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How to make a smoke generator for smoking with your own hands. Flue gas cleaning units Water cooling of the chimney

Smoking usually means the impregnation of products with smoking substances obtained in the form smoke as a result of incomplete combustion of wood. However, the technological meaning of smoking is broader, since other processes occur simultaneously with this, the influence of which is sometimes more significant than the influence smoking substances. Their character is determined by the temperature and duration of the process, i.e., the smoking mode.

In all cases of processing a product with smoke smoke, it is dehydrated as a result of moisture evaporation, which is a necessary condition obtaining a product with specified properties. For example, when smoking raw smoked sausages, up to 25% of the moisture contained in the semi-finished product is sometimes removed, or about half of the moisture that needs to be evaporated to obtain a product with the specified moisture content. During the smoking period, smoked pork products lose about 10% in weight, but they still have to be dried to a specified humidity of 45%.

Thus, smoking can be considered at the same time as drying. Therefore, the smoking regime should be regulated in accordance with the drying process, and its effect should be assessed by the degree of dehydration of the product.

If smoking is carried out at relatively high temperatures(55 0 C and above), during the smoking period, collagen is welded and some proteins are partially denatured. With more low temperatures(30-40 0 C) enzymatic processes develop in the product, which also significantly affect the properties of the product. As a result of these changes, the product becomes edible without additional cooking.

Finally, if smoking is carried out for a long time and at temperatures that do not stop the activity of microorganisms and tissue enzymes, complex biochemical processes develop in the product, which decisively affect the properties of the finished product. For example, when producing raw smoked sausages, the activity of microflora begins to slow down only when the salt concentration in the product reaches approximately 10%, i.e., after smoking, during subsequent drying.

Thus, despite the very important role of smoking substances, in no case can the technological effect of smoking be determined only by the accumulation of a particular amount of them in the product.

The role of smoking substances

Smoked meat products are resistant to the effects of putrefactive microflora and to the oxidizing effect of air oxygen on fat. They have a peculiar pungent but pleasant aroma and taste, and a specific color. Smoking substances have a bactericidal and antioxidant effect, a specific aroma and taste and are able to change appearance and color of the product. Which of them are the bearers of these properties is still not known for certain. Numerous studies in this area, in particular the work of VNIIMP. allow us to judge the role of certain groups of smoking substances. However, for now the significance of the amounts of accumulated substances can only be judged from established industrial practice.

Changes in aroma and taste caused by smoking must be assessed from the other side: in some cases, the aroma and taste of smokedness to some extent mask the unattractive taste and smell of the product in its natural form. For example, sausages produced in intestinal casings are characterized by a weak, but still noticeable smell and taste of the intestinal casing. Dry-cured sausages, made without smoking, have an insignificant smell and taste.

The influence of smoking substances on microflora

As already mentioned, smoking substances have a fairly high bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect, which is selective. The most resistant to the action of smoking substances are molds, which can develop at unfavorable temperatures and humidity of the surrounding air on the surface of even well-smoked products. Spores of microorganisms are very stable, although to varying degrees. Thus, spores of the Subtilis-mesentericus group died only after seven hours of exposure to smoke, Antracs spores - after 18 h. Non-spore-forming bacteria and vegetative forms of spore-forming bacteria mostly die after one to two hours of exposure to smoke. The most sensitive to the effects of smoke are E. coli, Proteus, and Staphylococcus. Others, such as Sporogenes, do not die even after prolonged exposure to smoke, although their development is suspended.

From the number components smoking smoke, according to VNIIMP and other studies, the phenolic fraction and the fraction of organic acids have a fairly high bactericidal effect. Both fractions have an equally strong bactericidal effect on both spore-bearing microflora (Subtilis, Mesentericus, Megaterium) and on conditionally pathogenic non-spore-bearing microflora found on meat products (Proteus, E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus). True, Proteus turned out to be more resistant to the action of acids, and Subtilis - to the action of phenols. The higher the boiling point, the higher the bactericidal activity of individual cuts of the phenolic fraction and the organic acid fraction. The highest bactericidal effect in both cases is possessed by the highest boiling strips (119-126 0 C at a pressure of 4 mmHg. for phenols and over 128 0 C at atmospheric pressure for acids).

According to various literature data, among the substances included in the phenolic fraction of smoke smoke, the most active are: pyrogallol esters, creosote, xylenols, 2,3-dihydroxy-5-methylanisole, 2,3-dihydroxy-6-ethylanisole. Phenol, cresols, guaiacol, and homologues of pyrogallol are somewhat less active.

Since the composition of the smoke depends on the conditions of its production, its bactericidal properties are also related to the conditions of production and, in particular, to the concentration of the smoke. However, although the bactericidal properties of smoke smoke are beyond doubt, there is no reason to attribute to smoking substances an exclusive role in the resistance of smoked meat products to the action of putrefactive microflora. The concentration of smoking substances in the central part of the product, even after 15 days of drying after smoking, is 10-15 times less than on the surface and 4-5 times less than that, in which a clear bactericidal effect of the most active fractions was noted. However, and despite the fact that the humidity in the center is higher than on the surface, putrefactive microflora did not develop there. Moreover, when drying dry-cured sausages, which are not smoked at all, no putrefactive spoilage of the meat is observed.

The secondary role of smoking substances in suppressing the activity of microflora deep in the product is also evidenced by the fact of the general growth of microflora in the product not only during smoking, but also during the first period of subsequent drying. Only when the salt concentration as a result of dehydration reaches a certain level does the suppression of the vital activity of microflora begin.

There is more reason to believe that during the period when the moisture content of the product is still high, the inhibition of putrefactive processes in the depths of the product occurs due to the development of bacteria (see Chapter III). At later stages of smoking and drying, an increase in osmotic pressure due to an increase in salt concentration is affected. Thus, the bactericidal effect of smoking substances extends only to the outer layer of the product of relatively small thickness (about 5 mm) . The bactericidal effect of smoking is to create a protective bactericidal zone on the periphery of the product, protecting it from damage by microflora and, above all, molds from the outside. This circumstance allows drying in smoke at relatively high temperatures without fear of molding and sliming of the product from the surface.

The survival of microorganisms on the surface depends on the density (thickness) of the smoke, temperature and relative humidity of the air-smoke mixture. In this case, in the case of smoking with weak smoke, temperature becomes decisive. Thus, after smoking bacon for seven hours in low smoke at 55-60 0 C, the survival rate of microbes was expressed in fractions of a percent. After seven hours of smoking in low smoke at a temperature of 20-40 0 C, it fluctuated between 35-70% of the initial number of microorganisms. When smoking at low temperatures, smoke density becomes critical. If, as a result of smoking bacon in thick smoke at low temperatures, the survival rate was a few or even fractions of a percent, then when smoking in weak smoke it was expressed in tens of percent. The reason for this difference is the sharp difference in the content of smoking substances on the surface: when smoking with weak smoke, the amount of phenols per unit surface area is 6-17 times less.

The relative humidity of the air-smoke mixture affects the survival of microorganisms to a much lesser extent than the temperature and density of smoke smoke. The bactericidal properties of smoke are practically independent of the type of wood if the conditions for producing smoke are identical.

Smoking substances that penetrate into the thickness of the product are capable of exhibiting a bactericidal effect only as their concentration reaches a threshold value. Due to the very low penetration rate, their effect on microflora decreases in the direction from the surface to the central part of the product. It was found, in particular, that the number of microorganisms in a smoked product is in inverse relationship from the content of phenols in them. But even by the end of drying, i.e. by the time the product is ready, the concentration of smoking substances in the deepest layers is not sufficient to suppress the vital activity of microflora.

The widespread idea about the decisive role of the bactericidal effect of smoking substances on the entire thickness of the product and throughout the entire time is valid only in the case of their rapid and uniform distribution by mixing raw materials with liquid and smoking preparations.

Smoking substances adsorbed on the surface of the product and penetrating the product in sufficiently high concentrations retain bactericidal properties for some time even after smoking. When bacteria were applied to the surface of a smoked product, their death was observed 4 days after smoking. However, molds can grow quickly on the surface of smoked products if the surface is moistened.

Antioxidant properties of smoking substances

Spoilage of salted meat products produced from pork and intended for more or less long-term storage, in most cases caused by rancidity of fat. Salt catalyzes the oxidation of fat by atmospheric oxygen. Therefore, the surface layer of fat, if it is not protected from air and not treated with antioxidants, quickly oxidizes to a stage that makes it unsuitable for food. At 25 0 C, the peroxide number of fat on the surface of unsmoked bacon reaches the maximum permissible value within a few days. This implies the paramount importance of the antioxidant properties of smoking substances, especially since they are concentrated in maximum quantities in the surface layer, i.e. precisely in the zone of contact with air oxygen.

The antioxidant properties of smoking substances adsorbed by the product during the smoking process are very pronounced. For example, the peroxide value of smoked bacon fat, stored for a month at 15 0 C, almost did not change compared to the original, while for unsmoked bacon it increased eight times. Smoked bacon fat remains in good condition at sub-zero temperatures for two months. In experiments on storing samples of easily oxidized fat at 25 0 C, the peroxide value in control samples reached the maximum value after 5 days, and in samples treated with smoke, this was observed after 50 days. The antioxidant effect of smoking substances is significantly enhanced in the presence of ascorbic acid, as a synergist.

Studies of the antioxidant properties of various fractions of smoke smoke carried out by VNIIMP showed that only the phenolic fraction has a fairly well-expressed antioxidant effect. It was found that the higher the boiling point of the phenolic components of smoke, the higher the antioxidant activity of phenolic components of smoke. Fractions boiling at temperatures above 120 0 C at a pressure of 4 have very high antioxidant activity. mm rt . st . (about 270 0 C at atmospheric pressure). The highest boiling fractions of the phenolic components of smoke have greater antioxidant activity than such a common antioxidant as butyloxytoluene. In this fraction, the presence of methyl esters of pyrogallol and its homologues (methyl-, ethyl- and propylpyrogallol) was established.

The antioxidant effect of smoking is, therefore, one of the most important consequences of processing meat products with smoking smoke. This is all the more significant since the oxidation of the product begins precisely from the surface, where the concentration of smoking substances is highest and the desired value is reached relatively quickly. It is also worthy of attention that the concentration of phenols in the fat part turns out to be one and a half to two times higher during smoking than in the meat part.

The influence of smoking substances on the organoleptic characteristics of the product

The specific features of smoked meat products are a sharp but pleasant taste, a peculiar smell of smoking, dark red color with a cherry tint when cut, dark red color with a brownish tint and glossiness (shine) on the surface. There are many conflicting opinions in the literature and relatively little reliable data about the significance of individual components of smoke smoke in the development of these characteristics. What is certain is that the type of wood that produces the smoke plays a big role.

Essentially, almost all components of smoke smoke have some kind of taste and smell. Many of them are characterized by a burning, bitter taste and a pungent strong odor. Moreover, the intensity of taste and smell is not always associated with the high volatility of the substance.

There is no reason to equate the taste and aroma of smoked meat products with identical characteristics of the smoke itself, since during the adsorption of smoking substances on the surface of the product and their diffusion inside, the ratio between the quantities of smoke components changes sharply. At the same time, the proportion of highly volatile compounds (for example, formaldehyde) that do not have time to condense on the surface, and the quantity of the least volatile high-molecular compounds that slowly diffuse deep into the product, decreases. According to VNIIMP, of the total number of phenols that can be present in smoke smoke, less than half are capable of penetrating through the sausage casing in noticeable quantities during smoking. There is also reason to believe that the development of the aroma and taste of smoked meats is associated with the development of some secondary processes in the product. It has been noticed that the aroma and taste of smokedness intensifies for some time after smoking substances enter the product.

Thus, there is no complete similarity in the composition of smoke smoke and in the composition of smoking substances penetrating into the product during smoking. Nevertheless, as was shown in model experiments by VNIIMP, representatives of all main groups of smoke smoke components penetrate even through the sausage casing. Their characteristics are given in table. 100 .

Judging by these characteristics, the following fractions participate in the formation of the specific taste of smoked meats: phenolic, neutral compounds, organic acids; All fractions take part in the formation of the aroma of smoked meats, with the exception of carbohydrates.

However, the role of each of them is unique. Some play a major role in the formation of smell and taste, others affect only their shades, and some worsen them. When each of these fractions was introduced into sausage mince separately, only the phenolic fraction gave it an aroma and taste approaching the aroma and taste of smoked meats. There is no doubt, however, that the fraction of organic acids, as well as, although to a lesser extent, the fraction of aldehydes and ketones, have a great influence on the organoleptic characteristics of smoked products. To this we must add that the various components within each faction also play different roles.

About two dozen phenolic compounds with a boiling point in the range of 58-126 0 C at a pressure of 4 were found in smoked products mmHg Art. Among them were found: phenol, orthometa- and para-cresols, guaiacol, methylguaiacol, pyrogallol, methyl esters of pyrogallol and its homologues, a - and b - naphthol, pyrocatechin and methyl esters of pyrocatechin, eigenol. Some of the phenols isolated from smoked meats have not been identified. The fraction that boils within the range of 76-89 0 C at 4 has the most pleasant direct odor. mmHg Art.(approximately 205-230 0 C at atmospheric pressure). Guaiacol, meta-cresol, methyl guaiacol and four unidentified phenols were found in this fraction. Apparently, it contains some amount of eigenol (boiling point 250 0 C), which is a component of clove essential oil.

When smoking, it penetrates into the product big number a variety of organic acids. Their diversity can be judged by the fact that only within the temperature range of 40-130 0 C, 9 fractions with different shades of odor were identified. All fractions naturally have a sour taste, and some have a burning aftertaste. Of course, they influence the taste of smoked meats. When added to minced meat, acids give the smell a sourish tint. Most acid fractions are characterized by a more or less unpleasant odor. Only those that boil within the temperature range of 46-100 0 C have a sour, pleasant smell with a fruity tint. The fraction boiling within the range of 110-118 0 C has a pungent odor, similar to the smell of acetic acid. Among the acids found: formic, acetic (in the most more), propionic, oil, valerian, nylon, angelic, lignoceric, etc.

The aldehydes and ketones that penetrate into the product during smoking are also very diverse. More than 40 of them were discovered using gas chromatography. Isolated aliphatic aldehydes and ketones, including formic, acetic, butyraldehydes, acetone, methyl ethyl ketone and others, most have a pungent, unpleasant odor. The exception to this is diacetyl. Some representatives of aromatic and cyclic aldehydes - furfural, vanillin, methylcyclopentenolone - have a more pleasant smell, somewhat approaching the spicy smell of smoking.

When aromatic aldehydes and ketones enter the product during smoking, they increase the pungency of the odor. It is possible that their presence in smoke smoke is in this sense undesirable. But some of the aromatic and cyclic aldehydes are likely to be among the necessary components.

Among the organic bases in smoked products, we can assume the presence of pyridine, methylpyridine, dimethylpyridine, the smell of which is similar to the smell of the fraction of organic bases isolated after smoking. Since this fraction is almost tasteless and has a sharp, unpleasant odor, obviously organic bases should be classified as undesirable components of the smoking environment.

The remaining fractions of smoke substances found after smoking have been little studied. Judging by their general characteristics, great influence They do not affect the aroma and taste of smoked meats.

A special place among smoking substances is occupied by some hydrocarbons, in particular those that can serve as sources of the formation of 1, 2, 5, 6-dibenzanthracene and 3, 4-benzopyrene. The latter are credited with carcinogenic properties. Although these substances are usually found in extremely small quantities in smoked products (1 kg raw smoked sausages are found 1.9-4.5 grams) nevertheless, when smoking meat products, one should keep in mind the possibility of the presence of large quantities. The probability of this is greater, the more tar-like products of wood pyrolysis accumulate in smokehouses and the higher the temperature at which smoke is produced (temperatures above 300 0 C are dangerous).

Change in surface color of meat products. Smoking meat products inevitably leads to changes in color and appearance. In this case, deviations from the norm are possible that lead to a deterioration in the presentation of the product. The surface color may be either too light, giving the impression that the product is not fully prepared, or too dark, giving the product a sloppy appearance.

Maintaining normal color and appearance is especially important for such meat products as smoked pork, semi-smoked and boiled sausages. The color of smoked pork meats on the surface of the fat should be golden yellow in various shades, the skin should be light brown and muscle tissue- dark reddish brown. The surface of sausages (semi-smoked and boiled) should be a juicy red-brown color. The surface should have a certain shine and glossiness.

The reasons that determine the characteristic color of the surface of meat products processed with smoke smoke have not been fully elucidated. With sufficient grounds, one can only assume that the change in color is partly, firstly, a consequence of the deposition of colored smoke components on the surface of the product, and, secondly, the chemical interaction of some smoking substances with each other, with the components of the product or with atmospheric oxygen after deposition on the surface. This is confirmed by an increase in intensity and darkening of color after smoking.

The role of chemical changes in smoking substances can be confirmed by the fact that surface treatment with solvents capable of extracting colored smoke components does not lead to loss of color. Among such secondary processes that enhance the color of the surface, some researchers include the condensation reaction of aldehydes with phenols. They change the color of the product, settling on its surface. It is quite natural that some smoke components are themselves colored. The colored fractions include: neutral compounds, causing a light brown color, the carbohydrate fraction - a reddish-brown color, the phenolic fraction - a light brown color.

Neutral compounds include resins. With an increase in their concentration in smoke, an increase in the intensity of surface color was found.

Soot particles may also be deposited on the surface of the product, dramatically worsening its color and appearance. This phenomenon is most likely when using pine and spruce wood.

As for the glossiness of the surface of smoked products, it is assumed that this is due to the formation of phenol-formaldehyde resins on it, as well as the interaction of aldehydes and phenols with the fatty film on the surface. There is no convincing evidence for this assumption yet.

The color and appearance of smoked meat products depend on the smoking conditions: smoke density, duration, relative humidity of the smoking environment, the speed of its movement, the humidity of the product surface, and the type of wood.

The density of the smoke is of great importance, since it determines not only the duration of the process, but also the likelihood of defects in the presentation of the product: the color is too pale with weak smoke and excessively dark with very thick smoke. According to the Prague Institute of Food Industry, the optimal smoke density, expressed in terms of extinction (light transmission determined using a photoelectric smoke meter), lies in the range of 0.26-0.29. If the smoke is too dense, the light of the light bulb ceases to be visible at 40 Tue at a distance of 0.5 m. There is a natural relationship between the density of the smoke and the duration of its impact on the product. For short-term smoke treatment of sausages at high temperatures (frying at 60-110 0 C) final result can be expressed as a function of the product of extinction times the duration of flue gas treatment of the product in hours.

It is preferable to carry out treatment with smoking smoke at high relative humidity values ​​of the smoking environment, since as it increases, the color intensity increases.

The influence of the humidity of the surface of the product on the color intensity is significant: a wet surface is painted much weaker than a dry one and remains matte; After drying, the products are better colored and have a more attractive appearance. Surface humidity has another meaning: smoke impurities easily settle on the surface, worsening marketable condition product.

The speed and direction of movement of the smoking medium affect the uniformity of coloring. The influence is twofold: with low traffic intensity, the unevenness of the composition of the smoking medium by volume increases, and with excessively high traffic intensity, the uneven washing of the product by the smoking medium, and, consequently, the coloring of its surface. The speed of movement of the smoking medium must be sufficient to ensure turbulent conditions throughout the entire volume occupied by the product.

However, one should take into account the influence of the speed of movement of the smoking medium on the progress of dehydration of the product, if its quality is related to this. So, when frying sausages, the surface of the product should be well dried at the very beginning. This implies increased speed movement of the smoking environment. Smoke treatment of raw smoked sausages is accompanied by drying, which, if uneven, can cause a defect in the form of “hardening” (a hard, dried outer layer). This limits the permissible speed of movement of the smoking medium. The optimal speeds of movement of the smoking medium, meaning smoking itself, lie within the range of 0.03-0.15 m/sec depending on the type of product and smoking temperature.

The nature and intensity of coloring is also influenced by: the method of producing smoke (combustion, friction), the degree of dispersion of particles of smoking substances, the degree and method of purifying smoke from unwanted impurities. But the influence of these factors has not yet been studied.

Interaction of smoking substances with components of meat products

The high chemical activity of some components of smoking smoke and the presence of reactive functional groups in the molecules of nitrogenous and other components of meat products determine chemical reactions between them and smoking substances. Since the denaturation of protein substances is accompanied by the release of a certain number of functional groups, it should be assumed that in meat products subjected to heat treatment before or during smoking, the scale of these reactions is somewhat greater than in raw ones. From here, however, it is necessary to exclude the influence of smoking substances on connective tissue collagen: changes in native (raw) collagen under the influence of some components of smoke are more significant than in cooked collagen.

The chemical reactions that occur with the participation of smoking substances, as well as their significance, have not yet been well studied. The most significant contribution in this sense is the work of VNIIMP on the study of the interaction of smoke components with the amine and sulfhydryl groups of the molecules of the most important components of meat - protein substances and extractive nitrogenous substances.

Processing meat with smoke smoke leads to a decrease in the number of free amine and sulfhydryl groups. Thus, after two hours of treatment of minced meat with smoke smoke at 20 0 C, a decrease in the number of amine groups in beef by 27% and in pork by 31% and a decrease in the number of sulfhydryl groups in beef by 60% were found.

A decrease in the number of free functional groups occurs both as a result of the interaction of smoking substances with low molecular weight nitrogenous substances and with protein substances of meat. Model experiments showed the likelihood of interaction of smoking substances with the amino groups of methionine, adenylic acid, carnosine, thiamine, which are always present in meat in free form, as well as with blood hemoglobin. The possibility of interaction of smoke substances with the sulfhydryl groups of cysteine ​​and glutathione was also established.

The acidic and neutral fractions of smoke components turned out to be capable of interacting with amine groups. In the neutral fraction, carbonyl compounds, in particular aldehydes, are apparently most active; The components of the phenolic fraction interacted better with sulfhydryl groups, the components of the neutral fraction interacted worse, and the fractions of organic bases were even less active. Among the phenolic compounds, pyrogallol, which has three hydroxyl groups in its molecule, showed the greatest tendency to interact with sulfhydryl groups.

The results of these studies convincingly confirm that the chemical interaction of smoking substances with some components of meat products, accompanied by the formation of new, more complex compounds, leads to a partial decrease in valuable nutrients in meat products. The question of the benefits or harm of chemical reaction products for the human body remains open. There is no doubt, however, that smoking does not increase the biological value of meat products and, therefore, should be considered in some cases as a forced technological process.

Smoking substances, especially formaldehyde, have a tanning effect on collagen and other fibrillar proteins of animal tissues. In addition to it, other aldehydes also have tanning properties: acetic acid, acrolein, as well as condensation products of aldehydes with phenols, for example formaldehyde resins. The tanning mechanism can be represented as a diagram:

During tanning, thus, protein molecules are “crosslinked” into larger particles through methylene or other “bridges.” Thanks to this, proteins become less active and more resistant to the action of proteases, their strength properties increase, and their hydrophilicity sharply decreases.

Tanning has positive value for the intestinal lining and surface layer of the product, which as a result of this process increase protective properties. However, tanning proteins is also accompanied by a decrease in their digestibility.

The color of the surface of the product is apparently influenced by the reaction between substances with a free carbonyl group (aldehydes, ketones, aldehyde alcohols) and substances with a primary amino group in the molecule (amines, amino acids, and partly proteins). The products of this interaction are melanoidins - substances with a brown color of various shades.

Composition and properties of smoke smoke

Smoking smoke is a complex aerosol-type dispersion system in which larger particles of ash and carbon (soot) are present. The dispersion medium is a vapor-gas mixture consisting of air, gaseous combustion products, vapors of smoking substances and water vapor. The dispersed phase is represented by particles of liquid and solid substances - products of incomplete combustion of wood. The bulk of smoking substances is concentrated in the dispersed phase.

The dispersed medium contains about 79-90% non-condensable gases, represented by components of air and products of complete combustion of wood, mainly carbon monoxide and dioxide. Their number increases with increasing temperature in the combustion zone and decreasing smoke density. From 9 to 19% is the share of condensing vapors, including water vapor, the amount of which depends on the humidity of the wood being burned.

The dispersed phase is represented mostly by liquid particles in the shape of a ball, partly solid, and partly solid and covered with a thin layer of liquid condensed on their surface. The average radius of particles of the dispersed phase lies in the range of 0.08-0.14 mk, however, many have a larger or smaller radius (down to 0.001 mk).

Ash and soot particles for the most part have sizes significantly larger than the size of micelles, have a loose structure and irregular shape. Therefore, despite their significant weight, they settle with difficulty. Ash and soot particles are undesirable impurities.

The structure of smoke depends on the conditions of its formation and cooling, as well as the degree and speed of smoke dilution with cold air. Rapid dilution with large quantities of air promotes the formation of dispersed particles that are smaller and more uniform in size.

The distribution of smoking substances between the dispersion medium and the dispersed phase depends mainly on their boiling point. Low-boiling components (methyl alcohol, formaldehyde, formic acid, acetone, hydrocarbons - methane, ethylene, etc.) are concentrated mainly in the dispersion medium, high-boiling ones - vice versa. Some smoking components are present in noticeable quantities in both phases of smoke.

Ordinary smoke smoke is formed as a result of thermal decomposition of wood caused by smoldering, i.e. very slow combustion without flame of part of the wood, with incomplete air access. Under these conditions, the complete combustion of a small part of the wood (usually sawdust) serves as a source of heat necessary for the thermal decomposition of the rest, most of which goes into the formation of decomposition products necessary for smoking. At optimal conditions When producing smoke, the resulting substances useful for smoking account for about 20% of dry wood.

Thus, the usual way The production of smoke smoke differs from dry distillation of wood in that some part of the wood burns completely, and the remaining part undergoes decomposition in a flow of gases, including a small amount of oxygen. The movement of gases leads to the fact that the resulting wood decomposition products are, firstly, removed from the heating zone, thereby minimizing secondary chemical changes in these substances. Secondly, these substances are partially subject to the oxidative action of oxygen. As a result, the composition of smoke smoke is not identical to the composition of the mixture consisting of products of pyrolysis (dry distillation) of wood.

Organic substances formed during the production of smoke smoke, having a melting point lower than that maintained in the combustion zone, mix with air and are removed from the combustion zone in the form of vapors. As they move away from the combustion zone, they cool and condense into tiny droplets or tiny solid particles. Substances with a higher melting point (above 300 0 C, for example, pyrogallol, etc.) sublimate at the moment of formation in the form of solid particles. Some of the liquid components of smoke condense on the surface of solid particles.

The composition of the smoke depends primarily on the temperature maintained in the combustion zone. It should be no lower than that at which decomposition of wood is possible due to the heat of combustion, without an influx of heat from the outside (slightly above 220 0 C), but not higher than the ignition temperature of wood (about 350 0 C).

Within these temperature limits, the optimal temperature is considered to be about 300 0 C with small deviations, at which the yield of useful substances is greatest and their composition is the most favorable. At temperatures above 350 0 C, the yield of useful substances decreases and the yield of final combustion products increases. An increase in temperature leads to an increase in the rate of oxidation and polymerization processes. The smoke composition reduces the amount of phenols, acids, aldehydes, furfural, diacetyl and increases the amount of carbonyl compounds. The lower the temperature, the less oxy-, mono- and dicarbonic compounds and acetaldehyde are in the smoke. At the same time, the smell of smoke worsens, acquiring a burning tint. The more loose the layer of fuel (sawdust, shavings) is, the greater the possibility of wood ignition.

The composition of the smoke depends on the method of its production. The smoke produced by friction using a friction mechanism contains more useful substances, including phenols, volatile acids and volatile aldehydes and ketones (including diacetyl). But it is heavily contaminated with impurities of solid particles of unburnt wood and needs good cleaning. When smoking with generator smoke, products contain more phenols and aldehydes. This may be due to better conditions for producing smoke due to automatic regulation of temperature and relative humidity.

The total amount of substances useful for smoking in the smoke (after dilution with air) is determined by the density of the smoke. Rare (weak) smoke contains about 0.5 mg/m 3, and thick - up to 3 mg/m 3 of the most important compounds.

The use of objective methods for determining smoke density using devices operating on the principle of using the photoelectric effect is associated with certain difficulties. Although, as experiments have shown, the Beer-Lambert law is applicable to assess the light transmittance of smoke, the extinction coefficient is affected not only by the concentration of the dispersed phase, but also by the degree of its dispersion. The greater the degree of dispersion at the same concentration, the greater the optical density of the smoke. Since the degree of dispersion decreases with increasing smoke humidity, the optical density of wet smoke at the same concentration is less than that of drier smoke. In addition, the optical density of the smoke is influenced to some extent by the type of wood.

Thus, the assessment of smoke density by photoelectric devices, expressed in microamperes, extinction coefficient, or calibrated optical density values, gives a comparable result only under other equal conditions.

Since smoke is produced in contact with air, the composition of smoking substances depends on the amount of air supplied to the combustion zone. In table 101 provides comparative data on percentage the most important components to their total quantity for various conditions getting smoke.

Resins formed when wood is burned in contact with air in larger quantities (more than 50%) than during dry distillation (about 30%), do not melt and dissolve well, and are fragile. It is believed that they are represented predominantly by phenol-formaldehyde resins. Apparently, they do not play a significant role in smoking.

The composition of the smoke is closely dependent on the type of wood burned. However, despite numerous studies, it has not yet been possible to detect the influence of the breed on the content of substances that determine the specificity of smoke smoke. This is obviously explained by two reasons: firstly, incomplete information about the nature of substances that have a decisive influence on the aroma and taste of smoked products, and secondly, unequal conditions for obtaining the smoke that was studied. In table 102 shows the results of a study of the composition of smoke depending on the type of wood obtained by I. Rusets and D. Klima (for a temperature of 300 0 C); The rocks in the table are arranged in order of decreasing technological value.

Table 102 tr>
Groups of substances Quantity (in % of general content) depending on the type of wood
beech oak birch alder pine
Acids (by acetic acid) 5,24 5,14 4,57 3,88 3,74
Phenols (by carbolic acid) 0,30 0,30 0,19 0,20 0,25
Carbonyl compounds (by acetone) 8,69 8,05 8,71 7,47 10,84
Formaldehyde 1,10 1,04 0,96 0,87 1,43
Acetaldehyde 1,40 1,07 1,16 1,14 1,93
Furfural 0,69 1,57 0,75 0,66 1,03
Diacetyl 0,61 0,62 0,44 0,43 0,83
Aldehydes + diacetyl 3,79 4,30 3,31 3,10 5,22

The composition of the smoke varies depending on the moisture content of the wood. At high humidity wood and little air access, smoking substances are formed in an atmosphere of superheated steam. The smoke comes out with more high content acids, mainly low molecular weight, including formic and propionic. In this regard, the aroma and taste of smoked products deteriorates. At the same time, the content of phenols in the smoke decreases and the amount of ash and carbon particles (soot) increases. The color of the product therefore turns out darker and uneven.

In table 103 provides an assessment of the most common wood species based on the results of smoking meat products (wood species are arranged in descending order of technological value).

Juniper is a very good source of smoke. Juniper smoke colors the surface of the product dark brown and gives it a very good, specific spicy aroma. The use of pine and spruce to produce smoking smoke is not recommended. Birch can only be used without birch bark.

Smoking smoke is formed as a result of complex reactions of thermal decomposition and oxidation of the main parts of wood - cellulose, lignin and hemicellulose.

The saturation of smoke with organic compounds depends on the completeness of their oxidation, which is a function of the amount of air supplied to the combustion zone, the combustion temperature and the rate of removal of volatile combustible substances from the fireplace. Maximum volatile yield organic compounds, formed during the thermal decomposition of wood, is observed at a temperature of about 300°. At approximately the same temperature (280-350°), the smoke contains the maximum amount of the most important smoking components.

The quality of smoking smoke also depends on the type and condition of the wood. The best smoking smoke is produced when using sawdust from dry hard wood hardwood, burn slowly, releasing many volatile organic compounds, including aromatic and coloring compounds. Soft woods are also suitable for smoking, as well as some coniferous trees, but they are less acceptable because they burn quickly, releasing a lot of heat and soot. In this regard, coniferous wood should be used for smoking provided that smoke is generated outside smoking chamber and cleaning it.

An outward sign of good smoking properties smoke is its light color. Light smoke is produced by slow surface burning of dry wood. The smoke from raw wood during natural combustion is dark, heavy, and has reduced technological properties.

When producing smoke in smoke generators, in which the wood can be pre-dried, its moisture content is less important.

The interaction of smoke smoke with the product is due to a number of its properties as an aerosol system. The smoke aerosol consists of a dispersion medium (gas and vapor substances) and a dispersed phase - colloidal particles, mainly of a viscous liquid and having a spherical shape with an average radius of 0.08-0.1 μm.

Vapors are crucial for smoking organic matter and their colloidal particles present in the smoke in a ratio of 1: 10. In this case, more volatile smoke components predominate in the vapor state, and less volatile compounds predominate in the form of particles. The structure and properties of smoke (the ratio of various phases, the degree of dispersion of colloidal particles, the presence of soot particles in the smoke, etc.) are determined by many factors (conditions for the formation and cooling of vapors, the degree of dilution with air, etc.). A technologically superior smoke is obtained by rapidly cooling the steam-gas mixture formed during the combustion of wood and diluting it with a significant amount of air.

The deposition of smoke smoke on the product is directly dependent on the concentration of smoke components and the speed of approach of colloidal particles to the product. Smoke particles move not only under the influence of external forces (movement along with the environment, in electric field etc.), but also under the influence of gravity, Brownian motion and temperature gradient.

Smoke, which has a high degree of dispersion, is deposited mainly under the influence of Brownian motion and temperature changes. Smoke with enlarged particles (due to coagulation) is deposited mainly under the influence of gravity and turbulent movement.

When deposited on dry surfaces and under the influence of kinetic forces (deposits on the sticky surface of the product), the influence of the particle phase is felt. The deposition of smoke on a wet surface is associated primarily with the condensation of vapors that are in a state of mobile equilibrium with liquid particles. In this case, the deposition rate is determined partial pressure vapors of smoke components and it increases with increasing temperature, as well as increasing speed of smoke movement at the deposition surface and decreases as the product dries. In smoking practice, smoke of varying densities is used: from 0.1 g/m 3 (very rare smoke) to 3 g/m 3 (thick smoke).

The smoke density can be determined optically. Of these, the most suitable method is based on measuring the intensity of light passing through the smoke. However, when determining the density of smoke using this method, the ratio of smoking substances in the dispersion medium and the dispersed phase is not taken into account.

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The difficulty is that smoking is a lengthy process and requires not only the proper equipment, but also a substantial supply of firewood if you are using a traditionally designed smokehouse that burns wood. This smoking lasts up to several days with constant combustion in the firebox.

But inventive thought also found a way out of this situation - a smoke generator for a smokehouse. The main and only purpose of the smoke generator is to produce a significant amount of smoke and supply it to the smoking cabinet, where the preparations for smoking are located. As a result of interaction with the smoke of specially marinated meat, fish or poultry, a number of chemical reactions occur in the products, turning them into highly digestible and highly digestible substances. delicious products.

A smoke generator for a smokehouse is a fairly simple, but extremely effective device that can be made with your own hands from scrap materials. The whole attractiveness of the smoke generator is that it can work in automatic mode. The temperature in the smoking cabinet is not too high, so there is no need to worry about the food burning.

Smoke generator design

Conventional drawing of a smoke generator

The source of smoke is sawdust, shavings or wood chips that slowly smolder inside the generator. The secret to installation is how to ensure consistent, even combustion and how to feed smoke into the smoking cabinet. To assemble a smoke generator for a smokehouse in a home workshop you will need:

Components are readily available and inexpensive

As you can see, the list is not very long, and all the components can be easily bought in a store or, after a good search, found in your own garage or home workshop. Drawings and instructions for assembling a smoke generator for a smokehouse are abundant on the Internet.

To build a smoke generator with your own hands, you will also need a welding machine, an angle grinder and some skills in working with them. The main difficulty is welding the chimney fitting to the pipe, making doors for the firebox and removable bottom and top covers. But first things first.

Smoke generator assembly steps

The first step is to cut a piece 0.5 - 0.8 m long from the pipe intended for the housing. To fit its external dimensions from sheet metal The bottom and cover are made. The bottom should have side sides so that the body fits tightly inside and the ashes from burnt sawdust do not spill out. In the side of the body, just above the bottom flange, several holes are drilled, which serve to ignite the fuel and provide oxygen for combustion. Their diameter is 0.6 - 0.8 cm.

It is necessary to make a hole in the smoke generator housing for ignition and oxygen access

For ease of use and stability of the smoke generator, legs 15–20 cm high or a flat platform are welded to the base.

If there is a removable bottom, doors for the firebox in the side wall are not needed. If the bottom is solid, then you need to make side doors on hinges, with slots for air flow, like stove doors. This is a little more complicated, but it is quite possible to do it yourself. Top cover solid, without a chimney and ventilation holes. It should also fit tightly onto the pipe and be equipped with a handle - a bracket for opening the smoke generator.

A chimney outlet is welded into the upper part of the body, at a distance of 5–8 cm from the pipe cut. The fitting is welded perpendicular to the wall and should protrude 6–8 cm from the wall. Before welding, a thread must be cut at its outer end for the fitting (tee). After connecting the chimney, a tee and two tubes are connected to it - one goes down, the other to the smokehouse.

One of the options for a smoke generator for a smokehouse with a tee

The tube from the compressor is connected to the fitting going down, and the connecting pipe leading to the smoking cabinet is connected to the side one. As a fan, you can use a compressor from an aquarium, a cooler from a computer, or something similar - it is important to create a not too powerful, but constant flow of air directed towards the container in which smoking occurs.

A compressor can be made from a cooler and a bottle

As an option, the tee can be connected to the smoke generator cover without affecting the integrity of the side wall. In this case, the lower fitting is connected to the lid, the rear one to the air duct from the compressor, and the front one to the smokehouse.

Smoke generator for smokehouse with top tee

That's all - the smoke generator for the smokehouse is ready.

How it works

A smokehouse with a smoke generator, built with your own hands, is very mobile and compact. When not in use, it can be stored in a garage, basement, or even a closet. This depends on what is used as a smokehouse. You can use any metal box for the camera suitable size. If there is no ready-made one, then you can make it yourself without any problems. The box sizes vary, depending on the volume of product you will be smoking.

For home smoking, the optimal dimensions are 1.0 / 0.6 / 0.6 m (H / W / D). The top of the box is closed with a lid with a built-in thermometer and several small (0.3 -0.5 mm) holes to create traction. Top part The smokehouse in working condition should be located above the smoke generator - this creates additional natural draft, and even when the fan stops, smoke will enter the chamber without delay.

Now you need to assemble everything:

  1. We install the generator on a fireproof base - a metal table, concrete slab or gender, ceramic tiles. This must be done for fire safety reasons. In addition to the fact that the smoke generator gets quite hot, pieces of burning wood chips may fall out of it.
  2. We load approximately 0.5 - 1 liter of dry wood chips, sawdust, shavings into the smoke generator deciduous trees(conifers are not used for smoking) and close it tightly with a lid.
  3. We connect the compressor pipe and connect the chimney to the smoking chamber.
  4. We ignite the fuel through the side hole.
  5. Turn on the fan.

The smoking process has begun. The tee with the fan acts as an injector. A vacuum is created in the chimney pipe, which causes smoke to be drawn in from the generator, and a rather noticeable air-smoke flow is directed towards the smoking cabinet. At the same time, an influx of air into the firebox from the outside is formed, through the side openings in the smoke generator. The combustion is self-sustaining and no human intervention is required.

The temperature inside the cabinet is controlled by means of a thermometer inserted into the smokehouse.

By increasing or decreasing the length of the chimney, you can regulate the smoking temperature, therefore, use hot or cold smoking. For hot smoking, the smoke generator fitting is directly connected to the smoking chamber.

The dimensions of the smoke generator are average. When building it with your own hands, you can proceed from available materials and components. For example, cans, pans, and any cylindrical metal containers can be used as a body. Any pipe that is resistant to high temperatures is suitable as a “smoke pipe” (but a metal hose is best). Without a fan, the smoke generator also works, but not as efficiently - the natural draft is too weak and the smoking process takes longer.

    Scientists from the Institute of Nuclear Physics and the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the SB RAS proposed using industrial accelerators created at the institute for disinfection Wastewater pig farms and poultry farms.
    Industrial accelerators are charged particle accelerators used in industry. The Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS has been producing particle accelerators of two types for 40 years: electrostatic and high-frequency pulsed. During this time, more than 220 installations were assembled. They can be used in various fields: for the disinfection of medical clothing, for imparting new properties to materials, X-ray flaw detection, obtaining metal nanopowders, etc.
    INP Deputy Director Gennady Kulipanov told how accelerators can be used to treat wastewater from the Kudryashovskaya pig farm.
    “It is known that a colossal odor emanates from the Kudryashovsky pig farm; it also discharges wastewater into the Ob and pollutes The groundwater. Together with ICIG, we have developed a comprehensive method for wastewater disinfection, which uses the water hyacinth plant, which filters the water and absorbs all solid fractions, then is cut off, irradiated and used as fertilizer. Water can be used in the second circle,” said Kulipanov.
    He explained that similar technology could be used to clean up waste from poultry farms.
    Kulipanov said that the project requires investments and did not receive support at the regional level, but it was sent for consideration to the Russian Ministry of Agriculture.
    The scientist said that with the help of particle accelerators in the 1980s it was possible to solve environmental problem in Voronezh.
    “The waters of Voronezh were cleared of organic matter that appeared due to the operation of the synthetic rubber plant. Due to imperfect processing technologies, waste was simply pumped underground and leaked. This was the first technology of this kind in the world - water was pumped out from underground, irradiated in an accelerator and pumped back. From 1984 to 1988, the pollution spot decreased, the sands were washed several times,” Kulipanov said.
    He added that the Koreans bought such an accelerator with a capacity of 500 kilowatts from the institute to purify wastewater from chemical plants.
    Let us remind you that with the help of industrial accelerators it is possible to “sinter” proteins in a special way, which allowed Novosibirsk scientists to create a unique medicine for the treatment of blood clots.
    Source: sib.fm

    ABH Miratorg launched a biocomplex deep cleaning wastewater at the Kurasovsky pig farm (Ivnyansky district, Belgorod region) worth 7 million rubles and a production capacity of 360 cubic meters per day, the company’s press service reported.
    According to the general director of the company’s pig farms in the Ivnyansky district, Alexei Yudin, the main function of this installation is to separate solid particles of livestock wastewater from liquid. He explained that such measures will not only reduce the storage time of wastewater in lagoons, but also “increase the efficiency of biological treatment”, as well as minimize the impact on environment, primarily “from the point of view of the spread of an unpleasant odor.”
    Let us remind you that the Kurasovsky pig farm was launched at the end of January 2004. Construction of a biocomplex for separating liquid and solid fractions of livestock waste began in the fall of 2013. Today the complex operates at full capacity.
    "Miratorg" is a vertically integrated holding that includes two grain companies, three elevators, four feed mills, 23 automated pig complexes in the Belgorod and Kursk regions, a high-tech enterprise for slaughter and primary meat processing, a plant for the production of semi-finished products, a logistics company, distribution centers in major cities of Russia. The production capacity of the meat processing plant in the Belgorod region is 3 million heads per year.

Smoke fish or lard in a hot way at the dacha, in hiking conditions or even in a city apartment, everyone can do it, but with cold smoking everything is much more complicated. Here you cannot do without a stationary smokehouse and strict adherence to technology. And how many different subtleties need to be taken into account in order to end up with the “correct” ham or fish delicacy! Many Forumhouse users have successfully mastered smoking with a smoke generator and are happy to share their experience and successful recipes.

How to make a smoke generator

There are now a lot of smoke generators and fully equipped smokehouses on sale for every taste. But a good purchased unit is quite an expensive pleasure; it’s easier to make it yourself from scrap materials. The main thing is to know how to do it correctly. A proven working option is offered by the user Vital.

– The smoke generator is made in the form of a long pipe for a number of reasons. The main one is the slow burning of sawdust. You can extend one charge over the entire smoking process, just after some time, slightly rearrange the lamp or burner along the length of the pipe. The heating spot on the pipe will be optimal. You can’t achieve this with a saucepan/stove, and the smoke will come out in bursts (as it warms up, it starts strong, then gradually declines). You will have to monitor the sawdust and change them quite often (the cold process is a protracted one). Then, with a fire (or potbelly stove) it is not very convenient to monitor the temperature; you constantly need to monitor the combustion processes.

No matter how good the recipes for smoking meat are, a smoke generator made from junk can ruin everything.

An iron barrel (and not some box lined with insulation) also plays an important role in cooling the smoke. It is advisable to make the joints on threads - the structure must be disassembled, especially the back cover, through which the smoke generator can be charged. All that remains is to make a couple of holes in the barrel and buy a temperature sensor. And everything is ready for use. This version of the smokehouse is a winter one, for the cold. At higher temperatures, you need to make an additional smoke cooler (either on the pipe or in the chamber itself, i.e. the barrel).

And here is the version from the user Captain777. Tested - cold smoking with a smoke generator works perfectly.


– The generator is connected to any cabinet or barrel with a pipe, corrugation, etc. There is no need to build meter-long chimneys for cooling; the smoke at the outlet is slightly warm. Rectangular metal container, where sawdust shavings are poured, there is a hole at the bottom with a plug for ignition and a second one for supplying air from the compressor (can be used from an aquarium or, as in my photo, from an old refrigerator). The “charge” lasts for several hours.

Offers its simple but effective smoke generator design Semur. The unit, according to him, was assembled literally on the knee - cheap and cheerful.

– The generator runs on chopped wood chips: I poured wood chips into a vertical pipe, set it on fire from below, and a hose from an aquarium compressor – i.e. the air draws smoke through a horizontal pipe, at the same time creating draft, the chips smolder, and cold smoke pours out. Works for 4-5 hours. It’s not enough - I lengthened the pipe, and the time lengthened, it will smoke for 8-10 hours. The asking price is five electrodes, a plumbing fitting + a pipe + a pipe, preferably one hundred square meters in diameter (chips will not get stuck).

Smoking with a smoke generator: recipes

Cold smoking is a serious and labor-intensive business, and in order to learn how to cook delicious products and minimize the health harm from consuming them, forum members are advised to carefully study all stages of the process. It would also be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the sanitary requirements for smoking ovens and cold smoking technology. Nothing can be simplified here; it is important to strictly observe the temperature and time regime. Well, know the “correct” recipes. This is how a forum member smokes poultry and meat DeRenardNez.


– Cold smoked duck. For a kilogram of meat - a tablespoon of salt, a tablespoon of lemon juice, ½ teaspoon of red pepper. Place the thoroughly washed and gutted bird under oppression for 48 hours in a cool place (2-4°C), after rubbing it with lemon juice and salt. To make the meat softer, I recommend beating the duck before salting. Press down from above to break the bones and give them a flat surface – this way it will be better salted. After, before smoking, roll the outside and inside thickly in pepper. The bird should be thickly boned both outside and inside. Smoke the bird for 48 hours. It can be longer - you have to watch to understand how long. When smoking, I recommend using oak, maple or cherry sawdust.

Pork tenderloin and brisket. For 5 kg of meat: a glass of salt, a tablespoon of sugar, ½ glass of lemon juice, a teaspoon of allspice, 4-5 chopped garlic cloves. The meat is rubbed with a mixture of salt, sugar and spices and kept in a cool place under pressure for 72 hours. Washed cold water, dried and rubbed with lemon juice. Smoking time ranges from 24 to 48 hours (depending on the thickness of the pieces). Smoked ham is hung in a cool, dry place (1-4°C) for several days (as long as you can stand it) - it should dry out.

User Roman261076 mastered cold smoking of fish, and having gained experience, added lard and meat to the assortment. Here are his recipes for cold smoked smoke generators.


– We clean the silver carp, remove the gills, rinse well and remove the black inner film. Salt with dry salting (the amount of salt per 10 kg of fish is 1.5 kg) and under pressure, for 3-4 days. Remove and taste for salt. If the fish is too salty, soak and rinse. Soak at the rate of one hour per day of salting. Then we ventilate for 3-5 hours - and off to smoking. The time for cold smoking fish with a smoke generator on alder, oak and pear wood and sawdust is usually a day at a temperature of 30 degrees. We also tried smoking perch, catfish, small carp, and pike.

How long to smoke cold smoked fish with a smoke generator depends on the preparation. Preparing food is an important step. According to many members of the forum, it is better to salt and dry fish well beforehand for cold smoking - then it will not be smoked for a couple of days, but only about 12 hours, and this is not so long.