home · Other · Decorating a fountain at your dacha with your own hands. How to make a fountain for your dacha with your own hands: choosing the type and stages of construction. Unnecessary wheels and gas cylinders: how to use them

Decorating a fountain at your dacha with your own hands. How to make a fountain for your dacha with your own hands: choosing the type and stages of construction. Unnecessary wheels and gas cylinders: how to use them

Even the smallest fountain can transform the landscape of a dacha or private home beyond recognition. This decorative structure will definitely become a favorite relaxation spot on your site, because it will give you the opportunity to unite with nature at any moment. Do you want this to become a reality faster? There is nothing super complicated here - anyone can make a fountain with their own hands. Don't believe me? Then to your attention step-by-step instruction with a photo, following which you can quickly and without the involvement of professionals get an effective and functional fountain.

Choosing a fountain

First of all, you need to choose suitable option fountain for your site. We are talking about its dimensions, shape and materials. When deciding this issue, focus on the area and style of the yard of your dacha or private house.

Yes, for large plot it’s better to choose a classic sculptural model that will become the center landscape composition. And for a modest courtyard, fountains in the form of: sea shells, fairy-tale heroes, houses, pots and other similar figures.

An original fountain made from scrap materials

But you don’t have to buy a ready-made sculpture, because you can also build a fountain with your own hands. The simplest option is a structure made of stones. To make it, place large flat stones on top of each other, use an electric drill to make holes in each of them and string all the resulting products onto copper pipe- it is through it that water will flow to the top of the structure. Then close the gaps with small stones and treat the cracks silicone sealant.

Choosing a location

The next step is to decide where exactly on the site the fountain will be located. In order for a structure to fully fulfill its aesthetic function, it cannot be installed “anywhere” - it is important to choose the best location. And for this you need to take into account several nuances.

  1. Firstly, the fountain has no place in an area that is too open, since under the influence of active sun rays the water may begin to “bloom.”
  2. Secondly, the fountain cannot be placed among powerful trees - their roots can cause deformation of the tank and waterproofing. In addition, leaves, fluff, fruits and tree seeds will constantly pollute the fountain.
  3. Thirdly, the structure should not be too close to the house, otherwise moisture will fall on its walls with the wind.
  4. Fourthly, it is undesirable to place the fountain in the open wind so that its gusts do not “disrupt” the jets.

Position the fountain so that it can be seen from different parts plot

Thus, the ideal location for a decorative fountain is light partial shade surrounded by flowers and low bushes.

When you choose a place, proceed directly to arranging the fountain. It involves the phased implementation of three main groups of work:

  • tank preparation;
  • pump installation;
  • installation and decoration of the fountain.

Preparing the tank

In order for the fountain to be durable and solid, it is necessary to equip a special reservoir for hydraulic equipment and water. This is done as follows:

  • Dig a pit of pre-calculated depth and the diameter you need.

Important! The depth of the reservoir should be below ground level so that the soil around the fountain bowl is not washed away and the base is not deformed.

  • Pour a thin layer of sand onto the bottom of the resulting hole and carefully reinforce its side walls with bricks.
  • Cover the inner surface of the pit with thick plastic film - it will prevent the passage of water.
  • Fix the film along the upper edge of the tank and treat the seams with frost-resistant silicone sealant. Place stones at the bottom of the pit, distributing them over the surface of the film. The stones should not be sharp so as not to deform the film.
  • Install a small emergency drain near the pit to prevent the water level in the tank from rising.

Construction of the fountain

Installing the pump

The fountain will not be able to work without the most important mechanism -. It is he who is responsible for the continuous movement of water flow. The general operating principle of the pump is simple: water is released through a nozzle into the tank, then enters the pipeline, where it undergoes coarse and fine cleaning, and then the already purified water is sent back to the nozzle.

The quality of the fountain’s functioning directly depends on the type of pump:

  • Submersible - works on the principle of a centrifuge and is located in the center of the fountain tank under water. This is a cheap but reliable device, the installation of which does not require any fasteners - the submersible pump is quite heavy, so it does not budge on its own. It is suitable for small weak fountains.

Diagram: fountain pump operation

  • Surface is a more serious type of pump, which is installed not inside the tank, but on its edge on the surface of the earth. This device is designed for large fountains with complex designs.

The piping for the pumping system can be constructed from plastic pipes. Their optimal diameter is 16 mm.

Advice. In order to enhance the operation of the pump, additionally install a pressure tank - it will guarantee a constant pressure of the water flow.

Fountain decoration

After the main functional elements installed, you need to take care of installing the fountain itself, or rather its upper part. If you are using ready-made sculptures, they should have special fastenings for installation. But a homemade stone fountain is best installed on metal slats previously laid on top of the tank.

Then start decorating the structure. The fountain can be decorated with plants, different-sized stones, clay figurines, microsculptures and any other details that seem appropriate to you on your site.

You can decorate the fountain with stones, sculptures and plants

Don’t forget about such an effective decorative tool as lighting. These could be underwater lamps, light strips, floating lanterns, ground lamps - here you are also unlimited. But remember that lighting structures must be completely sealed, and all their contacts must be protected from water as reliably as possible, otherwise it will be unsafe to use them.

When all work is completed, fill the tank with water and start the fountain.

As you can see, to make a beautiful fountain with your own hands, you don’t need to work hard or spend a lot of money. Do not deviate from the instructions, use quality materials and don’t be afraid to experiment with decor – by following these three simple rules, you will definitely get a functional fountain that will delight your eyes and set you in a positive mood for many years.

Which fountain to choose for your dacha: video

Fountain at the dacha: photo

Nothing pleases the eyes of homeowners and summer residents more than a do-it-yourself fountain in the country, surrounded by beautiful vegetation. It is not only a non-trivial decoration of the site, but can also positively influence the microclimate of the surrounding space. You can look at the descending surface of water endlessly, in these moments renouncing everyday problems and enjoying unity with nature.

A do-it-yourself pond with a fountain in the country with flowing water is the personification of the transience of life. This is a symbolic building with a special magical power. The murmur of water creates a feeling of peace, tranquility and unity with nature. The water flow thrown up can take different shapes, which is fascinating, conveying the atmosphere of the holiday. In the descending water surface, exquisite water patterns drawn by the sun's rays are visible.

The fountain at the dacha is a real decoration of the site, which will make an unforgettable impression on the guests and will be a real aesthetic delight for the owners of the site. It will certainly become the basis for the emergence of a tradition of throwing coins in order to return to this place again. By using various lights and organizing unusual effects of water transfusion, you can create with my own hands a real landscape masterpiece that will noticeably distinguish the suburban area from the background of neighboring territories.

Important! A fountain or waterfall on the site allows you to optimize the humidity and temperature of the surrounding space.

It will be nice to just stand near such an oasis, enjoying the coolness on a hot summer day. Relaxing near the water after a week of work is very beneficial. The water element can saturate a person with energy, relieve fatigue, give peace and a feeling of absolute harmony with the surrounding world.

Types of fountains for gardens and their characteristics

According to the technique of execution, fountains in the country with a pump with your own hands can be submersible and stationary. The first option is simple to implement and is located inside the reservoir. To create it, minimal financial costs will be required. The submersible design consists of a pump, a pipeline supplying water, and a nozzle through which water is sprayed in the form of a specific composition. With the help of such fountains you can get a stream that flows from the depths of the reservoir.

Stationary structures can most often be found in city squares and parks. The structure necessarily contains various decorative elements that act as a source of water. There may be statues, sculptural compositions, objects landscape decor. Such works of art are made from polymer concrete stone, which is characterized by strength, reliability and frost resistance. Such fountains have a light weight and are not subject to rotting or deformation. The construction of such a structure requires special skills and imagination. The process is labor intensive. However, such a composition will have a very impressive appearance and will decorate the overall concept of landscape design.

Depending on the device, flow-through and circulation fountains are distinguished. The first option is installed using a water supply or well and sewerage system. The flow of water flows upward, falls down and goes into the sewer. Despite the fact that this is an irrational type of fountain, from an economic point of view water resource it has its advantages. Such an aesthetic structure will be a source of drinking water.

Helpful advice! Flowing fountains can be used to water flower beds, lawns, trees and shrubs.

Circulation structures involve the circulation of water that fills the reservoir. From it, with the help of a pump, water rises to a certain depth, is sprayed in the form of splashes through a special nozzle and falls into the tank. In this case, there is no need for a constant supply of water. It is enough to periodically replenish its reserves, which are spent on evaporation and splashing.

Based on their appearance, fountains can be classified into single, group, single-level, multi-level, jet, cascade, waterfall, dancing, colored, singing and others.

Choosing a suitable location for a fountain

When choosing a place to install a fountain, you should not only take into account the type of structure and its dimensions, but also a number of additional factors. The structure should not be located under trees or in close proximity to them. Falling leaves, seeds, and fruits will clog the filter and may cause damage to the pump. The root system, sensing moisture, will grow rapidly and sooner or later destroy the structure.

It is also inadvisable to place a fountain near a house or other building. As a result of constant high humidity and splashing water, the foundation and façade will be exposed to negative impact, which will affect technical indicators and the appearance of buildings.

When choosing a good location, you should take into account the wind direction characteristic of a particular area. If the fountain is placed on the leeward side, various large and small debris will constantly fly into it. As a result, instead of enjoying the sight of falling water, you will have to constantly clean the structure.

The fountain should not be installed in a completely open area that is exposed to direct sunlight. The water, gradually heating up, can reach a high temperature, which will lead to its flowering and high probability failure of the pump unit. Throughout the day, light and shadow should replace each other.

Helpful advice! The ideal place to locate a fountain in a dacha is an area with light partial shade surrounded by low growing bushes and flower arrangements.

Since the operation of the fountain is ensured by an electric pump, you should worry about the presence of an outlet near the structure. The farther it is from it, the longer the cable will have to be laid, which will not only increase the economic component, but also increase the likelihood of damage to the wire during operation.

It is better to install the fountain in a low-lying part of the site. This technique will saturate the air with additional moisture, which is especially valuable on hot summer days. In addition, in this way the volume of groundwater can be adjusted in the desired direction.

The water structure can become original decoration children's playground or complement the relaxation complex. Another good solution is to install a fountain near a gazebo or open terrace, which will allow you to enjoy the unobtrusive murmur of water while drinking tea.

Stylistic design of a homemade fountain

The fountain must fit harmoniously into the exterior of the territory, so it should be properly thought out appearance.

It is necessary to carefully consider the appearance so that it fits into overall design Location on

For a classic garden, a stationary hydraulic installation in the form of a sculpture of a young maiden, an angel, a mythical monster or an ancient deity is ideal. Natural style the design of the site requires naturalness from the structures located on it. Waterfalls, geysers, springs framed in wood, pebbles or stone will look harmonious here.

For modern style will suit a fountain made of concrete, steel, glass, polymers, artificial or natural stone. When creating a structure, it is important to strictly adhere to clear lines and correct geometric shapes. Boulders, clay jugs, a mill wheel or an old well are perfect for creating a fountain in a country style.

Choosing a container for arranging a garden fountain with your own hands

A properly selected or created container will hold the water inside the tank, keeping it clean. To create a mini fountain with your own hands, you can purchase a ready-made bowl of various designs made of composite or plastic. The first type of material has increased resistance to temperature fluctuations and does not deform under different weather conditions. A plastic fountain container has a lower cost and is less durable and durable. However, such a bowl can be selected in different colors.

The prepared container can be dug into the ground flush with the surface or left with a small side. To do this, you will need a pit, the bottom of which is carefully compacted and leveled. Next, a sand cushion about 10 mm thick is laid, which is watered and compacted. A bowl is placed on the prepared base, which should be immediately filled with water.

The space between the pit and the walls of the bowl is filled with soil, if it drains well, or with sand (in the case of clay soil). The seal compacts well. However, you should take into account the fact that after a few weeks you will still have to add more sand or soil, which will shrink a few centimeters. The sides of the bowl are usually decorated with pebbles or stones.

Helpful advice! You can use an old one as a container for the fountain. acrylic bath, which needs to be dug into the ground and decorated.

How to make a bowl for a garden fountain with your own hands

There are two ways to create a large stationary home fountain in your country house. Both options involve digging a pit of the required size and shape. All roots and stones are removed from the hole.

The first method is cheaper and less labor-intensive. After creating the pit, it is necessary to level and compact its bottom and walls. Once the required result is achieved, the base is covered with a layer of sand, on top of which a special film for swimming pools is laid. It will last for many years without losing the integrity of the structure. Its main disadvantage is its high cost. You can also use any plastic film high strength, but after 2-3 years it will leak water.

The film should be laid freely, without tension. Its edges are covered with soil and pressed down with boulders. To prevent plant roots from growing through the film, it is recommended to spread geotextiles underneath it. This non-woven fabric is used when laying highways to prevent soil collapse and root germination. This material is very tear resistant. Stones, boulders, pebbles or other decorative material are laid out on the laid film.

Important! To prevent deformation or tearing of the film, fountain stones should not be sharp.

The second design option involves constructing a bowl from monolithic concrete, the sides and walls of which can be lined with bricks. This is a more labor-intensive and costly process, which will be discussed later in this article.

Choosing a pump for a home fountain with your own hands

The pump is the main mechanism of the fountain, which ensures the continuous movement of water in the tank. The principle of its operation is as follows. Water is taken by a pump, on the suction pipeline of which a filter is installed, where coarse and fine cleaning of the liquid is carried out, and is thrown into the tank through nozzles.

When choosing, it is necessary to take into account the operating voltage, productivity, height of water rise and power of the unit. It is better to give preference to models equipped with various hoses, nozzles and spray heads, since purchasing additional elements will be extremely problematic if necessary.

Related article:

Operating principle and purpose. Varieties. Criterias of choice. Manufacturers. Installation. DIY pump for a home fountain.

For the fountain, two types of pumping units are used: piston and surface. The first option is installed at the bottom of the tank and works on the principle of a centrifuge. It is represented by a small, low-power, inexpensive device that is suitable for small fountains. The unit operates silently and consumes little electricity.

Important! The piston pump is a low-voltage device and can be powered either from the mains or from a transformer.

For more complex multi-level designs (in the form of DIY home waterfalls), you should use the surface type pumping equipment. It is installed in close proximity to the tank and must be reliably protected from exposure to precipitation and direct sunlight. To do this, it can be covered with a special protective casing or placed in a pavilion or box. The pump operates quite noisily and is characterized by high cost. However, this is a reliable and durable type of unit that can last for many years without additional maintenance.

Additional equipment for creating a DIY fountain house

Thanks to various sprayers, nozzles, and water flow regulators, you can create unusual visual effects by changing the shape and adjusting the intensity of the jet, which can be smooth, intermittent, high or low. Due to application different types sprayers, the fountain can move around its axis and release bubbles of different shapes from under the water.

Single sprayers emit small vertical jets of water to a certain height, tiered ones - to different heights, forming several layers. The geyser nozzle provides a large amount of soap bubbles. A continuous cascading wall of water can be created using a fishtail sprayer.

Decorative lighting from a home fountain will help make the place truly magical. For this you can use moisture-resistant Spotlights. With the help of multi-colored LED strips that are laid around the perimeter of the fountain, the contours of the tank are favorably emphasized. Can be installed along the shore of the pond solar panels, which accumulate energy during the day and spend it on waterproof lamps in the evening. It is recommended to provide soft, diffused light by using diode lamps.

Helpful advice! Floating devices and lamps illuminating the water surface from the inside will look unusual and fabulous.

Do-it-yourself stationary fountain at the dacha: step-by-step instructions

Creating a stationary fountain for a summer house with your own hands with a concrete bowl occurs in the following sequence. The first stage is digging a pit, which is carried out based on the selected shape and size of the future tank. The depth of the pit is usually 50-60 cm. The bottom is leveled and compacted. Then a crushed stone cushion is laid.

The next step is to create the formwork. There are two possible options here. If the bowl is made entirely of concrete, then two formworks are constructed: along the outer and inner border of the fountain. There should be a distance of 30-40 cm between the sides. Next, the bottom and walls of the fountain are reinforced, which is done using reinforcing bars welded together in the form of a mesh. After this, the bottom is poured with concrete to the desired height. Then the space between the inner and outer borders is filled, necessary to create the sides of the fountain.

Important! First, fill the bottom of the bowl. After the concrete has hardened, you can begin constructing the sides.

There is another option that involves running concrete bottom, while the walls of the fountain are built using brickwork. This method is used less frequently because it is more labor-intensive and costly.

After creating the bowl, they begin to install the pump, which is determined by the type of equipment chosen. The unit is connected to a source of water supply and electricity. After filling the container with water, the performance of the system is checked by adjusting the power of the equipment to create the required intensity of the water jet.

The final stage is decorating the fountain. Here are used various techniques and materials. The fountain bowl can be lined with stones of different sizes. It is recommended to cover the top of the tank with a fine-mesh mesh, the size and shape of which must correspond to the design. Large and small pebbles are placed on it. You can install figurines or place plants on the sides of the structure, which will give the structure a more natural appearance.

How to make a waterfall at the dacha with your own hands: features of the process

To create the structure, you need to dig a pit, the shape and size of which correspond to the chosen fountain design. He may have different depths, which is determined by the further purpose of the pond. If you plan to use the excavation for breeding fish and underwater plants, its depth must be at least 1 m. The pit is multi-level. To prevent its walls from crumbling during operation, they should be periodically moistened and compacted.

A layer of sand 10 cm thick should be poured onto the bottom and compacted well. Next, the structure is waterproofed. For this you can use PVC film, with which the entire area of ​​the pit is covered, creating steps, or the tank is filled with concrete.

The next step is to execute the cascade itself. To do this, it is recommended to use a ready-made mold, which can be purchased at a specialized store, or to make a structure made of stone.

The second option will require a large amount of sandstone or boulders. In order for the elements to be well connected to each other, they should be fastened with cement mortar. You can create a rapid stream of water that will break against the stones at the bottom of the structure. To do this, the lower tier must be located at some distance from the upper. The water will pass between the cascade of rocks, foaming and crashing against the rock layer below.

Helpful advice! To ensure a beautiful and even flow of water to create a waterfall, you should use flat stones to create a cascade.

The next step is to install the pump. For a waterfall 1.5 m high, it will be enough to purchase a 70 W unit. The outlet of the pressure hose from the pump is located at the highest point of the cascade. It is recommended to hide the pipeline behind stones so that it does not spoil the aesthetic appearance of the structure.

Making a fountain without a pump with your own hands at the dacha

At your dacha, you can create an outdoor fountain without a pump with your own hands. To do this, it is necessary to insert a pipeline into the tank, which is connected to the centralized water supply system. Water coming out under some pressure will rise to a certain height. A tip can be mounted at the end of the pipe, thanks to which the shape of the emerging stream will change. For this method, an important step is the organization of water drainage. It can be redirected to a well or river, and can also be used to water plants on the site.

There is another way to organize a fountain without a pump. To do this, you will need a storage tank, which is installed at a certain height. Below such a tank there is a fountain, where water flows through a pipeline coming out of the tank. The water jet will be pushed out due to the pressure difference. However, in this case it will be quite sluggish, which is suitable for a stream fountain. With this method, it will be necessary to monitor the level of liquid in the container so that at least a minimum pressure is ensured.

How to make a stone mini fountain at your dacha with your own hands

To make a fountain at your dacha with your own hands small size, you will need the following materials:

  • square plastic flowerpot without holes;
  • small fountain pump;
  • plastic pipe 80 cm long, with a diameter corresponding to the outlet from the pump;
  • a bag of small decorative pebbles;
  • three bricks;
  • red granite slabs.

In the prepared place, a hole is made corresponding to the size of the pot. A flowerpot is inserted into it, into which three bricks are placed on the sides of the product. They ensure the stability of the structure and reduce the consumption of pebbles to fill the space of the fountain. The bricks are also the support for the future stone structure made of granite. A pump with a tube attached to it is installed in the center of the container.

Holes are created in the granite slabs in the central part of the products, the size of which corresponds to the diameter of the tube from the pump. The first slab is erected on bricks. The interior space of the fountain is filled with pebbles. All other slabs, like elements of a pyramid, are strung on a pipe. After installing the last stone, a mark is made on the pipe. The upper element is removed. The pipe is cut just below the obtained mark. This solution allows you to create a waterfall with your own hands (the photos clearly demonstrate this), in which water flows directly from the stone. This design looks unusual and original.

Another option for creating a small fountain at the dacha with your own hands is to use a flexible hose instead of a pipe, and driftwood instead of stones. To create the structure you will need a plastic flowerpot round shape. It can only be dug halfway into the ground for greater stability. Bricks and a pump are placed in the container. The top of the pot is covered with a net. The flexible hose from the pump is led out near the wall of the flowerpot. A wooden driftwood is installed in the mesh and secured with wire. The structure is covered with large pebbles. The hose is secured along the driftwood. Thus, a fountain is obtained in which a stream of water supplied from above breaks against the stones.

The process of making a tabletop fountain with your own hands

In order to make an indoor fountain with your own hands, you will need a low-power pump. You can use the unit for an aquarium without aeration. It is also necessary to prepare a ceramic container oval shape from baked clay. In a flower shop you should buy bamboo no more than 80 cm long, a bunch of growing plants and small pebbles.

You need to immediately cut a piece of bamboo into three parts of different lengths, which can be done with a hacksaw, since the process is quite complicated. Thanks to the hollow inner surface, the plant is a natural pipe that does not rot when exposed to water. One side of each piece should have an oblique cut, the other - an even one.

A pump is installed in the ceramic flowerpot of the table fountain. The longest piece of bamboo should be placed on it. A live bunch of plants is placed on the opposite side of the container. The space between them is filled with pebbles. The other two pieces of bamboo are tied with twine to the main pipe. The container is filled with water and the pump is turned on. The result is an original Japanese-style indoor fountain.

Helpful advice! To create indoor fountains, it is necessary to use small stones, since large products can make the structure rough.

Using the same technique, you can perform tabletop waterfall with your own hands. To do this, you should additionally prepare flat stones. A bamboo pipe is also mounted on the pump outlet. The container can be filled with large stones. The top of the do-it-yourself waterfall flowerpot in the apartment is covered with a net, on which flat stone slabs are installed in the form of a pyramid along a piece of bamboo. They are fastened together using sealant. The surface is covered with small pebbles. Water will flow into top part structure and cascade back into the container.

Original options for creating a fountain in the garden with your own hands

A DIY decorative fountain against a wall will look unusual. To do this, a structure is created near any building or fence. In this case, it is necessary to properly organize the waterproofing of the surface that needs to be coated with a hydrophobic composition. Near the wall there is a fountain bowl into which the pump is installed. The pipeline from the unit is attached along the wall at the required height. The surface along the hose is masked with decorative elements through which the flow of water will descend into the tank. It can be covered ceramic tiles or clinker bricks.

Another interesting design of a wall structure is a fountain made of several bowls stacked on top of each other. The upper container has a flat surface from which the flow of water flows down the wall after the bowl is completely filled. Such a mirror-smooth and absolutely horizontal surface of water produces a stunning visual effect.

Do-it-yourself cascading fountains at your dacha will look interesting; the photos clearly show the different design variations. This design ensures the pouring of water from one bowl to another. For this you can use a kettle, cups, watering cans, buckets and even garden carts. The principle of organizing such structures is to secure them on top of each other. capacitive elements so that the flow of water flows from one to another. The most voluminous bowl is located at the bottom of the structure. A pump is installed in it, supplying water through a pipeline to the uppermost vessel.

Having understood in detail the question of how to make a fountain at the dacha with your own hands, it becomes clear that the process does not cause any difficulties, as it may seem initial stage. With a little imagination, you can create a real work of art, thereby transforming your summer cottage beyond recognition.

A fountain can turn that piece of nature that you call your garden into a magical place where you will enjoy life and restore your strength.

Modern fountains are so diverse in the visual sense that such a design can literally fit into any landscape. Different sizes, shapes, from different materials, having different functional features, decor – it’s difficult not to choose something for a specific occasion.

Fountain and garden - unity of style

A classic fountain with sculptures and relief decoration may appear in your garden, or an avant-garde fountain, the design of which will use metal and glass, an impressive Swiss fountain, the jets of which will rise to great heights, or a tornado fountain, in which water falls from above, a fountain with fog, a spring fountain, a fountain whose water flows along glass threads or a glass panel, etc. Ideas for the garden in terms of arranging these wonderful water structures are inexhaustible.

The fountain can be installed in an existing pond on the site or in a specially constructed bowl. Available for sale ready-made designs with small tanks that are simply installed on the surface. They are good because they can be installed on hard surface areas, terraces, patios, and winter gardens.

Equipment for the fountain

The equipment for constructing a fountain is not complicated. For a small fountain, a set of a low-power pump and hoses with nozzles is enough. If you are thinking about a more complex design, it is worth purchasing an extended kit, thanks to which you can get automatic control of water flows (their speed and direction) and dynamic lighting (including color). And also such useful features how to purify water with special filters, remote control and much more.

Garden fountains - the song of water

When thinking about installing a structure such as a fountain in your garden, it is important to take into account the natural “sound accompaniment”. The sounds of water can be very different: cheerful, bright, soft, quiet, loud, bubbling, etc. The nature of the sounds is influenced by the height and shape of the jets: high-rising, thin streams will produce sonorous sounds, wide, voluminous streams will produce deep ones.

The jets are formed by nozzles. Usually there are 2-3 of them in a fountain set, which allows you to expand not only the visual, but also the sound range of the design, and include a certain “song of water” at will.

The speed of water flow also affects the sound effect, and almost all modern fountain equipment makes it possible to regulate it.

Why is the water in the fountain alive?

Of all bodies of water, the fountain humidifies the air most actively - because its water is constantly in motion. Moreover, as the jets rise, fall and break, the structure of water molecules changes, and negatively charged ions, which scientists call “health vitamins,” rush into the air.

They are the antipodes of those that negatively affect health and well-being. positive ions the usual air for us, filled with dust and densely permeated with radiation modern technology. For your information: negative ions predominate in the air on the seashore and in the mountains. When a person inhales them, they penetrate the blood and stimulate biochemical processes, leading to the restoration of many structures of the body. It would be unreasonable to refuse a fountain - your own small source of living water.

Fountain color therapy

Fountain lighting is an additional function, but very interesting and useful. The light accompaniment of the movement of water jets not only dispels the darkness, but has an emotional impact. Static lighting is good when the water seems filled with light, but dynamic lighting, in which the light also becomes alive and plays with the moving water, gives an indescribable experience.

There is such a sign: in order to return again to the city that you liked, you need to throw a coin into the main fountain. Probably each of us has done this simple procedure at least once in our lives. For some reason, we childishly believe that our desire will certainly come true.

I wonder why this tradition is connected with the fountain? Perhaps this is a hidden symbol? Water represents the transience of our lives. And the fountain, throwing it up, creates a feeling of celebration, creates the effect of fireworks or a scattering of confetti. The murmur of water is mesmerizing, and the sun's rays are reflected in the exquisite water patterns.

Why do you need a fountain in your dacha?

If you like to invite friends to your hacienda, then a country fountain is a must-have for you. As a rule, such a structure makes an unforgettable impression on guests. Rest assured: a new tradition will appear on your site - throwing a coin into the fountain. For luck and to return to this wonderful place again.

Relaxing near water is very beneficial. After a working day, it is pleasant to relax, enjoying the melody of the spray of a decorative fountain. The water element will saturate you with energy, relieve fatigue, give you peace and a feeling of complete harmony with the world around you.

Professional designers have long appreciated these qualities and consider garden fountains to be an ideal decoration. Various effects of continuous water transfusion, as well as the use of lighting, allow you to create amazing landscape masterpieces. And building such a structure is not as difficult as many people think. And it’s quite possible to do it with your own hands.

Main types

So to speak, according to the technique of execution, they are divided into two types:

  • submersible,
  • stationary.

The submersible type is installed inside a garden pond.

This design consists of three main components:

  • pump,
  • pipeline that supplies water
  • a nozzle that gives a specific shape to a water stream.

Such fountains for a summer residence make it possible to create a stream flowing from the depths of a reservoir. And visually it looks as if the spray is erupting from an underground source.

The stationary type is reminiscent of the structures that decorate city parks and squares. This is not just a water fireworks display, but a real work of art.

As a rule, it represents some kind of figure: for example, a flower, a young lady with a jug, a boy with a fish, etc. You can come up with absolutely any composition.

Stationary fountains are constructed from artificial stone– polymer concrete. This material has proven itself to be reliable, durable and (most importantly!) frost-resistant.

Decorative aspect

The most common is the jet fountain. This is simply a stream of water directed upward, which is divided into several thin streams. Simple, tasteful, classic, not difficult in terms of implementing the idea. Such a mini-fountain will breathe life into even a small artificial pond.

Decorative fountains are usually shaped according to the laws of symmetry. Simply put, when constructing them, strict geometric proportions must be observed. Round or oval, square or with several corners - such designs look impressive.

As a rule, the fountain does not need additional decoration. You should simply mark the sides of the reservoir - for example, create a stucco effect, lay out a border of natural stone or decorative brick. A stationary fountain in the garden can be designed in the form of a sculpture, or a composition made of stones can be created.

The most important thing is that its design style fits into general principles design homestead farming. Needless to say, the principle of proportionality comes into play in this case. The larger the total area of ​​the plot, the more massive the fountain at the dacha can be built. Agree, on a miniature six hundred square meters, a huge structure will be both inappropriate and not functional.

Ideal location for construction

The ideal location for construction will be one that is clearly visible from various points on the site. Just keep in mind that approaches to others country houses decorative fountains for the garden should not be blocked.

It's very good if water structure It will decorate a children's playground or join a relaxation complex. Near the gazebo or not far from the open terrace - it’s easy perfect solution! The fountain will give you positive emotions when you want to relax with its silver song of thin streams.

When planning construction, study the topography of your site. It is better to install the fountain in a low-lying part. Firstly, this technique will help saturate the air with moisture, which will be especially appreciated on hot summer days. Secondly, you can significantly adjust the volume of groundwater in the desired direction.

You should not place the fountain in the center of the garden or near trees. Roots can damage internal structure and waterproofing, and falling leaves will constantly clog the filtration system.

Preparation of materials for construction

There is an opinion that building a fountain with your own hands at the dacha is extremely difficult and this task belongs to the category of “from the realm of science fiction.” I hasten to disappoint you, dear lovers of complicating everything. Such construction is quite within the capabilities of the average summer resident. The most important stage is the selection of materials.

In particular, it is very important to make the hydraulic installation reliable. This design performs the most important function, creating water pressure and throwing a stream upward.

If you plan to build a small fountain, then a plastic basin or a larger container can serve as a fountain bowl. Plastic is easy to use, but at the same time reliable. For a fountain with a large bowl diameter, it is necessary to dig a pit.

The bottom is lined with sand, the sides with brick, and the whole inner surface– dense polyethylene. Many summer residents, equipping home fountains with their own hands, use the so-called waste material. These are the remains of building materials ( a natural stone, tiles), as well as what every household has - car tires, glass and ceramics. The only requirement for the material is strength and resistance to temperature changes.

Pump Installation Principles

The service life of the fountain depends on the operation of the pumping unit. The pump is the center of a given living organism. It drives water through pipes in the same way as the human heart through vessels. Do you wish longevity for your mini fountain? Make sure to purchase a quality pump.

The principle of its operation is very simple. Water from the bowl passes through the drain hole through the pipes. The pump creates the required pressure and throws the jet upward. Such a pump for a fountain in a country house is called a circulation pump, because the water in it flows continuously through a closed circular system. Its power depends on the volume of the bowl, as well as the desired power with which the spray flies into the sky.

Please note that the pump is powered by electricity. Therefore, even at the planning stage, consider the possibility direct connection to nutrition. If there is no way to power the pump with electricity on the hacienda, do not despair. You can build a waterfall for a natural stream or a dome fountain without a pump.

Such models look more natural and natural, but are only suitable for sloping areas. In this case, water circulation will occur according to the principle of communicating vessels in a multi-tier arrangement.

Special devices

The variety of fountain design will be given special accessories– nozzles. These simple devices create amazing water patterns. The same fountain in the country will look different when using nozzles various shapes. The intricate shapes of a geyser or dome, hemisphere or umbrella create an amazing atmosphere.

And the lighting further enhances the romantic effect. When dusk falls and the decorative lighting of the fountain turns on, the mood immediately changes. Relaxing in this magical corner of the dacha, we feel like we are in a fairy tale. IN Lately designers actively use floating lamps and devices that illuminate the water surface from the inside.

It is worth paying attention that the underwater lighting apparatus must be completely sealed. This is a strict safety rule that must be followed.

To ensure that your fountain will delight you for many years, follow the rules for caring for it. For the winter, all removable elements must be dismantled, even if they can withstand severe frosts. With the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to drain the water from the fountain bowl.

It's better to do this at the same time as closing summer season and do not delay until the first frost.

Indeed, under the influence of sub-zero temperatures, the reservoir of a country reservoir can be damaged. Ideally, it is necessary to cover the fountain bowl during non-working periods. A film secured on all sides is suitable - reliable protection from dust and precipitation.

Photo selection

These days, mini-fountains are becoming increasingly popular, as well as decorative waterfalls. Such decorative elements allow you to relax, and in the summer they humidify the air, creating optimal microclimate. Looking at the flowing water, it is convenient to concentrate, you can even meditate, if you are interested. This article will discuss how to create simple waterfall, and the pump is also made by hand. The homemade product is easy to assemble and requires a minimum amount of materials that are easy to obtain.

Materials and tools for homemade work:
- a small motor (can be found in a camera or phone);
- plastic gear (found in toys, watches, etc.);
- a piece of plastic a couple of millimeters thick;
- bottle cap;
- deodorant cap;
- foil;
- regular ballpoint pen;
- LEDs;
- resistor;
- wires;
- shells;
- mobile battery;
- a small plastic box.

Tools you will need:
- drill;
- scissors;
- pliers;
- hot glue gun;
- soldering iron;
- Super glue;
- hacksaw.

Fountain manufacturing process:

Step one. Fountain device
To operate the fountain you will need a pump; here you can make it yourself. Its operating principle is shown in the diagram.

The number 1 indicates the hole for the liquid inlet.
Under the number 2 is the pump wheel.
3 is the pump body.
Well, the 4th pipe indicates the outlet for water.

Step two. We prepare the motor and make the impeller

The motor should be small, since the mini-fountain will not be much larger in size than a pack of cigarettes. The author uses a camera motor for these purposes. As an option for these purposes, a vibration motor from a mobile phone is also perfect.

Next you need to make an impeller; it is made from a regular plastic gear. These are found in toys, watches and other mechanisms. However, other materials can be used, the main thing is that the workpiece is suitable in shape and size. The gear needs to be ground in a circle to the size of the pump housing.

To make the blades for the wheel, you will need rectangular pieces of plastic. There will be 4 of them in total. The pieces need to be glued to the gear.

Step three. Pump body
The author makes the pump body from a deodorant cap. You need to cut off all unnecessary parts from it, and then drill holes as shown in the photo. You need to drill a small hole at the top so that the motor axis comes out through it. Water will come out through the large hole.

Step four. The final stage of pump assembly
To create the outlet tube you will need a ballpoint pen. You need to cut off all the excess from it, and then the handle is simply glued to the body.

As for the motor, it is also glued using hot glue. You need to glue the motor carefully so as not to pour it through the cooling holes and glue the axle. The impeller should be located evenly in the housing, it should not touch anything.

You will also need to make a cover for the pump. The lid is made from a bottle cap; you need to make a hole in it, as can be seen in the photo. Water will enter the pump through this hole. The lid is glued to the body with hot glue.

That's all, the miniature pump is ready. According to the author, it is capable of forming a water column 20 cm high, and all this from a 3.7V power source (mobile battery). This power is quite enough to create a miniature fountain or waterfall.

Step five. How to make a slide for a fountain. The final stage assemblies
Stone stylization was taken as the main idea. Here you need to use all your imagination. Externally, the fountain can be made any way you want. You can ensure that no one can distinguish it from a store-bought one. To create the “stones,” the author used crumpled foil glued with hot glue. The photo shows the preliminary painting.

To make a decorative water source, you will need a shell of the appropriate size and shape. You need to make a hole in it for the tube. Well, then the whole structure is assembled as in the diagram.