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Ministry of Internal Affairs: there are no facts of corruption in Navalny’s film about Medvedev. Interesting facts about Medvedev (1 photo)

Dmitry Medvedev is the third president Russian Federation. The years of his reign are characterized not only by the economic crisis of 2008, the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict and fairly liberal policies. Woman’s Day recalls what President Dmitry Medvedev remembers.

  • Dmitry Medvedev is a big fan of gadgets. He led the country with an iPhone in his hand, so all sorts of newfangled technical devices have become inseparable from the image former president Russia. During his four years as president, he demonstrated his dedication to various hi-tech devices.

    During his reign, Dmitry Medvedev was unable to meet his main idol, after the group Deep Purple, Steve Jobs. Then the Apple king showed the Russian president an iPhone 4, and just three months later both left their main positions in life.

    So that spending time with gadgets would not be in vain, Dmitry Medvedev created an account on Twitter, and the head of state did this while on a working trip to California. The president really liked the microblog, but this tool seemed insufficient for him to communicate with the people. And soon Dmitry Medvedev appeared in social network"In contact with". As an active Internet user, the head of state was always aware of everything that was happening on the Internet. During the hacker attacks on LiveJournal, Dmitry Medevedev was extremely outraged by what was happening. “I have received many requests in connection with DDoS attacks on LiveJournal. As an active LiveJournal user, I consider these actions outrageous and illegal,” the ex-president left a message.

    Among other things, Dmitry Medvedev turned out to be a big fan of optics. His collection includes more than one professional camera. Dmitry Medvedev shares his works on Twitter. By the way, many even like what comes out as a result of pressing the shutter button.

    In fact, under his leadership of the country, a fashion arose among civil servants not only for gadgets with the apple logo, but also for accounts in all kinds of social networks. How modern man, Dmitry Medvedev is remembered for his extremely irritable attitude towards computer illiteracy among the government apparatus. He called for the dismissal of officials who do not know how to use computers.

    But despite all the ex-president’s advancement in the field high technology his fascination with all kinds of devices evoked irony rather than approval. Dmitry Medvedev demonstrated his awareness and modernity too obsessively.

  • Medvedev, like Putin, was born in St. Petersburg. However, unlike his puppeteer, he comes from a respected family: his father is a professor, his mother is a teacher. Like most people around Putin, he has a legal education. Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor.

    Medvedev and Putin have been collaborating since the 90s

    Since 90 he has been teaching. In parallel with this, he works as an adviser to the chairman of the St. Petersburg City Council and is involved in external relations of the mayor's office. The current head of Gazprom, Alexey Miller, worked with him. At the same time, Medvedev met Putin.

    Medvedev is the youngest of Putin’s St. Petersburg entourage. In the early 90s, he often did work for Putin as a legal expert.

    "When I was a normal, ordinary person"

    In 1999 he joined the government

    In 1999, during Putin's premiership, Medvedev was appointed to the post of deputy chief of staff of the government. In 2000, he headed Putin's election headquarters. And in June he received the position of first deputy head of the Administration.

    From 2000 to 2001 deals with Gazprom. Headed the board of directors.

    From 2003 to 2005, Medvedev headed the Putin administration. And then he becomes first deputy chairman of the government.

    Putin personally campaigned for Medvedev

    In 2008 he becomes the third president of Russia. According to official data, 70% of voters supported him. Long before the elections they were called “Medvedev elections.” Powerful resources were poured into his election campaign. All leading Russian media and Putin personally were involved. The latter became prime minister and actually led the country.

    What did you do during your presidency?

    As president, Medvedev signed decrees recognizing the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Russian "Cossacks" appeared. And also the police changed police. And in 2012, he decided not to run for a second term and give up his seat to the owner.

    When Putin sat in the presidential chair for the third time, Medvedev was thanked: he received the post of prime minister and became the head of the presidential party "United Russia". After Putin's fourth "walk" Medvedev remains as head of government.

    It is not surprising that Putin works so happily with Medvedev, because his height makes the owner of the Kremlin feel tall. Medvedev's height in total 1 meter 62 centimeters.

    It looks like Medvedev is going to work for Putin for a long time

    Medvedev appears on the "Peacemaker" list. And, it seems, he will serve Putin until the end.

    Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev is a Russian statesman who, during his political career, managed to hold the highest government positions, including the position of President of the Russian Federation. Yesterday, May 8, 2018, he was elected by the State Duma to the post of Prime Minister of Russia for the second time. However, according to unconfirmed reports, the new chairman of the Russian government has a completely different last name, which is not indicated in any official source of information.

    According to documentary sources, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev was born on September 14, 1965 in Leningrad into a family of intellectuals. His parents were professor of the Leningrad Technological Institute Anatoly Afanasyevich Medvedev and Yulia Veniaminovna Medvedeva (nee Shaposhnikova), who worked as a teacher at the Pedagogical Institute and then as a tour guide in Pavlovsk.

    Dmitry Anatolyevich spent his childhood in Leningrad, where he successfully completed school, and still maintains relationships with his favorite teachers.

    In his youth, like all students, he joined the ranks of the Komsomol. Later in State University Petersburg, he studied jurisprudence and became a graduate student in the department of criminal law, where he prepared his dissertation and taught.

    In his youth, Dmitry Anatolyevich was actively involved in sports and was even the winner of university competitions. His hobbies during his student years also included photography and hard rock music.

    Medvedev did not serve in the army, but took part in military training. During his student years, he worked part-time as a janitor, receiving a salary of 120 rubles. per month.

    The history of the political career of the new Prime Minister of Russia

    Medvedev’s scientific supervisor at the department was Anatoly Sobchak, whom the young man helped during the election campaign for the post of mayor of Leningrad. In 1990, Sobchak invited him to his team and Medvedev took the position of his adviser, without leaving teaching at the university.

    It was in the service of Sobchak that he met Vladimir Putin, who also worked on the staff of the chairman of the Leningrad City Council, and later became his deputy.

    It is Putin who appoints Medvedev as an expert on external relations city ​​administration and sent for an internship to Switzerland.

    Around this time, Dmitry Anatolyevich became the head of the Ilim Pulp Interpraz pulp and paper mill and the owner of half the shares of the company. After Sobchak leaves the post of mayor of the city, Medvedev leaves his job in government and moves to Moscow.

    After Vladimir Putin won the presidential election in 2000, he became the first deputy, and after 3 years the head of his administration, as well as a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

    The peak of Dmitry Medvedev's political career was his victory in the Russian presidential elections in 2008, where he beat his competitors, gaining 70.28% of the vote and became the third president of the Russian Federation after Yeltsin and Putin.

    However, in 2016, he returned his post to Vladimir Vladimirovich and became the Head of the Government of the Russian Federation and the head of the ruling United Russia party.

    On May 8, 2018, on the recommendation of the newly elected Russian President Vladimir Putin, the State Duma approved the candidacy of Dmitry Medvedev for the post of Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Despite the resistance of the Communist Party faction and A Just Russia, he was elected with 374 votes with the support of United Russia and the Liberal Democratic Party.

    Unconfirmed information about the origin and real name of Medvedev

    According to unofficial data, Dmitry Medvedev is a Halachtic Jew, since his mother Yulia Veniaminovna was actually a Jew, whose name is Tsilya. According to rumors, Medvedev’s father has Jewish roots and his real name is Aaron Abramovich Mendel.

    These names were given to Dmitry Anatolyevich’s parents at birth, but according to the tradition of the Soviet state they were changed. The prime minister himself bears the family name David Aaronovich Mendel.

    An indirect confirmation of this information is Medvedev’s marriage, which he entered into with Svetlana Linnik; her maiden name is also considered to be originally Jewish.

    Another confirmation of the theory of hiding Medvedev’s real origin is the fact that at the genealogical exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod, which talked about the genealogy of famous political figures Lenin, Stalin, Yeltsin, Putin and others, the biography of Medvedev was not presented at all.

    To questions from the media, genealogists responded that the description of the prime minister’s origins had not yet been completed and that the presence of Polish roots in his family was being checked.

    According to official sources, Medvedev’s ancestors were purebred Russians - peasants of the Kursk province and immigrants from the Belgorod region. Since there are no documents confirming Jewish origin Dmitry Anatolyevich, all information on this issue is considered fiction.

    Name: Dmitriy Medvedev

    Age: 53 years old

    Height: 163

    Activity: Russian statesman and politician, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

    Family status: married

    Dmitry Medvedev: biography

    Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev is one of the most prominent political figures in the Russian government. Currently he is Deputy Head of the Russian Federation and holds the position of Chairman of the Russian Government. In the period 2008-2012, he was the third president of the Russian Federation, before which he headed the board of directors of OJSC Gazprom.

    Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev was born on September 14, 1965 in a “dormitory” area of ​​Leningrad in a family of teachers. Parents Anatoly Afanasyevich and Yulia Veniaminovna worked as teachers at pedagogical and technological universities. Dima was the only child in the family, so he received the utmost care and attention from his parents, who tried to invest the most in their son. best qualities and instill in him a love of learning.

    They succeeded in full - at school No. 305, where Medvedev was educated, the boy clearly demonstrated his abilities, strived for knowledge, showed interest in exact sciences. Teachers remember him as a diligent, diligent and calm student, who could rarely be found with his peers in the yard, since he devoted all his time to study.

    In 1982, after graduating from school, Dmitry Medvedev entered Leningrad State University at the Faculty of Law, where he also proved himself to be a successful student with pronounced leadership qualities. During his student years, the future chairman of the Russian government became interested in rock music, photography and weightlifting. In 1990 he defended his dissertation and became a candidate of legal sciences.

    The politician himself says that during his student years he worked part-time as a janitor, for which he was paid 120 rubles, which was a significant increase to the increased 50-ruble stipend.


    Since 1988, Dmitry Medvedev has been teaching at Leningrad State University, teaching students civil and Roman law. Along with teaching, he showed himself as a scientist and became one of the co-authors of the three-volume textbook “Civil Law”, for which he wrote 4 chapters.

    Medvedev's political career began in 1990. At that time, he became the "favorite" adviser to the first mayor of St. Petersburg. A year later, he became a member of the St. Petersburg City Hall Committee for External Relations, where he worked as an expert under the leadership.

    At that time, Anatoly Sobchak became a kind of “guide” to novice politicians into the world of big politics, thanks to which many high-ranking officials and statesmen of Russia from his team currently occupy their positions.

    During the 90s, the future Prime Minister of the Russian Federation actively showed himself in the business sphere. In 1993, he became a co-founder of OJSC Frinzel, he owns 50% of the company's shares. At the same time, Dmitry Medvedev became director of legal issues in the forestry corporation Ilim Pulp Enterprise. In 1994, Dmitry Anatolyevich joined the management team of OJSC Bratsk Timber Industry Complex.

    Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

    The biography of Dmitry Medvedev finally went in a political direction in 1999. Then he became Vladimir Putin’s deputy in the mayor’s office of St. Petersburg, who at that time headed the apparatus of the Russian government. In 2000, by decree of the new Russian President Vladimir Putin, Medvedev was appointed to the post of first deputy head of the presidential administration.

    In 2003, after the resignation of former Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Alexander Voloshin, the politician headed the administration of the President of the Russian Federation. At the same time, he joined the Security Council and received the status of a permanent member of this department. In 2006, at the start of the presidential election campaign, many analytical centers began to predict Dmitry Anatolyevich for the post of President of the Russian Federation, considering him Putin’s first favorite.

    A rumor leaked to the media that two years before the elections, the Kremlin created the “Successor” project under the supervision of. The forecasts were confirmed - in 2007, Dmitry Medvedev’s candidacy for the post Russian head supported by Vladimir Putin and members of the United Russia party.

    As soon as Dmitry Anatolyevich began to appear frequently in newspapers and on television, the public noted his extraordinary resemblance to the emperor. Some sources began to publish theories about reincarnation or a secret conspiracy, for the execution of which a person similar to the emperor must be in power, while others started talking about fate and the fact that Medvedev was destined to rule the country, since he has such a telling appearance.

    Conspiracy theories began to surround the increasingly popular politician. Sites have appeared on the Internet claiming that all of Dmitry Medvedev’s personal data was falsified in order to hide the fact that he is Jewish by nationality, and his real name- Mendel. Official representatives of the Kremlin do not even comment on such theories, considering them not worth attention politicians.

    President of the Russian Federation

    On March 2, 2008, Dmitry Medvedev won a landslide victory in the presidential race, gaining about 70% of the votes. In May, the youngest president of Russia was inaugurated. During the event, Medvedev outlined priority goals and noted that in his new position his primary and main tasks will be the development of economic and civil freedoms, as well as the creation of new civic opportunities.

    The first decrees of the third President of the Russian Federation concerned the development of the social sphere: education, healthcare, improvement living conditions veterans. Natalya Timakova became the president's press secretary, thereby becoming the first woman to hold this position in Russia.

    In 2009, Medvedev published his article “Forward Russia!”, in which he formulated his views and theses regarding the modernization of the country. The most famous project of the young head of the Russian Federation was the creation of Skolkovo - the “Russian Silicon Valley”, on the territory of which an innovative complex was built, the work of which was aimed at the development and concentration of international intellectual capital.

    Medvedev also had to deal five day war with Georgia, which began against the backdrop of the conflict with South Ossetia. Then Dmitry Anatolyevich signed a decree according to which Russian troops were sent to protect Russia’s southern neighbor, as a result of which the Georgian troops were defeated. At that time in Russian society there was a surge of patriotic sentiments, so foreign policy Medvedeva was largely supported by the population.

    As president, Dmitry Medvedev also continued Putin's development policies Agriculture and socio-economic direction of the country. Resonant decrees included the reorganization of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the abolition of winter time and the introduction of amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, providing for the extension of the terms of office of the head of state from 4 to 6 years. Also among the achievements of Dmitry Medvedev is the creation of the Anti-Corruption Council of Russia.


    Dmitry Anatolyevich’s trip to the USA, to Silicon Valley, attracted particular attention from the general public. As part of this trip, the President of the Russian Federation met with the idol of millions, the head of Apple. The purpose of the meeting was to talk about new technologies and the prospects for the development of the IT market, which was supposed to help create an analogue of Silicon Valley in Russia - Skolkovo. At the end of the meeting Steve Jobs gave Medvedev an iPhone 4, a new smartphone at that time, which was supposed to go on sale only the next day after the meeting.

    To the surprise of the public, when the president returned to Russia, he did not use the gift. The press tried to find political implications in this, but everything turned out to be much simpler. Medvedev was given a smartphone connected to the network, which is typical for the States, and in Russia the iPhone simply stopped working. This problem is known to many users of American phones who decided to buy cheaper equipment abroad, which is why there is a whole illegal industry of services for removing the blocking. But it is impossible to imagine that the head of state would use a hacked phone.

    The president's passion for new technologies, and especially communications, led not only to the creation of Skolkovo, but also to innovations in Russian politics and its ways of interacting with the people. Dmitry Medvedev created a blog on the Live Journal platform as a channel for quick and direct communication with the president. Although this method was used for the first time, it received public approval and began to actively develop.

    Soon, Dmitry Anatolyevich registered on the social networks VKontakte and Facebook, and his press secretary addressed the audience of the sites with a request to use new communication channels for discussion current problems and events, and not for practical jokes and self-expression. In addition, the politician has an official Instagram account with 2.6 million subscribers, although not many photos have been posted. IN Medvedev's Instagram A fairly large percentage of the photos are images of colorful Russian nature, and the other are shots from official events and trips.

    The ex-president loves communications technology, but technology doesn't always love him. During the broadcast of the speech of the President of the Russian Federation on Latvian television, a technical glitch occurred, and the inscription “President of Latvia” appeared under the name of Dmitry Medvedev. One of the TV viewers managed to capture the moment of the failure and posted the confirmation on the Internet. The momentary glitch sparked a wave of humor and conspiracy theories.

    Second term

    In 2011, during a meeting of the United Russia party, Medvedev said that Vladimir Putin, who was then prime minister, should run for president. The meeting participants and delegates, numbering about 10 thousand people, gave this statement a standing ovation. In 2012, after Vladimir Putin’s victory in the Russian presidential elections, Dmitry Medvedev was appointed Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, and a little later headed political party"United Russia".

    Kremlin officials consider Dmitry Medvedev to be an excellent administrator, a decent person, a modern, out-of-the-box thinker and a competent lawyer. According to media reports, colleagues and associates in the civil service call Dmitry Anatolyevich “Vizir” or “Nano-President,” which is most likely due to Dmitry Anatolyevich’s passion for new technologies and the politician’s short stature. According to unofficial data, Medvedev’s height is 163 cm.

    In 2015, “breaking news” appeared on several Ukrainian-hosted websites, which spoke of a plane crash in which “the Prime Minister of Russia died.” The text, which was copied verbatim from site to site, said that the plane took off from Sheremetyevo and allegedly crashed two minutes after departure. In addition to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, and the head of Chechnya were “present” on board the plane. Numerous media outlets and Medvedev himself immediately refuted the fake, which did not prevent news with the same text from appearing on various websites exactly a year later and again sowing confusion in the press.

    Humor and scandals

    Recent developments in the work of the Prime Minister and his proposals and initiatives are attracting enormous public attention, often in a negatively humorous manner. Many of his statements become memes and aphorisms and spread across the Internet in less than a day.

    In May 2016, the press began quoting Dmitry Medvedev’s scandalous statement: “There is no money, but you hold on” in response to a complaint about low pensions. The phrase spread across almost all media, and appeared in various variations on humorous sites and social networks.

    Meme on the statement "There is no money, but you hold on"

    While some of the public came up with new jokes, others were openly outraged that the government refused to take care of pensioners. As it turned out later, the scandalous phrase was simply taken out of context; in fact, Dmitry Anatolyevich promised the pensioner that the indexation would take place a little later, when the opportunity arose, and then, already saying goodbye, he wished to hold on, adding to this other warm wishes.

    The summer of 2016 presented the public with another odious statement from the Prime Minister. This time, during the “Territory of Meanings” forum, Dmitry Anatolyevich spoke about teachers. When asked about the low salaries of teachers, Medvedev replied that being a teacher is a calling, and that an energetic teacher will always find an opportunity to earn extra money, and if a person wants to earn a lot, then he should think about changing his profession and going into business.

    This reasoning caused strong condemnation from the country's citizens, who are confident that teachers and other public sector employees should receive decent salaries, and not choose between their vocation and well-being. Many teachers considered the prime minister's words offensive.

    In the fall of the same year, the Internet again began to quote Dmitry Anatolyevich. During the ceremony of signing agreements following a meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council, Medvedev half-jokingly, half-seriously proposed renaming classic look Americano coffee in Rusiano. The public immediately took up this initiative, many cafes began to indicate the new drink in their price lists, and some even offered a discount to those visitors who ordered their usual coffee, calling it in a new way.

    But this humorous episode was not without its ill-wishers. Critics began to link this idea with both “jingoism” and the fact that the prime minister was allegedly wasting his time on strange ideas instead of fulfilling his official duties.

    Personal life

    Dmitry Medvedev's personal life, as well as his political career, is clean, transparent and stable. He met his wife, the daughter of a serviceman, during his school years. Medvedev's wife was the first beauty, popular with young people at school and at the financial and economic university. However, Svetlana chose a calm, intelligent and promising husband as her future husband. The wedding of Dmitry Medvedev and Svetlana Linnik took place in 1989.

    Currently, Medvedev’s wife works in Moscow and organizes public events in her native St. Petersburg. Svetlana Medvedeva became the head of the target program for working with youth “Spiritual and moral culture of the younger generation of Russia.” On the initiative of Medvedev’s wife, in 2008, it was introduced new holiday"Day of Family, Love and Fidelity".

    In 1996, a son, Ilya, was born into the Medvedev family, who has been a student at MGIMO since 2012. Medvedev’s son entered the university on a general competitive basis, thanks to the high results of the Unified State Exam, on which he received 94 points in English and 87 points in Russian, and also passed an additional exam with 95 points out of 100 possible.

    He also tried his hand at cinema and starred in one of the episodes of the humorous television magazine “Yeralash”. The young man dreamed of acting career, but, looking at myself from the outside after the episode aired, I realized that it was not his.

    Now Ilya Medvedev has successfully completed his bachelor's degree at MGIMO and is thinking about a career as a corporate lawyer. Ilya is the only son of Dmitry Anatolyevich; according to official sources, the politician has no other children, which does not at all prevent various websites and newspapers from spreading rumors about Dmitry Medvedev’s personal life.

    There is a certain passion for animals in the family of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Their pets include the “first cat of the country” named Dorofey, as well as a pair of English setters, a golden retriever and a Central Asian shepherd dog.

    In addition, Dmitry Anatolyevich is interested in photography and even participated in prestigious photo exhibitions. But a political career does not contribute much to his hobby. As Medvedev himself laments, given his status, if he suddenly starts taking photographs of those around him, he will at least be misunderstood.

    Alumni meeting

    Dmitry Anatolyevich’s personal life attracts no less attention than his political career. In 2011, the Internet literally exploded with a poor quality video in which Medvedev dances to “American Fight”, and the famous comedian is his dancing company. The video for some time became the most popular in the top materials of video hosting YouTube. The story of the dance was played out more than once in KVN; many jokes and video clips also appeared on its basis.

    Dmitry Medvedev did not become indignant or deny it and said on Twitter that he actually danced at a meeting of university graduates, which took place a year before the video appeared in the public domain. And such music for the event was chosen, according to Medvedev, in order to preserve the atmosphere of their university time, since these were the songs that those gathered listened to in their youth. With age, the musical tastes of all those present naturally changed. Now Dmitry Medvedev is a big fan of rock music, listens to Deep Purple and Linkin Park.

    Not only stars and politicians came to the defense of Dmitry Anatolyevich, who complained about the lack of the very concept of immunity in Russia privacy, but also the public, who decided that a politician dancing at a party is quite adequate and normal, but secretly filming relaxed people at a private party is worthy of reproach.


    Medvedev’s financial condition also continues to worry the country’s residents. According to the latest official data, Medvedev's income for 2014 amounted to just under 8 million rubles, which is twice the size of his earnings in 2013.

    In 2015, the declared income of the Prime Minister increased slightly and amounted to 8.9 million rubles. There have been no significant changes in Medvedev’s “property” column - he is still the owner of an apartment with an area of ​​more than 350 square meters and two cars (GAZ-20 and GAZ-21).

    Dmitry Medvedev now

    On March 18, 2018, they took place, in which Vladimir Putin won again. Immediately after the elected President of the Russian Federation, the government headed by the Chairman resigned.

    Immediately after taking office, Vladimir Putin again offered the position of prime minister to Dmitry Medvedev. On May 18, he was announced to reporters.

    Today, September 14, marks the 51st birthday of Dmitry Medvedev, Russian Prime Minister. He was the third president of the Russian Federation, and the years of his rule were remembered by Russians for the economic crisis of 2008, liberal policies, and the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict.

    The head of the Russian government was born in 1965 in Leningrad, he was one child in the family. The parents of the future politician were intelligent people: his mother worked as a philologist, and his father was a professor at the Leningrad Technical Institute. Lensovet. Dmitry Medvedev studied at Leningrad State University at the Faculty of Law and successfully completed his postgraduate studies. In his youth, the Russian prime minister was passionate about hard rock and loved listening to Chaif, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple. During his student days, Medvedev was involved in weightlifting and photography.

    In the 90s, Dmitry Medvedev taught at St. Petersburg State University and was an adviser to the Chairman of the City Council Anatoly Sobchak, as well as an expert on the Committee on External Relations of the City Hall. The future head of the Russian government completed an internship in Sweden, where he studied issues local government. From 1997 to 1998, he headed the legal service of the Ilim Pulp Enterprise corporation, and in 1999 he became deputy chief of staff of the Russian Government of Dmitry Kozak. After Boris Yeltsin left his post, the politician became deputy head of the Russian presidential administration. After Vladimir Putin won the elections in 2000, Dmitry Medvedev was appointed first deputy head of the Administration.

    From 2002 to 2008, the Russian Prime Minister served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Gazprom Corporation. Since 2003, Medvedev has been a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, and in 2005 he was appointed First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. In 2008, Dmitry Medvedev was elected to the post of President of Russia, and remained in this high position until 2012. On this moment he heads Russian government, lives and works in Moscow.

    Below is the TOP 10 interesting facts about the life of the Russian politician:

    1. Dmitry Medvedev is the first head of the Russian Federation after Vladimir Lenin, who came from an intelligent family. In addition, he became an associate professor and a Candidate of Legal Sciences.

    2. The Russian Prime Minister is a decorated weightlifter. O tries to play sports nowadays, preferring the treadmill. The politician also likes to play chess with a worthy opponent in his spare time.

    3. Dmitry Medvedev met his wife Svetlana at school. She was a recognized beauty in educational institution. At the moment, the politician’s wife organizes public events in St. Petersburg and is raising her son Ilya.

    4. Medvedev worked on a textbook, which received a prize of 10 thousand rubles. This book sold 15 million copies.

    5. Over the 20 years of acquaintance between Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev, Russian President was always his successor's immediate leader: in the Kremlin and the mayor's office of St. Petersburg.

    6. Despite the fact that Medvedev has an extremely busy daily routine, he tries to find time for his favorite hobby. The Russian Prime Minister relaxes his body and soul when he goes for walks on an ATV and a snowmobile.

    7. B Lately the politician prefers holidays in his native Russia. Recently he managed to visit the Volga, Altai and the Far East.

    8. According to most Kremlin officials, Medvedev represents a new generation of politicians. He is characterized as an out-of-the-box thinker, experienced, modern and competent specialist.

    9. Dmitry Medvedev has not driven a car for a very long time. In his spare time, he likes to shoot, and at home he has a computer shooting simulator installed.

    10. Previously, the head of the Government of the Russian Federation did yoga 5-6 times a week, but now he sets aside an hour a day to swim in the pool, having done a special warm-up before that.

    Dmitry Medvedev, in addition to all his regalia, is an innovator and a big fan of newfangled gadgets. During his presidency, he has demonstrated his dedication to various hi-tech devices. Therefore, during his reign of the country, he met his idol, the “Apple” box Steve Jobs. Then he showed the President of the Russian Federation an iPhone4. Medvedev is an active user of the Twitter microblog, the VKontakte social network, and the Instagram photo blog.

    In addition to fashionable gadgets, the Russian Prime Minister understands optics, and his collection includes more than one professional camera. Medvedev is happy to share his photographs with his followers on Twitter, and many people like his creative impulses. Positioning himself as a modern official, the head of the Russian Government is irritated by computer illiteracy among the Russian state apparatus.

    Dmitry Medvedev can also boast of friendship with Russian and foreign stars. Russian politician has long maintained friendly relations with Tina Kandelaki. It was at his instigation that the presenter became a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. The prime minister is also friends with Hollywood actor Arnold Schwarzenegger. When the movie star was governor of California, photographs from political meetings often became the subject of photoshops on the Internet. Dmitry Medvedev admitted that he dreams of Russian cinema reaching the same level as Hollywood cinema.

    Irina Morskaya