home · Appliances · What is the thickness of a parquet board with a backing? Which underlay for parquet boards is better? Underlay for parquet boards: which one is better?

What is the thickness of a parquet board with a backing? Which underlay for parquet boards is better? Underlay for parquet boards: which one is better?

Substrate under parquet board- a question that everyone who has made a decision in favor of a noble aristocratic must face flooring– parquet boards or laminate, its imitation.

From this article you will learn why such a choice is always a compromise between advantages and disadvantages.

What is a substrate?

The underlay under the parquet board plays the role of a shock absorber and conceals the smallest irregularities in the base. The highest quality and durable materials after all, they do not last forever, and parquet is one of them. What happens to a parquet board without a backing?

Any rough coating has defects, even if they are not visible at first glance. The parquet board is the same princess and the pea that “feels” the bumps and pits that are invisible to you.

Over time, a play of several millimeters will become more and more noticeable, the floor will begin to “play”, and movement on it will become less and less silent, especially in shoes.

The underlay is important for sound insulation - with it, the neighbors below will stop hearing your movements.

Those who are wondering how necessary an underlay is for parquet should be told that this is not a topic for discussion.

Like the fact that the electrical wiring must match the voltage, and wall tiles need to be planted on high-quality glue.

There just has to be a backing. At the same time, the tricks of unscrupulous advertisers and sellers who are trying to convince that it solves all the problems of laying parquet also sin against the truth.

For example, the statement that the thicker the substrate, the better it is: supposedly greater thickness reduces the load on the parquet board and makes the floor “softer”.

For every two meters of parquet board, a base difference of 2 mm is allowed.

The coniferous or cork backing under the parquet board compresses when pressed, therefore, the height difference will exceed 2-3 mm, regulated by generally accepted quality standards.

As a result, the same backlash will arise, for the sake of avoiding which the choice of substrate was started. The interlocking joints will experience increased stress, which will significantly reduce the service life of the floor.

If the substrate is thinner, it will crumble during use and will have to be replaced after a few years.

The boards at the joints will begin to play, creak and wear out. The base under the floor should be as flat as possible, then 2-3 mm is quite sufficient thickness of the underlay for the parquet board so that the parquet can be enjoyed for many years.

Another misconception is that the substrate brightens up any unevenness in the screed.

Whatever substrate you choose - coniferous, cork, thick or thin - its peculiarity is that it will repeat all the defects of the surface on which it is placed.

It is necessary to prepare the surface for laying parquet boards using special mixtures, gypsum sheets, moisture-resistant plywood and other materials.

Unscrupulous sellers claim that it is difficult to choose anything better sheet substrate.

Practice shows that neither in the installation process nor in the process of using the floor does it have any advantages over rolled flooring.

Selecting a substrate

The variety of substrates for parquet and laminate is great: polyethylene foam, foil, cork, pine, rubber-cork, bitumen-cork and others. Which underlay for parquet boards and laminate is better and how not to get confused when choosing?

Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, coniferous or cork substrates are captivating natural composition, which is why many people prefer them.

However, the materials will absorb any odors, such as spilled soup or cat urine.

Coniferous substrate is a fertile environment for various insects, for example, cat fleas. Cork quickly swells from moisture, so it is necessary to place a layer of polyethylene under it.

The declared environmental friendliness is also questionable, because the pine particles are held together by something, and the manufacturers do not disclose the composition of the glue.

In addition, the thickness of such a substrate is 4-5 mm, which immediately voids the warranty on the laminate or parquet board.

Expanded polystyrene does not have the disadvantages of natural and conditionally natural materials, but is characterized by low strength, therefore it is not particularly convenient to use, and over time it generally turns into dust.

In addition, when destroyed, the material releases an extremely toxic component, styrene. It negatively affects the heart and liver, causing the development of diseases of these organs. Bitumen releases into environment formaldehyde is also not the most useful material.

Foamed polyethylene is one of the best options. It is practically eternal, does not attract fungus, mold or insects, does not cause allergies, and is inert to odors.

Among other things, polyethylene (other names isolon, tilit, penofol) insulates floor boards from internal dampness, the source of which can be concrete screed. The best part is that this option is one of the most economical.

Polyethylene foam is, according to by and large, the same polyethylene from which canisters are made drinking water, plastic dishes, grocery bags and many other materials.

When decomposed, it releases ethylene, a gas harmless to humans, and a number of more harmful substances, but in very small quantities.

Polyethylene foam cannot be called the most environmentally friendly material, but it is certainly no more dangerous than the plastic from which metal-plastic windows are made.

However, polyethylene foam is a fire hazardous material. Its main danger is the formation of smoke, and as we know, during a fire only a small percentage of people suffer from fire, most of become victims of suffocating smoke.

Foil backing is not separate species cushioning material, and its additional function.

Manufacturers usually foil the polyethylene foam, enhancing its ability to insulate against noise, moisture and heat loss.

Each material and product has its pros and cons, and you have to put up with the latter. Universal Rule there is no choice, and do not believe those who make unambiguous recommendations.

To choose the right type of underlay, it is necessary to evaluate the operating conditions of the floor - what room it will be in, the level fire danger premises and what means fire protection you plan to provide humidity and many other parameters.

This is the only way to do it the best choice in each specific case.

Parquet boards occupy a special place among modern floor coverings. It allows you to create a reliable and elegant foundation, the service life of which is calculated for decades. One of the main conditions for trouble-free operation of parquet floors is the competent selection and installation of the substrate under them. Let's talk about this.

Underlay – no parquet can be laid without it!

Nowadays, most parquet floors are installed using floating technology. It gives installed structures special performance properties that increase the service life of the coating. An important condition this involves installing a special layer called underlay between the parquet products and the floor base. The latter performs many functions. Let's highlight the main ones:

  1. 1. Soundproofing of floors from impact noise, which is vibrations generated when a person walks or operates household appliances.
  2. 2. Smoothing out small uneven floors. Even if the base leveling was carried out in compliance with all construction requirements, voids and minor defects remain on it. Such small imperfections can significantly reduce the life of an expensive coating (and parquet boards are such).
  3. 3. Protection of parquet from moisture due to the high waterproofing properties of the material.
  4. 4. Uniform distribution of mechanical loads over the laid base.

The underlay for modern parquet boards is made from different materials. We will talk about this in detail in the next section. And before that, let’s look at the recommended thickness of the layer we are considering. Many users believe that the backing should be as thick as possible. This is not true. According to existing building standards, the permissible difference in the base under parquet is 2 mm for every two square meters surfaces. The indicated value is calculated taking into account the shrinkage of the floor and the substrate itself.

To smooth out such a maximum difference, a 2 mm thick lining is sufficient.

What happens if you put a thicker underlay under the parquet? Believe me, nothing good. When pressure is applied to the coating, the layer underneath is compressed. Therein lies the catch. The thicker the substrate, the more it compresses, which leads to a significant difference in altitude. It will cause play to form on the parquet locks, which will begin to wear out quickly and eventually fail. First, an unpleasant creak will appear. And after a few months locking connections will break. We will either have to re-lay the parquet, or use an uncomfortable and completely unattractive coating.

Cork products are environmentally friendly and durable

Modern market construction products amazes anyone with its chic assortment. It is not difficult to find the material that suits the user in all respects without exception. Parquet can be mounted on the following layers:

  • cork;
  • foil;
  • made of foamed polypropylene;
  • polyethylene;
  • compositional;
  • bitumen-cork.

Domestic consumers who are not limited in finances prefer to install parquet boards on cork products. Their high cost is fully justified by their operational advantages. Cork - natural material. It has high mechanical strength and durability, ecological cleanliness, wonderful warmth and soundproofing properties. The cork substrate is almost not pressed even after many years of use, it perfectly smooths out small unevenness in the base, effectively absorbs moisture, and is not subject to rotting.

Advice. It makes sense to use cork products when installing expensive parquet. If we perform installation budget materials(for example, economical laminated boards), there is no need to spend money on a natural layer. Its service life will be longer than the coating itself. When dismantling the old parquet, we will have to remove and throw away the underlayment underneath.

Cork materials are produced in rolls. It is quite convenient to work with him. No special knowledge is required to install the products. Important! The stopper must not be placed directly on concrete screed(this is what is usually used to level floors). Before this, you should lay a layer of waterproofing on the base - any durable and thick polyethylene film will do. And only then can the substrate be mounted.

Parkolag and Tuplex – modern linings with special capabilities

IN last years manufacturers are actively promoting Russian market bitumen-cork products Parkolag. Their main advantages are given below:

  • high level of noise and heat protection;
  • excellent waterproofing characteristics;
  • durability.

In addition, Parkolag has the ability to independently ventilate, which is ensured by its unique structure. Structurally, the material is a layer of bitumen applied to kraft paper, additionally covered with cork granules. The latter are evenly distributed over the surface of the product, making the substrate elastic and wear-resistant.

Parkolag could be called the most the best option arrangement of parquet floors, if not for one of its drawbacks. It lies in the low environmental friendliness of the material. When heated, the substrate begins to release formaldehyde into the air, which negatively affects people’s well-being. Constant inhalation of such vapors often causes various diseases. Therefore, Parkolag is not suitable for installation in places where internal heat-conducting networks pass or where a heated floor system is installed.

Another modern material– Tuplex, has three protective layers at once. At the same time, the thickness of the parquet board with such a substrate does not increase. Each layer is small in size. The standard thickness of Tuplex used for parquet is the same - recommended by professionals, 2 mm. The basis of the composite product is polymer material. The second layer is made of polystyrene, the third is made of polyethylene.

Tuplex perfectly protects floor substrates from condensation and moisture. Its lower vapor-permeable layer absorbs water vapor and reliably retains it. After a certain amount of moisture has accumulated, the material pushes it out through the edges of the composite layer, which are always left open. This feature of the products necessitates the installation of special skirting boards in the room (they are called ventilated). They, firstly, maintain the geometry of the coating, and secondly, do not interfere with the free passage of wet vapors.

The need to install special skirting boards can be called a disadvantage of Tuplex. But, by and large, the costs of purchasing and installing them will not be so high. Recommendation. Best to use composite products for floors in cottages and houses outside the city, where it is not always possible to maintain a consistently high temperature in the home. Let us add that Tuplex can be laid on any base, including concrete screed.

Other types of underlays - budget solutions for parquet flooring

The cheapest layers for parquet are those made from foamed polyethylene and polypropylene. The former are characterized by good sound and heat protection capabilities. Such products do not allow or absorb moisture, are not destroyed by solvents, and do not rot. Unfortunately, all the positive properties of polyethylene substrates are lost over time. The material actively shrinks during operation and ceases to fully fulfill its protective functions.Other disadvantages of foamed polyethylene:

  • insufficient fire resistance;
  • low environmental friendliness due to the artificial origin of the material.

Polypropylene layers under parquet coverings have a porous structure. Moreover, air is pumped into each pore of the material. Due to this, the substrate provides excellent sound insulation and thermal insulation characteristics products. The advantages of polypropylene, in principle, end there. But it has a lot of disadvantages. Firstly, such substrates last a maximum of 9–10 years. After this, they literally turn to dust as a result of the decomposition of the synthetic structure. Secondly, polypropylene products are considered fire hazardous. Thirdly, they are classified as toxic. If you are concerned about the health of your household, it is better not to use such linings in your home.

An improved type of products made from foamed propylene are foil substrates. Their design is simple. An additional layer of foil is glued onto the propylene base, which improves the performance capabilities of the material. The result is a product with maximum high heat, noise and waterproofing. The disadvantages of foil substrates are similar to those of conventional propylene interlayers. Therefore, they should be used with caution. It is optimal to install such inexpensive products under budget coverings, as well as under parquet boards mounted on the principle of rigid fixation of individual elements.

Definitely highlight the most best material for laying under parquet, as you can see for yourself, it is impossible. For each specific case you should choose a specific product that has a set of special properties. We can only advise one thing: buy substrates based on your existing budget, giving preference to the most environmentally friendly materials. Then there will always be a healthy and comfortable atmosphere in the house.

Today, when laying parquet boards, several different types of substrates are used - membranes that separate the concrete or wooden base and the floor laid on it. They are made from different materials, each of which has its own pros and cons. Below we will look distinctive features one or another substrate for a parquet board, which will allow you to figure out which one is the best option for use in renovated premises.

Functions of the underlay for parquet boards

The question of whether an underlay is needed under a parquet board can be answered unequivocally in the affirmative. The use of this material in finishing allows the floor to be laid perfectly flat and protects it from constant contact with a hard base. Good substrate must be durable and environmentally friendly, ensure comfortable operation of parquet boards or laminate, and maintain the integrity and safety of the floor. Different kinds separating membranes perform the basic functions necessary for high-quality repairs - heat, moisture and sound insulation. Some underlays for parquet boards take on only one role, but the best of them are capable of performing maximum functions at the same time.

Types of underlays for parquet boards

When looking for information on how to choose a backing for a parquet board, you will notice that Decoration Materials for this purpose can be produced in rolls or plates. The form of production matters only when laying the membrane and does not affect the quality. If the room is small, square plates of sheet backing for parquet boards will allow you to finish the finishing faster. And vice versa, in rooms with large area, especially elongated ones, it is often more convenient to use multi-meter rolls.

Which underlay to choose for a parquet board also depends on the purpose of the room, technical features, as well as the materials used to finish the base floor. When searching suitable option you need to pay attention to whether it is suitable this product for installation in rooms with increased level humidity and whether it is compatible with a heated floor system.

Cork underlay for parquet boards is a natural material, often chosen specifically for its environmental friendliness. It has good sound insulation and thermal conductivity properties. However, cork underlay under parquet boards does not always perform well when protection from high humidity. When wet, it may increase slightly in volume and change shape. This disadvantage is compensated by an additional layer of vapor barrier glued to the cork backing under the parquet board. Specialized polyethylene or rubberized film can also be purchased separately. Thus, it is better to buy a cork underlay for parquet boards for those rooms where there is no sharp changes humidity and temperature.

A thin layer of foil is applied to the polyethylene foam membrane to improve its moisture-proofing properties and thermal conductivity. This coating also makes the inexpensive substrate more resistant to wear and tear. Most often in modern construction This material is used for laying floors on a rigid joist structure. In terms of cost, this is a fairly economical option.

Polyethylene foam underlay is the most beneficial addition for laying parquet boards. The material does not require significant production costs and provides good results in terms of comfort, thermal conductivity and sound insulation. Its disadvantages are that it is not environmentally friendly - it does not allow air to pass through and is easily flammable in a fire. If the parquet board is laid on an insufficiently leveled surface, over time such a seal may shrink and “sag”.

Currently, this type of building substrate is used mainly for low-cost repairs designed for 5 to a maximum of 10 years of operation. After this period, the material under the boards laid on top begins to decompose and ceases to perform its functions.

The underlay for Tuplex parquet boards is produced by the Swedish company Kahrs, which we represent in Russia. This type The spacer membrane consists of three layers and combines all the qualities that a material for finishing a floor with natural parquet boards of the highest quality should have. The underlay for the Tuplex parquet board is the most universal membrane, suitable for technical specifications interiors of all types. It provides excellent noise, heat and moisture insulation and is suitable for use when installing heated floors. The middle layer of mini-balls not only holds its shape perfectly, but also ensures air circulation, which makes Tuplex comparable in environmental friendliness to natural cork. Perhaps this best substrate under parquet boards for heated floors today. Having used it, you can be sure that it will serve you for at least 20 years.

Choosing a parquet underlay

As a rule, when laying parquet boards, it is recommended to choose a separation membrane with a thickness of 2-3 mm. A thinner substrate may not provide the desired effect and will wear out quickly. A layer that is too dense will sag under heavy furniture and when walking, which can quite quickly lead to the appearance of creaks in the joints of the boards, which will become loose due to excessive mobility.

Underlays for parquet boards are produced from various materials, and which one to choose is up to you. Taking into account the characteristics of each type of membrane, you can make the floor beautiful, comfortable and resistant to any external influences. Which underlay for parquet boards is better depends on where you are going to finish it. As we managed to see, today on construction market There are options made from both natural and synthetic materials. Depending on the cost of the underlay for a parquet board, it can last you from 10 to 30 years. If you choose an expensive Kahrs floor, designed to last several scrapes, auxiliary materials must correspond to it in terms of service life.

Parquet flooring is a type of floating flooring that rests freely on a base. Such coatings must be laid on substrates that soften movements and protect the material from deformation. According to the principle of laying, parquet boards are similar to laminate. What kind of underlay for parquet boards? is it better to use?

Flooring retailers can recommend a variety of materials, but there is one important requirement: the underlay for the parquet board should be optimal in thickness, neither thin nor thick. This is due to the fact that thinner or thicker substrates increase the load on the locking joints and their gradual destruction.

Why does a parquet board need a backing?

The main function of any substrate is damping. The function of all dampers (shock absorbers) is to dampen vibrations that occur during any movements. For parquet boards, locking joints are subject to vibrations. When a person walks on the floor, the underlay dampens the vibrations that occur with each step, extending the life of these connections.

Damping layer, in addition:

  • allows the coating to move freely along the base; the load exerted on the floor is distributed more evenly over the entire surface;
  • dampens all kinds of noise, creaks, evens out minor defects in the base, serves as an additional layer of thermal insulation;
  • has vapor barrier properties. This protects the parquet from moisture, which is especially important for concrete bases.

How to choose a backing for a parquet board

First of all, you should carefully study the recommendations of parquet board manufacturers. They may contain specific instructions on the material and thickness of the substrate. If strict restrictions There is no substrate quality, you can choose one of the available materials:

  • cork,
  • polyethylene foam,
  • foil polystyrene foam,
  • polypropylene foam,
  • duplex,
  • pine needles (isoplat),
  • parkalog.

Each of listed materials has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. The choice of substrate material depends on the base on which the parquet board is laid. So, on bases made of plywood, fiberboard, chipboard, laid on a wooden floor for leveling, a substrate with vapor barrier properties is not required.

On concrete bases, you will need to put under the base layer waterproofing material, which will protect the parquet board from excess moisture and the formation of fungus.

Underlay for parquet boards, characteristics

It is believed that best underlay for parquet boards- This is cork: a natural material with a certain softness, strength and long service life.

The substrate is sold in rolls 1 m wide different lengths. The thickness of the canvas is 1.6–3.0 mm. Cork is made by pressing finely ground cork oak bark. It does not cause allergies, does not emit any harmful substances, but fungus can multiply on it.

Cork underlays with a thickness of 2 mm are suitable for parquet. Thinner ones will crumble, and thicker ones can damage the locking joints of the parquet board. One of the disadvantages of cork is high price, another is swelling when exposed to water, but if the floor is properly cared for, the cork underlay will last as long as the floor itself.

Under the cork backing, on concrete base be sure to put it vapor barrier film. On sheets of plywood, DSP or OSB, cork can be placed as a substrate without a vapor barrier.
Needles (isoplat)
Natural material. It consists of pressed pine needle fibers. During production chemical compounds are not used. Isoplats are produced in sheets 4–7 mm thick. Recommended for rooms with low constant load and in restricted areas.

Isoplat serves as a heat insulator and dampens noise. Over time this backing underparquet does not sag. The needles are vapor permeable and not susceptible to fungus. The thickness is quite suitable for parquet boards.

Isoplat sheets are quite difficult to install for a non-professional. This may be why pine needles are not widely used as a substrate. Recommended for private homes.


Expanded polystyrene is produced in sheets of 0.5 x 1.0 m with a thickness of 3–5 mm, as well as in rolls with a thickness of 2 mm. One side of the substrate can be covered with foil. This side of the polystyrene foam is placed on the base. The material does not sag during operation. The sheets are laid end to end and the seams are taped.

This underlay is suitable for laying on perfectly level subfloors. Expanded polystyrene has moisture, sound and heat insulating properties. This type of underlay is recommended when laying parquet flooring on joists with its rigid fixation.
Foamed polyethylene
This is the most affordable and acceptable type of substrate. They sell it in rolls of various thicknesses. For parquet boards, a thickness of 2 mm is recommended.

Advantages of foamed polyethylene:

  • does not absorb moisture and does not allow it to pass through,
  • excellent heat and sound insulation qualities,
  • not susceptible to rotting and solvents.

Disadvantages include shrinkage over time, flammability and the artificial origin of the material.

Its qualities are similar to foamed polyethylene, but it is characterized by higher flammability, toxicity and a shorter service life. After 5–7 years of operation, the substrate turns into dust. Despite the fact that this is one of the cheapest materials, it is not recommended to use it in residential areas.
The backing is made of cork using bitumen mastic. It has excellent performance qualities, but is toxic at elevated temperatures.

In many countries, the use of this type of material in residential areas is prohibited.
The material consists of three layers. The bottom layer is vapor-permeable and allows moisture to pass through, the second layer is made of polystyrene foam, the third is film. This underlay protects the parquet board from moisture, dampens noise, and retains heat. Its installation is simple and accessible to everyone. The rolls are rolled out, the strips are laid end to end, and glued with tape. Cut with a construction knife. Duplex is an option for those who do not have much experience in installing parquet boards and do not want to deal with additional waterproofing of the base.


Materials available on the market various manufacturers. Foamed polyethylene and polypropylene are produced in Russia, other materials are produced in European countries. Cork backing They are offered on the Russian market by companies from Portugal.

MaterialManufacturerShape, dimensionsprice, rub.

Cork substrates

IzoraSedacor, Portugalroll10000x1400x2116/1 m 2
MJOMJO, Portugalroll 10000x1000x1.8105/1m 2
Sheet cork PPAL02Amorim, Portugalsheets 610x915x2111/1 pcs.
Sedacor 2Sedacor, Portugalroll10000x1000x2127/1 m 2


TuplexTuplex, Finland-Russiaroll 10000x1100x31480/roll
Tuplex roll 38000x1100x33800/roll

Substrates made of natural pine needles

Steico UnderfloorSteico, Polandsheets590x790x4820/7 m2
Steico UnderflexSteico, Polandroll5000x1100x5910/roll
IsoplaatIzoplat, Russiasheets 590x850x4826/7 m2
LattilonaLattilona, ​​Finlandsheets850x950x4143/1 m 2

Foamed polyethylene

Isocom PISOKOM, Russiaroll 50000x1000x2-315-30/1 m 2
IzolonIZOLON, Russia50000х1005х216/1 m 2


Isonoise (expanded polystyrene)Izoshum, Belarussheets 1000x1000x350/1 m 2
Arbiton (extruded polystyrene)Arbiton, Polandroll15000x1100x250/1 m 2


Parkolag (Icopal)Icopal, Denmark, Swedenroll 15000x1000x3990/roll

Foamed polypropylene

IzokomIzokom, Russiaroll 50000x1000x2850/roll

When choosing a substrate for parquet or parquet boards, you should take into account that these coatings last for several decades, and the substrate must match their quality.

Underlay for parquet boards - video

Parquet board is a popular material for creating a high-quality, reliable, interesting and versatile floor covering. It is formed from natural ingredients and has a stunning appearance. However, its installation must be carried out with the indispensable preliminary use of a substrate. The underlay for parquet boards comes in several varieties, each type having its own characteristics and parameters. Therefore, a lot of attention is paid to the selection process in order to ultimately get perfect result work.

What is a substrate?

It performs many important functions:

  • acts as an optimal shock absorber;
  • hides small irregularities on the surface;
  • increases the thermal insulation and sound insulation parameters of the coating;
  • protects the parquet board from moisture from the base.

If you do not use this element during the installation of the floor covering, it will not last too long, and may also quickly collapse and lose its attractive appearance. appearance under the influence of various factors.

Some types of flooring are already produced with a backing glued at the factory. They usually have a significant cost. The thickness of the parquet board with backing is optimal for installation in different rooms.

Main varieties

What are the best underlays for parquet boards? There are several materials that are ideal for this flooring. Each option has its own characteristics, so before purchasing specific type It is recommended to study all its parameters.

Made from foamed propylene

The advantages of a propylene substrate include low cost and excellent vapor barrier properties. Excellently dampens vibrations that occur during movement on the floor covering. Has good thermal insulation properties, as well as excellent soundproofing parameters. However, the material is not without some significant shortcomings. These include a short service life, not exceeding 10 years, and after this time the material simply turns into dust, and therefore ceases to cope with its purpose. It is also fire hazardous and toxic during combustion.

Due to the numerous disadvantages of foamed propylene, a substrate made from it is considered unsuitable for use in residential premises or in rooms where there is a risk of fire.


Cork underlay for parquet boards is considered perfect choice . It has many advantages:

  • high thermal insulation parameters;
  • cork is a good sound insulator;
  • has excellent shock-absorbing parameters;
  • has high strength and elasticity;
  • durable and environmentally friendly.

Ideal for installation in residential areas and even children's rooms. It can be used if there is a heated floor system under the floor covering. Preferably choose a cork with a thickness of 2 mm or more for installation, since if you use more thin material, then it will not withstand significant loads, so it will begin to crumble. This will lead to him short term services. The disadvantages of cork include low resistance to moisture. From high humidity the material begins to swell, so before laying the elements it is advisable to form a high-quality waterproofing layer.

Tuplex material

Three-layer underlay for Tuplex parquet boards is right choice for every floor and room. It contains three layers:

  1. The bottom one is represented by a special porous film that easily allows moisture to pass through to the middle layer;
  2. The middle layer is represented by small balls, and between them there is a free ventilated air space, and this layer ensures the dimensional stability of the substrate;
  3. The top layer is made of polyethylene.

The underlay for tuplex parquet boards is considered an ideal choice for installation on damp substrates or in unheated rooms. Moisture from the base will pass into the second layer, where its optimal weathering is ensured. Therefore, high-quality protection of the parquet board from possible exposure to high humidity is guaranteed.

Tuplex underlay is considered the ideal choice in the process of laying parquet boards.

On video: laying Tuplex underlay.


This material is formed using bitumen mastic. Counts the latest material on the Russian market. Its advantages include excellent thermal insulation properties, as well as excellent sound insulation parameters. It has good moisture-proofing properties and a long service life. However, mastic releases when high temperature formaldehyde, and this is especially true for places located next to heating devices. Parking is considered unacceptable for residential premises.

With foil layer

Has many advantages, for example, good thermal insulation, resistance to moisture and sound insulation. It is considered an ideal choice if the parquet boards are laid on logs using rigid fixation of each plank. Different enough high cost by creating an additional layer. Often chosen for parquet boards.

Choosing the right options

It is important not only to correctly choose the type of substrate itself, but also its size. Width and length are usually standard, but thickness differs significantly in different types.

Optimal thickness the substrate laid under the parquet board is 2 mm.

Thickness is considered important parameter, since its competent choice depends operational parameters of the entire created coverage. Therefore, the material should not be too thin or too thick. The standard value is 2 mm, and this thickness ensures smoothing out unevenness and protecting the coating from various negative factors.

If selected soft materials, and these include cork or a foam substrate, they begin to shrink when pressed. If you choose too much thick layer, then this will lead to the formation of a height difference. As a result, play will certainly appear at the joints of the parquet boards. Therefore, the wear of the locks will be significant, and an unpleasant squeak may also appear.

It is impossible to determine the wrong choice of thickness immediately after installation, since problems appear approximately a couple of months after the coating is created.

Is it necessary to use moisture-proofing materials?

If you select a substrate that is not equipped with a foil or polyethylene layer, then a waterproofing layer must be formed before laying it. For this, polyethylene or other suitable films are used. Modern membranes are perfect. Without this material, there is a high probability of damage to the integrity of the substrate and the floor covering itself due to high humidity coming from the screed.

Thus, the underlay is an indispensable element in the process of laying parquet boards. It performs many essential functions and is also available in numerous variants. The material is selected in accordance with the available financial resources, the parameters of the base and the requirements of the selected floor covering. It is important to complete it with high-quality waterproofing. Its thickness must be selected correctly, since the durability and reliability of the entire floor covering depends on this factor.

Overview of types of parquet substrate (3 videos)