home · Other · Remodeling the storage room. How to legitimize the destruction of a storage room that is not a load-bearing wall. Plasterboard partition

Remodeling the storage room. How to legitimize the destruction of a storage room that is not a load-bearing wall. Plasterboard partition

Most likely because in standard typical city apartments, redevelopment is carried out in order to increase the space and make them more spacious, and this can quite often be accomplished by remodeling the storage room.

This can be explained by the fact that the pantry, being a non-residential room, has fewer requirements (sanitary and construction) in contrast to the kitchen or wet areas and, along with it, has become the most attractive object in the context.

When remodeling a storage room, it is most often either combined with an adjacent room or expanded, giving it the status of an almost full-fledged room. In both cases, this will allow you to create a layout of the premises that would fully suit your needs and lifestyle. Let's look at both options.

Redevelopment of a built-in wardrobe with the addition of part of a corridor or living room to it

For example, if you need to organize a full-fledged work area, but there is not enough space in the room, then a storage room may be suitable for these purposes, which you can expand by adding part of a corridor or living room to it. The newly formed room will receive the status of an auxiliary room or even a separate living room, depending on the area of ​​this room. If it is 9 meters or more, then you can try to design it as a residential one; if it is less, then you will have to be content with the status of an office.

But when preparing for such a redevelopment of the storage room, you need to make sure that natural light penetrates into the room, otherwise the Housing Inspectorate will not give permission to carry out such work. The same applies to cases when the pantry is expanded into a full-fledged living room, because according to accepted standards, a room cannot be considered residential if there are no sources in it natural light. You will not be able to get a storage room for such redevelopment, and if such redevelopment was discovered in your apartment, then you will have to cancel it, that is, return the apartment to its previous appearance.

Another option for remodeling a storage room is to organize a full-fledged dressing room in the storage room. To carry out such work you do not need to comply with strict sanitary standards, only designer fantasy in organizing the space and obtaining the appropriate permission from the Housing Inspectorate, because even a minor relocation of the partition must be approved. We will talk about what is necessary to coordinate the redevelopment of a built-in wardrobe below, but for now we will consider one of the projects developed by our design organization for repairs with the redevelopment of a built-in wardrobe into a full-fledged dressing room.

Our company developed this project for small apartment studio apartment V panel house KOPE series. The owner’s desire not to clutter up the already small space is quite understandable. living room excess furniture, and therefore she simply cut off part of the living room and connected it to the passage corridor. Though this example and does not quite fall under the category of remodeling a pantry, but the principle would be the same, and therefore it is quite suitable for illustration.

Redevelopment of a built-in closet or storage room with its connection to a living room or corridor

This redevelopment option is much more common than the one described above, since the storage area is often not spacious enough for the needs of a modern city dweller, and therefore a typical situation arises in the spirit of “too big for a cat, not enough for a dog.” It is not surprising that the owners decide to attach this appendix to the living room or expand the corridor with a storage room. We can safely say that in every third project that we develop there is a request to dismantle the built-in wardrobe. Below are some examples of our work.

In this case, we can see that the owner of the apartment decided to enlarge the corridor at the expense of a storage room, thereby creating a passage corridor to each of the rooms: isolated living rooms and kitchen. In addition to this option for remodeling an apartment, there is also the addition of a storage room to the living room. Having familiarized yourself with a large number, you can find several more options for remodeling a built-in wardrobe.

Is it necessary to coordinate the redevelopment of the pantry and is the dismantling of the built-in wardrobe a redevelopment?

We decided to dedicate an entire title to this topic because this question often arises among our customers. We answer:

The storage room can be either an auxiliary room or a separate room - this determines how the redevelopment can be coordinated. If the storage room is marked as an auxiliary room, then the matter will be resolved by approval.

  • If you are planning a redevelopment consisting solely of dismantling the storage room, then such an event can be approved by notification.
  • If during redevelopment they plan (installation of screed, change flooring) or dismantling partitions, then you will need.

Despite the fact that the event does not pose a threat to your life and health and your neighbors, such redevelopment is still necessary, otherwise, if an illegal redevelopment is discovered, you will be required to pay for the redevelopment as well. The situation is extremely unpleasant, because the legal approval process will not take much time and effort. Let's talk about it:

Documents for approval of storage room redevelopment

To obtain permission to repair a storage room, you will need: a floor plan with an explication from the BTI, and the noted changes on a copy of the floor plan. You submit these documents to the MFC (My Documents), they in turn transfer them to the Moscow Housing Inspectorate. After some time, we will come to your apartment, who will check the compliance of the work performed and the redevelopment sketch. If no problems arise, then you will receive a certificate of completed redevelopment, on the basis of which you will be issued a new technical passport of the BTI.

It is better to coordinate such a redevelopment yourself, as mentioned above, it will not take much effort, but if your desires are not limited to approval by notification and you need a redevelopment project or approval project documentation- our specialists are ready to help with this. We have been doing our business for several years and know the process firsthand. You can see your contacts in the upper right corner of the screen.

Notification without approval In a number of situations, redevelopment is not accompanied by obtaining permission from the BTI, but notify the Housing Inspectorate and make changes to technical documentation- a mandatory point. The visit is carried out upon completion of repair work. If you ignore this issue, problems will arise when concluding real estate transactions or entering into inheritance. After redevelopment, you need to warn the inspectorate about the following:

  1. Creation interior openings or their sealing.
  2. Glazing of a balcony or loggia.
  3. Dismantling is not load-bearing wall.
  4. Construction of additional lightweight partitions that do not increase the load on the floor.
  5. Rework of vestibules and complete demolition.

Important! Demolition of door openings or walls is allowed only between rooms.

Is it necessary to legalize the redevelopment of non-load-bearing walls?

These include:

  1. Any redecorating: painting or re-gluing wallpaper, replacing floors, ceilings, some external elements, if they do not affect the functionality of the building, for example, installing a new drain or installing an air conditioner, television dish, protective nets.
  2. Rearranging or removing built-in furniture: cabinets and mezzanines, if they are not separate room and are not registered in technical passport. That is, it is impossible to remove the wall between the pantry and the room - it may turn out to be load-bearing.
  3. Rearranging or replacing gas and water heating elements, if it is not necessary to lay additional networks, you can also rearrange the electric stove.
  4. Replacing doors and windows, replacing the material of balconies and loggias: you can put a plastic window in place of an old one, but “cut through it” bigger size, not anymore.

What redevelopment can be done without permission?

For this reason, you should enter updated data into the BTI registration certificate after obtaining permission. Sometimes it gets by with drawing up one sketch in case of installation new design in the previous part and changing only the space for the door opening equipment.

Prohibited redevelopment Compliance with legal norms is strictly for property owners. Any project can be implemented if finances are available, but the possibility of its legalization should be clarified in advance.
Three prohibited options for changing the layout include:

  1. Moving the toilet to parts of the apartment located above the living quarters of the neighbors below.
  2. Installation of heated floors powered by central heating.
  3. Combining kitchen and room with equipment dining area gas stove.

Attention! Any connections to common house systems are not legal.

Redevelopment in a typical apartment: how to tear down walls and not regret it

  • Housing Inspection;
  • Municipal Department of Capital Construction.

Subsequently, if the need to obtain permission for the planned redevelopment is confirmed, you will have to contact the same listed authorities. In addition to the listed authorities, the following can answer questions related to redevelopment:

  • qualified legal specialists whose specialization is housing law;
  • qualified employees of design firms involved in the development of project documentation.

Procedure When planning a redevelopment, it is recommended to take the following actions:

  • Determine independently whether planned changes to the premises should be approved;
  • Contact the Technical Inventory Bureau to obtain/issue a technical passport;
  • Get a passport.

Is it necessary to legalize the redevelopment of non-load-bearing walls in an apartment?

Documentary permission required the following types redevelopment:

  1. Transfer interior partitions, dismantling and rebuilding.
  2. Moving and installing door screens.
  3. Decrease or increase square meters residential premises.
  4. Transformations of floor openings.
  5. Partial demolition of the main walls.
  6. Creating a corridor.
  7. Modification of kitchen or bathroom space.
  8. Moving the bathroom, kitchen or toilet to other parts of the apartment.
  9. Combination of bathrooms.
  10. Creation of new rooms.
  11. Expansion of space through the use of non-residential premises.
  12. Change gas equipment to another.
  13. Relocation of fuel systems and electrical household points.
  14. Creating a ventilation outlet.

Important! All of the work listed will require permission from the relevant authorities.

The storage room was demolished. redevelopment?

Thus, according to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, any changes made to the design or configuration of an apartment must be reflected in the technical passport of the residential premises (even if their introduction does not require obtaining the appropriate permit). The Technical Inventory Bureau is responsible for compiling and entering such data into the technical passport.

After inspecting and recording the parameters of the premises, authorized BTI employees draw up technical document living space. Conclusion The answer to the main question of the article “Is it necessary to legalize the redevelopment of non-load-bearing walls?” can be broken down into several points:

  • Any changes to the design of non-load-bearing walls do not require approval or permission from the Housing Inspectorate;
  • However, these actions (demolition, installation of non-load-bearing walls) must be recorded in the technical passport.

Is it possible to demolish a non-load-bearing wall without permission?

In addition, ceilings left without support may not withstand the load and collapse at any time. Since, in addition to separation different rooms, the wall elements serve as ceiling supports for all similar structural elements located above.

It’s rare that an apartment is complete without a special corner where currently unclaimed seasonal clothing and shoes are stored, construction tool, homemade preparations for the winter, old books and toys, as well as many other household items.

Even in small apartments there are storage rooms in which a variety of things are stored, which allows you to avoid cluttering the kitchen and living area. Storerooms can be designed by the house's designer. Or their function is performed by other rooms in the apartment. In some cases, furniture or mezzanines are used to store things.

However, the attitude towards storage rooms in an apartment is ambiguous: some consider such a room to be really extremely important, while others treat it as second-rate space, which, on occasion, can be used “for consumption” to solve more important housing problems. For example, increasing the area of ​​a room or kitchen.

In both cases, we most often deal with the redevelopment of a storage room. Therefore, it’s time to talk about options for such redevelopment.

Since in any apartment the pantry is rightfully considered only an auxiliary room, its redevelopment is most directly connected with the adjacent room. Therefore, for convenience, we will consider options for remodeling the storage room in each room separately.


Redevelopment of the storage room in many cases helps to make more efficient use of the available space in the apartment.

Expanding the kitchen with a storage room is only possible if the exit from the storage room goes either into the kitchen or into the hallway.

If the entrance to the pantry comes from the living room, then it will not be possible to expand the kitchen using it. Only residents of the first floor have a chance to approve such a redevelopment apartment building provided that electric stoves are used in the house.

When remodeling an apartment by moving the kitchen, the storage room installed in its place can then be expanded into the living room.

Bathroom, toilet

It is possible to expand a bathroom or toilet only through a storage room, the exit from which goes into the corridor. If you can only get into the storage room from the living room, you cannot use it to enlarge the bathroom. This can only be done if you are again a resident of the first floor.

Redevelopment project with the installation of a storage room (8) in place of the bathroom (4):

Sometimes, during redevelopment, a storage room is installed in place of the bathroom. In this case, it will be possible to expand it into a residential area.


Another option for enlarging usable area– the existing storage room can be converted into a full-fledged one dressing room.

Such changes will help you get rid of your usual bulky cabinets. By replacing standard cabinets and walls with a dressing room, you can make the interior of your apartment stylish, modern, fill the rooms with “air” not only visually, but actually make the room more spacious.


To increase living space, you can get rid of the storage room by attaching it by dismantling partitions with an opening to the room.

Redevelopment project with dismantling of storage rooms (11, 12) to create a room (5) and a combined bathroom (7):

If you want to separate part of the room for a work area, you can combine the room with adjacent storage room, and to organize a work area, mount a partition, separating the work area from the guest or recreation area.

A little more difficulties may arise when organizing a full-fledged office in an apartment.

You won’t be able to organize a work office in place of a storage room, because according to sanitary requirements the resulting room must have at least one source of natural light.


When remodeling a storage room, aimed at its arrangement, in the corridor, using the construction of non-load-bearing partitions, you can fence off a place for a “dark room”.

As you can see, redevelopments that affect the auxiliary rooms in the apartment sometimes make it possible to solve the problems of cramped space and inconvenience of the original standard layout with minimal means.

But even to carry out such a seemingly minor redevelopment, it is required.

Necessary documents for approval of storage room redevelopment

In order to begin approval, you will need to collect according to the list approved by law.

The list of documents that you will need to approve the redevelopment of the storage room includes: a floor plan with an explication from the BTI, an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, a redevelopment project with a technical report and an application.

We remind you that redevelopment of the storage room can only be carried out if you have permission in hand, and any manipulations with walls and other types of partitions are excluded.

Despite the insignificance of the work that accompanies the redevelopment of the storage room, any unauthorized change to the original layout of the apartment is an administrative violation for which you will have to pay a fine, after which the housing inspectorate will oblige you to either return the apartment to its previous appearance or legitimize the work already completed “retroactively.”

We want to clean out the storage room in the apartment. Do I need permission for redevelopment?

Federal laws(that is, valid throughout the country) do not contain a specific list of works that relate to reconstruction and redevelopment and, accordingly, are subject to approval. But these lists can be established regional authorities. Contact local administration and find out who is responsible for these issues in your region. In the majority settlements The administration itself is doing this. But it happens that these functions are assigned to other bodies, for example, housing inspections.

Before you start repair work, be sure to check with the regulatory authority about all your regional requirements. Whatever body is involved in the approval, its specialists are obliged to explain them to you.
The approval itself can be notification or permissive.
With the notification procedure, a person notifies the responsible authority after he has completed the work; there is no need to obtain permission in advance. In this order, as a rule, they agree minor changes indoors, without affecting load-bearing structures. The permitting procedure is more strict. It involves submitting an application for redevelopment (reconstruction) even before the start of work. In this case, a draft of the upcoming changes must be attached to the application. Only after the authorized body issues its permit, it will be possible to begin work.

After the reconstruction (redevelopment) work is completed, the apartment must be inspected by a special acceptance committee. Based on the results of the inspection, a report is drawn up. If the commission determines that the work was done with violations, everything will have to be redone.

There are quite a lot of technical nuances, types of partitions, etc., so be sure to check the exact requirements with the regulatory authority. It is possible that even dismantling the storage room in your case may require approval. If the regulatory authority does not give its permission, the reason for the refusal must be clearly stated.

  • § Art. 27 Housing Code of the Russian Federation

Please note that for unauthorized redevelopment (rearrangement) administrative liability is imposed - a fine of 2 thousand rubles.

  • § Art. 7.21, 7.22 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses

And if it is not possible to legitimize the changes, you will also have to return the apartment to its original state.
If the apartment is owned by several people, then redevelopment (reconstruction) will also require the consent of all owners. And if the apartment is municipal, first of all you need to contact the municipality to obtain its consent. And besides, the consent of all residents of the apartment, even those temporarily absent, will be required. If the apartment is communal, you will have to take the consent of all neighbors.

  • § Art. 26 Housing Code of the Russian Federation

When starting a renovation, you want to create something of your own: swap the kitchen with the room or “marry” them; thanks to the loggia or storage room, “capture” a few meters. How does such creativity fit within the framework of the law?

Consultants: consultant for approval of redevelopment Yulia Yudenich, deputy head of the information department of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate Tatyana Filippova.

Is it possible to attach a loggia to a room?

Theoretically, yes. There is a phrase in the Moscow City Law that seems to allow such redevelopments: “attaching a loggia to a living room according to a specially developed project approved by the Moscow Committee for Architecture.” But I will say based on personal experience and the experience of my colleagues: over the past two years, no one has been able to obtain such permission officially. The fact is that according to the BTI, the loggia has a payment coefficient of 0.3, since it non-residential premises. This means that the first thing to do is to transfer the loggia from the status of non-residential premises to residential. I don’t know a single “coordinator” who has gone all the way from the prefecture to the Moskomarkhitektura to the end. There was one desperate person, but they answered him: “Yes, join it, but then it will be all over the riser.” The thing is that if a loggia is connected in only one apartment, heat exchange is disrupted. Freezing, leaks, mold - this is what neighbors below may face after such a seizure of territory. The law says that water can be taken out onto the loggia. heating devices(central heating radiators) is strictly prohibited. Even if we assume (although this is prohibited!) that you are insulating the loggia, use only electric heating devices.

As a rule, we offer such a scheme to our customers. First you need to remove the window sill area. In those houses that are glazed according to a single design, for example in new buildings, this is easier to do - removing the window sill area is regarded as internal redevelopment, and there is no need to obtain permits for reconstruction. In old houses, where single glazing of loggias is not provided, such permission will have to be obtained. It's expensive, but possible. In any case, it is necessary to install a double-glazed window into the resulting opening so that the thermal contour is not disturbed. By the way, many, having approved the redevelopment, remove it - until the next BTI inspection...

Is it necessary to coordinate the combination of the kitchen and the living room?

The main rule: the sink (the so-called “wet zone”) and the stove should not be located above the living quarters of neighbors. If you have gas stove, then there are more problems. In order to extend gas to a new place, you will have to make a separate project, which must satisfy a number of requirements - lighting, the presence of a window in the room, and so on... (By the way, replacing gas with electricity is expensive, difficult, but possible.) If you have an electric stove , then it’s a little easier to carry out the operation called “moving the kitchen.” You can, for example, arrange a so-called niche kitchen, that is, place it in a non-residential space (for example, in a corridor, hall, storage room or in the place of one of the bathrooms). It is also difficult to agree on this, but it is quite possible. You can place the stove and sink strictly in the corridor area, and the rest kitchen furniture, as well as a refrigerator and dinner table, - in a residential area. This space should be called a kitchen-dining room. And this is important, because if your plan says “kitchen-living room,” they won’t approve it, but if it says “kitchen-dining room,” they will. By the way, on the first floor (or on the second, provided that there is non-residential space below) there is much more freedom.

When cleaning out a pantry, do you need to arrange a remodel?

Work that can be performed without completing design and permitting documentation includes:

  1. Repair (cosmetic) of premises, including replacement finishing coatings walls, floors, ceilings, external carpentry elements (without changing the design and color of the latter).*
  2. Arrangement (disassembly) of built-in furniture: cabinets, mezzanines (not forming independent premises, the area of ​​which is subject to technical accounting).
  3. Replacement (without rearrangement) engineering equipment similar in parameters and technical design.
  4. Rearranging household floor electric stoves within the kitchen area.

Since we are not talking about built-in furniture, but specifically about a storage room, then if they are not affected bearing structures and engineering communications, redevelopment can be agreed upon according to a sketch made by hand on a copy of the BTI floor plan.

In addition, you must submit:

  • title documents for the premises,
  • technical passport of the apartment,
  • sketch,
  • application in the prescribed form.