home · Other · Facing tiles for the fence. Fence posts: main types, features and advantages (21 photos). Finishing the fence with decorative plaster "granule"

Facing tiles for the fence. Fence posts: main types, features and advantages (21 photos). Finishing the fence with decorative plaster "granule"

A fence made of any material will not stand on its own; it is supported by pillars - structures made of wood, metal, brick or concrete firmly fixed in the ground. Depending on the location of the fence, the posts perform different functions and have different appearance. In the backyard of the estate, pillars of an unpresentable appearance, but strong and durable, are quite appropriate. The facade side is the face of the site and here you need not only strength, but also appropriate makeup.

Decorative fence post

Decorative fence posts have always served as an indicator of the owner’s wealth and speak eloquently of good taste, so it is better to entrust the choice of material and method of execution to a professional designer.

Decorative pillars - they are so different!

When people talk about decorative pillars, they most often mean fence posts for a site. They make them from different materials: wood, brick and stone of various shapes and colors, concrete, metal and plastic. The shape and “content” of the pillar are also different: round, square, rectangular, hollow, composite and massive.

Let us consider and characterize the main types.

Wooden pillars

Wooden fence with decorative figured posts

Until recently, wood was one of the most common materials for poles. Wood is available and inexpensive; it can be processed into any shape, painted in the desired color, decorated with carvings and overlays. But one drawback outweighs all the advantages: the wood rots. Even with regular care its appearance and strength gradually deteriorate. Life time wooden post will not exceed 10 years.

Metal poles

Metal decorative pillars

To decorate the façade of a site, pillars made of this material are rarely used in “ pure form" How can you decorate a round or profile pipe? Paint it, put on decorative caps or install lights - that's all! But in combination with forged gratings, metal pillars take on a completely different look, and price too!

Therefore, most often they serve as the basis, the supporting part of pillars made of brick, stone, concrete and plastic blocks.

Decorative brick pillars

Decorative brick pillar

This type of pillars has many advantages:

  • Durable and durable. Delivered in accordance with the technology (foundation, plinth, waterproofing, support pipe), closed protective cap he will delight you with his appearance for a long time.
  • The variety of shapes and colors of brick is now not a problem: silicate (white and colored), ceramic, facing, “torn”, “chipped”, etc.
  • Ease of manufacture. Laying out a brick column is not difficult: anyone can check with a level that four bricks are laid correctly in a row.
  • Weather resistant and maintenance free.

Natural stone for decorative pillars

Fence and pillars made of natural stone

There are several installation methods wild stone when erecting decorative pillars. The simplest is to use mobile formwork. It is installed around the support pipe, stones are laid and concrete is poured. After hardening, it is raised to the next level, the process of laying stones and pouring is repeated. It takes a lot of time, but the result is worth it: an almost eternal “antique” pole will decorate any area.

Block poles made of concrete and plastic

Decorative concrete blocks for pillars

This type of decorative pillars is rapidly replacing all those described above. There is no secret: concrete and plastic got rid of their shortcomings without losing their positive properties.

  • The strength and durability of concrete does not require proof.
  • The strength of plastic blocks is compensated by their low cost.
  • The appearance of the blocks is indistinguishable from the “original” material. Only by touch can one distinguish between plastic, concrete and natural stone or brick.
  • Installing blocks is incomparably easier than laying brick or natural stone one by one.
  • Cavity inside concrete or plastic block used for laying cables and other communications.
  • The top of the block pillar is covered with a cap, and lighting fixtures are installed.

Installation of decorative pillars

The word “decorative” should not mislead you: the installation of any pole must be approached with all responsibility, and doubly so for a decorative one. It should stand firmly and vertically (like the others along the facade of the site), hold the fence and look beautiful.

The installation consists of several stages:

  1. Construction of the foundation. This stage is required for heavy fences: stone, brick, concrete. The choice of foundation type depends on the composition of the soil, the presence soil water. Moreover, the foundation is made along the entire length of the fence. The most common type is a shallow concrete strip. To do this, dig a trench of the calculated depth and width, pour a cushion of sand and crushed stone. Formwork of the required height is placed only on the surface of the ground. After this, a reinforcement frame is constructed, in in the right places They install support pipes for the pillars and fill them with concrete.
  2. The presence of a base of two or three rows of brick or stone significantly improves the appearance of the fence and goes well with the same pillars. The base is laid on roofing felt waterproofing.
  3. Around the base pipe they begin laying out a decorative pillar. An option is possible when a frame made of reinforcement is installed instead of a pipe. This is only possible on regular poles. In this case, the frame must still be connected to the foundation strip. To install gates and wickets, be sure to install pipes. When laying bricks, blocks or stone, do not forget to install special mortgages for fastening fence elements (veins) and for hanging gates and gates.
  4. Having laid out the pillar, the wiring for the lighting lamps is laid in the cavity of the blocks, if necessary, the reinforcement is knitted and laid and filled with concrete. A protective cap is installed at the top of the post.

Difficulty of choice

With such a variety of materials for decorative pillars, it is difficult not to get confused. Take the advice of designers and take a critical look at your neighbors’ fences. Remember that the fence must “match” the style, material and color scheme your home and the area as a whole.

Pillars (imitation brick) are a very special quality finishing material which is ideal for decoration fence post. Such material has been known relatively recently, but literally immediately managed to become in great demand among owners of private houses and luxury mansions.

Panels with imitation brick will help to significantly reduce the time and labor costs for building a fence.

Due to the special simplicity of the structure being built, there is no need to contact experienced builders for installation, so it is quite possible to carry out all installation work independently, using the most ordinary construction tools.

The panel imitating a brick pillar is made of polypropylene, very good quality. This type of finish is distinguished by the fact that it is not subject to negative influences. environment and is made from environmentally friendly, natural materials.

The outer layer absolutely replicates the size, shade, and seams of natural brickwork.

Pix panel has excellent technical characteristics and is characterized by high strength of materials.

Panels imitating brick are characterized by the fact that their shade absolutely matches the texture and color features ordinary brick. Main technical characteristics such material are:

  • low weight and dimensions;
  • different temperature regime applications;
  • beautiful aesthetic appearance.

To increase the protective qualities of the panels, they are coated with special paint. It perfectly protects the material from the aggressive influence of snow, rain and sunlight. In addition, the paint increases resistance to fading and peeling.

The thickness of the pix panels imitating brick is only 2 cm, which makes it possible to cut the cladding very simply, without specialized equipment. Due to their high environmental friendliness, they can be used in absolutely any conditions, while the materials do not emit any harmful substances during operation.

Advantages and disadvantages

General form fence with PIX panels.

A panel imitating a brick fence post has both certain advantages and some disadvantages. One of the main advantages of this material is its reasonable cost. In addition, among the advantages it is necessary to highlight the following:

  • simplicity and speed of installation;
  • no need for special skills;
  • installation can be carried out in any weather;
  • save beautiful view for a long time.

Among the disadvantages of the material, it is necessary to note the difficulty of joining individual components. This is due to the lack of the required models for the layout of corner posts, so they must be composed of 2 panels.

In addition, a pole made of polypropylene does not guarantee long-term retention of shape in the event of damage or high loads placed on the product.

Carrying out preparatory work for installation

Pix panels are a high-quality imitation of a brick pillar, easy to install, so anyone can handle the cladding. You can install ready-made elements simulating ordinary brick on one or, if desired, on both sides of the fence. It is quite possible to install panels only from the front part of the fence, which makes it possible to save money free time and cash.

To mount pix panels you will need the following tools:

  • 2 corners;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • construction tape.

To carry out cladding with pix panels, you first need to mark the places where the pillars are mounted at a distance of 3 m from one another. Then you need to install two corners in predetermined places.

Mounting pillars with imitation brick

The corners must be attached to the prepared fence sheet; this can be done using:

  • self-tapping screws;
  • rivets;
  • bolts

TO wooden racks The corners are attached using self-tapping screws designed for woodworking.

On the outer area of ​​the panel you need to install a visor that has several functions.

It is designed for additional protection the inside of the panel from snow and rain.

Also guarantees protection against sun rays. The first finished panel with the canopy already installed must be attached to the corners strictly according to the height of the fence. Moving down step by step, you need to connect all the remaining components together using special locks, and attach the pillars to the corners using self-tapping screws.

If the lowest panel does not fit in height, then it can be trimmed a little. Particular attention should be paid to the direction of the required connecting parts of the pillar. You can cut off excess parts of the working material using the most ordinary scissors designed for working on metal, or a simple grinder.

After installation, it is necessary to wipe the surface of the installed pole with a damp cloth. Pix panels are sometimes used to frame a metal fence post onto which the rest of the fence is attached. Installation work carried out in the same way as when installing fence posts.


Pix panels are simply assembled and easily disassembled. They can be used even several times without deteriorating their appearance. Using panels with imitation brick is a good opportunity to get an aesthetic, reliable, well-designed and affordable fence or a modern, beautiful fence.

The main function of fences and fences is to protect the territory and property from unwanted intrusions, natural disasters, as well as to correctly mark the boundaries of the site. However, do not forget that the fence is a kind of “face” of the house and the surrounding area, so you should not think about its decoration. Decorating a fence allows the owner to show imagination and express the style of the house and the surrounding area, and the possibilities modern technologies allow you to finish the fence at minimal cost.

Decorative finishing of fences is needed not only to give a unique style to the entire territory, but also to protect the fence from negative impacts environment. Rain, snow, hail, heat, ultraviolet radiation - all this negatively affects the fence. This can lead not only to the loss of an attractive appearance, but also to its breakdown.

There are many materials used to decorate fences, some of them are the most popular due to attractive price and high quality.

Types of fence decoration

The modern building materials market provides the buyer with wide choose materials for finishing the fence, so each owner of the site can choose for himself the option that will fully satisfy his taste and fit the price category.

  • Decorative finishing.

The most popular type of decorating brick fences, which attracts with its low cost and ease of handling, is plastering. Such plaster can be either purchased directly from suppliers or made independently. In order to independently produce such a finish, you need to add various structure-forming fillers to the plaster base: broken glass, tree fibers, but most often quartz, marble and granite chips are used, since fencing with such a finish looks the most classic. If the owner wants to experiment with design, then such a finish provides endless possibilities for imagination, since it can be given any color and structure. The main disadvantage of decorative plaster as a finish is that such material is not very durable. Under the influence of snow, rain, and sunlight, it begins to crack and crumble.

  • Facing tiles.

This type of finishing is also distinguished by its affordable price range and ease of use, as well as its durability. Special attention should pay attention to the composition of the tile. Standard slab composition:

  • Pumice
  • Expanded clay
  • Marble chips
  • Granite chips
  • Fine crushed stone
  • Concrete mortar mixture
  • Perlite
  • Clinker

As a decoration, tiles have a little less possibilities. It is impossible to create the desired color or pattern yourself, but this product available on the market in huge and varied quantities, so site owners will be able to choose tiles that suit their taste. This type of finishing is distinguished by a wide range of colors and patterns, shapes (square, rectangular, oblique), sizes, textures (convex or concave), design front side(matte or glossy). In addition, tiles can quite successfully imitate stone.

Stone finishing of the fence

Finishing a fence with stone remains in demand today, since such a fence looks impressive, impregnable and fully corresponds to the expression “my home is my fortress.” The buyer is presented with the following options for finishing the fence:

  • A natural stone

Natural stone is recommended to be used for massive fences that can withstand the high weight of the material. For cladding you can use:

  • Granite
  • Limestone
  • Shell rock
  • Marble
  • Pebbles
  • Sandstone
  • Slate, etc.

Sandstone is most often used, since this finish is durable, guarantees a high degree of frost resistance, is environmentally friendly, and also provides sound insulation. However, sandstone is highly hydroscopic, which is noticeable from November to April. Therefore, this type of decoration should not be used in climates characterized by high humidity. The stone is ideal as a decoration for a fence; it is distinguished by a wide choice of shapes, textures and sizes, and a variety of shades.

  • Fake diamond

If the buyer cannot afford natural stone as a decoration for the fence, then the manufacturer offers a very interesting replacement - fake diamond. This material is perfect for light and non-massive fences, because natural stone forms a massive layer, which can lead to the destruction of fragile structures. It also costs much less and does not differ much in appearance. Using artificial stone, you can successfully imitate both natural stone and brick masonry. In terms of its properties, this material is not only inferior to natural stone, but it is even superior, since it does not lose color under the influence of natural conditions and microcracks do not appear in it (unlike natural ones). Another advantage of this stone is the varied selection of colors, textures and sizes. But when choosing artificial stone as a finish, you must carefully select the product, since there is a high probability of unknowingly purchasing a low-quality product.

Facing with siding

Siding is construction material, which is a panel of various materials, such as metal, wood, vinyl, cement, which is used for cladding the facade of a house. It began to be actively used in the mid-20th century and is still used as cladding for fences.

Finishing the fence with siding itself is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. The base from which the panels are composed is selected based on the goals pursued by the buyer. If the owner plans to carry out the cladding himself, then it is better to choose wood or vinyl, as these materials are easy to use. Wood is not as durable as vinyl and can deteriorate under the influence of natural conditions, vinyl retains its attractive appearance for a long time. If you need a more impressive-looking fence, then metal or cement are perfect for decoration.
Video instructions for cladding the fence plinth:

Fence around own plot- this is a peculiar business card. The beauty and decoration of the fence is used to judge the wealth of the owner of the territory, which is why the finishing of the fence is so important. Application of various decorative coatings helps improve the appearance of the building and create a certain appearance of the entire architectural ensemble.

Example original finish fence natural stone

Decorating a fence is a difficult task, but it can be solved different ways. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Decorative plaster

Decorative plaster is a fairly common way to decorate the surface of a fence or building facade. The method is attractive due to its ease of implementation and relative low cost.

An example of decorative plaster on a brick fence

Structural plaster

Using structural plaster, you can create a grainy surface. During production, some granules are added to the mixture (small pebbles, inclusions of quartz, wood fibers, etc.). The basis of such mixtures are mineral compounds, usually synthetic or silicate. For outdoor work, mixtures containing organic solvents are suitable.

Structural plaster is distinguished by its characteristic plasticity. It is easy to apply, and the surface does not have to be perfectly smooth. Before applying the material, the surface of the fence should be treated with a primer and allowed to dry. Drying of the plaster itself takes only two to three hours, but maximum surface strength is achieved a week after finishing. finishing works. The ready-to-use mixture is available in buckets of 10 kg.
You can try to make plaster yourself, using suitable material.

Textured plaster

Textured decorative plaster on the wall surface creates an original texture with relief. The complexity and uniqueness of the pattern depends not only on the composition of the material, but also on the method of applying the mixture, as well as on the tools used. The skill of the workers is also important.
Finishing a fence in this way can give the surface the appearance of natural wood, crinkled paper or chipped rock.

The main ingredient of the mixture is lime flour, and granite or marble chips, natural fibers.

Before applying the mixture, the surface should be made perfectly flat, then treated with a primer and a special base paint containing sand in its composition. The wall is decorated using a spatula, brushes, trowel, and other tools.

Finishing the fence with textured plaster

Upon completion of the work, the plaster is treated with a glazing compound to protect it from exposure external factors.

Venetian plaster

Usage Venetian plaster allows you to create an imitation of a marble surface. It contains marble flour, slaked lime and water emulsion. It is applied on a flat smooth surface, pre-painting is also possible.
The main advantages of Venetian plaster are water resistance and fire safety. Applied mixture dries quickly and the surface is scratch-resistant external environment. The only disadvantage of this method is its high labor intensity. To obtain the desired effect, you need to apply from 5 to 12 thinnest layers plaster.

Finishing the fence with natural or artificial stone

Cladding the fence with stone is an excellent method. For this, both natural and artificial stone are used.

In addition to a purely aesthetic function, it has a strengthening purpose. Thus, the strength of the structure increases and its service life is extended. Using stone, you can also hide some defects, for example, smooth out existing surface irregularities. Unedged stone looks as natural as possible, because it has not been subjected to special treatment before use.

Option for finishing a fence with natural stone

Sawn stone resembles bricks in shape. Hewn stone may be different sizes both in shape and on the surface of the fence it looks brutal and massive.

On initial stage finishing, a reinforcing mesh is attached to the surface of the fence using dowels or self-tapping screws. Then the wall is covered with a layer of plaster and dries within 24 hours. When finishing with natural stone up to 30 mm thick and with a fence height of up to one and a half meters, strengthening the wall is not necessary. Otherwise, additional fixation of the stone is necessary using hooks driven into the fence. Holes are drilled in the stone for fastening. The glue is applied directly to the stone, and not to the surface of the fence. The distance between individual fragments is maintained no more than 1.5 cm. Then the seams are rubbed down, and all dirt and excess glue are wiped off the surface of the stones.

Tiling the fence

Covering a fence with tiles will decorate the fence of any home. The material itself is made from a mixture of cement, sand and clay, and the slab is given a certain form(square, rectangle, shapes with oblique angles).
For tiling, you can choose different kinds of this material:

  • With glossy tiles, the finish will look festive, and the matte surface will emphasize minimalism in the decor;
  • The surface can be single-color or multi-color, with a marble effect or with a mosaic design;
  • The front side can be flat, concave, convex, and also heterogeneous.

The tile is easy to use, and its surface is more resistant to environmental influences than, for example, plaster. A fence with tiles is not afraid of temperature changes and high humidity, and the fence will remain beautiful for a long time.

An example of finishing a fence with cobblestone tiles

Finishing the fence with siding

Covering a fence with siding is modern alternative corrugated sheets. Compared to corrugated sheets, finishing with siding has many advantages:

  • With almost the same cost of materials, the aesthetics of siding are much higher;
  • The surface decorated with siding will last longer (the service life of the material will be up to 50 years);
  • Siding is produced with different surface, wood, stone;
  • The color palette is much wider and more diverse, which allows you to choose the best option.

The panels weigh little, so the load on the base will not be great.
After marking the territory, and according to the marking. Then transverse logs are welded to the supports, playing the role of sheathing the fence. After this, the fence frame is primed and painted.

Finishing brick fence wood siding

The siding finishing stage begins with aligning the panels in width. Attached at the bottom starting bar, and a second panel is inserted into it and secured with self-tapping screws. This is how the entire structure is built up to the top, right up to the finishing strip.
Caring for siding involves periodic washing with water and brushing with a soft brush. The use of solvents, acetone and harsh detergents is prohibited.