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Transport hubs and corridors. Main transport routes and junctions

A transport hub includes a complex of transport devices at the point of interaction between several types of mainline transport, performing operations to service transit, local and urban transportation of goods and passengers. A transport hub may include railway stations and approaches to main railway lines, sea and river ports or water hubs, nodes highways main and local significance, airports and other air transport devices, industrial and urban public transport devices.

At the transport hub, passengers are transferred and cargo is transferred from one type of transport to another at connecting points. Passenger connecting points include railway passenger stations, bus stations, sea and river ports, airports, and metro stations. Freight connecting points are freight railway stations, specialized bases, sea and river ports, airports, etc.

Transport hubs specialize: according to the number of modes of transport serving the hub; by the nature of the operational work; according to economic and geographical characteristics; population size of the city served; location of transport devices and geometric shape node diagrams.

Based on the number of modes of transport, there are railway-road (Chelyabinsk), railway-water-road (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Omsk) and water-road hubs (Yakutsk).

According to the nature of operational work, transport hubs are divided into: transit, serving transit flows in direct and mixed forms messages; with large local work, serving transit and local flows (Rostov-on-Don, Yaroslavl); local (Murmansk).

According to economic and geographical characteristics, nodes can be land and located on the banks of rivers and seas. Depending on the population of the city served by the node, they are divided into: small and medium-sized with a population of up to 100 thousand people and a relatively underdeveloped industry; large and large with a population of up to 1 million people. and developed mining and manufacturing industries; the largest with a population of more than 1 million people. and large industry.

According to the location of transport devices, transport hubs are divided into: single-set with a combined arrangement of devices for modes of transport; single-unit with separate passenger and cargo areas; multi-set with a combined arrangement of devices for modes of transport and multi-set combined.

Single-package transport hubs serve small, medium or large compact cities. They have one integrated station where all transport facilities are concentrated, an industrial area served by this station, and a combined railway and road station. IN big cities in single-unit units it is possible to separate passenger and cargo areas. Multi-unit units are typical for large and major cities. They have several industrial areas with freight stations serving them, one or more marshalling stations, a consolidated passenger area with independent stations for modes of transport, and stopping points for rail, road and water transport.

According to their geometric shape, transport nodes are divided into terminal, radial, elongated, radial-semi-circular, radial-circular and combined.

The terminal nodes are located near seas, large rivers and high mountains (Arkhangelsk, Vladikavkaz). They have a small number of connections between railway lines and highways with a pronounced nature of the final flows of passengers and cargo. End nodes typically serve small cities.

Radial nodes are most typical for large cities (Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod). In them, railways and roads converge in radial rays to one area of ​​the city, or railway lines converge to one area, and roads to another. At radial transport hubs, railway lines can be located in a radial, triangular or cruciform pattern.

Long transport hubs are typical for areas with difficult topographical conditions, on the banks of large rivers and seas (Volgograd). These nodes serve cities that are elongated in length, and the approaches of railways and roads in them are located at opposite ends. Such nodes are formed at the confluence of converging railway lines on the approaches to the city. Several sequentially located stations are built in them, serving non-public tracks and performing train formation work. When designing nodes that are elongated in length, it is necessary to provide for junctions of lines that ensure minimal angular flows.

Radial-semi-ring nodes of large cities, usually located on the banks of seas and large rivers, have one ring or several semi-rings (St. Petersburg), and radial-ring nodes of large cities have several rings of railways and roads with radii and diameters inside the city (Moscow ). Such nodes are easy to use, ensuring uniform distance of transport infrastructure from the city center.

Combined nodes are a combination of the schemes discussed above. The most common nodes include: dead-end railway and radial road nodes with a rectangular or radial layout of street networks; railway junction with parallel tracks and radial road junction; a railway junction, elongated in length, or with parallel tracks and a radial road junction.

The same type of transport hub can correspond to a significant number of types of schemes, differing in individual details, but united by general patterns of development, characteristic devices and operating conditions.

Development various types transport and industry in cities creates conditions for changing the layout and types of railway and road junctions, sea and river ports, thereby changing general scheme transport hubs. Radial nodes are usually transformed into radial-semi-circular and radial-circular, and then into combined ones. The location of transport hubs is determined by the location of productive forces and the historically established network of cities and their layout.

The high level of industry led to the development of the US transport network and all types of transport.
In domestic cargo transportation, the decisive role belongs to road transport (90% of domestic transport). Automobile transport serves passenger and cargo transportation over short and medium distances.

In long-distance transportation, rail transport plays a special role. Pipeline transport plays a major role in the transport system. Main main pipelines connect the states of the South (Texas and Louisiana) with the industrialized states of the Lake District.

Most of the inland water transportation in the latitudinal direction is carried out along the St. Lawrence River system and the Great Lakes, and in the meridional direction - along the Mississippi (“American Volga”).

External cargo transportation is carried out mainly by sea transport. The largest seaports in the USA are New York and New Orleans.

There are ports not only on the ocean coasts, but also on the coast of the Great Lakes (“third sea coast”). Air transport plays a special role in transporting passengers to other countries.
The basis of the US transport network is formed by transcontinental highways of latitudinal and meridional directions, on which a network of internal waterways.

Transport hubs were formed at the intersections of transport routes.

The largest of them is Chicago. Large transport hubs have developed in many seaports (New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New Orleans, Houston on the Atlantic coast and Los Angeles, Seattle, San Francisco on the Pacific coast).

Transport in the USA Wikipedia
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US transportation system

The US transport system is one of the most developed in the world, and the country ranks first in terms of the length of roads and pipelines, and in terms of freight and passenger turnover of road and air transport.

Freight turnover relies more on rail and road transport, while passenger turnover uses road and air transport.

US Transportation Map

Length of all highways The USA exceeded 6.5 million km, which is 20% of the world (Fig.

4). There are 13 thousand settlements in the USA with a population of about 86 million people. completely dependent on automobiles as it has no other means of communication.

Distinctive feature railways The USA has a low level of electrification (no more than 1%) and the predominance of diesel traction. This is explained by the policy of oil monopolies, which are interested in railway transport as one of the consumers of petroleum products.

total length inland waterways USA is 41 thousand.

km. Cargo transportation along river routes is carried out using non-self-propelled barges, which form trains of 20–30 barges, moved by pusher tugs.

Skeleton transport system The USA forms transcontinental railways in both latitudinal and meridional directions. Latitudinal highways connect the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the country, primarily New York and Washington with San Francisco, Seattle and Los Angeles.

The meridional railway lines run along both ocean coasts along the Mississippi Valley and in other places, among which the most important are the Boston-New York-Washington high-speed lines, as well as the Chicago-New Orleans and Chicago-Atlanta lines. The main highways to some extent follow the directions of the railways, although many of them are laid along independent routes. In addition, the United States has a developed network of inland waterways.

In the latitudinal direction it is the system of the St. Lawrence River and the Great Lakes, and in the meridional direction it is the system of the Mississippi River.

A significant part of domestic and international passenger traffic is carried out by air transport USA. Domestic air travel is the most efficient and widespread means of transportation in the country. Any, even the most remote, provincial city has its own airport. The USA has some of the largest airports in the world: Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles.

For pipeline network The USA is characterized by a diagonal direction.

It connects the oil-producing region of the southwestern Center with the oil-consuming region in the northeast. Large transport hubs have formed at the intersection of land and water transport routes: Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Houston. Large airports form an important part of hubs.

Of the 33 largest international airports in the world, 17 are located here. An important part of the US transport hubs is formed by port-industrial complexes. In terms of cargo volumes, the first place is occupied by the ports of the Atlantic coast: New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Hampton Roads.

On the Gulf Coast - New Orleans, Houston and Tampa. On the Pacific Coast, Oakland, Seattle, Los Angeles and Long Beach stand out.

Canada's transportation system

Canada's transport system is well developed, which is due to large area the country, its coastal position, the peculiarities of its economic and geographical location, as well as the export nature of the economy.

In terms of freight turnover, railway transport occupies the first place, its length is 67 thousand km. The length of roads is 900 thousand km. Canada has well-developed air, pipeline and water transport. The country's largest ports are Vancouver, Set-Ul, Montreal, Quebec, and the largest airport is Montreal.

Farms in the USA

The main type of agricultural enterprise in the United States is a large capitalist farm, which grows the bulk of its products for sale.

Family farms predominate, making up about 90% of enterprises, producing 93% of the region's gross output.

Typically, each family farm enters into a contract with a company in the agribusiness system. This company supplies the farmer with machines, fertilizers, seeds, and also provides scientific and methodological support.

The same company indicates to the farmer the exact deadlines for delivery of products, their size and quality. Failure by a farmer to meet quality targets or be late on time threatens to break the contract and complete ruin.

Wheat harvesting in the USA

Moreover, its harvesting is not carried out by the farmers themselves, but by special companies that send both equipment and labor, which begin the harvest in May in Texas, in June in Oklahoma, in July in Kansas, in August in Nebraska and Wyoming and finish it in September in North Dakota and Montana.

During the harvest season, combines usually work 16 hours a day.

Meat factories in the USA

IN Lately In the beef cattle-breeding complex, unique meat factories arose.

These are huge feeding farms that contain up to 100 thousand.

large heads cattle, but not in pastures, but in stalls (Fig. 7). For this purpose, pens for 200–250 animals each are built, in which feeding and watering of animals is carried out using automation, and dosage is carried out using a computer.

Such complexes serve big cities, for example Los Angeles.


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6. Transport geography: main highways and hubs.

International trade. The framework of the US transport network is formed by transcontinental highways of latitudinal and meridional directions, stretching from the Atlantic to Pacific Ocean and from the Canadian to the Mexican border. A network of inland waterways seems to be superimposed on it. In the latitudinal direction, this is primarily the St. River system.

Lawrence and the Great Lakes, in the mid-50s. turned into a deep sea passage. In the meridional direction, this is the “American Volga” - the Mississippi. At the intersection of land and waterways and air lines large transport hubs were formed. Example. The largest transportation hub in the United States is Chicago. Dozens of railways and roads converge here, transshipment takes place large quantity various cargoes.

As you already know, Chicago is home to the world's largest airport, O'Hare Airport.
Large transport hubs have developed in many seaports, which are located on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the country, as well as on the “third sea ​​coast"USA - Great Lakes. There are about a hundred large ports in the country. The most important of the port-industrial complexes are located on the northern section of the Atlantic coast, which is distinguished by an abundance of convenient natural harbors, and on the Gulf Coast.
Thanks to a very capacious domestic market, the US economy is less “open” compared to the economies of Europe and Japan.

However, external economic relations have great importance and for this country. The United States ranks first in the world in terms of foreign trade turnover. Their merchandise exports consist of manufactured goods and products Agriculture.

In general, about 15% of industrial products are exported directly or indirectly (including 1/4 of metals, 1/5 of machinery and chemical goods). The exportability of agriculture is much higher and amounts to 1/2 for wheat, 1/3 for soybeans and tobacco, and 1/5 for corn.

US imports are dominated by raw materials, machinery and equipment.

Imports exceed exports in value, so the country's trade balance is usually negative. The geography of US foreign trade is primarily determined by its relations with two other NAFTA members - Canada and Mexico, as well as with foreign Europe and Japan.
The United States is a major exporter of capital, which goes mainly to Western countries.

But direct investment by European countries and Japan in the United States is also very large. They are almost equal to the export of American capital. Therefore, as they say, a “two-way street” has been formed.

General characteristics of the US transport system.

The North American type of transport systems has been formed in the United States and Canada.

The formation of the transport network was influenced by: the vastness of the territory and features of the EGP countries; large volume of products produced, high level marketability of the farm; uneven distribution of production and population; high transport mobility of the population; activity of processes of inter-district and international division of labor.

US transport ranks first in the world in many general transport indicators.

The US transportation network accounts for about 1/3 of the world's transportation network; they account for 40% of the power of power traction means and 1/4 of the carrying capacity of the entire rolling stock. The USA accounts for 30% of the world's domestic freight traffic and more than 35% of passenger traffic. The network of communications of all types of transport is well developed everywhere, with the exception of Alaska. The main system is combined with a dense network of supply routes (roads, pipelines).

Features of the transport network:

significant redundancy of transportation and processing capacities;

2. sharp spatial unevenness of network load, which affects the development of transport hubs;

lag in the development of seaports;

4. lagging urban public transport networks;

5. the predominance of small-diameter pipes in the oil pipeline network;

6. high capacity of cargo and passenger traffic;

7. long transportation range;

8. development of intercity and international communications;

9. multispecies;

balance of structure;

11. high level of technical equipment of all types of transport.

Many areas are characterized by oversaturation of transport infrastructure and duplication of railways with highways. This causes a systematic reduction of railways; in a number of states - highways (with qualitative improvement). Inland waterways are stable in length.

Oil pipeline networks are growing slowly.

Transport develops under the influence of production. The transport itself has big influence on its placement, specialization and cooperation. The development of road transport is associated with processes of suburbanization and very high transport mobility of the population.

Transport accounts for about 1/4 total consumption energy in the country and more than 1/2 of all liquid fuel consumption.

The structure of transport in the United States has its own peculiarities. In cargo turnover, none of its types sharply predominates: 48.4% comes from railway, sea and pipeline, 35.3% from road transport, 15.8% from inland waterway transport and 0.5% from air transport.

In passenger turnover, it’s the other way around: 82% is provided by road transport, 17.5% by air and only 0.5% by rail.

In the structure of GDP, the share of transport was 2.95% in 2007. Almost 4 million people work in the transport industry. The transport industry is controlled by large private companies. The state deals only with transport infrastructure. In the 70s Two private-state railway companies were created, incl.

A transport hub is a point at which at least 2-3 lines of one type of transport converge. When in one locality communication routes of various modes of transport converge, it is called integrated. The interconnection of different modes of transport is clearly visible here. In complex transport hubs, cargo is transshipped and passengers are transferred.

Transport hubs are of national, interdistrict, district and local significance. In addition, transport hubs are classified according to purpose, combination of modes of transport, functions performed, transport balance, and volume of cargo turnover. Complex transport hubs can also have combinations: railway-water (rail-river, railway-sea), railway-road, water-road.

The level of development of the transport system of economic regions is not the same. Availability of communication routes total length, and in density (kilometers of track per 1000 km2) differs by ten or more times. The most developed transport systems are the Central Black Earth, Central, North-Western, North Caucasus, Volga-Vyatka regions; the least developed are the Far Eastern, East Siberian, West Siberian, and Northern economic regions. The regions also differ in the structure of cargo turnover. In areas where minerals such as iron ore and coal are developed on an interregional scale, the main transportation is carried out by railways; where oil and gas are produced, the share of pipeline transport is large; in areas where forest resources are developed, significant specific gravity inland water transport; in areas specializing in manufacturing industries, the main role belongs to railway transport. For example, in the West Siberian region, railway transport predominates and the share of pipeline transport is high; in the Central region, the overwhelming majority of transportation is carried out by rail. Mining industry areas have an active transport balance, i.e. exports exceed imports, since the mass of raw materials and fuel is greater than the mass finished products, and the manufacturing industry areas are, accordingly, passive, i.e., imports exceed exports.

The capacity of transport flows also has significant differences and depends on the location of the main sources of raw materials, fuel, materials, etc. There are three main main directions of the country’s transport system:

1. The latitudinal main Siberian direction “east-west” and back, it includes railways, pipelines and waterways using the Kama and Volga rivers.
2. Meridional main Central European direction “north-south” with access to Ukraine, Moldova, the Caucasus, formed mainly by railway lines.
3. Meridional Volga-Caucasian mainline “north-south” along the Volga River, railway and pipeline routes, connecting the Volga region and the Caucasus with the Center, the North of the European part of the country and the Urals.

The main freight flows of the country go along these main trunk routes; railway, inland waterway and road transport modes of transport interact especially closely in these directions. Mainline air routes also basically coincide with land routes.
In addition to the main highway directions, there is a dense transport network intra-district and local significance. Combining with each other, they form the Unified Transport System of Russia. As the productive forces of the country as a whole and its individual regions develop, the transport system needs constant improvement both in terms of rationalization of placement and increasing its quality level: updating the material and technical base, improving the organizational and management system, using the latest scientific and technical achievements progress. Development of the transport system Russian Federation is aimed at more fully meeting the needs of the country's economy and population with transport services.

Transport corridors- this is a set of main transport communications of various types of transport with the necessary facilities that ensure the transportation of passengers and goods between different countries in the directions of their concentration. The system of international transport corridors also includes export and transit trunk pipelines.

Transport hub is a complex of transport devices at the junction of several modes of transport, jointly performing operations to service transit, local and urban transportation of goods and passengers. A transport hub as a system is a set of transport processes and means for their implementation at the junction of two or more main modes of transport. In a transport system, nodes have the function of control valves. Failure of one such valve can lead to problems for the entire system.

Large transport hubs are always large cities because they attract trade, it is convenient to develop industry here (there are no supply problems), and the transport terminals themselves provide many jobs. Many cities arose at the intersection of land or waterways, that is, as transport hubs (many still exist due to this role). First of all, these are port cities: in the UK - London, in France - Marseille, Paris, in Germany - Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg, Bremen, in Spain - Bilbao, Barcelona, ​​in Italy - Venice, Milan, in the Netherlands - the so-called Ranstadt (a complex of transport hubs connected into a single network - Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Leiden, The Hague), in Sweden - Stockholm, in the USA - New York, Seattle, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, in Australia - Sydney, in Japan - Tokyo, in China - Shanghai, Singapore. There are also less common examples. Thus, the city of Shannon in Ireland mainly lives off the airport. Some cities serve as passenger transport hubs rather than freight hubs, for example, Simferopol in Crimea, where numerous tourists arrive and transfer there to transport that takes them to the cities of the Crimean coast.

The largest transport hub in Russia is Moscow. The paths of five types of transport intersect here: 11 railway lines, 15 highways, 5 gas pipelines and 3 oil pipelines converge in Moscow; there are three river ports, five airports and nine train stations. Another interesting example is Vladivostok, where the Trans-Siberian Railway ends and many sea routes begin.

Transport system and communications

Transport and communications can be interchangeable and complementary. Although replacing transport with sufficiently developed communications is theoretically possible (instead of a personal visit, one could send a telegram, make a phone call, send a fax, an email), it has been discovered that these methods of communication in reality generate more interactions, including personal ones. Growth in the transport sector would not be possible without communications, which are vital for developed transport systems - from railways, which require two-way traffic on a single track, to flight control, which requires knowledge of the location of an aircraft in the sky. Thus, it was discovered that development in one area leads to growth in another.

Transport (shipping) process- a set of organizationally and technologically interrelated actions and operations performed by motor transport enterprises and their divisions independently or in coordination with other organizations in the preparation, implementation and completion of cargo transportation.

The structure of the transport process includes:

1. Marketing of cargo flows.

2. Development, based on materials from a survey of cargo flows: rational route schemes, providing for the opening of new and changes in the direction of existing routes

3. Selecting the type and determining the required quantity of rolling stock for transportation

4. Determination of the scope of expedient use of cars and road trains depending on specific transportation conditions, type and properties of cargo, operational indicators of freight transport

5. Standardization of vehicle speeds

6. Selection of vehicle traffic management systems using rational work schedules for drivers.

7. Coordination of the work of road transport with other modes of transport.

8. Analysis of road conditions in order to develop efficient and safe routes for rolling stock

9. Ensuring efficient and safe transportation of goods by road.

10 Application of economic and mathematical methods and calculations to improve the efficiency of using rolling stock and reduce transportation costs.

11. Vehicle traffic control.

12. Operational control over the operation of automotive rolling stock and its use.

Particular attention in the transport process is paid to the use of various methods that ensure:

Timely delivery of goods in batches of required sizes.

Preservation of the quality and quantity of transported cargo;

Compliance with safety requirements and traffic safety requirements,

Fuel economy,

Environmental protection;

Compliance with labor legislation requirements

Geography - 9th grade The importance of transport in the country's economy. Types of transport and their features. Main transport routes and junctions. Transport and environment. Prospects for the development of the Russian transport system.
Transport provides production connections between sectors of the economy, exchange of products between in different parts country, its foreign trade. An indicator of transport performance is freight turnover (passenger-turnover) - the product of transported goods per year.

Masses of cargo (number of passengers) over transportation distance.

The main types of transport: railway, road, water (river and sea), air and pipeline. A transport hub is a point at which several modes of transport converge and goods are exchanged between them.

The main role in transportation in our country belongs to railways. This is explained large sizes country and such advantages of the railway. transport, as a relatively low cost of transportation at a fairly high average speed. Main railway The main highway of the country is Siberia (from Chelyabinsk to Vladivostok), in the European part of the country - Pechora (Salekhard-Vorkuta-Konosha).

In second place in terms of cargo turnover is pipe and wire transport. Every year, a huge amount of oil and gas is transferred through the pipeline system from the eastern regions of the country to the western and abroad. The largest pipelines are Druzhba, Mir, Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod.

Road transport carries the most tons of cargo and its importance is growing rapidly. Him high speed, it has the ability to deliver cargo directly to the consumer. Road transport is of great importance in mountainous and northern regions where there are no railways. The largest highways (12 highways) extend from Moscow to St. Petersburg, Simferopol, Brest, Chelyabinsk, and Riga.

Maritime transport has the largest average transportation distances. He plays a large role in foreign transportation. The main ports of Russia are St. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk, Novorossiysk, Vladivostok, Nakhodka.

River transport is of particular importance in the north and in Siberia, where the large rivers, and land transport is not developed. In the European part of the country, navigable river routes (the largest of them is the Volga-Kama) are connected by a system of canals (White Sea-Baltic, Moscow Canal, Volga-Donskoy) into a Unified deep-water system of the European part of the country.

The main advantage of air transport is the high speed of transportation, however, due to their high cost its cargo turnover is small. This type of transport is used for transporting perishable and urgent goods. Its role is great in mountainous and northern hard-to-reach areas. Its main specialization is long-distance transportation of passengers (20% of the country's passenger turnover).