home · Appliances · Windproof roofing film Duke Dumont. Waterproofing and vapor barrier materials Dyuk (Duke). A promised land for organized crime

Windproof roofing film Duke Dumont. Waterproofing and vapor barrier materials Dyuk (Duke). A promised land for organized crime

“Purim. Genocide celebration – 2.” David Duke. A lot of people sent their reviews to my latest film, “Purim – the Feast of Hate.” Thousands of people. And 90 percent of them thanked me for daring to raise this topic. As usual, there were several respondents who were very upset that I was exposing Purim as a holiday that promotes hatred and massacre. For those poor souls who need more proof, I suggest you listen to one of America's chief rabbis prove my point. Today we quote one of the chief rabbis of America, Shmuhl Herzveld. This Shmuhl from the US National Synagogue explains to his congregation that the lesson of Purim is that Jews should pursue a policy of genocide, regardless of the rest of the world's opinion on this matter, and main mistake What a Jew can do in his life will be that he will someday take pity on a goyim...

Copies – 965

Zionism's War on Free Speech

"Zionism's War on Freedom of Speech." It’s difficult to add anything else to these words; the title of David Duke’s film speaks for itself. Is it just that in this war, like in any other, there are millions of broken lives, and crippled destinies, and human casualties... The Canadian Jewish Congress demanded that the owners of the website that posted links to my (David Duke) videos be thrown behind bars. Let me repeat: these Zionists are demanding that the website owners be criminally punished and thrown behind bars for simply posting links to my videos! How would you like to be thrown behind bars for simply posting a link to a political video that gives people a chance to hear a dissident's point of view? I think that some of you in Canada and Europe are under the illusion of freedom of speech and political views. Maybe you think that only in China and Sudan can people be jailed for dissident opinions? No! This happens right outside the walls of your home! The Zionist-controlled media hides from you the facts of brazen violation of human rights, and the power of the media is such that even political leaders and experts do not dare to contradict them. What are the Zionists afraid of?..

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Copies – 837

Institute of Jewish Brides

"Institute of Jewish Brides." David Duke. All our lives, crafty priests have taught us that religious dogmas bring only good. But it turns out that good is different. For example, the religious leaders of Judaism call on their Jewish women to fight the non-Jews with the help of deception and seduction! We are surprised and shocked. The spiritual mentors of Israel openly called on their parishioners to fight on the bed front and declared it the most important of the mitzvot (mitzvah, Hebrew - prescription, order, commandment). Sexual mobilization has been announced, both single and married people are called to the sexual front... Here is what Rabbi Ari Shvat says about this: “Sex with a non-Jew in the national interest is not only favorable, but is the most important of mitzvot.” He continues: “but women who want to work on the sexual front must understand that they will not be able to marry a kohen - a Jewish priest.” By the way, Jews are forbidden to marry goyim in Israel, and kohanim are forbidden even to marry Jewish women who have even a drop of goyim blood...

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Copies – 1037

The role of Jews in the slave trade. Shocking truth. Part 1

“The role of Jews in the slave trade. Shocking truth. Part 1". In this short film, Dr. David Duke begins to reveal the ins and outs of the incomprehensible baseness, meanness, greed and inhuman cruelty of the slave traders who killed with my own hands, according to the most conservative estimates of experts, about 10 million blacks. Only non-humans can do such things, only real cannibals, and even those who hate people with all their black insides. This is exactly what Dr. David Duke talks about in his short film... In 1992, the American Muslim Mission published the book “Secret Connections Between Blacks and Jews,” which caused a storm of indignation. It quoted prominent Jewish historians who argued that the basis of the African slave trade, and indeed the entire slave trade over the past 2 thousand years in the Western world, lay Jewish roots...

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Copies – 1043

No war for Israel!

"No war for Israel." David Duke. Zionism constantly unleashes wars on the planet, and forces more and more people to participate in them. The increasing human losses and the death of entire countries only make them happy. The Zionists openly threaten to destroy the entire world in a nuclear holocaust if their victims successfully resist their own genocide. The Zionists openly demonstrate their cannibalistic goals, again counting on the fact that in case of danger, they will be able to force long-conquered, tamed and zombified Americans to fight for them. Zionism is a terrible Evil... A war with Iran would plunge the Earth into chaos of crime and violence, and would certainly lead to rising fuel prices, economic depression and unrest in America and the whole world. This war is needed by Israel and the Jewish extremists who rule in politics and the media, both in America and in Europe...

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Copies – 771

The role of Jews in the slave trade. Shocking truth. Part 2

“The role of Jews in the slave trade. Shocking truth. Part 2". In the second part of his film, Dr. David Duke tells how the Jews have always been proud and boasted that the slave trade throughout the world was captured and monopolized by them a long time ago. Then, when the world unanimously and loudly condemned slavery and the slave trade, the Jews forced all the media to trumpet that the slave trade was allegedly carried out by white people, who bear eternal collective responsibility for the centuries-long suffering of hundreds of millions of slaves... However, slavery has not yet been destroyed. There are thousands of young women in slavery in Israel. This is too profitable for traders to just give up their dirty craft. But they always didn’t give a damn about people, because all non-Jews for them are creatures that are lower than cattle. Yes, this is exactly what their religious books say, and this is exactly what their teachers, the rabbis, teach all Jews...

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Copies – 874

Obama: the cowardly puppet of racist Israel

"Obama: The Cowardly Puppet of Racist Israel" (Obama Craven Puppet of racist Israel), David Duke. Barack Obama is Israel's lap dog. The fact that it was given the green light in all media proves that the Zionists have occupied not only Palestine, but also the US government, media and financial institutions such as the Federal Reserve. Today we are all “Palestinians.” And it's not just Obama. Leading Republicans are no different from him, they are perhaps even worse. It's time for America and the world to be free. The facts presented in this video cannot be refuted. Do not doubt that the enemies of truth and freedom will try to silence it. You can help distribute this video. Subscribe not only to my channel, but also to my website, davidduke.com, then you can get the latest videos and articles. Maybe Obama or even some Republican leader will find the strength to openly rebel against the experts of deception, war and evil. Either way, millions are waking up around the world. Truth grows in our hearts, minds and souls. And someday the brave spirit that is inside each of us will triumph...

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Copies – 922

Wall Street under Zionist control?

“Wall Street is under Zionist control. Sensational facts! (Do Zionists Control Wall Street? The Shocking Facts!.) , David Duke (David Duke). The Digital Journal article is titled "David Duke's Most Unexpected Supporter." It concerns a popular video where black teacher Patricia McAlister spoke eloquently during the Occupy Wall Street protest: “I think these Zionist Jews who run these big banks and the Federal Reserve, not the federal government, need to be kicked out of our country!". She was called an anti-Semite, but note that she does not denounce all Jews, but only the Zionists from large banks and the Federal Reserve, who playfully rob America and the rest of the world... Greenspan, Bernanke, Cohn, Elen. Guess what they have in common? They are all Zionists. Shalom, Party. You were right about the Federal Reserve. What else did she say? “The Federal Reserve, which is NOT run by the federal government” ... And now we learn from Neil Barovsky at the Treasury Department, which has been home to Goldman Sachs specialists for years, that the real bailout for these predatory banks is not 7 trillion, but 23,7 trillion...

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Copies – 884

A promised land for organized crime

This documentary shows that the palm in organized crime does NOT belong to the Italians. In reality, gangsters come from the same tribe as the masters of Hollywood and the media, which hide the true origins of organized crime. From the Oscar-winning The Godfather and Goodfellas to thousands of lesser-known fictional and documentaries, organized crime has always been so associated with Italians that Italian music and even spaghetti were immediately associated with it. In fact, Italians constitute organized crime in the system Western world tiny percentage. WikiLeaks published a shocking report from the American Embassy in Jerusalem under the headline "Israel is the promised land for organized crime". He warns American law enforcement of a serious threat to the United States from Jewish organized crime. I learned about it from the Jewish Chronicle, which calls it, and I quote, “a real WikiLeaks bomb.” The Jews are allowed to know about this bomb, but the rest of the world has no idea about it. Neither CNN, nor Fox News, nor the BBC will tell you about this...

Duke membrane and film materials are used for waterproofing and vapor barrier when arranging the roof to prevent moisture roofing materials. Products under the Duke brand are manufactured in Russia by the Saratov Polymers company. This - quality materials at an affordable price.

Equipment of the production complex

Hydro-vapor barrier Duke-65 D Silver

Rolled material for steam and waterproofing. It is made according to TU 2291-001-984498084-2006 from polypropylene and has a laminated surface.


  • supplied in rolls, their width is 150 cm, diameter is 15 cm. Film length is 50 m;
  • weight of 1 roll - 4.9 kg;
  • the products are UV stabilized and do not change properties under the influence of direct UV rays for 3 months.


Specifications or Customer requirements

Actual value

Weight 1 m2, g





no cracks


no signs
water penetration


Hydro-vapor barrier Duke-80 N Silver

Three-layer vapor-proof film with a reinforced base. Manufactured according to TU 2291-001-984498084-2006.


  • supplied in rolls 150 cm wide. 1 roll contains 50 m of film, its diameter is 16 cm;
  • weight of 1 roll - 6 kg;
  • products undergo UV stabilization. Due to this, its properties do not change under the influence of UV rays for 3 months.


Specifications or Customer requirements

Actual value

Weight 1 m2, g

Conditional strength MPa (kgf/cm 2, not less)

Elongation at break (%, not less)

Water absorption within 24 hours (% by weight, no more)


Change in linear dimensions (%, no more)


Hardness Shore A (conventional units, not less)


Vapor permeability (g/m 2 x 24 hours, no more)


Flexibility on rounded beam R 5.0+0.2 mm,
at a temperature not higher than -40°С

no cracks


Water permeability at pressure not less than
0.001 MPa (0.01 kgf/cm2) for at least 72 hours

no signs
water penetration



general information

Under-roof diffusion film DUK D


When arranging roofs it is used as protective layer, which prevents the insulation from being moistened by precipitation and contaminated by dust and soot. Vapor barrier roofing film Dyuk has micro-perforations. Moist vapors from the under-roof space are removed through the holes.

When settling in pitched roofs Maybe sharing with any types of roofing coverings. Vapor barrier films are used to create ventilation systems for the under-roof space and for waterproofing facades lined with.

Types of films in the Duke D series

The Euromet company offers to buy in Moscow different types hydro-vapor barrier Duke D. You can select products according to the requirements for cost, resistance to UV rays, density, heating effect, etc. We supply the following materials in this series.

Standard. The canvas has 3 layers: a reinforced polypropylene base and polyethylene lamination on both sides of the base. Reinforcement of the base provides strength, lamination provides high-quality protection from moisture. At a distance of 12 cm from the cut of the canvas, a line describing the product is printed along the entire length. It is used as a guide for making overlaps when laying.

Silver. Polypropylene fabric with a woven structure. The surface is laminated with polyethylene. The woven base increases the strength of the material.

Duke D L. Products with minimal weight and excellent characteristics. The strong and durable canvas has a density of only 40 g/m2.

Duke D films are highly resistant to biodestruction, mold formation, and rotting. Their composition is environmentally friendly and non-toxic. This allows the products to be used in the construction of enclosing structures of residential buildings. The width of the canvas is 150 cm, it is supplied in rolls of 50 m. Each of them is individually packaged in durable polyethylene. Film density - from 40 to 110 g/m2 (depending on the specification).

The products of Saratov Polymers LLC are issued with SEZ No. dated 05/31/2007, certificate of conformity No. ROSS RU.AI09.N00095 dated 06/08/2007. These documents confirm high quality, safety, compliance of material characteristics with the requirements adopted in the Russian Federation.

Anti-condensation roofing film Duke NA

Purpose - arrangement ventilation systems pitched roofs. The canvas protects the materials and structures of the roof, the space under it from the penetration of precipitation, dust, etc. from the atmosphere. Inner surface The film is formed by a moisture-absorbing layer. It retains moisture, preventing getting wet.


The water vapor barrier film has four layers:

  • durable woven polypropylene base;
  • lamination with polyethylene on both sides of the base;
  • With inside on top of the lamination is a non-woven viscose layer.

The inner layer of viscose retains moisture weighing 8 times its own. It protects thermal insulation from moisture from steam and condensation. When air masses circulate, viscose dries quickly. The canvas undergoes UV stabilization and does not change properties under the influence of direct sun rays within 3 months.

In 1 package Duke NA - 50 m of canvas with a width of 150 cm. Material density - 135 g/m 2. It is wound into rolls and packaged in durable polyethylene.

Product characteristics are indicated on the canvas itself. The line with them is printed 12 cm from the edge. It is used as a guide for making overlaps.

Films are made from high-quality, durable and safe raw materials. It is not subject to rotting, mold formation, biodestruction, is safe and non-toxic. Product characteristics are confirmed by certificates and sanitary reports obtained in the Russian Federation.

Vapor barrier DUK N

Duke N is a vapor-proof barrier film. When installing flat and pitched roofs, the material is used to create a windproof and heat-insulating layer. Suitable for use when installing thermal insulation on external walls. To protect the insulation from moisture from evaporation from the premises, it is covered with a barrier fabric on the inside. It protects against condensation, wet steam, extends its service life, preserves it thermal insulation properties. Vapor barrier film Duke N is used for sealing building structures, reducing heat loss, wind protection.

Duke N products are used in conjunction with mineral wool slabs, etc. Combined use with polystyrene insulation is acceptable. The installation of barrier protection is recommended when installing roofs with and without ventilation of the under-roof space.

Duke N product line

You can buy roofing films of this series from the Euromet company:

  • Standard- fabric with barrier properties. The polypropylene base is reinforced and laminated with polyethylene on both sides. Three-layer material does not allow steam to pass through and has high strength;
  • Duke N L- non-woven fabric, has the minimum weight in the line;
  • Silver- vapor-tight three-layer roofing film with a reinforced mesh base.

On the film 12 cm from the cut along the entire length there is a marking listing the properties of barrier protection. This marking is used as a guide when laying the fabric to overlap its edges.

Film 1.5 m wide is wound into rolls of 50 m. Density varies from 96 to 110 g/m2. Rolls are packed in durable polyethylene.

Duke N - materials increased strength. It is provided by a reinforced base. Water vapor barrier Duke N is not subject to biodestruction or rotting. The materials last a long time and do not change their properties during use. The products are certified in Russia and meet safety and quality requirements.

Vapor-tight barrier with reflective aluminum layer DUK NAL

Duke NAL is a vapor-proof film with a protective aluminum layer to reflect heat coming from inside the building. Increases heat transfer resistance for roofing structures, protects the thermal insulation of pitched and flat roofs from getting wet. Can be used when installing heated floors.

Characteristics of vapor barrier DUK NAL

The strength of the material is ensured by the reinforced base. It is made from strips of polypropylene or flexible reinforcing mesh. Continuous lamination of the base makes the material vapor-tight. A reflective layer of aluminum is applied to one side. It increases the thermal insulation properties of the material ( thermal energy reflected from it).

Along the edge of the canvas, 12 cm from it, a line is printed with a description of the product. This line is used to overlap the sheets when arranging barrier protection.

The Euromet company supplies Duke NAL film in rolls. The width of the material is 1.5 m, 1 package contains 50 m of film. The material is protected from damage and contamination by plastic packaging. The density of the canvas is 170 g/m2. When winding a roll, the web is oriented so that it can be conveniently laid out during installation work.

If plasterboard or other materials are installed on top of the hydro-vapor barrier, lay out wooden blocks or slats. This protects the vapor-proof film from damage and rupture.

Duke NAL materials are resistant to biodestruction, mold formation, and rotting. They do not contain toxic substances. Barrier films serve for a long time without changing their properties. The characteristics of the material are confirmed by certification in the Russian Federation.

Steam and waterproofing materials of the Duke brand - new development Russian manufacturers(Sarov). The quality of Sarov polymers is comparable to imported analogues, since the films are manufactured at a plant equipped with equipment from the Austrian company Starlinger. At the same time, an important advantage is low price domestic developments.

Stroymet company offers big choice steam and waterproofing materials of the DUK brand:

  • Waterproofing vapor-permeable membrane materials Duke-D They serve as both hydro- and wind insulation. Their function is to protect against dust, soot and humidity resulting from rain and snow, and in attic spaces- protection from external moisture; providing ventilation interior spaces buildings from exposure to water vapor. Thanks to the moisture-absorbing non-woven material under-roofing anti-condensation film Duke ON prevents condensation from draining onto the thermal insulation.
    Films can be used for all types of roofs (ondulin, ) and facades finished with basement and vinyl siding.
  • Vapor barrier materials:
    - Duke-N- protects the roof of buildings from residential and production premises, reducing moisture condensation in the thermal insulation layer.
    - Duke NAL- thanks to the reflective aluminum layer, it has increased vapor-tight properties and reflects part of the thermal radiation back into the interior of the object (this film can be used when installing heated floors). Duke-F used for waterproofing foundations.
    - Duke-T- used in the construction of shade coverings for steaming farmland soils, for protection and shelter scaffolding during renovations and facades of houses.
  • Universal Duke-AR And Duke ARDR“five in one” provide the ability to solve any problems by simply combining them (reinforcement, separation, drainage, filtration and protection during the construction of roads, reservoirs, etc.).

The main advantage of these materials, in addition to high quality, is their “Russian price”. Prices of geomodules, hydro-vapor barrier roofing materials and awning coverings of the DYUK brand with the best basic technical characteristics of the materials will be 20-40% cheaper than foreign analogues.

DUK materials sold by Stroymet are certified by the State Standard of the Russian Federation and recommended for use in construction.

Under-roof waterproofing vapor-permeable membrane (diffusion) material.

Such materials domestic producers practically none, these are mainly products of foreign companies: “Juta”, “Eltete” and others. Basic specifications such “windproofing”: vapor permeability at the level of 30 g/m 2 - 24 hours, strength of at least 480 N/mm 2, 100% water resistance.

Windproofing in this case is membrane material, which must withstand not only the pressure of wind and splashes of rain from outside the building, but also allow excess evaporation generated in the insulation to pass through it.

The most common in construction is:

  • wind protection in hinged ventilated facades lined with clapboard, siding, etc.
  • under-roof protection in ventilated roofing systems with a hard coating, such as asbestos-cement tiles, slate, ondulin, etc.

Wind protection is installed directly under outer layer facade or roof.

Trademark DUK offers the following composite polypropylene membranes with microperforation own production: DUK-65 D, DUK-80 D and DUK-96 D.


Waterproofing (wind protection)


Width, m

Roll length, m

Weight, g/m.sq.

Longitudinal strength, mm

Transverse strength, mm

Relative extension, %

durability, C°

permeability (g/m.sq. x 24 hours)

durability, C°

UV stabilization

At least 40

At least a year

At least 30

At least a year

At least 30

At least a year

Waterproofing vapor-tight material

We will limit this too broad concept to the use of film materials with the following purpose:

  • waterproofing foundations;
  • underlying vapor-waterproofing of the “floor-ceiling” system;
  • internal vapor barrier of external walls and roofs with effective insulation materials type YRSA, ROCKWOOL, ISOVER, etc.;
  • anti-condensation hydro-vapor barrier insulation, structures, especially in the roof;

Foreign analogues supplied to Russian market firms “Juta”, “Eltete”, functionally provide the listed tasks, and at prices they “discourage” any project desire to use them. Brand waterproofing materials DUK equivalent, or better functionally, and also cheaper.

Foundation waterproofing from ground and external waters By the latest technologies carried out using both roll and coating bitumen-containing materials. The DUK brand offers reinforced roll waterproofing material increased reliability DUK-96.

The technology of application is almost no different from roll bituminous materials, but the joints are sealed construction hairdryer or double-sided construction tape.

Underlying hydro-vapor barrier of interfloor “floor-ceiling” system necessary primarily for heat conservation, so that heat lower floors(air, steam and heated gases) did not concentrate under the roof and did not “overheat” it; in addition, they protected the neighbors of the lower floors from flooding. Similar goals are achieved when constructing the floors of the first floor: they prevent the “escape” of heat from the room to the basement, protect the first floor from excess moisture in the basement, etc.

Internal vapor barrier of external walls and roofs with effective insulation YPSA, ROCKWOOL, JSOVER, etc., such as industrial buildings, and homes also have the main goal of heat conservation, and in the case of using YRSA, ROCKWOOL, JSOVER insulation, they prevent them from getting wet from condensation of vapors from buildings and subsequent decomposition. The vapor permeability indicator should be close to zero, the strength of the materials is of a technological nature, because the materials are usually arranged in inner spacer layers in a "sandwich" structure.


Awning coverings and protection of scaffolding

Awnings for all possible uses are made of modified woven laminated polypropylene material and are designed for multifunctional use as in living conditions, and for production. They are ideal for steaming soils in agriculture, for use in trade (arranging a temporary sales tent, umbrellas, awnings, etc.); during repair façade and construction work(fencing buildings, covering scaffolding); when transporting goods over short and long distances (protection of all types of goods from external natural factors), and in other cases.

Tent coverings are an affordable alternative solution: vapor permeable, temperature stability from +40°C to -40°C; stabilization to ultraviolet radiation, tensile strength and high tensile strength.

The DYUK trademark presents its developments of materials for awning coverings, protection of facades and scaffolding: any of the above materials, depending on customer requirements.


All woven materials associated with laying in the ground under or next to roads, in reservoirs, around pipes, etc., received the terminological name - geotextiles.

Geotextiles are in long-term use and, taking into account the characteristics of their purpose, must withstand both external and intersoil pressure, different acidity soils, teeth of rodents, withstand significant temperature changes from -50°C to +40°C, sometimes up to +110°C, when laying hot asphalt, withstand water pressure or, conversely, have good drainage and much more.

The quality of geotextiles is determined by high strength with a sufficient degree of plasticity to resist destruction when layers are displaced or pushed, the presence of good bandwidth small particles and the inability to pass through soil particles of the order of 1 mm or more, ensuring drainage of the system. In some cases, hydraulic structures and pipelines in the ground may require 100% waterproofing.

The DUK brand is represented in this market segment with a wide range of polypropylene woven materials and reinforced films. Reinforced films discussed earlier are DUK-80 and DUK-96 and can be used for waterproofing purposes. Reinforcing and draining woven materials of the DUK brand have distinctive feature its selective versatility, which is based on modules various densities in terms of weight and volume of fabric weaving:


Latest developments

One of the most promising modern trends for industrial use woven laminated polymer materials is to protect the metal from corrosion during transportation and storage. In this area, based on new technologies, the Sarov Polymers company has been successfully working for the last few years, producing composite material with kraft paper, which is subsequently impregnated with a volatile corrosion inhibitor, or in another option, when the volatile inhibitor is introduced in the form of a masterbatch directly into the laminate coating.

Waterproofing and vapor barrier materials of the brand Dyuk (Duke) are produced in Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region. The plant is equipped with the latest Austrian equipment from Starlinger. The main advantage of Duke brand materials is their high quality and low price. compared to foreign analogues.

Under-roof diffusion film DUK D


Waterproofing DUK D is used as a protective material during installation roofing system. The film protects the insulation from excessive moisture and prevents atmospheric dust, moisture, and soot from penetrating into the attic space. Thanks to the presence of micro-perforations, the film allows water vapor coming from the interior to pass through.

DUK D film is intended for use in ventilated sloping roof systems. It can be used with almost all roofing coverings: ondulin, metal tiles, bitumen shingles and etc.


Under-roof diffusion films DUK D differ in the degree of flammability, resistance to ultraviolet radiation, density and some other parameters.

Three-layer films DUK D-standard are based on a high-strength reinforcing mesh made of polypropylene strips. The base is covered on both sides plastic film, which performs a waterproofing function. At a distance of about 12 cm from the edge of the film, a printer line is applied with the main characteristics of the material. It is also the approximate boundary for the overlap of the panels during installation.

Waterproofing DUK D "Silver" is a laminated polypropylene woven film that is highly durable.

DUK D films are durable, do not rot, are not damaged by pests or mold, and are not toxic. Available in rolls, packed in polyethylene film.

DUK D 65 Silver

Weight per unit area, g/m 65
Roll size, m 1.5x 50
Flammability DIN 4102 AT 3
Vapor permeability, g/m2/24h 40
Stretch length/cross, % 21/21
UV stable. 100KLY, month 3
Roll weight, kg 4,9

DUK D 110 Standard

Weight per unit area, g/m 110
Roll size, m 1.5x 50
Flammability DIN 4102 AT 3
Vapor permeability, g/m2/24h 40
Strength longitudinal/transverse, in N/5cm 220/190
Stretch length/cross, % 21/14
UV stable. 100KLY, month 3
Roll weight, kg 8,75

Vapor-proof film DUK N


Vapor barrier DUK N is used as a heat- and wind-protective layer when installing sloping and flat roofs. It can also be used for insulation of external walls of buildings. The DUK N film is laid on the inside of the insulation. It protects the thermal insulation layer from moisture vapor coming from the interior. In addition, the vapor-proof film ensures the tightness of the structure and also protects it from heat loss and exposure to wind.

DUK N film can be used with materials made on the basis of polystyrene. Suitable for use on inclined and flat roofs, in ventilated and non-ventilated roofing structures.


Film DUK N Standard consists of three layers. The basis is a reinforcing mesh made of high-strength polypropylene strips. On both sides the mesh is laminated with polyethylene film, which ensures the material is vapor-tight. This group also includes polypropylene films DUK N Silver.

At a distance of about 12 cm from the edge of the film there is a printer's line with the characteristics of the material. It is the approximate limit of overlap of the canvases when laying the film.

The film is characterized by high strength, durability, resistance to pests and microorganisms. It retains its properties throughout its entire service life roofing. The material DUK N is produced in rolls, packed in polyethylene film.

DUK N 80 Silver

Weight per unit area, g/m 80
Roll size, m 1.5x 50
Flammability DIN 4102 AT 3
Vapor permeability, g/m2/24h 1,2
Strength longitudinal/transverse, in N/5cm 750/700
Stretch length/cross, % 21/21
UV stable. 100KLY, month 3
Roll weight, kg 6,44