeds.

Seedlings are planted in such a way that after planting in open or closed ground, they have time to bear a harvest or bloom during the warm period of the year. The timing will be different for each crop. On average, seeds are planted in February, and preparations begin immediately after the New Year.

Taking into account the lunar influence

The position of the moon determines many processes occurring at the cellular level. Most favorable time for sowing seeds - when the moon is in its waxing phase. It enhances the circulation of juices and, accordingly, gives the sprouts additional strength for development.

It is not advisable to plant seedlings during a waning moon. At such a time, it is better to care for developed bushes, loosen and fertilize. The most inappropriate time for plant growing is the new moon, the day before it and the day after it. During these three days, it is recommended not to touch the plantings to maintain their viability.

We take into account the vegetation cycle of plants

Before sowing, the seeds are subjected to stratification, i.e. awaken them. After this, once in a nutrient medium and warmth, vegetation processes begin in the seeds. The plant must go through a full cycle from embryo, then sprout, to adult plant and fruiting. However, in most regions of Russia, the warm period of the year is too short, which is why it is necessary to grow tropical perennials as annuals and plant the crops not immediately in open ground, but first at home, in the form of seedlings.

All plants differ in the duration of their development stages. The characteristics of a particular variety must be indicated on the seed bag. However, there are also average indicators for different cultures. So, heat-loving vegetables are sown in early May. These include cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, cauliflower, squash, early ripe white cabbage.

The general rule is that seedlings move to open ground when they are already strong enough root system, and 2-4 true leaves appeared on the stem. If you are dealing with seedlings for the first time, we recommend making calculations based on the calendar given below.

Average time for germination and transplantation of seedlings:

Culture Emergence of seedlings, days Age of transplantation, days
cucumbers3 up to 30
Peppers14 up to 75
Tomatoes6-8 up to 60
Zucchini5 up to 30
Eggplant10-15 up to 60
Pumpkin4-5 up to 30
10-15 up to 55
Head lettuce4-5 up to 45
Cabbage5-6 up to 50
Celery15-18 up to 85

Counting backwards

Knowing what period and level of heat a plant needs to bear fruit (or flowers, in the case of ornamental crops), and the approximate age suitable for transplanting seedlings into open ground, it is not difficult to calculate in which month to sow the seeds.

To do this, you need to subtract the required age of the sprouts and the number of days of germination from the seeds from the planned date of picking the seedlings and about 5 more days for the adaptation period of the seedlings. Some especially heat-loving plants, for example, petunia, it is recommended to sow no earlier than March and replant in June to avoid the threat of spring cold snaps.

Advice! It is better to move seedlings that are slightly undergrown than overgrown ones. Overexposed, it is difficult to survive the transplant, grows more difficult, and easily succumbs to disease during the adaptation period.

We take into account climatic conditions

Cold-resistant crops that germinate slowly, such as carrots, beets, radishes, radishes, lettuce, parsley, etc., can begin to be sown in open ground when the soil at a depth of 7-12 centimeters warms up to 7-10 ° C during the day. For Moscow and For the Moscow region, this stage approximately falls on the first of May, for the Leningrad region - May 10, for the black earth regions - the first ten days of April, for the southern regions - March 15.

Warm-loving crops (tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.) should be planted in open ground when time will pass frosts and constant warmth will come. As a rule, for the Moscow region - June 8-10, for the Leningrad region - June 12-15, for the black earth regions - early May, for the southern regions - April 5-10.

Gardeners need to understand when... sustainable heat, the duration of this period. These characteristics change from year to year. Therefore, you need to focus on folk signs, average climate norms and forecasts based on the analysis of the movement of global air masses.

Let's play it safe

Since none of the ways to predict the weather a month in advance gives absolutely accurate information, it makes sense to plant heat-loving crops that are not resistant to cold weather under a film. To do this, cover the bed for a while, set up a stationary or collapsible greenhouse or a tunnel (a greenhouse open at the ends).

To enhance the heat-saving effect, the film is additionally covered with a nylon mesh with medium or small cells (the effect is provided by static electricity that occurs due to the friction of two coatings and retains warm air).

Advice! Disembarkation dates in open land and in the greenhouse differ significantly (by 35-45 days).

Most convenient option- combined plantings, when the entire area is planted at the same time: cold-resistant crops without shelter, and heat-loving crops (peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers) in a greenhouse.

Taking into account the position of the sun

Direct Sun rays negatively affect transplanted seedlings. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out picking early in the morning, or in the evening - at dusk. Considered optimal overcast, at which it is possible to plant in the middle of the day.

Seeds are less sensitive to the position of the sun. In an apartment, they can be sown at any time of the day, but it is better to do this in the first half of the day. Cucumber seeds on open garden bed It is recommended to sow on a sunny day.

We are planning landings

When considering the list of plants that you intend to plant this season, analyze which species and how you will grow, and outline approximate planting dates. This way you can figure out when to sow seeds for seedlings.

  • name of species, variety;
  • planned planting site (greenhouse or open bed);
  • whether you are going to grow seedlings or sow outdoors;
  • age of finished seedlings;
  • calendar days for sowing seeds for seedlings, you can easily calculate them based on previous information.

It will be useful to additionally add a column with the expected date of fruit formation or flowering. It is calculated based on the duration of the growing season of a certain variety. Following the table, sow the seeds at a certain time interval - this way you can harvest or enjoy flowering longer. This is also convenient because the crop ripens gradually, and not all at once, so it is easier to dispose and store it. In addition, differentiated planting allows you to be less dependent on weather changes. If we take into account the variety of weather conditions and growing locations, a spread of 10 days is allowed.

A systematic approach and calculation of the timing of planting seeds will help you grow healthy seedlings and get a rich harvest, increase fruiting periods, ease garden work and improve their productivity.