home · Lighting · Lighting solution in the bedroom interior. Lighting in the bedroom. Which one is better to do? Think about unusual lamps in advance

Lighting solution in the bedroom interior. Lighting in the bedroom. Which one is better to do? Think about unusual lamps in advance

The beauty and comfort of the interior largely depends on its proper lighting. Any design project begins with the selection stage lighting fixtures and working out their location, since in the process of decorating the apartment it will be difficult to correct these details.

The concept of “lighting design” is much more complex and multifaceted than it might seem at first glance. It should highlight the advantages of the room in a favorable light and hide its shortcomings, make it cozy and comfortable, and emphasize the individuality of the owner.

Lighting design is usually divided into three components, each of which has a special role in creating a stylish and harmonious lighting interior

  • The overall design is the background from which you should start when working out the location of other light sources.
  • Lighting architecture is divided into internal, external and interior. Determines the overall style, makes the lighting design more individual and expressive.
  • Lighting design is everything that can be swapped and moved. The most flexible element of lighting, expressing the individuality of the owner.

Usually, a competent project includes all three elements, because only their skillful combination can create an interesting and stylish interior.

Beautiful design depends largely on lighting

Lighting design needs to be thought through carefully

Using light you can highlight or hide interior elements

There are several types of lighting, each of which has its own functions and implementation rules:

Correctly selected lighting can change the interior beyond recognition

There are several types of lighting

The influence of lighting on emotional state

The choice of lamps depends not only appearance your apartment, but also the mental and emotional state of its inhabitants. Scientists have found that the lighting that affects us has many properties that can be both beneficial and harmful.

    Yellow light - classic version, which people are unlikely to ever give up. This color creates a cozy atmosphere and is good for the eyes.

    Due to white lighting, human performance increases. But if the sharpness of such light is too high, fatigue occurs quickly.

    Red energizes and invigorates, increases blood pressure.

    Orange color provokes an improvement in appetite and an increase in heart rate.

    The blue light has a relaxing effect and lowers blood pressure.

    Green lighting is used in bedrooms and children's rooms. It is soothing and relaxing and very comfortable on the eyes.

    Violet and blue light are not used for living spaces and rooms with long stays. These colors are depressing and irritating.

Blue light will help you relax

Each color has its own effect on a person

Emotional state may depend on lighting

How to regulate natural light

When passing through glass and reflecting from mirrors daylight becomes too harsh and harsh. You can smooth out this light effect with the help of translucent and openwork barriers - tulle and organza. By scattering light, they make natural lighting smooth and comfortable.

Another way to control the light flow from windows is vertical blinds. They make it less rigid, and at a certain turn they give it the necessary direction. With their help, the level of illumination in the room can be adjusted with just a few hand movements.

Light can highlight the necessary objects in the interior

In some cases, you can do without natural light.

Principles of artificial lighting

The illumination of any space is subject to many sanitary and hygienic requirements, determined by various GOSTs and standards. You can study them long and hard, but it will be more convenient to familiarize yourself with only the most important of them.

All values ​​in this table are only the required minimum, upper limit values no standards are established.

The concepts of KEO and UGR are not familiar to every reader. Let's try to figure out what it is and how they differ from each other.

In the bedroom you can do without strong light sources. A few lamps will be enough

For each design, lighting should be selected individually

There are certain standards for lighting different rooms.


Daylight coefficient is the ratio of natural light to total light. The parameter determines the proportion of natural light entering the space of the room. Let's give a simple example.

Let us measure the illumination in the middle of the living room, and it was 300 lux. Let's go out to open balcony adjacent to this room, and measure the light level there. Let's say it was 500 lux. Then KEO will be calculated as 300/500=0.6. Comparing this indicator with the table value, we come to the conclusion that the light corresponds to the norm.


The discomfort coefficient is determined international standards and serves as an indicator of the hardness of light. It is measured in the range from 1 to 100 and is determined by the polarization, coherence and spectrum of the light flux.

Speaking in simple words, this value shows how soft and favorable the light in the room is for the human eye.

Lighting can highlight some objects in the interior

If the room has a lot of natural light, you can get by with a chandelier

Basic Rules

Having understood the standards, it is worth talking about the basic rules, which are no longer responsible for the absence of harm to human health, but for the harmonious aesthetic design of the interior.

    Lighting design must be consistent with the color of the interior.

    The flow of light visually stretches the room, lengthening it in the direction of its direction.

    Light rooms are illuminated evenly, while those made in dark colors illuminate each zone separately.

    IN work area ideal light is white.

    It is better to highlight light objects with colored light, and for bright details choose bright local lighting.

    Saturated shadows and lack of light in certain areas are best avoided.

The flow of light visually stretches the room, lengthening it in the direction of its direction

In the bedroom you can get by with a chandelier and several lamps

The lighting solution must be combined with the interior of the room

Pros and cons of chandeliers

The most common type of lamps that is used in the interior of any room and style are pendant and ceiling chandeliers. They use different types lamps, they differ in style and design, but the most important parameter when choosing, this is the material from which the chandelier is made.


    Strength, durability

    Easy to clean

    Due to its large mass, the chandelier requires a more durable attachment to the ceiling

    High price

    Variety of shapes and colors

    No deformation

    Easy to clean


    Environmental friendliness

    Harmonious combination with wooden furniture

    Requirement for care

    Moisture resistant

    Exposure to light



    Luxurious presentable look

    Creating a play of light

    High price


    Minimum cost


    Has the property of fading in light



    Reasonable price



    Fire resistance

Chandeliers definitely look quite stylish and play up the overall stylistic idea of ​​the interior, creating an atmosphere of warmth and comfort around them, but they also have disadvantages:

  • Difficult installation.
  • Difficulty in cleaning. In order to clean the chandelier well, you will first have to unscrew the shades and then screw them into place.
  • High cost compared to conventional lamps.
  • Not suitable for rooms with low ceilings.
  • Markedness. Decorative chandeliers located under the ceiling collect a lot of dust due to the abundance of hanging elements.

Despite their beauty, they are very difficult to install and maintain.

Chandeliers always look very stylish

Pros and cons of lamps

The latest generation of lamps, which are extremely popular, are LED or LED lamps. Their success in the market is due to the many advantages of such lighting:

    Durability. Service life more than 50 thousand hours.

    Energy saving.


    High efficiency.

    Ability to change the color, brightness and temperature of lighting.

    Compact and flexible modules that allow you to implement many design ideas.


    Environmental friendliness.

    Safety. Such lamps have an extremely low risk of fire.

Regarding the cons LED lighting it is worth saying the following:

    The high cost may scare you at first, but it is fully compensated by the long service life and cost-effectiveness of such devices.

    An LED driver is required to provide power to the device.

    LEDs tend to lose brightness and their light becomes dimmer.

    Replacing a burnt-out LED can be problematic.

Using lamps you can highlight specific areas

On this moment very popular LED lights

Sometimes lamps are used as a decorative element

Street lighting

External lighting of the house is carried out for decorative, security or functional purposes.

Functional lighting is usually given Special attention in the project, since she is the one responsible for safe travel in the courtyard. The main objects are garden paths, steps and porches, and the most popular solution is small lamps on short legs. They will fit perfectly into any landscape design and will not take up much space, and in the dark they will do their job perfectly.

Advice for the most economical owners is to use lamps on solar powered, their selection is also huge.

To save money, you can use solar-powered lamps

External lighting of the house is carried out for decorative, security or functional purposes

Decorative lighting is designed to use light to highlight the most attractive features of your garden. It can be installed near a fountain, pond, recreation area or garden sculpture.

Properly organized interior lighting design can work real miracles, transforming space, changing the direction of light flow and having a beneficial effect on the human psyche. The main thing in the pursuit of stylish and modern project interior - follow the lighting rules and do not forget about your own comfort and health.

Can you imagine how people lived before when there was no electricity? Dinner by candlelight is very romantic, but not every evening. Now we have the opportunity to make home lighting sufficient, comfortable and varied. There are different scenarios for each room, and a separate type of lamp will best cope with each task. We recommend reading the article “This different lighting and "to better understand what kind of lighting generally happens and not get confused in terms.

Bedroom and dressing room

The bedroom is a place to relax and sleep. In this room you can do without a top at all. general light, replacing it with wall sconces. If you still need overhead light, it will be much more convenient for you if the lamps are equipped with a dimmer - a light brightness control. An additional overhead light switch located by the bed also surprisingly increases comfort.

The main characters in the bedroom will be bedside lamps with soft light. Ideally, the light in them is directed downwards and upwards, and the light bulb is hidden by a lampshade so as not to blind the eyes. If you like to read in bed, bedside lamps can be replaced with floor lamps, sconces or spots (remember, a sconce is a fixed lamp, while a spot flexible base or rotating elements).

A good addition to the bedroom would be a night light or backlight to create a romantic atmosphere.

If the dressing room is combined with the bedroom, for example, in the bedroom there is Big cupboard, you need to think about lighting in the mirror area. It should be directional, bright and turn on separately from the rest of the light. Spot lighting above or inside the cabinet will significantly add convenience.

In a separate dressing room, bright ceiling spots will reign, which will not leave unlit areas and will be directed in the right direction.

In special cases, if there is a dressing table in the bedroom or desk, you need to provide this area with local light. For a dressing table, circular lighting around the mirror or two bright sconces above it would be ideal, and for a desk there is nothing better than a table lamp.

Living room

The living room implies two lighting scenarios - one is bright and general, the second is local and intimate. Chandelier or hanging lamp high on the ceiling or several spotlights built into the ceiling can evenly illuminate the center of the room or the entire space. If you have a tradition of putting together puzzles, playing Board games with the whole family or gathering for dinner in the living room, it is good if there is a pendant lamp with height adjustment above the table area.

The chamber version is created by using sconces or wall lamps aimed at the ceiling. In the reading area there can be a downward-facing sconce or a floor lamp. Do not place bright sconces on the wall where the TV is located - their light will irritate the eyes and distract from the screen.

Pictures or other wall decor, which you want to pay attention to, can be highlighted with small spots. The same role will be played by the illumination of the shelves of a rack or display cabinet. Hidden lighting will also add to the atmosphere: the most popular places to place it are in the TV area or under the sofa.

Kitchen and dining room

The functional tasks of the kitchen clearly define the lighting scenarios. For comfortable cooking, you need lighting on the countertop and a light for the stove built into the hood.

Illumination will add convenience and aesthetic pleasure drawers or deep cabinets, which turns on when the door is opened. Indoor and outdoor lighting wall cabinets, a buffet, a display case with dishes or open shelves will add charm and comfort to the kitchen.

Multi-shade spots work great as overhead light - the light can be partially directed towards the kitchen, partially downwards or towards the least lit corner. They will fit best into a loft or modern styles. Built-in Spotlights more stylistically neutral and will create an even overall light.

The place for a hanging lamp is in the dining area - exactly above dining table. It is better if it hangs low, and even better if it is equipped with a lowering and raising mechanism. Above big table You may need two or three such lamps.

Photos: mydecorative.com, andrearazzauti.com, hgtv.com, lightadvices.com, bioix.com, homedit.com, decobizz.com, designbump.com

The decision about what lighting to choose for the bedroom is determined by the specifics of this room. The bedroom is a place of rest and relaxation, where one not only sleeps, but also reads, watches TV, puts on makeup, gets dressed, etc. How can you create lighting in one room that would both create a calm, intimate environment and allow you to perform activities that require bright light?

Lighting in the bedroom can be either general - a chandelier on the ceiling, or spotlights - lamps above the bed.

In the bedroom you need to have several light sources that differ in their functions.

It is advisable to use three types:

  • general, in which lighting fixtures are placed in the upper part of the room;
  • local, aimed at individual zones;
  • decorative

General and local lighting in the bedroom

Bedroom plan with lighting.

Local and general lighting perform functional load indoors. It’s good if the general lighting is soft and diffused; ceiling chandeliers or lamps with matte shades are suitable for this. Lamps can be installed not only on the ceiling, but also on the walls, especially in the bedroom with high ceilings. It is desirable that the light flux is directed upward. The number of lampshades, their style and shape are limited only overall design rooms and the taste of the residents.

Lampshades can be not only white, but also colored, which will create a special atmosphere. If available in the bedroom suspended ceiling you can use spotlights that allow you to create uniform lighting and thanks to movable fittings, they make it possible to direct light to a specific area of ​​the room. Gained great popularity in Lately LED strips. Their advantage is ease of installation, cost-effectiveness, and soft glow. With the help of such tapes you can visually expand the space of a small room.

Local lighting must be located where a person will be engaged in activities that require visual strain. For those who like to read before bed great solution will become wall sconces or desk lamp, which can be placed on bedside tables.

Floor lamps on the sides of the bed would also be a good lighting option. They will become not only a source of light, but also a wonderful addition to the interior design. Installing lighting fixtures near sleeping place, the switch should be placed in such a way that it is easy to use without getting out of bed. Those who do not like to sleep in complete darkness should take care of a night light.

If the room has dressing table, it definitely needs additional lighting. In this case, a lamp on hinges, mounted near the mirror, is suitable. It should not be directed at the mirror, but at the face of the person sitting in front of it. Thanks to the mobility of the structure, it can be rotated in different directions. You will need lighting in the bedroom and near the closet to easily find the thing you need. Currently, many manufacturers of sliding wardrobes initially produce models with built-in lighting.

Decorative lighting

Types of spotlights.

If general and local lighting plays practical role, then decorative is designed to create a mood and give a feeling of comfort. The role of decorative lighting cannot be underestimated; its existing options can completely transform a bedroom. Their main purpose is to highlight certain elements of the interior.

If the wall of your bedroom is decorated with paintings or panels, there are cute figurines on the shelves, then it will be wonderful to emphasize them with the help of lighting, which is done using halogen, fluorescent lamps or LED elements. Small spotlights are placed on the walls in the bedroom, on the ceiling, or can be mounted on special slats. The angle of illumination and desired brightness depend on the size of the object, distance and room design.

One more interesting solution The interior design is a stained glass window behind which the lighting is hidden. Stained glass can become a truly bright and unique accent of the room, which will bring bright colors to even the most restrained environment. In decorative lighting, it is appropriate to play with color, for which special lamps with light filters, colored lampshades, and gels are used. In the room where light walls, color palette can be changed depending on the mood and situation.

Additional Tricks

When installing lighting in the bedroom, special attention should be paid to the switches. Unlike other rooms, it will be very convenient to install one switch at the entrance so that you can use it when entering the room, and a second, duplicate one, near the bed, so that you don’t have to get out of bed if you need to turn on or off the light. Remote controlled lights can also be used.

A light intensity regulator (dimmer) will also be very useful. It will help with a slight movement of the hand to dim the light if there is a desire to change the atmosphere to a more intimate one.

Light plays an important role in bedroom design from a psychological and biological point of view. Thanks to modern technologies and a wide range of lighting fixtures, experiments with lighting in the bedroom are limited only by the desires and taste of the residents.

The bedroom is the room in which we spend almost most free time when we are at home. In this place it’s nice not only to relax from a hard day’s work and get a good night’s sleep, but also to read an interesting book, watch a movie or surf the Internet. It is very important that the light meets all our requirements: it is soft, pleasant and at the same time bright enough. For your convenience, we present an overview best ideas with photo examples of lighting in the bedroom.


Let's start with the basics, i.e. ceiling lighting. The standard option, which will not soon lose its relevance, would be spotlights. What type of lighting is absolutely necessary for the bedroom? There is no definite answer here, it all depends on your taste. At the same time, it should be noted that a chandelier is often chosen by supporters of the classical style, and spotlights are liked by lovers of minimalism and everything modern.

One of the 2017 trends for a bedroom in an apartment, house or country house is spot lighting under the “starry sky”. In this case, you can do without a chandelier at all. However, many modern ideas design still combines 2 options ceiling light. The chandelier is hung in the middle of the room, and spotlights are distributed around the perimeter. If you are the owner of suspended ceilings, you can also beautifully decorate the room using LED strip.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with photo ideas for bedroom ceiling lighting:

Wall mounted

Wall lights - stylish idea, which will add special charm to your interior. They are mounted above the bed and are great for evening reading books and creating a cozy atmosphere. You should buy a set of sconces or wall lamps of 2 identical copies. In stores you can find products for every taste, in various shapes and sizes.


You can also place beautiful bedside lamps on your dressing table. They, as in the case of sconces and floor lamps, are suitable for reading books and are part of the combined lighting.

Such lamps will be most relevant if you want to make a bedroom in classic style. Crystal, with an antique lampshade, in the form of a candelabra - the choice is simply huge! There will be suitable options and for any other interior design.

You can learn how to organize bedside lighting from these photo examples:

Backlight options

So, we have figured out the main types of lighting in the bedroom; another interesting trend for 2017 is the installation of various lighting. LED bulbs can be used to highlight any element of the interior - paintings, mirrors, cabinets or panels. At the same time, the lamps themselves are mounted in suspended ceiling, plasterboard ceiling or floor.

Sometimes they even create a special niche at the head of the bed, into which LED lamps are installed. This gives the room a special coziness, thanks to pleasant and unobtrusive lighting. All these little things can make your bedroom unique, with its own special mood and style.

You can see beautiful ideas for decorative lighting in the following photos:

You can also watch the videos provided to see how to properly make lighting in a bedroom:

Expert opinion

Review of bedroom lamps

Photo ideas

At the end of the article, we present to your attention beautiful photos Ideas for proper bedroom lighting based on its special style:

When developing any design project, you need to think about techniques that can advantageously highlight the advantages of the room and hide the shortcomings. And one of these effects is light. Thanks to properly selected lighting, you can create a certain atmosphere in every corner of the apartment.

In addition, it has long been known that light affects a person’s emotional state and vision, so you need to try to ensure that the lighting design of the room and the entire home as a whole is not only original, but also complies with all the rules, because health depends on it.

Another reason why you should first think about how the room will be lit is the wiring. After all, it needs to be done even before the walls and ceiling are finished. Once the renovation is complete, it will be virtually impossible to redo anything without breaking something.

Features of residential lighting

In his home, every person performs certain repetitive actions every day, and this is what makes it easy to develop an apartment lighting design.

Moreover, most often, people are at home in the morning, evening and at night, when a minimum of natural light enters the apartment, so artificial light must be positioned in such a way that all corners of the home are illuminated.

But there are subtleties here, because somewhere you need more light, somewhere less, and in some rooms it is necessary that in one part there be bright lighting, and in the other - twilight remained. To achieve proper lighting, you need to understand its types.

Types of lighting and their functions

There are several types of lighting and a huge number of light sources. But each person can easily determine what kind of light he needs in this or that part of the apartment.

You need to know the types of lighting mainly to explain to electrical salespeople or workers who will do the repairs what should happen in the end.

So, in every living space there is general lighting, accent lighting, task lighting and combined lighting. Some of these species have several subtypes.

Features of general lighting

The name of this type of lighting speaks for itself. Its function is to illuminate the room as a whole. Every apartment has such light, regardless of interior design. An example of a source of such general light is a chandelier that hangs on the ceiling. It illuminates the entire room evenly at once.

There are several types of general lighting:

  • Most often seen directional general lighting. In this case, the light “flows out” from the lamp in one spot. To achieve this effect, you need to purchase chandeliers with open shades; their shape resembles a ball cut off on both sides. But sometimes there are other models: cone-shaped, rectangular, and sometimes even trapezoidal.