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Spunbond white. Covering material lutrasil Material lutrasil what

Experienced gardeners When you hear such outlandish words as, agrotex, lutrasil, they understand what we are talking about. But beginners may get confused. Let's figure out what these terms mean and how the material needed in gardening, hidden under different names, works.

What is the difference between Lutrasil and Spunbond?

The main and only difference between “Lutrasil” and “Spunbond” is that they are different trade marks, producing non-woven covering material, which is actively used in different areas gardening and more.

In other words, “Lutrasil” and “Spunbond” are essentially the same thing, and there is no point in talking about which of them is better. Even if you carefully examine rolls of both materials, you will not see any difference or fundamental difference.

But the range of products within the general category of nonwoven material differs in density and color, and significantly. These are the parameters you should pay attention to when purchasing.

Color and density of non-woven covering fabric

Black spandbond has a special purpose - it protects the beds from weeds, since the temperature under such a cloth rises, causing the weeds to die. And thanks to the retained moisture, the intervals between watering the covered crop can be significantly reduced. It usually has a density of 60 g/m2.

So that your plot or yard with wooden house looked neat and well-groomed, as a rule, it is ennobled with vegetation. Be it beautiful flowers or an emerald lawn. But any plants are a living organism, and, like people, they can be capricious. Their “whims” are expressed in their inability to endure adverse weather conditions. To prevent hail from destroying your crops and frosts from preventing you from growing a fertile garden, you need to “wrap” or insulate them. For such cases, there is a non-woven covering material, the composition of which includes polypropylene fiber. And its name is Lutrasil. The structure of the material is mesh or fibrous. Color: white and black. It is important to choose the right thickness of lutrasil. And for this you will have to rely on its purpose. Why do you need Lutrasil? What do you want for buy Lutrasil?

1. If you want to protect the beds from frost immediately after sowing the seeds, then Lutrasil, according to reviews, is suitable with a density of 18 g or 23 g/m? This material can withstand frost down to minus 3°C. You just need to secure it along the edges of the beds so that it doesn’t fly away (you can use stones).

2. If the temperature on the thermometer is below minus 7°C, will your plants need Lutrasil with a density of 30 or 40 g/m?

3. Lutrasil Can also be used in large open areas. Should its density not be less than 60 g/m? This insulation is used to cover greenhouses and greenhouses. This is a very durable, good and windproof material that can withstand hurricanes very well. And with appropriate fire protection wooden structures- does not burn.

Please note that the thicker the material, the longer the shelf life. Therefore, price is not the most decisive parameter when purchasing Lutrasil in stores. According to reviews and advice from experts, Lutrasil is a good, dense covering material due to its long-term use; it even wins in terms of the price-cost-durability ratio of this covering material.

To create greenhouse conditions for plants, you don’t have to wait until winter. Lutrasil perfectly protects plants from excess sun in the summer heat, but at the same time transmits light (creating a light shadow) and water. Yes, you heard it right, it was water. Seedlings can be watered even through the insulation!

And now, reviews and advice from experts on the covering material - Lutrasil.

“Lutrasil is an excellent insulation material. With his help, I tried to grow cucumbers in barrels, and I succeeded! Cucumber is very moisture-loving, and in a barrel, as you understand, the soil will dry out faster than in the garden. Lutrasil helped me protect the leaves from frost. Plus it saves the moisture my plant needs at night. So I very simply grew cucumbers in barrels, without a greenhouse and weeding the beds!” — advice from Tatyana Yakovleva.

So, Lutrasil is an excellent, very good covering material, both for covering low beds and for tall bushes and trees.

Order Lutrasil from us, then the garden at your dacha will be fertile, and ripe fruits with fruit trees will delight you and your children! Buying lutrasil in a timely manner means saving your plants for garden plot in the garden.

Just a few years ago, gardeners and vegetable gardeners had only polyethylene film, which had more disadvantages than advantages. Today, a wide variety of covering materials with impressive characteristics are on sale. One of the most popular is lutrasil, which has many advantages. It can be used not only for greenhouses, but also for mulching.

Features of covering sheets

Lutrasil - a new generation covering material, which has found its application in vegetable gardens and orchards. In addition, it has a number of useful properties and has several modifications. Lutrasil is made from threads that are woven together into a single fabric. In the chemical industry, the technology for producing threads based on polymer materials, which are connected to each other in several ways:

  • Physical (needle-punched connection method).
  • Due to a certain temperature regime.
  • Combined chemical methods.

It is also worth considering that chemical fibers may also be involved in production:

Due to the specific connection, these materials are usually called non-woven. But, despite this, such covering materials are made on the basis of natural raw materials, such as:

  • Cotton.
  • Wool.

Multifunctional nonwoven materials, which were made on the basis of chemical fibers, are widely in demand in various fields, including growing fruits and vegetables in the garden, as well as in horticulture. Experienced summer residents This material is often called agrotextile.

Description and purpose

Lutrasil is considered a non-woven fabric made from polymer fibers. This material is intended for use in the agricultural industry to solve various problems:

It is worth considering that the numerous advantages of lutrasil have made it as popular as spunbond and agrospan. So high demand this material is associated with numerous positive characteristics, the main of which are:

  • Convenience. The material opens well and lies on the soil without creating the well-known “bubbles”. In addition, it does not need to be put away at night, which makes gardening and gardening easier.
  • Wear resistance. The material does not tear, does not rot, and is also not afraid of the sun and frost, thanks to which it retains its integrity well.
  • Good permeability. Lutrasil allows air and moisture to pass through, making it possible to water plants over the covering sheet.
  • Availability. The price of lutrasil is comparable to modern analogues.
  • Environmental friendliness. The material does not emit toxins, making it completely safe for both humans and plants.
  • Easy to care for. Lutrasil can be stored folded; it does not lose its properties, even if it is in a damp pantry.

The structure of the fabric also has its own differences, it can be cellular or fibrous, but the main criterion remains density. On sale you can find several varieties of lutrasil, which differ in thickness and density.

Today, manufacturers produce this material in two colors:

  • Bel. To protect crops from pests and negative natural factors, as well as for the arrangement of greenhouses.
  • Black. Used in mulching.

In addition, gardeners and farmers have been actively using lutrasil for many years. high density for arranging large greenhouses in order to protect seedlings from piercing winds and high frosts. Average density is most relevant in spring time when night frosts are possible. And here's the most slim look lutrasila can protect plants from frosts down to -5 ˚С.

Experts say that it is best to cover greenhouses and greenhouses with the most durable and dense fabric. Such material serves well for several seasons in a row, thanks to which it quickly justifies all the money spent.

Differences between spunbond and lutrasil

As practice shows, there is only one difference between spunbond and lutrasil - different manufacturers. At the same time, the composition and production principle of the materials are completely identical, but the density, range and even color have their differences. It is worth noting that these parameters are very important when purchasing; you should always pay close attention to them.

Experts assure that spunbond and lutrasil are of the same quality. Each of them, if chosen correctly, can protect fragile plants from numerous negative factors and pests.

Modern classification

When choosing the most suitable covering material, Special attention you need to pay attention to its density. Most often, this indicator is marked with a number located next to the name. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you need to become more familiar with the types of lutrasil and their differences:

You should always remember that when choosing a covering material, you need to consider three key factors: quality, cost and durability.

The technique for using lutrasil is quite simple., the main thing is to follow a few tips:

Technique for using lutrasil

This type of cloth is most often used for mulching and plant protection. But even in this case, there are certain nuances that always need to be taken into account.

Features of mulching

The most durable, black material is used for mulching between rows, paths and, of course, the plantings themselves. In spring, cover the planting site with lutrasil, making small cuts in different places. Later they will be planted with strawberries, onions, tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers. In addition, these holes can also be used for irrigation. Lutrasil in this case is simply irreplaceable, as it prevents the accumulation of condensation and the formation of harmful dampness. The soil under such a canvas always remains loose, allowing air and nutrients to pass through well.

IN modern stores You can buy two-color canvases. One of the sides is white, which prevents overheating of the root system. It is also worth considering that if lutrasil was purchased exclusively for mulching, then it can be used for no more than three years.

Rules for covering plants

With the help of canvases whose density reaches 17 g/m², you can cover heat-loving plants from seasonal frosts. But the air temperature should not be lower than -3 ˚С. Denser options are suitable for providing shady cover.

Lutrasil with indicators 60 and 40 is more appropriate to use for arranging greenhouses and greenhouses. Plants that were grown under such a covering begin to bear fruit much earlier.

In order for the removed canvas to be stored well, it must be rinsed with plain water, dried and stored in a dark place. If during operation it becomes very dirty, then you can use non-aggressive powder or ordinary laundry soap.

Preservation of ornamental bushes

Initially, it is important to note the fact that roses tolerate night frosts down to -8˚C. But if the frosts begin to intensify, then already in November it is necessary to take care of the planned shelter of the plants and do not forget to clear the bushes of unnecessary leaves. It is best to use canvas high density. Only in this case can you be sure that the plants will be able to survive the winter.

One more, no less important point It is believed that the larger the insulated area, the warmer the bushes will be. Experts note that it is necessary to cover at least 1 m², but it is better to expand this area. Thanks to this, the earth will be able to give off more heat, and roses will be able to withstand even the highest frosts.

If the roses are climbing, then they need to be carefully tied into small bunches, and only then bent to the ground. It is advisable to first place something on the soil, for example, small logs or boards. This will help prevent the branches from getting wet and rotting when the weather thaws. Today there are some rose hybrids that simply cannot be bent, so it is better to prune them a little (they should be at least 50 cm from the ground). In specialized gardens and nurseries, lutrasil is placed on special supports and arches so that the canvas does not sag under the snow and does not put pressure on the plants.

Vineyard shelter

For planned sheltering of grape bushes, gardeners often use not only lutrasil, but also ultrasil. The covering material is distinguished by its reliability and versatility. The process of preparing plants for wintering consists of several stages:

After performing these manipulations, the shelter grapevine for the winter can be considered completed. The technology itself is quite simple, even a beginner can handle it.

In the spring, every summer resident has a new reason for concern - purchasing a suitable covering material that would provide optimal conditions for crops and young plants. temperature regime.

On the market of agricultural auxiliary materials, this category of products is represented by a wide variety. The leaders among non-woven varieties are Lutrasil and Spunbond.

1 Types of covering materials

Covering materials for summer cottage perform 2 functions:

  • optimize the temperature regime when it comes to arranging greenhouses and greenhouses;
  • prevent the spread of weeds by minimizing their growth.

As a covering material, summer residents and gardeners use rolled and sheet materials, including: film, sheets of cardboard and old floor coverings. Most of them do not transmit sunlight at all - this is due to their ability to inhibit the growth of weeds. Despite high efficiency in the fight against weeds with traditional covering material, more and more summer residents are giving preference to functional coatings, such as.

Non-woven fabric has a light, breathable texture - and is used to solve a wider range of agricultural problems.

The basic classification divides this type artificial turf into 4 groups depending on the density of the fabric:

  • lightweight - the density of the material is 30 g/sq.m., this perfect solution for plants open ground;
  • medium - has a density of 40-50 g/sq.m and is used for arranging an arc greenhouse, protects plants from serious frosts and, unlike film, provides effective air exchange;
  • white canvas with a density of 60 g/sq.m. has excellent functional characteristics and a longer service life, suitable for use for several years;
  • black fabric has a high density (60 or more g/sq.m.) and is considered effective means to protect young plants from weeds, and also has the ability to accumulate heat.

1.1 Features of application

The process of using agrofibre is simple. Manufacturers of brands such as Lutrasil, Spunbond, Agril, Agrotex, etc., offer models with already provided holes in the canvas intended for planting seedlings.

This is convenient when growing plants with bulk aboveground part– tomatoes, pumpkin and melon crops, peppers, eggplants, as well as low-growing berry bushes. It is recommended to lay agrofibre on dry soil already prepared for planting, securing it with functional garden pegs.

1.2 Planting strawberries on mulching agrofibre (video)

2 Advantages of non-woven agrofibre and differences between products

In terms of cost and demand, non-woven agrofibre is not inferior to film, but has qualitative advantages compared to her. The film is considered the best material For . Depending on the thickness, it can also be used to protect outdoor plants from spring frosts, and when laid on top of it, it suppresses the growth of weeds.

Unlike film, non-woven covering materials have excellent air and water permeability. Thanks to dense texture they accumulate heat on the soil surface, maintain an optimal temperature for plant development and at the same time do not interfere with soil moisture during watering or rain.

The advantages of using agrofibre include:

  • reducing time and labor costs for weeding beds;
  • possibility of early planting of seedlings;
  • no need for;
  • protection of fruits from contamination due to contact with the ground, especially after rain.

The most popular and affordable agrofibers are Spunbond or Lutrasil. Each brand has fans who, not without reason, praise this or that material from their own experience, but we will find out what the differences are and what or Spunbond.

2.1 Lutrasil

The structure of this type of non-woven agro-fabric visually resembles a spider web and has a significant advantage over analogues - condensation does not form under its surface. This feature is important if the covering material is used for a long period of time.

For example, a film that does not have such permeability properties promotes the development of mold and fungi; in the case of agrofibre, the risk of their occurrence is reduced to zero. Price square meter The material depends on the density and production features. Lutrasil is presented in the following groups depending on density - light, medium canvases and denser models to ensure plant protection in winter.

2.2 Spunbond

Spunbond, like Lutrasil, is represented by all main groups of covering material and is used both to protect plants from weeds (black fabric) and as a covering material to ensure optimal temperature and atmospheric conditions.

As you can see, by key characteristics it is no different from Lutrasil. Thus, what exactly to cover the plants with - Lutrasil or - depends mainly on which material is more available at the time of purchase.

Quite often, when planting seeds, it becomes necessary to provide greenhouse conditions for different cultures. To protect seedlings from wind, cold and other external factors, use special materials for shelter. In our article we will describe lutrasil, tell you what it is and how to use it.

Lutrasil is made from polypropylene, one of the main properties of which is heat retention. Wherein excess moisture can evaporate freely. Thanks to the use of non-woven material, it is possible to speed up the process of seed germination. The canvas also protects against birds and other pests. Important! If you want to protect the plant from the scorching sun, choose lutrasil white, since it’s black, although it doesn’t let through ultra-violet rays, will attract more heat. Lutrasil has one important difference from other similar materials - it can be spread directly on the soil. You don’t have to make special structures - just sprinkle the edges with earth so that gusts of wind don’t blow the material away.

The canvas is used to accelerate seed germination, serves as protection against frost, and also protects plants from pests.
In addition, lutrasil has other purposes:

  • protects young pines and roses from strong winds, unfavorable climatic conditions.
  • protects plants from cold, smoothes out differences in day and night air temperatures. Plants covered with a double layer of material are able to withstand frosts down to -7°C.
  • used in greenhouses to create additional thermal insulation.

Non-woven material is an indispensable assistant any summer resident.

Types and characteristics

Black and white lutrasil are available on sale. There are also different densities of the material - from 19 to 60 g/sq.m. m.
Highlight the following types lutrasila:

  • Lutrasil 19. Protects well vegetable crops, ornamental plants, lawns, can be used in greenhouses.
  • Lutrasil 19x. Has the same density as the previous one, but larger size canvases. The width can be from 7 meters, and the length from 100 m. This type is used to cover large areas, for example, it can cover a golf course.
  • Lutrasil 23. Serves as a good protection for vegetables, protects young potato shoots and strawberries. It is quite light, so it is often used as a shelter for plants in winter.
  • Lutrasil 30. This type is most often used to cover vegetables and ornamental plants, grown in tree nurseries. Due to the high density, summer time Lutrasil is able to protect plants from heat and scorching sun.

Did you know? Nonwovens used not only to cover plants, but also for sewing medical clothing, as a basis for construction membranes, for the manufacture of bags and cases.

  • Lutrasil 50. The canvas is black and is used for mulching. Thanks to this coloring, the earth quickly heats up, and the canvas also serves as protection against the appearance of weeds. Cover vegetable crops, herbs, ornamental shrubs and trees.
  • Lutrasil 60. Thanks to its high density it serves reliable protection plants in winter time. Most often, this type is used in tree nurseries to protect plants from hail or strong winds.

Lutrasil can be used in winter, but you should not hope that it will withstand severe frosts. The material, whose density is up to 23 g/m2, provides protection at temperatures down to -3°C. If the density is 30-40, such a fabric will protect from frost down to -7°C.

Use of lutrasil

Lutrasil covering material is most often used for plant protection and mulching. Let us consider in more detail the features of its application.

Find out how to properly use covering materials agrotex and agrospan in the garden.


Black material is used for mulching paths, row spacing and the plantings themselves. In spring, they cover the planting site and make cuts in some places. Later they will be planted with strawberries, onions, tomatoes, and cucumbers.
Important! When covering rose bushes with canvas for the winter, you need to lay the shoots on the ground and cover the plant with three layers of material. The holes are also used for irrigation. Lutrasil is good because condensation does not accumulate on it, it prevents the appearance of dampness, the soil under the material is always loose. You can buy two-color canvas in stores. One side is white, which prevents the plant roots from getting too hot. If you decide to use the canvas for mulching, remember that its service life is no more than three years.


Using lutrasil, which has a density of 17 g/sq. m, you can protect heat-loving plants from frost, but the air temperature should not be less than -3°C. Denser fabrics are used as tunnel cover.
Lutrasil 40 and 60 can be used to equip a greenhouse or greenhouse. Plants grown under such a covering begin to bear fruit earlier.

  • Before laying the material, the soil needs to be slightly moistened.
  • First, the canvas is spread out, and only after that it is planted.
  • During the first watering, moisture does not always immediately enter the ground, but in the future this problem will correct itself, so you should not make a large collection.

If pollination needs to be carried out, the material is removed for a certain time.

Benefits of use

The advantages of lutrasil include:

  • Easy to care for. The canvas does not need to be removed when winter comes, as it is not afraid of moisture and frost.
  • High wear resistance. It has a long service life and does not deteriorate under adverse conditions.
  • Convenient to use. There are no difficulties with spreading it out or cleaning it.
  • Has good water permeability.
  • Does not lead to “blooming” of the soil.
  • The light transmittance rate is up to 92%.
  • Able to allow air to pass through and does not create a greenhouse effect.
  • Non-toxic, safe for people and plants.
  • Can be used for a long time.

Did you know? The older brother of agrofibre is geofabric - the thickest material, which is much more effective for covering trees. Its thickness is 150 g per 1 square meter. meter. This is the most expensive of all covering agents. If you want to remove the canvas, just rinse it, dry it and put it in a dark place. For severe contamination, you can use washing powder or laundry soap.

Lutrasil and spunbond: differences

Many gardeners are interested in the differences between lutrasil and spunbond. In fact, there is only one difference between them - different brands. The production principle and composition of materials are completely the same, but the range, density and color are different. These parameters are quite important when choosing a material, and they are worth paying attention to. They are the same in quality, each making the right choice, can protect plants from external factors.

After reading our article, you learned what lutrasil is and what it looks like. Now you have enough information to choose high-quality non-woven material for your site.