home · electrical safety · Roof boiler room in an apartment building: SNiP, requirements, reviews. Autonomous roof boiler room. How to choose reliable roof boiler systems Boiler room on the roof of a multi-storey building

Roof boiler room in an apartment building: SNiP, requirements, reviews. Autonomous roof boiler room. How to choose reliable roof boiler systems Boiler room on the roof of a multi-storey building

Every year the cost utilities, be it electricity or, is growing rapidly. Unfortunately, this is happening both due to the usual inflation and rising energy prices, and because of the banal greed of service providers. That is why today more and more more people They are looking for an alternative that will allow them to reduce fees, which, apparently, will become simply unaffordable in a few years.

Autonomous boiler room in apartment building

And many people find a solution to this problem. One boiler room per apartment building is able to fully satisfy the needs of all residents, providing them with high-quality heating, as well as supply required quantity hot water. However, installing your own autonomous boiler room is an extremely serious decision that cannot be made without thinking everything through and weighing the pros and cons a hundred times. And for this you should know both the pros and cons this decision.

So, you are thinking about the possibility of installing your own boiler room, which would heat the entire apartment building and supply hot water to each of the apartments. What advantages and disadvantages should you know about in order to make the right decision that will not make you regret it in the future?

Diagram of a heating system in an apartment building

First, it’s worth talking about the shortcomings, since there are significantly fewer of them.

This concludes the main disadvantages of an autonomous boiler room. Of course, they are very significant, which is why today not every home has a mini-boiler room installed. But still, the number of such mini boiler houses is growing rapidly. Why? Due to the following advantages of independent heating.

  1. Complete independence from city monopolists in housing and communal services. Everyone knows very well that in every city there is only one company that provides heating and hot water services to residential apartment buildings. And they can increase the cost of their services almost uncontrollably. If you install your own boiler room, then the monopolists will no longer have leverage over you.
  2. Reducing heat loss to a minimum. As practice shows, passing through many kilometers of heating mains, the coolant ( hot water) loses up to 30% of the received heat (depending on the distance from the city boiler house). Example of heat loss in an apartment building

    And end consumers also have to pay for this heat. In autonomous heating systems, heat loss is measured in fractions of a percent. So due to this, the payment is reduced by a third.

  3. A boiler room that heats one house, not thousands, is easy to set up. If the apartments become too hot, you can easily reduce fuel consumption, and on frosty days - increase it. Thanks to this, the temperature in the rooms will always be optimal, suiting each of the inhabitants. There is no need to ventilate the premises, lowering the temperature and at the same time releasing heat to the street, for which a lot of money was paid. But at the same time, you won’t have to use additional heat sources (electric heaters) to maintain enough high temperature in the apartment.
  4. To be contained in perfect order, it is enough to hire one dispatcher who monitors the readings of all instruments, as well as one or two visiting adjusters who are involved only when breakdowns are detected. If your house is connected to the city heating main, you will have to pay for the services of not only dozens (or even hundreds) of ordinary installers, but also hundreds of accountants, directors, their deputies, secretaries, drivers and many others. This also saves a lot of money.
  5. In most cases, connected to the city heating plant, it starts from October 15 and ends by April 15. And even if autumn and spring are unusually cold or warm for a given area, change the start and end dates heating season no one will.
    Therefore, in the off-season, apartments are often too hot or too cold. The presence of an autonomous boiler room allows you to turn the heating on and off exactly when necessary. Most often, such decisions are made by the council of residents of the building. Of course, this allows you not only to reduce heating costs, but also to maintain optimal temperature in the rooms, regardless of the temperature outside the walls of the house.

What conclusion can be drawn from all of the above?

An autonomous boiler room needs more attention and constant care from residents or specially hired specialists.

But it allows you to save a lot of money every month. Therefore, all initial costs will be compensated quite quickly, and very soon you will notice that you have free money that previously went to pay utility bills.

Where should the boiler room be located?

A very serious issue is correct location boiler room Most often, in apartment buildings, boiler rooms are installed either on the roof or in the basement. provide for the presence of the latter only in the basement or.

True, sometimes you can also see boiler rooms located in small buildings located a few tens of meters from the house. This can be a good solution: there is no need to lift and install equipment on the roof of the building, but at the same time there is no threat of explosion due to fuel leakage and its accumulation in the basement of the building.

But still, this method is not very popular: the need for additional construction, pouring the foundation and carrying out a large amount of earthwork scares off many potential owners of autonomous heating boilers. Therefore, only two options are usually considered - a boiler on the roof and in the basement. And it’s worth talking about them in a little more detail.

This is what a boiler room looks like on the roof

What is good about a boiler room in the basement?

Installing a boiler room in the basement usually causes significantly less hassle and problems: there is no need to lift equipment weighing many centners onto the roof of a five-story (or higher) building. In addition, there is no need to carry out a series of complex calculations to determine whether the roof will withstand additional load, and if not, then how much and how best to strengthen the load-bearing structures.

However, there are certain restrictions: the boiler room in the basement should not operate on explosive fuel.

Therefore, gas and diesel boilers cannot be installed in the basement. The fact is that the fire and explosion of fuel tanks in the basement of the building threatens the integrity of everything apartment building, as well as the life and health of residents. Only solid fuel and electric boilers can be installed in the basement.

An example of a boiler room in the basement of a house

The latter is inconvenient because high cost electricity: the cost of maintaining an electric heating boiler is almost impossible to recoup. Solid fuel ones are difficult to maintain: fuel (wood, coke, coal, peat) must be loaded manually, 2 to 4 times a day.

It is also worth noting that when installing a boiler room in the basement serious problems may occur when Its top point should be higher than the house in the basement of which the boiler room is installed, as well as higher than the houses located nearby. Although some take this problem into account.

Traditional schemes for organizing heating infrastructure are not without alternative. New technological approaches are characterized by energy efficiency and the ability to provide autonomy. According to these principles, in particular, a roof boiler room is implemented. In an apartment building, it allows you to optimize heat losses, increasing energy savings by 25-30%. Of course, there are also disadvantages to this solution, which are expressed both in the difficulties of technical implementation and in the strict requirements of regulatory rules.

Concept of an autonomous roof boiler house

The roof heating system is organized in the appropriate technical room, located on the top or one of the top floors. Often, for such purposes, special premises and utility blocks are built, designed specifically for the needs of accommodation heating equipment. From the boiler room, communication circuits are distributed throughout the house to heat the apartments. These can be the same pipelines as in the case of traditional hot water supply. Another thing is that the length of these lines will be shorter. Since the autonomous roof boiler house is not connected to the main supply network, its control is completely concentrated in the building itself, which facilitates maintenance. But this does not at all exclude the need to connect to centralized sources of fuel or electricity. The nature of the execution of this part will depend on the type of equipment, performance and other operational characteristics.

Types of roof boiler houses

There are several classifications of roof-top boiler houses, determined both by the principle of operation and technical and structural features. First of all, it is worth emphasizing the popularity gas equipment, the alternative to which is only electric models boilers The use of gas is economical and easy to maintain. As for electric units, they, on the contrary, are characterized by high costs, but at the same time eliminate the need for a gas pipeline. There is also a security aspect. The fact is that a rooftop gas boiler room in an apartment building must be carefully protected by security systems, which, as a rule, are automatic and involve the possibility of self-diagnosis using sensors. Solid fuel boilers it is irrational to use on the upper floors due to technical difficulties in organizing the delivery of coal and firewood. Another sign of division involves classification into integrated and block-modular boiler houses. These two types should be considered separately.

Built-in boiler rooms

Main hallmark built-in or stationary boiler room - this is technical and structural compliance with the building itself. That is, the room with its constituent components is similar building structures, forming the house itself. If the building is made of panels or bricks, then the boiler room is made in the same way. In a sense, this is the same technical room, only oriented specifically towards heating needs. Another sign may be the fact that the design of the house itself, in which an autonomous roof boiler room is installed, provided for such a possibility. This could also manifest itself in calculations bearing capacity walls, and in the choice of insulating materials, and in creating circuits for the same gasification. Not to mention the fact that the designers could have consciously refused to introduce the pipeline into the walls for one reason or another and relied on strengthening the upper floor.

Block-modular boiler rooms

This is a type of lightweight boiler houses that do not belong to capital technical structures. The block-modular design consists of thin metal panels, which are additionally reinforced with profile elements, technological ribs and corners. The inside of the modular roof boiler room is carefully finished with steam, heat and waterproofing materials with a fireproof layer. To remove combustion products, a chimney is integrated, which also has a lightweight design.

The advantages of block-modular facilities include ease of construction, versatility in operation and the ability quick dismantling. Initially, materials for such premises are supplied in the form of kits containing everything necessary for the functioning of the heating system. If a roof boiler room is required in an apartment building, the design of which was not designed for construction on top floor, modular option will be optimal.

SNiP regulatory requirements for design

Regardless of the choice of type of boiler house design, the developers of its project must rely on the requirements of SNiP. For this purpose, there is an entire section of rules II-35-76, which applies to general norms design of boiler houses, as well as addition P 1-03, dedicated specifically to roof structures. Technical solution must, in particular, comply with the following rules:

  • Walls and engineering structures should not be directly connected to the walls of residential premises.
  • The construction of roof boiler houses should not be carried out on the floors of residential premises.
  • The control system must provide for an autonomous alarm system.
  • The height of the chimney pipes is at least 50 cm relative to the highest point of the building.

It is also mandatory Technical buildings, allocated for boiler rooms, must initially have ventilation. This already applies to measures fire safety, when it comes to the operation of gas equipment.

SNiP requirements for equipment power

The operation of thermal units in residential buildings as such requires compliance with strict restrictions. And this is especially true for objects placed on roofs. In particular, a roof boiler house in an apartment building cannot contain heating stations total capacity about 3 mW. In addition, even if the productivity is less than the above value, another limit should be taken into account regarding general need buildings in heat supply. The equipment should not operate at capacities that are 15% higher than the demands of all consumers at home in total.

There are also limitations determined by the design of the room itself. Inside the process unit, the equipment must be located at a point that provides easy operator access to all functional parts. At the same time, the construction of roof boiler houses should not affect the structure of the house itself. That is, the project should not involve changing the structure roofing pie. IN as a last resort It is allowed to lay additional technological layers of insulator.

Gas supply requirements

Separately, there is a set of rules (SP) aimed at ensuring safety rules for the operation of gas communications. In operating mode, the gas supply circuit should not experience a pressure load of more than 5 kPa. As noted in the same joint venture, roof boiler houses should be supplied with gas only from a circuit running along external wall and does not have additional inserts. That is, the gas pipeline for the heating system is purposefully oriented only to the needs of the boiler equipment.

In some cases, it is allowed on the roof; it is sold only in open form without protection by gratings and other structures that prevent access to the pipe. Also, a rooftop gas boiler room in an apartment building is supplied with a full set of technological fittings. This and shut-off valves, and purge channels, and leak sensors.

Requirements for electrification of boiler houses

Electrical infrastructure applies not only to electric boilers, but also to gas units. In the first case, developers must provide a second level energy protection class. Heating equipment, supply elements and adjacent communications must comply with it. Regardless of the type of fuel used, the roof boiler room of a residential building must be provided with lightning protection and provide grounding. Lighting is provided by sealed lamps, the body of which has a metal mesh.

Positive reviews about the roof boiler room

Most of the positive feedback about boiler houses of this type is based on optimization. The absence of additional communication channels, reduced construction costs for individual buildings and, ultimately, simplified maintenance - all this undoubtedly creates only a positive impression. In addition, the roof boiler room of a residential building provides significant savings in energy costs already during operation. In most cases, it is this aspect that becomes the decisive factor in favor of such a choice.

Negative reviews

Organizations that have experience working with rooftop boiler houses note the complexity of design due to strict restrictions. First of all, this is due to the structural and power framework within which a rooftop boiler room in an apartment building should be installed. Reviews point to the fact that traditional ground-based facilities can be constructed using equipment of almost any capacity. Roof heating units, in turn, do not allow the use of even traditional solid fuel units.

Another group of shortcomings is associated with high requirements for ensuring protective measures. For example, a roof boiler room in an apartment building must have a modern system automatic control and a wide range of devices that are activated when emergency operating conditions are detected.


For a number of parameters and operational features we can conclude that the roof method of placing heating equipment is the most promising. Moreover, the shortcomings of this solution are now being resolved modern technologies- this applies to both compact sizes and the introduction of automation. The only significant obstacle for organizations that cannot afford a rooftop gas boiler room in an apartment building is the price, which averages 2-3 million rubles. This is the cost of a modular unit with a standard boiler. To this it is worth adding the payment for the services of designers, installers and adjusters, as a result of which the price tag will rise by about 1 million.

A roof boiler room is a boiler room located directly on the roof of a building or on a specially made base above the roof.

Such boiler houses are used for buildings under construction or renovation, in which it is not possible to provide centralized heat supply or it is not economically and technically justified.

Roof boiler houses are frequent “companions” of industrial and administrative buildings, less often - residential buildings.

Boiler rooms with roof spaces can be equipped in buildings with a height of no more than 10 floors (26.5 m). It is prohibited to locate roof boiler rooms:

  • in schools and preschool institutions;
  • on the buildings of rest homes, hospitals and other treatment and preventive facilities;
  • above production workshops and warehouses with fire hazard categories A and B;
  • above the premises in public buildings, where 50 or more people can be present at the same time;
  • on the floors of residential premises.

The installation of a roof boiler house must be coordinated with the administration of the locality, and the decision made by the authorities is valid for no more than 2 years.

Main characteristics of roof boiler houses

Roof boilers have become very popular since their first use. Their wide distribution is due to the fact that they work on gas fuel and are equipped with fully automated equipment, which reduces the cost of their operation. Besides. Roof boiler rooms have a number of other advantages:

  • due to the absence of heating mains and energy losses in them, they have high energy efficiency;
  • environmentally friendly - combustion products simply dissipate;
  • economical – the price of 1 Gcal of heat from a rooftop boiler house is approximately 1.4 times lower than the cost of thermal energy from centralized systems;
  • do not require construction separate building for boiler room;
  • provide the best thermal conditions.

Along with the advantages, installing rooftop boiler rooms also has a number of disadvantages and limitations that should be taken into account:

  • the placement of rooftop boiler houses does not extend beyond the limits of a 10-story building and 5 MW of generated power for industrial facilities and 3 MW for residential ones;
  • inlet gas pressure should not exceed 0.5 MPa for residential buildings and 0.6 for industrial buildings;
  • in the case of installing a boiler whose service life is shorter than that of the building being serviced, its replacement will lead to quite high costs and technical difficulties;
  • the roof on which the boiler room is mounted must meet certain requirements: have an area not less than the established size, the required angle of inclination, protective fences (if the inclination is greater than required) and a waterproofing layer of at least 10 cm.

Roof boiler rooms are optimal solution For settlements with a large number of inhabitants and buildings. With their help, you can free up courtyards and other areas for more necessary objects.

Stages of designing rooftop boiler houses

It is impossible to draw up a correct and correctly designed project for such an important facility as a boiler room without the involvement of specialists. In addition, you cannot do without knowledge of the basic sets of rules and laws in this matter.

Before starting design, professionals carry out a thorough examination of the object, find out its purpose, structural features and layout, operating conditions, etc.

The first stage in project development is pre-design work. Experts calculate the amount of heat required this object, determine the type of fuel and the main parameters of the boiler room.

Based on the collected information, all further design is carried out, thermal-mechanical and gas calculations are performed.

At the second stage, it is necessary to obtain technical specifications from certain organizations for engineering support future boiler room. Next, after performing basic calculations and research (environmental engineering, geological, geodetic, etc.), an urban development plan is created land plot, which establishes the urban planning parameters of the object. After this is compiled technical task, where equipment and materials for the future boiler room are indicated.

The final stage of design is the actual drawing up and execution of the project in accordance with the rules and regulations.

The completed project must be coordinated with certain authorities and obtain permission to construct the facility.

Is heating possible without a land drain, a heating main, a separate building, constant temperature control and heat loss? Of course available! All problems are solved by installing an autonomous mini-boiler room on the roof of the house. It can provide heat to an apartment building, while reducing heating costs and increasing heat transfer from the batteries. But are there any pitfalls for such installations? Is designing rooftop boiler houses difficult?

Features of installation and use

In modern construction apartment buildings They are increasingly abandoning centralized heating. The choice of developers falls on rooftop boiler installations for several reasons:

  • No separate building required, the boiler room can be located on the roof or in the basement of the house.
  • Heat loss is reduced due to the fact that The coolant flows directly into the pipes, and when moving along a heating main, losses can reach up to 20%.
  • Costs are also reduced due to the fact that no connection required, maintenance and conclusion of contracts with boiler houses.
  • Roof installation does not require strict conditions
  • Human participation is reduced to a minimum, since everything systems are fully automated.

It is important to know that the standards do not allow heating a separate building or additional building, exceeding the main one in area.

The disadvantages include the following points related to the requirements for the building:

  • Use in installation modern systems lifting some elements of the roof of the house.
  • The weight of the boiler must not exceed that specified in the requirements.
  • Installation of complex automation and fire extinguishing systems for gas mini-boiler houses.
  • Compliance with all requirements when working with gas equipment.

The requirements for a boiler room on the roof are minimal, especially if it is area less than 27 square meters. Design must take into account the following requirements:

  • When used in a boiler room, ventilation should be provided by supply and exhaust valves.
  • Should start automatically fire protection system, fire extinguishing must be done using powder means.
  • Whenever emergency situation The gas supply to the house must be shut off using a gas insulating flange.
  • The warning system must provide sound and light signals, as well as issue a message to the remote control about problems or emergencies.
  • must be installed in accordance with all the requirements for the boiler and gas equipment; according to the standards, it must rise two meters above the roof.
  • The roof boiler room must have separate power cable, independent of the house, as well as a generator for emergencies.
  • The floor must be insulated and made of reinforced concrete slabs. Boiler room location above residential apartments is strictly prohibited; the floor under the boiler room must be reserved for household needs.
  • The roof boiler room must provide emergency exit to the roof surface, as well as a separate elevator.
  • Gas equipment must be checked once a year by gas service specialists
  • In case of an emergency, a personnel evacuation scheme must be developed.

Roof-top boiler systems began to be used in Russia for heating residential premises about 20 years ago; today they have firmly occupied their niche in the heating equipment market.

Taking into account the specifics of the legislation, rooftop heating and hot water boiler systems should not have a power exceeding 5 MW, and steam boiler systems should not have a steam pressure higher than 0.07 MPa.

Also, installing a gas heating station on the roof is impossible if the house is over 8 floors high, since the maximum installation height for such equipment is 26.5 meters.

Purpose and application

Rooftop gas boiler rooms are a type of block-modular roof boiler room; the main feature of these systems is their compactness.

In the conditions of modern infill development, it is not always possible to connect a new building to the existing heating network due to the complexity of supplying communications or the insufficient capacity of the city boiler house.

Installing modular heating is problematic due to the lack of free space next to the building being built. In this case, a modular rooftop gas boiler room becomes the best option heating organization.

This combination does not violate the aesthetics of the city, and is easily connected to the gas mains and the electrical network. Heat loss in this case, they are minimal, since there is no laying of communications through the air and in the ground. Moreover, the length of the communications themselves will also be minimal.

Scope of application of roof gas boiler houses:

  • Buildings under construction and restoration in dense buildings.
  • Production premises with a limited territory.
  • Roof boiler room in a low-rise apartment building.
  • Private houses and single cottages.

Pros and cons of a boiler room in a private house

One of the most promising directions The development of roof boiler houses is the arrangement of a boiler room in a private residential building. In these buildings, ecology, safety and the possibility of independent control of space heating are especially valued. Let's consider the advantages of this type of heating.

However, installing a gas boiler room in a private house also has several disadvantages, which, however, are easy to eliminate.

  • The boiler house capacity is limited to 3 MW. However, usually this power is enough to heat a fairly large cottage.
  • Difficult to install. Required for installation lifting mechanism, often driving near cottages under construction is difficult for a truck crane.
  • Increased load on building elements: walls, ceilings, rafters. The issue is resolved at the design stage by increasing the load-bearing capacity of the structural elements of the structure.
  • Necessity of availability main gas pipeline, since the complexity of the design and placement of the gas tank makes its use almost impossible.

Equipment and standards for a home boiler room

Installation of a gas boiler room in country house has its own specifics. To understand what we are talking about, you need to have some knowledge about heating systems, boiler room parameters, regulatory documentation and legislation relating to this aspect.

The construction of roof boiler houses is regulated by general building codes and rules (SNiP), section “Instructions for the design of roof-top boiler houses”.

Calculation of the power, quantity and thermal connection diagram of heat generators is carried out in accordance with SNiP II-35-76 “Boiler installations. Design standards".

When calculating the power of burners and connecting gas communications, you should be guided by the requirements of SNiP 2.04.08-87 “Gas supply”.

When designing, be guided by “ Technical specifications on the construction and operation of roof boiler houses."

When assembling a boiler room, only high-quality equipment should be used. Proven to perform well in everyday use Viessmann boilers(Germany), Unical (Italy), Entroros (Russia).

To complete boilers they are used gas-burners Dreizler (Germany), Ecolam (Italy), Cuenod (France).

The best circulation pumps Grundfos and Vila produce various capacities.

Let's watch the video, a little about Westmann boilers:

Reliable automation that matches PUE requirements, produced by Honneywell, Seitron, SIT, Teplar. Automatic control can be either mechanical (non-volatile) or with electronically controlled(volatile), in this case it is necessary to use backup power systems (electric generator with automatic transfer switch). It is advisable to equip rooftop modular gas boiler houses with autonomous power plants so that circulation pumps and automation are not left without electricity.

Usage and correct power calculation

Roof-top gas boiler houses are a safe, environmentally friendly means of obtaining heat in a private home. With proper design and manufacturing, the risk of emergency situations associated with the operation of the boiler room is minimal.

In addition to properly selected equipment, it is necessary to comply with explosion safety requirements to ensure that the area of ​​easily resettable fencing structures is at least 0.2 m² per 1 m³ of room. Windows are also included in this area. Each window must be equipped with a protective grill to prevent the scattering of fragments.

Watch the video and make the correct calculation:

To eliminate the possibility of boiler failure as a result of scale formation in heat exchangers and corrosion of heating system elements, it is necessary to use a complex of magnetic and chemical water treatment.

To find out the estimated power of the equipment, you need to sum up:

  • The greatest consumption of thermal energy for heating the building, taking into account the area of ​​​​all rooms.
  • Consumption of generated heat for air conditioning and ventilation of premises.
  • Average daily heat consumption per hour at the highest hot water consumption.
  • Heat loss during coolant circulation.

Purchase and service

If you do not have a diploma in the design and construction of heating, then it will be easier, cheaper and safer to entrust a range of work on heating your home to a specialized organization. The companies Energogazengineering, AllianceTeplo, and Stroytekhmontazh have proven themselves well.

Let's watch the video, a little about service:

These companies have been designing, assembling, installing, commissioning, warranty and post-warranty maintenance of rooftop boiler houses for many years. They also provide all the necessary design, registration and operational documentation.

Equipment maintenance may include:

  1. Checking the tightness of the system, monitoring temperature and pressure.
  2. Checking the functionality of backup systems
  3. Adding chemicals to the water treatment system
  4. Cleaning and replacing filters
  5. Cleaning smoke exhaust systems.

Modern heating systems are low maintenance. The main parameters are displayed on the control panel and allow the user, if he wishes, to control the heating process of his home himself.