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Rocket and space composite structures by whom to work. Composite materials in aircraft. The concept of composite materials and application in rocket science


Modern rocket and space technology is unthinkable without polymer composite materials. When developing space exploration tools, new materials are required that must withstand the loads of space flights (high temperatures and pressure, vibration loads during the launch phase, low temperatures outer space, deep vacuum, radiation exposure, exposure to microparticles, etc.), while having a fairly low mass. Composite materials meet all these requirements. Composite materials are widely used in aircraft and space technology due to their good weight and mechanical characteristics, making it possible to create lightweight and durable structures that also operate at elevated temperatures.

The concept of composite materials and application in rocket science

Today, composites are the most popular and frequently used materials in aircraft and rocketry. Many of these materials are lighter and stronger than the most suitable ones in their physical properties metal (aluminum and titanium) alloys. In most composites (with the exception of laminates), the components can be divided into a matrix (or binder) and reinforcing elements (or fillers) included in it. In composites for structural purposes, reinforcing elements usually provide the necessary mechanical characteristics of the material (strength, stiffness, etc.), and the matrix provides working together reinforcing elements and protecting them from mechanical damage and aggressive chemical environment. When reinforcing elements and a matrix are combined, a composition is formed that has a set of properties that reflect not only initial characteristics its components, but also new properties that individual components do not possess

The use of composite materials makes it possible to reduce the weight of a product (rocket, spacecraft) by 10...50% depending on the type of structure and, accordingly, reduce fuel consumption, while increasing reliability. Composite materials have also been created in which a plastic (polymer) base is reinforced with glass, Kevlar or carbon fibers. Composite materials are widely used in aircraft construction and space technology due to their good weight and mechanical characteristics, which make it possible to create lightweight and durable structures that can also operate at elevated temperatures.

Weight reduction is a top priority in spacecraft design. Many advances in the field of creating thin-walled shells owe their origin to this requirement. Typical examples of this design are the Atlas liquid launch vehicle and the solid rocket design. A special supercharged monocoque shell was created for the Atlas. A rocket with a solid propellant engine is produced by winding a glass filament around a mandrel shaped like a solid propellant charge and impregnating the wound layer with a special resin, which hardens after vulcanization. With this technology, both the supporting shell of the aircraft and the rocket engine with a nozzle are obtained at once. Using modern composite materials, re-entry spacecraft were designed with a conical-shaped shell covered with a layer of heat-protective material, which, evaporating when high temperatures, cools the structure.

Another shining example the use of composite materials - the orbital space shuttle, capable of flying in the Earth's atmosphere at hypersonic speeds (more than Mach 5 or 6000 km/h). The wings of the device have a multi-spar frame; The reinforced monocoque cockpit, like the wings, is made of aluminum alloy. The cargo compartment doors are made of graphite-epoxy composite material. Thermal protection of the device is provided by several thousand lungs ceramic tiles, which cover parts of the surface, exposed to large heat flows.

For space station"Alpha", created in accordance with the Russian-American program, many structural elements were made of composite materials: high-strength truss rods, panels solar panels, pressure vessels, “dry” compartments, reflectors, etc.

Light vessels and containers made from polymer composite materials and operating under pressure are successfully used in rocket and space technology. Created and operated fuel tanks, balloons, rocket engine housings, pressure accumulators, breathing cylinders for pilots and astronauts???. The use of organic and glass fibers will make it possible to create durable pressure cylinders with a high coefficient of weight perfection.

Currently, carbon fiber plastics, i.e., are widely used in aviation and rocketry. carbon fiber reinforced polymers.

Carbon fibers and carbon composites have a deep black? color and conduct electricity well, which provides special electrophysical properties (for example, for radar antennas), as well as requirements for heat resistance and thermal conductivity.

Carbon fiber is used to make rocket nose cones, parts of high-speed aircraft subject to maximum aerodynamic loads, rocket engine nozzles, etc. In addition, given that graphite is a solid lubricant, brake pads and discs for high-speed aircraft are made from carbon fiber??? spaceships reusable Shuttle and racing cars. Mirrors of antenna structures made of carbon fiber will find wide application for solving communication problems via satellites. It is important to take into account that their use with a mass of up to 15 kg will provide a destructive load of 900 kgf with a service life of at least 20 years. Composite materials (three-layer) made of carbon fiber in load-bearing elements structures in comparison with single-layer (monolithic) ones under given operating conditions and increasing loads at a given mass of the element will provide: a reduction in the mass of the structural element by 40...50% and an increase in its rigidity by 60...80%; increasing reliability by 20...25% and increasing warranty period by 60...70%.

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Composite materials V aircraft


Modern rocket and space technology is unthinkable without polymer composite materials. When developing space exploration tools, new materials are required that must withstand the loads of space flights (high temperatures and pressure, vibration loads during the launch phase, low temperatures of outer space, deep vacuum, radiation exposure, exposure to microparticles, etc.), having This is a fairly low mass. Composite materials meet all these requirements. Composite materials are widely used in aircraft construction and space technology due to their good weight and mechanical characteristics, which make it possible to create lightweight and durable structures that can also operate at elevated temperatures.

1. The concept of composite materials and application in rocket science

Today, composites are the most popular and frequently used materials in aircraft and rocketry. Many of these materials are lighter and stronger than the most suitable metal (aluminum and titanium) alloys in terms of their physical properties. In most composites (with the exception of laminates), the components can be divided into a matrix (or binder) and reinforcing elements (or fillers) included in it. In composites for structural purposes, reinforcing elements usually provide the necessary mechanical characteristics of the material (strength, rigidity, etc.), and the matrix ensures the joint operation of the reinforcing elements and their protection from mechanical damage and aggressive chemical environments. When reinforcing elements and a matrix are combined, a composition is formed that has a set of properties that reflect not only the original characteristics of its components, but also new properties that individual components do not possess

The use of composite materials makes it possible to reduce the weight of a product (rocket, spacecraft) by 10...50% depending on the type of structure and, accordingly, reduce fuel consumption, while increasing reliability. Composite materials have also been created in which a plastic (polymer) base is reinforced with glass, Kevlar or carbon fibers. Composite materials are widely used in aircraft construction and space technology due to their good weight and mechanical characteristics, which make it possible to create lightweight and durable structures that can also operate at elevated temperatures.

Weight reduction is a top priority in spacecraft design. Many advances in the field of creating thin-walled shells owe their origin to this requirement. Typical examples of this design are the Atlas liquid launch vehicle and the solid rocket design. A special supercharged monocoque shell was created for the Atlas. A rocket with a solid propellant engine is produced by winding a glass filament around a mandrel shaped like a solid propellant charge and impregnating the wound layer with a special resin, which hardens after vulcanization. With this technology, both the supporting shell of the aircraft and the rocket engine with a nozzle are obtained at once. Using modern composite materials, re-entry spacecraft have been designed with a conical shell covered with a layer of heat-protective material, which, evaporating at high temperatures, cools the structure.

Another striking example of the use of composite materials is the orbital space shuttle, capable of flying in the Earth's atmosphere at hypersonic speeds (more than Mach 5 or 6000 km/h). The wings of the device have a multi-spar frame; The reinforced monocoque cockpit, like the wings, is made of aluminum alloy. The cargo compartment doors are made of graphite-epoxy composite material. Thermal protection of the device is provided by several thousand lightweight ceramic tiles, which cover parts of the surface exposed to large heat flows.

For the Alpha space station, created in accordance with the Russian-American program, many structural elements were made of composite materials: high-strength truss rods, solar panels, pressure vessels, dry compartments, reflectors, etc.

Light vessels and containers made from polymer composite materials and operating under pressure are successfully used in rocket and space technology. Fuel tanks, cylinder balloons, rocket engine housings, pressure accumulators, breathing cylinders for pilots and astronauts have been created and are being used??? The use of organic and glass fibers will make it possible to create durable pressure cylinders with a high coefficient of weight perfection.

Currently, carbon fiber plastics, i.e., are widely used in aviation and rocketry. carbon fiber reinforced polymers.

Carbon fibers and carbon composites have a deep black? color and conduct electricity well, which provides special electrophysical properties (for example, for radar antennas), as well as requirements for heat resistance and thermal conductivity.

Carbon fiber is used to make rocket nose cones, parts of high-speed aircraft subject to maximum aerodynamic loads, rocket engine nozzles, etc. In addition, given that graphite is a solid lubricant, carbon fiber is used to make brake pads and discs for high-speed airplanes, the reusable space shuttle, and racing cars. Mirrors of antenna structures made of carbon fiber will find wide application for solving communication problems via satellites. It is important to take into account that their use with a mass of up to 15 kg will provide a destructive load of 900 kgf with a service life of at least 20 years. Composite materials (three-layer) made of carbon fiber in load-bearing structural elements in comparison with single-layer (monolithic) under given operating conditions and increasing loads for a given mass of the element will provide: a reduction in the mass of the structural element by 40...50% and an increase in its rigidity by 60...80%; increasing reliability by 20...25% and increasing the warranty period by 60...70%.

2. Application of nanotechnology in the development of composite materials

NASA and the Johnson Space Center have entered into an agreement on joint development and application high technology and, in particular, nanotechnology for space exploration. NASA plans to simplify the launch of spacecraft??? into orbit using a space elevator based on nanotubes.

Nanotubes are characterized by high rigidity, and therefore materials based on them can replace most modern aerostructural materials. Composites based on nanotubes will reduce the weight of modern spacecraft??? almost doubled.

Researchers from NASA and LiftPort Inc. offer to simplify the output of large objects??? into orbit using a system they called a “space elevator.” A space elevator is a ribbon, one end of which is attached to the surface of the Earth, and the other is in Earth's orbit in space (at an altitude of 100,000 km). The gravitational attraction of the lower end of the tape is compensated by the force caused by the centripetal acceleration of the upper end and the tape is constantly in a tense state.

By changing the length of the tape, different orbits can be achieved. A space capsule containing useful? the load will move along the belt. At the final station, if necessary, the capsule is disconnected from the elevator and goes into open space.

The speed of the capsule will be 11 km/s. This speed will be enough to begin the journey to Mars and other planets. Based on the above, we come to the conclusion that the costs of launching the capsule will only be at the beginning of its journey into orbit. The descent will be made at reverse order- at the end of the descent, the capsule will be accelerated by the Earth's gravitational field.

Single-walled carbon nanotubes, invented in 1991, are strong enough to serve as the core of elevator belts.

They are 100 times stronger than steel and, theoretically, 3-5 times stronger than what is needed to build an elevator.

The tape, consisting of nanotubes 1 m long and 5 cm wide, has high strength. The strength/weight ratio of the belt material is higher than that of highly hardened steel.

Nanotubes will also be very useful in the development of nanoelectronic devices, high-power computers and memory devices.

3.Self-healing composite materials

composite rocketry structural material

Experimental? structural? material for spacecraft??? will double the service life of their housings. Cracks and small potholes will be immediately repaired with a special fast-hardening compound, without causing a decrease in the strength of the structure.

Spacecraft hulls??? are constantly exposed to sharp temperature contrasts???. Sun rays can heat the surface to 100°C or higher. Once in the earth's shadow, the device begins to rapidly cool down. Even simple rotation leads to constant temperature fluctuations on the surface of the device.

Constant temperature changes generate stress in the housing material and lead to the appearance of microcracks.

Another mechanism of space erosion is micrometeor impacts???. We are not talking about objects that can cause serious destruction - such are extremely rare. But at the same time, cosmic dust grains and particles of space debris less than a millimeter in size are quite numerous and, at speeds of tens of kilometers per second, cause gradual degradation of structures.

New material developed? at the European Space Agency, has increased stability to the factors of space erosion due to the ability to self-heal when damaged. When creating it, the developers were inspired by the ability of living tissue to independently heal small wounds due to the effect of blood clotting.

True, blood clotting occurs under the influence of air, so for space technology I had to take a slightly different approach. A lot of the thinnest glass vessels with an outer diameter of 60 microns and an inner diameter of 30 were introduced into the composite material. The vessels were filled with two liquids, which, like the components epoxy resin, harden quickly when mixed. When a crack occurs, glass vessels break and the liquids they contain fill the crack. The speed of the process is such that liquids do not have time to evaporate in the vacuum of space. Thus, further propagation of the crack is immediately stopped - a process that causes much more damage than the crack itself.

Samples of the new material successfully passed the first tests in a vacuum chamber. There are still numerous tests ahead, primarily on strength and temperature stability. So practical application Self-healing materials in spacecraft can be expected no earlier than ten years from now. However, ESA already believes that new material will allow you to extend the operating time of those spacecraft for which erosion is a limiting factor.


As practice shows, composite materials, despite their high cost and difficulties in production, may become the most used and comfortable materials at correct use. Composite materials provide structures with high strength and wear resistance, as well as low weight, which is vital when designing aircraft and spacecraft. In addition, composite materials are no less successfully used in other areas, from mechanical engineering to medicine. Broad prospects are also opening up in the creation of new composite materials with unique properties, which will open up new horizons in many areas of human activity.


1. Handbook of composite materials: in 2 books. Book 2 Ed. J. Lubina. - M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1988

2. Zuev N.I., Golikovskaya K.F. - Journal "News of the Samara Scientific Center" Russian Academy Sciences" Issue No. 4-2 / ​​volume 14 / 2012

3. Magazine " Actual problems Aviation and Cosmonautics" Issue No. 6 / Volume 1 / 2010

4. Composite materials in rocket and space engineering Ed. Gardymova G.P. - St. Petersburg: SpetsLit, 1999

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From 2008 to the present, the department is headed by Reznik Sergey Vasilievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honorary worker higher vocational education RF.

One of the features of CM is that they cannot be considered separately from the design and production technology. At the present stage of development of rocket and space technology, there are several areas in which the use of CM will play a key role: deployable space structures (antennas, power plants, large-volume structures), rocket fairings, reusable spacecraft, hypersonic aircraft with ramjet air jet engines.

A new word in creating power space designs steel mesh shells made of CM (Fig. 3-6). The theory and technology for the production of such structures are being developed at TsNIISM under the leadership of corresponding member. RAS V.V. Vasiliev, his colleagues A.F. Razin, V.A. Bunakov and others.

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Rice. 6 Composite mesh spokes of a deployable space antenna

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Rice. 7 Ultra-light reflectors of onboard mirror space antennas made of carbon fiber

Rice. 8 Results of mathematical modeling of the temperature state of the reflector of the on-board mirror space antenna

Rice. 9 Student project of the reusable spacecraft “Sivka” (the project was initiated by the first cosmonaut scientist, Professor K.P. Feoktistov and was developed by students of the departments SM-1 and SM-13)

As part of research work with PJSC RSC Energia named after. S.P. Korolev" using finite element analysis programs of the "CAR" package, temperature fields, stresses and deformations in thin-walled elements of the composite structure of an antenna reflector with a diameter of 14 m of a promising geostationary communications satellite were studied. The results obtained were in good agreement with the results of independent calculations carried out by Italian specialists from the company Alenia Spazio, using the European Space Agency's ESATAN and EASARAD computing programs, as well as with data obtained during thermal tests at the European Center for Space Research and Technology in Noordwijk, the Netherlands.

Among the successfully completed projects is participation in the design and debugging of test benches and installations at JSC ONPP Technology named after. A. G. Romashina." By technical specifications JSC "Composite" has carried out a number of research and development projects to master production technologies and comprehensively study the characteristics of carbon-ceramic materials. Since 2011, several large projects have been completed in collaboration with the Research Center “New Materials, Composites and Nanotechnologies” with a total volume of about 300 million rubles.

Over 15 years, 25 candidate and 3 doctoral dissertations were defended under the scientific supervision of professors of the department. Teachers, graduate students and students of the department were participants in research work under 5 RFBR grants.

Every year, students of the department present 12-15 reports at the conference of the SNTO named after. N. E. Zhukovsky.

Graduates of the department receive the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for a modern engineer to conduct scientific research and produce new equipment. The theoretical foundation of the educational process is made up of the disciplines of the mathematical and natural science cycle - higher mathematics, chemistry, physics, theoretical mechanics, thermodynamics and heat transfer. Among special disciplines- “Basics physical chemistry composites", " Structural mechanics composite structures", "Mechanics of composite media", "Optimization of composite structures and technologies", "Fundamentals of rocket and space technology." The curriculum provides for the study of methods of computer-aided design, production and testing of composite structures with various combinations fillers and matrices. IN last years The curriculum includes new disciplines: “Nanoengineering of spacecraft”, “Methods for creating an innovative environment”, “ Technical training space expeditions”, “Technology of reusable spacecraft”, which are not available in any university in Russia.

The showroom contains unique samples of materials and full-scale structures (an element of the wing edge of the Buran spacecraft, the nose fairing of the Bor spacecraft, mesh adapters of the Proton launch vehicle, pipelines for supplying rocket fuel components, compressed gas cylinders, rocket nose fairings S-300, X-35, nozzle blocks, repair adhesive kits, etc.). A Center has been created at the department information technologies design, equipped with modern computer technology.

The department trains students from Belarus, Bulgaria, Vietnam, India, Italy, Kazakhstan, China, Korea, Myanmar, Slovakia, France, and graduate students from Belarus, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, China, Myanmar. Relations have been established with a number of foreign universities: University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), University of Glindor (Wrexham, UK), Ecole Polytechnic (Leon, France), Beijing Institute of Technology (University), Harbin Polytechnic University (China), National Aerospace University . N. E. Zhukovsky (KhAI), Kharkov, Ukraine, etc. Fruitful partnerships are maintained with the Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer named after. A. V. Lykova NAS of Belarus, Minsk.

Employees of the department are organizers of international scientific conferences and symposiums: “Materials and coatings in extreme conditions"(together with the I.N. Frantsevich Institute of Problems of Science of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Katsiveli, Crimea, 6 conferences in 2002–2012), "Advanced composite materials and aerospace technologies" (Wrexham, Wales, UK , annually in 2011–2015), “Advanced technical systems and technologies" (Sevastopol, annually since 2005), "Rocket and space technology: fundamental and applied problems" (Moscow, 5 conferences in 1998–2018).

Within the framework of the international project INTAS 00-0652 in 2000–2005. joint research was carried out with specialists from Belarus, Germany, Spain and France in the field of heat-protective materials for promising reusable spacecraft, the results of which are world-class.

The department was also organized in 2002–2008. headed Bulanov Igor Mikhailovich(1941–2008), vice-rector of Moscow State Technical University. N. E. Bauman, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Laureate of the Government of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after. K. E. Tsiolkovsky. From 2008 to the present, the department is headed by Reznik Sergey Vasilievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation.

The department was organized in 2002 to train specialists in the field of design, production and testing of rockets and spacecraft, with the widespread use of composite materials (CM) capable of operating in the most difficult conditions (extremely high/low temperatures, vacuum, high pressure, chemically active environments, flows of erosive particles, etc.).

Formation and development of the scientific school of MSTU named after. N. E. Bauman in the field of quantum mechanics is inextricably linked with the history of the development of rocket and space technology. The bright pages of this history are the result of close cooperation between workers in industry, academic science and higher education, many of whom graduated from our university. The peculiarity of the scientific school is the combination of advanced research in the fields of mechanics, thermal physics, materials science and the latest technologies.

At the end of the 1940s, the designers of the first domestic long-range guided ballistic missiles (LGBMs), led by S.P. Korolev, were faced with the problem of thermal protection of missile warheads from aerodynamic heating upon re-entry. Graduates of Moscow Higher Technical University named after. N. E. Bauman - employees of SRI-88 V. N. Iordansky, G. G. Konradi together with fellow materials scientists from OKB-1 (A. A. Severov and others) and VIAM (A. T. Tumanov and others .) for the first time in the world, they solved this problem by using an ablative coating made of polymer CM (asboplastic) on the head of the R-5 (8K51) rocket. This approach to overcoming the “thermal barrier” was later successfully implemented in the designs of the descent modules of the manned spacecraft “Vostok”, “Voskhod”, “Soyuz”, automatic spacecraft (SC) such as “Zenith”, “Zond”, “Venera” and “Mars”, has become the main solution for similar applications in solid fuel rocket engines and power plants. Deep study of the issues of thermal protection using CM is reflected in the works of professors of our university I. S. Epifanovsky, V. V. Gorsky, D. S. Mikhatulin, corresponding member. RAS Yu. V. Polezhaeva, acad. RAS S. T. Surzhikova.

In the 1960–1980s, the USSR solved the unprecedentedly complex problems of creating mobile and silo-based missile systems with solid fuel UBRDD. There was a need to develop composite composites solid fuels and technologies for winding large-sized cylindrical shells of fiberglass rocket engine housings, and later “cocoon”-type shells made of organoplastic. Among the pioneers of this direction are chief designer OKB-1, Academician S.P. Korolev, who initiated the design of the 8K95 and 8K98 missiles, and the famous scientist in the field of solid fuel rockets, Yu. A. Pobedonostsev. Under the guidance of a graduate of the Moscow Higher Technical University named after. N. E. Bauman, chief designer of TsKB-7 (Arsenal Design Bureau) P. A. Tyurin in the early 1960s designed the first mobile missile system RT-15 with the 8K96 medium-range missile, developed the 8K98P intercontinental ballistic missile, which was on combat duty in the Strategic Missile Forces in 1971–1994. (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. The first domestic intercontinental ballistic missile using solid fuel, 8K98P, consists of 90% composites (engines, warhead, mixed fuels). The rocket was created under the leadership of graduates of the Moscow Higher Technical School named after. N. E. Bauman - S. P. Korolev and P. A. Tyurin. Museum of OJSC "Motovilikha Plants", Perm

An outstanding contribution to the creation of modern missile systems RT-2PM Topol and RT-2PM2 Topol-M was made by MIT general designers B. N. Lagutin and Yu. S. Solomonov. In recent years, MIT has created the latest intercontinental ballistic missiles complexes "Yars" and R-30 "Bulava".

Transport and launch containers made of CM became an integral part of the Temp-2S, Pioneer, Topol and other mobile missile systems (Fig. 2). In the research and implementation of technologies for winding composite shells of rocket engine housings and transport and launch containers, the role of a graduate of the Moscow Higher Technical School named after. N. E. Bauman, chief designer and director of TsNIISM, corresponding member. RAS V. D. Protasov, his colleagues and followers V. I. Smyslov, V. A. Barynin, A. A. Kulkov, A. B. Mitkevich and others.

Rice. 2. Mobile ground-based missile system "Topol-M" with a 15Zh55 missile: the missile and transport-launch container are made of composites

Thanks to the breadth of views of a number of outstanding scientists and teachers, such as V. I. Feodosiev and E. A. Satel, and under the influence of the demands of practice at MSTU. N. E. Bauman at the departments M-1 (now SM-1) and M-8 (now SM-12) were appointed training courses, reflecting the specifics of design, production and testing of composite structures. In 1986, the Board of the USSR Ministry of General Mechanical Engineering decided on the advisability of opening a new specialty “Design and production of products from CM” at the Moscow Higher Technical School. The recruitment of not one, but three groups of students at once was organized. Considerable attention was paid to the creation of a modern testing base at the Educational and Experimental Center in the village of Orevo, Dmitrovsky district, Moscow region (now the Dmitrovsky branch of MSTU named after N.E. Bauman).

Enthusiasts of the new direction in the field of technology were A.K. Dobrovolsky, S.S. Lenkov, I.M. Bulanov, M.A. Komkov, V.M. Kuznetsov, G.E. Nekhoroshikh, V.A. Shishatsky. Students mastered methods for calculating the strength of composite structures under the guidance of N. A. Alfutov, P. A. Zinoviev, B. G. Popov, V. I. Usyukin. Features of thermal and thermal strength calculations of composite structures were covered in lectures by V. S. Zarubin, V. N. Eliseev, S. V. Reznik. Under the leadership of G.B. Sinyarev, the theory of thermal testing of composite structures was developed, many of the provisions of which were based on the results of experiments conducted on new test benches in the village of Orevo.

The department was also organized in 2002–2008. headed Bulanov Igor Mikhailovich(1941–2008), vice-rector of Moscow State Technical University. N. E. Bauman, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Laureate of the Government of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after. K. E. Tsiolkovsky. From 2008 to the present, the department is headed by Reznik Sergey Vasilievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation.

The department was organized in 2002 to train specialists in the field of design, production and testing of rockets and spacecraft, with the widespread use of composite materials (CM) capable of operating in the most difficult conditions (extreme high/low temperatures, vacuum, high pressure, chemically active environments , flows of erosion particles, etc.).

Formation and development of the scientific school of MSTU named after. N. E. Bauman in the field of quantum mechanics is inextricably linked with the history of the development of rocket and space technology. The bright pages of this history are the result of close cooperation between workers in industry, academic science and higher education, many of whom graduated from our university. The peculiarity of the scientific school is the combination of advanced research in the fields of mechanics, thermal physics, materials science and the latest technologies.

At the end of the 1940s, the designers of the first domestic long-range guided ballistic missiles (LGBMs), led by S.P. Korolev, were faced with the problem of thermal protection of missile warheads from aerodynamic heating upon re-entry. Graduates of Moscow Higher Technical University named after. N. E. Bauman - employees of SRI-88 V. N. Iordansky, G. G. Konradi together with fellow materials scientists from OKB-1 (A. A. Severov and others) and VIAM (A. T. Tumanov and others .) for the first time in the world, they solved this problem by using an ablative coating made of polymer CM (asboplastic) on the head of the R-5 (8K51) rocket. This approach to overcoming the “thermal barrier” was later successfully implemented in the designs of the descent modules of the manned spacecraft “Vostok”, “Voskhod”, “Soyuz”, automatic spacecraft (SC) such as “Zenith”, “Zond”, “Venera” and “Mars”, has become the main solution for similar applications in solid fuel rocket engines and power plants. Deep study of the issues of thermal protection using CM is reflected in the works of professors of our university I. S. Epifanovsky, V. V. Gorsky, D. S. Mikhatulin, corresponding member. RAS Yu. V. Polezhaeva, acad. RAS S. T. Surzhikova.

In the 1960–1980s, the USSR solved the unprecedentedly complex problems of creating mobile and silo-based missile systems with solid fuel UBRDD. There was a need to develop composite mixed solid fuels and technologies for winding large-sized cylindrical shells of fiberglass rocket engine housings, and later “cocoon”-type shells made of organoplastic. Among the pioneers of this direction are the chief designer of OKB-1, academician S.P. Korolev, who initiated the design of the 8K95 and 8K98 missiles, and the famous scientist in the field of solid fuel rockets, Yu. A. Pobedonostsev. Under the guidance of a graduate of the Moscow Higher Technical University named after. N. E. Bauman, chief designer of TsKB-7 (Arsenal Design Bureau) P. A. Tyurin in the early 1960s designed the first mobile missile system RT-15 with the 8K96 medium-range missile, developed the 8K98P intercontinental ballistic missile, which was on combat duty in the Strategic Missile Forces in 1971–1994. (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. The first domestic intercontinental ballistic missile using solid fuel, 8K98P, consists of 90% composites (engines, warhead, mixed fuels). The rocket was created under the leadership of graduates of the Moscow Higher Technical School named after. N. E. Bauman - S. P. Korolev and P. A. Tyurin. Museum of OJSC "Motovilikha Plants", Perm

An outstanding contribution to the creation of modern missile systems RT-2PM Topol and RT-2PM2 Topol-M was made by MIT general designers B. N. Lagutin and Yu. S. Solomonov. In recent years, MIT has created the latest intercontinental ballistic missiles of the Yars and R-30 Bulava complexes.

Transport and launch containers made of CM became an integral part of the Temp-2S, Pioneer, Topol and other mobile missile systems (Fig. 2). In the research and implementation of technologies for winding composite shells of rocket engine housings and transport and launch containers, the role of a graduate of the Moscow Higher Technical School named after. N. E. Bauman, chief designer and director of TsNIISM, corresponding member. RAS V. D. Protasov, his colleagues and followers V. I. Smyslov, V. A. Barynin, A. A. Kulkov, A. B. Mitkevich and others.

Rice. 2. Mobile ground-based missile system "Topol-M" with a 15Zh55 missile: the missile and transport-launch container are made of composites

Thanks to the breadth of views of a number of outstanding scientists and teachers, such as V. I. Feodosiev and E. A. Satel, and under the influence of the demands of practice at MSTU. N. E. Bauman at the departments M-1 (now SM-1) and M-8 (now SM-12) provided training courses reflecting the specifics of design, production and testing of composite structures. In 1986, the Board of the USSR Ministry of General Mechanical Engineering decided on the advisability of opening a new specialty “Design and production of products from CM” at the Moscow Higher Technical School. The recruitment of not one, but three groups of students at once was organized. Considerable attention was paid to the creation of a modern testing base at the Educational and Experimental Center in the village of Orevo, Dmitrovsky district, Moscow region (now the Dmitrovsky branch of MSTU named after N.E. Bauman).

Enthusiasts of the new direction in the field of technology were A.K. Dobrovolsky, S.S. Lenkov, I.M. Bulanov, M.A. Komkov, V.M. Kuznetsov, G.E. Nekhoroshikh, V.A. Shishatsky. Students mastered methods for calculating the strength of composite structures under the guidance of N. A. Alfutov, P. A. Zinoviev, B. G. Popov, V. I. Usyukin. Features of thermal and thermal strength calculations of composite structures were covered in lectures by V. S. Zarubin, V. N. Eliseev, S. V. Reznik. Under the leadership of G.B. Sinyarev, the theory of thermal testing of composite structures was developed, many of the provisions of which were based on the results of experiments conducted on new test benches in the village of Orevo.