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Which carpet to choose, natural and synthetic. What and how is artificial turf made from?

Each person treats carpet differently - for some it is a complete problem that requires daily cleaning, while for others it’s a soft, warm and homely floor covering that you can’t imagine better. In general, opinions differ radically and there are reasons for this - flooring this type of mass various advantages and disadvantages that some people can tolerate and others cannot. In many ways, the list of advantages and disadvantages depends on the type of carpet - so right choice This material is of no small importance. We will talk about it in this article, in which, together with the website, we will study the types of carpet and understand their advantages and disadvantages.

Types of carpet for home photo

How carpet flooring works

Like everything ingenious, carpet has a very simple structure and consists of three main parts, each of which has its own task. Moreover, all these components have a direct impact on the classification of a given material for finishing the floor.

  1. The basis. If we draw an analogy with a carpet, then the base is the fabric that the pile clings to. It is the base that makes it possible to produce this type of floor covering the right size, and she is the one link all carpet elements.
  2. Pile. This is the most important element carpet, which is responsible for the quality and characteristics of the floor covering. Based on the type of pile, in most cases the types of this floor covering are determined.
  3. Latex gasket. A protective and stabilizing element of the carpet - on the one hand, it prevents the base material from crumpling, and on the other, it prevents moisture from penetrating into the carpet from the subfloor.

Some types of flooring of this type may also contain a fourth element - an insulating lining. In most cases, this is felt, which allows you to use carpet on particularly cold subfloors - for example, on a concrete base. If we are talking about laying carpet on a wooden floor, then the presence of a felt lining can be considered optional. In principle, to take care of the warmth of your feet, carpet manufacturers additionally produce such a covering element as, which you can read about in our other article.

Types of carpet photos

Carpet characteristics: synthetic or natural product

The main criterion that allows us to divide flooring into types is the type of materials used - natural, so to speak, natural components or completely synthetic. You shouldn’t make hasty conclusions and say that natural materials are better - this is a double-edged sword, as they say, and natural wool carpet has both advantages and a lot of disadvantages.

The only thing wrong with synthetic carpet is its vapor-proof ability - it does not conduct moisture. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other, not so good - over time, dampness may develop underneath it. But this is only if the premises have high humidity. By the way, the same thing, only to an even greater extent, happens under (including under natural), but at this moment for some reason many people turn a blind eye.

Types of carpet pile: which one to choose

As many as three or even four types of pile can be found on a modern carpet - at a minimum, these differences ensure the appearance of the floor covering, and at maximum they guarantee quality characteristics material.

Combined pile. This type of carpet is considered the most promising - its pile combines both solid loops and cut ones. They can have different lengths, which gives very great possibilities in terms of design. This is a technologically complex carpet, which is undoubtedly reflected in its cost.

Types of carpet for the home: production methods

Another factor that allows us to divide carpet flooring into types is the method of its manufacture. In this regard, we can highlight the following types carpet

Needle-punched carpet is very durable and resistant to stress - its pile is so short and dense that it is called lint-free carpet. Thanks to its characteristics, it is widely used in enterprises and public buildings - this is, so to speak, a commercial carpet that cannot be demolished.

And to conclude the topic about types of carpet, I’ll say a few words about one more thing important criterion, which allows you to divide this floor covering into a couple of types - this is a method of coloring the pile. In one case, it can be dyed after being woven into the base, and in another, already dyed pile can be woven into the base, the color of which is given during its production. Last option is very resistant and durable - the pattern and color of such carpet lasts for a very long time, and this point cannot be ignored when choosing flooring for both home and office.

Carpet(carpeting) - a soft floor covering intended for covering the entire room.

Unlike a carpet, which has a finished pattern and a certain size, carpet is roll material with unlimited length and fine repeating pattern.

Today, carpet is a covering with a pile. It has excellent dirt-repellent properties and is practically insensitive to moisture. The pile can be low, medium, and high. Thanks to this, carpet is used in both commercial and residential premises.

Natural or synthetic carpet?

Important characteristics of carpetis the composition of the yarn used to make it.

Natural carpet (wool)

Wool , partially or completely natural, is highly durable, easy to dye and widely distributed. If the wool contains artificial fibers, e.g. nylon , its strength increases. The standard ratio of natural wool to synthetics is 80% and 20%, respectively. Wool is a relatively expensive material.

Pros and cons of carpet

  • comfort, warmth, softness
  • good noise absorption
  • low flammability
  • excellent elasticity
  • reducing the load on the spine when walking
  • wealth of colors
  • ease of care
  • rapid wear and high cost
  • the likelihood of moths, ticks, insect larvae, for which wool is the best food
  • possible Negative influence for allergy sufferers.

Synthetic carpet

Synthetic carpetget as a result chemical treatment. This type of flooring has a number of advantages, namely: resistance to stress and abrasion, and natural resistance to moths. Carpet made from synthetic fibers may include: nylon, polyester, polypropylene and polyacrylic. The most reliable and practical material for making synthetic carpet is nylon. Coverings containing nylon are particularly soft, thanks to which the original shape of the carpet is preserved. In other words synthetic surface made of nylon does not fade, does not wear out and can withstand significant loads.

Pros and cons of carpet

  • resistant to loads (stretching, bending, twisting) and abrasion floor covering
  • soft, does not lose color during use
  • holds the pile well
  • not susceptible to bacteria and fungi.
  • They attract dust and dirt faster than any other coating, so they tend to quickly become greasy and dirty.
  • It is not recommended to wet carpets; it is advisable not to spill anything on them and not to lay them in the bathroom, near the pool, etc.
  • Carpeting is very difficult to remove stains from, most often spilled wine, paint, ink, etc. leave marks on it and deteriorate its appearance.

Types of carpet

According to the manufacturing method, carpet can be divided into several types:

  • woven;
  • tufted;
  • needle-punched;
  • wicker.

Woven carpet

Woven carpet
— as a rule, they are used in hotels, offices, billiard rooms, and will also fit perfectly into the home interior. Almost no different from the carpets we are used to. The production technology is quite complex, the process is lengthy, and the price of the finished coating is quite high. However, its undoubted advantages are strength and durability, and, of course, rich appearance.

The pile is used both woolen and synthetic. Most often, woven carpet has one level of pile, but it is also found with multi-level pile. In the production of the latter, fibers and yarn compressed by heating can be used. The structure can also be different depending on the yarn used: hard, soft, twisted or combined.

If you look at a piecewoven carpeton the cut, we will see that it consists of 3 layers:

  • directly the woven material itself with a pile, which can be made from both natural (wool, silk, linen, jute, cotton, etc.) and artificial fibers (polypropylene, polyamide, polyester, etc.);
  • a fixing layer made of latex, polyvinyl chloride, acetate and other substances;
  • a secondary base that will be in contact with the floor. The secondary backing is most often latex foam or artificial felt. It gives elasticity coating , prevents shrinkage carpet in the process of caring for it, improves its sound and thermal insulation properties.

Tufted carpet

Tufted carpet is produced by tufting - a carpet production technique in which the raw materials from which the carpet is made are inserted into the primary textile base using a needle and thus the outer layer of the carpet is formed. The design possibilities for tufted carpet are truly numerous. on his inside usually found either whitefelt, which contributes to even greater sound and thermal insulation, as well as greater comfort of the carpet, or the so-calledAB mesh, which helps ensure that the original size and shape of the carpet is preserved for a long time after it is laid in the room.

The length of the pile also varies; covering with pile or loops is possible different lengths, depending on the class of the machine used, the pile is thinner or denser. So one of the advantages of tufted carpet is its diversity. This type of flooring is the cheapest among carpets, thanks to less expensive production technology, and in terms of reliability and durability it is almost as good as its carpet counterparts.

Needle-punched carpet

Needle-punched carpet is a textile floor covering that is produced using a technique called “needle-punching”. The layered fibers are first entangled and intertwined using needles, and then the final structure of the product is formed using additional needle punching. The design possibilities of needle-punched carpet are less compared to tufted carpet. On its inner side you can most often see orrubber, which remarkably prevents slipping, orlatex, which sticks and strengthens back side needle-punched carpet


  • Needle-punched carpet has no pile - this is a significant advantage of the product over other types of coverings. Firstly, the dense thread base prevents liquid and dirt from getting deep into the coating, which makes it easy to remove even fairly large “problem” stains. Most often, regular wet cleaning is sufficient to remove dirt.
  • Secondly, the absence of pile and the presence of a rubberized base is a guarantee that the carpet will not be subject to deformation during use. Even high-traffic areas and “traces” from furniture legs are not afraid of this coating.

Flocked carpet

The basis for this coating is polyvinyl, the pile height is usually about 3 mm. Among the advantages, flock carpet has:

  • Low cost,
  • Good sound insulation,
  • Wear resistance and strength.

The production method is called flocking: the fibers are tightly aligned on a base using an electrostatic device and secured.

This coating is well suited for wet areas, since it is almost not afraid of moisture. But cleaning it is not very convenient, so it is better to choose a dark-colored coating.

Choosing a carpet base

The following materials are used to make carpet bases:

  • jute;
  • felt;
  • rubber;
  • foam base;
  • felt base.

Jute backed carpet

Natural jute is natural material. It is environmentally friendly, but has a number of disadvantages: the fibers wear out quickly, are susceptible to rotting, and mold may even appear if there is excessive moisture. If moisture or water gets under a carpet with a base made of natural jute, then the entire covering will subsequently warp. It is not recommended to lay carpet with a jute base on parquet board, there will definitely be scratches on it.

Artificial jute is made from synthetic fibers. It is moisture-resistant, does not shrink, is wear-resistant, however, does not tolerate frequent cleaning by using washing vacuum cleaner. The material is rigid, which can cause damage to the top layer of the flooring: parquet, laminate, linoleum.

Rubber backed carpet

For rooms where the floor is exposed to large and frequent mechanical loads, rubber-based carpeting should be installed. This type of carpet is produced using the needle-punched method. It has increased strength and elasticity; thanks to the needle-punched pile, it perfectly retains its shape and is easy to clean. Thanks to the rubber base, the carpet is resistant to water, its noise, sound and heat insulation is the best among all types of carpet. The rubber-based carpet surface is soft and elastic, which ensures comfort when walking on it. In addition, this carpet can be used outdoors.

If you lay a rubber-based carpet on the parquet, the parquet will swell.

Felt-backed carpet

Natural felt is a material from the past. Now its artificial analogue is popular. The artificial felt base has good noise-absorbing, dust-repellent and heat-insulating properties. Felt-based carpet is easy to cut, install and does not “crumble”. It is easier to care for than the same covering on natural felt; it can be wetted when cleaning. And, although it costs much more than natural carpet, modern carpets are often produced on its basis. The material based on natural felt is warm and soft, but difficult to care for, capricious and has the same disadvantages as natural jute.

Foam carpet

An alternative to rubber was latex, which began to be used as soft and solid foundation for carpet. This base is also called foamed. Foam-based carpet has excellent heat, noise and sound insulation characteristics. It provides high level comfortable walking and durability of the coating itself. To impart fire-resistant and dust-repellent properties to latex, add special additives. But unlike the rubber base, latex has a short service life - about 6 years, after which it loses elasticity, cracks and crumbles. Regardless of personal preferences and wishes, carpet should be selected according to intended purpose premises. Not only the type of carpet, but also the amount that will be spent on it will depend on this. The carpet itself is quite unpretentious in installation and does not require overhaul grounds. Of course some preparatory work You will still have to carry out leveling of the surface, but they will be insignificant. Perhaps the only places where you should not use carpet are the bathroom, kitchen and toilet, due to the constant high humidity. In all other rooms, carpet will cope with all tasks as a floor covering.

The flooring market is growing different options finishing material. Parquet, laminate, linoleum or marble tiles - all this looks expensive and beautiful. However, carpet is the warmest, softest and original coating for floor decoration. At the same time, carpet in the interior performs not only a decorative function, but also copes with the following tasks:

  • Insulation of the floor of the room (especially if there is a substrate);
  • Good sound absorption and sound insulation.

Important: if you decide to choose this material for your room, then study as much information as possible about it, study the types of carpet and their advantages. So you can choose the most best option coverings.

Advantages of carpet

Floor carpeting is a roll woven from artificial or natural pile intended for flooring. This material has many advantages:

  • Versatility. Thanks to its wide range of applications, it can be used in both domestic and commercial spaces, creating a wide variety of designs.
  • Durability. The use of synthetic threads and the woven method of producing the cover guarantees a long service life of the material.
  • Heat and sound insulation properties, due to the ability of textile components to smooth out harsh sounds.

How carpet is made

Carpet production is carried out in several ways and each of them has its pros and cons. Let's take a closer look:

  • Needle-punched. The simplest technology is considered to be needle-punched. The technology for producing such a floor covering is that a machine with needles constantly beats a synthetic mass of polypropylene, polyamide, glue and rubber, gluing a short length of synthetic thread to it and turning it all into a material with small synthetic loops along the top layer. After the coating hardens, it is rolled up, knocked down like felting and rolled out again. As a result, we have exclusively synthetic flooring suitable for use under heavy load conditions. Most often, this material is used in commercial premises (exhibition halls, cinemas, airports, etc.). The advantages of such a coating include high strength, resistance to abrasion and fading, the possibility of wet cleaning, and relatively low cost.

  • Flocked. Here, the production technology consists of applying fibers to a polyvinyl chloride base under the influence of electrostatics. As a result, we have a short-pile carpet intended for use in rooms with high humidity(bathroom and toilet, pool dressing rooms, etc.).

  • Tufted. In this case, natural or synthetic threads are used, which are inserted into the base of the coating using a needle and secured there. WITH outside loops of the given height remain. Alternatively, the loops are either cut during the manufacturing process, forming a soft pile, or remain in in its original form. This flooring looks great in a home environment, as evidenced by numerous reviews. The material is warm, beautiful, cozy. However, cleaning the coating requires certain dexterity and skills.

  • Woven carpet is the most expensive type of covering. Equated to a hand-woven carpet. The production technology consists of weaving threads of the desired shade into a pattern and attaching them to a strong jute base by tying knots on the reverse side. The final stage of production is cutting the pile. We get soft, beautiful and natural material, suitable for use in domestic conditions.

Coating by material type

Natural or synthetic pile is used to make carpet flooring. In the first case, wool, linen, cotton or jute are used. This coating has good breathability and ability to retain heat. The disadvantages include high cost and a relatively shorter service life.

In the case of artificial pile, olefin, polyacrylic, nylon and polyester are used. Nylon material is considered the softest, as can be judged by customer reviews. Life time artificial material ranges from 5 to 15 years depending on the density of the pile and its height.

Carpets by name and wear resistance class

On modern market finishing materials presented various options carpet And you can judge them by their name. Knowing them, you can understand the type and type of material for your home or office:

  • Carpet "Scroll". Type of material with beautiful twisted loop pile different heights. This coating has a wear resistance class of 21-34 and is used in residential areas with high traffic.
  • Velor coating. A soft carpet based on short cut pile up to 8 mm high. Material class - 21-31. The covering is used for children's and other living rooms.
  • "Frieze." This type of flooring has a long loop or cut pile different thicknesses. Class 31 allows the material to be used in living rooms, bedrooms and other domestic premises.
  • "Katlup." It has a pile of loops of different lengths. Suitable for bedroom. Wear resistance class - 25.
  • "Saxony". This material is made of grain-structured yarn, has a low height and is suitable for use in high-traffic areas. Class - 31.

Popular manufacturers

There are several main carpet manufacturers on the modern market.

  • German company Dura famous high quality manufactured products. One of the distinguishing characteristics of Dura carpet is its ability to be non-absorbent. unpleasant odors. Products from German manufacturer conquered Europe and Asia.
  • Desso carpet from a Dutch manufacturer is famous for its wear-resistant qualities. In addition, the company uses a dirt-resistant coating in its production, which ensures the excellent appearance of the material for many years. Desso carpet can also be used in commercial premises with high traffic.
  • Coatings from the English company Brintons are exclusively woven. And the structure of the carpet consists of only 20% nylon and 80% wool. During the production process, the coating pile is treated with special anti-moth and anti-allergenic compounds.

In this case, you can choose the material according to appearance, and in price.

Often, when choosing a carpet, many questions arise: which carpet to choose - natural or synthetic? What do they have in common and how are they different? What criteria should you use to navigate and what should you give preference to? Let's try to figure it out by making a small comparison of their properties.

This is a soft roll material, its generally accepted standard size(width) is 3; 3.5; 4 meters, there are practically no restrictions on length. Carpet flooring is divided not only by type of production, pile, but also by place of application - into household and commercial.

The first is used for flooring in apartments and small offices with low traffic. The second is designed for rooms with high loads.

There are two types of carpet - synthetic and natural. By the way, to make the carpet “natural”, it is enough to add at least 10% wool content to the composition. The price category of the product depends on this indicator.

There is also a so-called mixed look. It is a mixture of several synthetic components. Sometimes wool is also included in the composition.


The most durable of the materials used in production. It is quite wear-resistant. Cannot be deformed. But it is capable of accumulating static charges - this is a minus.


Has excellent resistance to mechanical stress and fire safety. In elasticity it is inferior to natural.


One of the best components for making flooring. It has excellent resistance to stains (all except oil stains), good resistance to moisture and UV rays. Negative aspects: flammability and fragility.

Nylon carpet is considered the most wear-resistant and has the longest service life - up to 15 years.

Types of fibers and production technologies

The pile is divided by length (short, medium, high) and by production method. Its minimum length is 5 – 40 mm.

Manufacturing methods:

  • Woven - produced by weaving plain and multi-colored yarn according to the principle of making a carpet;
  • Tufting - a needle and thread are passed through a specialized base. In this case, a loop of a fixed length remains on the outside;
  • Needle-punched - the fibrous base is repeatedly pierced with special needles, capturing the fibers of the base;
  • Flocking is the most technologically advanced method. Due to electrolysis, the fibers become vertical and literally melt into the base.

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. Environmental friendliness. Does not emit odor, hypoallergenic.
  2. Firmness, elasticity, aesthetics. Thanks to the addition of wool natural carpet retains an attractive appearance for a long time.
  3. Noise and heat insulation properties, which gives additional comfort;
  4. Fire safety.
  5. Minimal risk of injury. Perfect for children's rooms and play areas.
  6. Large selection of textures (textures) and colors.

Negative qualities:

  1. Price. The higher the percentage of content natural ingredients in pile, the higher the cost.
  2. High maintenance requirements - collects a lot of dust.
  3. Capable of accumulating static electricity.

Carpet made from artificial components is very similar to natural carpet in many ways.

  1. Environmental friendliness. Synthetic carpet is non-toxic.
  2. Doesn't need any additional processing against insects, since the coating is initially immune to moths and dust mites.
  3. Durability – slightly longer than natural in terms of service life. Wear resistance directly depends on the type. For example, a carpet made of nylon (polyamide) will last up to approximately 15 years, from polyester - up to 8 years, from polypropylene - up to 5, from acrylic - up to 8 years.
  4. The color of the pile is more uniform compared to its natural counterpart.
  5. Relatively low cost.
  6. Variety of collections.

The disadvantages are the same as natural coating: collects a large number of dust, medium difficulty in care.

What to choose

The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing carpet is the intended installation location. A carpet with a rubberized base and short pile is best suited for the hallway, as it is easier to clean.

In the living room, synthetic medium-pile is popular. In the bedroom, nursery or play areas It is recommended to choose natural with medium or high pile.

Worth your time Special attention drawing and color, because if you successfully “play” with color scheme, you can visually expand or narrow the space, highlight any zones.

For a room with high traffic, it is worth choosing a coating with a harder surface; for an ordinary living room, a softer one is acceptable.

When choosing a natural or synthetic carpet, you should take into account many factors: the intended location of the flooring, the risk of allergic reactions, the presence of pets, requirements for the characteristics of the flooring, etc.

Carpet is a floor covering that appeared in the middle of the last century. The idea of ​​its production belongs to an American engineer who invented a method for creating carpets from synthetic threads.

It is unlikely that anyone will argue about the importance of flooring. It should not only be pleasant to use and practical, but also add its own flavor to the general interior rooms, create an appropriate mood, fill the space with warmth, and correspond to the functional purpose.

Differences between carpet and carpet

  1. Carpet is sold in large rolls, so its width is uncertain. The carpet is sold in narrow rolls.
  2. Carpets and rugs have a finished pattern; carpet either does not have one at all, or it is a small, repeating pattern.
  3. The carpet can be washed, the carpet can only be wet cleaned or cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.
  4. The palace costs one and a half to two times less than carpet.
  5. In the rug, unlike carpet, there is no pile. Weaving techniques are used in its production.
  6. The carpet is designed to cover the floor of the entire room; the rug can serve as a decorative element.
  7. The carpet is bought with already processed edges, the carpet is processed after purchase.
  8. The carpet is fixed to the floor using special glue, and the carpet is also placed under the baseboard.
  9. Another difference between carpet and carpet is that the carpet is either placed on the floor or hung on the wall, but carpet is practically not used for walls in a house, except as a decorative element.
  10. Carpet is the main covering and is often laid directly on concrete screed. For a rug or carpet, only a finished floor is acceptable.

What types of carpet are there?

Let's see what types of carpet are found on the market today.

By manufacturing method

Carpet happens synthetic And natural .

In the manufacture of synthetic carpet the following is used:

  • Nylon/polyamide. This type of carpet is easy to clean, does not fade, holds the pile well, and there are no dents on the covering made of this material. Will last 10-15 years.
  • Acrylic/polyester. One of the inexpensive ones. Serves up to eight years.
  • Polypropylene. It is easy to clean, but the quality of the carpet is poor and lasts no more than five years.
  • Supreme terclone. They have good properties: soft, heat and sound insulating. Can last up to 5 – 8 years.

Natural pile carpet has the following properties:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • good elasticity, elasticity;
  • does not lose color when exposed to sunlight;
  • no synthetic shine;
  • low moisture resistance and wear resistance;
  • high cost, compared to synthetic thread carpet.

By type of materials

Rubber backed carpet

Such models are considered the most practical and low maintenance. It does not have a completed pattern on the surface, so it is considered a strict official coating. Often used in commercial establishments.

Main characteristics:

  • reliability and durability;
  • convenience and practicality;
  • relatively low price;
  • high technology;
  • resistance to mechanical loads, moisture, and other negative factors;
  • high level of wear resistance;
  • works well as a sound insulator and heat insulator.

All this becomes possible thanks to the special composition during production. It is this composition that can provide a number of the above-mentioned characteristics.

bottom layer– durable synthetic fibers which provide ease of installation.

Second layer- rubber layer. It is responsible for wear resistance and also repels moisture.

Third layer– fixing, ensures adhesion between the rubber and the last layer.

Fourth layer – consisting of textile pile, responsible for the aesthetic appearance. The pile can be fastened according to different technologies. The most reliable method is needle-punched. The villi are secured by being pulled through the base. Pile height, softness, color may vary. Thanks to this, the range of rubber-based carpets can be very wide.

Felt-backed carpet

The process of making felt carpet consists of preparing the base of the felt and fixing the pile into it.

Nowadays, natural felt is a material from the past. It is being replaced by a synthetic one. It is made from polypropylene fibers, on top of which a special coating is applied, as a result of which the material’s resistance to moisture and dust increases. Artificial carpet has good characteristics:

  • perfectly absorbs noise;
  • easy to clean;
  • perfectly laid;
  • cuts well without fraying;
  • it can be wetted;
  • is an excellent heat insulator.

The material based on natural felt is warm and soft, but does not tolerate cleaning with water, has low wear resistance, and is difficult to maintain. At increased loads it is better to abandon it.

Jute backed carpet

Carpet on a jute base is characterized by increased wear resistance.

Its base resembles a mesh woven from strong threads, which allows the coating to withstand enormous loads, so its service life is longer compared to other coatings. Depending on the height of the pile, the carpet can be single-level, when the pile is the same height. This type of carpet often comes with a synthetic jute lining. The second type is multi-level, when the pile is used at different heights, thus obtaining a coating with a beautiful relief pattern. This pile is softer and therefore suitable for residential premises.

The only disadvantage of jute covering is that jute slides on a smooth base, for example, if flooring made of laminate or lined with ceramic tiles. However, laying the coating is carried out by fixing it under the baseboards; if this work is done correctly, the coating will not slip.

Along the length of the pile

Low pile carpet

There are two types of low-pile carpet:

  1. Petlevoy. This type of carpet is easy to clean and resistant to wear. However, it must be cleaned regularly, since dirt that has penetrated deep into the hinges is difficult to remove.
  2. Velours. This type of carpet has a pile up to 8 mm long. After cutting, the pile fluffs up and has a uniform, velvet-like surface. Sometimes it is very soft. This carpet is intended for the home. Or maybe elastic, hard - this is an office option. Carpet is also used in cinema halls, both on the floor and on the walls for sound insulation, and in recording studios. The carpet can be plain or have a small pattern. As a rule, on a plain color any stains or dirt are more noticeable.

Low-pile coating is wear-resistant, since its pile is welded together high temperature, it resembles springs sticking out in all directions.

High pile carpet

Also a very popular type of coating, characterized by softness, warmth and safety.

  • Such a coating is convenient because it does not require perfect installation. Smooth surface, put it on parquet, linoleum, and even on concrete base. It is not suitable only for the bathroom and kitchen, since air humidity in these rooms is high.
  • If you plan to lay carpet on expensive coverage, for example, parquet, it is better to take felt-based carpet, since its base is soft and will not scratch the parquet, unlike other types of carpet. A good base, in turn, will protect the carpet from premature wear. It is appropriate to lay a felt carpet in a room where there is not much traffic and warmth is needed: in the bedroom, in the office.
  • If you plan to carpet a room with high traffic, give preference to rubber, as it has the highest wear resistance. It is also suitable for summer areas, public buildings, to premises for organizing corporate events and exhibitions.
  • Due to its increased wear resistance, jute carpet is suitable for commercial purposes; it is installed in offices and public institutions.
  • Low-pile carpet is wear-resistant. They can be used in rooms that are most susceptible to contamination, since such coatings are easy to clean. It would be appropriate to lay them in the corridor or hallway.
  • Look also at the density of the product - the denser the material, the better coverage in every way. So, for the bedroom, a low-density carpet is suitable, and for the living room, choose a medium-density carpet.
  • Pay attention to the coloring too. The highest quality dyeing is done when the threads themselves are dyed. If the pile is not dyed down to the base, it may be a cheap carpet that they are trying to sell as expensive.
  • As for the length of the pile, it depends on the room in which you plan to cover it. High pile wrinkles quickly, so high pile carpet is suitable for a bedroom or nursery. For the living room it is better to take a medium pile or multi-level one. When choosing flooring for your hallway, give preference to low-pile carpet.

Let's talk separately about choosing carpet for a children's room.. In this case, it is worth considering:

  1. The coating should be soft. Since children love to play on the floor, you can avoid injury to them this way.
  2. Thermal insulation properties - carpet with this property will help avoid colds.
  3. Non-flammability, antistatic properties, in addition, carpet should not cause allergies in children.
  4. Since children often dirty the floor, the carpet must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt.
  5. Strength and stability are also important indicators.
  6. For very young children, the cheerful colors of the coating will help create the necessary emotional background.

For a child's room, it is better to choose a synthetic-based coating, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. This coating does not cause allergies, is easy to clean, attractive and warm. The best manufacturers coverings for children are considered to be the USA and Western Europe.