home · electrical safety · Furniture made from profiles for plasterboard. DIY kitchen furniture made of plasterboard. What can be done in the kitchen from gypsum sheets

Furniture made from profiles for plasterboard. DIY kitchen furniture made of plasterboard. What can be done in the kitchen from gypsum sheets

Anyone can assemble plasterboard furniture. You don't have to be a professional here. It is enough to have minimal skills construction work and some experience with tools.

However, during installation you may have some questions:

  • what type of sheets to use;
  • what to cover it with, etc.

We will try to highlight all the problems that arise in this article.

How to assemble the simplest furniture from gypsum plasterboard

First, we'll tell you how to make plasterboard shelves. For this you will need wall sheets with a thickness of at least 12 mm.

Shelves made of plasterboard sheets

If you need a decorative stand, for example, for photos or dried flowers, you can mount a lightweight frame and sew it with plasterboard in one layer. For bookshelves, aquarium, house plants, plasma panels, a structure with increased strength will be required.

In this case, strengthen the frame with additional profiles and cover it with plasterboard in 2 layers.

  1. First, calculate the load-bearing profiles, depending on the future loads on the shelf.
  2. Draw an accurate drawing of the structure with what will be located on it.
  3. Then transfer the diagram to the wall.
  4. Now you can start assembling the frame with your own hands. Mount the supporting profiles on the wall where the shelf will be located, as well as on the ceiling where the vertical walls are located. Don't make the structure too deep. This will complicate its finishing and give the product a heavy look.
  5. For the remaining sheathing, use profile CD-60. When installing, strictly observe the horizontal and vertical positions of the planks.
  6. After this, cover the frame with plasterboard.
  7. To strengthen external and internal corners shelves and make them even, reinforce them with a perforated corner profile.
  8. Next apply to the shelf thin layer putties. Before doing this, apply a plastic plaster mesh to the product.
  9. As a finishing touch you can use paint, wallpaper, decorative plaster.

Note! All hollow structures, when exposed mechanically, emit a booming sound. To avoid this, fill the inner cavity of the shelf mineral wool or other sound insulator.

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Plasterboard shelving

Racks of any configuration can be made from gypsum boards. At the same time, the price and labor intensity of such an interior element will be low.

As in the previous case, the main part of the work is creating a sketch, marking surfaces for shelves and walls, then installing the frame. It consists of UD and CD profiles, which are attached to the floor, ceiling and walls. GKL sheets are mounted on it.

Below are some instructions.

  1. Choose the thickness of the sheets depending on their purpose, but not less than 1.2 cm.
  2. If the weight of the items placed on the racks is large, the pitch of the frame profiles should be minimal, and the sheets should be fastened in two layers.
  3. If the furniture will be located in the toilet, bathroom, or kitchen, use moisture-resistant sheets (they are green).
  4. When communications are sewn into the rack, it is better to replace the profile in the frame with welding angles or channels, as well as durable fittings.
  5. If a chimney will pass through the structure, you must use heat-resistant plasterboard (it is red).
  6. To install complex shapes and make corners even, use a thin steel profile.

  1. Horizontal elements, that is, shelves, can be made not only from plasterboard sheets. As the photo shows, for this you can use thick moisture-resistant plywood, impact-resistant glass, OSB, chipboard, etc.
  1. To enhance the design of your furniture, illuminate it with light bulbs.

Cabinet made of gypsum plasterboard

The most common variation of gypsum plasterboard furniture is a wardrobe. It can be placed, for example, in a hallway or closet.

There is no need to level the ceiling and walls for it; you can immediately install the frame and cover it with plasterboard. The depth that such built-in furniture should have is chosen based on how you will place clothes in it: on hangers, hooks or rods.

Note! The dimensions and number of shelves in the closet are limited only by the width and height of the room. If the length of the shelves is more than 1 meter, then make the frame with a good margin of safety so that it does not bend under loads.

An additional decoration for a plasterboard cabinet can be original Spotlights. They can be placed around the perimeter of the shelves.

What can be done in the kitchen from gypsum sheets

Kitchen furniture made of plasterboard should have some features.

  1. For items that will be used in conditions high humidity, it is necessary to use not the usual material - gypsum board, but its waterproof varieties. This can be GKVL, GVL or GVLV. The most resistant and durable sheets are glass-magnesite (GML). It is possible to bend them without first moistening them.
  2. For the frame, it is advisable to use rolled steel rather than galvanized profiles. To prevent the sheathing from rusting, it must be coated with anti-corrosion impregnation.

Mount kitchen set or a built-in wardrobe you can do it yourself. Furniture made from plasterboard fits harmoniously into any interior. Drywall is a very malleable and inexpensive material that can be given any shape and any design ideas can be realized. GCR is widely available and can be purchased at any hardware store, like the other components.

To work with gypsum boards, you do not need to purchase any specific professional tool, would need:

  • Hammer or impact drill;
  • Construction corner;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Building level;
  • Plumb;
  • Roulette;
  • Sandpaper.
  • Construction knife;
  • Metal scissors;
  • Spatulas, rollers, brushes;
  • Container for mixing the solution.

If not the right tool, then you can borrow it from friends or rent it.

What materials are best to use

A standard set of materials for creating furniture from plasterboard:

  • Drywall - depending on the purpose of the furniture, sheets with a thickness of 9 to 18 cm are used. The material is also selected based on the location of the furniture. If it is a kitchen or bath, then use moisture-resistant material - green slabs;
  • Guide profiles 27x28;
  • Galvanized rack profile 60x28;
  • Serpyanka;
  • Self-tapping screws and dowels;
  • Special connectors – “crabs”;
  • Putty, for drywall it is better to purchase a gypsum mixture;
  • Priming;
  • Materials for finishing: wallpaper, tiles, decorative plaster and so on.

Manufacturing technology

Making furniture from plasterboard with your own hands is not difficult, just strictly follow the installation instructions. The algorithm for performing the work is as follows:

  • Make a diagram of the future piece of furniture, draw a drawing;
  • Make markings on the surface;
  • Cut the material to the required size;
  • Assemble the frame for the structure;
  • Cover the sheathing with plasterboard;
  • Perform final finishing.

If you follow this action plan, then furniture made from gypsum boards will be the pride of the apartment owner.

Schemes and drawings

Before you start making furniture from plasterboard, you need to determine the location of the structure. This will help you accurately determine the dimensions of the furniture and make accurate calculations material. First of all, you need to create a schematic drawing of the future piece of furniture. You need to try to make the design harmonious so that it fits into the interior of the room.

Once the sketch is ready, you can begin marking the surface. This is done as follows:

  • We mark the installation locations of the guide elements. To do this, we make marks on the floor and ceiling, using a plumb line we check their parallelism relative to each other;
  • We set the beating cord according to the marks, pull it tight and release it sharply. This results in a straight line on which the profile will be installed;
  • Then you need to mark the installation locations of the rack profile, depending on the load on the structure, the pitch of the profile element will be 40-60 cm;
  • If the design requires this, mark the installation locations for hangers that will hold the wall profile;
  • We check all lines by level and plumb;
  • If you plan to install shelves, immediately mark on the wall where they will be located and how thick they should be made.

At this point, the surface marking stage can be considered completed and you can proceed to the next step - cutting out the material. Before you start cutting out parts from drywall, you need to correctly mark the slab so that there is as little waste as possible. To do this, use a tape measure and a pencil to make marks on the material. Then take the rule and draw the drywall based on the required parameters.

Making the marking of the rack profile

Making the markings of the guides

Marking the places of suspensions

Cutting out parts

In order for the furniture construction work to proceed quickly, you need to prepare all the details of the plasterboard construction:

  • Use metal scissors to cut the guide profile required length. If the elements different sizes, they should be signed with a marker;
  • Cut out the rack elements using scissors;
  • Prepare jumpers. To do this, take a wall profile and cut it into pieces that will be 5 cm larger than the expected distance between the posts. This is necessary to form the ears that will be attached to the profile;
  • Cut drywall into slabs the right size. This can be done with a simple construction knife. Draw a straight line on the slab along the level. Attach a rule or a long ruler to it and cut through the cardboard layer. Then carefully bend the sheet strictly in a straight line and cut the second layer of cardboard;
  • All cut out parts must be signed with a pencil or marker so that during the installation process you understand which part to screw where.

Once all the parts are ready and signed, you can begin installation.

Preparing rack elements

Cutting sheets of drywall

Guides need to be cut


One of the most important stages installation - assembly of a frame from profiles. Not only does this depend on appearance furniture made of plasterboard, but also its reliability. Instructions for performing the work are as follows:

  • Install guide elements on the floor and ceiling. To do this, place a profile on the marking line and, using a hammer drill, make holes for the dowel-nail, in increments of 25-30 cm, depending on the required rigidity of the structure;
  • Once the outline of the structure is ready, you can begin installing the wall profile. To do this, we insert the racks into the guide element and secure them together with special “seed” self-tapping screws. Two fasteners per edge of the profile are sufficient;
  • If you plan to install shelves, then it is worth mounting the crossbars in the places where they will be located;
  • Install jumpers throughout the entire structure; they will make plasterboard furniture more stable and give it rigidity. The jumpers are secured with small screws on both sides.

There is another way to assemble furniture from gypsum plasterboard, which is used by professionals. First, individual parts are assembled, which are then screwed to guide profiles installed around the perimeter.

At this stage, you need to install the electrical wiring if you plan to install the backlight. All communications are hidden under the panels, and holes of the required diameter are drilled to attach the lamps. If you plan to install LED strip, you need to think about where the heat sink profile will go. The electrical wire must be corrugated for safety.

Installing guides

We mount the wall profile

Making shelves

We mount jumpers

Now it's the drywall's turn:

  • First of all, whole slabs of material are mounted to the frame - assembly starts from the corner. Attach drywall to the sheathing and fasten it with black self-tapping screws. The fastener pitch along the edge will be 15 cm, along the slab itself 25 cm;
  • Then the second element is mounted in a checkerboard pattern. The joints between the materials should not exceed 2 mm;
  • The smallest gypsum board elements are installed last.

Work on making furniture from plasterboard must be done carefully, constantly checking the installation of parts at the level. When constructing complex, curved structures, you need to install gypsum board slabs immediately after cutting them, so as not to make a mistake.

Installing solid sheets

We fasten the panels in a checkerboard pattern


Once the structure is ready and sheathed, you can begin finishing, which is done in the following way:

  • Unstitch the seams between the sheets of material at an angle of 450. To do this, take a utility knife and cut through the edge of the material;
  • Apply primer deep penetration using a brush;
  • Mix the putty solution;
  • Use a small spatula to hammer the mortar into the seams, and use a large spatula to level the surface;
  • While the putty has not dried, stick the serpyanka and apply a second layer of mortar, so as to hide the reinforcement at the joint and leave to dry;
  • At the corners you need to install perforated elements with putty. To do this, coat the corners with the solution, press the perforated profile, check the level and coat it on all sides, trying to make the surface as even as possible;
  • Apply primer to the entire structure in two layers, allowing each subsequent layer to dry;
  • Apply base layer putty, for this take wide spatula, on which he will apply a little putty composition and, starting from the corner, stretch the composition along the wall. The process should be continued until the process is completed;
  • As soon as the first layer of putty has dried, you can apply the finishing compound and let it dry well;
  • After this, the entire structure should be sanded to perfect smoothness and primed.

The last step will be finishing, depending on the material with which you plan to decorate the plasterboard furniture with your own hands. There are a great many design options for interior items, for example, you can:

  • Paste wallpaper;
  • Apply decorative plaster;
  • Paint water-based paint to match the overall interior;
  • Decorate with decorative stone;
  • Use PVC or MDF panels.

Although drywall is inexpensive material, from it you can build various interior items that will amaze with their beauty and originality. In the photo you can see the interior design, which contains furniture from gypsum plasterboard.

Prime the surface

IN modern times people are increasingly resorting to the idea of ​​interior design with my own hands, because it helps to save the family budget and show your creative abilities. Today, a table made of plasterboard can be found quite often, because this material is relatively inexpensive and has the necessary technical characteristics, indicating that such a piece of furniture will last a long time.

Design of a figured plasterboard tabletop

To make a computer desk from plasterboard with your own hands, you should think through each stage of your actions in detail. The stages of work are as follows:

  1. Measurements. This stage is the most important, it needs to be given Special attention, because incorrect measurements can have a detrimental effect on the installation of finished elements and their connection into a single structure.
  2. Scheme. In order for the piece of furniture to turn out the way you imagine it, it is better to draw a drawing before you start assembling the table. The diagram will help prevent errors during the assembly process.
  3. Preparation of elements. To make your computer desk complete and beautiful, you need special devices And . This way, you will get even shapes, thanks to which you can assemble the product correct form.

    Design and design option computer desk from plasterboard

  4. Table installation. This stage is one of the main ones, because how correctly and accurately the installation is performed directly determines whether the computer desk will be of high quality and durable or not. To make the whole process easy and to please you with the result, you should buy special tools for drywall, which will help you effortlessly connect all the prepared parts and elements of the future piece of furniture.
  5. Frame assembly

    So that the table can be used long years, you definitely need to make a frame for drywall. This technology is used both for and for high-quality installation of a computer desk. The sequence of actions is as follows:

    Covering the frame with plasterboard

    When did it pass right time, you can start designing a computer desk. This will require special equipment and materials for drywall, which will help cut out parts of the correct shape and smooth out irregularities formed during the cutting of sheets. Frame cladding stages:

    The finished desk can serve not only as a computer desk, but also as a writing desk. The video shows the process of covering a table with plasterboard.

    Coffee table

    When there are leftovers that are a pity to throw away and are difficult to use somewhere, you can think about creating a coffee table with your own hands. This piece of furniture will add coziness to the room and help you spend time comfortably in your own fortress.

    Installation, assembly and covering are carried out according to the same principle as for a computer desk. Naturally, Coffee table has slightly different parameters and sizes.

    Each owner of a living space will be able to independently calculate how much material and what accessories will be needed for installation.

    Tools and material

    To assemble a plasterboard table with your own hands, you will need the following tools and materials:

    These materials will help you complete the work of creating a computer, desk or coffee table.

    Covered with plasterboard coffee table

    Finishing a plasterboard table

    To give the piece of furniture a complete look, it is worth considering what the table covering will be like. Drywall is a material that takes on its masses different kinds finishing. Most often, a table made of plasterboard:

    1. Covered with wood.
    2. They are pasted over with special smooth wallpaper, which gives the finished look to the product.
    3. The plasterboard product is also painted.

    Plasterboard table finishing option

    To add aesthetics and character to the finished piece of furniture, you should think about the decor. This process carried out using stones, patterns made through a stencil, wooden forms. Each owner of an apartment or house will be able to independently think about what the finished coffee or computer table will look like. Making a piece of furniture with your own efforts is exciting and interesting, and besides, you are designing a dream table that will not be trivial and special.

The easiest way to save money, but not slide into a vulgar interior, is to make furniture from plasterboard yourself.

It is easy to work with plasterboard; this material can be deformed into shapes: a wall wave made of plasterboard in the living room interior, a ceiling semicircle with lighting, a shaped headboard of a bed can be made on any object.

Photo 1 - Vanity cabinet with shelves in the bathroom interior from Nikolay Tsupikov Design Studio
Photo 2 - Original geometry of walls and ceilings using plasterboard in the interior from the Sandra Interior Design Studio
Photo 3 - False fireplace in a bright fusion interior by Inna Velichko

Socket boxes for drywall

Let's start with the banal - we'll make a hole for a socket in a sheet of plasterboard.

According to the markings, a hole is drilled in the gypsum board sheet using a mounting knife or a crown, holding the working tool strictly perpendicular to the wall surface.

Since the socket box needs to be installed tightly, it is attached to special legs, drowned in the prepared hole (the legs are pressed against inner surface GKL, screwing in the fasteners).

IMPORTANT! It's better to do hidden wiring. It is laid in channels behind the gypsum board.

External plasterboard cornice with lighting

Such a structure can only be fixed to the ceiling using metal frame, the frameless technique is not used here.

After finishing repair work Sometimes unforeseen plans arise to remodel the premises. For example, you decided to change the curtains or hang blinds. But how to hang a cornice on a gypsum board?

If in the first case the cornice for curtains was provided in advance, then in the second, when the walls are already covered with plasterboard, the cornice is attached to butterflies. The fastener is reliable both for the suspended element and for the gypsum board sheet.

Photo 4 - Hidden cornice under a light, weightless curtain in the interior from Troy Dean Interiors
Photo 5 - Multi-level ceiling, podium and wardrobe conveniently zone the room from ART-UGOL

Plasterboard shelves

The shelves can be either immersed in the thickness of the wall or independent of the cladding of the structure. Both of them can be made only on a frame basis.

GCR is not a very durable material, so when constructing the structure frame, take into account the estimated weight of the elements that will be located on the plane. For aquariums or home libraries, it is better to replace plasterboard with a more wear-resistant material. Can be on wood or stone.

IMPORTANT! It is better to make a kitchen countertop or a bathroom cabinet from acrylic plates, MDF or stone.

Photo 6 - Cozy library for a friendly family from BARRETT STUDIO architects
Photo 7 - The shelves in the bathroom are made of plasterboard and tiled from Hall-Decor
Photo 8 - Shelving and a niche for TV in the living room interior from Studio NW-Interior
Photo 9 - Light modern interior living room from the Bureau of Alexandra Fedorova
Photo 10 - There are never too many shelves in the kitchen. Interior by Vera Tarlovskaya Interiors
Photo 11 - Plasterboard shelving will help zone the space. Interior by tatiana nicol

Drywall doorways

Indoor buildings from gypsum plasterboard are made on a frame basis.

To make an arch from gypsum board, you need:

  1. dismantle the door and prepare the base of the walls for installation (clean from dirt and dry);
  2. use self-tapping screws to secure the profile for gypsum boards in the upper part of the passage;
  3. According to the measurements taken, cut out two side panels from a sheet of plasterboard and secure them with self-tapping screws to the profiles, slightly recessing the self-tapping screw;
  4. to close the void between the side panels, bend a thin sheet of drywall and attach them to the profile the desired shape self-tapping screws;
  5. the connecting corners are covered with sickle tape, puttied and sanded (treat plasterboard protrusions and gypsum board joints with reinforcing material).

Thanks to several bending methods, you can make gypsum plasterboard from a sheet:

  • oval;
  • wave;
  • circle;
  • sun with lighting for the living room;
  • flower for the nursery;
  • spiral ceiling for an office or conference room.
  • columns and podium made of flexible gypsum board.

Photo 12 - The entrance to the bathtub is made in the form of an arch in the interior from Otkidach Vera
Photo 13 - Delicate interior children's room from Roman Spiridonov
Photo 14 - Original ceiling in the nursery from N-Kub

Drywall dressing room

Floors, i.e. The frame for this type of structure is best made of wood, and it is supplemented with metal guides.

The junctions between guides and other surfaces (floor, walls, ceiling) must be lined with reinforcing mesh. Reinforcement is needed to dampen wall and floor vibrations.

The rack-mount elements of the frame are mounted in a guide profile.

IMPORTANT! How bigger wardrobe, the smaller the step should be between the profiles.

Photo 15 - You can’t do without a wardrobe in a children’s room either. Interior from SILK PLASTER
Photo 16 - Small but spacious wardrobe with mirrored fronts from Amos Goldreich Architecture

The dressing room can be sheathed in either one or two plasterboard sheet. After finishing installation work The surface of the gypsum board can be painted in any color, covered with wallpaper or plastered.

It is not necessary to allocate a free corner in the room for a wardrobe. You can use the space under the stairs. This space will be enough, the dressing room will be compact, and the stairs will be covered with sheets of plasterboard.

Using the same scheme, the hallway can be divided into zones or finished with gypsum plasterboard, the living room and kitchen, bedroom and loggia can be connected (by organizing a new partition or finishing the bay in place of the demolished wall).

Photo 17 - Drywall wardrobe in classic interior bedrooms from PlatFORM Design Studio

False fireplace made of plasterboard

To imitate a fireplace at home, use a frame made of gypsum plasterboard, in which you can embed a false fireplace (luminous panel or wall picture).

Photo 18 - A fireplace does not have to be real to create a cozy atmosphere. Interior by Rikki Snyder
Photo 19 - Fireplace in the bedroom interior from INNA ZOLTMANN
Photo 20 - Apartment in Scandinavian style from Mebius Group

Furniture and decor ideas made from plasterboard

Furniture made from plasterboard is very practical, but surfaces subject to constant mechanical loads must be made of another, more durable material. durable material. Those. It’s possible to make plasterboard cladding for an attic or a wall for a TV, but walls higher than 10 m and gypsum board shelves for the entire library collection are not.

Photo 21 - Picture gallery on the ceiling using plasterboard construction by estudio gutman lehrer
Photo 22 - Perfectly planned space from

Drywall is one of the most popular finishing materials. When renovating premises, it is used to line walls, and is used to construct arches and ceilings of various configurations. But not everyone knows that gypsum sheets are used to make furniture that is not inferior to standard furniture in quality.

Do-it-yourself plasterboard products are most often made by people with imagination, tired of the look of stereotypical interiors. In the kitchen or living room you can create a great atmosphere using plasterboard furniture.

Features, pros and cons

So, in the kitchen it is possible to construct from gypsum boards standard furniture: pencil cases, cabinets, table, niche for a TV, arches with shelves, racks and a lot of other elements. The advantage of any plasterboard product is the availability and low price material. They are also different.

  • Easy to install. Plates can be attached in a variety of ways, including with glue. The main thing is to take into account the load. The products themselves are light, which removes the heaviness from the floors.
  • Ease of finishing. The panels themselves do not create an impressive appearance, but they are easy to paint, wallpaper, tile, in other words, they lend themselves to any finishing. If damaged or dismantled, a plasterboard fragment can be replaced without much effort.
  • Furniture made from such raw materials is completely safe. She doesn't highlight harmful substances, stand to high temperatures(does not burn or melt), which allows you to run electrical cables under or on it.

At any time, a plasterboard furniture structure can be disassembled and a new model can be constructed.

  • Fragility of the material. Naturally, such interior items are designed for a certain weight, which is not recommended to be exceeded.
  • The suitability of raw materials is limited in rooms with high humidity. Even when using moisture-resistant types, they need to be auxiliary protected. Otherwise, soaking with regular condensation cannot be avoided.

It turns out that drywall has almost no downsides. It is important to choose the right material for a particular design, and then accurately produce self-installation. Then there will be no problems, and the result of the work done will please you.

High-quality structures can be placed not only in the kitchen. For example, in a bathroom or living room a built-in cabinet made of plasterboard or shelves made of this material will look stylish.

Drywall and humidity

Always present in the kitchen high humidity. However, for such an interior it is not necessary to choose raw materials with a moisture-proof coating. As a rule, kitchen units are equipped with an extractor hood, which prevents moisture from penetrating into the material.

Drywall is always finished with paint (paint, tiles, oilcloth, washable wallpaper). Through it, moisture will not reach the base. The thickness of the panels is selected based on the functions of the product, as well as taking into account the size of the working area and the strength of the frame. Interior items made of cardboard should be as functional as possible (shelves, pencil cases). As a basis for such structures, one can use load-bearing walls(arches with shelves, racks, bar counters).

How to do it yourself?

Preparation and calculation

In order for pieces of furniture to stand correctly, it is necessary to make the wall plane level. This is best done using the same raw materials from which the furniture will be made - plasterboard.

Let's consider what actions need to be taken for this.

  • First you need to calculate the difference in surface roughness. A flat strip is applied to the wall (perpendicular to the floor). If the gaps are less than 1 cm, then the panels can be mounted without profiles. In other cases, a frame is required.
  • Metal profiles are fixed along the marked lines. Jumpers are installed between them, preferably more often.
  • All communications can be hidden in the constructed frame made of metal profiles ( electric wires, water pipes), but this must be taken care of in advance. It is also permissible (if required) to insulate the wall.
  • The gypsum sheet is fixed to the walls with self-tapping screws, which go 1 mm into the thickness of the sheets. The panels must be tightly joined to each other.
  • All that remains is to give the walls the proper appearance. Putty the seams and screw caps. The surface must be covered in some way. Now you can start designing the necessary products.

Wardrobe with shelves

To make a cabinet with regular design You will need some materials and tools. Later they will be needed when constructing other objects.

  • Aluminum profile for frame assembly.
  • Plasterboard sheets 1.2 cm thick. Depending on the place of application, you need to choose whether to use moisture resistant or not.
  • A jigsaw or saw with a disk for cutting material.
  • Drill with hammer mode.
  • Screwdriver and screws.
  • Square, building level, tape measure.
  • Protective equipment: respirator, gloves, goggles.

It’s a good idea to have a diagram of the future product - the work will go faster with it, since the dimensions will not need to be double-checked, and all the details can be done in advance.

Assembly process.

  • First they fasten vertical racks from the profile to the wall. Next, horizontal crossbars are attached to the floor and ceiling. A damper strip is laid under the aluminum (optional), which will act as a shock absorber, preventing vibration.
  • If the rack is not made to reach the ceiling, then a frame is built on top. The result should be a parallelepiped-shaped frame made of aluminum components.
  • To strengthen the entire structure, it is equipped with jumpers (especially the side planes). They must be placed around the perimeter where shelves are supposed to be made.
  • Places for inserting light fixtures are marked in advance. For them, a double frame is made in the required places. Holes are also made there for the wires to exit.
  • The resulting “skeleton” is covered with panels. Drywall sheets are cut into blanks of exact sizes, taking into account that the edges of the fragments should be located in the middle of the profile. The workpieces are screwed using a screwdriver onto self-tapping screws.

The rack can be equipped with doors, but it is better to order them in finished form. The finished product is initially puttied and then decorated.


Need to take profiles required size. They need to be trimmed and then numbered. Holes for fastening are made in a separate profile. Metal elements They are fixed to the wall one by one according to the markings, keeping the level. To do this, use a measuring tool. To make the frame, the guides are formed from two profiles - one is inserted into the other. Jumpers located horizontally to strengthen the upper plane are also made double. Each skeleton fragment is checked for evenness of the surface.

Frame base must be reinforced with double spacers. A pair of spacers are fixed with self-tapping screws at an equal horizontal distance. This is done by dividing the total height into 3 equal parts.

Vertical amplifiers are installed on the sides. The lintels on the top should be positioned taking into account the placement of the sink. To do this, make a washbasin template from thick cardboard and it is used to determine where the amplifiers will be mounted.

For the surface under the sink you will need 2 identical plasterboard elements. They are cut according to the size of the body. One part should be fixed on the top surface, and the other horizontally (below it). Next, the prepared models under the washbasin are attached to the lower and upper fragments of plasterboard. Carefully cut out a cavity for the sink.

For the sides of the product, blanks are needed (according to the size of the areas to be sheathed). First, the drywall is fixed with glue, then secured with self-tapping screws. They are screwed in every 20 cm. From below, the workpieces should not reach the floor to avoid getting wet. They are made half a centimeter shorter. The side walls are covered with panels on both sides - outside and inside. The ends are sewn up with plasterboard strips using glue and screws.

At the end of the work, you need to sand all the corners of the product with sandpaper, then treat the structure with a primer and finish it.

Bar counter

There is nothing complicated in making a stand. The only difficulty may arise if it is planned with a curved surface. But this is easy to do from drywall.

  • The wall is designed in the same way as for a cabinet with shelves. The structure itself is not high, so there is no need for reinforcing jumpers in the frame.
  • It is necessary to bend the main skeleton guides to duplicate the desired configuration. One part is attached to the floor, and the second is screwed onto the racks as the top trim.
  • Metal is easy to deform, but still, slots are made on the profile to bend the desired arc. With drywall, this process is much more difficult, since it is fragile and can break.
  • To prevent this from happening, you must perform the following steps: use a needle roller to walk over back side parts, then wet it with a wet sponge. The moistened workpiece acquires elasticity and can bend in any direction.