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Description of a room in a business style. Essay describing the premises. Determining the topic of the lesson

My room is a kingdom of things to which I am very accustomed.

Seemingly ordinary objects: a bookcase-hero that tells instructive stories; desk for working with a computer assistant; TV for relaxation; a sofa that helps restore strength; floor lamp providing an additional light source; a wardrobe that contains clothes for different seasons. And the very atmosphere of light from crystal chandelier, white walls, ceiling and transparent tulle surround the room with a shell of coziness and comfort.

I appreciate my little abode.

Essay on the topic: my room

I think most people have a private room. Now I want to tell you a little about mine. And so, mThis room is not big, but very cozy. It is bright, spacious and I spend a lot of time in it. This room became mine personally when I turned five years. I feel very calm and easy in it.

What does my room look like

The walls of my room are light purple. There is a balcony and a window overlooking the park, where you can admire nature while sitting in the room. I have a table and a chair by the window, where I do my homework, play computer games, read various magazines, books and much more. There is a large and comfortable bed, above which hangs a picture (a very beautiful waterfall).I really like paintings that depict nature: trees, rivers, lakes, forests and the like.There is a nightstand in the corner and there I keep all my notebooks, books, magazines. Not far from the bedside table there is a medium-sized wardrobe. On the floor laid with a warm brown rug, which fits very well into the interior. I also have a small mirror that hangs on the wall.

Friends often come to visit me and I invite them to my room. Here we can listen to a variety of music together, watch films, drink tea, or just talk and discuss various issues that are interesting to us.Last year there was a renovation here, and after that a lot has changed. We bought new curtains because these ones were already a little old and didn't match the color. We also swapped the bed and wardrobe.I still want to buy something good easy chair, such as my cousin Christina has.I often clean and put things in order here,so that it is always clean and pleasant.

Why I love my room

There are many different reasons:

  • here I can have a good rest, study, listen to music, and much more;
  • This is my personal space and I can make different rearrangements as I want;
  • I can invite guests and we won’t disturb anyone;
  • I feel comfortable in it and I'm used to it.

My favorite room is for me the best place where I can spend my time.

For many children, the ultimate dream is a large room in which you can fit half a castle. But, alas, my room is completely different. She has small sizes, but in childhood it seemed completely endless. Despite its small size, I feel comfortable in it, as I was able to fit everything I needed for my creativity and flight of thoughts.

Many girls love very much pink color, but, apparently, I was not like everyone else and was fond of dark tones. In order for my life not to be monotonous, when choosing wallpaper, I abandoned the monotonous color, but my mother thought completely differently. But despite our contradictions, the result pleased both of us. One wall was decorated as an elegant meadow with roses and it was my small victory.

Since childhood, I preferred classics and rigor, and this was reflected in all areas of my life, even in the room. Everything must fit together work zone separate from the recreation area. And this is probably a huge plus. I can always find what I need in it, even in the closet the dresses are hung so that in winter I don’t wear a summer dress and vice versa. All the joy is in the little things and many people don’t understand this, but this only makes me feel better, because I can rejoice looking at the ordinary flower pot in which the house maple grows.

A computer desk I placed it next to the window. In the morning, looking into it, you don’t see anything worthwhile, but as soon as night falls, my city begins to light up with bright colors, and you can also open the window. The wind blowing from it gives strength to creativity. And everything seems to be the same as always, nothing changes. But if you fantasize, my room is a big castle, and terrible monsters live under the bed, and if you dangle your leg, they will definitely grab it. It seems like a child's fantasy, but, having already matured, you are still afraid to hang your legs.

I live with my parents in two-room apartment on the 7th floor. I have a separate room. I used to live in a room with my sister, but she got married and moved to live with her husband. Now I live alone in the room, and I really like it. I can arrange the furniture the way I want. Put things where it's convenient for me. And no one will object.

My room is square. In it there is a closet against the wall where my things are and dresses hang. Opposite, by the window desk, where I do my homework. There is a computer on it that I play on. Sometimes I read at the table because my mother scolds me when I read while lying on the bed. He says that this way I’ll spoil my posture and my eyes will sag. And on the table there is a table lamp that provides good illumination.

There are two beds on either side of the table. One is mine, and the other is my sisters. Now I throw things on it when I come home from school.

The room is small, but I really like it here. When clear sky, in the morning the sun comes here and wakes me up with its rays. This is especially pleasant in the spring, when the birds are still singing under the window. Outside the window you can see the entire yard. So sometimes I just watch what's going on there. Like on TV.

On the wall above my bed there are posters of singers and bands that I listen to. And another small picture that I really like. There is a sunset on the sea and a ship sailing into the distance. Sometimes I look at it and I want to sit on it and sail away to see new lands and meet new people. I dream that when I grow up, I will earn a lot of money and travel.

My friends often come to visit me. And then we sit down in bed and dream together. Who wants to go where they want, some to Australia, some to Paris... And we listen to music and it seems to us that we are already sailing towards adventure.

I love my room very much. I relax here, read, do homework and hide from my parents if they scold me for something.

Essay My room (on behalf of the boy)
How I love my bright, spacious room. My room is located under the very roof of our house, on the attic floor. I can’t tell you how cozy and pleasant it is to be there. In my room there are three small windows, with beautiful openwork curtains, they look out onto our beautiful garden.

In the summer it is pleasant to spend time watching through the window how the flowers bloom and frolic on the fresh air our dogs. In winter you can see an extraordinary picture, a snow-covered garden and a white fluffy blanket of snow covering the paths. Friends often come to me after school and we play, I have a lot of toys, I especially love my collection of cars.

The walls in my room warm shade, there is a soft fluffy carpet on the floor, and a starry sky on the ceiling.
I also have a sports corner, where there is wall bars, rope ladder, horizontal bar, in the evenings with dad, after homework is done, we spend there. Dad says that you need to get used to sports from childhood in order to be a strong and healthy boy.

In the study part of my room there is a desk, at the table I do my homework, my mother helps me and checks the mistakes I have made. There are many bookshelves mounted on the wall. I also have a computer on my desk, a cup with pens, pencils and felt-tip pens. I like to draw with my colorful felt-tip pens.

I hang my drawings on the walls, and there are also posters of my favorite actors and performers on the walls.

WITH early childhood I was taught to love my room, keep it in order and take care of my toys. I love to hang out with the boys and girls outside, but I always enjoy coming back to my little room and spending time in it.

Depending on age, this story becomes more complex, and already for a school graduate it turns into a detailed description of a room or apartment with more complex vocabulary and grammatical structures. However, for children who have recently started learning English, a basic structure listing the furniture and the characteristics of the room is sufficient.

Use “My Room” essay examples at English language below. The stories are given with translation and arranged in order of complexity of vocabulary and grammar.

Example 1. For elementary school

This is my room. It's big and light. I share it with my sister Ann. There are two beds, a wardrobe and a big desk with two chairs. Next to the desk there is a bookcase for our books and toys. There is a brown carpet on the floor. There are yellow curtains on the window. You can see some plants on the windowsill. My room is very cozy, I love it!


This is my room. It is big and bright. I live in it with my sister Anya. There are two beds, a wardrobe and a large desk with two chairs. Next to the table there is a bookcase for our books and toys. There is a brown carpet on the floor. Yellow curtains hang on the window. You can see plants on the windowsill. My room is very cozy, I like it!

Example 2. For grades 5-6

We live in three-room flat. The room I like most of all is my bedroom. It belongs only to me. My room is small, but it is very cozy and bright. There isn’t much furniture in it, only the most necessary pieces. There is a bed on the right. Next to the bed there is a yellow nightstand. You can see a vase with flowers on my dresser.

On the left there is my desk where I do my homework. It has a lot of drawers where I keep my textbooks, notes, pens, pencils and other necessary things. Of course, I have a computer connected to Internet. On the right there is a sofa and a built-in wardrobe. In the right corner there is a comfortable armchair. Beside it stands a lamp with blue shade. I like to turn on the lamp, sit in the arm-chair and read an interesting book.

There are some shelves with books in my room. You can see Russian and English books there. There is a big thick carpet on the floor. There are some posters with my favorite singers on the wall.

I like my room very much. When my friends come to visit me, I invite them into my room. My room is a nice place for both rest and work.


We live in a three-room apartment. What I like most is my bedroom. She belongs only to me. My room is small, but very cozy and bright. There is not much furniture in it, only the most necessary items. On the right is the bed. Next to her is a yellow bedside table. You can see a vase of flowers on my dresser.

On the left is my desk where I do my homework. It has many drawers where I keep my textbooks, notes, pens, pencils and other necessary things. Of course, I have a computer that is connected to the Internet. On the right there is a sofa and a built-in wardrobe. In the right corner there is a comfortable chair. Nearby there is a lamp with a blue lampshade. I like to turn on the lamp, sit in a chair and read an interesting book.

There are shelves with books in my room. There you can see Russian and English books. There is a large thick carpet on the floor. There are posters of my favorite singers on the wall.

I like my room. When my friends come to visit me, I invite them to my room. My room is a good place for both relaxation and work.

Example 3. For high school students

I have got a big and cozy room on the first floor of our house. There is a big window with lace curtains in it, so my room is full of light. I spend a great deal of my time in this room: I do my homework, listen to music, read books and chat with my friends via the Internet.

The wallpapers are white with light blue flowers. There is a poster of my favorite music band above my bed. There is also a round mirror hanging on the wall and a small table under it. In the mornings I do my hair in front of it.

I also have a big desk with a table lamp on it. I do my homework at it and sometimes draw small pictures with color pencils. I keep my workbooks and exercise books on the shelf above the desk. It is very convenient, as I have everything at hand while doing my homework.

There is a bed, bookshelves and a writing desk with a computer on it. My bed is not big, but comfortable. I like reading in bed before going to sleep, so I have a wall bracket lamp on the wall. I have got a lot of books and there is a bookcase near my bed.

My room is not just a place where I can relax, it is also a place where I can work! There are many large and exotic plants. It creates a special atmosphere here.

I love traveling and soccer, so on the walls in my room there are a lot of pictures and posters of footballers or different countries. Also I collect model cars, so on my shelf you can see a number of beautiful and old-fashioned cars. I personally believe that precisely this collection of selected cars and posters on the walls makes my room a bit special and unique.

There is also a stereo system and a guitar. Sometimes when I stay home alone, I turn on the music at full volume, or play guitar with friends. No matter what anyone says, my room is great!


I have a big one cozy room on the second floor of our house. It has a large window with tulle curtains, so my room is full of light. I spend a lot of time in my room: doing homework, listening to music, reading books and chatting on the Internet with my friends.

Wallpaper white with blue flowers. There is a poster of my favorite band hanging above my bed. Still hanging on the wall round mirror, and under it stands small table. In the mornings I comb my hair in front of him.

I also have a large desk with table lamp. I follow him homework and sometimes I draw pictures with colored pencils. I store my textbooks and notebooks on the shelf above the table. This is very convenient as everything is at hand when I do my homework.

My bed is not big, but comfortable. I like to read in bed before bed, so I have a sconce hanging on the wall. I have a lot of books, and there is a bookcase next to my bed.

There is a bed, bookshelves and a desk with a computer. My room is not only a place where I can relax, it is also a place where I can work. There are many big ones in my room, exotic plants. This creates a special atmosphere in my room.

I love traveling and football, so in my room a large number of paintings and posters with football players and various countries. I also collect model cars, so on the shelf in my room you can see a whole range of beautiful, unusual and old-fashioned cars. I think it's this collection of cars and the posters on the walls that make my room a little special and unique.

There is also music Center and guitar. Sometimes when I'm alone at home, I turn on the music at full volume or play the guitar with friends. No matter what anyone says, my room is amazing!

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The school curriculum certainly includes tasks such as writing essays. This type of work is quite interesting and allows you to fully express your imagination. The essay “My Room” is often assigned to children at home, but sometimes it is necessary to compose such a work at school. In any case, students must understand what the description should be in order to correctly express their thoughts.

What is special about writing an essay on the topic “My Room”?

This task is given for a reason. The descriptive essay “My Room” helps teachers and parents understand inner world child. Thanks to this work, students will be able to tell how comfortable and cozy they are in their own space at home. It is also very important that an essay on the topic “My Room” helps self-expression and the development of creative abilities.

The task of teachers and parents is to correctly explain to the child how the best way perform a task. The essay “My Room” should be detailed, detailed and express the idea in full.

How to make a work plan?

To make it easier for your son or daughter to write a descriptive essay “My Room,” you should write detailed plan. To do this, the parents themselves need to think about what exactly should be in the story. The plan for the descriptive essay “My Room” could be as follows:

  1. Introduction. In this section you need to indicate general information about what will be discussed in the essay.
  2. Main part. Here are the subsections:
  • description of the size, shape, length of the room;
  • information about lighting, whether the room is light or dark, located on the shady or sunny side;
  • detailed description of furniture items;
  • a story about the interior of the room and decorative elements.

3. Conclusion. In this section you should tell whether the room is comfortable or not, what you would like to change.

Such a plan will help the child present his thoughts in detail in the correct sequence.

Essay “My room” for primary school

Students who have recently begun to study various sciences may well express their thoughts, but the story should be without complex accents and turns of phrase. As an example, you can take the following essay options:

“I have my own separate room. It is small, but this space is quite enough for me. The walls in the room are high, but the room itself is narrow. Thanks to the correctly arranged objects, there is enough space for studying and for playing with friends or my little brother.

My room is bright, in it big windows, almost the entire wall. Visible from the windows high buildings And beautiful trees, which I admire when I have time. To the right of the window there is a desk where I do my homework and do creative work if I decide to draw or sculpt. The table is semicircular and adjacent to the corner of the wall. On the right side of the desk there are drawers where I put my school supplies and creative materials.

There is a closet to the left of the window white With big amount shelves. My parents bought it for me specifically so that I would have somewhere to put my toys and clothes. There is a sofa near the opposite wall. I really like him. It is bright orange in color. I sleep on it and read books.

Near the opposite wall from my desk game Zone. There are a lot of assembled construction sets and cars there. And in the middle of the room free space, where I can do exercises or just play.

I love being in my room, it's cozy, warm and there's always something to do."

“My parents recently renovated my room so that I could feel comfortable and cozy. The color of the walls is orange, and interesting patterns are embossed on top with gold paints. My room is quite spacious, although there are a lot of different objects in it.

The window overlooks the playground. My room is always warm and light because it faces the sunny side. To the left of the window there is a large wardrobe. It stores my toys, clothes, and creative kits. To the right of the window I have a bed with a curtain, like a princess.

On the opposite side of the bed there is a nightstand in which you can also put clothes or toys. Opposite the closet is my desk and chair. I have a table with large cells in which I put my books and notebooks. At the bottom of the table there are drawers in which you can also put school supplies.

I really like my room, it is always cozy and bright. Here I feel easy and protected."

Essay on the topic “My room” for high school

Children older than fifth grade also write similar works. For them, writing “My Room” is an easy task. Nevertheless, the requirements are somewhat higher than for primary school, so the story must be detailed and detailed. Alternatively, you can consider the following creations:

"My room rectangular shape. All furniture in the room is made from natural material- wood. Massive table with and without curves sharp corners very comfortable for me. There is a chair next to him, the height of which I can fix depending on what I am doing. If I write my homework, then one height, and if I watch a movie, then another.

In the nightstand that hangs above the desk, I placed a collection of rare cars in reduced form, some of which I made myself. On the opposite wall there is a cabinet made of dark shades brown wood. It has sliding doors and deep shelves. Therefore, it’s easy to put things in order in the room, because the closet will fit all the necessary accessories and items of clothing. To the left of the table is a sofa. When guests come to me, I put it together, and when I’m at home alone or with my parents, the sofa is laid out and takes up half the room.

I feel comfortable and good in my room. I'm glad I have a separate space where I can daydream or just watch TV."

Such an essay on the Russian language, “My Room,” where everything is described in detail, will help you get a high grade and prove yourself in the eyes of the teacher.

What should you focus on?

By acting strictly according to plan, you can pay attention to every part of the room. It is best to fully reveal the theme and describe in the smallest detail all the furnishings and accessories in the room.

Why is writing essays very important for schoolchildren?

Talking about your room is not just a type of homework. Writing such creations will help reveal the child’s inner world and understand how harmoniously a boy or girl feels in their personal space.

The main thing is that such essays be written comprehensively and in an easy style.

Every person should have his own place in life. Perhaps when we are in school, it is too early to think about our place in this world. But now is the time to talk about your room. It’s not without reason that they say that a room reflects a person’s inner world, so writing an essay describing your room is a popular topic for homework.

How to describe the room?

In order for the essay describing your room to be comprehensive, let’s figure out how to do it correctly.

First, you need to list the characteristics of the room and the objects that are in it. For example: large room, small window. Desk. Armchair. Bed. TV. Closet.

Secondly, indicate the location of the objects that are in the room. For example: a large room in which there is twilight due to a small window. In the part where there is more light, there is a table, opposite it there is a bed, and an armchair between them. The TV is in the darkest corner, with a closet nestled next to it.

Thirdly, objects can not only be “placed”, but also described. For example: a tall shelving unit divides a room in half. Its shelves are still half empty, but the books that stand here are incomparable treasures.

We can conclude that an essay describing your room is based on a simple principle: we write where and what is located.

Essay plan

If you build an essay describing your room based only on this principle, then the narrative will become similar to an ordinary listing of objects. To prevent this from happening, be sure to write down a work plan.

So, the essay “Description of a room.” The plan can be sketched like this:

  1. Introduction. Describe the entire room. You can use not only the words “big” or “small”, but also the epithets “cozy”, “quiet”, “dear”, “sad”, etc.
  2. The situation in the room. Describe the items: how many there are and where they are.
  3. Conclusions. The conclusion of the essay can be made surprisingly simple: write what we usually do in our room, whether we like it or not.

Essay-description of the room “My room”. Example

Sometimes it seems to me that there is a small world in my room. This is where I spend most free time. The room is quite large, but a little dark due to the lack of another window. My room is divided into two halves bookcase. On one side of it there is a desk with an armchair. Opposite them was a bed. On the other side of the bookshelves, in the very corner, there is a TV. There is a closet next to it. A little closer to the shelf there is a large mirror hanging on the wall, opposite which there is a soft and deep chair. I like to sit in it on long evenings, read books or watch interesting movies. And in my room everything is filled with new memories; many of my plans, ideas and hopes are hidden here. I like my room, because it is quiet, cozy and comfortable.

You have to write an essay describing your room more than once or twice during your time at school. Remember that in an essay describing a room you can not only list objects, but also use your imagination. For example, write that your room is your world that you don’t want to leave. Or you can look into the future and dream about how this room will be transformed, or go back to the past and talk about what it was like. There are many ideas for writing!


Describe the room as a whole - its size, number and shape of windows and doors, etc. architectural features, general impression. For example: “A huge, very bright hall with high ceilings and six large lancet windows. A wide double door leads into the room. wooden door, decorated with carvings."

Tell us about the decoration of the room - describe it color scheme finishing materials, wallpaper pattern, mention what material covers the floor. For example: “The decoration of the room is in beige and sand tones. The walls have wallpaper with small vertical stripes, the floor is covered with linoleum with a pattern imitating parquet, the doors are painted.” Be sure to mention lighting fixtures - chandeliers, lamps, sconces or floor lamps.

Describe the furniture in the room - its functional purpose, appearance, shape, location. When describing upholstered furniture, do not forget to mention the color and material of the upholstery. “In the center of the dining room there is a large round dinner table– made of light wood, on bent legs. Around him are eight soft chairs upholstered in blue velvet. There is a large glass cupboard against the wall, also made of light wood.” If there are household, computer, audio or video equipment in the room, tell us about that too.

Don't forget about the textile decoration of the room. Curtains, draperies, bedspreads, decorative pillows are also interior details. For example, like this: “The windows of the nursery are decorated with light bright curtains with a floral pattern, the beds have yellow-blue striped bedspreads and matching pillows.”

To make the interior complete, think about the decorative elements that you noticed in the room. These can be reproductions or paintings on the walls, flower pots, figurines and so on. “There is a souvenir model of the Eiffel Tower on the mantelpiece, and large black and white photographs with views of Paris."

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A description of the area is necessary when compiling tourist and local history reference books, orientation tasks, and creating historical sites. It is also interesting to tell guests from another city who come to you on vacation about your region. Even in an unremarkable area there is always something interesting.

You will need

  • - local map;
  • - data on history and economics;
  • - a sheet of paper and a pen;
  • - a computer with a text editor;
  • - GPS navigator;
  • - camera.


Think about why you are writing the description. His character depends on this. Your story about your region can be strictly scientific or artistic. This does not mean at all that the first option must necessarily be dry and uninteresting, and the second must not contain any reliable data. It’s just that in a scientific description you need to rely on numbers and facts, and in the second - on your impressions.

Make a list of the data you need. Of course, you know the name of your area. But it’s very good if you can indicate not only the commonly used modern one, but also others - pre-revolutionary, Soviet period, how your region is called by representatives of indigenous peoples, etc. Establish the etymology.

Describe your locality. Determine its coordinates. This can be done by or using a GPS navigator. Tell us what area the city or village occupies, in what region and in what part of it it is located. Name nearby water bodies or mountains, as well as their most important points. What climate zone is your area in? You can specify average annual and seasonal temperatures.

Provide statistical data. Please indicate your predominant occupation. If the latest census data is available, the main nationalities, average age and level of education of residents can be indicated.

Name the most important objects of the economy. Tell us about the products they produce. Please check if yours is locality industrial, agricultural, transport or cultural center. If several sectors of the economy are developing in it, briefly describe them all.

Mark the most important historical events that took place in your territory. Find data on when he first began to be mentioned in chronicles or reference books. Tell us what