home · Other · How to choose the best day to move to a new apartment, house or office? Folk signs when moving to a new apartment on a full moon, a leap year, or in the rain. Rules for moving to a new apartment Moving on a waning or waxing moon

How to choose the best day to move to a new apartment, house or office? Folk signs when moving to a new apartment on a full moon, a leap year, or in the rain. Rules for moving to a new apartment Moving on a waning or waxing moon

Moving according to Feng Shui

Do you believe in omens? Any person can spit over his left shoulder or knock on wood without realizing what he is doing. At the genetic level, it is written in our DNA that there are circumstances that are recognized by our inner instinct as unfavorable and requiring adequate protection. Moving is one of these actions. This is a dreary business that requires a lot of labor, and sometimes financial costs. It is impossible to organize everything at once, so this event turns into a disaster on a local scale. However, there are some Feng Shui signs of moving that are worth following. This will help turn a labor-intensive task into a fairly smooth one and with successful outcome. But before we move on to the signs themselves, let's look at what moving is from the point of view of the holistic picture.

The first step is the decision to move

Some owners make one big mistake when planning a move. They begin to treat their previous housing as temporary. Often this also applies to the future home. They simply do not think that they are moving forever, and regard this refuge simply as a hotel. From a Feng Shui point of view, thoughts can create negative energy. As a result, you will feel uncomfortable in either your old or new home. There is no need to be lazy about fixing the taps in your previous home, gluing up wallpaper, or cleaning. From these actions you can take all the positive energy with you. And the new owners will create additional Qi by speaking about you kind words.

Before moving, be sure to take an interest in the history of the new home. Who lived in it, what were the relationships in the family, how friendly was it, were there any cases of serious illness, and for what reason did the old residents decide to sell the house. If nothing alarms you and there are no obvious signs of negativity, as well as cemeteries and entertainment venues nearby, then you can move. Otherwise, it is better to think twice about whether to get involved with such housing.

The second step is preparing for the move.

Let's move correctly

In the huge number of opinions of masters of different schools of Feng Shui, there is one important thing in common - clean up the old house before leaving it. There should be no dirt or imperfections left from you.

If you are planning to move an apartment, Feng Shui believes that it would be a good idea to choose the right date. This will help special calendar astrologers Tong Shu, where all the good and bad days are spelled out in detail in each year. However, there is one difficulty. This calendar is published only in Chinese, and only Feng Shui masters can work with it. But you can use one simple sign: the move will be correctly planned on the first and fifteenth day of each month of the lunar calendar. Those. For have a good move choose the days of the new moon and full moon with confidence - and you won’t go wrong.

Before leaving your old home, all unnecessary things should be thrown away. There is no place for such antiques in a new home if you don’t need them at all. New place - new life, try to treat it that way. Of course, take with you familiar and useful attributes Everyday life necessary, but carefully sift them through the filter of sanity. Otherwise, with such items you will attract old failures, problems and grief with you to a new place.

In preparation for moving, a significant amount of time and space is devoted to packing things. You can't do this with bad negative thoughts. Try to remember only the good things that connected you with your previous place of life. This way you pay tribute to the old house and thank it for all the good things. In addition, you help create the necessary positive atmosphere for new residents, who will then remember you with a kind word, which, of course, will bring positive results.

You can perform some ritual. Take a pen and write down the main benefits that you want to take with you from your old place of residence (well-being, love, health, joy, etc.).

And at the final stage of this stage, leave a few coins in the old house. This will help attract material well-being to new residents.

The third step is moving!

There are not as many recommendations for moving to Feng Shui as we would like. This is even surprising, since in other aspects of human spatial existence this science is capable of reaching such subtleties that one can only be surprised. However, there are a few things we can recommend for a harmonious move.

It was believed that not only a person has a share, but also a house, so transferring a share from former place meant the transfer of icons to a new place, the fire of the hearth, and even rubbish, a handful of which were thrown in the red (holy) corner, were transferred. There was also a ritual of “finishing the porridge”: the housewife would finally put the pot of porridge on the old stove, but cook it until half cooked, remove it and take it to finish cooking. new oven.

There are many interesting beliefs and customs associated with the ritual of first lighting a fire in a new stove. It is known that the first Russian settlers in Siberia for a long time could not get along with the local tribes: the natives stubbornly destroyed at night everything that the newcomers had built during the day. Only when the new settlers realized that they first needed to build and light the stove did they recognize their right to live among the locals: once the stove was burning, it meant they were already settled.

The symbolic ritual of moving is carried out like this:

1. Bring some large piece of furniture into the apartment, for example a table or chair.

2. Turn on the lights and music (radio) throughout the house, open all the taps and open all the windows for at least 3 hours. This is necessary to cleanse the house of foreign and stagnant energy that may have remained from previous residents or builders.

3. Boil the kettle.

4. Brew tea and put some bread, crackers or cookies on a saucer - this will be your first meal in your new home.

5. After this, be sure to spend the night in the new apartment, even if you did not have time to move all your belongings and furnishings there.

Having carried out a symbolic settlement, you can no longer rush into a full move. Prerequisites for happy life you have already created in your new apartment by performing this ritual.

Eastern ritual of moving into a new apartment

One wonderful ritual associated with moving to new apartment. In the east, it is considered the key to a prosperous and healthy stay in a new home.

Firstly, It is important to choose a favorable day for moving. It is best to move into a new apartment at 5, 8, 10, 21 or 25 lunar days. It is not advisable to move into Not favorable days: 4, 9.15, 19.23, 26.29th.

Secondly, it is advisable to check in in the morning, between nine and eleven o'clock.

“Forecasts do not always come true, the exception being those cases when smart prophets are confident in future events even before announcing them.”

Signs to consider when moving.

Since ancient times, people have planned all the most important events in life in accordance with the lunar calendar. It is believed that such a calendar is even older than the solar one. And the Earth’s satellite greatly influences the events that happen to us. And moving is a very important matter, so you need to approach it with all responsibility.

Successful favorable days for moving: lunar calendar

There are often cases when, after a change of place of residence, a person begins to have difficulties in different areas life. It is likely that the troubles occurred due to the incorrectly chosen day for moving.

According to astrologers, favorable days for such an important event there are periods when the moon is in its growing phase or at lunar day: 5, 8, 10, 21 and 25. This is the time that is considered the most successful for new achievements of a different nature.

In addition, you need to consider where exactly you are moving: to temporary or permanent housing.
Experts say that in permanent home or apartment It is better to enter on days when the Moon is in the constellations:

  • Aquarius
  • Taurus

And for temporary home Plan your move for the period when the celestial body is in the signs:

  • Gemini
  • Libra
  • Streltsov

Don’t rush to pack your things and plan a housewarming party if the Moon enters the following zodiac signs:

  • Scorpion
  • Capricorn

Also, avoid periods:

  • eclipses
  • Mercury in retrograde

Astrologers say that the coming 2017 is not rich in good days for moving to permanent housing. So, in some months there are no favorable days for such an event at all:

  • January
  • February
  • April
  • August

A Moving to a new place will bring you happiness on such days:

  • May 17
  • June 14 and 20
  • July 11 and 18
  • 10 September
  • October 1, 7 and 29
  • November 24
  • December 1

Departure for a temporary apartment next year plan:

  • January 9, 18 and 23
  • March 19
  • April 1, 7 and 8
  • May 7
  • June 28 and 29
  • July 6, 14 and 26
  • October 16, 23, 30 and 31
  • November 12 and 20
  • December 24

Follow the recommendations of the Lunar calendar, and this will help you avoid everyday troubles. More detailed information You can find out from this article.

What day of the week is best to move?

In the century modern technologies We are turning less and less to folk beliefs. But when changing housing, listen to the advice of our ancestors. They firmly believed that moving on the “wrong” days of the week could bring grief to the family in the new home, but on other, “correct” days, it could bring peace and prosperity.

For many years people believed that:

  • Monday– the day is unfavorable for all new beginnings, including moving to another home. Refrain from entering new house, otherwise misfortunes may await you there.
  • Tuesday– the most successful day for everything new – travel, achievements, changes. You can safely plan your move - prosperity and well-being will not leave you.
  • Wednesday- a completely unsuitable day for changing housing. According to folk superstitions, having moved to a new house on this day, the owners will not stay there long, and good people they will not come to visit.
  • Thursday– has always been considered a neutral day for changing housing. On the other hand, this favorable time to solve difficult problems. Therefore, if the upcoming move is expected to have any obstacles, you can safely plan it for that day. You can easily cope with all problems.
  • Friday– a very bad day for a new road. If possible, postpone the move to another time, otherwise troubles cannot be avoided.
  • Saturday- a good day to move. You can safely plan this event; good luck in your business will accompany you.
  • Sunday– a time suitable for both work and rest. But we advise you to rest and gain strength.

There is also a day of the year that is considered the most favorable for moving, regardless of what day of the week it falls on. This September 14 is Semyonov day.

Relocating to a new place will bring happiness and prosperity to the family, as higher power on this day they will be helped. And don't forget that It is advisable to move in the first half of the day, before noon.

Moving on a new moon and full moon: signs

The new moon and full moon are very important periods of time that have a huge impact on many areas of human life. Moving to a new place is no exception.

According to astrologers, the new moon is a phase of generation and renewal. This is the most favorable time for changes of various kinds. It is better to plan all important responsible events during the birth of the new Moon. Moving on this day will make life in your new home full of prosperity, you will never need anything.

A full moon night is mysterious and full magical power. It is believed that at this time you can perform various rituals to attract money or love.

But it’s better not to plan a move on this day. Select for of this event the period before the full moon, so that difficulties do not become a constant companion of your life in your new home.

Moving during a leap year: signs

Leap year always scares superstitious people. Many believe that this year you cannot have weddings, give birth, start a business or move to a new home. Moreover, this applies not only to moving, but also to any construction - a house, a barn, a bathhouse.

According to old beliefs, the following misfortunes can happen:

  • The new building will definitely burn down soon.
  • the walls of an old home provide more reliable protection from evil forces that manifest their power in a leap year.
  • The owners will not stay in the new home for long, as they will not settle down there for some reason.

Should you believe it? And what should those who are unavoidable move to a new place of residence at such an “unfortunate” time do?

Many clergy believe that such beliefs are prejudices, and every year is a blessing for humanity. If you still have doubts, take a new towel to church. Thus, you will protect your home from various misfortunes.

The ban on moving in a high year is a prejudice

Experts in the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui also assure that there is no need to be afraid of leap year changes regarding place of residence. Nothing bad will happen to you. Most importantly, take the necessary precautions:

  • When packing things into boxes, take your time, carefully inspect each item and fold it carefully.
  • Before leaving, thoroughly clean the old house and wash the floor.
  • Leave a few coins in your home, then prosperity will await you in your new place.
  • leave your old home good location spirit, with joyful memories of the time you spent in it.

Don't treat leap year as something bad and threatening. Believe in the good, and moving to a new home will bring you only positive emotions.

Moving in rain or thunderstorm: signs

In past times, rain and thunderstorms were treated with special respect. It was believed that through natural phenomena higher powers warn us about something. Our ancestors did not ignore this an important event like moving to a new place in wet weather:

  • rain is a very favorable sign. Any undertaking in such weather promises good luck. Since ancient times, people have been confident that rain washes away all the bad things that happened in the recent past. All negative energy washes off under running water. Life begins with a new leaf. Water flows will bring prosperity and material well-being to the house.
  • rainbow– this natural phenomenon has always been associated with a bright future. In your new home you will be happy and prosperous. Nature itself says that you are on the right path.
  • thunder and lightning- not a very favorable omen. In the new home, quarrels and squabbles will become frequent guests, and equipment and furniture will constantly fall into disrepair. Or maybe the heavens are warning you through a thunderstorm about the mistake you are making.

When moving, you should only be wary of thunder and lightning - this is a bad omen

However, you should not blindly believe in such signs. Many magicians and psychics believe that you need to listen to your inner feelings and pay attention to what events usually happen to you during a thunderstorm. There are often cases when this natural phenomenon is a good sign for a person.

Signs when moving to a new house: how to enter a new house?

Moving and housewarming in a new building is a joyful, long-awaited event for the whole family. But also a little scary: how will life turn out in the new home, what awaits the new residents there? To make your home a truly cozy nest and protective fortress, listen to the advice of folk sages:

  • say goodbye to your old home the right way
    Don't leave your things behind. If you don't plan to take something, give it to others or throw it away. Clean up thoroughly. In your thoughts, say goodbye to your old home and thank it.
  • inspect things well. Do not bring torn linen or broken dishes to your new apartment, this will bring misfortune. Be sure to buy something new for your home.
  • clean the room with salt. Pour salt into a glass vessel and go around all the rooms with it. Imagine how all the emotions you experienced here are absorbed into salt. At sunset, bury it and leave this place without looking back.
  • bake a pie in the old house. The pie must be salty if life here was not easy. And if they lived happily, sweet. Eat it as a family just before you leave.
  • let the cat in first. A newly built home may require sacrifice. As a rule, it becomes the one who first crosses the threshold. And the cat has long been considered mystical creature capable of resisting evil forces. So she won't get hurt.
  • toss coins. Without crossing the threshold, throw silver coins inside the room. This way you will attract wealth to your home.
  • enter the room first. The main rule is that the owners of the home come in first. This is how you get to know your new home.
  • don't come in with empty handed. Every family member should contribute something to the house, even the little ones.
  • hang a horseshoe. This is a well-known amulet and symbol of happiness. Place it above the entrance to your house or apartment indoors.
  • hang bunches of St. John's wort. St. John's wort is considered a magical herb that reliably protects against evil eye and damage.
  • celebrate housewarming. Not everyone knows that housewarming should be celebrated twice: with loved ones - on the next weekend after arrival, and in a wider circle - when order is put in place and all things are finally put in their places. At the same time, tell guests not to give money, only household items.

Signs when moving to an old house

In our country, people more often purchase secondary housing. Or they move into a house that they inherited from relatives. A home that belonged to other people always has the energy of its previous owners and retains the memory of the events that took place in it. Therefore, it is very important to move to the “new old house” correctly:

  • Be sure to inquire in advance about the history of this home: what family lived here, whether it was friendly, whether it was wealthy, why it moved.
  • swipe general cleaning in the house. Wash everything thoroughly, even the most difficult to reach corners.
  • Wash the floors with water and salt. It is believed that salt cleanses the room of bad energy.
  • open all the windows, turn on the lights in all rooms, open the taps for a while. This way you will let positive energy into your home and free it from evil forces.
    walk around with a lighted church candles all rooms.
  • It is advisable to say a prayer at the same time
    you can light a sprig of St. John's wort and fumigate the room with it
    Replace old doors and windows. If you do not have such an opportunity yet, repair them. In general, everything in a new home should be in good order.
  • It is noteworthy that it is not necessary to let the cat into such housing first.

And always keep a positive attitude. Signs are just assistants, and your future in your new home depends on you.

A sign about slippers for a new apartment

Such familiar and cozy home slippers can also have an impact on living in a new place. They believe that you should move into your future home with old slippers because:

  • The brownie may take a liking to them and climb inside to move with you.
  • new slippers in a new home - the old relationship will come to an end.

When you have already settled in your new home, try to adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not keep torn, shabby slippers in your home - this will attract poverty and illness to you.
  • You can’t put house shoes crosswise - you’ll invite trouble onto your head.
  • Do not place your house shoes with their toes facing the door - this may lead to you leaving your home.
  • In a leap year, you need to throw away old slippers and buy new ones for everyone in the household.
  • Place your slippers in the designated place. Scattered around the house, they will attract quarrels and squabbles.

Is it possible to take icons when moving?

Often believers have a question about what to do with icons when you move: leave them in the old place or take them with you. Signs in this regard sometimes contradict each other.

According to parapsychologists and psychics, it all depends on how exactly you feel about each specific icon:

  • family, significant for you, which you consider family custodian, definitely take it to a new home.
  • leave the one that is perceived as a talisman at home in its original place.

The priests believe that there is no need to leave the icons in the old house, since it is unknown what the new residents will do with them. If you cannot take them, then donate them to the temple or give them to people.

What to do when moving if you don't have a cat?

Letting a cat into the house first is an ancient sign, proven over centuries. But not everyone keeps this animal. What to do in this case? Folk wisdom offers several options:

  • if you have a dog, let it into the house. This animal is devoted to its owners, so it will serve protective amulet from unclean energy just like a cat.
  • An ancient custom is to bring a rooster into a new home and leave it there overnight. In the morning when he screams, evil forces will leave the house. This bird is then used to make jellied meat and serve it when a housewarming party is celebrated.
  • Throw a ball of thread over the threshold, grab the end of the thread with the whole family and enter in order of seniority.
  • in cases where it is not possible to bring livestock, simply consecrate the new home by inviting a priest.

Is it possible to leave a mirror when moving?

The mirror has always been attributed magical properties, as well as the ability to serve as a guide to the other world. It is believed that this item absorbs the energy of those living in the house.

Therefore, when leaving your home forever, do not leave your mirrors there, as through them you can damage your family. In the event that you are unable to take this item with you, delete information about you:

Do I need to take a broom when moving?

When moving to a new home, do not forget to take a broom from your old house. In the old days, leaving it was a bad omen that could bring disaster to the entire family.

Throwing it away was also not allowed. It is believed that during the move it is necessary to perform the following ancient ritual:

  • after you have taken out all your things, take a broom and thoroughly sweep the room.
  • burn the garbage and scatter the ashes. In this way you will prevent possible damage to your household and yourself.
    Bring a new broom into the house and sweep the floors.
  • after that, burn the broom and buy a new one.

How to take a brownie from an old apartment to a new one?

Do you know who in the old days was considered the real owner of the house? Brownie. This statement makes many people smile. But who knows if this is superstition or if there really is a “guardian” living in every house.

Past generations were sure that the brownie must be taken with him to a new place, otherwise, abandoned and forgotten, he will suffer. And this, in turn, will bring misfortune to its forgetful owners.

However, taking the little watchman from old apartment you need to follow these rules:

  • invite the brownie with you. Invite the keeper out loud or silently to move into the new home. The invitation must come from the heart
    collect all the garbage in the corners, wrap it in a cloth white and invite the keeper to follow your belongings.
  • prepare “transport” on the eve of departure:
  • a box containing something soft.
  • old slipper.
  • broom (some brownies like to ride on it).
  • empty bag
  • a white towel (you need to place it at the threshold and then fold it in four).
  • give the opportunity to climb into the prepared “transport”:
  • leave the room for 20-30 minutes.
  • close the box (tie the bag).
  • set up in a new place.
  • after moving leave " vehicle" in the middle of the room.
  • open it.
  • Place a saucer of milk next to it.
  • put the bundle with “belongings” in the corner.
  • leave the room for a while.

Having completed these manipulations, you can be sure that your brownie will definitely move to a new apartment and will protect your household from troubles.

Video: Signs when moving

Are you planning to move to a new home or rented apartment? Then you already know the feelings of chaos and lack of understanding of how to properly organize this event. We will answer questions about when and how to move to a new apartment so that the process goes quickly and without problems.

How to move to a new apartment?

How to move to a new apartment: preparation and organization

At first, moving may seem easy. But if you don't approach this process wisely, happy event can turn into a whole lot of problems. To avoid troubles, prepare in advance for moving to a new place.

Organizing a move consists of several points:

  • review all existing things;
  • get rid of what is not useful in your new life (unusable clothes, old furniture, dishes with cracks, etc.);
  • make a packing plan;
  • find transport and loaders;
  • prepare packaging material.

Inspect your new home in advance, make sure the locks, plumbing, etc. work.

It is better to start packing things with the least used ones. For example, if the move takes place in the summer, first pack winter clothes and shoes, sleds, new Year decoration. Gradually move on to things that are used more often in everyday life. And to make unpacking easier in a new place, label boxes and packages. Packaging materials can be purchased at hardware stores.

Finding transport and loaders is also an important process. Moving will be faster and easier if you hire special services that provide a truck and labor. You can get by with passenger transport and the help of friends. It will be cheaper, but longer.

When is the best time to move to a new apartment?

The time to move can be chosen based on several factors:

  • season and weather conditions;
  • moon calendar;
  • folk signs;
  • Feng Shui.

There are times when moving must be done urgently. But if you have the opportunity to choose the time, it is better to use all the tips.

It's easier and easier to move in the summer. In winter, warm clothes make it difficult to carry heavy things and furniture; they cannot be placed temporarily in the snow; it is difficult to take off your shoes when entering a new house. But if there is no way out, choose a period with warm weather and no precipitation.

Favorable days for moving can be found in the lunar calendar or in the rules of Feng Shui. Many recommendations have folk signs. So, it is believed that it is best to change your place of residence on Tuesday or Saturday. Neutral days are Thursday and Sunday. But Monday, Wednesday and Friday are not the right time to move.

When wondering how to properly move to a new apartment, you should not forget about your personal circumstances and inner mood. If you feel like this weekend will be a good time to move, go for it!

Choose the best day according to the lunar calendar to move so that the process is successful.

Circumstances force people to move from one city to another: a change of job or personal reasons. Modern life changeable, and therefore it is difficult to sit still all your life.

  • Relocation can be permanent or temporary. It often happens that after moving a person begins a streak of bad luck. This happens due to an incorrectly chosen period for transporting things and furniture.
  • Astrologers claim that there are the most better days for moving. Waxing Moon Period when this planet is in signs Aquarius and Taurus, counts best time to change your place of residence.
  • Astrologers warn that you should not plan to transport things and move into a new apartment or house on days when the Moon is in the signs Pisces, Leo, Scorpio and Cancer, in days new moons, full moons And solar and lunar eclipses.
  • The rest of the time will be suitable for moving to a temporary place of residence. This includes moving into student dormitories, rental housing, or small families.

Lunar calendar for moving to a new apartment, house in 2019 - favorable days

The moon has a mysterious effect on people's lives. The ebbs and flows in the Earth’s reservoirs depend on this planet, and plants also respond to the phases of our planet’s eternal satellite. People even change their hairstyles and roll up vegetables according to the lunar calendar.

U modern man There is always not enough time - work, home, family, small children. Accordingly, it is difficult to calculate on your own and designate favorable days for moving. After all, you need to find the period when the Moon passes through certain signs of the Zodiac - suitable for moving.

We offer a table where the best days for planning transportation and furniture are already highlighted, as well as bad periods for carrying out this process. You just need to find auspicious date and plan your move.

Moon calendar moving to a new apartment, house in 2019, favorable days:

Month 2019 Best days to move Days on which it is not recommended to move It is allowed to transport things and furniture to a temporary place of residence
January 7, 8, 9, 15, 16 1, 2, 6, 10, 11, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31
February 11, 12, 13 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28
March 10, 11, 12 5, 6, 7, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 23, 24 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 13, 14, 19, 20, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
April 7, 8 2, 3, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 29, 30 1, 4, 6, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
May 1, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, 31
June 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 17, 23, 24 1, 2, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 30
July 2, 4, 5, 11, 12, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 30, 31 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29
August 14 1, 2, 7, 8, 15, 16, 17, 18, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31
September 10, 11, 12 3, 4, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 27, 29, 30
October 7, 8, 9 1, 2, 10, 11, 14, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31
November 4, 5, 11 6, 7, 8, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30
December 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 28, 29, 30 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 22, 23, 26, 31 6, 7, 11, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27

Important: Suitable days there are much fewer unfavorable ones for moving on the Moon than there are unfavorable ones.

Advice: Plan the transportation of things and furniture in advance. This will help you choose the right date and order a service from a professional moving company.

IN May, June and July 2019 favorable days for moving to permanent place there is no residence at all. This is due to the fact that during these months the Moon, in its waxing phase, does not pass through the signs of Aquarius and Taurus, which are good for such processes.

Now it’s worth considering the suitable periods for moving for each month separately.

The best, favorable day for moving according to the lunar calendar in January 2019

As stated above, unfavorable period The days when the Moon is in Pisces, Leo, Scorpio and Cancer are considered for moving. Sunny days are not suitable for changing your place of residence. lunar eclipse and full moon. But these days you can move to a temporary place of residence.

The best, favorable day for moving according to the lunar calendar in January 2019:

The best, favorable day for moving according to the lunar calendar in February 2019

Moving to a new permanent place of residence is an extraordinary event. After all, such a process happens once or twice in a person’s life. Therefore, it is worth listening to the advice of astrologers who know about favorable and bad days according to the Moon for moving.

The best, favorable day for moving according to the lunar calendar in February 2019:

The best, favorable day for moving according to the lunar calendar in March 2019

Coordinate your actions with the lunar calendar, and then you will be successful in all your endeavors. The Moon is the eternal satellite of the Earth, so everything depends on this planet. When planning your move, check out lunar table and find a suitable period for this process.

The best, favorable day for moving according to the lunar calendar in March 2019:

The best, favorable day for moving according to the lunar calendar in April 2019

The days of new settlers are favorable days according to the Moon. During this period, the move will be easy and quick, without incidents or any troubles. In April 2019, there are two such days: the 7th and 8th.

The best, favorable day for moving according to the lunar calendar in April 2019:

The best, favorable day for moving according to the lunar calendar in May 2019

It is believed that housewarming should be celebrated twice: first, immediately after moving things with close relatives, and after the new apartment or house has been settled. Friends, acquaintances and work colleagues are invited.

The best, favorable day for moving according to the lunar calendar in May 2019:

The best, favorable day for moving according to the lunar calendar in June 2019

Advice: When planning a move, listen to the recommendations of those people who have already encountered a similar process. They can advise you on choosing a moving company or tell you how best to pack your items so that nothing gets lost or damaged.

Astrologers will help you choose a day to transport things. Once everything is prepared, the process can begin.

The best, favorable day for moving according to the lunar calendar in June 2019:

The best, favorable day for moving according to the lunar calendar in July 2019

Our ancestors also knew that the Moon has a special effect on humans and all living things on Earth. Therefore, they determined good and bad lunar days, for example, to produce in the garden.

Modern people also know that lunar phases influence our activity, actions and health. Therefore, in order for everything to be fine in a new place, you need to study the dates of the lunar table.

The best, favorable day for moving according to the lunar calendar in July 2019:

The best, favorable day for moving according to the lunar calendar in August 2019

Remember: There are no small details in the moving process - everything is of great importance. You need to pack your things, find movers, prepare a new apartment for living, and so on.

But it is impossible to foresee everything. Trust the advice of experts in the field of astrology so that everything goes smoothly.

The best, favorable day for moving according to the lunar calendar in August 2019:

The best, favorable day for moving according to the lunar calendar in September 2019

Often people are blinded by the joy of moving to a new apartment, and they do not pay attention to what day the items were moved. Following the recommendations of astrology will help to carry out the process on high level and avoid various troubles.

The best, favorable day for moving according to the lunar calendar in September 2019:

The best, favorable day for moving according to the lunar calendar in October 2019

Many different studies have been devoted to studying the impact of the Earth's eternal satellite. This phenomenon is still being studied by modern specialists.

The Moon is a mysterious planet whose study is ongoing and will continue in the future. Millions of studies will be conducted and thousands of justifications will be made, which is why the lunar table must be taken into account.

The best, favorable day for moving according to the lunar calendar in October 2019:

The best, favorable day for moving according to the lunar calendar in November 2019

There are many phenomena that are beyond the control of the human mind. We cannot explain some phenomena because they contradict earthly laws. But millions of people know for sure that there is a connection between the magical white planet and the Earth.

The best, favorable day for moving according to the lunar calendar in November 2019:

The best, favorable day for moving according to the lunar calendar in December 2019

The more sensitive a person is, the greater the influence the Moon will have on his psyche. Therefore, if you cannot organize your move on your own, you need to turn to the advice of the lunar calendar. You cannot do this without the professional help of movers and organizers.

The best, favorable day for moving according to the lunar calendar in December 2019:

People have been observing the lunar disk for thousands of years, determining patterns and connections between the phases of the Moon and a person’s mood and well-being. Modern astrologers take into account research from past years and modern conclusions of scientists. Thanks to all these observations and justifications, they create lunar calendars that help with their important tips in all human affairs.

Video: Lunar calendar and its influence on human life!